• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 648 Views, 89 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A Shining New Digi-tude! - WarriorofFaith18

Sunset and the Ninjas bring the Digidestined and Team Shine to Equestria

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Off to Equestria

One day, at Canterlot High, The Rainbooms were waiting with their friends, the Ninja Turtles and Allies, and the CMCs, next to the statue in front of the school. Just then, they saw the Shine RV drove up.

“There’s the first of our guests.” Pinkie smiled as they saw Team Shine, Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl, and Serenity emerge from the RV.

“Hi, guys!” Shine Boy greeted.

“Glad you guys can make it.” Sunset smiled.

“I was really looking forward to today.” Shine Girl grinned.

Gamer looked around to notice a certain group not present. “Are the Digidestined still joining us?”

“Haven’t heard anything urgent from Izzy.” Donnie checked his T-Phone.

Suddenly, a portal opened next to them.

“Speak of the devil!” Keno said as merging from the portal were their friends the Digidestined- Davis, Yolei, Cody, TK, Kari, and Ken- along with Izzy, Mimi, Willis, and their recent member Josh who was joined by a girl his age. She had black hair with blue stripes and wore a purple sweater with a skull, blue leggings under grey striped long stockings, and a medical mask over her mouth. Following them were their Digimon partners, along with a small purple Digimon with a black mask and long arms.

“Hey guys!” Davis waved.

“Glad you all could make it.” Leo smiled.

“It’s good to see you all again.” Applebloom greeted.

“It’s great to see you guys as well.” TK nodded.

“Hi, Sweetie Belle.” Mimi smiled as she hugged the little CMC.

“Good to see you again, Mimi!” Sweetie happily hugged her back.

Shine Boy clapped hands with Josh. “Josh! It’s good to see you again.”

“It’s been a long time!” Josh nodded.

“Hey, Willis.” Casey greeted. “Glad you can make it!”

“Same. After everything I’ve heard about, I was hoping to get more acquainted to you guys.” Willis fist bumped him.

“Thanks for inviting us.” Izzy thanked Sunset.

“Thank you for coming.” Sunset thanked back.

“Yeah. When Sunset invited us to join them for a visit to Equestria, I recalled Yolei saying she’d want to visit as well.” Shine Boy recalled. “So I figured you guys would want to come along.”

“I’ve definitely been looking forward to it.” Yolei admitted. “After learning about the multiverse, I’d want to visit some of them.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you visited Gotham.” Raph walked by her.

“But we’ve had our share as well.” Gamer added. “We’ll tell you more about it in Equestria.”

Karai saw the new girl in the group. “So, who’s your friend here?”

“Oh right.” Josh cleared his throat. “Everyone, This is Marie Mox. She’s a recent additions to the Digidestined.”

Marie waved. “I was one of the kids who Oikawa used as hosts for the Dark Spores but got a Digivice after Davis’ words sparked our hopes and dreams again.”

“What’s the mask for? If you don’t me asking?” Rainbow politely asked.

“I get sick easily so I have to wear a mask. I usually take it off when eating, bathing, or anything important.” She then turned to the purple Digimon. “This is my partner, Clawmon.”

“Hi.” The said Digimon waved.

“Clawmon is a poison type Digimon who practices medicine. His Poison Claw attack can really make his opponents sick.”

“Well, Marie, it’s a pleasure to meet you and Clawmon.” Sunset shook her hand.

“Welcome to the group.” Shini added.

“Thank you.” Marie thanked.

After everyone introduced themselves to Marie, Raph noticed a couple Digidestined not present. “I take it Tai and the others aren’t gonna join us?”

“We decided it would be best a couple of us stayed behind in the Digital World in case anything like Milenniumon should happen. So Tai, Matt, Sora, and Joe decided to stay home so they’d have Omnimon, just in case.” Izzy explained.

“In fact, Tai insisted that I came with you guys to Equestria. Just to be friendly.” Josh added.

“Sounds good to me.” Marie said, causing Josh to blush.

Ken looked around before asking. “Weren’t Bebop and Rocksteady gonna join us?”

“They called yesterday. They have something urgent come up, so they had to skip this time.” Donnie answered.

“And Night Shine, I mean Luke?” Yolei corrected.

Shine Boy sighed. “I offered him. He decided to skip this and quoted that he would not ‘get caught dead as a pony’.”

“Typical.” Shini rolled her eyes. “I’d almost call him an akuma if he wasn’t on our side.”

“Anyway, everyone ready?” Sunset asked.

