• Member Since 17th Oct, 2023
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago


"The problem with pulling quotes from the internet is you can never be sure of their authenticity" - Benjamin Franklin

Comments ( 40 )

Good to see this story up and at 'em again.

So this is where the alternate version of The Crystal War/Sombra Timeline's Twilight supposed to be?

Ok, I like this story. Gannondorf is actually written as reasonably intelligent and the plot seems to be fairly well thought out.

"9 P.M. Groaning, I pushed myself from my chair, grabbing my magic staff- in case there would be some vengeful midgets- I walked to the front of the door," -SoothingCoffee

Good to see another person trying their hand out at a Displaced Ganondorf, the last one being Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf Displaced. Btw, if you decide you want to cross-over with another story, please think it through. I've seen many Displaced who would do so too soon too many and end up ruining their story due to filler chapters with little to no story progression.

Magnificent so far, really enjoying your take on the great King of Evil and how being fused/merge/transform into another character is warping a bit the point of view or ideas of the main character.

It might be a bit selfish or mean to say this but I hope there ain't no cross overs, at least in the foreseeable future. Most stories end up losing its track or "genere/theme"

Anyway, great job my dude, keep it up!

Kinda good but holy heck man maybe slow down this guy just got transferred to Equstria and he is already using dark magic repeatedly. My man was already evil apparently when he appeared to in Equestria.

Maybe a bit but it might be the influence of Dorf and Demise's curse. You can probably argue he was trying to help by supplanting sombra's magics with his own but this is a bit overkill without some outside influence

I'm glad Twilight is looking at the bigger picture and hopefully she'll be competent enough to let Ganondorf spare her.


I mean maybe yeah but still in 5 chapters we read that some random guy got transported to Equestria and proceeded to rend a pony apart with wraiths and then slit the throat of another while making her soul permanently stuck in the living realm unable to cross over. There was no build up or anything so far he didn’t even feel sorry for doing it this might as well have just been Gan displaced himself not some random guy.


I get the impression that this is supposed to be a more serious displaced story,and I'm liking it a lot so far. However, if Ganondorf does not bust out at least one Suavamente in this entire story, my disappointment will be immeasurable and my day will be ruined

Meh was interesting till I reread chapter 4 then realized he had already mind controlled Alicorn twilight without her putting up any resistance or anything.


No kidding. I'm hoping they don't go with that old cliché trope. I swear to god, I cannot count the number of times I've found a good or decent displaced story. Only for it to get bog down so badly to the point the story either dies right then and there or it ends up resulting in the overall story plot becoming too convoluted or just plain out shit in the end. :applejackunsure:


Twilight ISN'T a Alicorn here!? Still a regular ole Unicorn.

This is the Crystal War/Sombra Timeline from the season 5 finale.

Yeah, I feel like the part of a normal guy turning into Ganondorf should have been removed if he just does this kind of stuff without any hesitation or outside influence. It should have just been "Ganon gets sent to Equestria" or something along those lines. Either that or explain that the protag is a psycho or something because no ordinary person would act like this.

That is something I see all too often. Its either they write a single chapter for the sake of cross-overs, or the author gets writer's block and the story ends up spiraling deep into cross-over fodder and never returns to the plot, or the story stops being updated and by time it does get one, its a cross-over that doesn't help the plot progress.

Thanks for the chapter!

I like it, Ganondorf is cruel but logical, It's easy to follow his thinking.

There are way too many stories with edgy protagonist or caricature Gary Stu's on this site, it's refreshing to see a protagonist that isn't a over dramatic mess or plain stupid.

And Twilight is nice too, she is preventing the death of the airship crew with perfect logic as to why they need to spare them.

It’s literally says he placed his hand over her crown just above her horn.

Yeah, he just went from normal civvie suffering an actually rather heroic death to full psycho overlord in about ten seconds flat; no remorse, no attempt to balance ancient knowledge and modern morality, just “WHAM! Evil now.”

Crown also describes the top of your head.

From merriam-webster (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crown):
3: the highest part: such as
a : the topmost part of the skull or head

just starting out this story, Hopefully Celestia isn't Unnecessarily painted as the bad guy

Could be the influence of Demise messing with his head.

I must see this, I like the story, but this seems less of a displaced Fik and more of Ghana. Dorf gets transported into a Land filled with ponies, I would definitely like if it was more of hey, I have his memories, but they don't define me, I am who I am. I am not him, I am not a tyrant.

I really just want to know which incarnation of Ganondorf you're using?

Twilight Princess.

Word please tell me you're gonna use wolf like and/or midna?

I'm not the writer but I find it unlikely they'll appear.

Not unless the writer wants to summon a Displaced version of them.

Oho? Looks interesting.

Huh. Resorted to killing pretty quick. Neat.

I disagree. It's interesting to see how quickly the memories and will of the body seem to dominate the humanity of the soul

...ok, that is super funky. I don't know what happen to my message but I also can't remember what it said originally...

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