• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 648 Views, 89 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A Shining New Digi-tude! - WarriorofFaith18

Sunset and the Ninjas bring the Digidestined and Team Shine to Equestria

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A New Way to Digivolve

The heroes enjoyed their visit in Ponyville meeting the inhabitants from the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Mayor Mare as well as enjoyed Pinkie’s welcome party at the Sugarcube Corner before sleeping at Twilight’s castle for the night. The next morning, they were sitting at the table eating the pancakes Spike was cooking for breakfast. As they ate, Twilight spoke up.

“So, how’s everyone enjoying Equestria so far?”

“So far so good.” Shine Boy answered. “Everyone in Ponyville is so nice and welcoming.”

“Yeah. Though a little weird meeting some like the CMCs all over, despite you warning us they’re not the same as we knew before.” Yolei added.

“Trust me, Yolei, I’ve been through that when I first went to Canterlot High the first time.” Twilight assured.

Mimi then turned to Spike. “I gotta admit. I’m impressed, Spike. You cook as good as my mom. And that’s saying something!”

“Thanks. Glad you like’em, Mimi.” Spike smiled.

As he ate, Ken then spoke up. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Well, tomorrow we’re going to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Twilight recalled.

“In the meantime, we should try Digivolving today to make sure we can just in case.” Izzy recommended.

“That’s a good idea. Why don’t we try outside the School of Friendship?” Starlight suggested.

“Starlight’s right.” Twilight agreed. “If I recalled from what Sunset wrote, your Digimon could grow giant size so better safe than sorry.”

“That and we just swept the place.” Spike pointed out.

“And we can see the Young Six again while we’re at it!” Mikey grinned.

“And Bright Eyes as well.” April agreed.

“It could give the students a good demonstration.” Fugitoid added.

“We should also try out our Shine Power as well.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“Yeah, we should.” Gamer nodded as ate a bigger bite of his pancakes before Karai put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Slow down. Chew your food.”

“Yeah, we all will do it after breakfast.” TK assured him.

“Yeah. And besides, I’ve been meaning to check in with our students while in Equestria.” Leo said.

“Everypony else will join us after we finish eating and wash the dishes.” Twilight smiled.

“Work after breakfast. My least favorite activity.” Armadillomon mumbled.

“Oh quit whining. You’re not the one with suds in his feathers.” Huffed Hawkmon while everyone laughed.


After cleaning up after breakfast, the heroes walked over to the in front of the School of Friendship as they saw Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack walking up with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Hi, Everybody!” Pinkie cheered.

“Top of the morning to ya.” Applejack greeted.

“Howdy, Y’all.” Applebloom waved.

“Hey, everypony.” Donnie smiled.

“So, what’s going on today?” Scootaloo asked.

Before anyone could answer, a new voice spoke up.

“Headmare Twilight! Senseis!”

“Sandbar! Every creature! Perfect timing! Come on over! I have some new friends for you to meet.” Twilight smiled as The Young Six- Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona, Ocellus, and Smolder- walked over along with Bright Eyes and her brother Teddy.

“Bright Eyes! Long time no see!” Mikey greeted.

“Good morning, Senseis.” Bright Eyes bowed.

“How’s it going, Teddy?” Raph smiled.

“Oh you know. Same old same old.” Teddy nodded.

“Allow me to introduce you all to my students.” Twilight then began to introduce them. “This is Sandbar, Yona Yak, Silverstream, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, my friendship assistant Bright Eyes and her brother Teddy.”

“And these are our friends from another world and the world the Ninjas are from.” Starlight introduced next. “Those four are Team Shine. Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, Shine Girl, and that’s Serenity. And this group is the Digidestined. There’s Davis, TK, Kari, Yolei, Cody, Ken, Izzy, Mimi, Willis, Josh, and Marie. And these are their Digimon partners. Veemon, Patamon, Armadillomon, Gatomon, Hawkmon, Wormmon, Tentomon, Palmon, Terriermon, Lopmon, Keramon, and Clawmon.”

“It’s an honor to meet you all. We’ve heard so much about you guys.” Sandbar smiled.

“And whatever you heard; it better be true! Or I deny everything!” Davis declared.

“Yona saw you guys fighting big monster!” Yona boasted.

“I think every creature saw that fight, Yona.” Gallus deadpanned.

“Oh, you must mean our fight with Milleniummon.” April figured.

“Yeah, that was a tough battle. But our teamwork took him down.” Josh recalled.

“I also heard you guys have saved Equestria before as well as helped the Ninjas with Equestria magic.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Well, we had some good teachers.” Smolder chuckled.

“On both ends.” Bright Eyes added.

Ocellus shook hooves with Palmon. “Your Digimon are very cute.”

“So what exactly is a Digimon anyway?” Gallus raised a brow.