After Team Shine and Digidestined answered they were ready, she walked up to the Canterlot High statue. She put her hand through to reveal the portal to Equestria. “While we could’ve used Donnie or Gamer’s portal tracker, but I thought we’d take the scenic route.”

“So, this is how you got here, Sunset?” Cody asked curiously.

“Yep. Of course, originally, it opens after every thirty moons, but Twilight’s counterpart on the other side modified it that by connecting the magic journal we use to keep in contact, we can open it in case we’re needed in Equestria. Nowadays, we use Donnie’s portal tracker if we’re not near this.”

“And that portal even saved our bacon when the Triceratons destroyed our planet with the Black Hole Generator.” Applejack put in as Fugitoid looked ashamed.

“And you guys have been there so many times?” Willis asked.

“We sure have.” Mikey grinned.

“The first time I took them through, I finally made amends with Princess Celestia for my power-hungry ways.” Sunset sighed before smiling. “Thankfully, she was more proud of who I am now and we’re always happy to see each other.”

“And we’ve made many friends on the other side, Starlight included.” Karai added.

“And faced many foes there too, so I hope you guys brought your weapons.” Leo checked.

“We got that covered, Leo.” TK said as the Digidestined minus Marie held up their weapons.

Leo smiled before turning to Marie. “Even though you’ll be a pony while we’re there, Marie, we can teach you some ninjutsu if you like.”

“Sure. I would like that.” Marie nodded.

“So, anything we should know before we get going?” Serenity asked as she checked her bag.

“Well, we’ll all be ponies when get to the other side so be prepared to be on all fours.” Sunset explained. “However, we are unsure about the Digimon let alone if they can digivolve in Equestria. Also, it is unknown about what kind of pony you’ll become. Plus, you’ll meet pony versions of our friends so they won’t know who you are so be prepared to reintroduce yourselves.”

“The six of us are gonna stay here because we have stuff to do.” Rainbow spoke for her, the other Rainbooms, and CMCs.

“And it’s almost the due date for Principal Cadence to have her baby, too.” Twilight smiled.

“Oh yeah. You told us about that.” Davis recalled. “She’s your sister-in-law, right?”

“That’s right, Davis. So I’m going to be an aunt!”

“Congratulations, Twilight.” Kari commended.

“If we get back in time, maybe we’ll see them.” Yolei added.

“Then, we better get going.” Raph suggested.

“Any questions before we go?” Sunset double checked. When no one had any, she spoke again. “Okay, I’ll go in first while Shine Boy takes the rear so we know everyone gets through.”

Shine Boy thumbed up at the mention as Sunset turned to the rest of the girls. “See you girls when we get back.”

The Rainbooms and CMCs said their goodbyes as Sunset stepped through the portal.

“Ready, Veemon?” Davis asked his buddy.

“Yeah! Let’s do it!” Veemon cheered as the two jumped in next followed by Casey, Keno, and Raph.

“Well. Here goes.” Cody said as he cautiously entered next.

“Geronimo!” Armadillomon jumped in after his partner along with Love Shine, Karai, Mikey, and Shini.

Ken took Yolei’s hand. “I’ll go if you go.”

“Alright! Let’s go!” Yolei blushed as they entered as Hawkmon and Wormmon followed arm to arm.

“You wanna go next?” Izzy asked Mimi.

“You ready, Palmon?” Mimi asked her partner.

“I am if you are.” Palmon took her hand.

“Here we go.” Mimi smiled as they walked in next.

“Alright! Let’s do this, Izzy!” Tentomon said as he flew next to Izzy as they walked in the portal.

Terriermon jumped on Willis’ shoulder. “Cmon, Willis! Let’s get cracking!”

“I’m so excited!” Lopmon jumped on the other shoulder.

“Onward to adventure.” Willis joked as he followed Donnie, April, and Fugitoid in next.

Josh gestured to Marie. “Um, ladies first?”

“My. What a gentleman.” Teased Marie as she walked in followed by Josh. Keramon and Clawmon chuckled before entering next.

Shine Girl entered next as Gamer did some stretches before jumping in after.

TK held out his arm to Kari. “Shall we?”

“We shall.” Kari gestured before chuckling as they walked in while Patamon and Gatomon mimicked them and followed.

Leo turned to Shine Boy and Serenity. “See you guys on the other side!” he said before running in.

Seeing they were the last two in, Shine Boy then swept Serenity off her feet. “Let’s shine.”

Serenity laughed as Shine Boy carried her through the portal.

“Oh. I hope things go well for them.” Fluttershy hoped.

