• Published 11th Jan 2024
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MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 2 - JesusG0987

What If: The Mane 7 adventures continues while facing a snow leopard enemy that is on the lose in Equestria.

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Chapter 10: Buried in a Good Book

Chapter 10: Buried in a Good Book

In the Brighthouse, the five ponies of the Mane 7 and Sparky are in the living room chatting to each other before a heptagon-shaped portal opened up from the hallway, which surprised them as they all saw Sunset walking out, completely exhausted with bruises and her tail a bit on fire as she muttered and groans in annoyance as she flopped onto the couch.

“Whoa! Sunset?! What happened?!” Sunny called in concern as Zipp flew in with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire on Sunset’s tail.

“It looked like you got into a huge fight.” Hitch added after seeing Sunset’s condition.

“Oh, it wasn’t a fight, more like a training exercise test.” Sunset muttered with her face in the pillow.

“Uh, say what?” Pipp asked as Sunset turned her head to her friends.

“Apparently, the Society got a new recruit to train in, which I have to help train him, but he’s the most difficult one for me to deal with. More so than Sonic and his Sunny that one time.” Sunset groaned as she sighed. “The Society and I know he will do great things, but apparently it’s not an easy task. He’s a bit harder than the others.”

“Yikes. Kinda reminds me of when I had to deal with Sprout when his deputy sheriff job was too lazy and over his head.” Hitch said with a cringe look. “But it looks like you had it worse.”

“You have no idea.” Sunset muttered as she sighed. “At least I’m off duty for now. Because I’m beat.”

Just then, Misty rushed through the doors while levitating her spellbook. “Hey, ponies! You won’t believe my new spell I’m working on!” She called in excitement, which got her friends attention.

“Really? What’s that, Misty?” Sunset asked in interest.

“Check it out!” Misty said in excitement as she focused her magic as she placed her hoof on her chest as she twirls around. “Butterfly, flutter by!” She called as she raised her hoof as some magic formed around it gave off a tiny spark before a magical butterfly projection came out of her hoof and flew around, much to their amazement.

But then, the butterfly flew to her spellbook, which it got absorbed and started shaking and sparking up magic while the pages were flipping around, much to the Mane 7’s concern as magic dust came out of the book as they gasped before they started floating from the magic dust.

“Uh, oh! I take it back! I take it back!” Misty cried out in panic as the magic dust circled her as she and her friends started screaming before they all got pulled into the book as it closed and fell to the ground.

The Mane 7 all screamed while Sparky started laughing in excitement as they were all falling through a magic portal inside the book.

At the otherside of the portal, the Mane 7 and Sparky exited while they landed on top of each other as they groaned in pain while Sparky was on top of them while laughing in excitement. But each of them are wearing different costumes, Sunny is a wizard, Hitch is a frog prince, with just a cape, crown, and frog ears, Pipp is wearing some icicle jewelry while her hooficure is pure ice-white, Misty is wearing a bowtie with rabbit ears, Izzy is like part sea pony with her tail like a fin, earring a pearl necklace around her neck, she had some scales on her fur, and has a greenish fin on her back,Zipp is wearing a red hood, Sunset is reeling a reddish-yellow cloak around her white, gold and purple-colored robes that look like a mix of Celestia and Twilight's colors and a more elaborate crown than than the crown Hitch got, and Sparky is wearing a knight armor.

“Ugh, I hate it when something unexpected happens to us.” Sunset groaned.

“Uh, are we…” Zipp started as they got up and saw the landmark around them that is like something out of a fairy tale. “...Inside your spellbook?” She asked Misty in surprise before a tiny fairy with book wings and a golden armor and crown appeared between Zipp and Misty.

“Correct.” The book fairy said dully as she flew around the group. “Welcome to, Questopia. The magical land of quest, hard quest, dangerous quest.” She said to them unamused.

Izzy gave an exciting smile. “Okay. But do you have fluffy quests?” She asked with sparkles in her eyes.

“Nope. Spiky and stingy quest.” The book fairy said naturally as a bee moved by.

“I hate this book already.” Sunset muttered in annoyance. “I just wanted to have some peace and relaxing time, but then we got sucked into a spellbook.”

