• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 647 Views, 12 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Empress Of Evil - Spyro_Story

An evil alicorn rises and finished what she started long ago.

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Chapter 8: Arena Challenge 1/3

In the tunnel, it was really dark. The sounds dripping came from the spikes on the ceiling and every colors of gems are everywhere. Spike and Sparx kept moving through it for quite long. but to them, it feels like a maze going all directions that led to every dead ends. Even though, this is really stressful to them like they're going in circle.

"Uuuugh... Sparx, it is me or is it feels like we've been around in circles?" Spike asked to his dragonfly friend. Sparx shook his head, meaning that he is confuse as Spike is. "Didn't think so. But I'm pretty sure we'll get back to the service one way or another."

Sparx had to agree with the baby dragon, they just need to going to find a way. Even if it'll take them a minutes or an hours for it.

A few minutes later, Spike and Sparx were taking a break for all that long walk in the tunnel. So they're having a snack. Spike was eating the gems that are on the rocks like it is for free meal and Sparx also eating a small pieces of fruit that is enough to full for his stomach. "I'm glad there are lots of gems here, this place could a buffet, but better." Spike said while he chewing with his mouth full.

However, the baby dragon stop chewing his meal because he hear some voices coming from the far right. So they have head towards the source. And by the time when they found out what voices came from, they spotted a couple of Rock Lobsters are gambling a game. "A Rock Lobsters, maybe they know the way out to the service, let's go ask them." Spike happily said when he's about to come out to appear to talk to them.

"Excuse me." He asked them, causing the Rock Lobsters to get startled in shock.

"Wha, wha, who are ya and what are ya doin in our turf?" One Rock Lobster asked in aggressive tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Spike Apologized until he's starts to introduce and explanation. "My name is Spike and this is friend Sparx. We got lost in every tunnel, so do you know the way the service?"

"... Give us a sec, will ya?" One Rock Lobster said while he get his pals to speak in private to whisper. Spike couldn't hear what they're saying, just only whispers and giggling. But then, the Rock Lobsters are finished speaking in private and gonna tell Spike. "Alright kid, we know where the exit is, so we'll take ya there."

"Awesome, thank you." Spike gratefully said.

"No problem, now follow us junior." Second Rock Lobster said. Spike and Sparx are now following the Rock Lobsters to a way. But unaware to them, the Rock Lobsters makes a smirking faces to led the baby dragon and a dragonfly to a different way that they never expected.

A couple of minutes later, they all have stopped to a destination that those Rock Lobsters led, it was not expected for Spike and Sparx to be at dead end. "Uh, I don't think that's the right way, is it?" Spike said in confusion.

"Hehehe, that's what ya think... TWERP!" One Rock Lobster said when he hit Spike's head really hard. The baby dragon falls to the ground unconscious and his eyes starts to closed. "Sweet dreams. Once ya wake up, we're gonna enjoy the show."


Meanwhile at the dark tower, the scream of pain echoing from the inside. Starswirl the Bearded is hanging in chains in the dungeon, torturing by Dredoks with their electric magic. But then, they stopped because their masters are coming in the dungeon to see Starswirl. He barely hold it in while he is cough. Until, Empress Ravahna steps in to see him with a perfect opportunity along with the sorcerer Nemnok. "Starswirl, look how old you've become." She said with a smile of her face.

"And... you are looking... well as ever." Starswirl barely said.

"Oh, you have no how long I have been waiting for this moment to come. I never forget the day you imprisoned me and robe my rule." Empress Ravahna said with an anger that burns within her eyes and soul. "I can destroy you right there and now, but I will not. I will make you suffer as I have until you draw your last... breath. Now, as soon as I have what's rightfully mine, I shall rise my army and conquer Equestria once again." She attempts to walk out the dungeon.

"You may have defeated me, but there are heroes somewhere in Equestria who can stop you." Starswirl said. "My advise is do not underestimate them."

"I am aware you send a mere child dragon to a foolish quest. The Dredoks are already tracking it down. They will retrieved my amulet... and kill the one who Carries it." Empress Ravahna said when Nemnok already told her before, causing the wizard's eyes widened and trying to shake the chains out for worry of the baby dragon.

While Empress Ravahna and Nemnok left, the Dredoks now continues to torture Starswirl the Bearded again just to make him scream in agony and pain.


Both eyes are starting open up. Spike began to wake up back to his conscious, but unaware that he and Sparx are in the cell bar and his backpack is gone. "Ow... my head, where are we Sparx?" Spike asked while he rubbed his head to relief the pain away.

"You're in the cell, dummy." A Rock Lobsters said when he's appeared outside, and the baby dragon remembered him.

"You. I thought you're gonna get us out to the service." Spike said in anger.

"Yeah... we lied." Rock Lobster said with a smirk face. "The reason why you're here, that is why we need a new challenger for the arena."

"What, your saying that you want me to fight in the arena? Forget it, I'm not doing it." Spike said to refused and Sparx nodded to agreeing with him.

"Oh yes ya will, because otherwise ya gonna fight to earn your freedom or kiss it goodbye." Rock Lobster said.

The baby dragon was conflicted between to choices, it's either accepted or stuck here forever when Equestria is about to end. "... Fine, I'll play your game, but you better keep your promise to let us go and give it back my backpack you took." Spike sigh with regrets.

"Junior, ya got yourself a deal." Rock Lobster agreed with him. "Alright kid, listen very carefully, in order to earn your freedom is you're gonna have to beat three of our beasts. At the end, your gonna have defeat our champion we call him... the Berserker."

While the rock Lobster went away, Spike is terrified and gulping to hear from him a word 'Berserker'. He feels like he's gonna die if Spike fought off against the champion in the ring. But the baby dragon has to do it for their freedom and for Twilight and her friends. "Okay Sparx, we fought pirates once, so whatever comes at us, we can win this." Spike said with courage and boldness while his dragonfly friend nodded to agreeing with him.

And so the gate is opening behind the baby dragon, forcing them to enter the arena and seeing the entire Rock Lobsters cheering and booing. While the gate is closed, another far away in front of Spike and Sparx is opened to let out what's inside. "Let's do this."

To Be Continued...