“They’ll be fine with the others, Fluttershy.” Rainbow assured.

“Yeah, they will.” Scootaloo agreed.

Meanwhile, in the library of Twilight’s castle in Equestria, Princess Twilight, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and the Mane Six waited until Twilight saw the portal glowing.

“Here they come!” she smiled.

One by one, everybody arrived through the mirror. Like before, Sunset and the Ninjas were ponies again with the Turtles still had their turtle arms. They then turned to see the Digidestined and Team Shine as they looked at themselves in their new pony bodies.

Davis, TK, Kari, Mimi, and Willis were pegasi while Davis was dark blue, TK mint green, Kari pink, Mimi light green, and Willis plain green. Yolei, Ken, Izzy, and Josh were unicorns as Yolei was blush red, Ken dark gray, Izzy indigo, and Josh also green. Cody and Marie were both Earth ponies with Cody being yellow, and Marie was purple. All the Digimon had black eyes and were the same size as Spike.

Over to Team Shine, the four heroes were unicorns. Shine Boy was red and still wore his mask, cape, and shirt. Gamer was lime green with his shirt, goggles, gauntlets, and his katana was held on his saddle bag. Shine Girl was mint green and also wore her mask, shirt, and cape. Love Shine was the biggest being blue and wore his helmet, and heart shields. Serenity was a Pegasus with a warm pink coat and wore a saddle bag with her camera.

“Everybody, or in this place, everypony okay?” Shine Boy asked.

Everyone acknowledged they were alright as Gamer looked at his hooves. “Oh man. Look at this. Hooves for hands? Pony Tails? Is this Pleasure Island?”

“No, Gamer, we’re ponies, not donkeys.” Shine Boy mumbled.

“Thank goodness! I thought we were on Pleasure Island.”

“No offense, Games, but maybe you should not read Pinocchio anymore.” Willis deadpanned before looking all over himself. “Though this is gonna take some getting use to.”

“It’ll come in time.” Everyone watched as Twilight walked up to the newcomers. “Welcome to Equestria all of you. I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.”

“So, you’re Princess Twilight!” Mimi clapped hooves with her. “We’ve heard so much about you! I’m Mimi.”

“I’m Izzy.”

“My name’s Yolei.”

“I’m Ken.”

“My name is Cody. It’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness.”

“Call me TK.”

“My name is Kari.”

“I’m Davis. I bet you’ve heard about me.”

“Name’s Willis.”

“I’m Josh.”

“And I’m Marie.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you all. Sunset told me a lot about you all in her journal.” Twilight smiled and turned to the Digimon as Fluttershy was hugging Veemon. “And these must be your Digimon.”

“They’re so cute!” Fluttershy squealed as she hugged more.

“Boy! Déjà vu.” Armadillomon mumbled.

“Still just as good.” Veemon grinned.

Twilight then turned to Team Shine and Serenity. “And you must be Team Shine. It’s a pleasure to meet you all as well.”

“The honor is ours, Princess Twilight. I’m Shine Boy and this is my brother Gamer, our friends Love Shine and Shine Girl, and my girlfriend Serenity.”

“Starlight! It’s great to see you again.” Ken greeted.

“It’s great to see you too, Ken.” Starlight smiled.

“I like your mane.” Yolei complimented.

“Thank you.” Starlight looked around. “Sunset told us that Bebop and Rocksteady weren’t joining us, but what about Night Shine?”

Gamer walked up. “He said he didn’t want to get caught dead as a pony.”

“He would.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

As everyone said hi, Davis saw his new wings. “Hey! Check it out! I’m a Pegasus! I can fly now!”

“Uh Davis? You may not want to try to fly.” Leo warned.

“Why not? I got wings. I can totally fly now! Watch this! I'm about to take this baby out to the sky!”

“Here we go again.” Casey smirked to Keno.

“This should be good.” Keno snickered.

Davis began to flap his wings to fly only about 1 foot high. “I'm doing it! I'm doing-... Uh oh.”

He ended up falling down to the ground and yelped in pain.

“Davis!” gasped Veemon.

“that's why.” Donnie deadpanned while the others laughed at Davis' failed attempt.

“Why do I displease it when it happened to me yet I find it funny when someone else does it?” Keno chuckled.

“I know, right?” Casey agreed.

Veemon hurried to his partner. “You okay?”

“Ow.” Davis mumbled.

“Glad he learned it and not Serenity.” Shine Boy breathed.

“Me too. though that had to hurt.” Serenity agreed.

