• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 648 Views, 12 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Empress Of Evil - Spyro_Story

An evil alicorn rises and finished what she started long ago.

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Chapter 6: Psychic

It started At the night time at Canterlot, princess Celestia and princess Luna demanding the council to write each scrolls to send for every kingdoms. Crystal Empire, Yakyakistan, Dragon lands, Changeling Kingdom, Mount Aris, Griffinstone, and more. A scrolls saying that the great evil is here, and they needed their aid to fight as one. Some of them are accepted to help, and some of them would choose to defend their own kingdom. The princesses also commanded the royal guards to prepare an army to march. Even starswirl's companions The Pillars are joining in too. Speaking of Starswirl, a wise wizard is on the balcony, sensing Empress Ravahna's presence through his beating heart. "Everything is now ready Starswirl." Celestia said to her mentor and her sister Luna nodded.

"... Celestia, Luna, there is something... I must do that I never done this for a long time ago." Starswirl said when he look down and thinking on his mind by going to face the Empress again. Making the princesses knowing what he means.

"Allow us to accompany with you." Luna said.

"No, you all shall remain here. I could not letting anything happen to you, not after what happen that day." Starswirl said in worries, seeing the flashback about how Empress Ravahna defeated all the alicorns. "I must go there, alone."

"Then... are you sure you must do this?" Celestia said in worry for their mentor "but what if something terrible has happena to you I-"

"Do not worry, I will be fine." Starswirl said when he cut off her words. "If I do not return when the sun rises, begin to march to the Doma." The princesses nodded together to agreeing his choice. A wizard starts to smile at them because he remembered the time when two sisters were very young, and they've grown together. Feeling like a father figure at them.

Starswirl the Bearded began to teleported himself somewhere away to go to the land of Doma to face Empress Ravahna once again. "Will he be okay?" Luna asked.

"He will be Luna, we must believe him." Celestia answered while starring to the horizon. "Spike, time is at the essence, please be careful." She also thinks for a baby dragon.


Meanwhile, Spike and Sparx made it farthest reaches of Equestria where the compass pointed to south. Now it changes direction to the west. Before they go west, Spike did make a camp fire and he is about to write down the paper for Princess Celestia of what he is doing while Sparx is sleeping on top of his backpack.

"Dear Princess Celestia." Spike said while writing it down. "Sparx and I are fine in our first day on mission. We've travel to the desert, it was really hot. Luckily, I found Kludgetown to go there. But the worst part is that the thief stole the compass that Starswirl gave me. I've managed to get it back. From now on I will be cautious. I hope me and Sparx are almost close to find the amulet. From Spike."

The baby dragon has finished writing the paper and now blowing it out with his green fire to deliver to her. He yawned for exhaustion, ready to go to sleep to continuing tomorrow morning. When he closed his eyes, he still thinking for Twilight and her friends. He Hope that they will be okay once the nightmare is over.

Another day in the morning when the sun rises to the horizon. Spike and Sparx already waking up from their sleep to start on their quest. By the time when they continued. "HEEEELP!" A shout coming from the trees.

"Sparx, it sounds like somepony is in danger, let's go." Spike said while they rushed to the source.

By the time when they get there, their eyes widened for an old mare was surrounded by a flock of Cockatrices. Everypony knows that Cockatrices can turn anypony into stone if they look into their eyes, or even attacking for the kill. "Somepony help me, I'm too old to die!" An old mare said while her eyes are closed and praying for her life.

"Oh no she's in trouble, I gotta help her." Spike said. The baby dragon rushed in to save an old mare, but he has to be very carefully with those things. Because the last he met those with Twilight, they got turned into stone. So right now it won't happen again... hopefully. "Hey, leave that poor old mare alone you overgrown chickens!" He shouted with his eyes closed.

The Cockatrices turns their attention to the baby dragon with the ferocious hiss. They charged at him while flapping. but unexpectedly, Spike releases his green fire rapidly on them. Causing the Cockatrices to stop and retreat for their lifes.

While they're gone, Spike and Sparx went to check on the old mare to see if she's okay. "Are they gone, who's there?" She asked while her eyes still closed.

"It's okay ma'am, the Cockatrices are gone, you can open your eyes now." He said to make sure they are not coming back.

When an old mare opened her eyes, she looked down to see a baby dragon and a dragonfly. "Oh, thank you very much young... dragon, how can ever repay you both?" She gratefully said.

