> MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 2 > by JesusG0987 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue In the Crystal Brighthouse, at nighttime, the mares that lived there were sleeping peacefully on their respective beds. Well, all of them but one, that is. Sunset Shimmer could not find peace, as she rolled from one side of her bed to the other, as her mind flashed and showed scenes from her most recent adventure, one that could actually send her across the entire multiverse... "You heard me when I told you lying makes you a terrible friend... And you still lied to me..." Sunset growled in her dream, as Sonic's words echoed in her mind and reminded her of the events that happened at the Secret Society's HQ. Flashback Sonic started to stand up, while the train kept moving upwards. However, when Sonic looked back at both Boom and Sunset, he did it with a frown, and Sunset's smile faded away after hearing this. "You don't deserve any friends, Sunset. Not if you're gonna lie to them like this..." Back in the bedroom, Sunset growled and shook her head, as she rolled to the other side and muttered. "No..." In her sleep. "I've been kicked out of the Society, so if you think I'm here to capture you or Sonic, then you're wrong." After she said this, Sunny's rage suddenly wiped away, and she stared with wide eyes at Sunset. "...I'm sorry what?" She asked confused, and now that she had calmed down, her friends and boyfriend decided to let her go. "What you heard!" Sunset replied with a little smile. "I tried to talk FS on testing out if breaking Canon could really threaten the universe... Look where that led me..." "Listen: I don't forgive you" Sunny started with a frown. "It's gonna take a while before I can say that I trust you... but I will accept your help to stop Opaline and rescue Sonic. After all, we don't have watches like yours..." "I'll make sure I can amend my mistake, Sunny" Sunset assured with a determinate look. "I don't care if you don't trust me, or if you don't forgive me yet, I will do my best to make sure Sonic's back safe!" This time, Sunset muttered nothing, she simply limited herself to roll on her place again. "I... I'm really sorry for not telling you everything. You simply couldn't expect me to say 'Hey, you're a mistake!' and call it a day, though..." Sunset pointed out with an awkward chuckle, before sighing again and looking back and forth between Sonic and Sunny. "I'm sorry for everything. Neither of you deserved all of this crap..." Sunset looked away from Sonic, already accepting that he probably was going to yell at her in anger... Big was her surprise when Sonic extended his hand to her and smiled. She looked up at him and felt even more surprised when she saw no signs of anger or hate in his eyes. "I'm not a guy that holds a grudge against anyone, no matter who they are..." Sonic said with joy, surprising Sunset even more. "You screw it up big time... So? Is not like your life has no meaning now that we're on the same side!" "...Y-You're... forgiving me?!" Sunset asked with wide eyes and disbelief. "B-But why?!" "You formed this whole-ass operation to get me out of that cage in the HQ, and you even went as far as to warn my friends about FS!" Sonic pointed out with a smile. "I'm still upset you lied to me... But your actions to make up for your mess speak volumes of who you are, Sunset. And in my book? That's a really good start. So, while I cannot forgive you at 100%, I'll say we're in good terms now!" "Sonic can barely stand––" Tails tried to argue, but Sonic placed a hand on his chest, right over his X scar. "I appreciate that you guys worry for me," Sonic said with a smile. "But there's a job that has to be done. Like I said back in Eggman's place: if I die, I die. This is bigger than me than any of us." Sonic then stepped forward and then turned around to face his friends with a determined look. "I know that's been rough, that Opaline has become really powerful, and that everything is scary..." He approached his friends again, placing his hands over Pipp and Tails' shoulders. "But I need you guys to just follow my lead. No time to lose." Opaline painfully stood on her fours over that rock, looking upwards at the Hyper siblings with rage, but then she noticed that they had combined their energy once more, with Sonic preparing to hit her with a foot, while Sunny was ready to hit the Fire Alicorn with her forelegs. Opaline tried to launch a fire blast, but Sonic and Sunny's combined attack passed through it, and then, the Hyper siblings hit Opaline, causing a massive explosion of Chaos Energy across the Wasteland. Sonic and Sunny approached Opaline, who slowly tried to stand up again, just to fail and lay on the ground again. However, as soon as she looked upwards at Sonic and Sunny, she felt more panic than anger. "S-Sunny! S-Sonic!" Opaline said with wide eyes and an awkward chuckle. "U-Um, perhaps I got a bit too carried away with my new powers and all that stuff. Ah, how about we forget this and just move on while laughing about it, huh?" "How stupid you think we are to let you walk this off just like that, Opaline?" Sonic asked with anger. "There isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done!" Sunny added with anger as well. "Well... I guess this is it, huh?" Sunset sighed. "Regarding Opaline? Yup, this is thankfully over." Sonic deadpanned, before smirking mockingly. "Regarding me? You wished! I have a dimensional watch now! Don't feel surprised if I suddenly pop up in your universe to catch up!" "At least sent me a warning." Sunset said with a smile. "My friends have a strange tendency of panic a lot and never let others talk or finish explaining themselves." "Oh, don't worry. We barely do that, too, sometimes." Sunny confessed with a sheepish smile. "I wish you luck, Sunset Shimmer." Sonic said with a smile. "Or should I say, Princess Shimmer?" "Call me like that again, and I'll brake your bones." Sunset replied with a fake smile and a glare. "You don't like nicknames. Got it." Sonic said with a nervous smile, and that only made Sunset chuckle. They then approached each other and hugged, while Sunny also joined in eventually. Once they broke the hug, Sunset went with her friends and opened a portal back to her universe. However, before doing so, she looked at Sonic and Sunny one last time, waved her hoof in a goodbye, and then crossed the portal as well. End of Flashback Sunset finally opened her eyes, but she did it as if she was just waking up normally instead of feeling any sense of nightmares. She's been dreaming - or rather, remembering on her sleep - all the recent events that put the entire multiverse at stake that happened two weeks ago. Thanks to said event, she made new friends across the multiverse, and even got a brand new look. She was a bit taller now, as tall as Princess Luna used to be back in the day. She had a larger neck as well, her mane was glowing like Celestia's, and both her mane and tail got a light blue line painted on them. Yes, her loos was brand new, but her concern remained intact. Even if that Opaline variant was defeated and the multiverse was safe, Sunset got lots of worries increasing. Who said another variant of another villain from another universe wouldn't do the same? Find a power source that could tear apart realities and allow them to become a multiversal threat? She immediately shook those thoughts away. She couldn't worry about that right now. And, if something went wrong, she has the watch of the Society. They'll inform if something's not right with the multiverse. Speaking of said watch, she looked at the nightstand besides her bed. There, she had the watch and the closed necklace where Twilight remained dormant. This fact still broke Sunset's heart, but she knew that there had to be a way to bring her back. She couldn't stay hidden in there forever, right? She knew she couldn't. She wouldn't let her stay in there. She'll bring her back, no matter what. The next day, after having breakfast with their friends, Sunny and Sunset decided to walk down the caverns beneath the ruins of Canterlot, with Sunset leading the way while Sunny followed and looked around in awe. "Wow! I didn't know Canterlot has a restricted section!" Sunny said in excitement. "Yeah, well, neither did Twilight and I at first before the whole Memory Stone incident, Sunny." Sunset said with a nostalgic smile. "Princess Celestia and Luna kept the most sacred and forbidden magical knowledge and legends from everypony else for safety reasons. Though when Twilight found out, I think she nearly had a heart attack at the many unread books," She said, making them both chuckle a bit. "Well, knowing her, I believe it's true." Sunny commented, while Sunset gave a sad look, which Sunny noticed, so she placed a hoof over her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure she's watching over us." "I know, but I still miss her," Sunset said, then she sighed. "I know that she'll always be there for us, but Twilight deserves more than what just happened." She said, looking at her closed necklace, right before they entered the room. "Anyway, we're here." She said, gesturing to the room that was twice as big as the Canterlot Library and even more dusty with cobwebs. "Oh my gosh!" Sunny exclaimed in awe; "That's more books than the ones on the surface could offer!" "Yeah, Twilight had the same feeling," Sunset said, then she began to search through the book sections, but when she turned to Sunny, she was standing there in awe at the restricted section, which made Sunset shake her head in amusement. "Just like how Twilight reacted." She muttered to herself. "Hey, Sunny! I know it's amazing, but how about helping me search through these books to find what we came here for!" Sunny shook her head and blushed sheepishly. "Oh, right! Sorry, got caught up in the moment." She apologized, and then she began to search a section of her own as well. "Are you sure Princess Celestia and Luna had what we need, Sunset?" She asked as she grabbed a book from one of the shelves. "This place has every detail from the truth of ancient Equestria and forgotten spells and artifacts. Princess Celestia and Luna were pretty thorough when they kept this stuff secret." Sunset said, picking up some more books for her to research, "Though, with this many, we're gonna have to read everything to find it, and Twilight would agree." "I love researching ancient history!" Sunny cheered excitedly, then she began to read through the books. "Wow! The laws of Ancient Equestria! Mystical artifacts! The true history before Equestria was founded?! Wow, this place does have everything! My Dad would love this place in a heartbeat!" Sunset chuckled at Sunny's excitement. "True, Sunny. So true." It's been 5 hours since the two ponies arrived. Ever since, they've been searching through many sections of books, forming piles or mountain stacks of them around them. Right now, the two tired ponies were reading through some scrolls and books, but if they've been down there for 5 hours, it's clear that they haven't been so lucky. Sunset never imagined that stopping a tyrant hungry for power from all across the multiverse would be easier than finding a spell between a bunch of books... But here she is. "Who knew that Chancellor Pudding had tried to pass a law mandating Earth Ponies drinking carrot juice at every meal." Sunny said tiredly, closing a big book. "I read that one before. It was a weird law, and like Twilight would say, you read the 'fun' books." Sunset said, making them both chuckle. "Some of these I already read, but the other half not so much since Twilight read more of them than me. There's gotta be something in here." She said while searching through a scroll. "I know, Sunset. But what if there's nothing to open the…" Sunny tried to say, but as she opened another book, she trailed off and gasped in shock. "Sunset! Get over here!" Sunset flinched a bit, but she rushed with Sunny. "What is it, Sunny? What did you find?" She asked with concern. "I think I found a way for us to reopen the necklace!" Sunny exclaimed, showing a page to Sunset in the book. Sunset read through the book, and eventually, she smiled widely. "I knew that there was a way! You found it, Sunny! You found it!" She exclaimed in joy, hugging the Earth Pony, who chuckled from the hug and returned it, before braking it and looking back to the book with a wide smile. "This will be really useful to open up the necklace again!" "I know, right?!" Sunny asked excitedly, then she stood up. "Now let's take this book back to the Brighthouse and tell the others of what we…" She was cut off when she noticed something else in the book. "Huh?" "What is it, Sunny?" Sunset asked since she noticed Sunny looking through the page again, and then, Sunny gasped. "What? What's wrong?" "Sunset, we can do more than just open the necklace again to bring back Twilight..." Sunny said slowly with a wide smile. "What do you mean?" Sunset asked curiously. Sunny picks up the book and shows her the page. "We can really restore Twilight to her full form!" Sunset looked at the page closely before gasping in shock, and then, a wide smile formed on her face. "Sunny! You are brilliant!" She exclaimed, once again hugging Sunny quickly, before looking at the page again, seeing that there were instructions on how to restore a pony's physical form when lost back to its original state. "Hang on Twilight, you are coming home for a real, old friend!" She said to the closed necklace. "And this time, you'll have a real body!" Sunny cheered as well. After that, they quickly rushed out of the restricted section, on their way back to the Brighthouse. They have the answers they need not only to open up the necklace and bring back Twilight's spirit but also to restore her body, meaning that the Princess of Friendship/Former Ruler of Equestria will be reborn once again. End of Prologue > Chapter 1: Icy Prints > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Icy Prints At the Crystal Brighthouse, the rainbow is shining bright as Zipp flies by and around the Brighthouse and up to the sun as she brings out her headphones and puts them on as music begins to play. (Bestie Life Song:) (Pipp) Everypony needs a good friend Every now and then, Yeah Zipp flew quickly to Maretime Bay at high speed as the ponies smiled at her while waving. Jazz and Dahlia are chatting with each other at the flower stand while Zipp speeds right past them. “Morning, ponies!” Zipp greeted as she flew by. “Morning, Zipp!” Both Dahlia and Jazz greeted back with waves and smiles. Izzy and Misty are levitating a jump rope while also moving Senor Butterscotch and Madame Taffytail as Zipp flies in. “C’mon, ponies! You can go faster than that!” She encouraged as she jumped on the rope. “Yeah, we can!” Izzy cheered as she and Misty focused their magic on their horn as they made the rope go faster as Zipp jumped faster before she flew off as the two unicorns waved to their friend. When we are together Everything is great, yeah Zipp flew straight as she saw Sparky and Hitch in front of her, who saw her and smiled and waved at her as Hitch brought his hoof up and stomped it down, using his Earth Pony magic to make a hoop for Zipp, who flew straight to it as she gave a wink to them as Hitch chuckled and waved to her as she flew by. Fly straight Fly high This life Getting better, every day At Mane Melody, Pipp came out of the salon as she waved her mane around before turning to the crowd. “Alright, ponies. Who’s ready to look, iiiicccooooooonnnniiiic!?” She sang proudly as Zipp flew by and made a wind draft for her sister that blew her mane proudly in the wind. I'm livin' my bestie life When I got you by my side Nothin' that we cannot do All I really need is you The bestie life, the bestie life Pipp finished singing with a smirk before she turned to her sister. “Thanks, sis!” She called to Zipp as said pegasus flew around in the sky. I got my bestie life When I got you by my side At the smoothie stand, Sunny and Sunset are searching through a crate full of fruits as they toss them up. “Ready, Sunny?” Sunset asked with a smirk. “You know it.” Sunny answered with the same smirk as they flew up before Sunny brought out her Alicorn form as the two levitated the bananas, peeled them off, and put them in the blender as they started blending them. Nothing we can not do All I really need is you The bestie life Our bestie life After a few minutes, the two Alicorns finished making the banana smoothie as they looked out of the stand, “One banana smoothie ready!” Sunset called out with a wide smile. Oooohh Oooohh Oooohh “Order up!” Sunny added as she tossed the banana smoothie in the air, and then Zipp flew in and caught the smoothie as she took a sip. “Delish always, you two Alicorns!” Zipp complimented them with a wink as she flew off. “Thanks, Zipp!” Sunset called as she gave a smile. “We do our best!” Sunny added as they waved Zipp as she flew away. Everypony needs a little boost When it’s time to cut loose, hey Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, yeah Zipp is still listening to the music on her headphones as she dodges some trees and steps on some branches before landing on the ground, but then suddenly, she slips and drops her smoothie and headphones. “Whoa!” She exclaimed in shock as she landed on her rump. Zipp got her bearings, she looked around and noticed that the entire area she was in was completely frozen in ice as she stood up and looked around. “Why is everything frozen?” She asked herself before she looked down and widened her eyes when she saw a big footprint on the ground as she shuddered. “That’s no ordinary pawprint.” She muttered as she brought out her phone. Zipp then started recording on her phone. “Hey, Sheriff.” She started with a wave, making a recording for Hitch. “Ever heard of a huge snow critter here in the woods, because…” She said nervously as she showed the pawprint to the camera. “...Yeah. It’s probably nothing.” She said before she turned the phone back to her. “Just thought you should know in case there’s a giant town destroying frost monster or something.” She said nervously as she gave a nervous laugh. “Imagine that.” She added as she ended the recording. She then selected Hitch’s email on it as she tapped on the screen. “And send!” She said, but then she slipped and fell to the floor with a yelp. “Whoa!” She cried as she landed on her stomach, which caused her hoof to tap into all the emails she got as the video was sent to everypony she knew in Equestria as it came out from her phone and shot up into the sky as it spread out to everypony. At the smoothie stand, Sunny and Sunset are on their break while going through the book they found from the Canterlot Library's restricted area as they go through it. “This book will definitely bring back Twilight. And this time, with her body.” Sunset said while carefully looking through the spell book. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started while we’re on break!” Sunny exclaimed in excitement, wanting to see her idol in the flesh. “It’s not that easy, Sunny.” Sunset said as she shook her head. “This is a very complex and hard spell. And this spell is so powerful, it will take some time to bring a pony back into the living, even with us Alicorns have limits.” She stated cautiously. Sunny gave a concerned look. “Well, what happens if it’s not done right?” She asked. “If it’s not done correctly, then it might be the last we might see of her if we have to do it again by scratch.” Sunset said while holding up the necklace she kept that helds Twilight spirit before she closed it. “It might take some time, but we have to be patience and persice if we want to do it right. And it may require some large amount of magic and preparations if we want to get it correctly.” She said while gently touching the necklace as she gave a sigh. “I know that Twilight want us to move on, but just having her with us seems right. And I still miss her from time to time.” She added. Sunny gave a small smile and gave Sunset a side hug. “Don’t worry, Sunset. We’ll bring her back one day. But for now, at least we have each other and our friends. Huh, sis?” She asked with a smirk. Sunset gave a warm smile as she gave Sunny a full hug, which the Earth Pony returned with a warm smile as well. “You’re right, sis. We have each other and our friends.” Just then, their phones started beeping as the two ponies broke the hug and picked up their phones. “It’s a message from Zipp.” Sunny spoke. “Knowing her, if she send both of us messages, it gotta be something. What did she found this time?” Sunset questioned, knowing that if she and Sunny got the message at the same time, it’s gotta be important as the two clicked opened their message and watched the video as their eyes widen in shock. “What the…” She started in shock at what she and Sunny are hearing. A short while later, the ponies and critters in Maretime Bay all started panicking and running around town as Skye Silver came in front of the camera.  “Scenes of panic in Maretime Bay today as a giant town-destroying frost monster is on the loose.” Skye called out as he turned and saw Zipp looking around in confusion as Skye walked up to her. “Oh! And here's the pony who discovered this mystical monster – Zephyr Heights' own Princess Zipp.” He said as she move his microphone in front of Zipp. “Tell us, princess. Have you caught this icy evildoer?” He asked. “Icy whuh?” Zipp asked with a brow. “How did you—?” She was about to ask before Dahlia came up behind her, looking really nervous as the video she made played. “It's probably nothing.” Zipp’s voice in the recording played as Zipp took Dahlia’s phone and look at the message. “Just thought you should know in case it's a... giant town-destroying frost monster.” It played as Zipp looked closely at the video, realizing she sent it to everypony by accident as Dahlia rushed to her and hugged her tightly in fear. “A monster?!” Dahlia cried as she screams in fear. Zipp groans from this as she took the microphone from Skye and spoke through the camera. “This...! Ponies!” She spoke up as the ponies around her stopped screaming and look at their phones. “I don't know what I found, but there's no need to panic! I will figure this out, and when I do, you'll all be the first to know!” She said to them with an assuring smile as she flew off while the microphone landed onto Dahlia’s hoof. A little bit later, Zipp is back into the woods with Sunny and Sunset accompanying her. “Thanks for the two of you coming to help, Sunny and Sunset.” Zipp said to the two ponies with a smile. “Everypony deserves some answers.” She said as the three mares looked around. “Yeah. We sure do. But next time, if you’re not sure about something, try and not make a town destroying conclusion, Zipp.” Sunset said to her while searching the bushes. “Because after our last little ‘incendent’ two weeks ago, everypony were just calming down.” She added. Zipp gave a sheepish chuckle. “Uh, sorry. I guess I was so caught up, I kinda made a slip, and I mean literally with the ice.” She said. Sunny looked down and saw some frozen leaves on the ground as she picked it up. “Well, you're right about one thing. Definitely some powerful magic.” She said as the three mares look at the leaf. “This is ice. But I don’t recall any creature to freeze something on the spot.” Sunset said in thought. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” “Where did you two suppose it come from?” Zipp asked as they all started thinking. And then, they heard crackling as Sunny gasped in surprised as the three mares stood side to side as they look at their surroundings. “There’s something out there alright.” Sunset whispered suspiciously with a serious look. And then, they heard grunting sounds as they turned and saw a bag being drag as ZIpp turned to her friends. “Stay down and follow my lead.” She instructed as they nodded and lowered down a bit as they slowly walked to the source. Behind the bush is Twitch, who is dragging the heavy bag before tossing it, which caused some things like berries, some flowers, fruit, a pillow, a mirror, and a rubber ducky to fall out of the bag. Sunny, Sunset, and Zipp looked over the bush. “What are you up to, bunny boy?” Zipp asked with a smirk. Sunset raised a brow at seeing Twitch “Wait, don’t we know that bunny somewhere?” She whispered to them. Zipp and Sunny looked at Twiltch in thought, “As a matter of fact, I think we do.” Zipp said while rubbing her chin. But then, they hear some cracks as they looked up and saw some bushes freezing into ice and and so was the ground as four familiar purple paws came out as the whole area the three ponies are in suddenly froze up as they looked around in shock as they felt the cold. “Uh... “ Sunny started, which she can see her breath from the cold before she saw something in the bushes. “Zipp? Sunset?” She asked as the two mares looked and went wide eyes. Coming out of the bushes was none other than the evil snow leopard, Allura, who is giving a sinister smile as she looked down at Twitch. “Allura?!” Both Sunny and Sunset whispered in shock as Zipp took a picture of her and twitch in shock with her phone. Allura heard the camera clicking sounds. “What was that?” Allura questioned as she and Twitch looked at the bushes, as the three mares quickly duck under to avoid being seeing as they looked in shock. “Allura and Twitch are back?! And in Equestria?!” Sunset whispered in shock at seeing their old enemy again. “How did she escape Starlight Ridge?!” Sunny whispered in shock, wondering how Allura and Twitch came into Equestria. “Doesn't matter! Let's send her back while we have the upper hoof!” Zipp called out determindedly. “No!” Sunset spoke up. “The last time we face her, we barely won. And we had the Auroracorns and magic snow to help counter her magic, which we don’t have here.” She pointed out. “And we don't know why she's here!” Sunny added in agreement. “Maybe she—” She was cut off when she stepped on a frozen twig, which caused it to break. Allura heard the crack as she turned witha  growl and then roars loudly with her wings spread.  “Run!” Both Sunny, Sunset, and Zipp exclaimed in unison as they all trotted as fast as they could and away from Allura before they were spotted. After returning to the Birghthouse, the three mares got their friends to gather in the Crystal room as Zipp showed them the picture of Allura on her phone, which horroifed the Mane 7. “Oh, my hoofness! This is bad!” Pipp cried out in horror. “It's Allura!” Misty cried out in shock. “That cat looks so familiar…” Izzy said while rubbing her chin, clearly forgotten about Allura. “Allura’s back. And she’s definitely found a way into Equestria.” Sunset said while in deep thought before turning to Sunny. “Well, Sunny, looks like we definitely made the right call in making sure that the ponies were warned about Allura. But now that we know for absolutely certain that your worries about Allura were completely right, we have even more reason to do our best to be ready for her. Especially since we know she has ice magic as well as the siren purr.” She said to her seriously. “Yeah, sometimes I wish I wasn’t right. But looks like I made the call.” Sunny said while feeling conflicted if she would feel proud that Allura returned or scared and hoping that she was wrong. “Though, the ice magic is a new one.” Sunset added while rubbing her chin. “She can freeze the area just by touching it. That’s concerning.” “How do we not notice that before?” Hitch asked fearfully while Sunny rubbed her coltfriend to help ease his stress and fear that Allura is back. “I guess since Starlight Ridge is already a snowy icy place, I guess that power wasn’t nessary to a place that is already frozen.” Sunset guessed with a shrug. “But still, this is bad.” “What do we do?!” Misty asked in panick. “We do nothing.” Sunny said with a small smile as the rest o fhte Mane 7 turned to her and spoke up in confusion. “Uh, what are you talking about, Sunny?” Sunset asked with a raised of a brow. “All we know is that Allura was trapped in Starlight Ridge.” Sunny started as her friends listened to her. “Did she do some mean things? Uh, yes. Yes, she did.” She quickly corrected with a sheepish smile, forgetting about the time when they first faced Allura. “But maybe she'll be different here with us. Everypony deserves a second chance.” She finished with a warm smile as she began to glow. “She might not, I mean, Opaline was one example, Sunny.” Sunset said while in concern. “And not to mention Tirek, Storm King, Cozy Glow and Chrystalis. Not everpony wanted that second chance.” She pointed out in concern. “But we have to at least try, Sunset.” Sunny assured her while placing a hoof to Sunset’s shoulder. “Even you know that hardest ones wants a second chance, even through different views.” She added. Sunset gave a thought as she recalled their recent adventure as she gave a small smile with a chuckle. “Well, you got me there.” She said. “And if not, we'll be ready.” Zipp declared with a determined smile. “I'm a princess of a different kind. Always trying to figure out why. When my cutie mark comes to life, I blast bravely across the sky!” She declared as her Cutie Mark glowed before she flew around. Izzy’s horn started glowing as she toss some glitter in the air and did a twirl. “I sparkle like the stars, 'cause I'm always super glittery.” She said as she looked at her Cutie Mark, which started to glow as well. “When my cutie mark comes to life, watch this brilliant creativity!” She cheered. Pipp stood there with her wings spread. “I'm a stylish pop star princess.” She started as she move her wings around and some music notes flew off her as she held her microphone before she flew around. “My voice makes me strong. When my cutie mark comes to life, confidence is my song!” She added as her Cutie Mark glowed. Misty then spoke next with a smile. “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real.” She said determinedly as she stomped her hoof down and she started glowing, as well as her Cutie Mark. “When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!” “I'm the pony of the law.” Hitch said while giving a proud look as Sparky jumped onto his back wiht a smile. “Coolest dragon dad you know. My cutie mark comes to life, and my kindness overflows!”Hhe exclaimed as her Cutie Mark starts glowing and used his Earth Pony Magic to grow some plants. “We’re all three pony kinds wrapped up into one.” Sunny started on behalf of her and Sunset as she brought out her Alicorn form with her wings spread. “My cutie mark comes to life with hope bright at the sun!” She said as her Cutie Mark glowned next. “And I maybe all three pony kind, but I’m also a Guardian of Harmony.” Sunset started as she flew up and looked at her friends with a determined smile. “I help bring back and old friend legacy, faced an evil Alicorn with my friends, and reunite with old ones. And I will keep protecting my friends and home until the end! And I will carry on the legacy my old friend left behind in her stead! As my cutie mark glows on never giving up and protecting others!” She declared as she flew up and her Cutie Mark begans to glow. (Bestie Life Song Continue:) (Mane 7) I'm livin' my bestie life When I got you by my side Nothin' that we cannot do All I really need is you The Mane 7 surrounded the Unity Crystals, which they all glowed up and their colors shot out from the Brighthouse and into the sky as it spread more rainbows all over Equestria. The bestie life, the bestie life Oh-ohhh, ohhh, ohhh-ohhhh At Posey’s place, Posey and Dahlia watched the rainbows with wide smiles before they notice their Cutie Marks are glowing and their hooves glowed green, which they smiled with sparkles in their eyes as they stomped their hooves down, which caused some plants to grown into big multicolor trees. “Whoa!” Dahlia exclaimed in awed as she and Posey loooked in awed. (Mane 7) I'm livin' my bestie life When I got you by my side Nothin' that we cannot do All I really need is you In the sky, three Pegasi are flying in the air, but then their wings started glowing, the stallion on the left is yellow, the mare in the middle is green, and the mare on the left is pink, which they spread up and leave a trail of rainbow as they made a heart shape and flew off proudly. The bestie life, the bestie life Oh-ohhh, ohhh, ohhh-ohhhh In Maretime Bay, Onyx and and a unicorn beside her waqlked out of the store, but their horns are glowing bright as the ponies around saw that the unicorns horns are glowing and they are levitating so many things in the air that are either heavy or light without effort, which surprised them. Onyx looked  in awed with sparkles in her eyes before she gave a small smile. “This is new.” She commented. The rainbows blew all over Equestria as Alphabittle, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, and Volette Rainbow, looked in awed with sparkles in their eyes at seeing the rainbows before their eyes. Back at the Crystal Birghthouse, all the rainbows merge with the Brighthouse as it shined bright from the rainbows as it sparkled up. With Posey and Dahlia, their phones chimed as they looked at them and saw a recordning of Allura, who is growling and then roaring before the screen pushed back and showed Zipp. “It's true.” Zipp started as everypony in Equestria are listening to the message. “Allura is in Maretime Bay, and that is a little bit scary. But I promise there is nothing to fear as long as we stick together.” She declared as the Mane 7 stood together to the camera. “We’ve seen many perials berfore, and Allura is no different then Opaline and the other threats we’ve been through.” Sunset continued. “We will be ready for her, because she might think she had the advantage, but she haven’t see what we can do when we stand together, as one. Not as one tow, not as one land, but as an entire planet! We stand together in unity!” She declared with her wings spread. The Unity Crystals then shined even brighter as they are showing different colors at the unity and harmony the ponies are sharing while sticking togther if Allura ever strikes. Sunset then turned to her friends as she gave a serious look. “Okay, now that everypony knows that Allura is here, we also probably better get the word out to Spike and Discord, too. It will almost certainly improve our odds against her if and, most likely, when she strikes again.” She instructed. “Good call, Sunset.” Sunny said in agreement. “They need to know about this.” “Especially since the Isle of Scaly have no signal at all.” Pipp said dully as the others rolled their eyes in amusements. “Well, we better get going. If we go, we’d be there and back before dinner.” Hitch said as they all nodded and ran out to the Marestream as they took off to the Dragonlands. Once arriving at the Dragonlands, the Mane 7 informed Spike and the dragons, with Discord having been hanging out with to hang out with Spike, as they explain the situation about Allura as Spike listened carefully while the others looked in concern. “And that’s why we came here to warn you all about her.” Sunset finished explaining to Spike. “She’s not like Opaline, but she’s not to be underestiate either.” “Seriously, another tyrant?” Blaize asked in annoyance. “Seriously, where do they even come from?” “You tell me, Blaize.” Tumble shrugged. “Yeeesh, I can see why you ponies want us to be ready for her if she strikes.” Discord said in surprise. Spike hummed for a bit before he nodded. “Yeah, I can see putting us on the alert, ESPECIALLY since a whole tribe of fire-breathing dragons are well equipped for fighting an ice-magic powered winged snow leopard on full alert, especially if Discord can conjure up protective earwear to keep all of us from getting taken over by her siren purr." He said while looking at Discord. “What? I can try, but this is something new I’ve never seen before.” Discord shrugged in defense. “It will take time, but don’t know if it will be ready.” “Just do your best, Discord.” Zipp said to him. “We need to be ready. And Allura hasn’t struck yet, but she will at any time.” “I’ll try.” Discord nodded in understanding. “Okay, everycreature, Allura is in Equestria, so now, we keep our guard up and be prepare if she ever does strike. And we protect the Nova Charm from her if she still wants it or found out about it.” Sunset instructed seriously as she looked at her friends in front of her. “We must keep our guard up and do what we can to stop her if she doesn’t want to have a second chance. So now, we wait for her first strike.” She finished with her wings spread as they all nodded in agreement as they looked up in the sky, knowing that Allura will pull a trick on them in the near future. End of Chapter 1. > Chapter 2 Heavy is the Mane that Wears the Fruit Crown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Heavy is the Mane that Wears the Fruit Crown In the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy tossed some necklace in the air as she caught it in her horn, wearing a bunch of them around her and a bandana on her head and on her hind legs.  Zipp puts on some goggles, a yellow color, and a cape with blue stars on her with her hooficure rainbow streak.  Hitch flips his mane as he is wearing a purple scarf with stars and Sparky lands on his head wearing a bucket with feathers and a seashell on it before Hitch puts on his Sheriff hat, with seashells on it as well. Sunny came rolling in on her rollerskates, with her mane done in curls as she stopped and summoned her Alicorn form as she did a pose. Sunset flew in the air as she got her mane done in a ponytail and with curls on the side as she was wearing a necklace with her Cutie Mark on it. Pipp looked at her friends with a smile. “As this year's Maretime Bay Carnival Queen, I just want to say that you all look, like, totally chic!” She exclaimed as she jumped back as the group took a pose together with smiles. Misty then came up to the group wearing yellow sunglasses while holding a basket with beach supplies as she looked at her friends in confusion. “Um, aren't you ponies a little dressed up for the beach?” She asked them with a giggle.  The rest of the Mane 7 looked at her in confusion. “The beach?” Pipp asked with a brow before she gave a laugh as she walked up to Misty and took off her sunglasses. “Misty, be serious, okay? Come on, get dressed.” She said with a smile as she walked off. “Dressed? For what?” Misty asked in confusion before Izzy came up next to her with sparkles in her eyes. “Well, it's Carnival, Misty!” Izzy answered cheerfully with a wave of her hoof. “And you can wear anything you want! The wilder, the better!” She explained with sparkles still in her eyes. “It’s a tradition we do for fun,” Sunset explained with a smile. “And we dress as wild as we could be.” She added. Misty eyes widen in realization. “Oh, no! That's today?” She asked, totally forgotten about that holiday. Sunset gave a chuckle. “Don't feel too bad. I got so caught up in working on, you know, the project, that I almost forgot that Carnival was today too if Sunny hadn’t reminded me." She said while giving a wink to let Misty know that she’d been busy working on the spell to bring Twilight back, she almost forgot about the Carnival if Sunny hadn’t reminded her. “Yeah. It happens to all of us.” Sunny assured Misty with a smile. “So you can still get ready for it.” “But I don't have anything to wear!” Misty said sadly as she looked down, not noticing the magic rainbows around her, which she quickly noticed as the magic rainbows circled around Misty, lifting her up as she yelped and then giggled as her friends watched on with smiles. Misty floated around as the magic rainbows changed her look, her mane was now tied in two buns with some yellow bracelet on them, and on her tail while wearing a sparkling coat, and her hooves were made in a butterfly hooficure as she was gently levitated down. Misty looked at her new look as she trotted around and did a pose. “Whoo!” She cheered. Sunset chuckled. “Well, now you do, Misty. Magic sure has evolved further after two years. And it did you a favor too.” She said. “It sure did!” Misty said happily. Pipp then looked at her phone as she squealed and giggled. “My costume's almost here!” She exclaimed excitedly as she spun around with sparkles in her eyes. After Pipp’s costume arrived, the Mane 7 looked in shock at what they saw, especially Pipp when her right eye twitched when they saw the Carnival crown, which was really big and had a lot of fruit than they expected. “Uh, don't want to point out the obvious here, Pipp, but—” Hitch started with an uncertain smile before Izzy spoke. “That's one big Carnival crown.” Izzy finished for Hitch. “And a lot of fruit.” Zipp added as she picked an apple from the crown and took a bite of it. “I think they might have gone overboard with this crown.” Sunset noted as a banana fell on her, which she caught and peeled off as she ate it. “Must’ve forgotten about the proper size for a pony.” Pipp flew up as she inspected the crown. “How am I supposed to sing, dance, or fly in that?!” She questioned, pointing out that the crown would be too big and heavy for her to wear for the Carnival. Sunny gave a giggle as she flew to Pipp in her Alicorn form. “It's not that much fruit.” She said. Sunset then came up to Sunny. “Sunny, I love ya, and I love your optimism. But you call that not much fruit?” She questioned while gesturing to the crown. “There’s enough to feed maybe two, no, four families of ponies.” She pointed out with a brow. Sunny looked at the crown again as she gave a sheepish chuckle. “Okay, maybe it’s a bit much. “But, if anypony can do it, it's you, Pipp.” She encouraged as Pipp smiled. Zipp then got behind the crown and between the three ponies.” Hold on. Maybe I can just... just lift…” She strained as she tried to lift the crown up with her hooves and then tried to move it and pulled on a feather. “Ugh!” She groaned as she pulled, but was pulled back and into the crown as she got some fruit contentions on herself. “Wow.” She said. “Any ideas, Sunset?” Pipp asked Sunset in wonder. Sunset rubbed her chin for a bit as she thought of an idea. “Well, Sunny, Izzy, Misty and I could probably help you handle that with our combined telekinesis, but that would only help so long as none of us got distracted. We need a more long-term solution.” She said. “Yeah, even we can’t focus on the whole festivity.” Sunny said in agreement. Misty then thought of an idea as she gave a smile. “I might have an idea.” She said as she turned to Izzy and Sunset. “Izzy, Sunset, I'm gonna need both your help.” She said as Izzy smiled with sparkles in her eyes while Sunset nodded with a smile. “Just fill us in, Misty.” Sunset said with a smile. (All the Love for Trash Song) (Izzy) T-R-A-S-H Doesn't mean it's waste Back inside the Brighthouse at Misty’s crafting table, Misty pulled out a blueprint of a crown holder made of bottles for Pipp’s crown as Izzy and Sunset looked at the plans as Sunset smiled with a nod while Izzy smiled cheerfully while clapping her hooves, approving with Misty’s idea. T-R-A-S-H With a dash of taste Izzy then levitated some bottles as she removed the caps and cut them in half with her scissors as she moved them around. Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo Make it brand new-ooh, ooh-ooh Whoo! Izzy then brought out a wheel, which she spun as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes. Then, the two Unicorns and Alicorn started working on the crown holder as Izzy brought out some tools, Misty glued a bottle and placed the others on top of it while Sunset measured it to make sure it fit right for Pipp. What the three ponies didn’t know is that their Cutie Marks are glowing while they are working on the crown holder. Come on in, the trash is lovely Lookin' for a ring for Sunny Misty place the wheel at one end of the bottle while Izzy and Sunset stack some bottles as the three smiled. Call it waste, call it misplaced But always with a dash of taste After a bit of time, the three finished as they smiled with sparkles in their eyes at their work as the Carnival Crown was on the holder while it was held in place. “Well, ponies. We’ve done a great job here.” Sunset said with a proud smile. “We sure have, Sunset.” Misty said with a smile. Izzy looked at it in thought, “Hmmm... Still missing something.” She said after scratching her head before she placed her hoof on her chin in thought. “Like what, Izz?” Sunset asked. Before Izzy could answer, she smiled as Misty’s Cutie Mark glowed as a magic butterfly flew out of it as the three looked in surprise before they smiled. (Izzy) ...But I think you have forgotten It's anything really for trash (Oh, yeah!) T-R-A-S-H Izzy sang after saying ‘Oh, yeah!’ as the rest of the Mane 7 looked at her, and Sunset as they smiled. “Mares and gentlecolt, and baby dragon,” Sunset started with a smile as the others smiled and Sparky giggled. “May we present one of Misty’s creations, the crown holder!” She announced as she and Izzy moved aside. “Ta-daaaaah!” Izzy cheered with sparkles in her eyes as Misty stood with the crown holder on her as she gave a smile as it sparkled up. Zipp walked up to Misty in amazement. “Ingenious!” She awed. Pipp gave a wide smile with sparkles in her eyes as she flew up and went under the holder and put her head underneath the crown. “Carnival, here we come!” She exclaimed in joy as the rest of the Mares cheered. “Whoo-hoo! Yeah!” Hitch cheered as he took off his hat and waved his mane around while the girls looked at him with brows while Sunny gave a blush at his coltfriend. “Isn’t he a bit overdoing it?” Sunset asked with a cringe. “I think all the glitter has gone to his mane.” Izzy joked with a smile. “Or trying to impress his marefriend here.” Sunset joked while nudging Sunny, which caused her to blush while she and the other mares giggled at both the jokes and Sunny’s reaction. “That’s Hitch being Hitch.” Sunny said as she walked up to Hitch and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. “The stallion I love and never change.” She said. Hitch blushed a bit before he gave a smile. “The same to the mare I know.” He said as he and Sunny nuzzled each other lovingly. “Aaww.” The rest of the mares said in unison, finding their moment adorable and sweet while Sparky gagged a bit from that. At sundown, the Mane 7 are on the streets of Maretime Bay as they walk down the path with streamers falling and the ponies cheering them as they wave with sparkles in their eyes while the Mane 7 wave back while dancing in the path. Izzy danced as she moved close to the crowd. “Carnival! Whoo-hoo! Oh, yeah!” She cheered as she hopped around, but then a balloon floated by as her horn popped it by accident. “Whoop!” She called in surprise when she in surprise. “Hey! Watch it!” Posey exclaimed as she walked up to Izzy’s face with an angry expression, revealing that it was her balloon that Izzy popped. “Oh.” Izzy said as she gave a sheepish giggle and gave the broken balloon wrap to Posey, “Sorry, Posey.” She apologized with a cheerful smile as she walked off to her friends while Posey growled as her face turned red before Sunset walked up to her as she passed Izzy. “Izzy, I think you should be more careful about where you dance.” Sunset advised. “The horns are sharp after all.” She said while flicking slightly on Izzy’s horn, which the unicorn giggled. “I’ll try to be more careful. I promise” Izzy said as she trotted off to her friends. Sunset then turned to Posey, “And Posey, Izzy is sorry. And you don’t need to be angry about the popping of your balloon, it was an accident.” She pointed out. “But still, she should watch it!” Posey angrily said. “You be angry to every little thing, Posey. You need to stop being overdramatic.” Sunset advised while giving Posey a brow. “Just enjoy the festivities, go nuts, but no anger.” She said as she walked up to her friends. Posey watched them go as she sighed in annoyance. “I hate it when Sunset’s right.” She muttered. Sunset walked up to Sunny with Misty next to her as the Unicorn looked in awe. “Wow! Look at all these ponies!” Misty called in awed at the crowd. “That's what Carnival is all about. Bringing everypony together.” Sunny said to Misty with a smile. “Having fun and joying time together with your friends and families.” Sunset added with a smile as the three ponies smiled to the crowd as they walked down the path. “We love you, Pipp!” Glory called as Pipp stopped and saw the Pippsqueakes filming her, while their manes were purple with hoofmade versions of her tiara on their heads while having prop wings, while Glory’s wings was dyed purple, looking exactly like her. “Best Carnival Queen ever!” Seashell cheered. “Can't wait to hear you sing!” Peach Fizze excitedly said. “Hey, Pippsqueaks!” Pipp said with a smile at them. “Ah! Looking iconic!” She added with a smirk. The three Pippsqueaks looked at her with sparkles in their eyes, feeling star-struck. “She saw us!” Glory called. “She likes our costumes!” Seashell exclaimed as they got in front of Pipp as Peach Fizz held out her phone with a selfie stick. “I feel just like Pipp!” Peach Fizz cheered as the four smiled at the camera with sparkles in their eyes before a banana hit Pipp on the face, which startled the four as Peach Fizz screamed. Pipp got the banana peel off her as she looked around in confusion. “Hey! Was that a...?” She was about to ask in confusion. “Pipp, look out!” Sunny called out from behind Pipp with Sunset next ot her as she pointed up. “Coming in fruit!” Sunset screamed as more was thrown and started falling. “We're under fruit attack!” Sunny yelled as the fruit fell on them while some of them covered or moved out of the way while Misty haunched down in fear. Pipp was then getting hit with more fruit. “Ugh! Hey! Owww!” She yelled as she was getting hit with more fruit. The crowd kept throwing fruit while an orange hit Zipp by her wing. “Ow!” She cried out. Sunset used her magic shield to block most of the fruit, but some like grapes hit her from the side of her head. “Ow! Why are these ponies throwing fruit at us?!” She questioned as a strawberry hit her to the wing. Izzy, however, gave a wide smile with sparkles in her eyes. “Bring it on!” She called as she gave a smile. “Gotta love that fruity rain of good luck!” She exclaimed with a twirl. “What?” The rest of the Mane 7 called while looking at Izzy in confusion. “Izzy, what are you talking about?!” Sunset exclaimed as she ducked from an incoming apple. Izzy turned to her friends in surprise. “You ponies don't know this extra one?” She asked with a smile as some fruit hit her. “Ha!” She called as she caught a pear with her magic. “It's a tale as old... as Maretime.” She started as she was still getting hit by fruit. “Ponies offer fruit to whoever wears the fruit crown, granting them— ow —good luck all year.” She explained after holding a banana before it was hit away.  “Izzy, would’ve been good to know earlier!” Sunset exclaimed before an apple hit her on the head. “Ow! Seriously! Giving would’ve been fine, but throwing isn’t!” She called as she ducked a watermelon. Izzy gave a sheepish chuckle. “I guess I was caught up in the excitement I forgot to tell you ponies. Oopsie.” She said as she looked at the crowd with a smile. “Wow, they really love you, Pipp.” She commented before she noticed that Pipp was gone. “Pipp? Pipp!” She called out in worry as she searched around the Carnival crown. “A little help here?!” Pipp cried out as her friends looked down, seeing that Pipp was being crushed by her own crown and the crown holder was dented because of the added weight of fruits the ponies threw as more were being stacked to the top. “Hang on, Pipp! We got you!” Sunset exclaimed as she, Zipp, and Sunny quickly grabbed Pipp’s hooves and pulled while Misy and Izzy moved the crown slightly before they got Pipp free, but the four mares were sent flying as they landed on the floor. “That works. Pipp stood up as she wiped her brow. “Phew! Thanks, ponies.” She said to her friends with a smile before she looked at her crown, which was even bigger than before as she frowned sadly. “Aww, but how am I going to wear my crown now?” She asked sadly. Sunset looked at the crown and Pipp again as she gave a determined smile. “Don’t worry, Pipp, we’ll solve this.” She assured the pegasus. “How exactly? It’s too big.” Pipp pointed out. “We can do anything when we work together!” Sunny called as she skated next to Sunset while the rest of the Mane 7 came together with the same look as their Cutie Marks, san Pipp, glowed.  “No fruit is gonna stop us!” Sunset called with a determined smile. “We faced distorting magics, reunited ponykind, restored magic, made new magic, fought Opaline, twice, made friends with dragons, fought the lord of chaos and helped him see the error of his ways, and faced a winged mind-control snow leopard. When we work together, we can make the impossible possible!” She declared. “With hope!” Sunny exclaimed as she skated around as her Cutie Mark glowed. “Empathy!” Sunset called next as she flew up with her horn lit as her Cutie Mark glowed next. “Bravery!” Zipp called as she flew around and landed as her Cutie Mark glowed. “Heart!” Misty called next as her Cutie Markglowed as she raised her hoof up. “Kindness!” Hitch called next as he took off his hat while Sparky smiled as Hitch’s Cutie Mark glowed. “Creativity!” Izzy cheered as she rubbed her hooves together, which sparkled in magic as her Cutie Mark glowed as well. Then the magic from each pony Cutie Marks shot right onto the crown as it was levitated up and was put onto Pipp’s head, while said pony looked with a wide smile and sparkles in her as the rainbow magic lifted Pipp into the air, without using her wings, as she giggled and spun around as the crowd below looked on in awed with sparkles in their eyes. Pipp’s Cutie Mark then glowed as well. “And confidence as my song!” She finished as she twirled and glowed a bit as the magic shot up into the sky as fireworks exploded in the sky. The crowd looked in awe at Pipp and the fireworks with sparkles in their eyes. Pipp opened her eyes as she began to sing with her microphone. (Bestie Life Song) (Pipp) Bestie life When I got you by my side Pipp sang as she flew to her sister. Zipp smirked as the two sisters hooftap each other and flew into the air in sync as they held each other hooves. Nothin' that we cannot do All I really need is you Pipp then flew to Sunny and Sunset, the former was skating while the latter flying beside her Sunny took into the air as Sunset caught her as the two posed.   The bestie life, the bestie life Oh-ohhh, ohhh, ohhh-ohhhh While Pipp sang, Sparky was eating the watermelon on Pipp’s crown as Hitch tried to get Sparky off, which made Pipp uncomfortable as the MAne 7 and Sparky stood together with smiles as they gave a wink to the crowd while having a fun time at the Carnival. End of Chapter 2. > Chapter 3: Cake Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Cake Dragon At the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy is now hopping on little dragon balloons, popping each one. “Ten!” She counted as she then popped a couple with her horn. “Eleven! Twelve!” She cheerfully counted with sparkles in her eyes as she then blew onto the next balloon, inflating it. Hitch then came up to Izzy with a brow. “Uh, maybe we should leave blowing up balloons to somepony else?” He suggested with a small smile while taking the balloon from Izzy. “Huh?” Izzy asked in confusion before realizing what Hitch meant as she smiled. “Oh, no, no, I'm playing ‘Pop the Balloon’!” She explained cheerfully as she trotted off with giggles. In the main room, the rest of the Mane 7 are setting up dragon party decorations with a banner of Sparky up, revealing that today is Sparky’s Birthday today as each of the Mane 7 are doing their own setups, with Zipp and Pipp made cardboard cutouts of dragon wings that they place on their wings as they flew around while Sunny is with Misty with a picture of a dragon with Misty blindfolded, playing pinn the teeth on the dragon. Misty moved her hoof holding the dragon teeth as she tried to get it in place while blindfolded, but was having trouble finding the spot while Sunny giggled, which made Misty lifted up her blindfold to take a peak. Sunny quickly saw this. “Hey, no peeking, Misty.” She said to her with a smile as Misty smiled back and place the blindfold back down and walked close to Sunny while trying to put the teeth on her. “Whoa! Aah! Okay, stop! Stop! Okay, you can peek! You can peek!” Sunny quickly said as she dodged Misty’s attempt of putting the teeth on her as she quickly trotted off. Sunset, who is wearing the same cutout dragon wings on her wings like Zipp and Pipp, was in the kitchen making some snacks while also making gem shard related snacks for Sparky while the rest is just regular snacks. “There, snacks for regular ponies and dragons for Sparky’s case ready and waiting,” Sunset said with a smile. Hitch then stood up on a stool then held up a drink glass as he tap it with his hoof as the glass clinked, which got the others attention. “Everypony, I'd like to say a few words.” He said to them with a smile. Izzy then appeared between Misty and Zipp while holding a dragon balloon. “SPEECH!” She called in a deep voice as she popped the balloon with her horn, which surprise Zipp while Misty gave a small smile at Izzy. “Izzy, easy on those balloons. We don’t have many.” Sunset said in amusement. “Sorry. They’re just fun!” Izzy said cheerfully in her normal voice. “We know.” Sunset said as she turned back to Hitch. “Continue, Hitch.” Hitch was surprised by Izzy’s balloon pop as he gave a small smile. “Uh…” He started with nervous chuckle. “Yeah.” He said before he recompose himself and spoke up. “So, I really just wanted to thank you all for being here on Sparky's special day.” He said to them as the mares smiled. “It’s Sparky’s Birthday, Hitch. We wouldn’t miss it in all of Equestria.” Sunny said to her coltfriend with a smile. “Yeah, that is true, Sunny.” Hitch said with  a smile looked around in confusion as he place a hoof to his chin, “Speaking of which, where is the dragon of the hour?” He asked them while looking around for Sparky. They then heard rustling sounds in the popped dragon balloons as they turned and saw Sparky appearing from the pile with a laugh. “Found him,” Sunset said with a chuckle. “Perfect timing.” Hitch said with a smile as he turned to the mares. “All right. Bring in the cake!” He announced. The mares turned to the door as Hitch’s critters came in while dragging a giant stack of cake with a decorative of Sparky breathing his dragon fire around it as the critters fell to the floor in exhaustion. “Wow, Hitch! This looks amazing!” Sunny exclaimed to her coltfriend as she and the mares looked on in awed at the cake. “I know. Had some of the best bakers to make this.” Hitch said proudly. “Well, this does look like something Pinkie would make. And it’s great on details.” Sunset commented with a smile at the cake. Sparky saw the cake and luaghed in joy with sparkles in his eyes as he rushed up to it while the critters cleared off as Sparky took a deep breath, about to unleash his dragon fire but Hitch quickly put a hat cone on him to stop him from doing so. “Nuh-uh-uh. You gotta make a wish first.” Hitch said to him with a smile as Sparky took off his hat cone and looked at his adoptive father. “Birthday wishes always come true.” He explained. Sunset gave a chuckle while turning to the girls. “If he is going this elaborate for Sparky's SECOND birthday, what's he going to do for later birthdays?" She commented in amusement,w hich made the other mares giggled at the thought. “That’s just Hitch being Hitch, Sunset.” Sunny said with a chuckle. “It’s who he is.” “Well, he’s your stallion, so we get that,” Zipp teased, which made Sunny blushed a bit as she gave a chuckle while the grils looked at her with teasing smiles. Sparky understood what Hitch meant as he gave a laugh and rushed up to the critter area and picked up Pipp’s mirror and pointed at his reflection while looking at Hitch and Sunny before nuzzling the mirror. “You want a new mirror?” Hitch asked in confusion while Sunny came up to him. “From both of us?” Sunny asked in confusion as well. Zipp understood what Sparky is saying as she walked up to Hitch and Sunny. “No, Hitch, Sunny. He wants a little dragon brother!” She pointed out with a smile. “He wants a sibling. Now that’s a wish.” Sunset said with a wide smile, which surprise the two Earth Ponies. Pipp then got exctied by this as she smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes. “Two baby dragons?! O.M.P., you're gonna be the cutest little dragon family!” She exclaimed to both Sunny and Hitch as she flew around them with a wide smile. Sunset gave a teasing smirk at the two surprised Earth Ponies. “Oh, I think for that to happen, I think we should give the two Earth Ponies Sparky sees as parents a room to give him a sibling.” She teased as the rest of the mares giggled fromt hat. Both Sunny and Hitch blushed brightly from that. “T-That’s… Uh… That’s a weird thought.” Hitch stammered while scratching his head. “We… uh… we’re not at that step yet, ponies.” Sunny said with a huge blush while giving an embarrassing chuckle. “Then get a room, you two.” Sunset joked. “You think we should leave and distract Sparky while we leave you two work on his sibling?” She questioned with a mischievous smirk while the others did the same. Sunny face turned completely red in embarrassment as she move her mane to avoid eye contact while Hitch shook his head in amusement. “Yeah, sure, whatever.” He said saracticaly with a amusing smile while the rest of the mares giggled. Sparky walked up to his cake as he looked with sparkles in his eyes and took a deep breath as he release his dragonfire onto the cake, which is causing it to move aorund the frosting of the flames as it hit the candle, which it was then engulf in flames before it faded before it started shaking. The Mane 7 saw this as they looked on in concern. “Uh, what's going on?” Sunny asked nervously after recomposing herself. “Something’s wild is about to happen, I take it.” Sunset said nervously while the rest of the Mane 7 chattered nervously. Then the cake started to change shape as dragon wings were formed, then dragon legs,, and finally a dragon head as the Mane 7 looked in shock as the cake turned into a Cake Dragon as it gave a mighty dragon roar while some of the frosting fell onto the Mane 7’s faces. “I did not see that coming.” Hitch commented with the frosten still on his face. Sparky cheered as he laughed while looking at the Cake Dragon with sparkles in his eyes, thinking that his wish came true. The Mane 7 looked in shock as the Cake Dragon flew up and crash straight through the Brighthouse ceiling as it flew off into the sky while giving a might roar. The Mane 7 looked in shock as they looked through the hole the Cake Dragon made before the magic of the Brighthouse then starts repairing itself. Hitch gave a nervous smile as he turned to the mares. “Everypony stay calm. I'm sure it'll be right back. No need to panic.” He said nervously while sweating. “Hitch, there’s a wild Cake Dragon on the loose in Maretime Bay. Why would you think it would be back?” Sunset asked retorically while still in shock. “Um, maybe it’s friendly and we have no reason to panic?” Hitch suggested nervously. But as karma struck Hitch, they heard screaming from outside. “A cake dragon!” A pony mare exclaimed in fear. “We're panicking!” A pony stallion yelled outside, which made the Mane 7 eyes widen in shock. “I said DON'T panic! DON'T!” Hitch called out in worry as he rushed out of the Brighthouse, before turning back and grabbing the smiling Sparky as he rushed out with the girls following. "Too bad Spike and his dragons were too busy on Scaly making preparations for Allura to attend the party, we could really use their help here." Sunset commented in worry. “We’ll just have to manage without, Sunset.” Sunny said while giving a confident smile. “Besides, it’s just one cake dragon. We can take it.” She assured. Sunset gave a small smile. “You’re right. We can manage this. And a first step on stopping a rouge dragon even though this one is cake. This will be an experience.” She noted. “When you put it like that, it does.” Zipp said while the others muttered in agreement. “Let’s go!” Sunset declared as the Mane 7 then rush into Maretime Day to stop a rouge desert dragon. In Maretime BAy, the ponies in town are screaming in fear as the Cake Dragon is firing fire frosting cakes at the town in the air while the ponies are runnin g in fear while voiding the frosting shots the best they could as they duck for cover or hide in the sewers as a bunnicorn was hit by a frosting, much to it’s annoyance. In a bakery, Posey exit the shop while looking at her blueberry cupcake boredly, completely unware of the chaos that is happening. “Ugh. These cupcakes always have too much icing on them.” She complained before she looked up and saw what’s happening as her eyes widen in shock before she was buried by a pile of frosting and some cake on her. With Skye and Dazzle, they are reproting the news in the middle fo the chaos while looking calm while the ponies ran in panic. “Is it a cake? Is it a dragon? And how does it taste?” Dazzle asked with a curiosity smile. Just then, a piece of the Cake Dragon fell on their table, surprising the two news Pegasi as Skye took a piece of it and taste it. “Mmm. Tastes like disaster.” Skye answered, which made the two laughed. The Mane 7 then ran into view and saw the chaos while they are out of breath. “What's the plan, Hitch?” Sunny asked her coltfriend. “Yeah, because if that thing continues, we’re gonna be battered up.” Sunset joked, which the others raised a brow at her as she gave a sheepish chuckle. “Yeah, not my best ones. Just trying to lighten the mood. What’s the plan, Sheriff?” She asked quickly. Hitch then thought of a plan as he got serious. “Well... Zipp, Pipp, Sunset. You ponies can fly.” He said as the three ponies nodded seriously before Hitch gave them a net. “Use this.” The three mares took the next in confusion. “What are we meant to do exactly?” Zipp asked in confusion. “When the time comes, you'll know.” Hitch said to them. “Well, you’re the Sheriff, so we trust you.” Sunset said with determination, “Let’s go, girls.” She said to the two sisters as they flew up with their friends smiling encouragley at them. Sparky looked up at the Cake Dragon as it flew out, still attacking the town until he saw the building’s roof next to him. Having an idea, he rushed up and starts climbing the building with a pant with Hitch and the others knowing. In the skies, the Cake Dragon is still firing it’s frosting fire at Maretime Bay while Sunset, Zipp, and Pipp flew around it to get it’s attention. “Here goes nothing!” Zipp called as she gave a whistle. The Cake Dragon heard them as it flew around and headed straight towards them. “Wait…” Sunset said to the two sisters as the Cake Dragon came closer to them wtih a screech. “Now!” She called as she and the two sisters spread the net. But then the Cake Dragon went through it while in slice pieces, shocking the three ponies as it then reformed and turned around to them as it gave an anger screech. “Aah! We're making it worse!” Pipp cried out. “That cake is full of surprises.” Sunset muttered in shock. “Run! I mean, fly!” Zipp exclaimed as the three ponies flew off with the angery Cake Dragon on their tails. “You two go! I’ll keep it back!” Sunset exclaimed as she turned around and blasted the Cake Dragon, which it dodges as it turned it attention to Sunset. “Okay you overgrown lizard desert! Catch me if you can!” She challenged as she flew off in another direction as the Cake Dragon roared in challenge and went after Sunset, who is doing some flying skills and kept blasting the cake dragon while dodging it’s fire forsting breaths. “If you ponies have any ideas, better hurry!” She called as she flips aorund and blasted the Cake Dragon back. Sunny, Misty, and Hitch looked down in concern when they saw Sunset facing the Cake Dragon. “Okay, new ideas, ponies.” Hitch said uneasily, need to think of a new plan. Izzy then put a red headband on as she gave a serious look. “I say we fight cake with cake!” She delcared as she made a homemade catapult with stacks of cake on it, which surprised her three friends as Izzy launch it with a grunt. The cakes flew towards the Cake Dragon, which got adsorb into it as it glowed and got bigger, much to Izzy and the others shock. “Or... not.” Izzy said with a sheepish smile at her mistake. “Izzy! More cake on a cake is just making it bigger with extra stacks! Not helping!” Sunset called out as she flew faster with the even bigger Cake Dragon on her as she quickly dodged another fire. “Any other plans?! Because if it’s envolve eating, not gonna work or even possible when it’s like this!” She called as she put up a shield to block a frosting blast. “Hang in there, Sunset!” Sunny called out to her metor/sister figure in concern. Hitch then got nervous since Sunset is getting overwhelmed. “Come on! Think, Hitch, think!” He said to himself as he tap his head. Sunny then noticed somepony, or creature, missing. “Um, Hitch, where’s Sparky?” She asked in concern as Hitch noticed that Sparky was gone. “He was just here!” Hitch cried out as he and Sunny then got worried as they looked around for the baby dragon. The two Earth Ponies then heard gurgling sounds as they turned and looked up as they gasped in worry as they saw Sparky up in the roof. Sparky started whooping excitingly as the Cake Dragon. “Sparky?” Hitch asked in surprise. “What is he doing?” Sunny asked in surprise while also worried. Sunset stopped flying as she realizes that the Cake Dragon broke off from her. “Huh, where is it going?” She asked before she saw it flying towards Sparky. “What the…” The Cake Dragon flew to Sparky as the baby dragon kept whooping in joy as the Cake Dragon gave him a gentle nuzzle  and boop him with it’s paw as it flew around him as Sparky smiled. But then it’s tell accidentally hit Sparky, which caused him to grunt as he started slipping. That made the Mane 7 worry in fear. “Oh no!” Sunset exclaimed in worry. “Sparky!” Hitch cried out as he rushed towards him. “We’re coming, Sparky!” Sunny cried next as she rushed after Hitch. Sparky nearly tripped as he held onto the ledge of the roof while looking in fear, too afraid to even use his dragon wings as Hitch and Sunny panicked as they stopped and gave a determined expression as their hooves glowed green and stompped their hooves down, creating a giant vine that is heading towards Sparky. Sparky started whimpering as he lost his grip and started falling, but he safely landed on the vine as he started sliding, which he cheers happily as Sunny and Hitch caught him as the baby dragon started laughing from the sliding. Hitch and Sunny looked at each other as they gave serious expression. “That's it!” Hitch yelled in anger. “This cake dragon has got to go!” Sunny yelled in anger as she and Hitch looked up at the flying Cake Dragon. “And nothing's gonna ruin Sparky's special day!” Hitch yelled in agreement. “Especially not a flying cake!” Sunny declared as she and Hitch started glowing. “I’m the Alicorn with courage and hope! Duty to bring peace and protecting to those in need! A greatest dragon mother! My cutie marks glows when I stand up and bring hope, I will continue my role!” She declared as she stomped her hooves as her Cutie Mark glowed and her Alicorn form appeared. Hitch then started stomping his hooves as well.  “I'm a sheriff with a lot of heart! Coolest dragon dad you know! My cutie mark comes to life, and my kindness overflows!” He declared as his Cutie Mark glowed as the two Earth Ponies used their Earth Pony magic. Sunny and Hitch then focus their magic onto the vine as it created a giant flower. The Cake Dragon saw this as it screech and flew towards it as it started blasting the flower. The flower dodged a couple of shots, but when the Cake Dragon flew over it, some vines then caught it and drag it into the flower, chomping it in one go as the flower lowered itself and revealed the mushed up Cake Dragon, now completely defeated. The ponies started cheering at the two Earth Ponies for defeating the Cake Dragon as the rest of the Mane 7 huddled around them. “Awesome job, you two. Such teamwork.” Sunset complimented with a proud smile. “Thanks, Sunset.” Sunny said with a smile. Sparky looked at the destroy Cake Dragon sadly as he started whimpering and tears are forming, feeling like he lost a sibling while Sunny and Hitch looked at him in sympathy. “Awww.” The two Earth Ponies said sympathicaly. “We’re sorry, Sparky. But we had no choice.” Sunny apologized while giving Sparky a side hug and nuzzled his head before she gave a small smile. “But we can make it up to you.” “Yeah. Time to get your birthday wish, pal.” Hitch finsihed as he and Sunny walked up to the ruined Cake Dragon and used their Earth Pony magic on the flower. The flower then wraps its petals around the ruin cake as it started glowing inside it. Then unwrapping it revealed a pink dragon plushie that floated down until Hitch caught it. “It’s the best we can do, Sparky.” Sunny said softly with a small smile. “We know it's not a little brother, but... do you like it?” Hitch asked him with a smile as he gave the plushie to Sparky as he and Sunny looked down at him with small smiles. Sparky then gave a whide smile with sparkles in his eyes at the plushie. “Baby!” He cheered as he started laughing and nuzzling the plushie while the Mane 7 gave Sparky warm smiles before he jump onto Hitch and Sunny’s hooves. “We’ll take that as a yes.” Hitch said with a smile. “Anytime to make you feel happy, Sparky.” Sunny added with the same smile. “Papa! Mama!” Sparky called out in joy, which made Hitch and Sunny gasped deeply with sparkles in their eyes while the others smiled in joy as the two Earth Ponies then nuzzled Sparky heartily. “I can't believe it!” Hitch weeped in joy. “He said it again!” Sunny weeeped in joy as well as the two ponies kept nuzzling Sparky. “Aww, that’s cute.” Sunset said with a warm smile, loving the special moment between the three. The rest of the Mane 7 all cheered as they huddled around the three and got into a group hug in joy as they all enjoy their heartfelt moment together. End of Chapter 3. > Chapter 4: Jazz Hearts Rocky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Jazz Heart Rocky In Mane Melody, Jazz is doing somepony’s mane, but while she is smiling with a blush on her cheeks as her eyes start sparkling, which Pipp noticed as she twirled behind Jazz. “I think somepony's got a cruuuuush~!” She sanged with sparkles in her eyes while Jazz flinched. Jazz turned to Pipp with a nervous smile while sweating a bit. “Who, me? Ha! It's not like that!” She denied. “Uh, Jazz.” Sunset’s voice spoke up, which caused Jazz to look and saw Sunset raise a brow while sitting on her seat while pointing at Sunny. “I think it’s an obvious sign.” She said, showing Sunny’s mane is now in a heart shape. “Aah!” Jazz called with a yelp as she tossed her brush away, giving a sheepish smirk at Sunny for her mistake while Sunny looked on in confusion. “I agree with Sunset, Jazz. I think we have a hint.” Sunny said confusion while gesturing to her mane. Jazz gave a sheepish chuckle while Pipp kept watching with sparkles in her eyes with a smile. Jazz then looked through the heart-shaped mane of Sunny’s as she blushed again and had sparkles in her eyes at what she was seeing. Sunset raised a brow at Jazz as she got up. “Who are you even looking at, Jazz?” She asked with a brow before looking through Sunny’s mane where Jazz’s gaze is and her eyes widened in surprise. Seeing through Sunny’s heart shape mane is Rocky, who is spraying Flare’s mane with mane-spray as he gave a small smile while Jazz kept looking at him as heart-shapes formed in her eyes as she gave a warm smile with a hoof to her cheeks. “Oh, I see.” Sunset said with a smirk at Jazz. Pipp then came up next to Jazz with a smirk as she scoffed. “Sure you don't, Jazz!” She teased with a wink while Jazz looked embarrassed. “Heheh, like how you were with Hitch, Sunny.” Sunset chuckled while Sunny blushed in embarrassment. “Uh, yeah. Kinda.” Sunny sheepishly said. A little bit later, Jazz is puffing Posey’s face as her cheeks have heart-shaped makeup while Jazz still blushed with sparkles in her eyes. (Your Number One Song) (Jazz) Let me tell you 'bout the sweetest guy Every time I see him, I get butterflies Jazz sang while looking at Rocky, who was still mane-spraying to an elder unicorn mare while feeling entranced by him, but she was so distracted by Rocky, that she didn’t notice she puffed Posey too much until she noticed it and saw Posey stuck in a heart-shaped powered, which said Earth Pony glaring at Jazz hatefully while the stylish flinched. He's got a certain charm, he's got a certain somethin' A little bit later, Jazz and Rocky are now doing Misty and Izzy’s hooves together by giving their signature hooficures, with Rocky doing Misty’s while Jazz is doing Izzy’s. And when we are together, I don't worry 'bout nothin' While doing their hooves, Jazz looked at Rocky, visioning hearts around him while Rocky kept his smile. Jazz looked at him warmly with a blush and heart in her eyes while she kept singing. The way he trots into work, the way he swings his mane The way his cutie mark sparkles makes me go insane Jazz was so distracted by Rocky, she didn’t notice that she painted Rocky’s face with a wink on Izzy’s hoof, which made Jazz eyes widen in panic. Izzy was about to look at her hooves but Jazz quickly pushed her hooves back down, but Izzy already saw them as she gave a teasing smirk at Jazz, who looked embarrassed. I gotta get closer, show the love that I'm bringin' I can barely contain it, yeah, my heart is singin' Jazz is then brushing a mare’s mane before Rocky walks past her. Jazz watched Rocky go as she blushed again and brushed harder on the mare’s mane. But the second she turned around, she saw that she accidentally made a hair sculpture of Rocky. I just wanna be your number-one pony Jazz quickly brushed down the mare’s mane to get rid of the Rocky sculpture while giving a sheepish look, hoping that Rocky didn’t see that. Near closing time, Jazz was using lipstick on a mirror before Rocky spoke up. “All right, gorgeous ponies! See you next time!” Rocky called from the door as Jazz watched him with a smile and blush on her cheeks. “Bye, Rocky!” Jazz waved to him, still blushing while still holding the lipstick. “Awwwww!” Pipp called with sparkles in her eyes as she flew around Jazz before landing beside her and hugged her. “Jazz likes Rocky!” She sang with a smile. “Yeah, she sure does.” Sunset said while pointing to the mirror, which Jazz quickly turned as she saw that she drew a picture of her and Rocky hugging each other while Jazz smiled widely at him with hearts around them. “Nice drawing of love, Jazz.” She commented. Jazz groaned as she blushed in embarrassment as she quickly grabbed a rag and tried to wipe the picture away. Which she did, but then it was replaced with a big heart, which made Jazz blush even harder as the girls, Misty, Pipp, Sunny, and Sunset, giggled at her reaction. “UGH!” Jazz groaned, which made the girls flinch and hug each other as they leaned back from Jazz’s outburst, Jazz calmed down as she spoke up. “Okay, okay.” She said in defeat as she walked up to them as she sighed. “Thing is... I have these two tickets for the Mane and Hooves Expo, and I really wanna ask Rocky to go with me.” She explained as the rest of the Mane 7 and Sparky huddled together as Jazz brought out two tickets while giving another blush. Pipp then squeals in excitement with giggles. “So romantic!” She exclaimed as she leaned back and landed on Jazz. “But we've never really hung out outside of Mane Melody before.” Jazz pointed out as Pipp got up as she and the others listened. “How do I ask him? What do I say?!” She cried out nervously. “Heheh, first crush jitters. Been there.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “Well, you came to the right ponies to help you, Jazz.” She said with a smile. “Really?” Jazz asked hopefully. “Yeah. Just be direct.” Sunny advised with a smile. “I'm sure he'd love to go with you.” “But be romantic.” Misty added as she came next to Jazz with her hooves together. Izzy then appeared over them with her head upside-down. “What about a dance?” She suggested with a smile. Sunny, Izzy, and Misty kept chattering about their ideas, but it was making Jazz feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed, which Sunset and Hitch noticed as they were about to speak up, but Pipp came next to Jazz. “I know! We just need to build up your confidence!” Pipp called as she did a spin in the air as her Cutie Mark started glowing. “We can totally help you practice!” She cheered as she then nuzzled Jazz on her cheeks. “Looks like we have a love class to teach to this pony.” Sunset commented in surprise. “You said it.” Hitch said in agreement. A little bit later at the Crystal Brighthouse, Pipp and Izzy guided Jazz while Pipp is covering her eyes with her hooves while Izzy is levitating something with her horn. “Ta-daaa! Meet your date for the evening!” Pipp called as she uncovered Jazz’s eyes for her to see. In front of them is Senor Butterscotch, who is dressed up to try and look like Rocky while being levitated by Izzy’s magic. “Howdy! I'm Señor Rocky!” Izzy called in a deep voice while moving him around. Jazz saw this as she gave a nervous look. “Now you can practice asking him for the Expo!” Pipp said with a smile. Jazz continued to look at Senor Rocky while giving an uncertain smile. “O...kay…” She said slowly as her left eye twitch, feeling uneasy about this. It was then Sunny’s turn to teach Jazz how to ask Rocky. “Just be direct. Smile!” She advised to her with a smile. “Just try and be yourself, Jazz. Don’t force it.” Sunset added with a calm smile. On the table that was set up Izzy levitated some spaghetti on the table while Jazz looked at Senor Rocky nervously. “Hey, Rocky. I was just wondering if, um…” She started as she brought out some flowers, but some pollen got into her nose as she felt like sneezing. “Ah... Ah... Achoo!” She sneezed. Jazz’s sneeze sent some of the petals flying, which also knocked the spaghetti into Senor Rocky’s face, which Izzy gave a sheepish smile as she tried to wipe it off with a rag. It was then Zipp’s turn while Jazz was on a skateboard wearing sunglasses and a jacket with Zipp flying behind her. ”Just play it cool. Act casual.” She explained naturally. Jazz then saw Senor Rocky levitated next to her as she spoke. “Oh, hey.” She said with a cool tone. “I was just wondering if you—” She was about to ask, but she didn’t see she was about to go over a ramp as she screamed as the rest of the Mane 7 watched her go down. “Ugh! Ow! OWWW!” The Mane 7 and Sparky cringed when Jazz hit something hard. “Oooh, that had to hurt.” Sunset cringed before looking at Zipp. “Maybe you should told her to make sure to be aware of her surroundings instead of just acting cool while on a skateboard or any wheeled things.” She advised. Zipp gave a sheepish chuckle. “Hehehe, oops.” She said. And then at Mane Melody, they are on stage with Jazz holding a rose in her mouth while also having a banjo on her waste. “Uh.” She started as she blew a raspberry and flew around Jazz. “Obviously you can't just ask him!” She said with a chuckle. “You have to give it some drama!” She said. Jazz then dropped the rose from her mouth as she then began to play the banjo as she started singing. (Jazz) I just wanna be your number-one pony The banjo then broke the string, which startled Jazz from that. Pipp was oblivious since she was still smiling as she pulled a lever. “Yeah!” She cheered as balloons with Rocky’s face on them started falling from the ceiling while Jazz tried to keep playing while she sang. (Jazz) I just wanna be your number-one pal Pipp then flew around with a laugh. “Uh-huh! Oh, yeah!” She cheered as she kept flying around (Jazz) I just wanna be who you wanna love, yeah I just wanna be your number-one, your number-one Jazz sang as she was then getting hit by the balloons while one of them popped, which startled her as she then hopped away and out of Mane Melody. Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Jazz was in the middle of the room, feeling even more nervous than before as Pipp and the others huddled around her. “I bet you're feeling suuuuuper confident now, huh?” Pipp asked with a smile when she came up to Jazz. Izzy then levitated Senor Rocky as she moved him around. “Ah, I'm so impressed!” She said in a deep voice. “Ugh!” Jazz exclaimed as she flopped to the table while the Mane 7 looked at her in surprise. “There's no way I can do this!” She exclaimed hopelessly. “Aw, but you're doing so great.” Izzy said with a cheerful smile. “Well, so far.” Sunset said honestly while Hitch nodded in agreement. “All we need is a little bit more practice.” Pipp stated with a smile. “I'm sure you're gonna get this perfect.” She assured her as she went to another lever. “From the top, ponies!” She exclaimed as she pulled the lever and more Rocky balloons came falling down. Sunset moved some of the balloons away before she spoke up. “Okay! Wait! Time out!” She called out to the group, which surprised them. “Time out! Before we continue, can me and Hitch talk to Jazz for a few minutes please?” She asked them. “Yeah, because I think she might need some advice.” Hitch said in agreement. “Well, okay. Don’t be long.” Pipp said as she and the girls walked off to let them speak alone, leaving Sunset and Hitch to talk to Jazz. “Jazz, we can tell that you’re very uncertain that this will work for you to talk to Rocky?” Sunset asked softly. “Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not every day you ask the pony you care for your feelings.” Jazz said with her head still on the table. “How can love be so hard?” She asked. “Been there. It was tough for me when I asked Sunny to be my marefriend. Trust me, I nearly fainted when that happened.” Hitch said with a chuckle as Sparky babbled in agreement. “Really?” Jazz asked as she got her head up and looked at the two ponies. “Oh, trust us. It’s true. Hitch came to me for advice on how to ask Sunny out.” Sunset said with a smirk at the Sheriff, who scratched his head sheepishly. “While, in my experience, it's typically best to be yourself in these sorts of situations, I can understand the desire to build yourself up and become more confident. I'm REALLY sure that Rocky likes you a lot too, Jazz.” She explained, knowing from experience when she used to date Flash back in CHS. “Wait, you used to date somepony?” Jazz asked Sunset in surprise. “Well, someone from a different world, but almost the same pony. He’s a guitarist, very skilled and charming as well.” Sunset said with a smile before she shook her head with a slight blush. “But, I understand what you’re going through, Jazz.” “And I’ve known Sunny since our foalhood years.” Hitch said with a fond smile. “Even back then, I was afraid to tell her how I felt, but after the whole Cutie Mark stealing and Opaline invasion and encouraging words from Sunset, I found the courage to tell her how I feel after doing the memory tunnel by the beach.” He explained while holding Sparky and nuzzled him as he giggled. “And we became so close than we were before that Sparky even found Sunny as his mother. And it turns out, it worked out great.” He said. “So you see, Jazz, we all get nervous. And if you feel that way for Rocky, maybe he had similar feelings for you.” Sunset stated with a smile. “You really think so?” Jazz said with a small smile. “We are certain.” Hitch answered. “Just try and be direct with him. Just remember, be yourself, okay.” Sunset said to her. Jazz thought for a moment as she gave a small smile. “We’ll, I’ll try.” She said. “Good!” Pipp’s voice called as she and the rest of the mares came back with smiles. “Then let’s continue to boost your confidence, Jazz!” She exclaimed. “Of course.” Jazz said with an amusing smile while Hitch and Sunset chuckled at this. The day, Rocky exited Mane Melody while Zipp, who is hiding in a bush next to the salon, gasps when she sees Rocky come out. “The egg has left the nest!” She whispered as the rest of her friends, and Jazz, appeared from in the bush, with Jazz having some flowers on her mane, looking nervous. “Rocky on the moves, now for step 2.” Sunset whispered with a smirk. Pipp then giggled. “This is so fun! Oh!” She said excitedly as she brought Jazz close to her. “This is your big moment, Jazz! Just remember everything that we taught you, and you'll be totally fine!” She said to her excitedly, while Jazz looked nervous as she gave a nervous gulp. “Pipp, take it easy.” Sunset whispered as she separated Pipp from Jazz. “Okay, Jazz. Just go up there and talk to him. Now’s your chance to shine. Right guys?” She whispered as she and Jazz looked down as they nodded with a smile, which made Jazz smile as well. “That’s it. Go get him, tiger.” She encourages. “I will. Thanks.” Jazz said as she ducked back into the bush. Rocky continued walking before he saw Jazz coming up to him. “Oh, hey, Jazz.” He greeted while Jazz, who is wearing a yellow skirt with stars on the waste, a collar cloth with a music symbol on it, and her hooves painted with green and pink streaks with cherries on them, gave a nervous smile while blushing and sweating a bit as the Mane 7 appeared from the bushes and watched as Rocky gasped at Jazz’s new look. “Loving those hooves! Is that a new polish?” He asked with a smile. “Oh, uh, this?” Jazz asked while gesturing her hooves with a nervous smile. “Yeah, it's kinda new. Um…” She stammered while walking with Rocky, while the Mane 7 watched on while cheering. “Yeah!” Pipp cheered with giggles while Sparky giggled quietly. “You’re doing great.” Sunset whispered while raising one of her wings to show a thumbs-up gesture. Rocky stopped when he noticed Jazz’s expression as he turned, only to see nothing as the Mane 7 were hiding behind the bushes while Pipp kept giggling while Sunset quieted her down with a hoof to her muzzle. “Uhhh…” Jazz asked nervously as she moved her hooves around and some flowers appeared, surprising Rocky. “Oh. Thank you?” Rocky said in surprise, but then the flower started moving, which surprised him while Jazz smiled as the flowers poofed and turned into Kenneth, who chirped as he flew away. “Wow. That was, um, really... something.” He said slowly as they kept walking while Jazz still felt uneasy. “Music! Music!” PIpp whispered to Jazz with a smirk while mimicking a banjo. “Seriously, now?” Sunset questioned her with a brow. Jazz got the gesture as she got in front of Rocky and pulled out a banjo and started playing it. “Would you... maybe... like to... umm…” She tried to ask as she did a twirl, but then her banjo strings just snapped, shocking her while giving an embarrassing smile as she blushed again and tossed her banjo away. Rocky gave a nervous chuckle from Jazz’s reaction. “What is happening?” He asked uncertainly. Jazz gave a sheepish look as she then started dancing around Rocky, who gave a confused expression from what Jazz is doing. (Ain’t Gonna Wait Song) (Izzy) Oh, oh, I'm spreadin' the love Like, oh, oh, it's all I've dreamt of The Mane 7 looked at Jazz strangely, wondering why she’s dancing. “Okay, why is Jazz’s dancing?” Sunset questioned with a brow. “That was my idea!” Izzy answered with a brow while the Mane 7 either looked at her dully, covered their eyes, or shook their heads from this. “Izzy, dancing’s not going to help Jazz from this. Why did you suggest that?” Sunset asked, seeing that Jazz felt awkward doing it around Rocky. “Dancing helps a lot.” Izzy said cheerfully while Sunset sighed. “We should’ve seen that coming.” Sunset commented as the others muttered in agreement. Rocky gave Jazz a weird smile since she kept dancing around him. “You okay, Jazz? You don't seem like yourself.” He said in concern. “Ugh!” Jazz groaned as she’s just embarassing herself infront of her crush. “It's no use! Sunset and Hitch were right! I should’ve just be myself and tell you something!” She called as she struggled to dance. “Tell me what?” Rocky asked in confusion. “About…” Jazz tried to finish, but she lost her balanced and gasped as she tripped while both her and Rocky yelped and fell to the floor with a grunt. “Okay! The direct approach!” Pipp said with a smile. “Well, at least it saves her the embarassment.” Sunset said with a shrug. (Izzy) Love, I'm gonna shout it Ain't no doubt about it Love's in the air, let's shout it Jazz was ontop of Rocky, who managed to get himself free and stood up as he looked down at Jazz. Rocky then extend his hoof to Jazz, which she accepted with a smile as Rocky helped her up. Rocky then noticed the two tickets on the floor. “What's this?” He asked as he picked them up while Jazz looked a bit nervous. “Two tickets to the Mane and Hooves Expo?” He asked after reading the tickets as he smiled at Jazz. “Yeah.” Jazz nodded with a sheepish smile while still blushing. “I was kind of wondering if you'd wanna... go with me?” She asked nervously with her eyes closed, feeling nervous at what Rocky’s answer is. “Oh, you'll never believe it.” Rocky spoke up as Jazz opened her eyes. “I got two tickets, too.” He said as he got two more tickets that he got, which surprised Jazz. “I was gonna ask you to go with me.” Jazz was surprise by this as she blushed brightly and smiled as she gaspsed happily with sparkles in her eyes. “Really?! I'd love to!” She cheered as she put her hooves to her cheeks. Jazz and Rocky leaned close to each other with warms smiles as their Cutie Marks started glowing and their symbols started glowing and combined together above them, creating heart shapes as the two stylish ponies smiled at this sight. The Mane 7 looked on with wide siles and hearts in their eyes as well while Pipp started squealing. “Oh, I can't take it! It's too cute!” She exclaimed in excitement while putting her hooves together with sparkles in her eyes at her two stylish ponies. “Now that’s what I call love in the air.” Sunset commented, feeling proud for Jazz and Rocky. “I know that feeling well.” Hitch said while turning to Sunny with a smirk. Sunny saw Hitch’s expression as she returned it and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. “Yeah, I do too, Hitch.” He said as the two ponies watched with warm smiles. Sometime later, at the Mane and Hooves Expo with electrical music playing, some stylish ponies on the stage then walked down and did some moves, like twirling in the air and creating a rainbow, or showing their royal attire in style. Jazz and Rocky sat next to each other while watching the stage as they smiled and shared a laugh as they hooftap each other. But then Pipp appeared between them as she started squealing while the Mane 7, san Sunset, smiled with sparkles in their eyes at the two while Izzy still have Senor Butterscotch with her while Pipp have hearts in her eyes. Startling Jazz but Rocky doesn’t mind as he just smiled. “Hey, can you ponies just leave them alone?” Sunset asked as she used her magic to push them back into their seats and out of sight. “Hey!” Pipp called out as she sat back in her seat. “It’s just so cute for those two!” She said in defense. “Yeah, but there’s a thing called personal space, Pipp. Just leave them be.” Sunset said, which Pipp slouched in defeated but nodded in understanding while Sunset turned to the two stylish. “Sorry, my friends just really love heartfelt moments.” She apologized. “No, it’s okay. It can happen to anypony.” Rocky assured them with a smile. “But uh, can you make sure they don’t invade our space for the whole show?” Jazz asked with a sheepish smile. “Don’t worry, I got them.” Sunset assured them with a smile. “Now, continue on with your time together.” She said to them as she sat back down to her chair as the ponies enjoy the show while Rocky and Jazz held hooves with smiles as they continued on. End of Chapter 4. > Chapter 5: Misty-rious New Room > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Misty-rious New Room At night in the living room of the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset and Misty are watching the Frankenstallion’s movie, with Misty huddled in a blanket as said scientist pony comes out from behind a gravestone and looks around nervously, unknown to his Frankenstein pony was behind him. “He's right behind you!” Misty cried out in fear while holding her popcorn while Sunset chuckled. “Hehe, he’s gonna get karma.” Sunset chuckled as she turned to Misty, who was shaking in fear. “Come on, Misty. You've seen scarier stuff than this movie after living with Opaline." “I know, but I never watched these movies before. And I still get scared since it’s my first time.” Misty said shakingly. “I’m just glad you’re here to help me watch it through, Sunset.” She added with a small smile. “What are friends for, Misty?” Sunset said with a warm smile. They continued watching as Frankenstallion turned and saw his monster growling at him as Misty dropped a popcorn she was about to eat before Sunset quickly caught it and put it in her mouth as Frankenstallion opened his goggles. But then, a shadow flew over the two ponies as Misty screamed in startle while Sunset looked surprised as Misty dropped her popcorn. “What in the name of Celestia was that?” Sunset asked as she and Misty looked around. “Hello? Is anypony there?” Misty asked nervously as she and Sunset looked around before they saw something flying over them, which caused Misty to scream and covered herself in a blanket while Sunset looked in surprise. “Uh, Misty. Look at this.” Sunset said in shock. Misty opened one of her eyes and looked and then she noticed her horn is glowing. “Wait a second.” She said as Sunset noticed this as well. “You’re horn is glowing? Are you doing this?” Sunset asked in confusion. “N-No. I am not doing anyhting.” Misty answered before the lights turned on to reveal a magic glowing spellbook as it floated in front of them. “Whoa.” She said in awed with sparkles in her eyes. “A book? Floating?” Sunset asked in shock. “Where'd you come from?” Misty asked the book before turning to Sunset. “Do you know about this, Sunset?” “Uh, no, Misty. I did not know. This is the first I’ve even seen a floating book.” Sunset said in surprise. “Well, let’s take a look at it and find out more.” Misty said as she was about to grab it, but the book flew off. “Whoa!” She called as Misty fell to the floor while Sunset looked surprised. “That book is quick.” Sunset said as she quickly picked up Misty. “After that book!” She exclaimed as she and Misty chased after it as they ran upstairs.  “Hey! Come back, mysterious glowing book thing!” Misty called as she and Sunset ran down the hall. “Where are you going?” She asked as the two ponies started chasing it before Misty gave a determined expression and quickly grabbed hold of the book. “Gotcha!” She called with a smile before the book started dragging her, which startled her. “Misty!” Sunset cried out as she grabbed Misty by the waist and tried to pull her, but she was being dragged along as well. “Boy, this book's pull is strong. There’s two of us and the book is still winning!” She cried out. “You said it!” Misty called out as the two ponies were being dragged by the book.  “Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!” They cried out as they were then dragged to a golden door with rainbows on the side as it opened itself up and opened a portal as the book, Sunset, and Misty were then entered through. At a mysterious room on the other side of the portal, Sunset and Misty screamed as they exited the portal and fell to the floor, looking dizzy. “Okay, what is it with these mysterious portals?” Sunset questioned as she stood up and shook her head before she saw something that made her gasped in shock. “Misty, you better see this.” She muttered in shock. Misty stood up and rubbed her head. “See what, Sunset?” She asked before she opened her eyes as she widened in shock before she looked in awe with sparkles in her eyes with Sunset. “Whoa…” She breathed as she looked around and saw that they were in a room. The room is all purple and has glowing butterflies flying around. But what’s even more breath taken is that the hallway has glass windows of Ancient Equestrian times like the ones in Canterlot as it showed the moments in the history of Twilight and her friend’s adventures, like when they first fought Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony, the time with Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding, there’s even the exact same picture of Sunny, Sunset and their friends like the one from the blanket they found and put together when it showed them reuniting Ponykind. “What is this place?” Misty asked in awe as she looked around the room. “I don’t know. But this is amazing!” Sunset exclaimed in shock before they turned and saw the door closed before it disappeared. “Oh, not so amazing anymore!” She exclaimed as Misty screamed in panic and rushed up and fell as she tried to reach for it before it disappeared completely. “Uh-oh. Sunny? Zipp?” Misty called out. “Hello? Can anypony hear us?!” Sunset called next but got no response.  