“Well, if you want to escape, you must follow the crystal trail, complete many quests along the way, and then defeat... Zantorp the Furious!” The book fairy declared with a rolled of her eyes as the Mane 7 gasped while Izzy gave a smile.

“That is the best name I've ever heard.” Izzy whispered to them with a smile as they all gave her dull looks.

“Good luck.” The book fairy said with a smile before she vanished through a portal.

“Okay, these unexpected magical adventures really popping up out of nowhere that it gets old real fast.” Sunset muttered in annoyance, which Misty heard as she sighed.

“Sorry about that, everybody.” Misty apologized with a guilty look. “I was just so excited about that butterfly spell that I didn't stop to think or realize it would do something like that.” She added as she lowered her head.

Sunset sighed. "That's all right, Misty. From what Twilight told me in her letters, both she AND Starlight Glimmer had that same problem from time to time with their spells." She said to her. “Though, I guess it’s another day in Equestria, right?” She asked with a smile, which Misty chuckled.

“I guess that’s true.” Misty said with a small chuckle.

“Come on, ponies! These quests aren't going to conquer themselves!” Sunny declared with a smile as the group walked down the path to their quest.

A bit later, the group were at a gingerbread house in front of them, but then suddenly, it grew legs and horns as it gave a roar, which made the Mane 7 backed away in fear. “Okay, I was expecting an evil pony witch wanting to bake us into pies, but this is even creepier.” Sunset muttered.

“Ditto.” Pipp said nervously.

“There's no way this ends well.” Zipp added before the Gingerbread Monster raised one of its legs. “Run!” She called as they all scattered as the monster growled as Pipp, Izzy, Zipp, and Misty broke off to try and avoid its attacks.

Sunny and Sunset saw their friends in trouble as Sunset turned to Sunny. “Sunny, you know the drill!” She called with a smirk as Sunny returned it.

“I sure do!” Sunny called as she brought out her Alicorn form and flew up with Sunset. “We got this, ponies!” She called.

“Let’s show this spider sweets what it's for!” Sunset called as she and Sunny flew around as they avoided the gumdrops it was firing as they looked down and saw two big gumdrops coming at them.

“Sweet dreams, my sugary friend!” Sunny quipped as she summoned her shield.

“Because it’s about to get sour!” Sunset quipped as the two Alicorns flew straight towards it as Sunny reflected the gumdrops back towards it while Sunset fired her horn at it, which smashed through it as the gingerbread monster roared in pain as it crumbled and fell to the ground as the two Alicorns landed on the ground and Sunny diminish her alicorn form as the two shared a hooftap of their teamwork.

Zipp was flying in the sky before she saw a giant shadow of a dragon beside her. Which made her gasp as Zipp flew faster and closer to the water with the dragon following her. Zipp then saw a narrow canyon ahead as she smirked and flew to the side through the narrow cracks as the dragon flew straight through the walls as they entered a cave while Zipp flew around as the dragon hit some stone pillars while chasing her.

Zipp saw a ramp ahead as she gave a determined smirk as she flew up the ramp as the dragon followed, destroying it as Zipp flew up and took off at high speed as she laughed and did a twirl as she crossed the finish-line, which Hitch and Sparky were there with a flag while Hitch laughed as well.

A bit later, a huge door was in front of them as there were titles of hoofprints on the floor. But as Pipp stepped on one, it glowed red and fell down the whole as Pipp gasped in startled. “Uh…” The Mane 7 all said in concern.

“Okay, this is way classic.” Sunset muttered with a concerned look.

“Hmm…” Pipp hummed as she stepped on another tile, which glowed green as the hoofprint on the screen on the door turned to another position. The others smiled as she did as well as she started hopping onto the platforms as they glowed in a rhythm before she made it to the door, which opened up as she made it to the otherside. “Aha!” She cheered before the door closed on her.

“Well, time to dance to the rhythm!” Sunset called as she hopped in the specific pattern the door is showing as she did a small dance before she made it to the otherside with a smile. “I still got it!” She called with a laugh as the door closed on her.