“Digimon is short for Digital Monsters who live in the Digital World.” Tentomon explained.

Scootaloo then spoke up. “Then would it be ok if we can see the digimon go big?”

“‘go big’?” Davis raised a brow. “Oh you mean digivolve?”

“Diggy- vault?” Yona raised her brow.

“Digivolve, Yona.” Izzy corrected.

“Yeah that. Could we see it?” Applebloom hoped.

“In fact, we’re going to see if we are able to Digivolve, so we can give you all a demonstration.” Davis grinned.

“Great!” Applebloom said as the others agreed excitedly.

Leo looked worried. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I think we should be okay, Leo.” Shine Boy coaxed,

“Yeah. We were gonna show these to other ponies anyway.” Gamer recalled.

“Yeah. And this’ll be a good test run.” Love Shine added.

Leo shrugged. “Okay. If you guys think so.”

“Okay, we just need you all to back up a little ways in case it works because our Digimon digivolve into big forms.” Kari advised.

The group backed up to give the Digimon enough room to Digivolve but still able to see and hear.

“How’s this?” Twilight checked.

“Prodigious.” Izzy answered.

“Pro-what now?” Gallus asked.

“I think it means we’re good.” Silverstream guessed.

“Yeah. We’re okay.” Gamer nodded.

“Okay, Davis! You’re up!” TK called.

Davis walked up. “Alright, fellow Ponies and Creatures. You're about to see ExVeemon. Ready Veemon?

“Ready, Davis!”

Davis held his Digivice as Veemon prepared to Digivolve.

Veemon digivolve to- Exveemon!

“Wait, what?” Veemon looked to see he was still in his Rookie form.

“Huh? Must be a malfunction. Let's try that again, buddy.” Davis held up his Digivice again as Veemon tried again.

“Veemon digivolve to- what?” Veemon saw he didn’t Digivolve again. “I can't digivolve?”

“Is something wrong?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“Not sure.” Sunset pondered. “This usually happens instantly.”

Yolei then pushed Davis aside. “Step aside. I’ll show you how it’s done. Hawkmon?”

“Very well.” Hawkmon stepped forward as Yolei held up her Digivice.

Hawkmon digivolve to….

“What the?” Hawkmon looked to see he didn’t Digivolve like Veemon.

“oh wow. I’m impressed.” Davis sarcastically applauded.

“Shut up.” Yolei deadpanned.

Soon after, Cody, TK, Kari, and Ken tried but couldn’t digivolve either.

“Now that’s odd.” Fugitoid pondered.

“Is everything okay?” Bright Eyes asked.

“I guess digivolving regularly doesn’t work in Equestria.” TK wondered.

“I guess we’ll never get to see it in action.” Sweetie Belle pouted.

“Hmm. I wonder if Palmon and Tentomon can digivolve as well?” Mimi pondered.

“Worth a shot since your Digivices are different models.” Donnie decided.

“Only one way to find out.” Izzy agreed.

“I want to try it out too.” Josh walked up. “Ready Keramon?”

“As always.” Keramon grinned.

“Count me in too.” Willis chimed in.

Marie also walked up. “I’d like to try too. It’ll kinda be my first time.”

“Go ahead, Mimi.” Izzy insisted as Mimi took out her Digivice and Palmon walked up.


To everyone’s surprise, Palmon did become Togemon. The Young Six and CMCs applauded to see digivolution in action.

“Impressive.” Smolder awed.

“Hate to be on the other end of those gloves.” Gallus blinked.

“Yak like!” Yona cheered.

“Your turn, Izzy.” Mimi gestured as Togemon reverted to Palmon and they stepped aside for Izzy and Tentomon.

“Here goes.” Izzy held out his Digivice.


Rarity shrieked at the sight of Kabuterimon and hid behind Applejack.

“So awesome!” wowed Rainbow.

“Cool!” Scootaloo awed.

“I think my family back home would like him.” Ocellus pointed out.

“Oh come on!” Davis griped before Mikey shushed him.

“Let’s see if Josh and the others can digivolve too before we see why you guys can’t.”

“Okay, Josh. You’re up.” Izzy backed up while Kabuterimon returned to Tentomon. Josh walked up with Keramon.

“Here we go.” Josh said as he held up his Digivice.


“I know I should be afraid of those forms, but I think they’re amazing!” Silverstream giddied.

“Yeah, I admit it. They are cool.” Gallus grinned.

“Though why didn’t the other guys digivolve?” Bright Eyes wondered.

“Maybe those thingamabobs they hold up ran out of juice or something.” Teddy guessed.

“You mean their Digivices?” Raph corrected. “But yeah that is a good question.”

“My turn.” Willis took stage as Josh walked back as Keramon changed back. “Okay, you two. Let’s give them a good show.”