Oh, no! Are we... trapped?!” Misty asked in fear as the butterflies continued to fly around. “Don’t panic, Misty. We might not see an exit, but I’m sure there’s a way out. So take a deep breath.” Sunset said with an assuring tone Misty did what Sunset told her as she took a deep breath and sighed. “You’re right, Sunset. There's gotta be some way out of here. The Crystal Brighthouse is our safe place.” She said with a small smile. “Exactly. Even with a mysterious room, the Crystal Brighthouse is our home. No danger will come.” Sunset said with a smile before she had an idea. “Hey, maybe I could teleport us out of here. “Great idea, Sunset!” Misty said as Sunset then held her with her hoof and charged up her horn as they disappeared, but a few seconds later, they reappeared back in the same spot, which made them confused. “Uh, any second now, Sunset.” “That’s strange.” Sunset said as she teleported again, but they were still in the room. “What?!” She called as she tried again many times, but they hadn’t left the room. “What’s going on?! My magic won’t teleport us out of here!” “This is bad!” Misty exclaimed in worry before Sunset placed a wing on her. “It’s okay, Misty. Maybe there’s some kind of magic blocking us from teleporting out.” Sunset theorized as she looked around. “And this room magic is stronger than mine. Maybe if we look around, we can find the exit. “Good idea. Let’s go.” Misty said as she and Sunset walked down the hall while the butterflies still flying around and the history-stained glasses are still showing. “So this is what the Canterlot Palace has when you told me?” She asked Sunset in amazement. “Yep. Each one represents each important moment in Equestrian history, though I am surprised that it’s up to date with our adventures too.” Sunset said as she looked at the stained glass that she, Sunny,  and the rest of their friends did together. “I just can’t believe this is all here.” Then, Sunset and Misty stopped as they looked with sparkles in their eyes at a room with many books, equipment, and a flag that showed Celestia and Luna using the Elements of Harmony to turn Discord into stone. “Whoa... What is all this?” Misty asked as she looked around. “I don’t know, Misty. But from the looks of things, this looks to be some kind of study room.” Sunset answered before looking at the flag. “This picture showed Celestia and her sister Luna defeating Discord for the first time by using the Elements of Harmony to turn him into stone. It’s like old ancient items from my time are resurfacing back up.” She commented in surprise. “Well, it’s amazing, Sunset.” Misty said in awe as she then looked at a pink wall with flowers on it as she gave a thoughtful smile. “Maybe this opens the door.” She said as she tapped on the flower as it started glowing, making Sunset and Mistly smile widely with sparkles in their eyes. In the kitchen, Zipp is spreading some peanut butter on her bread as she starts singing. “It's sandwich time, sandwich time, sandwich time, uh, uh, it's gonna be so goo-ood—” She sang as she didn’t realize that she was starting to float without her wings with several items around her. Once she realized what was happening, she gasped in shock. “What?! H-Hey!” She called as she flared around. Back in the mysterious study room around the same time, Sunset and Misty waited for something to happen after Misty touched the wall, but nothing happened on their end. “I don’t think it’s it, Misty.” Sunset noted. “Nope.” Misty said in agreement as she let go of the wall. At the same time, the glow around Zipp and the food around her faded once Misty let go. “Huh? Aah!” Zipp cried out as she fell to the floor with the items as the  peanut butter bread landed on her face as she scoffed. “You gotta be kidding meeee!” She complained as she planted her face to the floor. Back in the study room, Misty and Sunset are searching through some crystals. “Are you a door?” Misty asked as she tapped onto the crystal, which started to glow. In the bedroom, Izzy is trying on a hat she made with a cheerful smile with sparkles in her eyes, but then her wardrobe starts shaking before it blows a gust of air with a loud belch, which causes some clothes to be sent flying and Izzy’s mane to get all puffed up as she gave a shocked expression from that. Izzy then gave a frown. “Excuse you, wardrobe!” She said to the wardrobe. Back in the study room, Sunset and Misty are looking at Celestia and Luna’s tapestry as it glows in the middle of the room. “Heh, knew that Celestia and her sister would still shine.” Sunset said with a warm smile. “Do you think these lights will help open the door?” Misty asked Sunset in wonder. “I don’t know. But when has that ever stopped us?” Sunset asked with a shrug. “But when it comes to Celestia and Luna, the former rulers of Equestria before Twilight, they’re full of surprises.” She pointed out. “Good point.” Misty said as she and Sunset then started moving their hooves through the light to see if anything happening. At the top of the Crystal Brighthouse, Pipp is in the crystal room, but then it starts turning to a movement before it starts spinning around. “What is happening?!” Pipp cried out as she held onto something as the crystal room spun around very quickly with the rainbow light doing the same. Back in the study room, Sunset and Misty stopped what they were doing as Misty shook her head. “Nothing's working.” Misty pointed out in defeat. “I don’t get it.” Sunset said in confusion why rubbing her chin. “We’ve tried every best-case scenario of finding a hidden entrance or pattern, but nothing seems to be able to open the door.” She said. Misty then flops to the floor in defeat. “How are we ever gonna get out of here?” She asked as she faceplanted on the floor. “Misty…” Sunset started, wanting to say something to comfort the young unicorn, but the second Misty’s horn touched the ground, it started glowing on its own as it lit up the floor. “Whoa! Misty, your horn!” She called as Misty looked up and saw it with wide eyes as well. The floor shined completely with the symbol on it as the rumbling, which startled the two ponies as a pillar appeared and the book from earlier flew in and stopped in front of the ponies as they looked at the cover. “‘The Art of Spelling’?” Sunset read in wonder before Misty eyes’ widen. “Is this a spell book?” Misty asked as the book shook, as it was a way of nodding. “That's amazing!” She called excitedly before she gave a nervous look. “And scary... And exciting!” She quickly added. “So you’ve been a spellbook this whole time? You brought us here for a reason right?” Sunset asked the book as it nodded again. “Okay, but why?” She asked again as the book pointed its tip at Misty, which surprised the two. “I think it’s here for you, Misty.” She said in surprise. “Really! Awesome!” Misty exclaimed as she touched the book to open it, but it repelled. “Whoa!” She called as Sunset was surprised by this as Misty gave a sad look. “That's strange.” Sunset said as she touched the book next, but was repelled by it. “Mmm, if this book can’t be opened by hooves, then how?” She asked in thought. “Maybe a magic book needs magic to open it?” Misty suggested with a smile and giggles. Sunset’s eyes widen from that. “Hey, you’re right.” She said with a smile. “Maybe you should try, Misty. The book did come for you.” She offered. “Really? Thanks, Sunset.” Misty said as she gloared her horn, but then a small spark of magic popped up as it circled around the book as Misty and Susnet watched, but then Misty was covered in rainbow light as she started floating up. Sunset watched in surprise. “Misty?” She asked in awe Misty and the book floated up and the magic spark Misty made circled them as it entered her Cutie Mark, which surprised both her and Sunset as her Cutie Mark projection came to life as they watched it enter the book and then it opened up, releasing a rainbow light as the pages started flipping and they landed back down as Sunset watched in awe. “Whoa. Misty, that was… incredible.” She said in awe. “I know. I didn’t know I could do that.” Misty said in awe as the two ponies then looked at the book as the pages kept flipping until it stopped on a certain page as Misty gasped. “There's a picture of the door. But what are these symbols?” She asked as she looked at the picture of the door and saw two symbols of a star and a swirl around it. “They look like symbols of a star and a swirl.” Sunset noted before her eyes widened. “Wait, a star, and a swirl. Star… swirl. Starswirl!” She exclaimed in shock. “O.M.P! This room is connected to the elements Twilight and her friends used to have when they were around!” She called in amazement. “Wait, really?!” Misty asked in shock. “This room was created by Twilight herself!” “I believe so!” Sunset said with a smile. “I guess with magic still growing, it must’ve created something new! And these symbols of a star and swirl refer to Starswirl! Twilight’s idol!” She stated with a small laugh. “I can’t believe I haven’t noticed this before! And Twilight really looked up to him as well. These symbols might be a way for us to open the door!” She stated. “But where are the symbols?” Misty asked with a smile as the two ponies looked around before the two symbols from the book started floating, which made the two look awed with sparkles in their eyes as they moved and hopped on each symbol that was on the floor as they glowed up. “The symbols on the floor! That's it!” She called as she then went up to the symbols and started pressing them. “Swirl... Star…” She touched as the magic floated around Misty and landed on her muzzle as she giggled. “And magic!” She called with sparkles in her eyes. “You sure you got enough to open it yourself, Misty?” Sunset asked in wonder.  “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real!” Misty started with a smile as her Cutie Mark started glowing and so did her horn. “When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!” She declared as she pressed the symbols again, and they started glowing. “This place is for you to learn and to grow, Misty.” A mysterious male voice as the magic circled around the room as Sunset and Misty watched in awed with sparkles in their eyes. “The door will always be open for you to come and to go. And your friend Sunset is welcome to will help you learn more about the magic of the rainbow.” It said as the door from earlier then opened up. “The portal! It’s open!” Sunset called in awed as she and Misty looked with sparkles in her eyes. “Whoa. Thank you, mysterious voice!” Misty called while waving her hoof. But then she turned and saw the pages turning again before a page was ripped out and was folded into a butterfly and circled around Misty as she giggled and it magically fused with her Cutie Mark as Misty glowed bright and shined. “Whoa.” Sunset breathed in awed as the magic around Misty faded as she looked at the book and gave it a bow as she placed back on the pillar. “We'll be back soon! We promise! I want to learn everything!” Misty cheered to the book in excitement. “That’s great, Misty.” Sunset said with a smile before she turned and saw the portal closing. “But we should go, the portal’s closing!” She called. “Ah! Gotta go!” Misty said to the book as she and Sunset rushed into the portal before it closed completely. In the bedroom, Sunny is dusting her picture of her and her father as she gives a smile, but then a portal opens up above her as Misty and Sunset fall and scream through it as they land on top of Sunny. “Oof!” Sunny called as she gave a groan before realizing who was on top of her. “Misty? Sunset?” She asked in surprise as she looked up and saw the portal before it closed, shocking Sunny when she saw that. “Um…” She started as she gave a nervous laugh. “D-Did you two just fall out of a magical door in the ceiling?” She asked in shock as Sunset and Misty got their bearings. “Sunny, it was incredible!” Misty cheered with sparkles in her eyes as the three stood up. “This magic book came to us and led us to a secret room! It showed me how to use my magic to get out! And it's gonna teach me spells!” She called with her horn glowed with an exciting laugh.  “It’s a long story, Sunny.” Sunset simply said with a smile. “But we’ll tell you later. Right now, it  was one interesting discovery the Brighthouse showed.” She said. “And sorry about the crash landing, by the way.” Misty apologized with a smile. “Yeah, it wasn’t on purpose. It was pretty random.” Sunset added with a sheepish smile. Sunny just gave a smile. “Girls, I've lived here my whole life, and nothing like this has ever happened before. You know what that means?” She asked with sparkles in her eyes. “What?” Misty asked in wonder. “I think I might know. But how about you answer it, Sunny?” Sunset asked with a smirk. “Sure thing.” Sunny said as looked at Misty. “The Crystal Brighthouse is exactly where you're meant to be, Misty. You found your special place.” She said, which surprised, Misty. “Yeah, Misty.” Sunset said with a smile. “The Brighthouse has given you something you’ve always wanted. And now it’s gonna teach you with me helping you to learn more about magic, where you truly belong. With your friends.” She stated with a warm smile. Misty looked at them with teary eyes before she wiped them and gave a smile. “I think you're both right.” She said to them. Just then, the door opens to reveal Zipp, Izzy, and Pipp, all are a mess from what happened to them as they gave shocked expressions. “I just got burped on by a wardrobe!” Izzy exclaimed while holding a piece of clothing. “Everything started floating!” Zipp added. “What is going on?!” Pipp desperately asked with her mane all up from the spinning. Sunny, Sunset, and Misty looked at each other from this as they all gave laughs at their friends’ expressions. Later that night, Sunset was at the Brighthouse's top with the very same Sonic that clashes into her universe a long time ago, the very same Sonic that she's friends with now, as well as the one that saved the entire multiverse. The two of them were just laughing as they talked about trivial things that nothing had to do with their quest across the multiverse. "Wait, so Sunny seriously left you injured for a full month?" Sunset asked with a funny face, trying not to laugh again. "I know, I know, she was quite aggressive there... But it also helped to forge her strength for the final fight with Opaline, so it was worth it!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "Now let's get back to that part where Hitch made a whole damn tunnel to confess to Sunny... That was actually really creative! Mine just took her to the beach and told her he liked her." "Hey, a confession on the beach is still a really romantic one!" Sunset pointed out with a smile. "I'm not saying it isn't, but come on! A tunnel where you get to relieve all you lived together?! The ice statue I gave Pipp last Wishday looks tame against that!" Sonic pointed out. "...You gave your Pipp an ice statue of herself?" Sunset asked with a playful smile. "And it never melts," Sonic replied with a confident smirk, before raising his orange juice since he and Sunset also had some snacks with them. "The gods bless magic and all the things it can do!" "I second that!" Sunset replied before they made a toast with their drinks and then proceeded to swallow them. “And I can’t believe you and Misty found a secret room in the Brighthouse that is made for her to learn how to control her magic.” Sonic said in surprise. “I didn’t even know there was such a thing in the Brighthouse.” “It surprised me too, Sonic.” Sunset said with a wide smile. “It was made for Misty since I was dragged along with her after seeing the flying spell book, but it’s amazing. Inside seemed to be a room with some spellbooks and other things for Misty to learn magic, and not only that, it also had the exact same stained glass of Twilight and her adventures as well as the ancient Equestrian times like the ones in the Canterlot Castle, and it also has a stain glass version of Sunny’s blanket and a couple of our successes we’ve done since reuniting ponykind and bringing back the magic.” She explained. “Whoa! Now that’s interesting.” Sonic said with an awed smile. “I wonder if I could find the same thing in my world’s Brighthouse. My Sunny, Zipp, and Tails would have a field day with that.” “Well, our worlds are roughly similar, so you might be right.” Sunset said with an encouraging smile. “I get the feeling I’ll search around my Brighthouse when I get back.” Sonic said with an interesting smile as he raised his drink. “Another toast to discovering more secrets to the Crystal Brighthouse.” “Here, here.” Sunset said as she raised her drink again and she and Sonic swallowed them together. After they finished with their drinks, Sonic cracked his fingers a bit and started to flex his muscles a bit. "By the way, how you doin' with that resurrection spell for Twilight? Have you brought out a zombie Twilight by mistake?" Sunset looked at Sonic with wide eyes, before bursting out laughing. "A Zombie Twilight? Seriously?" "Multiverse, Princess Shimmer. Anything is possible!" Sonic reminded with a smug smirk. "I think I told you to not call me like that..." Sunset deadpanned. "And I don't follow anyone's rules but mine, so too bad for you!" Sonic replied, still with the same expression. Sunset rolled her eyes and chuckled, before sighing and looking up to the night sky. "...We're not making that much progress," She confessed. "Sunny thinks that we just have to increase our magical strength, but I feel strong enough! What else is there that I have to learn?!" "You're never too old nor too young to learn, Sunset," Sonic pointed out. "Even when everything's at peace, there's always something else waiting for you. If it'll be easier or worse to deal with is always a mystery. All you can do is be prepared... Which reminds me, do you have any clue on what this 'Allura' gal might be up to? Seriously, I hope that if I ever come across her, Tails just reflects her mind control spell on her or something..." "That's actually a good idea," Sunset said regarding the idea of applying Allura's spell on Allura herself. "As for what she's up to? Not really. All I know is that Sunny's willing to give her a second chance to, well, change and explain herself, I guess..." Sonic deadpanned after hearing that. "Well, that sounds really stupid... But considering that some of my friends were once people that wanted to kill me, like Knuckles or Shadow, I guess I see her point. I tell you, no matter the universe, she's the same everywhere." "Right?" Sunset agreed with him. "I guess something good came from this odyssey through the multiverse after all." "Among other things," Sonic said with a smile, before his expression shifted to a serious one. "However... You think that she's fine with this plan of opening the necklace you have?" "Why wouldn't she? She's her hero, Sonic," Sunset pointed out. "Sunny's gonna be beyond happy that Twilight's back––" "I was talking about Twilight, Sunset," Sonic cut her off, strangely, with a frown. "You think she'll be fine coming back? In a world where her friends are long gone? Where she's nothing but a legend everypony has heard of?" Sunset was not used to Sonic getting this serious. She saw him enraged against Opaline, true, but this was a different kind of anger... And quite honestly, she didn't liked it. "Look, Sonic, I understand that the only Twilight you knew is the one that currently leads the Secret Society, but I knew my friend," Sunset started to explain. "She was a pillar of hope and the promise of a better future back in Ancient Equestria. Why would she hate to come back and help Equestria even more? Heck, she could even be a great helper against Allura! Maybe she could even help us to reform her!" "Or she could turn back on you for doing what she told you not to do," Sonic pointed out, and all signs of anger left Sunset to let in some guilt and surprise, but mostly guilt. Sonic, noticing this, sighed and rubbed his face. "I understand why you want to do it, Sunset. Is not only because she's Equestria's former ruler, but is also because you miss her. After all, you're the only pony from your time that's still around. Discord and Spike are here, true, but you're the only equine around that's as old as Twilight, maybe even older." "...And that's been a really hard thing to forget..." Sunset confessed. "However, you should also consider what Twilight would've wanted," Sonic pointed out, then he stood up and took out a picture from his quills, one where he was hugging an older, brown anthropomorphic owl. "...I know what it feels like to miss someone that meant the world for you, and if I had the power to bring her back, I know I would try to do so... But I know she wouldn't want me to revive her. She already accomplished her mission in the living world, Sunset... And so did Twilight. Maybe... Maybe is time you let her rest, with her friends, and you keep moving to the future." After Sonic said this, he looked at his dimensional watch and opened a portal back to his universe, but before crossing said portal, he looked back at Sunset again. "Death is nothing you should play with, Sunset. And I learned that the hard way when Opaline pushed me past my limits, and it didn't even scratch her..." Sonic reminded her, before crossing the portal and disappear. Sunset didn't even knew what to say, so she simply looked back at the sky and sighed again. While her desire to bring Twilight back remained there inside of her, what Sonic commented really got stuck in her, and now she started to have lots of doubts... Was bringing Twilight back the right choice? Or is it better to let her go? Whatever the answer is, only time would eventually tell... And hopefully, it'll be pretty soon. End of Chapter 5. > Chapter 6: Swirlpool Starlight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Swirlpool Starlight At Bridlewood Spog, Misty, Izzy, and Sunset are relaxing in a mud puddle while Izzy is sipping on some refreshments as the two mares sigh fondly. “Now this is a great time to take a break from my research and just relax in a nature-like spa with two of my best friends.” Sunset muttered with a small smile. “You said it, Sunset. Bridlewood Spog is such a relaxing place. Glad you two could show it to me.” Misty said with a relaxing smile. “Anytime. We wanted you to experience it after years of isolation from Opaline. And to get your worries out.” Izzy said with a small smile. “Well, it’s working.”Misty said, but then they heard a rumbling sound, which got Misty’s attention as she turned to see a bright glow. “Izzy? Sunset?” She started as she saw a rainbow light heading towards them, which made Misty nervous. “Izzy! Sunset!” She cried out. “Huh? What?” Sunset asked, snapping out of her relaxing phase. “Yeah, mm-hmm?” Izzy said as she opened her eyes with a smile. “Get down!” Misty cried out as the three ponies took a closer look and saw many Breezies flying towards them. “Ah! Breezie herd! Under the mud!” Sunset called as she, Izzy, and Misty ducked underneath the mud puddle as the Breezies flew over them at high speed and into the forest as the three ponies looked up from the mud bath in confusion. “What got those Breezies flying in a hurry?” She questioned before a certain Unicorn Filly, Violette Rainbow, came rushing by panting as she stopped to take a breath. The three ponies turned to her and saw her as Izzy gave a cheerful smile. “Hi, Violette!” She greeted with a wave. “What are you doing here?” Sunset asked Violette in wonder. “You're gonna miss it, ponies!” Violette said with an excited smile. “Come on!” She called as she rushed off and Izzy jumped out of the mud and followed her. “Well, if the Breezies got Violette excited, might as well see what it’s about.” Sunset said with an interesting smile as she jumped off with Misty as the two followed after the two Unicorns while following the Breezies. The four followed the Breezies further into the forest as they made it to a pond with a big lily pad in the middle as the Breezies then circled it. “Wow! It's really happening!” Violette cheered with an exciting smile and sparkles in her eyes. “What is?” Misty asked in confusion. “Yeah, what’s going on?” Sunset asked as well. “And where?” Izzy asked as they turned and saw her still having mud over her that covered her eyes as Izzy shook herself to get it off and turned to the pond with a wide smile. “Oh! There!” She exclaimed in excitement with sparkles in her eyes as well as she stood next to Violette. “Uh, what are you two excited about? And why are the Breezies circling the pond? I never saw them do that before.” Sunset said in confusion since she had never seen the Breezies do anything like this. “Yeah, I’m drawing a blank here too.” Misty said in agreement. “This is the Swirlpool Starlight!” Violette answered as the Breezies flew a bit higher over the pond. “Every ten years, all the Breezies gather and combine their magic in a special ceremony. Anypony who witnesses it is forever changed when the Breezies' magic looks into their hearts!” She explained in pure excitement as she circled the three ponies as a magical rainbow orb appeared at the center of where the Breezies were circling as it created a bright flash that blinded the four ponies as it hit the big lily pad and the pond glowed a bit. “Wow, that’s an interesting magic there.” Sunset said in amazement. “I should take notes. Sunny would flip since she’s missing this while she’s on her date with Hitch.” She said with a smirk. “She sure would, Sunset. Sunny would be jealous to miss this.” Izzy said with a chuckle, knowing how Sunny can be when she’s missing something magical. “Yeah, that’s true.” Misty said with a chuckle as well before she had a thought.“So what happens now?” She asked in curiosity. “Violette Rainbow. Step forth and look into your future.” A mysterious voice said as the rocks glowed in a path pattern before heading towards the lily pad as it glowed brightly. “Okay, that happened. Freaky.” Sunset said in shock while Izzy, Misty, and Violette were surprised by that as well. “And it knows my name!” Violette said with an exciting smile and sparkles in her eyes as she shook it off and hopped onto the rocks, which glowed as she landed on the lily pad before the water started circling around her before it launched in the air in a swirling water tornado. “Violette!” Misty cried out in concern when that happened. “Is she okay?!” Sunset cried in worry as well. Izzy gave a scoff and a smile. “She's fine.” She assured them with a wave. “Maybe it's giving her a makeover. Or superpowers!” She called in excitement before she gave a creepy look. “Or eating her brains!” She added, which made Misty nervous. “Izzy!” Sunset scolded loudly. Izzy realized what she did when she saw Misty’s nervous look. “Sorry.” She sheepishly said before she gave a smile. “Ooh, or a friendship bracelet.” The water then ceased as they saw Violette at the center. “Or maybe keep her the same?” Sunset asked in surprise. “Violette, you okay?” Misty asked in concern. “Okay?” Violette started slowly before she turned to them with a wide smile, and teary eyes of joy, and her Cutie Mark glowed. “I'm hoof-tacular! The Spog! The magic!” She cheered as she hopped back to them. “It looked in my heart!” She added with sparkles in her eyes as she walked around the three. “It said my heart was kind and that Bridlewood would grow green and lush with me as its gardener!” She exclaimed as she then quickly hugged the three ponies. “Wait. Did you say it looked into your heart?” Misty asked in surprise. “And it shows the future of what you may become someday?” Sunset asked in wonder. “Wow, that pond is full of surprises to help us find what our hearts desire.” She commented. “Izzy Moonbow.” The voice spoke as the mares turned to the pond again as it glowed. “Step forth and look—” “Look out, universe!” Izzy exclaimed in excitement before the pond could finish. “Izzy's coming!” She called as she hopped onto the rocks before jumping high. “Whoo!” She called as she landed on the lily pad and the water burst up again, which made Sunset look in surprise and Misty look on in worry. “I wonder what Izzy’s gonna see.” Sunset said in wonder. “I hope nothing bad.” Misty said in worry while Sunset noticed her expression and gave a concerned look. Inside the water sprout, Izzy opened her eyes to see she was in the eye of the water. “Ooh!” She called before she touched the water, which then showed her in some kind of void as she saw visions of her past. “Hey, that's me!” She called cheerfully. “It's beautiful. And it's alive!” Izzy from the projection called as it showed the time when she created Senor Butterscotch sometime after T.U.E.S. Day to keep her company when her friends were busy. “T-R-A-S-H! Doesn't mean it's waste!~” Another screen showed when Izzy was singing her trash song while looking for a ring for Sunny’s Lantern in the garbage chute.   “Your heart glows with the creative gifts you share with the world.” The voice spoke up as Izzy looked up and saw the stars twinkling.  “But your most magical creations are still ahead of you.” The voice said as it showed a slide and heart shape formation. “Whoooaaaa!” Izzy said in awe as she reached over to touch them, but she fell to the lily pad and the water sprout stopped. “Izzy!” Misty cried out. “Looks like she must’ve seen something that made her fall to the floor.” Sunset said in surprise. “What did it say?” Violette asked with an excited smile to  her craft teacher. “Magical... creations?” Izzy said as she got her head up in wonder before her eyes widened and she jumped up. “Whoo-hoo!” She cheered as her Cutie Mark started glowing.” Do I have some magical ideas to explore!” She exclaimed as she hopped to the others. “I actually had this one idea for a jello-cuzzi! Oh! Or macaroni mini-golf! And I've been putting off the Glitter Fountain 5000 for—” She continued talking before the pond spoke again. “Sunset Shimmer. Step forth and look into your future.” The pond said as it glowed. “Well, I guess it’s my turn.” Sunset said as she took a breath. “Time to see what my future holds.” She said as she then started hopping on the rocks. “Uh, Sunset, you know you could just fly over, right?” Misty asked in confusion when Sunset wasn’t using her wings. I know I can fly, but it only feels right to walk the steps." Sunset said with a smile as she stepped on the lily pad and the watersprout came again. “Whoa! This is amazing.” She said as she then saw her memories of her time with Celestia, at CHS, the Rainbooms, and when she first met Sunny and the others of their adventures. “Your heart is as pure as the sun shines as you carry on the legacy of a friend and continue to spread the magic of friendship to all.” The voice said as she a star of her Cutie Mark and Twilight’s appeared as they sparkled. “But you’re most important friendship is near, and you have a goal to complete with your friends.” Sunset watched on with a wide smile before she started to tear up in joy. “I think I have a feeling what that is. And I will keep going to see it through, for my friends and family.” She said before the water stopped and her friends saw her. “Sunset? Are you okay?” Misty asked. “What did your future hold?” Izzy asked with an excited look as Sunset turned to them with tears of joy and a smile. “Hehe, let’s just say that friendship will be even stronger as it was before.” Sunset said to them as she flew over them before the pond glowed up again. “Misty Brightdawn. Step forth and look into your future.” The pond said as it glowed again, which made Misty nervous. “Uh…” Misty started before she shuddered. “Uh…” She said as Sunset, Izzy, and Violette placed assuring hooves on her with smiles as Misty stepped forward and onto the ond as the water circled her. Misty opened her eyes and saw that she was in the void as the voice spoke up. “Misty Brightdawn…” The voice said as it then showed bad memories of her and Opaline. “Come on, Misty! You get Opaline that dragon, you get a cutie mark!” Past Misty said during Winter Wishday, which made Misty feel uncomfortable. “Uh…” Misty whimpered. “Those silly ponies have the dragon with them.” Opaline spoke during one of the screens. “I see you as you really are…” The voice tried to say but Opaline’s voice cut it off. “Now get him for me, Misty.” Opaline spoke as Misty looked around in dread. “Can't you do anything right?!” “The deeds of your past are…” The voice tried to say, but was cut off. “Fetch me that dragon!” Opaline ordered as a figure of Misty appeared, glowing red with red eyes. “NO!” Misty cried out with her eyes shut as she rushed out of the water sprout as the others saw her in surprise as Izzy gasped. “Misty!” Izzy called in surprised. “What’s wrong?!” Sunset asked in concern as Misty fell to the floor in despair. “I know I've done bad stuff! I don't need to be reminded of that!” Misty cried out as tears started falling from her cheeks as Sunset and Violette looked at her in sympathy. “Oh, Misty. There’s nothing to be ashamed about.” Sunset said softly with a smile. “Yeah. Everypony does bad things sometimes.” Violette said in agreement with a soft smile as well. “It doesn't make you bad.” She said. “Misty, you're the goodest pony we know.” Izzy added with a smile. “And  I'm a reformed villain too. I know what it's like to do things that you aren't proud of.” Sunset said with a guilty look before she gave a smile. “But I learned from my mistakes, as you learned from yours. As everybody, human, pony, dragon, or otherwise, learns from their mistakes. So, if you want to go back in there, you have our support. But if you don't, I'll completely understand that too." She said to her softly. “Yeah. We respect your choice. “The universe will see that.” Izzy assured while Izzy kept crying before Izzy gave a threatening glare at the water sprout. “Or else!” She called as she giggled. “Kidding.” She said with a smile. Misty wiped her tears as she  stood up as the path opened up for Misty again as she gave a determined smile and walked back into the void as the memories started playing. “Misty Brightdawn…” The voice started again. Misty had her eyes closed before she talked to herself. “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real.” She whispered before good visions of her spending time with her friends appeared. “...the deeds of your past…” The voice continued. “When my cutie mark comes to life…” Misty continued as she began to glow and her Cutie Mark glowed brightly. “...are nothing compared to the wonders of your future!” The voice finished as the good memories of her friends and how happy and how much fun she had with them appeared around her. “...my heart helps me feel!” Misty finished as she twirled around and magical butterflies appeared around as they flew and the bad memories she had had while with Opaline vanished as the good moires combined into her with the entire Mane 7 as she smiled happily with tears of joy and sparkles in her eyes as the water sprout stopped and Misty was float as the Breezies stopped circling and vocalized in harmony as Misty lowered herself back down to the lily pad. “Wow. Misty, you’re getting good at that.” Sunset said as she, Izzy, and Violette rushed up to her while in awe at what they just saw. “Yes, I guess I am.” Misty said with a small smile. “How was it, Misty?” Violette asked in curiosity. “Did it say you’re future is bright and filled with joy?” Sunset asked with a smile as well. “Do I need to give the universe a talking-to?” Izzy questioned while shaking her hoof in the air as the three gave amusing smiles at her as Izzy giggled. “Just kidding.” She said. “It was amazing.” Misty said with sparkles in her eyes and a smile as the four got into a group hug with her as the four stood that way while the Breezies watched them. End of Chapter 6. > Chapter 7: The Lone Alicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: The Lone Alicorn In the sky with floating mountains around them, Pipp and Misty are holding hooves while spinning together, but what’s shocking is that they’re all alicorns like how Sunny is as the two laugh together. “This is wonderful!” Misty cheered as she and Pipp kept spinning around. Zipp, who is also an Alicorn, laughed as she flew around before Sunny appeared below the clouds. “Watch this!” Sunny said with a challenging smile as she flew up at high speed. “Whoooo!” She cheered. When Sunny regrouped with the others, she saw that the rest of the Mane 7 were all Alicorns as they flew across the sky while laughing together. “Now this is what I call a Team of Alicorns!” Sunset cheered happily as they flew in the sky and went through some clouds. “Yeah! Look at us! We're all Alicorns now!” Sunny cheered as she spun in the air. “This is the best!” Zipp cheered as she kept flying. “Now nopony of this group will feel left out!” Sunset cheered. “I love it!” Hitch cheered as he flew around with a laugh, which made Sunny smile at his coltfriend having fun as an Alicorn as she blushed a bit. But then, Hitch’s wings and horns disappeared, turning him back into an Earth Pony as he went eye wide and started falling as he screamed. “Hitch!” Sunny cried out in horror as Hitch fell through the cloud, but then, the others lost their Alicorn forms, while Izzy and Misty were back to normal unicorns, Zipp and Pipp suddenly lost their wings and became Earth Ponies as they all screamed down into the dark void. “Oh no! They’ve lost their Alicorn forms!” Sunset yelled out as Sunny flew after them.  “NOOOOOO!” Sunny cried out in horror as she turned and looked around and saw Sunset not with her. “Sunset! Where are you!? We need to help our…” “You should’ve known, Sunny.” Sunset’s voice said as Sunny looked up and was shocked to see Sunset was giant size while glaring down at her. “S-Sunset?” Sunny asked in shock. “H-How are you…?” “What matters is that you failed your friends!” Sunset firmly shouted, which made Sunny flinch. “You’re Alicorn form appears and goes at will, but our friends weren’t ready for that power! And now it caused them to fall to their doom!” She yelled. “B-But… W-We can s-still…!” Sunny tried to reason with her. “I’m sorry, Sunny. But it seems the Alicornhood isn’t with you at all. You are a disgrace.” Sunset said with a shake of her head. “And now you’re all alone again. Goodbye, Sunny.” She said before she glowed and disappeared. “Sunset! Wait! Come back!” Sunny called out as she looked around and saw that she was all alone. “NOOOOO!” She screamed in despair. Suddenly in the Brighthouse’s bedroom, an alarm clock started ringing as Sunny woke up with a gasp before panting with a bed mane while wrapped in her blanket, sweating a bit from the nightmare she had. “Just a dream.” She said to herself before she sighed and turned off her alarm clock. “It was just... a dream.” She repeated as she removed her blanket to reveal her full bed mane. Then she heard chuckles as she turned and looked at Zipp and Sunset in front of her, with Zipp chuckling while holding a bowl of cereal while Sunset gave a concerned look. “Now, that is what I call bedmane.” Zipp said with a smile and chuckles before Sunset elbowed her. “What?” She asked. “Zipp, Sunny’s mane is always like that when she sleeps rough sometimes. Don’t make a joke out of it.” Sunset scolded as she walked up to Sunny and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Oh, right. Sorry.” Zipp apologized as she looked at Sunny in concern. “Everything okay, Sunny?” She asked. “Yeah, you look like you had a bad dream.” Sunset added. “Because I did.” Sunny confirmed with a frown. “I just had the worst nightmare. We were all Alicorns and we were flying—” She tried to explain. “Whoa. All Alicorns, huh?” Zipp asked with a smile, always wondering what it feels like to be an Alicorn herself. “Sounds like an interesting dream, Sunny. The whole group as Alicorns, now that’s something.” Sunset said with a smile, never thinking of the whole group being Alicorns. “But then everypony fell out of the sky, and Sunset disowned me for not being worthy of my Alicornhood and I ended up... alone!” Sunny finished with a frown as she looked down in sadness while Zipp and Sunset gave sympathetic looks. “That sounds scary.” Zipp said with a frown. “Especially if you saw your friends fall.” Sunset said before she gently gave Sunny a comforting hug. “But I would never disown you, Sunny. You’re like a sister to me. I would never do something like that.” She said to her while rubbing Sunny’s cheeks. “I know, Sunset. But, I just can’t stop thinking about it.” Sunny said with a sad look. “I think I'm just worried, girls. What if I'm one of the last Alicorns like you Sunset? The only other one I've ever met... was Opaline.” She said with a scared look as she remembered Opaline attacking, draining Sparky’s fire, and her maniacal laughter laughing in her head. “Hey, take it easy, Sunny.” Sunset said softly. “Opaline may be an Alicorn, but she doesn’t know the true meaning of being one. She tried to take all magic and rule all of Equestria. And she knows nothing about being a true Alicorn. Besides, you have me.” “I know, but sometimes I wonder if there are other Alicorns out there, Sunset. Like us.” Sunny said in a defeated tone, which made Sunset frown a bit. “Yeah, you make a fair point.” Sunset said solemnly. “It’s hard when you think when you’re one of the last Alicorns in Equestria. I mean, in my time, Celestia was basically the only one before Twilight, Luna, Princess Cadance, and Flurry Heart, from what Twilight told me, was around. Which made a group of Alicorns five.” She stated, knowing there used to be more than two Alicorns in Equestria. “Were there ever other Alicorns that were not Royal, Sunset?” Zipp asked in wonder. “That is something I never found out, Zipp.” Sunset admitted. “I have only known five Alicorns in my time, not counting Opaline, who were only Royals before Celestia and Luna retired when passing the throne to Twilight.” She explained. “That’s something I wasn’t hoping to hear.” Sunny said sadly, which made the two ponies feel bad for her before Zipp thought of an idea and wrapped a hoof around Sunny. “Come on, there's got to be other Alicorns out there.” Zipp optimistically said with a smile. “Do you really think so?” Sunny asked hopelessly. “Totally.” Zipp assured. “Well, we heard about this Skyro place from Misty and Spike.” Sunset said with a thoughtful look. “The Alicorn lands where Princesses Celestia and Luna, as well as Opaline, were once born there. And if they were born Alicorns or so, maybe there might be more Alicorns out there somewhere.” She added with a small smile. “Well, that is true.” Sunny said with a small smile. “So, I think it's time to do a little investigating.” Zipp declared with a smirk. “How do we even know where to start?” Sunny asked in wonder. “Yeah, there’s no mention of any other Alicorns records in Equestria history before the division.” Sunset pointed out. “What place has the most Alicorn stuff than anywhere in Equestria?” “I have an idea.” Zipp said as she put on her sunglasses with a flip of her mane. “But you're two not gonna like it.” She added, knowing one place to start their investigation. Not long after, the three ponies are at the ruins of Opaline’s Dark Castle, with the Together Tree right in front of it with Sunny, Sunset, and Zipp and the Marestream between the tree and the castle, now in ruins since their final battle with Opaline and when the Castle’s Together Tree grew with extra plantations around it as thunderstruck from the side. “Opaline's lair?!” Both Sunset and Sunny exclaimed in shock. “This is the last place we wanted to search, Zipp!” Sunset added, surprised that Zipp suggested Opaline’s old castle that is barely in one piece after its Together Tree grew from its roots and in front of it. Zipp just gave them a smile. “Think about it. She was the only other Alicorn we know about. Maybe she knew something.” She stated as the two ponies thought for a moment. “That’s a good point, Zipp, but Opaline’s old castle?! We haven’t been here since our final fight with her and we barely made it out!” Sunset pointed out. “Don't worry. This place is totally abandoned now.” Zipp assured them before they heard a bass music playing from inside the castle. “Yeah, that doesn't sound very abandoned to me, Zipp.” Sunny said nervously. “Looks like somepony took residents in Opaline’s old trashed home.” Sunset said seriously. “Relax. We've got this.” Zipp assured them with a determined smile, which made Sunny and Sunset smile back. “Okay, but keep your guard up, ponies. We won’t know what dangers still lurks in Opaline’s nest.” Sunset said seriously. “We will, Sunset.” Sunny nodded as the three went up to the front door and they opened it as they saw a dark chamber. “We’re going to need some lights.” Sunset said as her Cutie Mark, as well as Sunny’s and Zipp’s, started glowing as they all looked at them and nodded with smiles. “Empathy.” She started as her Cutie Mark projection started floating. “Hope!” Sunny said as her Cutie Mark did the same. “Bravery!” Zipp finished as the three Cutie Marks combined to form a bright light star as the three mares nodded and entered the chamber with Sunset taking the lead as they saw some of Opaline’s old pictures of herself on what remained of the walls and some of the ceiling fell. “Carefully, ponies. Since the Together Tree grew, the Castle is a bit unstable.” Sunset advised. “We’re lucky that it’s barely in one piece from our fight with Opaline, but we must watch our heads.” “Okay, Sunset, we will…AAAAHH!” Sunny yelped as she nearly fell from a chasm of what used to be the floor before Sunset quickly caught her by the tail and pulled her up before Sunny gave her a sheepish smile. “And maybe watch where we step as well.” She said sheepishly. “Yeah, good call.” Zipp said with a small amusing smirk. “Come on, let’s find the source.” Sunset said as the three continued on. The three continued walking until they heard the music playing from behind the doors in front of them. “Well, this is the place.” Sunset said suspiciously. “Whatever it is, it's coming from in there.” Sunny added as the three opened the doors, only to be surprised to see a bunch of Raccoonicorns, one with Opaline’s old crown and the other with her old cape, partying in what used to be Opaline’s old study room as one of Raccoonicorns is doing a dj with four big speakers playing Sunny’s old ‘My Bananas’ song as some of the Raccoonicorns draw a mustache on Opaline’s picture. “Well, that’s something we weren’t suspecting!” Sunset called loudly through the music while surprised the Raccoonicorns are partying now that Opaline is gone. “And this is the opposite of ‘abandoned’!” Sunny added to Zipp through the music. “It's fine!” Zipp waved off with a smile. “You do realize that the Raccoonicorns are blasting away the music is causing the castle to shake, right?!” Sunset questioned loudly as the room shook through the music. “Don’t worry. This place will hold, let them have their fun!” Zipp said to them as the three walked past the Raccoonicorns. “Just keep your eyes peeled for something... Alicorn-y!” She added. “We are not calling it that!” Sunset called as they went through the party. They are in Opaline’s old study room, or what’s left of it, as they see many books and notes among the rumbles. “Opaline's lair is in total ruins. We could find anything in here.” She said as she started recording on her phone around the area. “Or what’s left of it.” Sunset said while picking up some books. “It’s a miracle that some of these even survived the growth of the Together Tree.” She said while looking through the pages. “A miracle for us to search them.” Zipp said with a smile as she kept recording. Sunny then searched through the rumble as she moved some rocks before she saw Opaline’s mini figures of her and the rest of the Mane 6, except for Misty since Opaline didn’t know about her betrayal at the time. “Zipp! Sunset! I've got something!” She said as she picked up the figures and showed them to her friends. “She had figures of us?” Sunset asked in surprise before looking behind Sunny. “And picture targets as well?” She asked, which made Zipp and Sunny turn and see the pictures of them and their friends, san Misty, with darts on them that Opaline used as target practice. “Weird.” Zipp said dully with a brow while Sunny and Sunset had the same expression. “Boy, Opaline really had issues.” Sunset commented before she noticed something shining in the room. “What the… What’s that?” She asked as she walked up to it. “What’s what, Sunset?” Sunny asked when she and Zipp saw Sunset walk off. “You found something about Alicorns?” Zipp asked with an interesting smile as Sunset walked up and removed the rocks before she saw something that made her gasp. “What?! What is it?! Tell us!?” She impatiently asked. “It’s the Chest of Harmony!” Sunset answered as she picked up the chest in her magic, which is still in one piece unlike the rest of the castle with six keyholes. “The Chest of Harmony? What’s that?” Zipp asked in confusion before Sunny gasped with sparkles in her eyes. “It’s the chest that grew Twilight’s old castle, the Castle of Friendship when she and her friends found their six keys to open it to fight against Tirek!” Sunny explained in amazement as she walked up to Sunset. “But wasn’t it used to grow Twilight’s castle?” “Yeah, it did, from what Twilight told me.” Sunset said while inspecting the chest. “It was supposed to be gone once her castle grew. How did Opaline get her hooves on this?” She questioned while holding the chest in her magic. “No clue. But she’s really been collecting things.” Zipp said while inspecting the chest. “So this thing grew Twilight’s old castle?” “Well, yeah. But if it’s here, that means that…” Sunset said before she frowned. “Oh, she took away the castle of friendship and reverted it back to its previous form. Not cool.” “Oh, Opaline was evil.” Sunny grumbled in agreement, really hating Opaline even more even though she was now gone before she smiled. “But now that we have it, we might be able to grow the castle.” She said optimistically. “Well, we might, but with how it is now, it could take a while.” Sunset was noted while inspecting the keyholes. “And without those keys, it might be a bit longer to figure out the right magic to open this thing.” She mentioned. “Well, at least we got it.” Zipp said with a smile. “Now come on, let’s go see what else is here.” She said as they walked off, while Sunset looked at the chest longingly before she continued on with her friends while holding the chest in her magic. The three then entered the remains of Opaline’s throne room as they looked at the throne that was still intact. To Sunny, she thought she had seen the ghost of Opaline, which made her freeze in fear, which Sunset before Zipp tossed her phone to Sunny. “Hey, Sunny! girls! Guess who I am!” She excitedly said as she flew up to the throne and sat on it with her chest up proudly. Sunset raised a brow from this. “How could you sit there, Zipp? That’s some bad mojo.” She pointed out, feeling uneasy at Zipp sitting on Opaline’s old throne. “I know. But look at this.” Zipp said as she then started imitating Opaline. “I'll get you pathetic ponies if it's the laaaast thing I ever—” She started as Sunset and Sunny gave bored expressions from that before they looked up and saw the ceiling breaking apart. “Zipp! Look out!” Both Sunset and Sunny called as they quickly pushed Zipp away as the ceiling piece crashed and destroyed the throne as the three fell on the floor.  “What part of this place is crumbling and be careful don’t you get?” Sunset asked with a brow. Zipp gave a sheepish chuckle. “Uh, okay. I guess this place is a little unstable.” She admitted before the picture of Opaline the Raccoonicorn drew on earlier fell as they all yelped in startled. “A little?” Sunny questioned with a brow. “Don’t you mean a lot?” She stated. “Okay, good point.” Zipp admitted while rubbing her head. “But honestly, Zipp, I think you've been hanging around Izzy too long.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “That Opaline impression seems like something more like what SHE would pull." She added. “Well, Misty showed me how since she used to live with her.” Zipp said with a chuckle. “I guess that’s true.” Sunny said as the three laughed a bit before continuing on. A bit later, the three continued searching while Sunset was still carrying the Chest of Harmony as Sunny groaned. “Ugh. Everything important must've been destroyed when we defeated Opaline.” She said while giving a sad look. “Even if there are other Alicorns, how are we ever going to find them?” She asked hopelessly. “Sunny, the one thing I do know about Alicorns is that they never give up.” Zipp said with a smile. “She’s right, Sunny.” Sunset said in agreement. “Alicorns may be like everypony else, but they are determined and always push themselves up and do things that nopony ever thought was possible. And we don’t give up trying to accomplish our goals. Twilight is a prime example when she shows that Friendship is magic and how strong it is.” She said as she and Zipp raised their hooves to Sunny, which the earth pony smiled as she placed her hoof on her friends’. “Also, they have the coolest friends.” Zipp added with a wink. “True, Zipp. But don’t get carried away.” Sunset advised with a chuckle while Sunny smiled. “I won’t. Come on, let's keep looking.” Zipp said as they continued on. “No detail is too small.” She added, but she didn’t see the Raccoonicorn, the one wearing Opaline’s crown, walked by while holding some marbles, which caused Zipp to flip. “Whoa!” She yelped before she hit the floor with a thud, “Zipp! Are you okay?” Sunny cried out in concern as she and Sunset looked at where Zipp crashed as the Pegasus looked down and smiled. “I'm better than okay! Look!” Zipp said as she pointed to a tapestry similar to the Mane 7’s. This made both Sunny and Sunset gasp. “An Alicorn!” They said as they started moving the rocks out of the way until they got the tapestry out. “This... This tapestry! It looks just like my dream!” Sunny said as she unwrapped the tapestry to show many Alicorns flying around floating islands in the clouds. “And look at all those Alicorns!” She called excitedly. “I think this might be Skryo! Opaline must’ve kept this when she first got banished from there!” Sunset therozies while inspecting the tapestry. “And this is as old as ours back home! And it’s still in good condition!” “I knew we'd find something!” Zipp cheered happily, but then the three mares began to glow as the tapestry glowed brightly before they looked down and saw the Alicorns on it moving and the stars combining to reveal a big golden star that is similar to Twilight’s Cutie Mark with the Alicorns circled around it. “Whoa. Sunny. Isn't that...?” “The Starscout crest!” Sunny finished with a big smile. “If your family’s crest is on here, then that means that you’re connected to the Alicorns more than you realize!” Sunset exclaimed in awe. “Okay, this has got to be a sign!” Zipp said while placing her hooves on Sunny’s shoulder. “Though, Sunny, haven’t you noticed that your crest is like Twilight’s Cutie Mark?” Sunset asked, seeing that the crest was similar to Twilight’s Cutie Mark as Sunny looked closer at her and her eyes widened in realization. “Sweet, Celestia, you’re right, Sunset!” Sunny said in shock. “I can’t believe I haven’t noticed that before.” “You don’t think that there is a connection, right?” Sunset asked, but before they could figure it out, the whole castle then began to rumble as the entire place shook. “Uh-oh.” Sunny said fearfully. “That’s not good.” Sunset added with the same expression. Back in Opaline’s old room, the Raccoonicorns were still partying while the speakers were on full blast, but then the room began to shake and cracks started forming, which got the Raccoonicorns’ attention as they turned off the music. “Huh?” They all asked before the ceiling then started coming down, destroying the speakers as the Raccoonicorns all screamed and started running away. “Oh, I knew this would happen!” Sunset cried out as she, Sunny, and Zipp looked around nervously. “That loud music disrupts the castle’s remaining stability! This whole place is about to collapse!” She exclaimed in panic. “You heard her! Time to fly, Sunny!” Zipp exclaimed as Sunny put the tapestry in her saddlebag while Sunset kept carrying the Chest of Harmony as the three dodged the incoming boulders that were falling from the ceiling as they trotted down the hallway with the raccoonicorns coming in right in front of them while they are yelling. “Hurry, this way!” Sunset yelled as the two groups went into the other hallway as they tried to outrun the falling boulders. The raccoonicorn dj then jumped onto Zipp’s head. “Ah! Hey! Hey!” She called as the raccoonicorns covered her eyes with his paws. “Move your paws!” She called as she tried to move the paws out of her face. Sunny and Sunset took the lead as they saw the remaining path to the exit collapse as they turned and saw the raccoonicorns yelping and hanging onto Zipp, knowing that they couldn’t fly, Sunny and Sunset then turned to each other with determined expressions. “You know what to do, Sunny! You ready!?” Sunset called with determination. “I am, Sunset!” Sunny answered as she jumped up and summoned her Alicorn form as she and Sunset flew up and used their horns to levitate the Racconicorns over the chasm as they continued to fly to the exit as the two Alicorns then created a magic shield around them as the boulders fell on them, but then a bright flash appeared as Sunny and Sunset blasted the boulders away as they exit the castle. Sunny and Sunset flew together with smiles as they twirled in the air together as Zipp flew next to them with a smile as well as the rest of the Raccoonicorns kept running as they managed to get to the Marestream and the Together Tree as they turned and saw the remains of Opaline’s Castle crumbled and fell into the abyss of the cliff. “Phew, that was close.” Sunset said in relief as she placed the Chest of Harmony down. “Any moment in there, and we would’ve fallen from the face of the mountain.” “Yeah, good thing we made it out in time.” Zipp said with a relieved smile before the two turned to Sunny, who was looking at the tapestry with tearful eyes. “You okay, Sunny?” She asked in concern. “Yeah, are you feeling okay? You look sad.” Sunset added while placing a comforting hoof on Sunny. Sunny then gave a smile with tears still in her eyes. “I am great.” She answered as she turned to her friends. “Girls, this changes everything.” She said while pointing down to the tapestry. “There's got to be more Alicorns out there.” “If Skyro is out there, and if there are more Alicorns out there than us, Sunny, we’ll find them one day.” Sunset said with a smile. “And we are going to find them together.” Zipp finished as the three ponies looked up to the sky with the wind blowing on their manes and tails while their Cutie Mark glowed. “So, Sunset, now that you have the Chest of Harmony, are you planning on regrowing Twilight’s old castle?” Sunny asked while turning to the chest they managed to save along with the tapestry before the castle collapsed. Sunset looked at the chest with a smile before she rubbed it. “One day. It might take some time to get it open, but one day. And if I could bring Twilight back, it would be a welcome home present to her.” She said with a smile, if she could figure out to open the chest and bring Twilight back, Twilight would be overjoyed to see her old home again. “Sounds like a perfect gift." Zipp said with a smirk. “I’m sure she’ll love that, Sunset.” Sunny said with a smile. “I know she would, Sunny.” Sunset added as the two kept looking at the horizon as the wind blew on their manes at what they learned and received from Opaline’s former Castle. End of Chapter 7. > Chapter 8: Bunnisi Beauties > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: Bunnisi Beauties In Mane Melody, the Bunnisi are all over Mane Melody while two of them are playing with some speakers. (Do the Bunny Hop Song) Come on, Bunnies,  Time to get Fluffy Pipp then let out a groan as she held her head. “Oh! This… Is… Awful! Why did I agree to do this!” She questioned herself as she turned and saw many Bunnisi flying around Mane Melody, wearing messy make-up and the whole salon was a mess. Here we go The Bunnisi then started running around Mane Melody as a couple of them opened up Pipp’s accessory make-up compartment as one of them hopped on them. Bunny, bunny Do the bunny-unny-unny Bunny, bunny Do the bunny-unny-unny “Uh, nononono! Careful! You don’t want to fall!” Pipp exclaimed to them, but a couple of them entered the compartment as it closed, and they then rattled around inside before they hopped out and had some makeup and accessories. Kick up your paws and slide to the right Shake your tail, now, side to side “I mean, it is kinda fabulous,” Pipp commented with a smile as she walked up to them, finding their looks great on them. “Hey!” Jazz exclaimed, which startled Pipp as she rushed up. “You’re supposed to point it at your fur!” She screamed as she ran away when a Bunnisus flew after her with a mane dryer pointing at Jazz. “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Rocky exclaimed as a couple of bunnisi started spinning him around on a chair. “Not… So… Fast!” He screamed as he kept spinning around. Outside of Mane Melody, Hitch, Sparky, who is holding some popcorn, and Sunset are walking by as Sunset explains what happened at Opaline’s old castle. “Wow, sounds like you, Sunny, and Zipp sure had an investigation,” Hitch commented. “Trust me, Hitch. If it weren’t for Zipp to suggest searching for clues in Opaline’s old lair, we wouldn’t have found the tapestry of Skyro and the other Alicorns and the Chest of Harmony.” Sunset said with a smile before she gave it in a sheepish expression. “But maybe we should’ve accounted for Critters having a party there that brought down the house, literally.” “Well, I’m glad that you and Sunny protected them and Zipp before it collapsed. And I’m glad that Sunny’s happy that she’s not the only Alicorn, other than you and Opaline that is, that exists in Equestria.” Hitch said with a smile. “When Sunny told me about her dream, I got worried, but I’m glad that she finally found a clue of the other Alicorns.” “Same here. And I’m glad to find the Chest of Harmony.” Sunset said as she gave a thoughtful look. “I don’t know how Opaline managed to get it, but since Twilight’s old Castle of Friendship once came from that chest, I had a feeling Opaline somehow reverted to its pre-state before Twilight and her friends opened it.” “Can Opaline even do that?” Hitch asked as Sparky babbled in wonder as he ate some popcorn. “This is Opaline we’re talking about, Hitch. She has done much extreme magic we’ve seen her do.” Sunset reminded him with a brow. “Oh, right. I forgot about that.” Hitch said with a sheepish look. “But, I am determined to open that chest again and bring back that castle,” Sunset said with determination. “It was once a symbol of friendship for Twilight and her friends, so it makes sense to restore it to bring that symbol back and as a gift for Twilight too.” “Speaking of which, how’s it going with you, ‘little project’?” Hitch asked with a wink. “Still slow going, but getting there,” Sunset answered with a smile. “I may still have the amulet, but Twilight deserves better than being a spirit in neckwear and for what Opaline did to her and her legacy.” “Well, I’m sure she would be happy once you finish,” Hitch said with a smile before the door to Mane Melody opened up, which smacked him in the face and sent the popcorn flying. “Or smack you in the face,” Sunset commented as a couple of Bunnisi hopped out of the shop. “Come on, now! I’m doing my best!” Pipp yelled to them from the door as the two bunnisi hopped away as Pipp gasped before the door closed as Hitch got his head turned from the smack as Pipp lowered her head in sadness. “Hey, Hitch. Hey, Sunset. Hi, Sparky.” She said in sadness. “Hi, Pipp.” Sparky babbled in a baby tone. “What’s that all about, Pipp?” Hitch asked. “Yeah, why the sudden Bunnisi make-up?” Sunset asked as a bunnisus rushed out of the salon with a bowl full of glitter, which he tossed as it landed on Pipp’s head, causing some glitter to spill on her. “Ugh.” Pipp groaned. “Come and see for yourselves.” She sadly said as the bowl slipped off her head. Pipp showed her two friends and baby dragon in the salon as they saw the bunnisi running around and making a mess while Jazz and Rocky were still having trouble while Hitch and Sunset looked with wide eyes. “Okay, not what we expected,” Sunset commented. “We’re trying to get all these bunnies ready, but there’s just so many of them. We can’t keep up!” Pipp explained while rubbing her head. “Yeah,” Hitch said with a small smile. “Bunnies never miss a chance to get dressed up.” He said as he dodged a chocolate egg. “Egg-specially…” He started with an amusing smile as he leaned towards Sunset and Pipp. “See what I did there?” He asked while the two mares gave bored looks from that joke. “For their Easter Eggstravaganza!” He finished. Pipp and Sunset looked at each other unamusingly before Pipp gave a weak laugh. “Yeah, funny,” Pipp said. “Yeah. Clever.” Sunset muttered with a roll of her eye. “Um, well, no matter how hard I try,  I just can’t get anything right for them.” Pipp said with a frown as Hitch gave a smirk and walked forward. “Lucky for you, Pipp Petals, you got yourself an expert in critter talkery.” Hitch said as he and Sparky turned to Pipp and Sunset while wearing sunglasses as Hitch lowered his. “Watch and learn.” “Whoo-hoo!” Sparky cheered. Sunset gave an amusing chuckle. “Sparky’s been around Hitch for too long.” She joked as Pipp giggled as well. “Like father like son.” Pipp commented as the two mares kept giggling. A little bit later, Hitch gathered the bunnisi together as Sparky wrote down their suggestions on Hitch’s book. “Okay. So there was too much glitter for you. And then not enough glitter for you. And you? Uh-huh. Feeling cramp?” He asked as Pipp, Rocky, Sunset, and Jazz watched Hitch talk to the bunnisi. “Um, we do crimp, not cramps.” Pipp pointed out in confusion as Jazz and Rocky saw a bunnisus with a purple fake mane hopping by. “Yeah, Hitch. This is a salon. Not a spa.” Sunset pointed out. “I don’t think Pipp is equipped with cramps.” She stated. “Don’t worry, girls. I think I know how to sort this out.” Hitch said with a determined smile as he lowered his glasses. A little bit later, the five ponies are in the forest after setting up an outdoor makeshift salon as the Bunnisi are having a great time while the three stylish ponies are styling a bunnisus as it gives a pose. “Oh, every artist needs space to create and they need space to play!” Pipp said in realization. “Uh, such a great idea, Hitch.” She complimented. Across the area, Hitch is being tickled by the Bunnisi with Sparky on his head as he laughs. “I think you can thank him later. He’s being tickled and attacked by those critters.” Sunset said with an amusing look. “He sure does have a special connection to the critters, huh?” Jazz asked with a smile as she and Rocky came next to Pipp and Sunset. “It’s really cute!” Rocky exclaimed with a smile. “Well, Hitch did obtain the ability to talk to animals when Earth Pony magic was first created during Maretime Bay Day.” Sunset noted with a smile. “And he has always been a critter magnet before that, which makes sense that he’s Fluttershy’s descendent since she could do the same.” “Which is still cute!” Jazz called as they watched Hitch still get huddled by the bunnisi as one of them nuzzled his cheeks as he kept laughing. “Aww!” Both Jazz and Rocky said with sparkles in their eyes as they leaned close to each other, finding the scene with Hitch adorable. “Never a dull moment with Hitch, huh?” Sunset asked Pipp with a smile. “Nope. Sure isn’t.” Pipp answered with a smile as she turned and saw the fluffy bunnisi giving Pipp a look as she opened up her compartment. “Check it out! Latest in charm chic!” She said while picking up a seashell charm before seeing the Bunnisus shake its head. “Ah! Everypony loves a rainbow!” She cheered while picking up a cloud rainbow charm, but the Bunnisus turned away as Pipp was surprised by this. “Not eveypony, Pipp.” Sunset commented. “Maybe try something else.” She suggested. “Wait, I think I have just the thing.” Pipp said as she smiled and took out a golden unicorn charm, which caused the bunnisus to look in awe with sparkles in its eyes. “Well, you got its attention.” Sunset commented before noticing a familiar charm in Pipp’s compartment. “Wait, Pipp, is that the Nova Charm!?” She asked in shock when she saw the blue charm among the other charms. “Huh?” Pipp asked before she saw the Nova Charm with the others. “Oh, yeah. I put the Nova Charm there to keep it say when it was my turn.” She said with a smile. Sunset gave a brow at her. “Um, that’s very clever, Pipp. But aren’t you forgetting something?” She asked her. “Forgetting about what?” Pipp asked in confusion. “It’s necklace?” “Um, that, but also the fact we have a crazy snow leopard on the loose in Equestria!” Sunset exclaimed firmly, which made Pipp flinched a bit. “You’re talking about Allura, right?” Pipp asked with a nervous smile. “Who else!?” Sunset questioned. “Pipp, with Allura on the loose, we can’t let the Nova Charm be stolen from her. But putting it in a charm compartment and out in the open?! What makes you think of that?!” She scolded. “Um, I guess I was too busy with the Bunnisi to notice.” Pipp said sheepishly. “Pipp, if Allura finds out we have the Nova Charm and it’s out in the open, she’s gonna try and steal it!” Sunset scolded seriously. “Hey, it’s okay, Sunset.” Pipp said with an assuring smile. “We haven’t seen Allura since we first discovered she’s in Equestria. She could be anywhere in the forest by now. I’m sure we’re safe.” “Well, that’s true. But for safety, we’re keeping a close eye on that charm.” Sunset said with a serious look. “Sure.” Pipp said with a smile. “But after this whole bunnisi thing, we’re gonna have a long talk on keeping that charm secure and safe!” Sunset quickly added with a firm tone. “Aww.” Pipp said in disappointment, having felt that coming. But what nopony noticed was that hiding in the bushes was a purring sound as a pair of eyes glowed blue and part of the bush froze up. Behind the bushes is Allura, who is spying on the group with Twitch beside her. “There must be some way to get closer to those charms, Twitch.” Allura said while rubbing her chin as Twitch gave a laugh as the two looked at the Bunnisi and Pipp showing the charms while giving a sheepish look at Sunset for bringing the Nova Charm with her as Allura looked at the Bunnisi scratching its ear and turned to Twitch, who is doing the same as she smirked. “Mmm. Maybe if I had a critter on the inside.” She said with a smirk. “Uh-huh!” Twitch called as he rubbed his paws while giving chuckles before he realized what Allur just said as he gestured to himself in shock. “Of course, you!” Allura said in annoance. “It can’t be me now, can it?” She questioned while reminding him she was a snow leopard. “Not to mention that Alicorn Sunset is there keeping guard, which looks more powerful than the last time we saw her.” She added after seeing Sunset. “But you, you could blend in.” She said as Twitch looked at the many Bunnisi flying around. “Uh-huh!” Twitch shouted as he started mumbling and started intimating the Bunnisi cuteness before crossing his arms. “Well, obviously none of them are as clever as you, Twitch.” Allura said to her sidekick  with a small smile, which got Twitch’s attention as he watched her go before she gave a serious look. “And we must use that to help us find the Nova Charm. Without it, we’ll be stuck in Maretime Bay forever!” She yelled. Back a the makeshift outdoor salon, Jazz and Rocky continued dressing them up as Hitch, Sparky, and the Bunnisi huddled together for a selfie as Sunset looked at the charm closely before she looked at the time. “Hey, Hitch. It’s almost time for the bunnies to go.” Sunset informed. “Right, thanks, Sunset.” Hitch said as he put his phone away. “Okay, Pipp, better get these critters on their way to Zephyr Heights.” He said while Pipp was blowdrying a bunnisus. “Almost done, Hitch.” Pipp said as kept brushing the bunnisus as she brought out a bowl of glitter. “Just a little more glam!” She called before the ground shook, causing Pipp to fall and the glitter as well. “Whoa! What’s happening now!?” Sunset exclaimed as they turned and saw a herd of Bunnisi coming towards them. “Ah! Bunnisi stampede!” She exclaimed. “Oh my pony! There’s more?!” Pipp cried in panic as Allura was surprised by this as well, but gave a smirk as she could work with this as she placed Twitch in front of the stampede before he turned and screamed before getting caught in it. “That’s a good bunny.” Allura whispered with a smirk as the Bunnisi formed a mountain pile as Pipp flew around it. “Ah! T-T-T-T-T-There’s too many of them!” Pipp exclaimed in panic as Twitch squeezed through the pile before the bunnisi separated as they ran around. “I’ve heard of bunnisi wanting to be cute, but this is insane.” Sunset commented in surprise. “Leave it to me, girls.” Hitch said with determination. “I’m the pony of the law, coolest dragon dad you know, my Cutie Mark comes to life, and my kindness overflow!” He declared as his Cutie Mark glowed and stomped his hoof down, which created big flowers that sent pollens down as the Bunnisi all calmed down and huddled together. “There you go. That’s better.” He said with a smile. “That’s impressive, Hitch.” Sunset said as she turned and saw Twitch tiptoeing. “Hey, we missed one.” She said. Hitch turned and smiled as he picked up Twitch. “Aw. You cutie little bunny-wunny!” He cooed as he nuzzled Twtich, who tried to get away from him before Hitch gave him a kiss on the cheeks as Twitch spits in disgust. “Better bring him in, Hitch.” Sunset informed with a smile. “Not one bunny out of place.” She said. “That’s true, Sunset.” Hitch said as he carried Twitc to Rocky, who used a razor and cut his fur as it was now neat and tidy as Twitch looked at himself and saw his tail shaped like a heart as he growled and tried to hop away, but Pipp grabbed him and did a little makeup on him and then showed him a mirror to reveal him wearing a purple mane wig as he then screamed and fall to the ground in shock. “Oh, this is a great color for you!” Jazz said with a smile while doing Twitch’s nails. “Really brings out the colors of your eyes.” She said as Twitch looked at his nails and smiled at them, finding them great as he gave kissing. Allura kept watching as she looked at the floating charms as Twtich came up to them. “Yes. Yes.” She said slowly as Twtich was about to reach the NOva Charm, but he didn’t grab it as he went into the compartment to pull out a mirror, and looked at himself with a smile, much to Allura’s annoyance. “He’s losing focus! Twitch. Charm. Look out the charm!” She whispered, but Twitch didn’t hear her while paying attention to the mirror as Allura groaned. A bit later at night, Jazz, Rocky, and Pipp lay on the floor together. “Whoa! My hooves never glam so fast!” Pipp exclaimed. “That’s what hard work is, Pipp.” Sunset said in amusement while looking at the three stylish. “They do look gorgeous though.” Rocky commented as the three stood up with Sunset as Hitch got the bunnies into the Marestream. “There they go!” Jazz said as Hitch took off with the bunnies. “Good luck!” She waved. “Hitch’s gonna take them straight for Zepyhr Heights so that they can be ready for the Eggstravaganza.” Sunset said with a smile. “They should make it in time for tomorrow.” “Well, that’s great to hear, Sunset.” Pipp said with a smile. “Yeah. Now, about keeping the Nova Charm in a safe place…” Sunset started with a look, which made Pipp nervous. “Ahaha, there’s no escaping that one, is it?” Pipp asked nervously as Sunset shook her head. “Drats.” She mumbled. In the Marestream in the sky, some party light shined as Hitch drove the Marestream while Twitch and the Bunnisis partied to the music of the Bunny Hop before Twitch realizes something was off as he looked out the back window and gasped when he saw him flying. “Easter Eggstravaganza, here we come!” Hitch declared as he turned the Marestream in another direction while the Bunnisi and Twtich cheered, while Twitch not realizing that Allura will have an earful with him when he get back. End of Chapter 8. > Chapter 9: Cracked It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Cracked It In Maretime Bay, Sunset and Sunny, who is in her Alicorn form, flew by with their smoothie carts attached to them. “Morning, ponies!” Sunny called with a smile. “Here’s a refreshment to start the day!” Sunset called as she and Sunny then started giving two stallions each a smoothie, which they smiled. “Thanks, Sunny and Sunset!” The stallion said as Sunny skated on the ground while Sunset continued flying around the streets while Izzy and Pipp were chatting with Posey at Mane Melody as Sunny used her Earth Pony magic to make flower crowns for each of them as she and Sunny gave them some smoothies as they took off with the three ponies smiling at them before the flower crowns landed on their heads and they caught their smoothies. “Thanks, girls!” Izzy cheered with a smile. “Oh, thanks!” Pipp cheered. “Thanks, Sunny and Sunset!” Posey thanked next. “Anytime, girls!” Sunset said as she and Sunset flew and twirled around in the air while passing by Hitch and Sparky while Sunset was behind. “Egg!” Hitch called when he saw something in front of Sunny as he waved his hooves to Sunny while Sparky babbled. “Egg?” Sunset asked in confusion as she stopped while Sunny continued on before she turned to Hitch with a smile. “Hi, Hitch!” Sunny waved to her coltfriend as Sunset saw something in front of her. “Sunny! Watch out!” Sunset called while pointing something in front of Sunny. “Huh?” Sunny asked as she turned and saw a giant egg in front of her, which caused her to scream as she flapped her wings frantically to slow down. “Uh, oh.” Sparky said in a baby tone as he, Sunset, and Hitch watched in concern before Sunny crashed into the egg, which sent smoothie continents flying as Sunset quickly brought out her magic shield, but Hitch and Sparky weren’t so lucky as some smoothies hit them on their face, which Hitch gave a dull look while Sparky smiled from the taste as Sunset chuckled. “Wow, we haven’t seen you get hit with smoothies in a while.” Sunset said with chuckles while Hitch gave a bored look. “Yeah, it has been a while.” Hitch said unamusingly. “Sorry, Hitch. But you know it was an accident.” Sunset said with a small smile. “Sunny got too distracted by that giant egg to get you your and Sparky's smoothies. Fortunately, I have brought spare smoothie supplies." She then gives Hitch both a rag to clean himself and Sparky and the smoothies for Hitch and Sparky. “Thanks, Sunset.” Hitch said with a smile while Sparky babbled in agreement. “You’re welcome.” Sunset said with a smile. “And, also, there’s a giant egg in the middle of Maretime Bay!?” She exclaimed in shock at seeing the giant egg. “Yeah, that’s something.” Hitch said in agreement. A bit later, ponies are gathered around while Hitch’s critters use security tapes around the egg, which got Sunny’s splattered image in it with smoothies from the crash while the rest of the Mane 7 inspected it. “Keep it moving, ponies! Nothing to see here!” Hitch called to the crowd with a megaphone while Sparky repeated his words in baby talk. Rufus gave a brow from this. “Yeah, yeah. Then how do you explain that giant egg? Huh?” He questioned sarcastically about the giant egg in front of them. “Mmm, I’ve never seen an egg like this before.” Izzy said in amazement while touching it. “It looks kinda… old.” She said as Pipp and Sunset landed next to her. “Well, I’ll tell you this, this egg is old and completely hard as a rock.” Sunset commented while hitting the egg, which is really hard. “Harder than any egg I ever seen, if not at all.” “And a bit drab.” Pipp added before she gasped with sparkles in her eyes. “And seriously needed some glam!” She exclaimed in excitement. “Yes, Pipp!” Izzy cheered with sparkles in her eyes as well as she levitated some glitter and formed them in the shape of ponies. “Glittery dozenytee! A sprinkle here, and a sprinkle there!” She cheered as she tossed some glitter while Pipp was holding some products. “Not what I was going, but I saw that coming.” Sunset said with a chuckle at Pipp and Izzy’s ideas as she then grabbed a rag and walked off. “But where did it come from?” Hitch asked in wonder as Sunset came to Sunny while wiping her with a rag with Zipp to get the smoothies off her while Misty looked through her spell book to find any clues. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, Hitch.” Sunny assured her coltfriend with a smile. “Just something to make the day eggxtra eggciting!” She joked, while her friends just looked at her strangely from that joke while Izzy smiled cheerfully at her while clapping her hooves. “Eh, see what I did there?” She asked with an amusing smirk. “Stick to the smoothies, Sunny.” Posey said to her with a bored look as she walked past them. “Surprisingly, I agree with Posey on this one.” Sunset admitted as she turned to Sunny. “I mean, no offense Sunny, I like doing egg jokes and other jokes as the next pony, but those are overdoing it and a bit weak.” She stated as Sunny frowned. “It sounded good in my head.” Sunny said with her hooves crossed as Sunset chuckled and wiped some more smoothies off her. “But you may be right about the egg not being scary. We just don’t know what’s in it.” Sunset said while looking at the egg again. Misty was still looking at her spellbook before she gave a worried look. “Not to alarm anypony, but it could be an ancient fire hawk of terrible danger.” She said seriously while looking at the picture of a fire hawk hatching from the egg as the ponies behind her gasped in fear, which surprised me. “She said could be, ponies!” Sunset corrected as she sighed. “Why did you have to read the part of a dangerous creature, Misty?” She asked. “What? I’m still learning through the book.” Misty said in defense. “Besides, it could be.” “Well, I know some bunny who can help.” Zipp said with a knowing smile as she pressed on her phone. At Eggmund’s place, his phone was ringing as Zipp tried to call him, but some blankets got piled up on his phone as Eggmund tried to get his bunny children under control. “Come here! Oh! Down!” He called as he grab a couple and pulled a bunny out of a fishtank and chase after some more. “Where is your brother? No, your other brother. Not him. Your other, other brother!” He called while trying to calm his children down. Back in Maretime Bay, Zipp is looking at her phone with a frown since Eggmund didn’t answer as she turned to the crowd, who are looking nervous as Sunset pushed Zipp back to the others. “Zipp, you do know that Eggmund has 16 bunny children, right? He’s probably too busy to answer the phone right now.” Sunset reminded her. “Yeah, good point.” Zipp nodded in understanding. “Guess we’ll have to figure this egg out on our own.” She said as they frowned. “Which will be tough, considering.” Sunset said while looking at the egg in thought. A bit later, the Manee 7 are inspecting the giant egg as Hitch smiles at it. “Aw. Last time I found a magic egg, it gave me this little guy.” Hitch said fondly as he gestured to Sparky, who babbled happily at the compliment as Sunny came up to them and she nuzzled Sparky on the cheeks. “That was a wonderful time for him to hatch.” Sunny said warmly as Sparky giggled as they turned back to the giant egg. “So, maybe this big guy just needs a little love too. Huh?” Hitch suggested with a wink. “Yep.” Sparky said in baby talk and a nod. “Then let’s give it to him, Hitch.” Sunny said with a smirk as Hitch nodded as the two Earth Ponies then used their Earth Pony magic and grew some vines to make a nest as Hitch summoned a giant leaf to go to the top of the egg and brought out a blanket. “Don’t worry. Dada is here.” Hitch said as he sat on the blanket and rubbed it. “Hush now.” He said in a soft tone while Sunny giggled at her coltfriend’s daddy side. Below, Pipp and Izzy are decorating the bottom of the egg as Izzy makes a spray-painted version of herself while Pipp is making a star with her color streaks. “Now it’s looking totally gorg!” Pipp cheered before she gave a thoughtful look. “Mmm. But something’s missing.” She said while looking at Izzy’s painting. “Hey!” Izzy said in offended at Pipp, who gave the unicorn a bored look before Izzy gasped and went up to her painting with a sweet smile and sparkles in her eyes. “Don’t you listen to her. You’re perfect just as you are. Aren’t you, you cuty little Iz.” She said cutely as she then hugged the egg with her painting while making kissing noises before her hoof touched a button with her Cutie Mark on it, which caused her real one to glow as the button glowed, making Izzy gasp in surprise while Pipp surprised by that. “Wow! Look at that!” She cheered as she took off her goggles. “Oooh!” Everypony said in awed. “Did-Did that button of your Cutie Mark just glowed when you pressed it, Izzy?” Sunset asked in surprise. “Yes! I think it did!” Izzy answered cheerfully. “Maybe that might be the key for this thing to hatch!” Sunset theorizes with wide eyes. “Now we’re getting somewhere!” Zipp exclaimed with a smile as Misty looked at another button with her Cutie Mark on it. “What if I…” Misty started before she pressed the button, causing it to glow  as she gasped with sparkles in her eyes and a smile before she turned to another button with her mark as she reached towards it, but it was too far for her hoof to reach. Izzy saw this as she pressed her button again and then the section of the egg started moving. “Ooh! Coming at ya, Misty!” She cheered as she moved towards Misty, causing Misty’s button to get close to her sd Misty smiled as she pressed the second button, causing the egg to crack while her Cutie Mark glowed as well. “Whoo!” Izzy cheered as the two Unicorns turned to Sunny and Sunset and nodded to them with smiles. “This egg is like a giant jigsaw puzzle! Finding a mark on it and moving it to the right position!” Sunset realizes with a wide smile. “So if we find our marks and move the egg in a certain position…” Sunny started with a smile. “Then we can finally crack this thing! Literally!” Sunset cheered, which made her and Sunny share a laugh and high hoof each other. “Good one, Sunset!” Sunny cheered as she turned to the others. “Everypony, find your hoofprints!” She called. “Did you say something, Sunny?!” Hitch called out from the top as he stood up, but then his hooves stepped on four buttons with his mark on it as it glowed. “Ah, what?” He asked before he started spinning, which made Sparky cheered in excitement. “Something’s happening!” He called as Hitch spun around before he stopped, looking dizzy as his Cutie Mark glowed. Pipp was searching the egg for her mark before she found it on the star paint she did as she gasped. “Oh, my, glitter!” She cheered with sparkles in her eyes. “I knew something was missing! Maaaagggiiiccc!” She sang as she tapped her mark, which cracked and caused her Cutie Mark to glow. Zipp then pressed her four hooves down on the four buttons with her mark on the side of the egg as she looked down at the others. “Ready?” She asked with a smirk. “Ready!” Izzy, Misty, and Pipp exclaimed as Zipp trained and used her wings to push the marks up as the three mares cheered for her. After a bit of effort, Zipp made it to the spot as it started to crack, which caused her Cutie Mark to glow. Sunny and Sunset watch in awe as the egg is nearly cracked as it shows their two Cutie Marks on the egg are shown and sparkled as their friends look in awe while Sunny and Sunset look in awe at their Cutie Marks with smiles and sparkle in their eyes. “What?! I can’t see anything from up here!” Hitch called as he couldn’t see what was going on below from the top of the egg. “It’s… It’s us!” Sunny cheered with sparkles in her eyes. “Me and Sunny have our marks in the middle! Like, we’re the source of it all.” Sunset said with sparkles in her eyes as the buttons in the middle of their respective marks glowed as Sunset turned to Sunny. “You ready, Sunny?” She asked with a smirk. “You know it, Sunset.” Sunny said as she summoned her Alicorn form as she twirled around with Sunset. “With hope. Bright as the sun!” She cheered as she slammed down on her mark with sparkles in her eyes. “With Empathy, to understand the others and show them the light of the sun!” Sunset exclaimed as she slammed down on her mark as well with sparkles in her eyes as Sunny and Sunset glowed bright. And then, the giant egg cracked more as it started glowing as the cracks then began to glow. “Whoa!” Zipp said in awe before the egg started shaking, causing the Mane 7 to scream and run off before it cracked completely.  A giant magical hawk-like rainbow creature appeared as it gave a squawk and started flying around, leaving a trail of eggs in its path as it spread its wings and created a firework display, which the ponies gasped. “Aaah! It is an ancient fire hawk of terrible danger!” Posey cried out. “Run for your lives!” She yelled as the ponies were running away and screaming in fear while the hawk creature kept flying around as some of the eggs fell close to the Mane 7 as Sunset realized something. “Everypony stop!” Sunset yelled, which got the crowd to stop panicking as they turned to her. “This hawk creature isn’t attacking! It’s flying around and releasing these glowing eggs.” She said while gesturing to the eggs. “Wait, seriously?” Posey questioned with a brow. Misty looked at the egg close to her as she picked it up. “Sunset’s right. It’s…” She then opened it to reveal it was a chocolate egg as she gasped. “Cholcate eggs!” Sunny exclaimed with a wide smile as the hawk flew higher in the sky and gave a squawk as it left a rainbow trail and the chocolate eggs as the fillies and foals caught some and they cheered and laughed in joy. “Amazing! Ho, ho!” A pegasus stallion in the air called with a smile as the Pegasi in the sky caught their eggs while everypony else caught their chocolate eggs while the Mane 7 caught there’s as well as they watched the whole thing. Sparky walked by while carrying a stack of glowing chocolate eggs as he placed them down and enjoyed them with joyful babbles. Zipp’s phone vibrated as she answered it and saw Eggmund on Facetime, looking really messy from trying to handle his bunny children. “Zipp! Did you get my gift?” He asked with a smile. “It was from you.” Zipp said with a smirk. “It was a tricky puzzle, but we got it.” She assured him with a wink. “Puzzle? What do you mean?” Eggmund asked in confusion while scratching his head. “The instructions are right…” He brought out the instructions, but then he saw one of his bunny children eating it as he gasped. “Hey! What did I say about chewing papa’s documents?!” He questioned as Zipp gave an amusing smirk. “Aw, spit it out right this instance!” He called before Zipp ended the call. “Well, that explains why that egg has our marks. And Eggmund really made a great gift to us.” Sunset said with a smile as more eggs fell as she caught another and ate it. “I never seen any surprise or gifts like this in all my life.” “Neither have we, Sunset.” Zipp said in agreement. “This is a first for us as well.” “Another day in Equestria, that’s for sure. Never a dull moment.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “Though, it would’ve been better if his children hadn’t eaten the instructions or at least left a note on it.” She said with a small smile. Sunny then came to them with a smile. “Eh, we don’t need his help cracking the case anyway!” She joked as she gave a laugh as her friends looked at her strangely before they all laughed as well. “Oh, nice one, Sunny. You’re improving your egg jokes.” Sunset said through her laughter. “Hahah! Thanks, I just thought it would be eggciting!” Sunny joked again through her laughter. “Okay, okay. Easy there, young mare.” Sunset said with an amusing smile. “Or the yoke is on you.” She quipped as they all laughed again at the jokes as they and Maretime Bay enjoyed their raining chocolate eggs from the magical hawk. End of Chapter 9. > Special 1: The Blockywockys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special 1: The Blockywockys In the Crystal Brighthouse, the sun is shining while pegasi snails are flying with the sun shining bright. (Feel the Magic Song) (Mane 7) Come on, feel the magic Come on, feel the magic Zipp is at the top of the Brighthouse while looking at the view while tapping her hooves on the rails as she begins to sing. (Zipp) Hey, hey, hey, what a perfect day The sun is gettin' brighter and it's beamin' my way Zipp sang as she flew out of a hole through the window the magic rainbow did before sealing it up before she flew off. There's somethin' in the air, I can feel it in my hoof So everypony, let's go, 'cause it's time to move Zipp then flew into the bedroom as she flipped around in the air before she cheered. “Whoo-hoo! Everypony, rise and shine!” She called as she woke the girls up, while her sister Pipp covered herself in her blanket until Zipp went to Pipp’s and rubbed on the blanket. “Come on, sleepy head! Wake up! She called. “ZIPP!” Pipp yelled as she got out of her blanket to reveal her mane was curled up, which she realized. “Ooh!” She then rushed to the mirror with a smile. “Did it work? Is my mane curly?” She asked before her mane shook and puffed up as the curls snapped off and her mane and tail were now puffy, she smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes. “It’s a mane miracle!” She cheered with a twirl before she brought out her phone. “Check me out~” She sang as she faced her camera to take a selfie. Zipp was then bouncing onto Misty’s bed, which bounced the unicorn up. “Whoa, whoa!” She called as she was now fully awake and then she began to laugh and got up as she started jumping on her bed next before Zipp flew off. Zipp then flew up to Sunset’s bed, but before she could do anything, she was stopped by magic as Sunset came out of the bed with a smirk and her horn glowing. “Not this time, Zipp. I heard you singing from the rooftop.” She said. “Clever.” Zipp said with a smirk as she was released from the magic. “I’ll get you next time.” She said as the two mares shared a chuckle and Zipp flew towards Sunny’s bed and tapped over the blanket. Sunny stretched and yawned as she turned to Zipp with a smile as the pegasus flew off as she sighed fondly. “Who wants breakfast?” She asked as she flew up and summoned her Alicorn form and flew up. “You know we are, Sunny!” Sunset called as she flew up next to Sunny and they shared a hooftap as they and the mares rushed off to the door. But then Sunny realizes something is missing in the group. “Hang on.” She said as they skidded to a stop while Misty slid on the floor. “Somepony's missing.” She said as she and the mares looked around and saw one pony mare they knew was missing. “Izzy!” The five mares called as they turned to Misty, who was still sleeping in her bed with her mask on as she snored they huddled around her bed with smiles. “Let's go, sleepyhead!” Sunny said with a smile. “Breakfast time!” Pipp said with a smile and a wave of her hoof. “Wakey-wakey, Unicorny Flakeys!” Misty added with a smile. “It’s a new day, Izzy. And it’s time to embrace it!” Sunset added with a smile. Izzy then got up with her mane a bit dislevel. “Oh…” She started before she yawned and lifted her mask to show her bed eyes. “Hey, ponies. Is it morning already?” She asked with a tired smile as she rubbed her eyes. A bit later, the mares were all in the kitchen as Sunny took out some muffins and doughnuts that were baked in the oven. (Sunny) Hey, hey, hey, ponies, don't delay 'Cause breakfast is the most important meal of the day Sunny sang as she was still in her Alicorn form and levitated a muffin to Zipp in the air, and gave a doughnut to Misty, who waved to Sunny as thanks while giving Sunset a pancake, which she caught in her magic after a flip and added some syrup to it while she winked at Sunny.. Cooking up your favorites with a twist or two Just a touch of magic from me to you Sunny then made a smoothie and gave it to Pipp, who smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she sipped and gave a hoof to Sunny as a compliment. Sunny then poured some cereal into a bowl and added some mile before tossing it to Izzy,  with Senor Butterscotch next to her. Izzy was about to grab it, but she missed as she gasped and her cereal fell to the floor as she gasped. “Oh, no! My Unicorny Flakeys!” She cried as she looked at her spilled cereal before she moved Senor Butterscotch’s head. "’More like Uni-floor-ny Flakeys now! Know what I'm sayin'?" Izzy intimidated Senor Butterscotch’s voice and made a fake laugh before she gave a dull look at him. “Too soon, Señor B. Too soon!” Izzy said as she gave Senor Butterscotch a look and squished her cheeks next to it, which Sunset saw this as she gave a concerned look to Izzy. In Maretime Bay, the girls are skipping next to the Sheriff Station as Zipp then whistled, whereas inside, Hitch and Sparky are drinking some milk after a nice breakfast as Hitch beginns to sing after hearing the whistle. (Hitch) Good times with my buddy Is what it's all about And things can't get much better Shades on, here we go, it's time to roll out Hitch sang as he tossed some plates into the sink before Sparky flipped on the desk and onto the kangaroo bag Hitch was now wearing before the two then put on their sunglasses skidded outside with the mares next to Sunny as they tapped their hooves as Sunny came up next to her coltfriend and baby-dragon as the two and their friends started dancing together in sync. (Mane 7) If you feel the magic, let me hear you say "hey!" Come on, feel the magic, ooh, feel the magic Posey was walking by before she noticed the Mane 7 dancing together. “Ew. Is this a flash mob?” She asked with a strange look. “I... love it!” She cheered with a smile while Dahlia and the Pippsqueaks saw them dancing and singing as well. “Let's dance, ponies!” Dahlia exclaimed excitedly as they and Posey joined in with the Mane 7. (Mane 7) Come on, feel the magic, ooh, feel the magic Windy saw the ponies dancing as she gave a wide smile. “Oh, I've always wanted to do one of these!” She called as she then went up to the group and danced, which was un-sync with them. “Dance move! Dance move! I got it! Am I flash mobbing?!” She asked excitedly to the group as they kept singing and dancing. At Sunny’s smoothie stand, she and Sunset are serving smoothies together as they pass each smoothie to the ponies. (Sunny) Smoothies flying off the shelves Making new flavors and watching them sell Sunset got the cups ready while Sunny made some orange smoothies and poured them in the cups as Sunny turned to her coltfriend and baby dragon.  “Hitch! Sparky! Smoothies ready!”Sunny sang as Sunset gave the smoothies to Windy as she sang as well. (Windy) That's it, Windy! Nice and steady! Windy sang as she flew to Sparky and Hitch and they grabbed each a smoothie as Hitch sang next while Sparky drank his smoothie. (Hitch) Keepin' Maretime Bay runnin' smooth Stop! Go! Come on through! Hey there, whoa! Not so fast! Put 'er there, pal, if you're havin' a blast! Hitch sang to a couple of ponies pulling some chariots as he kept order of the streets before stopping one when his critter crew walked by and he and Sparky shared a hoof tap as they raised their hoof/arm in the air. Sunset then flew above the smoothie stand as she did some magical tricks, which the crowd looked in awed. (Sunset) The magic grows strong when we’re together No one can do it alone without the other When we work in harmony and the magic glows The Magic of Friendship grows! Sunset called as she then flew around and created a magical trail that formed Twilight’s Cutie Mark that shone bright, which the crowd started cheering as Sunset landed back next to Sunny as the two shared a hooftap with each other with smiles. In another part of town, Zipp is flying around with her bag while hopping on some roofs and goes through a laundry line and flies next to Mane Melody, which has the front door crowded as Zipp flies to the side of the window where Jazz is. (Zipp) Special delivery on its way Apparently ponies can't live without... manespray? Zipp added with an amusing smile as she gave her bag to Jazz, which had tons of manespray. “Thank hoofness, Zipp! You saved the day!” Jazz said with a wide smile as Zipp flew off while Jazz waved to her before entering the salon with a little dance as she twirled. (Jazz) Oh, whoa, yeah, you saved the day! Jazz then got to Pipp and gave her a manespray bottle as she was doing Flare’s mane, which is a bit drab from the manedryer as she then sang. (Pipp) Ooh, you're lookin' gorge A little higher, please Pipp sprayed some manespray on Flare before she had a thoughtful expression. “Hmmm, it needs a little something, ugh, more... Misty!” She called with a smile as Misty came up from behind Flare with a rainbow bottle and put a small drop on Flare’s mane, which gave her a spikey main and a rainbow streak of red, green, and blue while Flare looked on with a wide smile and sparkles in her eyes. (Pipp) Magnifiiiiique! (Mane 7) If you feel the magic, let me hear you say "hey!" Come on, feel the magic, ooh, feel the magic The Mane 7 still sang and danced together with ponies around them singing along as they huddled together and sang together as their Cutie Marks began to glow as magic shot up into the sky and exploded into fireworks. If you feel the magic, let me hear you say "hey!" Come on, feel the magic, come on, feel the magic (Sunny: Feel the magic, come on, everypony!) The Mane 6 and the other ponies sang together as they finished their song as their magic shot up into the sky and exploded into fireworks when they finished their song before they broke off while leaving Izzy with Senor Butterscotch, who was still dancing with a tired expression while babbling. “Here in happy scenes from Maretime Bay today!” Skye said from the news camera while gesturing to the tired dancing Izzy behind him. “As you can see, everypony is absolutely thriving!” He said. Izzy kept dancing as she walked backward, but then she hit Senor Butterscotch, which caused the two to tumble and roll around until they crashed into the flower stand. “‘Ouchi! Izzy!’” She intimidated Senor Butterscotch’s voice with a painful groan. “Oof!” Skye said in surprise. “Well, maybe not everypony is thriving.” He corrected with a laugh as Izzy rubbed her head. “Back to you, Dazzle!”  “Hey, we heard that!” Izzy yelled with a look. “‘Yeah, watch it!’” Senor Butterscotch yelled with a clench of his makeshift hoof from Izzy. Somewhere in the forest, Allura’s eyes glowed as she then focused her magic and gave a roar with her wings spread as the area around her and Twitch turned to ice as she and Twitch sighed. “Now that’s better.” She said in relief before she felt a drop of water fall on her, which caused her to gasp. “What is that?! Is it… melting already?!” She asked as she and Twitch looked around in shock. Around the two villains, the area that Allura froze really is melting the second she froze, even repeatedly using her magic to instantly freeze it won’t be enough against the sun. “There must be someplace in this realm that’s not so hot!” She called with her wings spread before sending another magical shockwave before she walked off. “Come on, Twitch. This isn’t working.” She said as she walked off with Twitch following, going to find a new place for them to stay somewhere in Equestria. In Maretime Bay, Izzy is walking tiredly through town while still levitating Senor Butterscotch. “‘Not everypony thriving.’” She intimated for Senor Butterscotch as she gave a scoff. “‘We’ll show you, Skye Silver! We’re thriving, right, Izzy?’” She finished. “Who? Us?” Izzy asked her creation with a smile. “Psst. Totally. He-he.” She said with a small laugh before she walked into an alley before she frowned. “I mean, my creativy juices aren’t exactly flowing right now. But, I’m sure that will past, right?” She asked Senor Butterscotch with a small smile. “‘Of course!’” Senor Butterscotch said. “‘All you need is a new project, Izzy. Maybe it’s time for destination inspiration?’” “Oooh! Good idea, Senor B!” Izzy said with an interesting smile. “‘If could knits some hats for the baby ponies.’” Senor Butterscotch said while Izzy pictured some hats with balls of yarn surrounding some foals hearing them. “Nah.” Izzy said while she waved off the idea. “My yarn balls a mess.” She said as she walked off. “‘Make a ribbing message of love in the sky?’” Senor Butterscotch added while picturing making a heart shaped cloud in the sky. “I did that last week.” Izzy said with a frown. “‘Create a sandcastle’s hidden garden?’” Senorb Butterscotch continued before visualizing a sandcastle at the beach, but she frowned. “What’s the point?” Izzy asked sadly as she lowered her head as the sandcastle collapsed. “It will just washed away.” She stated. Back in the Crystal Brighthouse when the sun is setting, Izzy is at the top balcony with Senor Butterscotch as they watch the sun. “Senor B, I know I’ve seen extremely normal all morning, but I have a confession to make.” She said with a determined expression. “I think I might have used up all of my creativity juices!” She exclaimed. “‘What?! No!’” Senor Butterscotch yelled while making him look shocked. “‘What makes you think that, Izzy?’” “Well, usually when I create something, I see this glowly-line verse.” Izzy said as she flashbacked when she made something and saw some figures' shapes glowing in an object and tied some crystals on the sticks. “And it showed me the idea of what I wanna make! But now, when I look at things, nothing!” She started while picking up a crystal but dropped it. “No glowly line at all.” She said while leaning on the railing. “‘Maybe you just has some bad pasta.’” Senor Butterscotch stated. “Could be.” Izzy said while rubbing her chin. “Or… Maybe…” She then gave a panicked expression. “Oh, no!W What if it’s…” She started. The rest of the Mane 7 are inside the Brighthouse before Izzy burst through the door. “Why oh why? Oh great horn in the sky, why?!” She cried out dramatically while laying on Senor Butterscotch as she levitated around while her friends looked at her strangely. “Izzy, are you okay?” Sunny asked in concern. “Yeah, you seem more down and dramatic than usual.” Sunset added in concern as Izzy flopped onto her bed with her blanket over her. “Why me?!” Izzy cried while clutching her head. “Are you hurt?” Zipp asked in concern. “What happened?” Misty asked next. “How can we help?” Pipp finished as they crowded around Izzy. “Ponies, I... have... the blockywockys!” Izzy cried out dramatically while clutching her pillow while the others just looked at her in confusion. “The what now?” Zipp questioned. “Izzy, come on. I thought you were really hurt.” Sunny said to her. “No, ponies, you don't understand!” Izzy said as she got close to Sunny. “Having the blockywockys is worse than being hurt!” She said. “What do you mean, Izzy?” Misty asked in wonder. “Yeah, what are the... b-blockywockys?” Pipp asked in confusion. “Yeah, because this is one weird word even for us with the jixies thing.” Sunset commented as Izzy got up between them. “Over time, the blockywockys have afflicted many an artsy pony.” Izzy said as she then explain the backstory of the ‘blockywockys’. Flashback. A Earth Pony stallion is then trying to create a pony body statue, but stopped as he sighed and a hoof fell off. “Sometimes, the blockywockys keep you from finishing a project.” Izzy narrated as the scene then changed to a unicorn mare writing down a note, but stopped as she sighed. “Sometimes, they keep you from starting one.” The next one showed a pegasus stallion trying to play a guitar on a stadium, but couldn’t play it right as he slouch in defeat and a string broke. “And sometimes, they just make everything go wrong.” Izzy finished explaining. End of Flashback. “Sounds like a mental creative block to me.” Sunset said with a curious look. “I had these when I did some street art and creative projects a while back.” She said with a shrug. “What does it feel like, Iz?” Pipp asked the unicorn. “I bet I've, like, totally had these wockyblocky thingies.” She said with a small smile. “Blockywockys, Pipp.” Izzy corrected. “And for me, it feels like all my creative-y juices are all blocked up on my insides, and they just won't come out. It's like losing the thing you love to do the most.” She said as she had a thought to her friends. “Like... Sunny not being able to turn into the Alicorn and help ponies, Sunset not able to rebuild Twilight’s legacy and unable to defeat Opaline, Hitch not being able to talk to critters, Pipp losing her voice, Zipp having to fly super slow, and Misty not having a friend in the world to talk to.” She said as she visualized what would happen to her friends if they lost something that was a part of them. “Wow, that’s just sad and a little unnerving to hear if that happened to us.” Sunset said in sympathy as the others nodded in agreement. “Is there anything we can do to help?” Sunny asked Izzy as she sat back down onto her bed while clutching her pillow as she sighed. “I don't know, Sunny.” Izzy said sadly. “What if there's no cure and I never create anything ever again?” She said sadly as she rubbed her pillow in comfort before Sunny and Sunset walked up to her and placed their hooves on her shoulders. “Come on, Izzy. We can't lose hope.” Sunny said with an assuring smile. “We can get through anything together.” “If there’s a problem with one of us, we all stick together like how we always do and figure out a solution.” Sunset said with a smile. “Sunny and Sunset are right.” Misty said in agreement before she frowned. “It might feel hopeless right now, Izzy. I've felt that way before, too.” She said, having experience of feeling hopeless when she was with Opaline before she and the others started glowing as they smiled at her. “But when you have ponies that love you, even in the darkest times, there's always hope.” She said as the Mane 7 glowed brighter. “We're here for you.” Sunny said to Izzy. “We’re family.” Sunset added. “Don't worry, Izzy.” Hitch spoke next. “We love you, Iz.” Zipp added. “Awwww…” Pipp finished as they all huddled close to Izzy in a group hug. Izzy giggles at her friends words. “Aw, thanks, ponies.” She said with a smile as they broke the hug. “Now, anypony got any ideas? 'Cause clearly I do not!” She called out in panic. “Come on, Iz.” Zipp said as she walked up to her. “You're awesome at puzzles.” She said while holding up a book and opened it to her and showed her a picture of three symbols of a sick pony and a soup bowl. “I'm sure you can figure this one out. ‘If you're not feeling…’” She started. “Ummmm... ‘Your best’?” Izzy guessed with a smile as the others smiled behind her. “Yeah, that's it!” Zipp nodded with a smile. “‘Then it's time to…’” She then pointed the three symbols of a clock, a pony, and a map on the book. "’...go on a quest!’" Izzy finished with a wide smile. “Yes, Izzy!” Zipp cheered with a twirl. "’If you're not feeling your best, then it's time to go on a quest!’ See? We did it!” She cheered as she and Izzy shared a hooftap as Izzy giggled. “A quest, huh?” Izzy repeated with a thoughtful look. “I like the sound of that!” She said with a determined smile. “Just like old times, huh, ponies?” Sunset asked with a smile. “Just like old times, Sunset.” Sunny said with a nudge as they all chuckled. Somewhere in the Maretime Bay beach, Allura and Twitch are in front of the boulders blocking the entrance cave Zipp and Pipp were in to get a special flower for their mother, while also an excuse for Zipp to get out of Portrait Day while getting trapped by Misty when she was following Opaline’s orders while Twitch started gibbering to Allura while pointing at the boulders. “Use my magic?” Allura asked in confusion. “On what? The boulders?” She questioned while gesturing to the boulders while Twitch pants with a smile while jumping before Allura sighed. “I don't know what good it will do. But all right.” She said while giving Twitch a small smile, which he chuckled and moved aside. Allura then focus her magic as her eyes then turned white and slammed her paws down as ice formed before a cyclone was formed around her as her eyes sparked before she formed ice shards with a wings spread and then gave a yell as she shot a beam of ice at the boulders, which froze it before she simply moved her paw, which shattered the boulders into millions of pieces while clearing a path into the cave as the two villains smirked at each other. Twitch rushed in first into the cave while Allura searched around before she and Twitch saw the hidden pond. “Well, this isn't... completely disgusting.” Allura said with a small smile, finding the cave a great place. “Maybe if I just…” She said as she looked at her paws and focused her magic as her eyes turned white again and she placed her paw down as the ice spread and completely froze the cave except for the pond. Twitch stretched and yawned as he laid down and used Allura’s tail as a blanket. “It's not home, but it will do. For now.” She said with a serious look, still determined to get the Nova Charm from the Mane 7. Back at the Brighthouse, Izzy was running down the stairs with a pant and a determined smile. “If you're not feeling your best, then it's time to go on a quest!” She recited before she jumped down and landed on the floor. “That's it! I feel inspired!” She cheered before a rainbow magic levitated a saddle bag to her, which caused her to gasped. “Ooh, a bag!” She said as it circled her before landing in her Unicycle desk and it opened up. “Already packed? For me?” Izzy asked with a smile and sparkles in her eyes as she inspects the bag. “Yup, I need that!” She took out a wrench. “And that!” A measuring tape. “Ooh, I love those! And these!” She cheered as she pulled out her goggles and held it close and then a unicorn alarm clock as she put her bag on. “Alas, I go forth on my creative-y quest! Nothing will stop me from finding the cure to my blockywockys!” She declared before the magical rainbow lifted up the Nova Charm and held it up to Izzy. “Oh, yeah. I forgot about the Nova Charm. That's gonna be much easier.” She said as she put the Nova Charm on her neck. “ I'll just leave the ponies a quick note.” Izzy said as she then took out a piece of paper and a pen with her face on it as she wrote down the note. “‘Gone on a creative-y quest. Be back when I find the cure. X-O-X-O, Izzy.’” She wrote as she ran out the door with giggles and trotted off. A bit later after Izzy left, the rest of the Mane 7 are looking at the note Hitch is holding and they all frown in surprise when they read it. “Alone?! She's gone alone?!” Hitch questioned with a frown as he paced around. “How many times do I have to say it? We stick together!” He exclaimed. “Hitch, have you met, Izzy?” Sunset questioned with a brow. “The unicorn tends to go off on her own sometimes in situations like these.” She reminded him. “Okay, good point.” Hitch said with an understanding point. “But still, we should stick together!” “Being alone isn't always a bad thing, Hitch.” Misty said with an assuring smile. “Sometimes it's easier to hear your own voice when you don't have a bunch of other voices telling you what to do.” She said to them. “Misty is right.” Sunset nodded with a smile. “Inspiration is something that is unique to every individual regardless of species.” “Yeah, it comes in many ways, whether it’s together or alone.” Sunny added with a smile. “Izzy will be just fine.” Pipp assured with a smile. “She's, like, totally resourceful.” She added. “Yeah, but, without her creativity, I just wish we could be there to help her.” Zipp said in concern, that without Izzy’s creativity, she’s not as resourceful as she was. “Well, that is true.” Sunset said while rubbing her chin. “Maybe I could go find her and keep her safe if things go south.” “That’s a good idea, Sunset.” Hitch said with a nod. “But how are you gonna find her? She is probably already far off by now. It’s not like we can support her or light the way to her.” He said in concern. “Maybe we can.” Misty said with a smile. “What if every time we think about Izzy, rather than worrying, we can just close our eyes and send her some cutie mark magic love and light the way for Sunset to find her?” She suggested as she looked at her Cutie Mark and then she started glowing. “Great idea, Misty.” Sunny said with a smile. “With our magic and elements together, we’ll find one of our own.” Sunset said with a smile. “Okay. Let's try it now. Sunset, get outside so you can see the rainbow.” Sunny instructed as Sunset nodded and flew out as Sunny focused her magic as she began to glow and her Cutie Mark shined. “Hope as bright as the sun!” She started with a pose. “Confidence like a song!” Pipp started next as her mark glowed. “Kindness that overflows!” Hitch added as his mark glowed next. “Bravery that blasts across the sky!” Zipp said next after flying around and her mark glowed with her wings spread. “Heart to help you feel!” Misty said with a twirl as her mark glowed while outside the Brighthouse, Sunset stood in front of the rainbow beam as she gave a determined smile. “Empathy to help share and understand feelings!” Sunset called as her mark glowed as well the six of the Mane 7 started glowing and focused their magic together and shot a rainbow beam through the Brighthouse, which Sunset followed as she flew off as the ponies around Maretime Bay saw Sunset go with the rainbow as they looked in awe. “I’m coming, Izzy!” She called out while flying as fast as she could while following the rainbow. Somewhere, Izzy is running in a field  before she sees the rainbow shooting over her. “Ooh, pretty rainbow!” Izzy cheered with a smile before she saw Sunset flying down towards her. “Sunset! You are coming along with me?!” She asked with a joyful smile. “Of course I am!” Sunset said with a smile. “You think I let you go in alone, Izzy? We’re a family, and we stick together! It would be like the day we met!” She was flying beside her. “You’re right! It does!” Izzy cheered as the two ponies continued on the field. “There's gotta be somepony out there who can help me!” She said as she Nova Charm then glowed as it shot out and opened a portal, which surprised Sunset. “Wait, you brought the Nova Charm with you?!” Sunset asked in shock. “Of course! Have to go around as fast as possible and the Nova Charm can do that!” Izzy explained with a cheerful smile as she rushed towards the portal. “I believe it! Look out, blockywockys! I'm comin' for ya !” She said with a determined look as she jumped through the portal. “Wait up, Izzy!” Sunset called as she jumped through the portal after Izzy before it closed. Sunset and Izzy then exited the portal and into a snowy forest in Starlight Ridge, somehow still normal and not in their crystal form. “Huh, that’s weird.” Sunset said while looking at herself. “What is it, Sunset?” Izzy asked. “Usually when we go to Starlight Ridge, we turn into crystal ponies. But now, we’re still normal.” Sunset said while gesturing to their normal appearance. “Yeah. Maybe we’re in a different part of Starlight Ridge where the changes aren’t affected.” Izzy said with a shrug. “That charm is full of mysteries. But uh, I think it’s a little bit above ground level.” Sunset said while pointed down and they were above the ground as Izzy opened her eyes and widened as she then screamed. “Izzy!” She cried out as she flew after Izzy. The unicorn then yelped as she was then sliding down the snowy slope before she skid on the ground with a yelp. “Wheeee!” Izzy then cheered with a smile before she turned and saw an auroracorn mare with snow and a baby bird on her with a green highlight on her eyelid and lipstick as Izzy blinked at her in surprise.  Sunset flew down and saw the auroracorn in surprise as she landed next to Izzy before the auroacorn opened her eyes. Stardance: “Didn't anypony ever tell you two it's not polite to stare?” She asked with a small smile. Both Izzy and Sunset laughed nervously. “Sorry. We didn’t mean to, uh…” Sunset started. “Stardance.” Stardance greeted softly. “My name is Stardance.” “You looked so peaceful.” Izzy said with a small smile. “We didn't want to bother you.” She added. “I'm listening.” Stardance whispered to them. “Well, it’s mostly Izzy's problem that she’s been having.” Sunset said while gesturing to Izzy. “You see, I haven't been able to create lately, and I was wondering if you knew any cures for the blockywockys.” Izzy explained to Stardance with a smile. Stardance kept smiling while she listened to Izzy’s words. “Hmm. Ohhh, yes, yes. Ohhh.” She started while Izzy gave a hopeful smile while Sunset watched in curiosity. “Mmmm. Yes. Yes, I see.” She continued while Izzy started nodding. “Yes. Yes!” Then Stardance frowned as she opened her eyes and looked at the two ponies. “...Sorry. No idea.” She said as she shook her head which caused Izzy to frown while Sunset placed a hoof for comfort on her shoulder. “Well, thanks anyway, Stardance.” Sunset said as the two ponies were about to walk off, but Stardance spoke up again. “But before you two go, how about a quick dance with the stars?” Stardance suggested with a smile while she got out of the snow pile while her mane is curled around her neck and her Cutie Mark is a star. “Uhhhh…” Izzy started before she smiled widely. “Yeah, that sounds fun! What are we waiting for?” She asked for an exciting look before turning to Sunset. “Can we, Sunset? Can we? Please?” She pleaded while giving puppy eyes. Sunset sighed as she gave a small smile. “If it makes you happy, we could have some fun.” She said with a nod, which caused Izzy to hug her. “Thank you! Thank you!” Izzy said while Sunset chuckled. “I was hoping you'd say that.” Stardance said with a smirk as she raised her hoof and her Cutie Mark magic came out and washed over Sunset and Izzy. When they opened their eyes, they saw that they were looking at stars around them as they looked awed with sparkles in their eyes as Stardance glowed and danced around them as she then floated up with her magic. Sunset and Izzy watch before the magic then covers them, which causes them to float up while Sunset is not using her wings as they giggled. “Whoo!” Izzy cheered. “Awesome!” Sunset exclaimed as they flew around and started dancing with Stardance as the three ponies giggled and danced together while Izzy giggled happily as she danced joyfully as she glowed brightly, which made her mane grow bigger while Stardance and Sunset watched her dance with smiles. “Play is always the way.” Stardance thought while she and Sunset watched with smiles while Izzy kept giggling and dancing before the Nova Charm activated again and opened a portal, which made Izzy yelped and sucked right in. “Oh! Sorry, Stardance. Gotta go and make sure Izzy doesn’t get lost!” Sunset quickly said as Stardance nodded in understanding as Sunset rushed through the portal before it closed. The two ponies then exited the portal again before it closed behind them. “Huh?” Izzy asked before she and Sunset looked down and saw they were high up in the air. “Not again.” Sunset muttered as she then used her wings but then Izzy started falling as she screamed. “I gotcha, Iz!” She called as she flew down towards her, butbefore Sunset could catch Izzy, Izzy landed on Tumble, who was flying by as Sunset flew towards the two. “Tumble?!” She asked in surprise. “Hello, Sunset and Izzy.” Tumble greeted as he flew down with Izzy on his back while Sunset flew down to where Blaize and Spike are at, with the two dragons surprise to see their two pony friends. “Izzy? Sunset?” Blaize asked in surprise while Spike smiled.  “Well, this is a surprise.” Spike said with a fond smile as he walked up to them as he and Sunset shared hooftaps. “I’m surprise you two are here and not in the Marestream. But, it’s great to see my friends around.” “Great to see you too, Spike.” Sunset said with a fond smile. “And the falling off from the sky, well, that was a portal from the Nova Charm unexpectedly got us up there somehow.”  “Heh, another day in Equestria.” Spike commented amusingly as he and Sunset giggled. “What are you two doing in the Dragon Lands?” Blaize asked the two ponies with a smile, wondering what brings them here. Izzy then hopped off of Tumble and landed next to Sunset. “Ooh. Well, we’re on a quest to find a cure for my blockywockys, Blaize and Spike.” Izzy explained. “My creative-y juices are all clogged up, and I can't create anything.” “Kinda like, not feeling much inspired or even having an ideas so I joined her on the quest to help her get that back.” Sunset added. “Mmm, I think Pinkie had something similar before.” Spike said while remembering the time when Pinkie hardly had a party idea for when they first welcome the yaks. “But with how wild she used to be, I’m not sure I would help with that since it’s complicated.” He said to them, which caused Izzy to frown while Sunset comfort her. Blaize thought for a moment before she smiled. “Ah. But I know just the thing. Nothing gets the blood pumping like…” She started while Izzy smiled while Sunset and Spike gave concern looks. “You think what Blaize is thinking will be extreme?” Sunset whispered to Spike. “Knowing Blaize, could be.” Spike whispered back with a sigh. “...a trust fall!” Blaize declared as she, Spike, Sunset, and Tumble were now flying in the air while Izzy held onto Tumble nervously. “Knew it.” Both Spike and Sunset said in unsion. “Are you sure about this?! What if nodragon is there to catch me?!” Izzy cried out in fear. “We don't always know how it's going to turn out, Izzy!” Blaize said with a smile. “Sometimes we just have to jump!” She called. “That’s not very comforting, Blaize!” Sunset pointed out. “But as long as Spike approves and that Izzy would be safe, I’ll be okay with it. Right, Spike?” She asked to her old dragon friend. “I wouldn’t let her do this if I let one of my friends in danger, Sunset!” Spike called with a smile, which she returns as he then turned to Izzy. “Okay, Izzy! Trust us! Everything will be okay!” He assured her. Izzy listens to their words as she then stood up with a small smile. “Okay, here goes! Cannonball!” She called as she then jumped off of Tumble and started falling close to the ground, she looked nervous for a moment, but she gave a determined smile as she then closed her eyes and waied for a moment as she kept falling. Then Blaize came flying under anc caught Izzy before landing to the ground while Sunset and Spike landed next to them. “You okay, Izzy?” Sunset asked in concern. “That was amazing!” Izzy cheered from the exciting rush she had as she got off of Blaize. “I feel so alive!” She yelled. “Bet you do.” Spike said with a small chuckle before the Nova Charm glowed and opened another portal. “Whoa! A magic portal. Haven’t seen those in a while.” He said with a small smile. “That what’s the Nova Charm does, Spike.” Sunset said with a smile while looking at the portal. “I guess it acted on it’s own for the quest me and Izzy are having.” Blaize gave a chuckle. “Looks like your next adventure is waiting for you, girls.” She said to the two ponies. “Yeah. Looks like the charm has a new destination for you two.” Spike said with a smile. “Tell us how it goes the next time you visit.” He said. “Sure thing, Spike.” Sunset said with a nod as she and Izzy went closer to the portal. “Thank you, Blaize and Spike!” Izzy said with a smile as she jumped through the portal. “Whoo-hoo!” She cheered. “Catch ya’ll around!” Sunset cheered as she jumped next before the portal closes. Then the two unicorns ended up at the ruins of Canterlot as they exited the portal. “Hey, we’re in Canterlot.” Sunset said in surprise. “Huh, wonder why the portal would send us here.” Izzy said while rubbing her chin. “Oooh, do tell!” Discord’s voice said as he floated towards them with a smile. “I am wondering why you are here as well. It’s quite and interesting surprise.” “Hi, Discord.” Both Sunset and Izzy said to him with smiles while Izzy was more cheerful. “Oh, I wonder what bring you two th my neck of the woods.” Discord said with a smile. “Because even I’m surprise you are here as well.” “Oh, we’re on a quest to help me find my creativity and cure me of my blockwockys!” Izzy explained cheerfully with a cheerful hop. “Blockwockys, now that’s a new one.” Discord said with a small smile. “It’s something she explained when she’s not in her creative mood right now.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “We’re traveling around to help Izzy cured herself. I tag along to keep her company.” “We went to Starlight Ridge, the Dragon Lands, and now we’re here in Canterlot!” Izzy added cheerfully. “Bascially to areas we have travel to see if it could help Izzy.” Sunset simplified. “And sometimes the Nova Charm can be quiet unpredictable.” “Mmm, if it brought you here, maybe it because I could give Izzy some inspriation.” Discord said to them. “Wait, really!?” Izzy asked excitedly. “Well, what kind of question is that? I can do it with a snap.” Discord said as he then snapped his fingers before poking Izzy’s head, which made her giggled as she felt a small senation. “So, how do you feel?” “Is your blockwocky’s gone, Iz?” Sunset asked. Izzy hummed for a moment before she shrugged with a cheerful smile. “Well, I have some ideas, but I don’t know if they could work or new.” She said to them. “I guess it boost my inspirational creativity a bit, but not much.” “Eh, at least it’s someting.” Sunset said with a shrug before turning to Discord. “Thanks for trying to help, Discord.” “Oh, anything for a friend.” Discord said with a smile. “I may can’t help out with the whole thing for Izzy’s mind, since it’s a wild as Pinkie Pie back in the day.” He said with a chuckle as Sunset giggled in agreement. “Thank you!” Izzy said with a wide smile. “But, at least she got some inspriation, but she might need more on this quest.” Discord said before a portal opened up from the Nova Charm again. “And it appears the Nova Charm agrees as well.” “It sure does! Catcha later, Discord!” Izzy cheered as she jumped through the portal while Sunset followed after. “See ya later! And keep out of trouble!” Sunset said next. “No promises!” Discord called with an amusing laugh as Sunset entered the portal before it closes. After going through the portal again, Sunset and Izzy entered somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, which caused the two ponies to quickly held their breaths while struggling to breathe as Izzy looked through her bag and saw a breather and some goggles as she quickly put them on.  “Ah! Crystal B, you think of everything!” Izzy said while also having some flippers attached to her hooves before seeing Sunset struggling to breathe as she gestured to her throat. “Oh, right! Sorry, Sunset!” She said as she gave another pair of scuba gear to Sunset as she quickly puts them on. “Phew. Thank’s, Izzy.” Sunset said as she took a breather. “Did the Crystal Brighthouse really gave you those gears?” She asked in wonder. “Yeah. I guess it sense I might have company on my quest if it had two pairs.” Izzy said cheerfully. “It really thought ahead.” She said. “That Brighthouse is smart. Very.” Sunset said with a nod as she looked around. “We’ll, we’re somewhere in the ocean, so might as well search around.” She said as Izzy nodded as the two swam around and noticing the beautiful enviroment. “Whoa.” Izzy said in awed. “You said it, Izzy. This part of the ocean is beautiful.” Sunset said as the two ponies kept looking around before they bump into a seapony, who’s body is light pink, her hair is lighter pink with some purple color, her eyes are pink, and her Cutie Mark is a seashel. “Oh!” The seapony said in surprise as the two ponies looked at her in surprise. “Oh, my glitter! I'm so sorry!” Izzy quickly apologized. “We didn’t see you there!” Sunset added before her eyes widened when she saw the seapony. The seapony giggles at their expression. “Me, too.” She said before she gasped when she notice their appearance. “Whoa! You're a unicorn and you’re an Alicorn! I've never met a unicorn or an Alicorn before!” She said in amazement as she swam around them with sparkles in her eyes. “And you’re a seapony!” Sunset said in amazement. “It’s been a long time since I saw one of your kind from Twilight’s old pictures and with the hippogriffs when they were seaponies due to a magic pearl.” She said while Izzy gasped. “I’ve never seen a real-life seapony! I can't believe it!” Izzy said in awed with sparkles in her eyes. “I'm Izzy! This is my friend, Sunset!” She greeted while Sunset waved. “Hi, Izzy. Hi, Sunset. I'm Destiny.” Destiny greeted with a smile. “What brings you to the Jade Sea?” She asked as she swam around them again. “The Jade Sea?” Sunset muttered in surprise. “So that’s where the seaponies went to.” She mumbled to herself. “We’re trying to find a cure for my blockywockys.” Izzy explained. “Blockywockys?” Destiny repeated before she started giggling. “I've never heard that word before. Blockywockys?” She repeated before she then started laughing. “Blockywockys!” She said again as she, Izzy, and Sunset all shared a laugh together. “It's such a funny word to say!” “It really is a silly word, isn't it?” Izzy said amusingly. “Even I find that funny if you keep repeating it.” Sunset added as the three laughed again, while Sunset can see that Destiny is like Izzy and a little bit like Pinkie as well, while also seeing a certain hippogrift named Silverstream Twilight mentioned through her notes about her students at the School of Friendship. “Well, whatever it means, I'm sure a little laughter can set it right.” Destiny suggessted with giggles. “Seaponies believe that laughter can cure anything. It's magic.” She said with giggles as she swam up.  “Heh, sounds like somepony else I knew would agree with that.” Sunset said, knowing that Pinkie would agree entirely with Destiny since she heard from Twilight how Pinkie and her friends showed them how to have fun during the Storm King’s invasion. “Huh. Laughter can cure anything, huh?” Izzy asked before she giggled. “That's funny. I do feel better already.” She said as the three shared another laugh, but when Destiny moved her hair, some mulitcolored braids were shown to the two. “Whoa! Those braids look great!” Sunset complimented. “Wow! Those are amazing!” Izzy said in awed with sparkles in her eyes. “Where did you get those?” She asked Destiny. “I made them.” Destiny answered before she had an idea as she gasped. “Oh! I could teach you if you'd like.” She said to them wiht a smile. “Oh! Oh, yes, please!” Izzy cheered wtih sparkles in her eyes “Our friends back home in Maretime Bay would love them!” She said. “And knowing Pipp, she would defintely want the details.” Sunset said with a small smile under her breathing mask. “Okay then! Come on!” Destiny said  as the three swam off. Somewhere in the ocean, Destiny was then collecting some seaweed around the area as she then started braiding them onto Sunset and Izzy’s mane, which they waved them around as they shared a hooftap. But then, the tip of the braids on the two ponies glowed as some bands were formed, which also got on Destiny’ as they looked in surprise as they smiled to one another. Their Cutie Marks glowed brightly as they levitated up and circled each other as they all watched in awed before they combined and created a shock wave that pushed them back. “Whoa!” Sunset exclaimed. “Whoo!” Izzy exclaimed as the two ponies were pushed back before the Nova Charm opened a portal behind them. “Destinyyyy!” She called as she and Sunset were sent through the portal. “Sunset! Izzyyyy!” Destiny called out as she was pushed back away from the portal. Somewhere at night, Izzy and Sunset exited the portal all soaked up as the two panted and shook off the water and took off their scuba gears. “That was incredible!” Izzy cheered with sparkles in her eyes. “And a bit unexpected from that shockwave.” Sunset said while rinsing her mane off.  “But still incredible!” Izzy cheered. “What's next, Nova Charm?” She asked as she looked at the Nova Charm as it glowed and pointed the way where they can see the Brighthouse in the distance with the rainbow still shooting out.” Huh? Home? Maretime Bay?” She asked in surprise as she looked around. “Looks like the Nova Charm dropped us in the beach in Maretime Bay.” Sunset said with a smile. “Maybe it’s telling you that the quest is over.” “Whoo-hoo!” Izzy cheered as she hopped cheerfully before she rushed off while Sunset followed. “I cannot wait to tell the ponies all about our adventure!” She said as she stopped and walked while singing in a conga rhythm. “Been on an adventure! To cure my blockywockys! Been on an adventure!~” She sang. Sunset gave a small chuckle. “Izzy, youare something else. And it has been one crazy adventure.” She said with a smile as she and Izzy walked by the ice cave. “Wait until the others hear about our trips the Nova Charm took us too.” She said. Allura and Twitch then exited the cave while watching Izzy and Sunset walked by. “That is one very strange unicorn that Alicorn is hanging with.” Allura commented strangely while looking at the group while Izzy hopped cheerfully, but when Allura saw the Nova Charm around her neck, her eyes widened before she turned to Twitch with a smile. “Twitch! Did you see that? She's got it! The bizarre little pony has the Nova Charm! And she and thaat Alicorn are all alone…” She said with a sinister smile while looking at the Nova Charm. Izzy kpt vocalizing as she and Sunset kept walking before she gasped when she saw an abandoned amusement park sign. “Hey, Sunset, look at this.” She said, as Sunset turned and saw saw the sign. “An amusement parkl?” Sunset asked as the two ponies entered and saw the abandond stands and rides.  “Whoa. Look at all this cool stuff.” Izzy said in awed as she and Sunset saw a ring toss stand. “I bet ponies used to have so much fun here.” She said as she picked up a ring on the floor and hit it on a tagert perfectly, but the stand crumbled and collapsed when she did. “Ooh, yikes.” She cringed. Somepony really let this place go.” She said while looking around. “You said it, Iz.” Sunset said in agreement while looking around. “This place is way older. Old enough for the rides and stands to collapse by touch. I didn’t know Maretime Bay even had an amusement park like this, and I don’t think Sunny or Hitch ever told us.” She said while tapping a bullseye stand, but it crumbled. “From how old this place is, it make sense why they never did.” Izzy said as they kept looking. “What a mess.” She added as she took off her bag and looked around before she gasped. W”ait a minute. I bet, with a little love and imagination, these fairgrounds could be amazing again!” She said with a wide smile. “YOu know, Izzy. That would be interesting.” Sunset said with a smile. “Having an amusement park really does bring the fun and love to get ponies together.” She said before she thought for a moment. “Almost.” She said with a frown, remembering when she and the Rainbooms went to Equestria Land amusement park where a lady was using her phone to teleport them to a white small room and made fake holograms of them to make her play ‘perfect’ and would’ve taken the whole crowd if they haven’t stopped them. “Bad expereince?” Izzy asked in wonder. “A little, but having a fair would be great.” Sunset said with a shrug and small smile. “So, you have an idea for this, Izzy?” She asked with a smirk. “Yeah, I think I do.” Izzy said with a smile as she began to sing. (Let Your Magic Run Wild Song) (Izzy) We are all different But one and the same Like starlight and moonshine Izzy began to sing as she then walked up to a stand and pictured Sunny making more smoothies on it while Sunset watches Izzy singing. We all have our place You can't make a rainbow Izzy then went up to a bike ride and pictured Sparky and Hitch riding in a gocart bubble while laughing and cheering. Without all the colors And we can't make a friendship Izzy and Sunset went up to a rollercoster ride and pictured Zipp riding the rollercoaster while cheering in excitement. Without one another Izzy and Sunset kept walking as Izzy pictured Pipp in a stand with her Mane Melody supply and a stand where Izzy pictured Sunset showing and teaching ponies some new magic skills in a great way. 'Cause there is nopony quite like you They stopped at another stand as Izzy pictured Misty eating a snack. “What? Is there something on my face?” Vision Misty said in Izzy’s head. “Whoa!” Izzy cheered as she hopped happily. “Whoa, what is it, Izzy?” Sunset asked with a smile, having a feeling wha Izzy is experiencing.  “My creative-y juices! They're baaaaack!” Izzy cheered joyfully as she ran around Sunset. “Whoo-hoo! My blockywockys are goney-woney! That's it! All we have to do is let our magic run wild!” She cheered while she and Sunset are not seeing Allura and Twitch spying on them on a stand while Izzy ran around the ambandon fair. “Whoo-hoo! Yippee! Go, magic, go! She cheered as she kept visualizing what the amusementpark should be. “Well, that’s good to hear that you got your inspiration back, Izzy!” Sunset cheered with a wide smile as she went up and hug Izzy. “Thanks you, Sunset! And now, I think we should run wild now!” Izzy cheered as she and Sunset started running together while the Nova Charm glowed brightly. (Hitch) If you could only see everything you could be You would spend your whole life shining Izzy ran around while Sunset stopped and watches her with a proud smile as Izzy kept visulizing what the fair will be as she then stand in the middle of it. “Run wild!” She called as the Nova Charm flashed and purple sparkle appeared around her while Sunset was surprise. “Whoa, Izzy.” Sunset said in awed by what she is seeing. (Pipp) Let your magic run wild Twitch was hiding in a crate as he slowly sneak up towards Izzy and remove the crate as he smirked evily and ried to grab the Nova Charm, but then it glowed Brighthly, which caught Twitch guard by that. Allura’s eyes widened when she saw it. “Twitch! Look out!” She called as she quickly grab Twitch and duck for cover as the sparkle glowed brightly around Izzy. “Izzy? What’s happening?” Sunset asked in surprised while squinting a bit to try and look at Izzy. “I-I don’t know. But it feels, amazing.” Izzy said as she felt magic coursing through her. Izzy then started floating up as a bright flash appeared as some magic made rainbow streaks appeared on her right hoof, tail, and mane as her mane grew bigger, which Izzy smiled as she floated around as her Cutie Mark glowed brightly while she then struck a pose. “Whoa, Sunset, what is this?” Izzy asked while looking at herself in amazement. Sunset looked at Izzy in awed before she smiled widely. “Izzy, I’ve seen this through the stories Twilight told me on how her and her friends defeated Tirek the first time.” She started as she walked up to her. “When the Tree of Harmony gave them their magic boost, their appearances change with the rainbow magic of the Elements of Harmony that respresent their elements. And it gave them magic that’s even beyond Tirek’s standards.” “Wait, so if their Elements of Harmony were similar to this, than that would mean…” Izzy started with a wide smile. “Izzy, you discovered your inner Element.” Sunset said with a proud look. “You’ve discovered your Rainbow Magic of the Element of Creativity!” She caled while Izzy looked at herself with a wide smile. “Whoohoo!” Izzy cheered in excitement. “So, now what?!” She asked excitedly. “Well, do what you do, get creative and try and make this fair better!” Sunset cheered, which made Izzy cheered as she then rushed around the fair while Sunset watches. (Mane 7) Let your magic run wild (now is the time to light up the sky) Izzy then moved o one of the glowing stands, but when she got closed, it transformed into a new and better stand as she twirl around while Allura and Twitch are still hiding. “Argh! Where did all that power come from?!” Allura questioned. (Mane 7) Let your magic run wild (now is the time) Izzy gave a wide smile with sparkling eyes as she then started floating up with Sunset next to her on the ground and waved her hooves around to make the fairground new and better as each stands and rides were restored and remaked while some had the MAne 7’s Cutie MArk as Izzy shined bright and magic shot out from the sky. Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny was at the top of the Brighthouse as she looked in surprise when she saw some magic shooting out from the distance, recognizing the location as she quickly took out her phone. “Quick! To the abandoned fairgrounds!” She said to her friends through text. A bit later, the rest of the Mane 7 made it to the fair grounds as Izzy and Sunset saw their friends as they smiled at them while they all gasped with sparkles in their eyes while look at Izzy in amazement by her new form as Izzy’s Cutie Mark glowed brightly and she was levitated up even more. (Mane 7) So let your magic run wild Let your magic run wild (now is the time to light up the sky) The rest of the Mane 7 watches as Izzy was levitated up and glowed bright as the Nova Charm snapped off the necklace and was levitated up and float around before it shot beams at the Mane 7’s Cutie Marks, which started to  glow before it shot back to the Nova Charm, breaking it into seven crystal shards with the Mane 7’s colors as they all gasped in awed by this. Allura, however, who horrifed when she saw the Nova Charm brake into pieces. “Stop!” She called as the seven shards then growled brightly and created a gust of wind. “Noooooo!” She screamed as she and Twitch were blew away while the MAne 7 screamed when they were blew away as well. (Mane 7) Let your magic run wild (now is the time) Each of the shards were then placed into stands that respresent the Mane 7 as they glowed brightly and powered the stands and the entire fair as the Mane 7 looked in awed as they all chattered in amazement while Izzy watches with a smile and sparkles in her eyes at what she has created. “No!” Allura screamed from outside the fair after being blown away and looked in despair when she saw the shards scattered when the Nova Charm got seperated. “We were so close! We're stuck here forever!” She cried out in despair as she then turned around and walked off. “Come on!” She said to Twitch, who gave a determined grumble as he followed Allura back into the cave. Izzy floated back down with sparkling eyes before her friends croded her. “Izzy! Look at this place! This is incredible! YOU are incredible!” Sunny complimented while pointing at Izzy with sparkling eyes. “Look at your mane!” Pipp added while looking at Izzy’s new appearance with sparkling eyes. “Ah! This rainbow look is totally chic! Everypony's gonna want this hairstyle, Iz!” She said to her. “That’s her Inner Element, ponies.” Sunset said, which got their attention. “Inner what?” Zipp asked in confusion. “It’s Izzy’s inner Element of Creativity.” Sunset said with a smile. “When she found her inspiration and embraced her creative side, she found her inner magic and unlocked her rainbow magic, giving her this new form and magic.” She explained. “Wait, so that means that we might have inner elements inside us?” Sunny asked in excitement. “That’s right. Twilight and her friends once used it to defeat Tirek the first time, but now that power has been passed down into each of you.” Sunset said with a smile. “And Izzy has found hers.” “Oooh, I wonder what mind will be if Izzy does somethign amazing like this!” Pipp asked excitedly, wanning to figure out how to unlock her inner element in the future. Izzy gave a giggle. “Not too shabby, huh?” She asked with a smile before gesturing to the fair. “Check it out! There's something for everypony.” She said as she then lead Sunny to a new and better smoothie stand. “A new, bigger smoothie shop for you, Sunny.” She said as Sunny entered the stand and looked on with an awe smile with sparkles in hereyes. “You finally got the space to expand your menu.” She said with a smile. “Oh, I love it, Izzy! Thank you!” Sunny said joyfully to her friend. Izzy then showed Hitch the bumpcar bubble with him and Sparky inside. “Somewhere for Hitchy-poo and Sparky to have fun together.” Izzy said with a smile. “Gonna need some new rules for all these rides, Iz!” Hitch said in excitement as he took out a pen and a rule book, but Sparky frowned at him as he blew a raspberry at Hitch from that idea. “Okay, Sparkeroni. Fun first, rules later.” He concide with a smile, which Sparky smiled in return as he took the controls as Sparky giggled and moved the bubble cart around as Hitch smied while Izzy followed them in one of her own. A bit later, Zipp and Izzy are in a rollercoaster with Zipp’s details on it. “A daredevil-y rollercoaster for our wild child Zipp!” Izzy said as the rollercoaster went down the tracks while ZIpp cheered. “I loooooove it, Iz!” Zipp cheered while riding in the coaster. Izzy was then standing in front of a stand with Sunset’s details. “A place where Sunset can show off her magic and teach the ponies around how to do them and give them some magic lessons.” She said while Sunset looked at her own stand with a smile as there was some spell books and potions around. “Wow! I never thought I would have my own stand!” Sunset said as she then gave Izzy a joyful hug. “Thanks, Izzy!” Izzy was then standing in another stand with the Mane Melody details. “A place where Pipp can use all those gems and razzle-bedazzle some cutie marks.” She said while showing the stand to Pipp while the stylis pegasus flew around squealing with sparkles in her eyes. “Look at this! And this! Oh, oh, oh! This is gorge! Ahhhh!” Pipp cheered in joy before she flew up to Izzy and gave her a hug. “It's perfect, Izzy!” Izzy was then at a stand with ponycorn around. “And a ponycorn pop-up for the queen of the kernel.” She said while looking at Misty as more ponycorn came out while Misty ate some. “Mmmm! Pickled popcorn!” Misty said as she then eat more. “Mm-mm! And cupcake! Thanks, Izzy! This is the best shop ever!” She said to her as she and the Mane 7 huddled around Izzy and gave her a group hug while their Cutie Mark shined together. Izzy then appeared in a stand with her details. “And I've even made myself a cute little seaside shop where I can sell all of my one-of-a-kind creations.” She said while she levitated some items. “Um, speaking of creations, I guess all this means that you found a cure for your blockywockys?” Pipp asked with a smirk. “Nah, I don't think I believe in the blockywockys anymore.” Izzy said with a smile while the others chating in confusion while Sparky blew a raspberry at her. “Everypony, let Izzy explain why.” Sunset said with a smile. “Because from our quest, I think she finally figure out her answer.” She said as the others stood quiet and listens to what Izzy have to say. “Well, firstly, nopony else had even heard of them. They thought I was bananas.” Izzy started with a smile. “And B, I think I just needed to relax and do some stuff that I really love, like meet fun ponies and have new experiences.” She said as she started walking around while her friends smiled at her. “Once I stopped worrying so much about my creative-y juices, a new project came along to inspire me and help me unlocked my inner Element.” She said. “Uh, clearly.” Hitch said with a smirk while Sunny chuckled quietly. “Guess you didn't need to go on a creative-y quest with Sunset after all.” He said with chuckles. “Oh, no, no, no.” Izzy said with a shook of her head. “I definitely still needed to go. I had a date with Destiny!” She said with a determined lok while Sunset chuckled. “Wow. A date with destiny?” Misty asked with a smile as she gave a small laugh before giving a nervous look. “That sounds a little scary.” She said with a nervous smile. “No, silly. Destiny is a seapony.” Izzy explained with a smile. “Yeah. We’ve traveled far and wide with the Nova Charm, and I mean, far and wide.” Sunse said with a chuckle. “But on the plus side, we know the seaponies are still out there.” “And she showed us how to make these!” Izzy said as she then levitated six seaweed braids. “I got one for everypony!” She said as she then put them on her friends’ manes as  they all attached to them. Zipp and Sunny gasped in awed at their new braids. “Wow!” Hitch said in amazement. “Wow!” Pipp said in awe with sparkles in her eyes as she used her phone to take a selfie while the Mane 7 san Izzy and Sunset looked at their braids in awe while Pipp kept taken selfies. “Um, Izzy? Sunset? I'm going to need a lot of these. And I mean a loooot!” SHe called before turning to the two ponies with sparkles in her eyes. “Like, how many can you make in a day? I mean it. How many?” She asked them. “Just be cool, Pipp.” Izzy softly said with a smile. “Yeah, try and take it slow and embrace first.” Sunset said with a slight chuckle. “Okay, okay, okay.” Pipp quickly said with a smile. “But these are defo the next big thing!” She added as she flip the tip of her braid. “Um, actually, I think this is the next big thing.” Zipp spoke up while gesturing to the new fair. “It's the coolest thing I've ever seen.” She complimented. “Aww, thanks, Zipperoonie!” Izzy said while feeling touched. “So... what should we call it?” Misty wondered with a hoof to her chin. “Yeah, a fair like this should need a name.” Sunset said while rubbing her chin. “Izzy, you created this. So, what would you like to call it?” She asked. Izzy thought for sec before she spoke. “How about the ‘Fun Fair Rides and Food and Games and Sunshine and Happiness Place’?!” She exclaimed excitedly. “Oh, it's catchy.” Pipp said with a smile. “But I think we need something a tad bit easier to remember.” She suggested as they all think of a name together. “How about... the ‘Boardtrot’?” Sunny suggested with a smile while the rest of her friends gasped in awed at the name. “Boardtrot? Sounds fitting.” Sunset said with a smile. “The Boardtrot! That's good! I love it!” Izzy cheered in agreement with a smile. “Come on, everypony! Last one to the Ferris wheel's a rotten fettuccine!” She cheered as she rushed up to the Ferris wheel as she transformed back into her normal form. (Pipp) Let your magic run wild A bit later, the Mane 7 were then enjoying the Boardtrot, having a fun time as the first thing thy did was ride on the ferris wheel and saw the fireworks went off before they road on the rollercoaster. (Hitch) If you could only see everything you could be You would spend your whole life shining They then ride on the bubble bumpycarts as they rode around and bump into each other, enjoying Sunny’s smoothies at her new smoothie stand, Sunset showing off some new magical spells and tricks to them, eating some ponycorns Misty is serving, and them checking out Izzy’s stand while checking through her items. The Mane 7 then huddled together as they all took a group selife with their new fair and Izzy’s new inspiration after her quest helped her find her inner element and created something big and fun for her and her friends. End of Special 1. > Chapter 10: Buried in a Good Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Buried in a Good Book In the Brighthouse, the five ponies of the Mane 7 and Sparky are in the living room chatting to each other before a heptagon-shaped portal opened up from the hallway, which surprised them as they all saw Sunset walking out, completely exhausted with bruises and her tail a bit on fire as she muttered and groans in annoyance as she flopped onto the couch. “Whoa! Sunset?! What happened?!” Sunny called in concern as Zipp flew in with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire on Sunset’s tail. “It looked like you got into a huge fight.” Hitch added after seeing Sunset’s condition. “Oh, it wasn’t a fight, more like a training exercise test.” Sunset muttered with her face in the pillow. “Uh, say what?” Pipp asked as Sunset turned her head to her friends. “Apparently, the Society got a new recruit to train in, which I have to help train him, but he’s the most difficult one for me to deal with. More so than Sonic and his Sunny that one time.” Sunset groaned as she sighed. “The Society and I know he will do great things, but apparently it’s not an easy task. He’s a bit harder than the others.” “Yikes. Kinda reminds me of when I had to deal with Sprout when his deputy sheriff job was too lazy and over his head.” Hitch said with a cringe look. “But it looks like you had it worse.” “You have no idea.” Sunset muttered as she sighed. “At least I’m off duty for now. Because I’m beat.”  