"Nothing much, we're just traveling until we've saved your life." He said and then start to introduce. "I'm Spike by the way. And this is my friend Sparx."

"Oh, I know who you both are." She said.

"You do?" Spike said when he and Sparx are confused.

"Of course I do. I am the Amaihis, the predictor of seeing past, present,... and future." She said. "You're Spike the dragon, born from Canterlot and raised by Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship. And Sparx from Neverland in another world." Spike and Sparx are speechless for what they hear from an old mare, believing that she really is the Psychic. "Oh what are we standing here? Come, my home isn't very far, you must be very exhausting."

"Um... okay, Sparx and I doing need some break." Spike and Sparx nodded to her. They began to follow an old mare's place for resting for awhile. He hope she doesn't leading them somewhere that has dangerous creatures besides Cockatrices.

By the time when they made it to her small cabin house. The inside is very old, dusty, and full of stuff she has in her old days. She offered a baby dragon a tea that she makes. "I do hope you like my calm soothing tea." Amaihis said while pouring in tea cup.

"Thank you." Spike politely said when he start drinking it. After he finished it, a baby dragon is about to asking a questions. "So, if you're really a psychic, then do you know why me and Sparx are here for?"

"Yes I do, you were on a quest to find an evil alicorn's amulet." She said when she placed her hooves on her head with both eyes closed.

"Wow. I did not see that coming." Spike said with eyes widened when he and Sparx are amazed.

"I get it all the time. It happens to everypony." She said when she rolled her eyes until an old mare predicted something. "I predict you want to know anything about your future, do you?"

"Well... yes." Spike admittedly said.

"Very well." Amaihis nodded. "Why don't you wait here, I have get my Psychic hat."

While she is gone, Spike and Sparx have to looking around without moving to seeing everything an old mare got. Until then, they found an old poster of a adult beautiful mare says 'Lady Amaihis The Predictor'. "Wow Sparx, for her early age, she sure is gorgeous." Spike said to Sparx with a blush. But Rarity is still number one to him.

"I apologize to kept you waiting, it was a lot of mess and I forgot to clean it all up." She said while dusting off her hat that had one eye on. While she puts it on, Amaihis prepare to see the visions by meditating. "Yes, I have entered the space and time itself, I can feel it all around us. Now young dragon, lend me your... claws, would you mind?"

"Okay." Spike nodded while he passes his hands to her hooves.

"Hmmm... I see your future, both futures." She said with eyes closed. "Wait, oh no, this isn't right."

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"I see that there is... something far more sinister than any Equestria has ever seen... and it is not from this world." Amaihis said in less fear with the sound of heartbeat and shivering because she sees the dark Predictions. "I see... fire, a terrifying flames. The Equestria will be burn when the sun and moon merge into eclipse and the great evil will come to destroy all! BEWARE OF THE EYE!"

Spike and Sparx were so shocked in fear to hear for what she said, causing a baby dragon to remove his hands from her hooves. An old mare took a heavy breathing to catch breath by calming herself. "Are, are you alright?" Spike asked in worry.

"Yes... I will be alright, I just needed to have my tea." She said while taking a drink.

"Okay so, what was that?" He asked again.

"I... do not know. My Psychic can only shows me anypony's future, but yours is different than the others." She said while she wipe off the sweat with her handkerchief. "But I have seeing so many of your possible futures."

"What kind of possible futures?" He asked.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you that." She said. "However, it is only up for you to decide what path you choose for yourself when the time has comes."

The baby dragon now understand what she is saying about his own path when he nodded.

Couple of hours later, Spike and Sparx are preparing to leave for their quest. Until an old mare approaches to them. "Hold on young dragon. Before you all take your leave, I have something for you in my gratitude for saving me." She said while reach out to pull out a white pendulum.

"A gem?" Spike said in confusion when he have it.

"Oh it is no gem. This pendulum is magic, it can transport you to anywhere you desire. Use it wisely on your journey. If something goes terribly wrong, pictured any place with your mind and then break it." She said for explainasion.

"Wow, thank you mis." Spike thankfully said to a kind old mare.

"No, it is I should be thanking you." Amaihis said.

And so Spike and Sparx continues their quest by leaving an old mare place while waving at her for goodbye. But suddenly, the baby dragon was very confused for what happened back then when he hears his future. "Beware of the eyes, what does it mean?" He asked himself in confusion. But it doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is that finding the amulet is important mission before the final battle is coming. But they did not know the danger is headed their way.

To Be Continued...