Twilight walked up to Davis. “And before you ask, no. Your wings aren't broken. You're just not used to flying when you first come here in Equestria. That goes for all of you too.”

“Duly noted.” TK nodded.

“I really think they really look amazing.” Mimi said holding out her wings.

“Then I guess we'll have to work on that.” Kari figured as she looked at her wings.

“On the plus side, I can count with them like fingers. Check this.” Everyone watched as Willis moved his feathers on his wings like fingers.

“Showoff.” Davis grumbled.

“It'll come. Trust me. Keno and I went through the same thing.” Casey promised.

“Yeah it'll be worth it.” Keno added.

“Oh, and thanks for the demonstration, Davis. you're the third candidate of what Casey and Keno did when they first came here.” Rainbow smirked.

Pinkie popped up next to her. “Yeah. Serenity, Willis, Mimi, TK, and Kari now know that they have to practice flying since you failed to do so.”

“You'll get the hang of it in no time and not fall flat on your face.” Rainbow added before they both laughed while Davis glared at the two.

“You guys have cameras here in Equestria?” Yolei asked smugly.

Donnie pondered a bit. “As a matter of fact, I know a-“


There was small silence before Shine Boy held his hoof up. “Easy, Davis. We all will be learning a lot here in Equestria.”

Davis huffed before noticing something. “Hey, Guys! I got a tattoo on my butt!”

“Y’mean yer flank, Davis!” Applejack corrected. “And that’s your cutie mark, not a tattoo.”

Davis’ cutie mark was a soccer ball as everyone looked at their cutie marks.

“Hey look! Mine’s my Crest of Hope!” TK showed.

“Mine’s the Crest of Light.” Kari saw.

“I got my Crest of Sincerity for my cutie mark.” Mimi gleamed.

“My cutie mark is the Crest of Knowledge.” Izzy admitted.

“Mine’s definitely my Crest of Imagination.” Josh pointed out.

“I got the Crest of Kindness for sure.” Ken checked.

Yolei saw her mark. “Mine’s the square root of MC square. Huh. Must have something to do with me being pretty smart.”

“Must be. Cutie marks represent your strongest traits.” Twilight informed.

“So the practice sword on mine represents my kendo lessons with my grandpa.” Cody figured.

“That and it could also represent a will of justice.” Spike suggested.

“I think my cutie mark is the state of Colorado. Probably because I originated from there.” Willis guessed on his.

Marie showed her cutie mark. “My mark is a medical flask probably because of my love for health care.”

“Looks like each of our cutie marks are our insignias.” Love Shine said as Team Shine saw their cutie marks.

“And mine’s a camera with a heart.” Serenity showed hers.

“So.” Shine Boy spoke up. “While we’re getting used to our new bodies, What should we do first in Equestria?”

“Why don’t we show you around Ponyville?” Starlight suggested.

“Starlight’s right.” Twilight agreed. “Then, we can get more acquainted with each other.”

“Sounds great.” Kari smiled.

“Well, they say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Shine Boy philosophized. “Here’s four steps in.”

“Actually, walking like this isn’t as hard as flying.” April advised. “It’s not that different as crawling on all fours back home.”

“Cmon! Let’s go!” Mikey cheered. “Time to show the beauties of Ponyville!”

“Perfecto!” Yolei smiled.

“You’re all definitely gonna love it.” Shini guaranteed.

As they headed to the doors, Mimi walked up to Twilight. “By the way, Twilight, where’s that gecko friend of yours?”

“Chet? He’s off visiting another school right now.” Twilight answered.

“Really. What’s it called?” Mimi asked.

“It’s called Hogwarts. It’s a wizard school. If he’s not back by the time you guys have to head back, I’ll make sure to say hi for you.”

“That be great.” Mimi smiled as they headed out.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

What surprises await our heroes in Equestria? Find out Next time!

Fun Facts-

-Special thanks to Ezio1-3 for his OCs Josh and Marie as well as Clawmon.

-Davis does the failed attempt to fly like Casey and Keno did in previous Equestria Ninjas fictions.

-Team Shine and the Digidestined pony forms are based on designs by me, BozzerKazooers, and Ezio1-3. (Pictures for Izzy, Willis, Josh, Serenity, and Marie will come soon, I hope.)

-Mimi mentions Chet AKA Chetcheki Chan Gecko who is the OC of BozzerKazzoers. You can follow Chet in Harry Potter in BKs Devianart page: https://www.deviantart.com/bozzerkazooers

Next Time: A new way to Digivolve