Just then, Misty rushed through the doors while levitating her spellbook. “Hey, ponies! You won’t believe my new spell I’m working on!” She called in excitement, which got her friends attention. “Really? What’s that, Misty?” Sunset asked in interest. “Check it out!” Misty said in excitement as she focused her magic as she placed her hoof on her chest as she twirls around. “Butterfly, flutter by!” She called as she raised her hoof as some magic formed around it gave off a tiny spark before a magical butterfly projection came out of her hoof and flew around, much to their amazement. But then, the butterfly flew to her spellbook, which it got absorbed and started shaking and sparking up magic while the pages were flipping around, much to the Mane 7’s concern as magic dust came out of the book as they gasped before they started floating from the magic dust. “Uh, oh! I take it back! I take it back!” Misty cried out in panic as the magic dust circled her as she and her friends started screaming before they all got pulled into the book as it closed and fell to the ground. The Mane 7 all screamed while Sparky started laughing in excitement as they were all falling through a magic portal inside the book. At the otherside of the portal, the Mane 7 and Sparky exited while they landed on top of each other as they groaned in pain while Sparky was on top of them while laughing in excitement. But each of them are wearing different costumes, Sunny is a wizard, Hitch is a frog prince, with just a cape, crown, and frog ears, Pipp is wearing some icicle jewelry while her hooficure is pure ice-white, Misty is wearing a bowtie with rabbit ears, Izzy is like part sea pony with her tail like a fin, earring a pearl necklace around her neck, she had some scales on her fur, and has a greenish fin on her back,Zipp is wearing a red hood, Sunset is reeling a reddish-yellow cloak around her white, gold and purple-colored robes that look like a mix of Celestia and Twilight's colors and a more elaborate crown than than the crown Hitch got, and Sparky is wearing a knight armor. “Ugh, I hate it when something unexpected happens to us.” Sunset groaned. “Uh, are we…” Zipp started as they got up and saw the landmark around them that is like something out of a fairy tale. “...Inside your spellbook?” She asked Misty in surprise before a tiny fairy with book wings and a golden armor and crown appeared between Zipp and Misty. “Correct.” The book fairy said dully as she flew around the group. “Welcome to, Questopia. The magical land of quest, hard quest, dangerous quest.” She said to them unamused. Izzy gave an exciting smile. “Okay. But do you have fluffy quests?” She asked with sparkles in her eyes. “Nope. Spiky and stingy quest.” The book fairy said naturally as a bee moved by. “I hate this book already.” Sunset muttered in annoyance. “I just wanted to have some peace and relaxing time, but then we got sucked into a spellbook.” “Well, if you want to escape, you must follow the crystal trail, complete many quests along the way, and then defeat... Zantorp the Furious!” The book fairy declared with a rolled of her eyes as the Mane 7 gasped while Izzy gave a smile. “That is the best name I've ever heard.” Izzy whispered to them with a smile as they all gave her dull looks. “Good luck.” The book fairy said with a smile before she vanished through a portal. “Okay, these unexpected magical adventures really popping up out of nowhere that it gets old real fast.” Sunset muttered in annoyance, which Misty heard as she sighed. “Sorry about that, everybody.” Misty apologized with a guilty look. “I was just so excited about that butterfly spell that I didn't stop to think or realize it would do something like that.” She added as she lowered her head. Sunset sighed. "That's all right, Misty. From what Twilight told me in her letters, both she AND Starlight Glimmer had that same problem from time to time with their spells." She said to her. “Though, I guess it’s another day in Equestria, right?” She asked with a smile, which Misty chuckled. “I guess that’s true.” Misty said with a small chuckle. “Come on, ponies! These quests aren't going to conquer themselves!” Sunny declared with a smile as the group walked down the path to their quest. A bit later, the group were at a gingerbread house in front of them, but then suddenly, it grew legs and horns as it gave a roar, which made the Mane 7 backed away in fear. “Okay, I was expecting an evil pony witch wanting to bake us into pies, but this is even creepier.” Sunset muttered. “Ditto.” Pipp said nervously. “There's no way this ends well.” Zipp added before the Gingerbread Monster raised one of its legs. “Run!” She called as they all scattered as the monster growled as Pipp, Izzy, Zipp, and Misty broke off to try and avoid its attacks. Sunny and Sunset saw their friends in trouble as Sunset turned to Sunny. “Sunny, you know the drill!” She called with a smirk as Sunny returned it. “I sure do!” Sunny called as she brought out her Alicorn form and flew up with Sunset. “We got this, ponies!” She called. “Let’s show this spider sweets what it's for!” Sunset called as she and Sunny flew around as they avoided the gumdrops it was firing as they looked down and saw two big gumdrops coming at them. “Sweet dreams, my sugary friend!” Sunny quipped as she summoned her shield. “Because it’s about to get sour!” Sunset quipped as the two Alicorns flew straight towards it as Sunny reflected the gumdrops back towards it while Sunset fired her horn at it, which smashed through it as the gingerbread monster roared in pain as it crumbled and fell to the ground as the two Alicorns landed on the ground and Sunny diminish her alicorn form as the two shared a hooftap of their teamwork. Zipp was flying in the sky before she saw a giant shadow of a dragon beside her. Which made her gasp as Zipp flew faster and closer to the water with the dragon following her. Zipp then saw a narrow canyon ahead as she smirked and flew to the side through the narrow cracks as the dragon flew straight through the walls as they entered a cave while Zipp flew around as the dragon hit some stone pillars while chasing her. Zipp saw a ramp ahead as she gave a determined smirk as she flew up the ramp as the dragon followed, destroying it as Zipp flew up and took off at high speed as she laughed and did a twirl as she crossed the finish-line, which Hitch and Sparky were there with a flag while Hitch laughed as well. A bit later, a huge door was in front of them as there were titles of hoofprints on the floor. But as Pipp stepped on one, it glowed red and fell down the whole as Pipp gasped in startled. “Uh…” The Mane 7 all said in concern. “Okay, this is way classic.” Sunset muttered with a concerned look. “Hmm…” Pipp hummed as she stepped on another tile, which glowed green as the hoofprint on the screen on the door  turned to another position. The others smiled as she did as well as she started hopping onto the platforms as they glowed in a rhythm before she made it to the door, which opened up as she made it to the otherside. “Aha!” She cheered before the door closed on her. “Well, time to dance to the rhythm!” Sunset called as she hopped in the specific pattern the door is showing as she did a small dance before she made it to the otherside with a smile. “I still got it!” She called with a laugh as the door closed on her. Sunny and Zipp then jumped onto the platforms and moved in sync as they each made it to the door. “Yeah!” They cheered as the door opened up behind them. Misty and Izzy then started hopping onto each platform as they looked at each other with smiles as they moved in sync. “Huh?” Hitch asked in confusion as he saw the two Unicorns hopping in sync before heading to the door. Hitch then tried to follow, but when he hopped onto a platform, it glowed red and fell, which made Hitch yelp as he kept stepping onto the platform the wrong way as the floor started crumbling as he ran off before he hit a platform as it glowed green as the door opened. “Ah!” He said as he and Sparky smiled at this before the platform began to shake. “Whoa!” He called as he jumped to the otherside with a scream before the remaining platform fell as the door closed. A bit later, the Mane 7 then made it to a bleak mountain as they ventured into the cave. “Uh…” ZIpp said nervously. “Ah!” Izzy cheered with an exciting smile as they ventured to the cave as they looked around. “Okay, unlike the others, this place gives me the willies.” Sunset commented with a shiver. “And yet, familiar.” She added as this reminds her of the time when she and Sci-Twi ventured to a cave where they first discovered their geodes and the true Gloriosa were using their powers to try and save her camp, which backfired. They then heard growling sounds as a shadowy figure came up behind them. “This must be Zantorp's cave.” Misty said fearfully. Then coming out from a chamber was a growling sound before it revealed Zantorp’s true appearance. Zantorp is a celadon-green dragon with lighter green feet and snout. His face has red iris on his eyes, which can glow yellow in the dark. There are four fangs protruding from his mouth. The hair on his head and tail is umber-brown. He has a red saber-shaped horn on his forehead. His large spanning bird-like wings have red on the top half and beige on the bottom half. Each foot has a set of three knife-shaped claws. Zantorp jumped down as he gave a mighty roar as he glared down at the Mane 7 with his eyes glowing. “Ah!” The Mane 7 cried out. “Oh, boy…” Sunny muttered. “I officially hate fairytale magic based spellbooks.” Sunset muttered in annoyance as Zantorp roared at them and slammed his claws down at them, which sent them flying as Sunset flew up with a flip. “Okay, time to get serious!” “You said it, Sunset!” Sunny called as she flipped in the air and brought out her Alicorn form and quickly brought up her shield as she flew straight towards Zantorp, but it used its claws and pushed her back. “Aah!” She cried as she crashed into the wall as rocks in rainbow colors started floating around. “Sunny!” Sunset exclaimed as she growled and glowed her horn and fired a beam at the Zantorp, but it was unfazed by her attacks no matter how many times she did it, which made her gasp. “That’s impossible!” She called. The Zantorp then used his horn while levitating the rocks and started throwing them at the Mane 7, which made them scream as Misty got separated from the others while Sunset used her magic to try and block them. Hitch then used his Earth Pony magic as he stomped on the ground as vines wrapped around the Zantorp, but he broke free with a roar. And then suddenly, some glitter shaped ponies flew around Zantorp’s head as Izzy was using her magic to distract him while smiling and sweating nervously while waving her hoof around. Zantorp shook it off as he roared and slammed his claw down at her, which Izzy dodged as she hid behind a pillar with a pant where the rest of her friends were. “That thing is unbeatable! It’s unfazed by our magic attacks!” Sunset exclaimed in worry. “Isn’t there anything we can do to stop that thing?!” Pipp exclaimed in panic. “I’m not sure. We better hope there is.” Sunny said while she and Hitch held each other while holding Sparky as well. “Wait, where’s Misty?” Sunset asked in concern, noticing one unicorn was missing. “Huh?” They all asked as they turned and saw Misty facing Zantorp alone. “Get out of there! Misty, what are you doing?!” Zipp exclaimed to Misty as she  nervously looked at Zantorp as he roared and raised his claw, which made Misty gasped as she then closed her eyes and took a breather before she placed a hoof on her chest as magic started forming and a magic formed around her, which pushed the Zantorp back while covering his eyes as Misty started floating up, much to her friends surprise. “Misty…” Sunset asked in awed at seeing Misty performing a powerful magic. Misty opened her eyes as she gave a determined expression. “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real!” She started as Zantorp faced her while pawing at the ground while Misty’s Cutie Mark began to glow. “When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!” She called as her magic shined bright, which the Zanport charged straight at her as Misty opened her eyes with a friendly smile, which made Zantorp look surprised before a bright light shined on them. Misty opened her eyes and saw that she’s still in the cave, but her friends were gone before she turned and saw Zantorp carving on the wall. She noticed him looking sad as she saw him carved some ponies that are alicorns on a hill with the sun shining as he wiped some tears off his eyes. Misty looked at him as she gave a sympathetic look before she gave a small smile and placed her hoof on his claw. “Whoa!” Misty called as she and Zantorp were snapped back into reality as she looked at him as she stood up while Zantorp looked away in shame. “You're not Zantorp the Furious. You're just lonely. Is that right?” She asked. Zantorp then looked away some more with his eyes shut as he turned to Misty with a sad look as he whimpered. “I was lonely once…” Misty said with a sad look, knowing from experience of being lonely when she was with Opaline for most of her life before she gave a smile. “...until I made some new friends.” She finished as the rest of the Mane 7 and Sparky smiled at Zantorp and waved at him. “Maybe we could be your friends.” She suggested with a smile. Zantorp smiled at Misty’s words as he leaned down and Misty gently placed a hoof on his chin as they stood quiet. “Remarkable. Simply, remarkable.” Sunset said with a fond smile. A bit later, Zantorp and the Mane 7 are sitting on carpet outside the cave. “ ...And I said, ‘That's the last time I trust a racoonicorn to plan a birthday party!’” Hitch jokes, which caused them all to laugh at his joke. “Hilarious!” Izzy exclaimed through her laughter. “Ohohoh! Oh, that is funny!” Sunset exclaimed while wiping some tears of laughter off her eyes just as the book fairy appeared. “Bad luck, my brave ponies.” The book fairy said before she saw them laughing. “Oh. You're still alive.” She said in surprise which got their attention as they turned to her. “That’s because when we work together, we’re awesome.” Sunset explained with a smile. “Yeah, we are.” Sunny said in agreement with a smile. “We completed all your quests, thanks to some pretty special magic from Misty.” She said as she gestured to her unicorn friend. “She has talents unlike any other. Like us, she’s full of surprises.” Sunset said with a smile, which caused Misty to blush at the compliment. The book fairy was surprised as she spoke. “Well... I... guess I should send you back home then.” She said with a smile, much to Zantorp’s sadness. Misty then turned to Zantorp. “Don't worry. We'll come visit.” She assured, which caused Zantorp to smile as he made exciting sounds and panted like a dog with sparkles in his eyes as he licked Misty on the cheeks, which caused the unicorn to giggle as she petted him. The book fairy then got between them. “Thanks for visiting Questopia! Come again soon! Blah, blah, blah” She called with a smile as Misty went up to the others before the book fairy used her magic to send them back to the Brighthouse while she and Zantorp waved to them before they vanished. Once back in the Brighthouse, the Mane 7 appeared out of the book and back to their normal forms as Sunset sighed. “Wow, that was some adventure.” She commented as she sat on the couch. “Yeah. And I made a new friend.” Misty said with a smile. “I can’t wait to go back and see him again.” “I’m sure we all will, Misty.” Hitch said with a smile. “But for now, I like to relax for a bit after a long fairytale quest.” Sunset said with a smile as she laid on the couch. But then her multidimensional watch she is wearing beeped as she answered it. “Hello?” "Uh, Sunset?" Sonic's voice spoke from the watch. "I don't know if you're busy or anything, but... The rookie just burned down the cafeteria... Don't ask me how, not even I know..." Sunset eyes widened as she groaned. "You've gotta be kidding me..." She said with a deadpan tone. “Society issue?” Izzy asked cheerfully. “Yeah.” Sunset muttered as they all laughed, finding it poor timing for Sunset as Sunset groaned, having just got out of the spellbook and now she has to go solve a society problem, just another day in her life. End of Chapter 10. > Chapter 11: Written in the Starscout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: Written in the Starscouts In the Brighthouse at night, Zipp is in the living room surrounded by a ton of books while she is looking through the royal family photos of the previous queens of Zephyr Heights before her mother. “Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. No! No!” She cried out as she closed the book and tossed it away in despair. “Not helpful!” She cried before she hit her head on the table. The lights turned on as Sunny and Sunset were walking down from upstairs. “Zipp? You're up late.” Sunny said in surprise. “What’s with the late night research?” Sunset asked in wonder. “You don’t usually do it this late unless you are searching for something you desperately need.” She stated, knowing that Zipp is searching for something. “Ugh.” Zipp groaned as she lifted her head up. “I've been searching through my family history trying to find somepony who did the whole ‘queen thing’ differently.” She explained while making air-quotes with her hoof.  “But…”  She then picks up a scroll with a french looking queen. “Guess I'll have to work on my disapproving frown. Hmph.” She said in a posh accent tone while making a frown face similar to the picture. “Whoa!” Sunny called with a small laugh while Sunny gave a small giggle. “That is a... strong look.” She commented as she gave another laugh.  “Okay, that is a bit funny.” Sunset said with a small giggle. “But, you do know that those were during the times when Equestria was divided and the magic was still gone, right?” She asked. “Yeah, why?” Zipp asked with a brow. “There is nothing saying you can't be the FIRST in your family to do the ‘queen thing' differently.” Sunset said to her with a smile. “Now that magic has returned and ponies are together, you can be a better queen than your mother when the time is right.” She said to her. “Even the best of Royalties can have a rough start, I should know since I saw them in action.” Zipp thought for a moment before she gave a small smile. “Well, I guess that’s true.” She said with a shrug. “Well, at least you know something about your family.” Sunny said as the three mares looked up and saw Sunny’s old picture of her father above the fireplace. “You really can't remember anything about being a filly?” Zipp asked in wonder to Sunny. Sunny then frowned. “No, not really. Not before Mom... you know.” She said a bit sadly as they looked at the picture again. “Don’t you remember anything about your mother, Sunny?” Sunset asked in wonder. “As a matter of fact, we never saw any pictures of her or you ever telling us about her.” She said while rubbing her chin. “I mean, we know your father, but that’s pretty much it.” “I really don’t know, Sunset.” Sunny said sadly. “I was way too young to even remember my mother’s face. And she wasn’t really around when growing up with dad. Which is why there’s not even a picture of her around.” She said while lowering her head. Sunset and Zipp gave sympathetics looks at Sunny, who can’t seem to remember her mother is a bit worse than not having her dad around. Then they heard a thumping sound. “What was that?” Sunny asked her friends as they turned to a shelf as rainbow magic is moving a makeshift book as they looked surprised by it. “What is that?” Sunset asked as Sunny gave a thoughtful look at the book as she walked towards it as she picked it up and saw the starscout crest and a piece of Sunny above it. “Do you recognize that book, Sunny? “‘Sunny's Memory Book’?” Sunny read the title before she realized what it was. “Hey, I think I remember this! From when I was a filly!” She said with a smile as Sunset and Zipp walked up to her in surprise. Sunny opened the book with a couple of photos of herself as a filly, but also a picture of not only Argyle, her father, but also an Earth Pony mare who has ear fur pink lace while wearing a necklace with stars with the middle one having wings, her mane and tail are cerise pink while her mane has red and yellow stripes, her eyes is olive green and her bright yellow star with four purple spots around as she was on a family photo with Argyle and on another of her holding a filly Sunny in her arm. Sunny gasped when she saw the mare holding her in the picture as her eyes teared up. “Mom?” She asked while Sunset and Zipp were surprised by that. “That’s your mother?” Sunset asked in surprise. “Wow. She looks great. And now we know why you have rainbow streaks when you become an Alicorn.” She said with a small smile. “Yeah. I guess I do.” Sunny said with a tearful smile as she touched her mother’s picture, which caused the book to sparkle, which surprised the three mares. “Whoa. What's happening?” Zipp asked in wonder. “I don't know.” Sunny said in wonder as she looked at the book. “It feels... warm? Kind of like hot cocoa on a cold day.” She said as she gave a smile and tears formed from her eyes again as the book shined bright and Sunny started glowing as Zipp and Sunset backed away. “Sunny?” Sunset asked in concern rainbow magic then started coming out of the book and to Sunny. “Whoa!” Sunny called out. “Sunny!” Both Sunset and ZIpp cried as Sunny was sucked into the book as Sunset quickly caught it. “Oh, dear. Not again.” Sunset muttered before she saw something in the book. “Huh?” “What is it, Sunset?” Zipp asked. “Look at this.” Sunset said as she made room for Zipp to see in the book as the pegasus gave a surprise look. “Wait. Sunny?” Zipp asked in surprise as she and Sunset looked at the book. Sunny then looked up as she looked at her hooves and touched herself, realizing she was a filly again as she looked at her surroundings as she saw that she was on a tree branch on a tall tree, which caused Filly Sunny to scream in fear as she clutched the branch. “That's it!” Filly Sunny heard a voice as she looked down and saw her mother walking up to her with Argyle beside her. “Just... Just jump down, Sunny!” She encourages me with a smile. “You've got this, kiddo! We'll catch you!” Argyle promised with a smile as Sunny’s mother nodded. Filly Sunny looked surprised before she smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes. “Ah!” She called before she jumped from the branch with giggles and tears of joy as her parents raised their hooves to her as they caught her in their arms as Filly Sunny smiled at them as tears kept falling from her cheeks. “Oh, we're so proud of you!” Argyle said with a proud smile. “Our little sunbeam!” Sunny’s mother said with a cute smile as she giggled while the two parents hugged their daughter as Filly Sunny returned it. Outside the book, Sunset and Zipp saw the pictures moving and saw what they witnessed when Filly Sunny jumped from the tree branch and into her parents’ hooves. “Wow. Now that is cute.” Sunset said with a surprise yet warm smile. “Okay. So Sunny's been sucked inside her own memories.” Zipp said with a freaked out expression. “Keep calm, Zipp. Keep calm!” She called as she turned to Sunset and shook her. “Why aren’t you freaked out!?” She called before Sunset slapped her to the face. “Keep it together, Zipp.” Sunset said softly to her as Zipp shook her head. “This isn’t the first time we got sucked into a book. And I’ve been trapped in items before, so no surprise there.” She stated. “Besides, this could be useful for us to get to know Sunny’s mother and see what really happens to her if these are Sunny’s memories of her.” She added. Zipp realizes that Sunset is right as she calms down. “Well, I guess we'd better just go with it, right?” She asked as the two sat on the couch. “Yeah. Now, let’s turn the page. Maybe there’s more memories with her mother.” Sunset said as she turned the page to show a couple of photos of Filly Sunny messing with some fruit and two pictures of her mother, one with her at her daughter’s side at her bed. In Sunny’s old bedroom, she was in bed with her mother holding a Twilight figure. “And that's when the magic disappeared from the world and all pony kinds fell apart from each other.” She explained as she gave the Twilight figure to her daughter, who held it with giggles. “But nothing's gone forever, Sunny.” She said as she looked out to the night sky. “I know we can bring it back.” She said with determination as she turned to her daughter with a warm smile.  “And I know that you will do amazing things and make new friends.” Sunny’s mother continued warmly. “Especially those from other worlds like Twilight’s friend Sunset Shimmer, who was from Equestria before going to that world. I know you will meet somepony else like her someday with friends of different pony kind.” She said as she gently caressed her daughter’s cheeks. Young Sunny Starscout: “Mommy!” She giggled. Sunset and Zipp looked at the picture in surprise. “Whoa. Sunny’s mother really believed in the magic of friendship and Twilight’s reign like Argyle.” Zipp commented. “Yeah, and what’s more, she also predicted Sunny’s life before it was even made, like me being in her life.” Sunset said in surprise. “Now I see why Sunny’s father married her. Looks like both of Sunny’s parents believed in Twilight’s history.” She said as she turned the page, which revealed to be Sunny’s mother exploring the different areas she discovered with a picture of her with a saddle bag and a telescope while exploring. “Whoa, look at those drawings.” Zipp said in amazement as they saw a map drawing on the other page. “And a map.” “From these details, it looks like Sunny’s mother was an adventurer.” Sunset said while looking at the details. “She must’ve been exploring all of Equestria in her time.” She added with a smile.  “Yeah.” Zipp said with a smile before giving an interested look. “But what was Sunny's mom looking for?” She asked. “Let’s keep looking.” Sunset as she turned a page and saw Filly Sunny holding a popsicle. Filly Sunny was holding a huge popsicle while giggling as her parents were watching her behind her with smiles as Sunny’s mother gave silent giggles. Filly Sunny opened her mouth wide, but the popsicle dropped on her face as she licked her face and took some out as she gave a smile. Sunset and Zipp looked at the memory with fond smiles. “Awwww!” They both said, finding Sunny in that memory cute. “Baby Sunny is adorable!” Zipp said with a cute smile and sparkles in her eyes before she saw Sunset smirking at her as she cleared her throat. “Okay. Focus, Zipp. This is important.” She said to herself. “Yeah. It is, but still, that was cute.” Sunset said with a smile. “Sunny was really a cute filly, despite me seeing her actually become one a couple of times when she got turned into a filly with you and the others, twice.” She said with a chuckle. “Yeah, it was still kinda weird.” Zipp said with a sheepish smile while scratching her head. “Can we move on?” “Sure.” Sunset said as she turned the page again of another picture of Sunny. Filly Sunny was under a table as her mother was walking around with her father in the room. “I just know this will give us the answer.” Sunny’s mother said to her husband as she picked up a book and showed him a rolled up map.” If I can find it, it might be the key to bringing magic back to Equestria.” She said with a smile, which made Argyle smile as the two walked off. Filly Sunny watched her parents walk off as she looked up at the map as she tried to jump up to it, but she couldn’t reach  it. She then stacked some books into a stair as she climbed up to the map as she reached for it. But then Sunny’s mother came in and took the map. “Sorry, Sunny. I need that for my adventure.” She said to her daughter with a smile as Filly Sunny climbed down. “But I do have a special present for you.” She said before she reached into her saddle bag and placed her telescope down. “Can you keep this safe for me until I get back?” Filly Sunny then smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she giggled and hopped on the telescope, which rolled across as Filly Sunny landed on her back. But she got up with giggles and rolled the telescope to her father as Argyle picked up his daughter as Sunny’s mother giggled. “Just remember to watch where you're going, Sunny.” Sunny’s mother said as she placed her hoof on her daughter’s cheeks as Filly Sunny nodded before she turned to her husband and placed her hoof on his shoulder. “I love you both.” She said as they gave a family hug. “Look after each other. I'll be back before you know it.” She said with a wink as she walked off while Argyle and Filly Sunny watched. Sunset and Zipp saw the picture while Sunset gave a thoughtful look. “She was looking for  a way to bring back magic. Like Sunny and us.” She said in surprise. “So that’s where Sunny got her adventure side and her way of spreading the magic of friendship.” She said with a smile. “Yeah. Guess it runs in the family from her parents.” Zipp said with a smile. “It’s a good thing we helped complete their goal.” “Yeah, but Sunny’s mom didn’t return.” Sunset said with a frown, which made Zipp frown as well. “And from how long it’s been, she hasn’t returned when Sunny was growing up with her dad before he… you know.” She said with a small sadness as Zipp nodded. “I wonder what happened to her?” “Maybe there’s more on the next page.” Zipp said as Sunset turned the page, but then the other end was the cover. “Oh, no. It's the last page.” “And it looks like a photo of Sunny and her father in the light room.” Sunset noted, seeing the two in the top of the lighthouse at night. Argyle was with Filly Sunny watching the stars as Filly Sunny was looking through her mother’s telescope. “The important thing to remember, Sunny, is that your mom will always be watching over you from the stars.” He said with a warm smile while gesturing to the night sky as Filly Sunny gave sparkling eyes as she went looking through the telescope again as Filly Sunny’s Cutie Mark started glowing. With Sunset and Zipp, their Cutie Marks glowed as well as the book started glowing again. “Oh! Something's happening!” Zipp called as the pages started flipping. “Yeah, I think I have a feeling what comes next.” Sunset said as Sunny came out of the book with the telescope as she screamed. “Sunny!” Both Sunset and Zipp called as Sunny landed on them as the couch tilted and the telescope landed next to them. “Ouch!” Sunset called  as they got up as Sunny rubbed her head while Sunset rubbed hers from the bump from the telescope. “Are you okay, Sunny? What just happened?” Zipp asked Sunny. “Yeah, we saw the photos of your memories of your mother, but nothing much.” Sunset said after rubbing her head. “I was... I was inside my memories!” Sunny said with a smile. “And my dad was there, and... I saw my mom!” She said happily. “We-we saw her, too!” Zipp said with wide eyes. “We saw your time with her and your father when the pictures were moving.” Sunset said with a smile. “You clearly take after your mother alright.” She said. “Y-Yeah, I guess I have.” Sunny said with a bright smile. “But what was she truly like?” Zipp asked in interest. “Do you know what she was looking for? Where did she go?” She asked. “Yeah, we know it was a clue to find and restore magic, but what was she really looking for?” Sunset asked Sunny. “We know it wasn’t the Unity Crystals if they weren’t rediscovered at the time, but she had a map. Where does it lead?” “I-I don't know, but... Zipp, Sunset, look!” Sunny said as she pointed down to her mother’s telescope. “I've got the telescope she gave me!” She said as she picked it up. “It came out of the book from your memories when you exited it.” Sunset said while rubbing her head. “And landed on my head.” She added as the two mares giggled.   Zipp then read the description on the telescope. “‘To Sunny. Love, Mom’.” She read. “Aw, that’s very touching.” Sunset said with a smile. “I... I think I know what I have to do!” Sunny said to them with a smile and sparkles in her eyes. The three then made it to the crystal room at the top of the Brighthouse as they looked around. “In my memory, I was standing…” Sunny started while looking at the telescope and trying to remember which spot she stood on before the Lighthouse became the Brighthouse. “Right over there.” Zipp said as she pointed to the spot where a stand for the telescope be. “Looks like the Brighthouse kept one spot of your memories intact when we rebuilt it.” Sunset said as they walked up to the balcony. “Dad used to say that Mom would always watch over me.” Sunny said as she placed the telescope in place as she took a breather and looked through the telescope as she looked through the stars before she found three twinkle ones up, which made her look up as her Cutie Mark started glowing. The three mares looked in awed as the Cutie Mark magic shot up to the sky as they went to the three twinkle stars as Sunny watched as they formed into a pattern of Sunny’s mother up in the night sky, which made Sunny teared up with a small smile. “From the stars.” Sunny finished as she looked at the starshape of her mother. Sunset and Zipp looked at Sunny with warm smiles as Sunset walked up to Sunny and wrapped a wing over her. “From the stars, and from your heart.” Sunset said with a warm smile. “Now not only do you have your memories of your mother back, but now you have two things to remember her by. And wherever she is, she would be proud of the mare you became, Sunny.” She said with a smile. Sunny kept tearing up with tears of joy as she nodded and looked up to the star shape of her mother again. “Happy Mare’s Day in advance, Mom. I love you.” She whispered as the Brighthouse then glowed brightly. Then somewhere in Equestria, while Sunny’s mother star shape is still shining, a shadowy figure was up a hill looking at the night sky. “I love you, my sunbeam.” The figure said in a familiar tone before continuing on her journey. End of Chapter 11. > Chapter 12: Where the Rainbows are Made > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: Where the Rainbows are Made In Maretime Bay, a rainbow magic is flying by as Zipp saw this and gasped before she quickly flew up and avoided it before she saw more rainbow magic is sucking all the rainbow colors out of some items like Rufus’s popsicle and a colt’s balloon. Zipp followed the rainbow magics with a suspicious look as she turned a corner. “What is going on?” She questioned before she saw something that made her eyes widened. “Huh?!” She gasped when she saw the rainbow magic being sucked up into the clouds while a big rainbow was in the middle. Dapple appeared with a gasp when he saw it too. “Somepony is stealing our rainbow unicorn magic!” He cried out. “Somepony or something?” Zipp questioned as she took another look at the rainbows flying up, feeling like something else is stealing the rainbow magic before her phone vibrated as she answered it and saw Sunny and Sunset in facetime. “Emergency meeting!” Sunset called out seriously. “Everypony to the Crystal Room!” Sunny added with the same tone. “NOW!” They both called with slight worry. A little bit later, the rest of the Mane 7 entered the Crystal Room with the elevator before they saw the rainbow around the Unity Crystals being sucked up as well before they turned to Sunny, Sunset, and Misty. “Ponies, this is a disaster! All the rainbows are disappearing and we don’t know why!” Sunny cried out while gesturing to the rainbows flying up to the clouds. “It just started happening as soon as the rainbows were being blasted to the sky! And this is really weird, even for rainbow magic standards!” Sunset exclaimed with a serious tone. Zipp and Pipp then stepped into the balcony as they looked out to the sky where the rainbows were going as Zipp put on her visor. “It looks like they're all getting sucked up into that huge cloud.” Zipp said to them. “Huh.” Pipp said with a hoof to her chin. “Looks kinda like…” She started. Then the two sisters gasped in realization as they gasped before they smiled. “The place where rainbows are made!” THey said in unison with sparkles in their eyes. The others were confused while Izzy smiled with sparkles in her eyes as well. “I'm sorry. The what?” Sunny asked in confusion. “Yeah, because I’m drawing a blank on what you two just said.” Sunset said in agreement. “It was a bedtime story Mom used to tell us.” Zipp started  as Pipp nodded in agreement.. “Some giant cloud with a rainbow-making machine in the middle.” She said as they looked up to the rainbows being sucked to the cloud. “I never thought it was real.” “The place that makes rainbows must be... taking them back?” Pipp theorizes in surprise while the others are surprised by this while Sunset gives a thoughtful look. “Sounds to me that this machine might have a glitch in it.” Sunset theorizes. “I remember the rainbow factory on Cloudsdale when they made rainbows, and how Rainbow Dash used to work there, but a rainbow-making machine? That’s a new one.” “Sounds like the Pegasi must’ve made one before the magic faded and before the division from Opaline.” Hitch commented. “Make sense. Especially with so many rainbow magic around lately.” Sunny nodded in agreement before they turned to the Unity Crystals, which made a pulsation sound and a sphere shape in the middle of the rainbow beam, shocking the group. “And it looks like not even the crystal’s rainbow is safe!” Zipp then gave a serious expression as she flew close to the rainbow with a determined smile.  “Right! Come on, everypony! It's time to save some rainbows!” She declared as she flew into the rainbow beam. “Whoo-hoo!” She cheered as she disappeared. “Okay.” Sunny said with a nervous smile as she gave a nervous laugh. “You're just jumping straight in there. Okay. Good. Let's go.” She said with a smile. “Wait.” Sunset said with her hoof raised. “Before we go, I want to be cautious.” She said as her horn glowed and shot a magic beam on Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, and Misty as they glowed for a bit. “There we go. Now we can go.” She said with a smile. “What did you do?” Misty asked in confusion. “A little insurance on where we’re heading.” Sunset said with a smile. “Now let’s go!” She called as they all jumped into the portal as they all cheered with laughter through the rainbow portal stream. (Is This a Dream? Song) On the other side of the rainbow, the Mane 6 appeared through the cloud floor as they landed on the clouds, which they bounced on with smiles before they realized something. “Wait? We’re standing on clouds?” Hitch asked in surprise. “How are we not falling off them?!” “That would be the spell I cast on you.” Sunset said with a smile. “Since only Pegasi and Alicorns or other winged creatures can walk on clouds, I casted the rest of you ponies the spell that will allow you all to walk on clouds.” “Quick thinking, Sunset.” Sunny complimented with a smile.  Zipp was looking around with a thoughtful look. “According to the story, there's a hidden staircase that leads all the way to where the rainbows are made.” She said as she flew around and poke her head through some clouds. “Hidden staircase? That's what I'm talking about!” Sunny said in excitement as Zipp appeared in front of her and Sunset. “Let's split up and—!” She tried to say before Zipp found a button that is shaped like a rainbow. “Found it!” Zipp called with a smile as her friends crowded around her and she pressed the button as the cloud wall cleared out to reveal a staircase. “Wow, you're really nailing it today.” Sunny complimented Zipp with a smile as Zipp smiled proudly. “Well, time to find that rainbow maker.” Sunset declared as Zipp took the lead while the others followed with cheering and whooping in excitement. (Pipp Petals) Brighter and brighter and brighter Zipp watched in awe with sparkles in her eyes with Pipp standing beside her as the two saw many cloud stairs with rainbows as they smiled and continued forward. Izzy then laughed as she ran forward and spun Pipp around as she tossed her in the air as she flew around with a laugh as the group continued on. (Pipp and Zipp) Magic, colorful moments, unlocking a new world Is this for real or is this a dream? Zipp flew through a cloud as she was in the air while the others were jumping on clouds while Zip was recording them with her phone. Don't wake me up if this is a dream Is this a dream? Zipp was then suddenly hit by a cloud ball as she turned and saw her sister giving a mischievous smile while tossing a cloud ball. Zipp gave a challenging smirk as she threw a cloud ball as well. (Is this a dream?) (Is this a dream?) (Is this a dream?) The Mane 7 are then walking on cloud steps, while at different points as Izzy, Pipp, and Sunny was walking upside down, Hitch, Sparky, and Misty were walking on other steps normally while Sunset was walking sideways as the group met up and Zipp flew to them. The Mane 7 then stopped when they saw the edge with multiple clouds as they all smiled and jumped over as they cheered. A bit later, the Mane 7 kept going while Zipp was laughing before she stopped with her wings spread as they gave a startled scream before they saw a cyclone where all the rainbows were being sucked in. “Yikes. They definitely left this part out of the story.” Zipp said with a cringed look. “Quick question: anyone want to go back to happy singing cloudy land?” Izzy asked with a nervous smile. “Not if we want all the rainbows to stay, Izzy.” Sunset said with a serious tone. “Zipp, can you see what’s down there?” “On it.” Zipp said as she put on her Z-Goggles and set it to X-Ray mode and looked and saw a machine at the center of the cyclone before zooming into a spot on it that had something in a clog. “It looks like something in the middle is blocked.” She informed them as she took off her goggles. “If I can just get past the storm, I'm sure I can unclog it.” She said. “Are you sure it's safe?” Sunny asked in concern. “Yeah, because that cyclone looks a bit dangerous and too rough, even for you.” Sunset added with the same expression. Zipp gave a smirk as she flew up. “I'm a princess of a different kind. Always trying to figure out why. When my cutie mark comes to life, I blast bravely across the sky!” She declared as her Cutie Mark glowed and she flew into the cyclone. “And there she goes.” Sunny said with a dull look. Sunset sighed as she facehooved herself. “Sometimes, I think she has too much Rainbow Dash in her since she can’t always do things on her own.” She muttered. “That’s my sister for ya.” Pipp commented in agreement. Inside the cyclone, Zipp is fighting against the wind as hard as she could. “Come on! Come ooooon! Hah!” She called as she flew down harder and dodged some rainbows flying around as she kept going to the rainbow machine as thunder clashed, but then the machine created a boom, which sent Zipp back. “W-Whoa!” She cried out. “Gotcha!” Pipp called out as she grabbed her sister’s hooves and held her from flying away. “You can't do this one on your own, sis!” She called with a determined smile. Sunny and Sunset flew down, with Sunny in her Alicorn form, as the two then formed a barrier around them that blocked the strong wind as the three smiled. “We’re stronger and united, we work together as one, Zipp. Remember that.” Sunset said to her as Zipp gave a smile as she turned to her sister as she returned the gesture as the sister’s Cutie Marks glowed. “Uh, a little help here! Please?!” Sunny called out as she struggled to block the rainbows that were hitting the shields. “Right, sorry, Sunny!” Sunset apologized as she and the two royal sisters came up to her. “Let's do this!” Zipp called with a determined smile. “Together!” Pipp added with the same expression. Sunset gave a determined smile before she turned to Sunny. “Let’s show this rainbow machine how sisters can handle its force!” She called as Sunny gave a smirk. “You read my mind!” Sunny nodded with a determined smile as she blocked another rainbow and the four flying ponies then started moving towards the cyclone center as thunder clashed while dodging the rainbows. The four then hit the center of the cyclone as they were fighting its force. “Keep going! Harder!” Sunset encouraged as she, Sunny, Zipp, and Pipp all gave yells as they pushed harder before they successfully burst through the cyclone as they entered the center as they landed on a cloud. “Yeah! That’s how it is done!” She cheered as she and Sunny shared a hooftap. “Phew! Easy peasy!” Pipp said with a fling of her mane as she gave a laugh and a smirk before they saw the rainbow machine in front of them. “Um... now what?” She asked the three mares in confusion. “We fix the rainbow machine, obviously.” Sunset said as she went forward and inspected the rainbow machine. “Mmm, well, I’m no rainbow maker like the Pegasi back in the old days, but every machine works fine, but I can’t tell what is wrong on the inside.” She said. “I can help with that.” Zipp said as she took out her Z-Goggles again as she looked through the x-ray settings and saw a Pegasnail stuck in the pipe of the machine. “You're not gonna believe this.” She said with a smile as she reached her hoof down and pulled a bit before she managed to get the Pegasnail out of the machine. “Hey, buddy, you okay?” She asked in concern as the pegasnail puke out some rainbow. “So that’s what’s the problem.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “Don’t worry, little guy. When we get you to Hitch, we're going to ask how you ended up flying so close to the rainbow making machine that you got sucked in." She said. “Uh, Sunset, I’m right here.” Hitch’s voice called as he, Izzy, Sparky, and Misty are above them. “Oh, right. Sorry, Hitch!” Sunset called out as the pegasnail flew around Zipp in gratitude. “Ponies, look!” Sunny called as she pointed to the clouds as they then cleared up while the wind died down and the sun started shining again as the four mares smiled as the rainbows then flew around the sky as the rainbow machine started rattling as more rainbows started coming out of it. (Pipp and Zipp) Brighter and brighter and brighter The rainbows then shot out from the clouds back into Maretime Bay as they shined through Equestria and the rainbow magic returned to their right place in Equestria. A rainbow magic went into Dapple’s horn, which made him smile happily as his horn glowed. “Thank hoofness!” He cheered with a smile. Rufus was staring sadly at his grey popsicle before rainbow magic hit it, causing it to regain its rainbow colors as he smiled and ate it happily. “Mm-mm-mm! Yummy!” He cheered. Sunset, Sunny, Zipp, and Pipp all looked at the rainbow machine with smiles as it made more rainbows as Zipp turned to her friends. “There's no way I could've done this on my own.” She said with a smile as her friends smiled in return. “What are friends for, Zipp? We look out and always watch each other's backs.” Sunset said with a smile as Zipp returned the gesture and walked up to them with her hooves around them.  “Thanks, ponies.” Zipp said as she brought them in a group hug as they all kept it for a moment. (Pipp and Zipp) Is this a dream? They then saw Misty, Sparky, and Hitch waving to them while Izzy is hopping on the clouds while humming happily. “This is more like it!” Izzy cheered while waving some clouds around. They then landed on the cloud with the others before it split apart as Hitch, Sparky, and Misty looked down. “Whoa-ho-ho! We're so high up!” Misty called with a nervous look at seeing how high they were in the clouds above Maretime Bay. “How are we gonna get back down?” She asked the others while Hitch was also nervous. “Yeah. Even with all of us, we’re too high up for the others to fly down.” Sunset noted while rubbing her head. “Even we have limits. And since the rainbow in the Brighthouse is only a one way ticket to the clouds, we need another means to get back down.” Zipp thinks for a moment before she sees some rainbows flying around as she smirks. “Leave that to me.” She said to them as she gave them a wink. A bit later, the Mane 7 are flying down back to Maretime Bay on rainbows like sleds as the mares and Sparky cheered in excitement while Hitch gave a frightful look as they cheered and flew around in the sky on rainbows back down to their hometown after fixing the rainbow making machine and bringing back the rainbows. End of Chapter 12. > Chapter 13: The Return of Twilight Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: The Return of Twilight Sparkle In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset was in the basement while she was carefully wearing goggles while also working on something that was under a bedsheet as she sighed. “Okay, so far, I’m doing alright.” She said as she then gave a thoughtful expression before she levitated the spellbook she and Sunny founded in the restricted archives in Canterlot. “Am I?” She asked as she double checked. “Yes, I am.” Just then, from the doorway, there was a shadow as it slowly approached Sunset while she was working, “Come on focus, Sunset. This isn't difficult, you're just about to break all the Known laws of life and Death to do something morally questionable on all angels,” Sunset told herself as the shadow got closer, and closer, “Still, why does it feel like I'm not making any progress on-YARGH!” She yelped, feeling something jump on her back as she turned and gaped as she saw. “Sparky?” Sunset said in surprise as the baby dragon gurgled at her happily. “What are you doing down here? And didn’t I lock the door upstairs?” She questioned as the baby dragon giggled and patted her muzzle as she then giggled as well. “Okay. It’s cute, but still. Who opened the basement door?” “You know you’re not the only one who lives here, Sunset.” Zipp’s voice spoke up as Sunset turned and saw the rest of her friends by the doorway. “We all have keys to every room in the Brighthouse.” Zipp said with an amused smile while twirling the keys in one of her wing tips. “What are you doing here?” Sunset asked her friends. “You locked yourself down here for days now,” Pipp said, crunchling her nose, “Seriously, it smells like a swamp down here.” “Yeah, and something tells me you haven’t had something to eat or drink.” Sunny said with a concerned look as she brought in some sandwiches and a smoothie. “But a shower wouldn’t hurt either.” She added while covering her nose with a slight chuckle. Sunset raised a brow as she sniffed under her hooves while Sparky did next as he then gagged. “Huh, I guess I did it again.” She said. “Again?” Misty asked in confusion. “This kind of thing happened before?” “Well, whenever I get overworked or on a breakthrough with something, I isolate myself for days to figure out the answer to it.” Sunset explained with a shrug. “Yeah, we seriously need to talk about that later.” Hitch said with a grossed out expression. Sunny then placed the sandwich and smoothie down. “Sunset, we’re worried about you. Whenever you’re on break from the smoothie stand or when we have enough free time when there’s no problem or adventure, you come down here ever since we got back from Canterlot.” She stated. “Even I wouldn’t be doing something with my Unicycling for that long.” Izzy commented. Sunset then took off her goggles as she sighed. “Sorry, ponies. But I’m this close to something. I think I nearly cracked it.” She said as she levitated the sandwich and started eating it. “What are you talking about?” Zipp asked before they then noticed a body size tarp covering something. “And what’s behind the sheets?” “Yeah, because it’s like you went all Frankenstallion mad science there.” Pipp commented before she squealed. “Are you making a Frankenpony?! Because that would be spooky and great for my ponygram!” She called in excitement. “Uh, that’s scary.” Misty said nervously as Pipp flew towards the sheets. “Wait, Pipp! It’s not exactly--” Sunset tried to say before Pipp remove the sheets, but as she gasped, she raised a brow at what she saw, which happened to be posable ponnequin that is life size. “Aw. No monster?” Pipp asked in disappointment. “Uh, is that a ponnequin? Because if that’s what you’re doing for days, you seriously need to find a job since you’re good at fashion designing!” Izzy said with a cheerful smile. “Nonono, I'm not fashion designing, that's more Rarity's department!” Sunset said quickly before turning to the ponnequin, “This isn't a ponnequin, it's a replica.” She explained. “Huh?” The rest of the Mane 7 said in confusion. “It's something I learned about in one of the other Equestrias I visited during my time in the Society.” Sunset explained, “And Sunny, remember that spellbook we found that can bring back ponies or creatures from the Departed Realm in Canterlot without the need for dark magic?”  “Yeah, we were studying it and been trying to find ways to not bring a pony zombie apocalypse.” Sunny said with a nod. “Why? “Well, I've been trying to use this replica and that magic to fulfill a promise,” Sunset said before taking a breath and giving the big reveal, “I'm trying to see if I can bring Twilight back, the real Twilight.” This made the rest of the Mane 7 give wide eyes. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Hitch asked. “Yeah, because we thought that Twilight finally moved on after she defeated Opaline and after that inspiring lift spirit speech she gave you after you were kicked out of the Society that one time before going to help Sonic and his friends with their Opaline and Future Sonic.” Izzy listed out. “That's what I thought too, until I realized how many worlds there where someone could be brought back.” Sunset said to them. “One of them is with an alternate reality where Twilight held some sort of key-shaped sword with strange abilities with others like her. And I visit them one time and they explain certain things like vessels and hearts.” “Hearts? Um, your not gonna put somepony's heart in that thing are you?” Sunny asked with a cringe. Sunset realized what Sunny was implying and waved her hooves, “No, not that kind of heart! I meant the kind of heart that holds Twilight’s memories, magic, personality, basically everything that makes Twilight, Twilight.” She explained. “You mean like a soul?” Misty asked. “Yeah, basically.” Sunset nodded as she brought out her amulet she used to contact Twilight through it. “I manage to get the vessel made and with some spells from the book to get it done, thanks to some tips to that Sora kid and his friends from that world I’ve told you about, I think I can make a new body for Twilight’s heart to inhabit and bring her back to us,” She said with a smile. While the idea of seeing Twilight again did sound wonderful the Mane 7 gave uneasy expressions, “Uh gee, Sunset. That's pretty extreme.” Zipp said unsurely. “Yeah, bringing back the dead sounds like a twisted Unicycling.” Izzy said with a shudder. “What do you mean?” Sunset said in confusion while arching a brow, not getting her friends’ trepidation. “Sunset, you're basically saying you're gonna put Twilight in a living doll and bring her back to Equestria when she might not even want to come back,” Hitch explained. “W-Well, yeah. I mean, that’s kinda the point. And trust me, I was skeptical when they showed me this vessel stuff, but it’s pretty effective.” Sunset said with a brow. “Sunset, that's not the point.” Misty said gently, “What we're trying to say is, maybe it’s best you don't go forward with this.”  Sunset’s eyes widened, “Wh-What?” She asked, stunned. “I mean, last time we saw Twilight, she basically said we don't need her anymore and I hate to admit but she's right,” Pipp explained, “I mean, check all we did even without her,” she said, showing her selfies of everything they've been through since Opaline’s defeat. “We defeated Allura the first time when we first found and freed Starlight Ridge…” “We’ve been solving some issues and problems around Equestria together…” Hitch continued. “Discovered other things from in the Brighthouse or around Equestria.” Misty added with a smile. “Like recently, the rainbow machine. It was still cool to actually see it by the way.” Zipp said with a chuckle and a smirk. “Or when I found my Rainbow Magic, met a Seapony and rebuilt a magical theme park!” Izzy added with a jump. “We even found clues to Skyros and about my mother,” Sunny finished with a smile, “We’ve done wonderfully even without Twilight, and I'm sure wherever she is she's happy. So why fix what isn't broken?” She asked, knowing Sunset understood even if they missed Twilight, things were still fine. However, Sunset's shocked expression said otherwise, “You mean, you don't care about seeing Twilight again?” Sunset asked slowly. “Well, I wouldn’t word it like that but…” Hitch tried to say but Sunset cut him off. “But that's not fair,” Sunset said before she gave a glare of sorrow and anger, “That's not fair!” She yelled. This made the others flinch as Sparky hid behind Hitch a bit. “W-Whoa, Sunset, easy there.” Zipp tried to say. “Do you have any idea what I've had to go through?!” Sunset demanded, holding her glare, “I've been alone for so long! My friends promised we'd stay together but we drifted apart! I came here to be with Twilight but instead I came back to an Equestria where everypony hates each other and had to fight a crazy fire alicorn and ice roaring winged snow leopard and travel across dimensions to fight another fire alicorn and try and get the Society’s leader stubborn and crazed head on straight while saving the Multiverse from collapsing! And all I want is to have the Pony who saved me again only to now have my friends tell me to leave her dead?!” She demanded with hot tears in her eyes. “Okay, calm down-” Pipp tried to say. “Do you have any idea of how much I've suffered?!” Sunset yelled out, making them step back, “My family is dead! My mentor is gone! My friends over there are who-know-where's! Twilight is all I have left and I just want my best friend back! I WANT THE MARE I LOVE BACK!!!” She screamed out with her horn sparking and tears running down her cheeks. The rest of the Mane 7’s eyes widened when they heard that as Sunset realized what she said as her eyes shrunk. “I-I… I need some air!” Sunset cried with tears still falling as she flew up to the door. “Wait, Sunset!” Sunny called before Sunset quickly shut the door as the others flinched from the slam. “...Well, that happened.” Zipp said, unsure of what else to say. “Sunset loves Twilight?” Izzy said in confusion, “Like, loves like I love you guys or love like Sunny loves Hitch?” She asked, gesturing to herself and them and then Sunny and Hitch. Sunny and Hitch blushed from this as they gave sheepish looks with chuckles before Sunny shook her head. “Sunset never told us that she cared for Twilight that much.” Misty said in concern. “I mean, sure she had a deep friendship with her in the past, but this is huge.” “Why didn't she just tell us?” Pipp wondered, “We were right here, she could've talked to us about anything.” Sunny frowned in concern, “Maybe she felt like she couldn't.” She said, confusing them, “Sunset’s always been the one to burden our problems, get us through the hard times. We say things like ‘We can count on you,’ ‘We need you’. She's always been our rock when times get tough but, we never stopped to think about how she's been feeling.” The five ponies looked at each other, thinking of all the times Sunset had helped them, or when she told she was okay and they just accepted it, not considering that maybe she wasn't. Sparky babbled sadly with his head lowered. “You said it, Sparky. I guess we never realized that Sunset's feelings were just as important.” Hitch said with his ears lowered. “Problem with being everypony's therapist, who's supposed to be yours?” Pipp quoted with a guilty expression. “W-Wow, I-I guess that explains why her sparkle is a bit dim sometimes.” Izzy said with a concerned look while rubbing her chin. “W-What can we do?” Misty asked in worry. Zipp gave a firm look, “We're gonna find Sunset and be the friends she needs us to be for her.” She declared. “She's right. Friendship isn't always easy but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for. So come on Ponies!” Sunny said with a determined smile, “Hope!” she started as her Cutie Mark glowed. “Creativity!” Izzy continued as her mark glowed next. “Confidence!” Pipp called with a spin in the air while her mark glowed. “Kindness!” Hitch called with a pose while Sparky giggled with Hitch’s mark glowing. “Bravery!” Zipp announced with a flip in the air while her mark glowed next. “Heart!” Misty called as her mark glowed as well. “Hooves to Heart!” They declared in unison as their Cutie Marks came together, creating the Starscout sign as it glowed for a moment before it faded. “Now, let’s go find Sunset!” Sunny declared as the group rushed out of the basement to find their Alicorn friend. The group then rush out of the Brighthouse as they look around for any sign of Sunset. “Where could Sunset run off too?” Misty asked. “I don’t know. She is usually on the top of the Brighthouse or in the room when she's in thought or a bit down.” Izzy noted while scratching her head. “Sunny, you know Sunset better. Do you know where she could be when she gets this upset?” Zipp asked the earth pony mare, since Sunny has been around Sunset longer than any of them. Sunny thought for a moment, before smiling brightly, “I got it!” She cheered. And then a bit later, the group entered through the cave and returned to the ruins of Canterlot. “Wait, this is Canterlot?” Misty asked in surprise. “I mean, I know it existed from Opaline’s tale, but to actually step hoof in one of Equestria’s ancient history landmarks…” “Yeah, I have a similar reaction as well, Misty.” Sunny said with a giggle. “But more a fanmare than you, Mist.” Izzy added with a chuckle as Sunny blushed sheepishly from that. “Sunny, why are we even here?” Hitch asked in confusion, saving Sunny from the embarrassment while also wondering why they’re here. “Do Sunset really come here often?” “Well, not completely often, but if I know Sunset, she would go somewhere familiar to be alone.” Sunny said to them as they walked past the ruins of Canterlot. “And Canterlot is the only place that she’s familiar with to have some time to herself when she’s upset.” “But where do we start looking for her?” Pipp wondered. “Yeah, Canterlot is so big. It will take us forever to find her.” Zipp said in agreement. “And in this mess, it’s gonna be hard to tell which one she’s in.” “We go to the one place Sunset knows very well.” Sunny said as she gestured to the Canterlot Palace. “The Canterlot Castle. She was Celestia’s former pupil before Twilight. So she must’ve come here often.” “You think she's there?” Hitch asked his marefriend. “It’s the only place Sunset usually mentioned and the only place that is somewhat intact in all of Canterlot.” Sunny said as they walked up to the front gate. “If Sunset is anywhere, it’s here.” She said as they entered the castle. “Are you sure you know where to go in there?” Misty asked uncertainty. “Because we might get lost in there.” “Nothing is worth more than being there for a friend.” Sunny said, charging into the darkness while her friends followed close behind. What they didn’t notice however was that a not so friendly Snow Leopard and her sidekick bunny had followed them to the old city. Allura looked around at the broken city, feeling the emptiness and cold around them, “Now this is more like it,” Allura said with a smile. “This could be a backup in case our cave lair might either be discovered or melt.” Twitch then babbled to her with a brow. “I know the cave serves well. But you never know when you might need a backup home.” Allura told her sidekick, “Besides, I heard those ponies mention magic in this city, maybe something that will help us find a way to restore the Nova Charm or at least put this whole hotspot into a deep freeze.” Twitch thought for a moment before he babbled with a nod. “Glad to hear it. Now, let’s see what we can find and maybe, get some sweet payback.” Allura chuckled evilly as they walked into the castle. WIth Sunset she was sitting alone in what used to be the Canterlot Library, crying into her hooves. In front of her she held photos of Twilight and herself on the few visits she made to Equestria before Opaline’s arrival. She ran her hoof over Twilight’s with her mouth shaking, “Oh Twilight, I miss you so much,” Sunset whimpered as she looked up and saw the tattered picture of a white alicorn with a colorful Mane, “Princess, I give anything to talk to you right now.” She said sadly. “Sunset Shimmer.” A familiar voice said, which got Sunset’s attention as she looked around. “W-Who said that?” Sunset asked, looking around to find who spoke to her. She then looked down and noticed a familiar shadow over her. The shadow of a tall pony with a mane moving like it was being blown in the wind.  Sunset gasped and looked behind her, only to see nothing, “No, no i-It couldn't be her,” Sunset told herself, not even trying to hope, “E-Even she couldn't have lived that long.” she said. “I can assure you, my faithful student, that I’m not alive, but I’m not that much dead either.” The voice said with a slight chuckle, which Sunset heard as she looked around. “Princess Celestia?” Sunset said as she turned again as her pupil shrunk in shock as she saw her former mentor standing beside her. “Hello, Sunset. It's been a long time,” Celestia said with a motherly smile, “Aren't you happy to see me?” She said with a brow. “N-No! I-I mean, yes! I am happy to see you!” Sunset quickly said to her former mentor. “I-I just, wait, how are you even here? Am I dreaming?” “No. You are not dreaming.” Celestia assured with a chuckle as she walked around Sunset. “When my time has finally come, I have obtained a high spiritual plane of existence. While I may not be around physically, as an alicorn of the sun, my spirit remains so long as it shines. I have become with its light and warmth that bathes over every living thing.” She explained. “But, why are you here, now?” Sunset asked, still stunned to see the mare she loved like mother before her. “Because until now, you have forgotten me.” Celestia said with a frown. “No! I didn’t forget you! I would never forget those I cared about!” Sunset said to her, appalled Celestia could ever think she forgot about her. “Why would you think that?” “You have forgotten who you are and in doing so you have forgotten those you care about including me.” Celestia explained, placing a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder, “Sunset, you are the element of Forgiveness but I sense there is still one creature you still refuse to forgive.” Sunset looked confused, “What? Who?” She asked, wondering if Celestia was referring to Opaline, Allura or even FS. “You haven’t forgiven yourself, Sunset.” Celestia said to her, which surprised Sunset from that. “Myself?” Sunset asked in confusion. “You still blame yourself for what has happened to Equestria. To your friends. To me…to Twilight,” Celestia explained as Sunset lowered her head in guilt. “I should’ve come back. I should’ve been here to help.” Sunset said, looking at her mentor, “If I hadn't been so selfish I could've saved Twilight, I could've stopped Opaline.” “Sunset, you never would have realized what would occur if you came back.” Celestia said to her former student. “If you even returned, things wouldn’t be any different.” “But with Opaline and the Society  I thought I was doing the right thing, trying to be like you but it just blew up in my face and Twilight and Sonic paid for it.” Sunset said sadly, remembering how Twilight ‘died’ and Sonic nearly lost his whole world. “But you made amends and helped set things right, like how you've always done.” Celestia said to her. “You always push through and set things right.” “But I still make so many mistakes, just now I yelled at my friends for a totally selfish reason and ran away like a scared little filly.” Sunset said, sitting on her haunches. “I don't know what to do anymore, even if I bring Twilight back I could end up losing her by taking her peace away and bringing her into a world without her best friends.” Celestia saw that her former pupil was conflicted on bringing her old friend back and taking away her peace after everything she’s done and the fact that she’s sad that she can’t even make the right choices as she walked up to her. “Sunset, I understand how you feel.” She said to her. Sunset was surprised by this as she turned to Celestia. “Y-You do?” “Take it from someone who lived longer than anypony.” Celestia said with a smile as she haunched down to her. “I’ve lived a longer life than anypony in Equestria. And when my sister, Luna, was turned into Nightmare Moon, I was forced to endure a thousand years without the only family I had left. And I’ve waited many moons, watching the moon with the face of my sister, alone. I waited until she returned, and it was thanks to Twilight and her friends, they saved my sister and brought her home and helped amend my mistake for not giving her the attention she deserved.” She said to her. “So understand that I know what you’re going through.” Sunset was caught in her former mentor’s words as she hadn't realized that her former mentor had gone through such loneliness. “I-I had no idea.” She said to Celestia. “Y-You never really showed the loneliness when I was around you when I was your star pupil. You make it look like you were strong.” “Just as you appeared strong for young Sunny and her friends?” Celestia questioned with a smile. Sunset’s eyes widened from. “W-Well, yeah. I have to be strong. Because they see me as a symbol, as a Guardian of Harmony, a pillar of their strength.” She said while looking in thought. “But why must you alone carry the burden of others?” Celestia asked, “Don’t you think your friends would be willing to help you?” “I-I don’t think they would understand.” Sunset said uncertainly. “I mean, they have family, they know everypony and everything in this era of Equestria. And I have to carry that burden because out of all of them, I’m the oldest. The responsible one of the group. And if something happens to them, it’s on me, like how I couldn’t even return home sooner before all this change.” She said sadly with her head lowered. Celestia put a wing over Sunset, “Twilight felt she had to be the one to carry the responsibility forevermore, and it took her a long time to accept she cannot always be the one to hold everyponies’ problems,” “She did?” Sunset asked slowly. “Yes. And trust me, I’ve seen how she reacted and it was a bit funny and somewhat similar to how I have been.” Celestia said with giggles, which surprised Sunset even more. “But it showed that one pony, Alicorn or not, even the most powerful ones, can’t always carry the burden on their own when they have their friends to support them.” “Never be ashamed to ask for help Sunset, seeking aid and admitting you need it is a sign of true strength,” Celestia told her former pupil with a comforting smile. “You should never hold something buried deep inside. If you trust your friends, they will understand how you feel. And I know they are looking for you right now.” Sunset look down for a moment and smiled before turning to Celestia and hugged her, “I missed you, Celestia,” She said softly. Celestia smiled softly and returned the hug while wrapping her wings around her. “I missed you too, Sunset.” She said as the two kept hugging, having long to hug each other again after they last saw each other while feeling each other's warmth while tears fell from their eyes. “Sunset!” Sunny’s voice called out, as Sunset’s ears pointed in the direction of the voice as she turned, “Sunset where are you?!” Sunny called again. “Sunny? Heh, looks like you were right Cel…” Sunset stopped herself when she saw Celestia was gone. “C-Celestia?” She asked as she then realized that though she couldn’t be seen, her mentor was still with her and she smiled, “Thank you, princess,” She said gratefully. “Sunset!” Sunny’s voice called out from the entrance. “Sunny, in here!” Sunset called as she saw her friends walking towards her, “Boy am I glad to see you. I’m so sorry about running off like that. I was just having a…” She trailed off when she saw her friends entering, but what she saw made her pause because she saw her friends, even Sparky, giving wide creepy smiles. “Uh, guys? Why are you smiling like that?” The rest of the Mane 7 just gave creepy laughs and walked towards Sunset as backed up before realizing something, “Wait, I recognize those smiles,” She said as horror came to her, “Oh no, Allura!” She realized as the Snow Leopard walked up from behind her.  “Ah, Sunset Shimmer, the Alicorn. We meet again.” Allura said with a sinister smile while Twitch had the same expression as Sunset turned to her. “M-My friends and I know that you somehow came to Equestria through a portal that was still open in Starlight Ridge, but what are you doing here?!” Sunset questioned while readying her horn just in case. “What do you want?!”  “Oh I’m just here looking for a summer vacation spot,” Allura said, looking at her paw. “Really?” Sunset asked in surprise. “No! I was looking for a way to restore the Nova Charm or find some way to escape this realm!” Allura called with a glare before she looked around. “But, I gotta say, this place really does fit my description.” She said with a smirk. “Okay, one, you’re weird. And two, good luck with that. The Nova Charm broke into seven pieces when Izzy created that theme park!” Sunset said with a glare. “Yes, I know,” Allura said irritably. “Really?” Sunset said again. “Just because I’ve been stranded doesn’t mean I haven’t kept my eyes on you ponies.” Allura said with annoyance. “I know you ponies had the Nova Charm, and when I saw it with you and that cheerful unicorn,” She gestured to the mind controlled Izzy, “I thought Twitch and I had a chance to finally get back and continue our rule. But instead, it broke into pieces and left us stranded here!” Sunset gave a glare, “Well, if you promised to leave the Auroracorns alone then maybe we could help you two get back home but we both know that’s not happening,” She told the Snow Leopard. “So why don’t you just let my friends go and we all go our separate ways.” She suggested. “Hmm, let me think about that,” Allura said, feigning she was thinking before smirking, “No, and I’ve got a better idea. How about I let your friends have some fun?” She suggested. Sunset smirked, “Heh, in case you haven’t noticed I’m an alicorn. I think I can handle six mind controlled ponies and a baby dragon.” She boasted, fanning her wings and lighting her horn again. Twitch just laughed at her while Allura held her smirk, “Heh, do you think I can make ponies just smile and do whatever I want, Sunset? No, that was just for fun, here’s when I want somecreature destroyed,” Allura said as she turned to the Mane 6, “You six ponies, destroy Sunset Shimmer,” She ordered as the sound waves of her voice were red instead of purple. Sunny and the other’s eyes then turned red as they growled angrily while Sparky showed his teeth. “Yes, Allura.” They said as Sunny brought out her Alicorn form, which made Sunset startled as she backed away. “Uh, okay, didn’t really think that through.” Sunset said nervously as her mind-controlled friends advanced towards her. “And there’s no magic crystal snow to snap them out of it this time.” Allura said with her smirk still in place. “One of the only things I loved about this place.” Sunset back up towards a broken window as her friends continued glaring at her as she backed up to the edge and saw the sheer drop, “Oh boy,” Sunset gulped as she turned back to her mind-controlled friends, “Oh, what do I do?! What do I do? What do I do?!” She panicked. Just then, three familiar Dragons rose up from behind her, “Looks I chose a good day to visit the old crib while Discord keep an eye on the Dragonlands in my stead when I’m out,” Spike commented. “What?! More dragons?!” Allura asked in shock and anger while Twitch looked on with wide eyes. “Spike!” Sunset cheered in joy as Blaize and Tumble flew in as Tumble used his breath to blow the mind controlled ponies and baby dragons back. “Careful! They’re not themselves! They’re being controlled!” “Don’t worry, I just gave them a strong gust.” Tumble assured as the mind controlled ponies and dragon got up with glares as Sunny kept her alicorn form up. “And I think I tick them off.” He said nervously. “Sunset, what’s going on? What’s wrong with Sunny and the others? And who’s the Snow Leopard and Evil Angel?” Spike asked in confusion. “Uh, I’ll tell you later. But quick version, that’s Allura and her sidekick Twitch we talked about. And right now, I need to get back to the Brighthouse!” Sunset exclaimed, jumping onto Spike back, “There’s something there I have to get!” “Then time to be quick on this one! Blaize, Tumble hold them off until we get back!” Spike called out. “You got it, Your Spikeness!” Blaize nodded as she and Tumble flew towards the mind-controlled group as Spike spun around and blew his green flames forward as he and Sunset teleported away. “Alright, so holding off a hatchling, six ponies and a mind-controlling leopard. How hard can it be?” “Uh, you know that Sunny is an Alicorn right now, right, Blaize?” Tumble asked his friend as Sunny lit up her horn while giving a menacing glare. “Eh, it still wouldn’t hurt to have a bit of a challenge.” Blaize said with a shrug. Back with Sunset and Spike, they soon appeared outside the Crystal Brighthouse, “Okay we’re here, so what’s your plan?” Spike asked Sunset. “Well, since I don’t know how to snap the others out of their mind control unlike how Sparky did with you with Opaline, we need someone else to snap them out of it.” Sunset said as she got off Spike. “What do you mean someone else?” Spike asked. “Hold that thought.” Sunset said before she rushed into the Brighthouse as Spike waited outside a bit, looking a bit confused before Sunset came out while carrying the vessel and the spellbook she is levitating while having the amulet around her neck. “We’re gonna use this.” She said as she put the vessel down. Spike arched a brow, “Um, no offense Sunset but I don’t think playing dolls is gonna save your friends,” He said confusedly. “It’s no doll, Spike. It’s a vessel to make a new body to bring somepony back. And you might know who I’m talking about.” Sunset said as she took off her amulet and placed it on the vessel. “An old and closest friend of ours.” “Twi?” Spike gasped hopefully, “You mean, you figured out how to bring her back?”  “Yes, but there was still something I’m missing to bring her back and I can’t figure out what it…” Sunset stopped herself as she looked at Spike, remembering his bond with Twilight and what Sora had told her. “Sometimes, that connection between two hearts is all that you need,” “Wait, that’s it. It’s you!” Sunset realized, pointing at Spike. “Me?” Spike said confusedly. “Spike, you knew Twilight longer than any creature, you were practically born from her magic!” Sunset explained, “There’s practically no one more connected to her than you!” “So?” Spike asked, not getting what Sunset was so happy about. “If Twilight’s heart is still with us, then your connection with her will be enough to guide her into the vessel!” Sunset said, gesturing to the replica, “Meaning if you can focus on your memories and love for Twilight, we can bring her back and with her help we can save Sunny and the others.” Spike looked amazed as he looked at the Replica, thinking to himself before closing his eyes and opening them with a determined look, “Do it,” He told Sunset.  Sunset nodded as she placed the replica between them, and put the amulet around its neck. “Twilight, I know that you can’t come out. But I know that you can hear us. And I know that you told us to move on, but it’s not the same without you. Equestria might not need you but Spike and I do need you.” “You were always there for me and I was always there for you. We were separated for many moons, Twilight. I will not be separated any longer. We’re a family. And family sticks together, no matter what happens.” Spike said with a determined smile. “We need you back, Twilight. It might not be the same without the others, but that’s nothing new. We know that our friends are always with us in spirit.” Sunset continued. “Even if Equestria doesn’t need you, your friends, both old and new, needs you. Because we know you never leave your friends behind. So please, accept this offer and come back to us. Come back to our friendship, our family, Twilight. Let our heart be your guide.” Sunset then lit her horn, and focused her magic as Spike held out his chest with a light resonating from it. Then the light floated around as it then circled them before slowly entering the vessel while at the same time, the amulet the vessel was wearing released a purple stream as it exited the amulet and entered the vessel to the spot where the light entered through. And then suddenly, the vessel then gave off a bright glow as the lights from its chest spread across its body as it gave off a purple glow that shone brightly, blinding the two. And then after the shine, Sunset and Spike opened their eyes and looked at where the vessel once laid as they then gasped. What they saw was none other than Twilight, who looked exactly how she used to be in her alicorn prime as she opened her eyes while giving a confused look, “Wh-What happened?” She asked as she looked at herself. “Twilight?” Spike asked slowly as Twilight slowly turned to him and Sunset. “A-Are you okay?” “Spike? Sunset?” Twilight asked in surprise before she realized something. “Wait, usually when I appear, I come out of the amulet. Is this some kind of new projection that I--” She stopped when she gasped when she saw her actually hoof. “My hooves!” She said as she touched her hoof, actually feeling her fur. “I-I can feel it! I can feel it!” She cheered as she saw that she’s not a ghost or a spirit. “W-Wait, I'm mortal again?!” “Y-Yeah. You see, Sunny and I found a spellbook that can bring spirits back to the mortal world, and a certain interdimensional friend kinda gave me some instructions on how to make a vessel to give you a new body.” Sunset explained while holding the urge to hug Twilight since she just got back. “You brought me back?” Twilight said, stunned. “Well, Spike helped. He had a much more connection with you since you raised him since he hatched.” Sunset said while gesturing to Spike with a smile. Spike gave a chuckle. “I have always thought about you before we were separated, Twilight.” He said with a smile. “And I’ve missed you everyday.” Twilight was still speechless by all this as Sunset gave a guilty expression, “I'm sorry, Twilight, I know you said Equestria didn't need you but I needed you, I needed my best friend,” She said sadly. Twilight then slowly walked up towards her. “I-I know that you passed on the torch to me and the others, but, I-I really missed you and I couldn’t even move on any longer without--” Sunset was cut off when Twilight grabbed her into a hug, which surprised Sunset from this. “Sunset, thank you. Even when I said to move on, to tell you the truth, I missed having a physical body.” Twilight said with a joyful smile as she kept her hug. “Because then, I was never able to hug you.” Sunset gave a smile as she returned the hug. “I kinda had a feeling you didn’t like being a spirit in an amulet 24/7.” She said with tears of joy coming out of her eyes. “Even I missed hugging you.” Spike looked at his two friends with a sad smile as Twilight giggled, “Alright, bring it in ya big softy.” She said as Spike quickly wrapped his paws around the two alicorns and held them tight in his grip as the three laughed at the touch. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that to you, Twilight.” Spike said happily. “W-Well, looks like you got your wish.” Twilight said with giggles. “Wait until Discord, Sunny, and the others see me. They’ll be so surprised.” Sunset’s eyes then popped open in alarm while Spike shared the same expression. “Oh, shoot, we forgot about Sunny and the others!” Sunset exclaimed in panic. “Dang! Can’t believe we forgot so quickly!” Spike said while facepalming himself with his paw after he put his friends down. “Uh, sorry, but what are you two talking about?” Twilight asked in confusion. “Because I’m a bit out of the loop right now because I was just brought back.” “Twilight, we don’t have much time! Sunny and the others are in trouble by an old enemy of ours!” Sunset started with an anxious look. “And she’s a bit more tough than Opaline!” “And from what Sunset and the others told me, she’s not one of your friendly types.” Spike added with a nervous look. “She has the power to mind control other creatures with her voice, make them do whatever she wants!” Sunset explained, “She's using it to mind control Sunny and the others right now!” Twilight then gave a determined look, “Well, let’s go!” She declared as looked to Sunset, “Where are they?” “Canterlot!” Sunset said quickly. “Wait, Canterlot?” Twilight said in surprise. “Huh, that place can’t catch a break even when it’s in ruins.” “No time for that! Blaize and Tumble can’t hold them if Sunny’s in her alicorn form and Allura is there! We gotta help them!” Sunset called as she turned to Spike. “Spike, get us there now!” “Roger that!” Spike nodded as he breathed his fire around them as they teleported away. Back in Canterlot, Blaize and Tumble laid on the ground, panting tiredly. “You… wanted a challenge, huh?” Tumble asked his friend in exhaustion. “I'm…just getting…warmed up,” Blaize panted as they saw the Mane 6 and Allura standing over them. “You dragons fought bravely, but it wasn’t enough against my new minions.” Allura said with a smirk. “And from what I see, you two would make find additions in my club.” “Y-Yeah… sorry. But we tried the whole mind control thing from an evil Fire Alicorn.” Blaize said with a glare. “Not a fan.” “Oh sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound like a suggestion,” Allura said with an evil smirk, “It was a statement of fact.” “You know you won’t get away with this.” Tumble said with a look. “Our friends will stop you.” “Then they will fall too.” Allura said as she was about to use her purr sounds on them, but then she was hit by a rock to the head. “Ow! What?!” She questioned as she turned with a glare. There standing behind her was Spike, Sunset and Twilight with determined expressions. “Step away from my dragons.” Spike said firmly to Allura. “Oh, so you returned for failure?” Allura taunted with a smirk. “I thought you'd run away like cowards.” She added as Twitch laughed from that. Twilight looked at the bunny and cringed, “Yeesh, and you thought Angel was evil,” She told Spike. “Yeah, compared to those two, Angel was a lot safer compared to that dustbunny.” Spike said with a chuckle, which made Twilight giggled too, knowing that is true. “And who are you supposed to be? Another Alicorn?” Allura questioned while Twitch gave a glare at the two’s insults. “Oh, Allura, she’s not just a Alicorn. She’s the Alicorn.” Sunset said with a smirk as she stood next to Twilight. “I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, and this is my house.” Twilight declared as she lit horn, “And as this realm’s protector I made a promise, to protect my subjects from tyrants like you, always!” She called while her horn lit up with a determined expression. Allura then stepped back in surprise, sensing the power from Twilight, “What are you doing?! What is this?!” She demanded as Twitch got nervous and hid behind Allura. “Oh, I’m bringing in an old classic I’ve been waiting for a long time. But first.” Twilight said with a smirk before she created a shockwave, which spread around the area before hitting Sunny and the others, who groaned and shook their heads from that hit. “A little insurance.” Sunny was the first to come as she opened her eyes, which are back to their normal colors. “Huh, w-what happened?” She asked while rubbing her head. “Where am I?” Hitch wondered while Sparky gurgled in confusion. “How did I get here?” Pipp asked. “When did I black out?” Zipp said, rubbing her head. “Why is my head so fuzzy?” Misty wondered. “Who Unicycled with my brain?” Izzy asked as her eyes spun. Allura was shocked, “No! You broke my spell!” She said in shock. “You’re not the first mind-controlled villain I’ve faced. And trust me, I’ve seen plenty in my time.” Twilight said with a smirk. “Which is why I always find a way to counteract that trick, reversing your control.” “I'll just find more servants! And I have what I came for.” Allura told the alicorn, “You can't stop me.” “Girl, you’re not gonna find suitable servants to even match us.” Sunset said with a smirk. “Because as long as there’s heroes like us, the Guardians of Harmony,” She said while gesturing to her friends and herself. “You will have a bad time trying to take over a piece of land.” “But not even you can stand up to his power!” Allura said with a growl. “Wait, his?” Sunset said in confusion before Allura gave an icy roar, causing them to shield themselves against the blast. When they uncovered their eyes, Allura and Twitch were gone, “She got away!” Blaize called in annoyance. “By the time we get out she'll be clear across Canterlot!” Hitch stated. “Let her go. She’s not a threat right now.” Twilight spoke up to them, which got Sunny and the others attention. “Princess Twilight?!” Sunny asked in shock with wide smiles while the others were surprised. “It's good to see you again, Sunny.” Twilight said with a smile. “H-How did you manage to--” Hitch tried to say before Zipp spoke up. “Wait, Sunset’s vessel actually worked?” Zipp asked in surprise, remembering what Sunset made and showed them. “It brought you back?” “Yes, it did,” Twilight said as she looked to Sunset, “I am eternally grateful.” Sunset smiled and turned to her friends with a guilt expression, “Guys, I’m sorry about what I said back at the Brighthouse. There were just things on my chest that I felt I shouldn't have to trouble you with.” She said while looking away. Sunny just gave a smile. “Sunset, we should be the ones to apologize.” She said to her as Sunset looked at her. “We thought that we were only trying to reason with you, but instead, we made you feel worse.” “Yeah, you helped us and so many others for so long, we never realized how you felt after so long.” Hitch said with a frown. “Yeah, we weren’t being sensible to you back there.” Zipp said with guilt. “But we won't be like that, not anymore,” Pipp said with a smile. “Yeah, friends lean on friends when friends are feeling sad,” Izzy said with a cheerful smile. “So if there's something bothering you, you can tell us,” Misty told the alicorn. Sunny approached Sunset with a kind smile, “We're not going back to the Friendship where you're always the one carrying our problems, from now on, we all carry each other's problems, and if there's something bothering us we tell each other, hoof to heart?” She asked, raising her hoof. Sunset was surprised by their words as she gave a smile as she raised her hoof and tap Sunny’s. “Hoof to heart.” She said as Sunny then hugged Sunset as the others then joined in as Sunset smiled fondly as she returned the gesture while Spike, Blaze, Tumble, and Twilight watched with smiles. “They certainly know how to make you smile.” Tumble commented. “That’s the true meaning of the Magic of Friendship, Tumble. Right, Twilight?” Spike asked with a smile. “It most certainly is, Spike. It certainly is.” Twilight said with a smile, feeling her times with her friends resurfaced and the times she and Sunset had together when they either hang out or when there’s a situation. Back near the Crystal Brighthouse, the Mane 8 are sitting around at the picnic with Spike and his two dragon comrades beside them while chatting around. Though younger ponies watched in shock as Twilight was all but devouring her hamburgers, and chucking down more than three smoothies. “Geeze, I never realized I was this hungry.” Twilight said with a smile while enjoying the meal. “Uh, isn’t she royalty?” Pipp asked Sunset in confusion. “Heheh, your sister is one to talk to, Pipp.” Sunset chuckle while gesturing to Zipp. “I mean, sometimes I forget Zipp is a princess.” “You know, she got us there.” Zipp said with a chuckle. “I am a rebel.” “Ain't that the truth.” Hitch commented as Sparky babbled in agreement. “And besides, compared to Twilight when she’s been a spirit for sometime in the amulet, I bet she missed having to touch, smell, or especially eat.” Sunset added with chuckles. “I think she’s just making up for the times.” Twilight then wiped the ketchup of her mouth with another burger before eating whole, her cheeks puffed up as she mumbled in bliss. “She got a point there. We were like that when you and Sunny made our foalhood Wishday’s cookies last year.” Izzy commented. “Heh, if Opaline sees Twilight like this, she would be disbelieving and weirded out that her arch enemy is like this.” Misty said with chuckles. “That’s Twilight for ya.” Spike said with a fond smile, even though Twilight is a messy eater, he missed every bit of her. Twilight then swallowed her burger and gave a slight burp before giving a sheepish chuckle. “Heheh, sorry, ponies. It has been over a thousand years.” She said with a slight blush. “So uh, Twilight, there’s something I wanted to ask for the longest time but you never could,” Sunny said looking excited. “Of course Sunny, what is it?” Twilight asked before she was suddenly faced with Sunny’s notebook. “Can I have your autograph?!” Sunny squealed with her eyes twinkling. Twilight was surprised by this as she turned to Sunset and the others, who chuckled. “She did the same to me when we first met, Twi.” Sunset said with a shrug.  