“Oh yeah!” Terriermon jumped down.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while!” Lopmon giddied as Willis held up his Digivice and the two glowed.


Terriermon was now bigger with an ammo belt, blue pants, and had revolver cylinders on his arms and hands.

“Whoa! Metal!” Casey wowed.

“So… cute!” Fluttershy squealed.


Lopmon transformed into a humanoid pastel purple rabbit wearing a yellow kung fu outfit, a dark blue scarf, black shoes, red gloves, and carried two beak like metal claws in each hand.

“Whoa. That’s new.” Yolei admitted.

“At least it’s a major improvement on that form we first saw him.” TK recalled.

“I believe he was call Wendigomon.” Kari guessed.

“Yeah. When Kokomon got reconfigured after we got rid of the virus, he learned a new trick after Digivolving into Lopmon.” Willis explained.

Turuiemon turned to everyone. “I’m Turuiemon. This is my champion form when I’m not infected by a virus or anything. I fight with my martial arts skills and my Ninja Claw attack.”

“I like the martial arts look.” Cody admitted.

“They both look very cool!” Spike cheered.

“Very cool!” Smolder agreed.

“Yeah we both got it good.” Gargomon grinned as he and Turuiemon fist bumped before changing back to Terriermon and Lopmon.

“How come-!” Davis was silenced when Pinkie quickly put her hoof over his mouth.

“Shh! It’s Marie’s turn now!”

“Okay, Marie. Let’s see you Digivolve Clawmon.” Shine Boy called.

“Alright! You ready, Clawmon?” Marie asked her partner.

“Ready!” Clawmon pumped a fist.

Marie held out her Digivice. “Here we go!”


Clawmon was a now a big purple creature wearing a black hood, gray pants, a plague doctor mask, and had red wires while carrying bottles of red liquids.

“Whoa! Hardcore!” wowed Casey.

“Nice outfit.” Shini admitted.

“A little dark, but looks pretty cool!” Silverstream smiled.

“Looks great!” Applebloom nodded.

Marie introduced her partner’s new form. “Meet Plaguemon. He’s a Digimon who practices medicine. His pestilent bomb can make his opponents sick.”

Davis then spoke up. “Hey! No fair, guys! How come you guys can digivolve and we can’t?”

Gamer began analyzing with his goggles despite his hooves. “Maybe the older Digivices work better here?”

“Or you over fed Veemon again.” Mikey popped up.

“I’m pretty sure I ate like normal at breakfast.” Veemon assured.

“So did I.” Armadillomon added.

Just then, a thought came to TK. “Wait. Did you get a Digivice upgrade from Garbagemon?”

“I didn’t.” Yolei shook her head.

“Nope.” Cody answered.

“Same here.” Ken shrugged.

“Neither did I.” Kari added.

“We were too busy kicking butt. Remember, TA?” Davis deadpanned.

Izzy pondered for a second. “Huh. It would seem that the upgraded version of our digivices not only allow to mega level but allows to digivolve in a different dimensions when we came in different forms including Equestria. Some digivices, such as the d-3 model, allow them to digivolve in other dimensions while they couldn’t in Equestria.”

“That’s one theory.” Gamer agreed.

“Though…” Donnie turned to Willis and Marie. “Did you two get upgrades for your Digivices?”

“Garbagemon upgraded mine after the party.” Willis recalled.

“I did a little after meeting Josh.” Marie nodded.

“We can figure that out later.” Twilight promised.

“I wonder if we can still Armor Digivolve?” TK pondered.

“It’s worth a try, I mean if they can work pass Control Spires.” Yolei agreed.

“We’ll give it a try.” Davis volunteered. “You ready, Veemon?”

Veemon pumped his arms. “Let’s go for it!”



As Veemon began to glow, the light intensified and covered both Veemon and Davis. Everyone shielded their eyes while Mikey and Pinkie both wore sunglasses.

“Ooo! Bright!” Pinkie grinned.

“So epic!” Mikey awed.

“Wow.” Silverstream whispered.


As the light dimmed down, everyone looked and gasped. There stood what appeared to be Davis, but now he was taller and wore armor similar to Flamedramon. He then looked around.

Raph walked up to him. “Davis? Or Flamedramon?”

“I feel like I’m Flamedramon, and… Davis? Davis! Where are you?” Flamedramon looked around frantically for his buddy.

“Did it work? Where’s Flamedramon?” Davis looked around while everyone looked shocked at him.


“I’m right here, Flamedramon!” He said as Davis.

“I hear you, but I can’t find you!”

“Well, I hear you but I’m not seeing you!”

To everyone else, they could only hear Flamedramon and watched confused as he talked to himself.

“Uh is he okay?” Ocellus asked.

“Yeah! Who’s he talking to?” Teddy wondered.