Sunny and Zipp then jumped onto the platforms and moved in sync as they each made it to the door. “Yeah!” They cheered as the door opened up behind them.

Misty and Izzy then started hopping onto each platform as they looked at each other with smiles as they moved in sync. “Huh?” Hitch asked in confusion as he saw the two Unicorns hopping in sync before heading to the door.

Hitch then tried to follow, but when he hopped onto a platform, it glowed red and fell, which made Hitch yelp as he kept stepping onto the platform the wrong way as the floor started crumbling as he ran off before he hit a platform as it glowed green as the door opened. “Ah!” He said as he and Sparky smiled at this before the platform began to shake. “Whoa!” He called as he jumped to the otherside with a scream before the remaining platform fell as the door closed.

A bit later, the Mane 7 then made it to a bleak mountain as they ventured into the cave. “Uh…” ZIpp said nervously.

“Ah!” Izzy cheered with an exciting smile as they ventured to the cave as they looked around.

“Okay, unlike the others, this place gives me the willies.” Sunset commented with a shiver. “And yet, familiar.” She added as this reminds her of the time when she and Sci-Twi ventured to a cave where they first discovered their geodes and the true Gloriosa were using their powers to try and save her camp, which backfired.

They then heard growling sounds as a shadowy figure came up behind them. “This must be Zantorp's cave.” Misty said fearfully.

Then coming out from a chamber was a growling sound before it revealed Zantorp’s true appearance. Zantorp is a celadon-green dragon with lighter green feet and snout. His face has red iris on his eyes, which can glow yellow in the dark. There are four fangs protruding from his mouth. The hair on his head and tail is umber-brown. He has a red saber-shaped horn on his forehead. His large spanning bird-like wings have red on the top half and beige on the bottom half. Each foot has a set of three knife-shaped claws.

Zantorp jumped down as he gave a mighty roar as he glared down at the Mane 7 with his eyes glowing. “Ah!” The Mane 7 cried out.

“Oh, boy…” Sunny muttered.

“I officially hate fairytale magic based spellbooks.” Sunset muttered in annoyance as Zantorp roared at them and slammed his claws down at them, which sent them flying as Sunset flew up with a flip. “Okay, time to get serious!”

“You said it, Sunset!” Sunny called as she flipped in the air and brought out her Alicorn form and quickly brought up her shield as she flew straight towards Zantorp, but it used its claws and pushed her back. “Aah!” She cried as she crashed into the wall as rocks in rainbow colors started floating around.

“Sunny!” Sunset exclaimed as she growled and glowed her horn and fired a beam at the Zantorp, but it was unfazed by her attacks no matter how many times she did it, which made her gasp. “That’s impossible!” She called.

The Zantorp then used his horn while levitating the rocks and started throwing them at the Mane 7, which made them scream as Misty got separated from the others while Sunset used her magic to try and block them. Hitch then used his Earth Pony magic as he stomped on the ground as vines wrapped around the Zantorp, but he broke free with a roar.

And then suddenly, some glitter shaped ponies flew around Zantorp’s head as Izzy was using her magic to distract him while smiling and sweating nervously while waving her hoof around. Zantorp shook it off as he roared and slammed his claw down at her, which Izzy dodged as she hid behind a pillar with a pant where the rest of her friends were.

“That thing is unbeatable! It’s unfazed by our magic attacks!” Sunset exclaimed in worry.

“Isn’t there anything we can do to stop that thing?!” Pipp exclaimed in panic.

“I’m not sure. We better hope there is.” Sunny said while she and Hitch held each other while holding Sparky as well.

“Wait, where’s Misty?” Sunset asked in concern, noticing one unicorn was missing.

“Huh?” They all asked as they turned and saw Misty facing Zantorp alone.

“Get out of there! Misty, what are you doing?!” Zipp exclaimed to Misty as she nervously looked at Zantorp as he roared and raised his claw, which made Misty gasped as she then closed her eyes and took a breather before she placed a hoof on her chest as magic started forming and a magic formed around her, which pushed the Zantorp back while covering his eyes as Misty started floating up, much to her friends surprise.

“Misty…” Sunset asked in awed at seeing Misty performing a powerful magic.