Sunny gasped in realization, “That's right! And never got it!” She exclaimed before bringing her notebook to Sunset, “Please sign it too, please?!” She pleaded. Sunset and Twilight looked at each other before they all laughed while Sunny realized that her fan side was showing as she gave a sheepish blush and joined in the laughter as well. “That’s funny. You’re funny, kid.” Blaize said through her laughter. “Be glad that I’m too big to even sign an autograph. Can’t do that anymore.” Spike said as he gave a laugh and nudged Tumble. “So, Twilight, I wanted to ask you?” Izzy said, after calming down, “Did you know that you're the mare Sunset loves?” She asked while Sunset was about to drink her smoothie. Sunset's eyes widened while in her mind she was screaming in panic as lightning and thunder clashed. She gave a nervous look towards Twilight who looked surprised by what Izzy asked, “Oh, uh, no I wasn't completely aware of that.” She said as Sunset wrapped her forelegs around Twilight. “Hey Twi, how about Sunny and I show you to your room, personally?” She said with a wide smile, through her teeth. “Uh, sure?” Twilight said as Sunny led her into the Bright House while Sunset waved to her, still smiling. Once Twilight was gone, Sunset gave Izzy a murderous glare, “What?” Izzy asked innocently. “Izzy, we’re gonna have a serious talk about personal things later.” Sunset said through her teeth. “Because it’s one thing to babble things out, but babbling out other’s feelings is way too personal!” “But friends are supposed to share love, aren't they?” Izzy said with a shrug. Sunset gave an aggravated groan and stomped into the Brighthouse, “Was it something I said?” Izzy asked the girls and dragons. They all gave Izzy a brow. “Izzy, you clearly forgot what we talked about during Hearts and Hooves day.” Zipp muttered. Sunset soon came to the bedrooms where she saw Sunny showing Twilight her section which looked like her old room from Ponyville, “What do you think, Twilight?” Sunny asked as Twilight smiled happily. “It's just like home,” Twilight said as she gave Sunny a hug and turned to see Sunset, “Thank you for setting this up for me Sunset,” She said. “Anything for the ones I love,” Sunset said with a smile. “And the best for the one you love the most?” Twilight asked with a grin and a raised brow while leaning close to Sunset. Sunset gave a sheepish blush and a chuckle from that. “Izzy's just being Pinkie Pie.” She said while Sunny gave a smirk while holding back her giggles. “Yeah. She really does.” Twilight said with a smirk and a chuckle. “Something tells me that I’ll feel right at home.” Sunset just gave a smile and bumped Twilight playful before frowning in thought, “There is one thing that still bothers me, though.” Sunset said, getting Twilight and Sunny’s attention. “What’s that?” Sunny asked with a brow. “Back at Canterlot, did you catch what Allura said?” Sunset asked them. “Yeah, she mentioned ‘You can’t stand up to his power’.” Twilight said with a thoughtful look. “And from what you ponies told me, Allura and her sidekick Twitch were alone and looking for a way to either restore the Nova Charm or find another way back to Starlight Ridge.” “So the question is…” Sunny started in concern. “Who is Allura working with? And why?” Sunset finished with a serious look as the three ponies wondered what Allura was planning and who was this ‘he’ she was talking about. Back in the cave on the beach near Maretime Bay, Allura and Twitch were resting after what happened at Canterlot. “It’s bad enough that we have to fight two Alicorns, but now we have to deal with three!? Ugh, I hate this world even more.” Allura muttered in frustration. “Perhaps if you had just stopped playing games and actually finished them off like I would have, it would have gone differently!” The voice in her head growled. “Don't get cute with me, brother,” Allura warned as she frowned, “I may not have the Nova Charm but I know there must be something in this accused world that's just as promising.” “And what would that be?” The voice asked in skepticism. Twitch then babbled to Allura and pulled out an old blue book from Canterlot with a snowflake on its cover, “A book? Our answer is a book.” She said in confusion as Twitch babbled again and gestured to the cover, which Allura realized something. “Oh, it's inside the book.” She said as Twitch nodded. “Well, reading isn't really my thing but why not?” Allura said as she took the book and opened it to see a picture of a snowy wasteland, “Ooh, now that's what I'm talking about.” She said with a smile and continued flipping through the pages, seeing a city made of pure crystal and a heart shaped cyan crystal in its center, “Hmm, the Crystal Heart? Said to amplify the emotions of those close to it,” she read before flipping the next page. Then she saw something that really caught her attention: it was a unicorn with an ash Grey coat, a black Mane, dressed in silver armor and red cape, and had curved blood red horns with his eyes glowing green and purple. At the sight of the unicorn, Twitch yelped in fright and hid behind Allura. “Wow, now this unicorn seems to be my kind of pony.” Allura said with a smirk as she looked at the unicorn while seeing his name on the page, “King Sombra, Dark King of the Crystal Empire. Guess we have a lot in common; We both know that when you want something, especially leadership, you take it. And if you're as powerful as this book says you are, then you're just what I need to make this Realm ours.” She said with a sinister smile while Twitch gave a sinister chuckle. Allura and Twitch may have been beaten again and her enemies have another alicorn and an old friend by their side, but she found some information that could prove to her useful in the future to get her revenge on them. End of Chapter 13. > Chapter 14: P + T + S + P = BFFS > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: P + T + S + P = BFFS In the early morning, Sunset, Sunny, and Twilight were on the field while showing each other magic skills with Twilight taking notes on how Sunny handle her magic now personally that she have her body back as she listed out the skills Sunny have, which are magic shields, magic blasts, superspeed, controlling plants, levitation, and even other unique skills she have when she can transform into her Alicorn form and back. “Wow. Sunny. I’ve seen you in action with Sunset in the past when I was in the amulet, but you have the skills of a true Alicorn.” Twilight complimented as she wrote down her note with a smile. “Thank you, Princess, I mean, Twilight!” Sunny giggled to herself. “Sorry, I’m still not used to the fact that you’re actually here yet.” She said sheepishly. “That’s okay. I still can’t believe I was brought back. But I’m glad.” Twilight said with a smile. “You know, I was dreaming of having a physical body again after we first defeated Opaline and the time before I was brought back into the amulet.” “You have?” Sunset asked with a surprised smile. “But I thought when you were locked inside the amulet when you decided to leave didn’t--” “Know what was going on?” Twilight finished with a smirk. “I know everything. I just couldn’t do anything about it since I had no magic when I was a spirit inside the amulet.” “She got a point there.” Sunny said with a smile as Sunset nodded in agreement. “So, how I do?” “Well, you were certainly better than when I first started out as an Alicorn.” Twilight said with a smile while showing some A’s on Sunny’s score of her training. “Even better to control those wings than mine. When I first started, I could hardly fly straight, let alone land or control my wings.” “Really? Huh, to me it was more instincts when Sunset and I first became Alicorns.” Sunny said with a surprised look. “Must’ve come with it when we first started out and took those flying lessons with Zipp.” Sunset added with a chuckle. “Like how I used to do with Rainbow for flying lessons. Crash a few times, but I eventually got the hang of it.” Twilight said as the three mares giggled. “Though, it has been a long time since a bunch of fans crowded me. I was surprised everypony even knew my name in this new era of Equestria.” She added. “Yeah, that would be our fault.” Sunset said with a sheepish smile. “When magic first returned and thanks to Sunset’s help, we managed to clear the true history of Equestria back into your legacy.” Sunny said with a sheepish look. “You get used to the fans. “Eh, I had before, I can handle them again. I hope.” Twilight said with a sheepish smile. “Okay, that’s enough training for now. I heard that we’re going to some fairground today with the others?” “Oh, right. The Boardtrot.” Sunny said in realization. “We’re supposed to be in our sections today.” Sunset said with a surprised look. “We better get ready for them. It’s gonna be a crowded fun time at the funfair.” “I like the sound of that.” Twilight said with a smile. “I hope I won’t stand out.” “Twilight, these days in Equestria, nothing stands out anymore.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “You can come over to my stand. It seems suited for your taste.” “I would like that.” Twilight said with a nod. “Now let’s go get the others.” She said as she flew off to the Brighthouse as Sunny and Sunset watched with smiles. “This is so much better than her being inside the amulet and as a spirit.” Sunny commented as she activated her Alicorn form. “You said it, sister.” Sunset said in agreement as the two Alicorns flew off after Twilight to the Brighthouse. A bit later at the Boardtrot, everypony is at the carnival fair having a great time while at Pipp’s section, a ton of ponies with their money out are waving their hoofs as Pipp took their money and gave them rainbow braids. “One for you. Have a ‘charming’ day. There's yours. "Charmed’, I'm sure.” Pipp quipped with giggles as she accepted some money and gave each pony a braid before turning to Izzy in the back. “Running low on rainbow braid, Izzy. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!” She whispered with a smirk. In the back, Izzy was making more rainbow braids as she held a few up. “On it!” She called as she rushed up to Pip and gave her the braids as she panted a bit and wiped her brow. “Whew. Is this what being a robot is? Have I turned into a robot?!” She asked herself in shock before she smiled. “...Yes!” She cheered. Somewhere in the fair, Posey was walking around in confusion when she saw some ponies wearing the rainbow braids. “What is happening? Is it somepony's birthday or something?” She asked in confusion as she got between Skye and Dazzle. “This just in, these super stylish friendship bracelets are amazing!” Skye announced as he and Dazzle waved their bracelets around in their hooves while having some charms on them. “They certainly are, Skye.” Dazzle said with a smirk while Posey was even more confused. “Sorry. Can somepony please tell me what is sooooo special about these bracelets?” Posey questioned with a brow. “Everypony who's anypony has one.” Skye said while showing his bracelet with a smirk. “You've gotta get one, Posey.” He said with laughs. “Absolutely.” Dazzle said in agreement. “Every time you go on a ride or play a game with a friend, new magical charms appear on them. See?” She asked as she showed her bracelet to Posey while showing many charms on them. “Look at all my charms.” Posey raised a brow from that. A bit later, Posey was at Pipp’s stand with her money out as Pipp placed a bracelet on her hoof and accepted the money. “Have an extra ‘charming’ day!” Pipp quipped with a smile as Posey just kept giving a casual look before walking off. Posey then stopped as she looked at her bracelet with a brow. “Right. Let's see what's so special about this thing.” She said to herself. A bit later, Posey was in a ferris wheel as Onyx and Dapple are in one together drinking tea together as Dapple laughed as a ferris wheel charm appeared on each of their bracelets. On a second cart, Queen Haven and Alphabittle are in one as well as Haven laughed. “Yeah!” Alphabittle cheered as their bracelets then have charms as well. Posey was in a cart on her own as she looked at her bracelet with a smile, but no charmed appeared as she gave a concerned look as she shook her hoof and gave a nervous laugh. “Any moment now.” She said while tapping her hooves and looking at her bracelet. A bit later, Posey exited the ferris wheel with no charm as she gave a nervous laugh. “Maybe they're all out of Ferris wheel charms. That's probably it, right?” She asked herself with a nervous smile.”I-I'll just try something else.” She added before she gave a nervous frown. A bit later, Posey is at a ‘hit the target’ section as two ponies throw their balls and their bracelets have charms on as they smile and give laughs as they walk off. Posey got interested in it as she then took a ball and tossed it up. “All right! This time!” She said with a smirk as she threw a ball and hit a coconut. “Yes!” She cheered with sparkles in her eyes before she looked at her bracelet, which had no charms. “Huh?!” She asked in shock, still no charm after hitting a target. Then at a funny mirror, a couple of ponies are looking at their silly reflections laughing as they shared a hooftap and tapped each other's hooves as a charm appeared before they walked off. Posey then appeared in the mirror as she made weird faces, but still no charm as she frowned and groaned as she walked off. A bit later, Izzy was making more friendship bracelets as she gave a pair of them to Sunset and Twilight. “And there you go. Two bracelets for two ancient friends from old Equestria!” Izzy said cheerfully. “Thanks, Izzy.” Sunset said with a smile and she and Twilight paid for their bracelets. “Sorry it took a while for us to get here. It was hard to get the fans away, mostly from Twilight, but still.” “Honestly, no matter what era I go to, I think Equestria will always have fans for me.” Twilight said in amusement before she felt her hoof get tap as she turned and saw a unicorn filly looking at her while her tail wagged. “Aw, and what brought you here, little one?” She asked before the filly brought out a pen and a notepad, which Twilight realized as she rolled her eyes playfully. “See what I mean?” She asked with chuckles as she levitated a pen and wrote her autograph down as the filly squealed excitedly and ran off. “Yeah, we can tell. You’re famous alright!” Izzy cheered as she and Sunset chuckled. “Some things never change.” Sunset said with chuckles before Posey went up to them with a frown. “Hey, Posey, what’s up?” “What’s up is that this bracelet is broken.” Posey said as she took off her bracelet and slammed it down on the counter. “I want my money back.” She said. Pipp then floated by and looked at the bracelet. “Hmmm... It doesn't look broken.” She said while inspecting it. “But I've been taking it on rides all afternoon, and zero charms have appeared.” Posey pointed out with a frown. “Seriously?” Sunset asked in confusion. “Huh, that’s weird. Everypony else is getting their charms.” Twilight said in surprise. Izzy then brought out a zooming glass with a smirk. “Huh. Let me see... Yup, looks okay to me.” She said to Posey with a smile after inspecting the bracelet. “Looks okay to me, too.” Pipp said with a smile. “Seems fine to me.” Sunset said with a smile and a shrug. “I can sense the magic in it is still okay.” Twilight said with a smile. “What a great team we make, girls.” Izzy said with a cheerful smile with her hoof raised. “Hoof-five!” She called as they shared a hooftap, which their bracelets glowed and they each got a music charm. “Wow. It’s an interesting magic.” Twilight said with a smile. “We know, right?” Sunset asked with a smile while Posey looked in shock at this. “Ugh! For hoofness' sake! Just keep it!” Posey snapped as she walked off while the four girls looked surprised and they gave a concerned look. “What’s a matter with her?” Sunset asked in concern. “I mean, I know this is Posey, but this is a bit much, even for her.” “I think I might have a feeling.” Twilight said, having a feeling what Posey is going through with a concerned look as she turns to Sunset. “You remember when we first met and you were being a bully and was being neglected before the Rainbooms and I helped turn your life around?” “Yeah, I remember. Why--” Sunset stopped as her eyes widened. “Oh, Celestia. Now I get it.” She said in realization. “What is it?” Pipp asked in concern. “We need to find Posey and cheer her up, Pipp.” Twilight said to her. A bit later, Posey was sitting by the docks  while looking at her hoof where the bracelet was with a frown before she saw Jazz and Rocky laughing together on a boat with Jazz holding an umbrella. The two stylish couple smiled before their bracelets glowed and they had an ocean charm with their hooves closed together. Posey teared up from this before she recomposed herself. “I don't need a magic bracelet anyway. I've got—” She tried to say. “Did somepony say ‘need a magic bracelet’?” Pipp spoke up as Posey turned and saw her, Sunset, and Twilight behind her. “Hey, again, Posey.” Sunset said with a small wave. “We figure you might want this back.” Twilight said as she held up Posey’s bracelet. “What?! No!” Posey called with a frown. “Didn't you girls hear me before? It's broken!” She stated with a wave of her hooves. “Actually, we don't think it is.” Pipp spoke up. “The reason why you’re not getting any charms is because you’re just not using it right, Posey.” Twilight said as she gave Posey her bracelet. “Pipp and Izzy told us that the way you get some charms is by doing fun things with your friends.” Sunset explained while putting the bracelet on Posey’s hoof. “That's the reason why they're friendship bracelets.” Pipp finished with a smile. “You may have a fun time on the rides and fair, but for you to earn a charm, you must get them with your friends, because you can’t always have fun on your own.” Twilight said with a smile. “It’s only even better if you have friends by your side.” She added as their bracelets glowed brightly. Posey was surprised by the info before she frowned. “Well, I haven't come here with any friends, so…” She started as the three mares gave a sympathetic look. “I understand how you feel. I once started out without friends before.” Twilight said while placing a wing on Posey’s shoulder, which surprised the Earth Pony. “Y-You have?” Posey asked since she didn’t realize that THE Princess of Friendship never made any friends before. “Yes. A long time ago, way before I even became an Alicorn or a hero with my friends.” Twilight said to her with a frown. “At first, I thought friendship would only slow me down, but after my mentor, Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville on the day Nightmare Moon returned, I was proven wrong when my friends showed me friendship. And overtime, I learned that friendship is magic over and over. That it can do many things. I learned that and I was proven that you shouldn’t do things on your own when you have friends by your side.” “And I was on a similar path with Twilight before we met, which didn’t work out as well as Twilight did. I was a bad girl and was ruling a school with an iron hoof, and trust me, I regretted that path before Twilight and her friends showed me the light of friendship.” Sunset said with a regrettable look before Twilight placed a wing on her as the two smiled. “And so, I made amends with my past and made things right with my friends and were having great adventures together. So believe us, Posey, we know how you felt. And you should never be alone when you want to have fun.” Posey was surprised that Twilight and Sunset shared their stories of how they first learned Friendship when they prefer to do things on their own like her as she gave a small frown. “Well, I don’t really have any friends with me. So I guess that’s why my bracelet wasn’t working.” She said sadly. Twilight, Sunset, and Pipp gave each other smirks. “Well, we know one or three ponies who would love to spend the day getting friendship charms with you, Posey.” Pipp said with a smile as she held Posey’s hoof. “Ugh. Who's that?” Posey asked in annoyance as Pipp, Twilight, and Sunset giggled before they had sparkles in their eyes. “You’re looking at them.” Sunset said with a smile as Pipp placed a hoof on her cheeks while Twilight kept her smirk. Posey realizes what they meant as she gasps. “Really?!” She asked with sparkles in her eyes. “Why, of course, Posey. What are friends for!” Twilight said with a smile. “Come on!” Pipp called as she flew up. “Let's go explore the Boardtrot together!” She said. “We’ll show you how much fun the Boardtrot is with real friends.” Sunset added as they ran back to the Boardtrot. At the ferris wheel, the four mares entered the ferris wheel together as Pipp started singing and grab Pipp’s by the hooves as Sunset and Twilight followed around as they twirl around. (Besties 4 Eva Song) (Pipp) Every day is the best day ever As long as my best ponies are all together Pipp, Twilight, and Sunset looked out at the view before turning to Posey, who was rubbing her bracelet with an uncertain frown before they smirked and got next to her. 'Cause we livin', we vibin' Yeah, we glitter it up and we like it Get your hooves up right now They then showed Posey a cloud that looked like her as Posey laughed at it before their bracelets glowed, which Posey gasped as she looked at hers and saw the ferris wheel charm appeared, which made her smiled and have sparkles in her eyes as Pipp, Twilight, and Sunset have the same charms. (Pipp, Sunset, Twilight and Posey) 'Cause we'll be, we'll be besties for life Got my main girls here by my side Yeah, we glow it up together We'll be besties 4eva, yeah The four mares sang as they held hooves together as they sang together as the ponies on the ground heard the singing as they looked up and saw the four mares singing. 'Cause we're besties, yeah, besties 4eva At the ‘hit the target’ stand, the four mares are there as Posey tossed a ball and hit a coconut as the stand vendor gave her a green bunnisus plushy, which made Posey smiled with sparkles in her eyes and placed her hooves on her cheeks as she accepted the plushie before turning to Pipp, who smiled with sparkles in her eyes as Posey offered it to as Posey sang with a smirk and a wink while Sunset and Twilight smiled. (Pipp) Call upon my besties Pipp sang as she was holding a bowl of balls and hit another target. (Posey) We're so cute, we like confetti, yeah Posey sang as she, Twilight, Sunset, and Pipp went down some slides before they landed on a teacup ride as they sang while spinning around in the ride. (Sunset) We're fabulous, we strut our stuff (Twilight) Yeah, we're always ready Somewhere in the Boardtrot, Pipp was on a seesaw before Posey jumped down on the other end, which caused Pipp to be lifted up as Sunset and Twilight did the same to each other before they flew around. (Pipp) 'Cause we livin' Somewhere else, the four mares then dance together in sync before another charm appears on Posey’s bracelet. (Pipp, Sunset, Twilight, and Posey) We vibin' Yeah, together we're so stylish Get your hooves up right now 'Cause we'll be, we'll be besties for life Got my main girls here by my side A bit later, the four mares are each in a bubble bumper cart as they bump at each other with challenging smirks as they sing together and move around as another charm appeared on Posey’s bracelet, which made her smile with sparkles in her eyes. But Posey was distracted that she didn’t see that she was gonna crash, which made her scream before a crash was made. Sunset, Twilight, Pipp and Posey gave casual looks when their rides crashed through before they looked at each other and laughed. Yeah, we glow it up together We'll be besties 4eva, yeah In the silly mirror section, the four mares are moving around as their reflections acted silly. And then they went to a stage as they sang together. 'Cause we're besties, yeah, besties 4eva 'Cause we're besties, yeah, we're besties The four danced in sync as they formed two hearts together as they sang and danced together while waving their bracelets with tons of charms they earned together. They then went up to  a beach section with cotton candy with their manes as cotton candy as well as Pipp took a selfie together. 'Cause we're besties, yeah, besties 4eva 'Cause we're besties, yeah, besties 4eva! The four mares are standing together between Skye and Dazzle as they finish singing before  they raise their hooves together with smiles, showing their bracelets to the camera. At sundown, the four mares are sitting by the docks watching the sunset together with smiles as Posey looks at the charms she earned with sparkles in her eyes. “See? Not so broken now, huh?” Pipp joked with a small laugh. “What did we tell ya, Posey? It’s only better and a lot more fun when you have friends by your side.” Twilight said with a smile. “And trust us, it’s never fun when you’re alone.” Sunset added with a chuckle as Posey smiled at them. “Thanks, Pipp, Sunset, and Twilight.” Posey said with a smile. “I guess I should’ve hung out with friends more often. And now I see why you’re the Princess of Friendship and why Sunny and Sunset spoke highly of you, Twilight.” She said with a smile. “It’s a gift. And passion. I still got it.” Twilight said with a chuckle. “This has been the best day ever!” Posey cheered with a wave of her hooves, but her bracelet came off as they watched it fall into the water as they cringed while Posey gasped. “And it went down fast.” Sunset said with a surprised and cringe look. Pipp then gave a determined look. “I got it, Posey! Besties 4eva!” She called as she flew up with a twirl and splash into the water and resurfaced as she grabbed the bracelet. “Cannonball!” Posey called as Pipp looked up and saw Posey jumping down towards her with a splash as the two mares resurfaced. “Wait for us! Geronimo!” Sunset called as she jumped in. “Diverow!” Twilight called as the two Alicorns dropped down with a splash as they resurfaced as well as the four mares looked at each other before they laughed together after their fun time together. At the end of Boardtrot, the Mane 8, san Hitch since he’s at the station, are returning to the Brighthouse as Twilight, Pipp, and Sunset rinse and dry off after the swim they had with Posey. “Wow. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.” Twilight said while levitating a towel while the others went up to bed. “I almost forgot what it felt like. And solving a friendship problem by helping Posey and showing her the fun of friendship, brings back memories.” “It was fun, Twilight. And a lot more fun we had with Posey now that you’re here.” Sunset said while shaking some extra water off her fur. “And it was amazing. And it was great training we had with Sunny this morning.” “Yes. I really missed this.” Twilight said with a chuckle as Sunny came up to her. “Twilight, thanks for the lessons you gave me today. It was great to train with another one with my idol.” Sunny said with a wide smile. “Who said that it was finished?” Twilight said with a smirk. “Those were just the ‘A’s. After this, we move on to the ‘B’s.” She said as she gestured to a corner, which Sunny and Sunset turned and saw a bunch load of papers and scrolls on a counter as Twilight gave a cheerful smile while Sunset gave a chuckle while Sunny’s jaw dropped at the amount of lessons. Sunset gave an amusing smile as she closed Sunny’s jaw for her. “Yeah, Twilight has a habit of going overboard with lessons. And trust me, I’ve seen it and was told by her old pupil, Starlight Glimmer.” She said with chuckles. “I knew she’s a smart Alicorn, but wow. That’s a lot.” Sunny said in surprise and a bit of shock. “Is this why you were going easy on my training before, Sunset?” “Trust me, I may be a friend of Twilight but even I’m not like her or that crazy with learning.” Sunset said with giggles, which caused Sunny to giggle as well. “Hey, I’m not that overboard.” Twilight said with a playful smirk before she saw the amusing looks on Sunny and Sunset’s face before she gave a chuckle. “Okay, I guess I could tone it down a bit.” This caused the three ponies to laugh together, while they had fun at the Boardtrot, they made Posey’s day brighter and more fun for her with friends by her side and Twilight enjoyed her first experience of fun. End of Chapter 14. > Chapter 15: Looking Back, Moving Forward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Looking Back, Moving Forward At the Crystal Brighthouse, Twilight was sitting on the couch reading a book with a bright smile, “Oh my babies, I was afraid we'd never be together again,” Twilight said, hugging her precious book closely, “But I promise we will never be apart again,” “Still reading that book you've been reading for the past couple of hours, Twi?” Sunset asked as Twilight flinched and turned to her with a chuckle. “Can you blame me? I couldn’t feel or smell them when I was a spirit in an amulet.” Twilight said with a sheepish smile. “And I just love books.” “Yeah, your counterpart is the same.” Sunset said with a chuckle. “So, how is your adjustment to this new Equestria?” “Well, to be honest, it’s so similar yet so different from how in my time it was.” Twilight said while scratching her head. “Compared to how things used to be, Equestria is almost like the other world.” “Yeah, that’s how I felt when I first came back to see everything has changed when I only came back to visit you, only to wound up in a quest to bring back magic and reunite the three tribes again.” Sunset commented. “It’s like Opaline's repeated history.” The two ponies laughed before the moment was broken by when a blur flew right into the room, startling them as they saw Zipp flying around. “Hey, Sunset! Hey, Twilight!” She called with a smile as she landed on her hooves. “Hi, Zipp.” Sunset said with an amusing smile. “Do you have to fly in like that?” Twilight questioned after being startled. “Sorry, it's just, now that you're out of the amulet I can finally ask you all the questions I ever had about Equestria's past,” Zipp explained, bringing out her phone. “So, tell me about the Unity Crystals? How were they made? What was your history with Opaline?” She asked with an eager look. “Uh…” Twilight muttered while looking around with an uncertain look. “Zipp, ease up.” Sunset said as she pushed Zipp and her phone back. “Don’t try and pressure her like you did with Misty. Twilight still needs time to adjust to how Equestria is now.” “Yeah, besides Zipp,” Pipp said, flying in and wrapping an arm around Twilight, “You had your turn yesterday, today Twilight is joining me for her mane styling,” She stated before Sunny came in and pulled Twilight over to her. “What, no! Twilight is supposed to help me with my alicorn training!” Sunny retorted. “Hey, I was gonna show her my Unicycling skills!” Izzy called while showing her crafting sash. “No way, Twilight has baby dragon experience, she should be helping me!” Hitch stated with Sparky on his back who gurgled happily. The Mane 5 soon started arguing amongst themselves about who gets to hang out with Twilight as the purple alicorn and her old friend shared a nervous glance, “Any advice?” Twilight whispered to Sunset, knowing she had more experience with these kinds of situations. “Find a good hiding place, I’ll distract them,” Sunset advised, knowing this was Twilight’s only chance to get away while the others were arguing, “Thanks,” Twilight said before zipping off before somepony saw her while Sunset worked to break up the fight. Twilight made it the bedrooms and locked the door to keep herself safe, “Phew,” Twilight sighed, wiping her brow in relief, “Downside of having friends, they always want you for themselves,” She said to herself. “Um, Twilight?” Twilight yelped and turned to see Misty who gave a shy wave, “Um, is this a bad time?” Misty asked.  “Oh no, not really.” Twilight said while recomposing herself. “So, what is it, Misty?” She asked. “I was wondering if you could tell me about, this?” Misty said, showing her Spellbook to the princess. Twilight was surprised by this as she took a look at it. “This spell book. It’s a lot more magical compared to others I’ve seen.” She said in surprise. “Where did you get this?” “In a secret room in the Brighthouse that had all kinds of stuff from your time,” Misty answered. “Can you show me this room?” Twilight asked as Misty looked happy. “Sure. The secret door isn’t far.” Misty said before giving a chuckle. “But, uh, word to advise, keep your stomach together.” “Why?” Twilight asked with a confused look. Then at the secret room, Twilight and Misty exited the portal closet as Twilight gave a yelp as the two mares fell to the floor as it closed and faded as Twilight groaned. “Okay, I see why.” She moaned. “Well, here we are,” Misty said, standing up and waving a hoof as Twilight stood up next and gasped at the room and the many depictions of her and her friends' exploits. She was currently looking at a window detailing the events of when they first defeated Nightmare Moon giving a tearful look. “Twilight?” “These stain-glasses,” Twilight said in heartfelt. “They reminded me of when Celestia set them up of our achievements in Equestria. They’re… They’re all here.” “Do you, miss your friends?” Misty asked in concern. “More than I can probably ever explain,” Twilight said with a sad look. “I am grateful that Sunset brought me back with Spike’s help, but sometimes I wish the others were as well. it took me many moons to realize that as an Alicorn, not many of those you care for can stay with you, and after Opaline...” Misty gave a guilty look, “I’m so sorry,” She said, still feeling guilty for serving Opaline for so long. “It’s not your fault, Misty,” Twilight assured. “You weren’t born yet. So you’re not at fault with Opaline.” She said with a small smile before she pressed her hooves on the Nightmare Moon stained glass. “But, at least there are some things that haven’t changed.” “Twilight, what was it like being friends all your life?” Misty wondered. “Well, if I had to be honest, at first, I never had friends because I thought they would be a waste of time.” Twilight said, which surprised Misty. “But, a silly mare said that everypony needs friends and that your friends are just ponies you’ve never met before.” “Who was that?” Misty asked curiously. Twilight gave a happy smile and looked back to the stained glass window and pointed to the pink earth pony, “Pinkie Pie,” She said. “Pinkie Pie? Huh, she sounds nice.” Misty said. “Oh, she’s way more than nice,” Twilight said with a chuckle. “She’s like Izzy. Very cheerful and unpredictable. Maybe even more.” “Really? Huh, that’s a shock.” Misty said with a chuckle. “So, what about the others?” “Well, in order after Pinkie, Applejack was the most honest and strongest Earth Pony mare I met, and trust me, her apples are as good as other pie-related food. She’s as responsible and honest as Hitch,” Twilight said, which made Misty chuckle. “Rainbow Dash, heh, she’s a bit more ego and competitive, similar to Applejack, and she’s the fastest Pegasus in all of Equestria, kind of Like Zipp. Rarity, well, she’s a bit of a fashionista and tends to make things too perfect, which I’m sure Pipp could understand.” She said with a chuckle. “And last but definitely not least, Fluttershy, who was actually Just like you,” “Like me? Did she used to work for an evil fire alicorn too?” Misty said in surprise as Twilight gave a loud laugh at the thought of Fluttershy being a bad guy. “Oh, no. Not working for evil, she never did that.” Twilight said with a chuckle. “But she was shy like you. A little afraid of trying out some things, making new friends, and finding the courage where it counts. That and you two almost have similar cutie marks.” She said with a smile. Misty looked at her butterfly Cutie Mark as she gave a small smile. “Wow. I didn’t realize that I would be similar to Fluttershy.” She said. “You wouldn’t be part of this group or their elements if you weren’t, Misty.” Twilight said with a smile. “Friendship can be a mysterious thing that can surprise you with your fate.” She said as Misty smiled. “Now, is there more to this room you like to show me?” “Well there were some weird switches and symbols that I never figured out yet,” Misty said walking over to a wall with a flower symbol on it, “Except when I touch them, nothing happens, watch,” She said as she touched the symbol but nothing seemed to happen. “Okay, ponies! Enough!” Sunset called as she pushed the others apart. “I know you all have activities for Twilight, but can you ponies remember that she’s only one mare? She can’t be everywhere at once you know.” She pointed out to them. The others stood quiet before Zipp spoke. “Right, sorry, Sunset. Guess we got caught up in-” she tried to say before she floated up. “Whoa! Whoa! Not again!” “Zipp?!” Pipp called to her sister as the others looked in shock. “What the…” Sunset asked in surprise. “See what I mean?” Misty asked as Twilight inspected it before she had a thought. “You said this secret room is part of the Brighthouse, right?” Twilight asked as Misty nodded. “Hang on.” She said as she then lit up her horn to show a projection of their friends and the outside of the Brighthouse. “Okay, now try something else, and let’s see what happens,” “Okay.” Misty said with a shrug as she let go of the button, which made Zipp stop glowing as she fell to the floor, which surprised them. “Wait, did Zipp fall the second I pushed their button?” “Why did it happen to only me?” Zipp complained as she flopped to the floor. “That’s strange.” Sunset commented. “What happened?” Hitch asked. “Mmm, might be a connection.” Twilight said while turning to Misty. “Is there anything else you want to show?” “Well, this gem I touched one time didn’t do anything either.” Misty said as she tapped the pink gem, which caused the back door to the basement to open up and burped at Izzy and Hitch, which caused their manes to go poof. “Excuse you, basement door!” Izzy said while pointing to the door. “Did that door just burp on us?” Hitch asked in surprise as Sparky laughed at his father’s messed up mane. “Okay, that is funny.” Sunny said with a small laugh at seeing her friend and coltfriend’s mane like that. Misty was surprised by this. “Wait, so these symbols and gems are like some kind of control center for the Brighthouse?!” She asked in shock. “It appears so.” Twilight said with giggles at seeing the other's reaction, “Try another one,” Misty gave giggles. “Okay.” She said as she look around for anything else before she noticed a Butterfly symbol, “Ooh, this one looks pretty,” “Well, go ahead and try it out and let’s see what the Brighthouse has to offer.” Twilight said as Misty nodded with an eager smile as she pressed the butterfly symbol. “Okay, this is a whole new level of weird, even for the Brighthouse.” Sunset commented. “What’s next?” She asked before a trapdoor appeared below them as they all went wide eyes. “You just had to ask.” Pipp muttered before they all screamed and fell down to the trapdoor and down onto a slide course as Twilight and Misty’s eyes widened. “Why would the Brighthouse even need a trap door?!” Misty asked in shock. “I have no idea! This is your house!” Twilight cried in panic before they saw the others sliding to the exit as a hatch opened up in front of the Brighthouse as they fell onto a mud puddle with Sparky on top of Izzy, who was standing on top of the others. “That was fun! Let’s do that again!” Izzy cheered. “AHH?!? Mud! Why did it have to be mud!?” Pipp screamed in terror before glaring at Sunset, “I blame you for this, Sunset!” “Me?! How come?!” Sunset questioned. “You had to jinx us with that trapdoor! Btw, why would we even have a trapdoor!?” Pipp questioned dramatically. “Hey, I’m just as shocked as you are!” Sunset called in defense. “Um, is anypony going to wonder if this is mud we landed in and not…” Sunny trailed off, hoping they didn’t land in another kind of mess. “We should probably go out and make sure they don’t fight, right?” Misty suggested. “You read my mind.” Twilight said with a nod before smiling, “And thanks, Misty,” “For what?” Misty asked with a brow. “I never wanted to tell Sunset that I still missed my old friends but that thanks to you I finally got it off my chest and I’m truly ready to move on,” Twilight said with a grateful smile. “And I realized that they are always there no matter what. Like this room.” She said while looking at the tapestry of Celestia and Luna defeating Discord for the first time. “It goes to show that the past will always be with you.” Misty gave a tearful smile before hugging Twilight, surprising her before she hugged back. “And thank you, Twilight. For showing me that no matter what happened to us in the past, we can always embrace who we are now.” She said. “Anything for a friend,” Twilight said as she and Misty hugged for a bit. A bit later, Twilight and Misty returned while the others were having towels around them after taking showers. “So that's what those things in Misty’s room were for.” Sunset said in surprise after what Twilight and Misty explained to them. “We thought they were for show before she and I found an exit.” “Yeah, surprised me too,” Misty said with a giggle. “Wait, so you were the ones who made me float?” Zipp asked. “You made the wardrobe burp on me?” Izzy added, scratching her head. “You spun me around on the Brighthouse roof?!” Pipp exclaimed. “The Brighthouse roof what now?” Misty asked in surprise. “It can even do that?” Sunset asked in shock. “We really need to label those things,” Twilight said while rubbing her mane. Sunny then approached Twilight, “Twilight, the others and I wanted to apologize for being so pushy with you earlier, I guess we were so excited that you are here.” She said in shame as the others lowered their heads in guilt. “Oh, it’s okay, Sunny.” Twilight said with a smile. “I already have plenty of experience with friends who always want something from you, but as long as you’re all still friends it’s alright,” She assured. “Still, I think your mane styling can wait so why don’t you give Sunny her alicorn lessons,” Pipp offered. “Nono, Hitch needs help with Sparky more so you can hang out with him,” Sunny said, gesturing to Hitch. “Nah, I think I can handle Sparky for a little bit, let Izzy have Twilight-” Hitch tried to say before Sunset spoke up. “Stop!” Sunset yelled, getting their attention, “How about we let Twilight decide what she wants to do, cool?” She asked dully. The others looked at each other as they gave sheepish looks. “Uh, so, who do you pick, Twilight?” Zipp asked with a sheepish look. Twilight giggled at their reaction. “I’ll go with Zipp first. There’s a lot of stuff on Equestria’s history we have to go over,” She said before poofing in stacks of notes, books and board with events. The group blinked, “Wow, that’s a lot of info. You’ve really done a thorough job,” Zipp said, sweating a bit. “Oh this is just from my time as ruler, over there is all the stuff before my time,” Twilight said, gesturing to the table which had an even bigger stack of papers and books that broke from the sheer weight of the load, “So Zipp, what would you like to know?” She asked with a bright smile. The others turned to Zipp, who was stunt silent as Sunny and Pipp giggled. “She had that look when mom tricked her into doing chores while also having to do her royal duties during Mares Day.” Pipp giggled. “I know that feeling from the lessons Twilight gave me,” Sunny added as they all shared a laugh as Sunset turned to Twilight. “You did that just to give a laugh and see Zipp’s reaction, right?” Sunset whispered to Twilight with a smirk. “Maybe,” Twilight mused with a giggle. Zipp then slowly recovered from her shock and gave a nervous laugh, “What have I done?” She asked herself, seeing then she was going to be in for a massive history lesson with Twilight for a while. End of Chapter 15. > Chapter 16: A Swing and a Misty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: A Swing and a Misty At a waterfall in the woods, things were going normally before Misty’s voice spoke up. “Oh, no! Is that a…” Misty called out as she, Zipp, Pipp, Queen Haven, Cloupuff and Alphabittle came over the waterfall from their rafts. “WATERFALL!” They all screamed as they went over the waterfall as Misty saw her camera and quickly levitated it in her magic before they all hit the water. Misty resurfaced from the water with a blank expression as she swam to the surface while the others resurfaced as well as they coughed some water off with Haven on a log which Cloudpuff was pushing as they all, except for Misty, laughed as they swam out of the water. “Oh, well, you wanted an unforgettable family trip, Misty.” Pipp said with a smile, but saw that Misty wasn’t with them. “With Sunny, Hitch and Sparky are visiting Granny Figg while Twilight and Sunset are visiting Spike and Izzy is spending time with Discord in the dragon lands, this seems to be more fun compared to theirs.” Zipp said while shaking the water off herself. While Pipp was looking for Misty, Zipp looked down and saw a flying fish, that literally flies, came out of her life vest as Zipp gave a startled yelp as they watched it fly away before turning to see Misty walking up to a tent with the camera.  “Ugh. I wish I could forget it.” Misty said sadly as she entered her tent. They all look at Misty as Alphabittle gives a concerned look before Pipp and Zipp come up to him. “Don't worry. We'll take care of this.” Pipp assured with a smile as Zipp nodded in agreement as they went to Misty’s tent as Alphabittle gave a concerned look before Haven placed a hoof on his shoulder with an assuring smile as Alphabittle returned it as he held her hoof next. In Misty’s tent, she connected her camera to her laptop as she set it up and put in her password with a frown. “All I wanted was some perfect family memories.” She said as she saw some pictures their time in camping, but one of them is when the royal family trying to lift Alphabittle from from a cliff, the next was Haven sniffing some flowers, but got caught in a flower trap next, the next photo is Zipp flying away from some bees, and Pipp is taking a selfie with herself, but the ground started moving to reveal a piece of land she’s on was on top of a giant caterpillar. “But today has just been one disaster after another... ugh... after another.” She said as she flopped her face in front of her laptop in sadness. Zipp and Pipp came to her in concern. “What do you mean?” Pipp asked Misty. “Has it been perfect? No. No way. Not even close! It's, like, so far—” She tried to say before her sister nudged her. “Ahem!” Zipp said to her sister as the two sisters gave nervous smiles as Pipp realizes what she said. “Um, I mean, but at least it's been memorable, you know?” Pipp asked with a small smile. But Misty still frowned as she gestured to her laptop. “Look at this. I couldn't even do a campfire right.” She said as she then played a video of their campfire time. “Pegasi fly ever so hi-i-igh~.” Pipp sang while playing a banjo while Misty was recording the moment with her camera before she brought out some marshmallows on sticks as she passed to each one of them. “Everypony's having a great time.” Zipp said as Misty sat next to her father as the two smiled warmly. “Wait for it.” Misty said with a dull look as the two sisters watched as Misty and Alphabittle hugged closely while they all placed their marshmallows by the campfire, but then the sticks started fizzing from the tips like fireworks, which shocked the group. “Um, Misty, where'd you say you got these sticks?” Alphabittle asked his daughter in worry. “That sparkly tree over there.” Misty answered as she pointed the sparkling tree with orange leaves on as it gave a sparkling glow. “Why?” Alphabittle then gave a nervous smile as he got a panic expression. “Um, that's a cracklewood tree.” He said as he dropped his stick as the all gave worried looks. “Everypony, run!” He cried as he ran off. The mares all dropped their sticks and ran off with screams right before the sticks made fireworks as Zipp went into the the trees, Pipp hid in the tents, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, and Misty ran towards Alphabittle in the bushes as they all watches the fireworks from the sticks go off while Pipp, Zipp, and Misty have buckets in their heads  as she sighed sadly as the video stopped. “Oh.” Pipp said with a cringe. “That.” Zipp added with the same feeling after watching the video. “Oh, no. Not just that.” Misty said as she then showed another video, which Pipp gasped with a smile. “Oh! This is where we saw those teeny tiny croaking critters!” Pipp said as they watched the video with the family looking around in the woods with Misty taking the lead while recording on her camera while using her binoculars. Then a frog came out from the river with a croak as Misty smiled widely with sparkles in her eyes as she waved to the others to her as they rushed up and saw more frogs coming  out with different colors as a rainbow formed over them as they gave a croak Cloudpuff went to them and sniffed them in curiosity before they gave another croak, which made Cloudpuff flinch and ran behind Queen Haven, as she gave a giggle from her dog while Alphabittle took a good look at the rainbow frogs. “I've always wanted to see these, but I never did because—” Alphabittle said as Pipp gave a selfie before he heard a growl, which made Alphabittle give a pale expression. “Oh, no.” He muttered. Then coming out of the river was a giant rainbow frog with horns, rainbow streak in the middle, and purple outlines with a nose ring as it gave a snort while the mini frogs hopped behind it as the group gave nervous expressions. “Everypony—” Alphabittle started nervously. “Yeah, yeah, we know.” Zipp cut him off with a nod. “RUN!” She screamed as they all screamed as they ran off with the giant frog chasing them as they ran as fast as they could before they all jump into a mud puddle as the frogs hopped past them as Misty resurfaced with a look as a frog landed on her as it gave a croak. The others, san Misty, all laughed from the experience as the two sisters were surprised by this. “So maybe I could've done without the bog mud in my hair.” Pipp said as her mane gave off a fowl stink from the mud. “Ugh.” She said in disgust as Zipp came to her. “Everypony loved rafting, though.” Zipp said with a smile as Misty sadly pressed on another video from just a few minutes ago as it showed them on a river while on rafts as Misty’s group bumped into a crock, causing them to yelp and bump into each other as they went up to the edge of the waterfall as their eyes widened. “Oh, no! Is that a...?” Misty starts before they go over. “WATERFALL!” They all screamed at what just happened as Zipp and Pipp gave cringed expressions as they watched themselves splashed into the water while Misty still looked down. “Okay... I see your point, Misty. Heh.” Zipp said with a sheepish smile. “At least it's only one more night.” Misty naturally said as she stood up and walked off. “Then we can all go home and pretend this never happened.” She added as she walked out of the tent while the two sisters gave concerned looks. (I Choose You Song:) (Misty) Searchin' high, searchin' low Lookin' for a place I belong Pipp picked up Misty’s camera as the two sisters looked at it before looking at each other with smirks as they had an idea. A bit later near sundown, Queen Haven and Alphabittle are sitting close by the fire together with Cloudpuff sleeping beside them as Pipp sets up a screen blanket on the trees while Misty looks at her reflection in the lake with a sad look. (Zipp) Searchin' wide, tryin' to find Something to make you feel less alone In the tent, Zipp was going through the pillows before she found the projector as she flew out. “Movie time, ponies!” She called as she placed the projector on the pillow in front of the blanket sheet Pipp set up. “Misty made an amazing video of our trip!” She added as Misty turned to them in surprise. “But Zipp and I made a few edits so that we all focus on what really matters.” Pipp said as they turned on the projector of when the projector turned on and showed Misty and Alphabittle together as they sat down. (Misty) When you carry it in your heart (Misty, Pipp, and Zipp) And now I see I've got you, you know you've got me too When we're together, there's nothin' that we cannot do They all watched as it showed the fireworks incident as Misty saw something that she didn’t notice as Alphabittle and Queen Haven smiled with sparkle in their eyes. “I've never seen fireworks like this!” Haven complimented. (Misty, Pipp, and Zipp) And if your family can be the one you choose I choose you, yeah, I choose you Alphabittle turned his head to his daughter as he tapped on the spot next to him, gesturing Misty to come over as Misty smiled softly with sparkles in her eyes as she walked up and sat between her father and Zipp as they watched the video. Pipp was having a selfie while seeing Misty and Alphabittle leaning close to the rainbow frogs. “Awwww!” She said as Misty petted the green frog, which caused the father and daughter leaned close to each other from that . Then at the mud incident after escaping the giant frog, Misty swam out of the mud with the frog on her head while the group laughed and threw mud at each other. “Come on, Misty! We might be sisters someday!” Zipp called out. “So we've gotta look out for each other!” Pipp added as Misty was surprised by their words as she turned to the two sisters, who were giving Misty a soft smile as Misty smiled with a tearful look in her eyes. “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real…” Misty started slowly with a smile while looking at the projection as it showed the aftermath of the waterfall. “This is one trip our family will never forget—” Zipp started before the flying fish came out as she yelped. “When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!” Misty finished as her Cutie Mark glowed and it’s butterfly projection came out as it flew around as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes as she hugged her father as the royal family huddled in for a group hug as all their Cutie Marks glowed and floated up with Misty’s as they circled around. (Misty, Pipp, and Zipp) I've got you, you know you've got me too When we're together, there's nothin' that we cannot do The Cutie Marks glowed and formed together before releasing a firework magic of a heart with a butterfly in it, and a house with a butterfly in it, and three projections of Misty, Zipp, and Pipp’s Cutie Mark in the air. And if your family can be the one you choose I choose you, yeah, I choose you “See, Misty?” Pipp asked with a smile. “It was never about memories where everything is perfect.” She started. “It's about making memories together.”  Zipp finished as she gave Misty a side hug, “Thanks, ponies.” Misty said with a soft smile. “Like Pipp said, we gotta look out for each other. We're family.” Zipp said as it turns out to be another recording that Misty put in on her laptop as she gave a warm smile and closed it. The family camping trip may have been not all perfect, but it was one that the family will never forget. End of Chapter 16.