“I feel Davis and Flamedramon.” April felt her head. “Maybe Davis is in Flamedramon’s head while Flamedramon is out here.”

“Like two personalities in one?” Ken guessed.

“Sounds right.” Starlight figured.

“Freaky.” Shini raised a brow.

“So are they gonna be like this? Or will they separate?” Applejack wondered.

Shine Boy noticed Flamedramon still frantically looking around. “The first thing we should do is calm him, or them, down.” He trotted over to Flamedramon. “Uh, Davis?”

Davis was able to hear him. “Yeah? You see Flamedramon?”

“If you can hear me, You uh may want to look in a mirror.”

“What do you mean? Of Course, I can hear you! Look at a mirror? Why? Do I have a zit? I scrub my face three times a day!” Davis gasped as Rarity used her horn to levitate a mirror in front of him.

Davis/Flamedramon gasped at their reflection.

“Davis?” Flamedramon gasped.

“Flamedramon?” Davis spoked before they both screamed in fright.

Casey flew over and held him. “Davis…er…. Flamedramon… whoever you are, chill!”

After Keno hurried and helped Casey to hold him down for a bit, Davis/Flamedramon finally calmed down.

“Wow. Talk about Freaky Friday pt 2.” TK whispered to Kari.

“Only it’s Wednesday.” Kari whispered back.

“So I’m in Davis’ body.” Flamedramon spoke.

“And I’m In Flamedramon’s body.” Davis muttered to himself.

“So what? Did we do some sort of fusion or something?”

Donnie walked up with his scanner. “It would seem since you can’t digivolve regularly like the others, in order for Armor Digivolving to work, you probably need both the Digi Egg and the holder to become that form. Like an emergence.”

Mikey raised his brow. “So, he’s like Flame- Davis- Mon or something?”

Flamedramon just deadpanned. “Just call me Flamedramon in this form, Mikey.”

“We should probably study more before we have you out on the battlefield.” Twilight suggested.

“Agreed. And you should practice working together before a real battle.” Izzy agreed.

Flamedramon nodded when suddenly he began glowing again. When the light stopped, he was Davis and Veemon again.

“I’m Veemon again!” Veemon noticed.

“I’m me again!” Davis cheered.

“Looks like you digivolve regularly.” Josh noticed.

“But still, we should look more into why you both fused to Digivolve.” Leo advised. “And that goes for all of you.”

“He’s right. We should be a little more careful while we’re in Equestria.” TK added.

“Guess we’ll be adding that to your training.” Karai figured.

“Still, that was great!” Sandbar smiled.

“Your Digimon look awesome!” Scootaloo cheered.

“Yona and Digimon friends!” Yona added.

“Thank you.” Kari smiled.

“Would you like us to show you guys around the School of Friendship?” offered Bright Eyes.

“Great!” Yolei grinned.

“Let’s go!” Serenity added as they all headed to the school.

“You all go ahead.” Shine Boy called. “I need to talk to Twilight, Leo, and Sunset real quick.”

“Okay.” Davis called back.

As they entered, Twilight asked Shine Boy. “So, what’s up?”

“I think we all can agree we may have to keep an eye on Davis and the others until they can master this new Digivolving Davis just pulled.”

“Agreed. Because until they can master it, they’ll have to rely on their ninja training.” Leo stated.

“And if we deal with something like Tirek or The Storm King, they’ll have to be extra cautious.” Sunset added.

“The only thing I’m worried about is Ken.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“How come?” asked Twilight.

“I’m sure Sunset has told you that Ken used to be bad like she did? Well, even if Davis and the others master merging with their Armor Digimon, Ken doesn’t have an armor form because he didn’t have a Digi-Egg. All he had with Wormmon was Stingmon as well as the DNA Digivolving he shared with Davis.”

“Too bad we can’t call Gennai while we’re in Equestria.” Sunset pondered.

“We’ll have to work on that.” Leo decided.

“Agreed.” Shine Boy nodded along with Sunset and Twilight. “But for now, Let’s check out the School of Friendship of yours, Twilight.”

“Right this way.” Twilight smiled as she led them to the school. Before he entered, Leo turned around as if he sensed something only to shrug before entering the school.

To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

What does Leonardo sense? Can Davis and the others master their new digivolution forms to fight it? Find out Next time!

Fun Facts-

-Special thanks to Ezio1-3 for his OCs Josh and Marie as well as Clawmon. Also, thanks to an anonymous user who helped me with the dialogue in this chapter.

-Davis does the failed attempt to fly like Casey and Keno did in previous Equestria Ninjas fictions.

- While the 02 Digidestined will merge with their Armor Digimon (Go to Chapter 1's notes for the picture), I had decided to let the others Digivolve normally.

-Don't worry. Ken's digivolution problem will be resolved in a future chapter.

Next Time: Return of Spike-zilla, part 1!