Misty opened her eyes as she gave a determined expression. “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real!” She started as Zantorp faced her while pawing at the ground while Misty’s Cutie Mark began to glow. “When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!” She called as her magic shined bright, which the Zanport charged straight at her as Misty opened her eyes with a friendly smile, which made Zantorp look surprised before a bright light shined on them.

Misty opened her eyes and saw that she’s still in the cave, but her friends were gone before she turned and saw Zantorp carving on the wall. She noticed him looking sad as she saw him carved some ponies that are alicorns on a hill with the sun shining as he wiped some tears off his eyes. Misty looked at him as she gave a sympathetic look before she gave a small smile and placed her hoof on his claw.

“Whoa!” Misty called as she and Zantorp were snapped back into reality as she looked at him as she stood up while Zantorp looked away in shame. “You're not Zantorp the Furious. You're just lonely. Is that right?” She asked.

Zantorp then looked away some more with his eyes shut as he turned to Misty with a sad look as he whimpered.

“I was lonely once…” Misty said with a sad look, knowing from experience of being lonely when she was with Opaline for most of her life before she gave a smile. “...until I made some new friends.” She finished as the rest of the Mane 7 and Sparky smiled at Zantorp and waved at him. “Maybe we could be your friends.” She suggested with a smile.

Zantorp smiled at Misty’s words as he leaned down and Misty gently placed a hoof on his chin as they stood quiet. “Remarkable. Simply, remarkable.” Sunset said with a fond smile.

A bit later, Zantorp and the Mane 7 are sitting on carpet outside the cave. “ ...And I said, ‘That's the last time I trust a racoonicorn to plan a birthday party!’” Hitch jokes, which caused them all to laugh at his joke.

“Hilarious!” Izzy exclaimed through her laughter.

“Ohohoh! Oh, that is funny!” Sunset exclaimed while wiping some tears of laughter off her eyes just as the book fairy appeared.

“Bad luck, my brave ponies.” The book fairy said before she saw them laughing. “Oh. You're still alive.” She said in surprise which got their attention as they turned to her.

“That’s because when we work together, we’re awesome.” Sunset explained with a smile.

“Yeah, we are.” Sunny said in agreement with a smile. “We completed all your quests, thanks to some pretty special magic from Misty.” She said as she gestured to her unicorn friend.

“She has talents unlike any other. Like us, she’s full of surprises.” Sunset said with a smile, which caused Misty to blush at the compliment.

The book fairy was surprised as she spoke. “Well... I... guess I should send you back home then.” She said with a smile, much to Zantorp’s sadness.

Misty then turned to Zantorp. “Don't worry. We'll come visit.” She assured, which caused Zantorp to smile as he made exciting sounds and panted like a dog with sparkles in his eyes as he licked Misty on the cheeks, which caused the unicorn to giggle as she petted him.

The book fairy then got between them. “Thanks for visiting Questopia! Come again soon! Blah, blah, blah” She called with a smile as Misty went up to the others before the book fairy used her magic to send them back to the Brighthouse while she and Zantorp waved to them before they vanished.

Once back in the Brighthouse, the Mane 7 appeared out of the book and back to their normal forms as Sunset sighed. “Wow, that was some adventure.” She commented as she sat on the couch.

“Yeah. And I made a new friend.” Misty said with a smile. “I can’t wait to go back and see him again.”

“I’m sure we all will, Misty.” Hitch said with a smile.

“But for now, I like to relax for a bit after a long fairytale quest.” Sunset said with a smile as she laid on the couch. But then her multidimensional watch she is wearing beeped as she answered it. “Hello?”

"Uh, Sunset?" Sonic's voice spoke from the watch. "I don't know if you're busy or anything, but... The rookie just burned down the cafeteria... Don't ask me how, not even I know..."

Sunset eyes widened as she groaned. "You've gotta be kidding me..." She said with a deadpan tone.

“Society issue?” Izzy asked cheerfully.

“Yeah.” Sunset muttered as they all laughed, finding it poor timing for Sunset as Sunset groaned, having just got out of the spellbook and now she has to go solve a society problem, just another day in her life.

End of Chapter 10.