• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Pinkies Imagination

Reloading the Story Canon.

Comments ( 82 )

All of the comments that used to be here were accidentally yeeted during the (*Edit* First *Edit*) rewrite... so don't worry you can still post comments here! It's just empty... for now :twilightsmile:

Hope to see many comments!

I'm liking the story so far, definitely haven't seen another like it, but you got a couple of things wrong with what DKs are. They're dead. They don't tire out, they don't need to eat, drink, or sleep, though they still do as their subconscious mind many be trying to cling to the lives they lead before their rebirth. For a future reference as well, DKs have to take good care of themselves as lack of hygiene can cause their bodies to decompose. With a little bit of touch ups here and there you could keep the overall plot of what happened in this chapter while better fitting it into the established lore of WoW.

Hope I helped and can't wait for the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

6094660 I know this don't worry, however the reason as to why he does have to eat/drink/sleep etc will be explained later on in the story. :twilightsmile:

No wonder people are lloking at him in disgust becuase of the armour he is warring

I cant wait till the next chapter because mhmhm is ths story good

7859070 To be honest, a warlocks clothing is no better.

its been 4 years since the last chapter, is this canceled?

No, just haven't had time to stop and write anything worthwhile. Everything I make seems to be not good enough to me.

oh ok, I wasn't sure cuz you've been on recently but the story its self hadn't had an update in 4 years so thanks for responding.

No problem :raritywink:

I'll try and see what I can do.

It good start cant found lot stories have a dreadknight/or death knight keep up the good work!! And never let anyone tell you anything bad i I don't want see a good story be cancelled be bad comments!!!

I'm dabbling into making longer chapters around the 6-8k range. let me know if this is something you all prefer! :twilightsmile:

"It could have been easy... and it shouldn't of, that I agree. However, that doesn't excuse you talking to royalty like that, and I shall remind you to watch your tongue going forward." She stated coldly as she leveled her gaze to mine.

I returned her look with silence for a few moments, before sighing. "...apologies, I meant no offence. I have a famously short temper."

She gave a small nod, as her horn lit up and magic enveloped her teacup, the liquid quickly starting to let off steam again.

"It is fine, I have a famously strong patience." She paused, sipping the tea, "However, be careful how you speak to the crown from now on. Especially around the guards... they can be a bit proud." At this, I took a peek at the guards around the room.

Well your one to talk, Celestia!!!!!!! You DON'T know what a Death Knight, or what they are truly capable of! So, she or the guard shouldn't do anything stupid either.

"This, is 'Azeroth'?" She asked, looking to me only for a second as I gave a short nod. "...but there's so much. How is this possible... it cant be. Unless...?" Her breath hitched as she locked eyes with me again, suddenly standing from her pillow. "How did you get here?" She snapped, her tone shifting quickly.

"Unstable portal, collapsed mid conjuring." I stated flatly, raising an eyebrow at her change in demeanor. "And I'm assuming you figured this out, yes... I'm not of this planet. I'm surprised your purple friend didn't tell you that part as I'd already shown her the map."

Slowly, she lowered herself back onto her pillow. Her gaze however didn't release from me, a new level of seriousness about her.

"No, she didn't. When I arrived she was too shaken up to tell me exactly what happened. That's when I gave the order to search the forest, after all it's not every day something has the element of magic terrified into submission." She finished that sentence with a bit of edge.

I wasn’t sure why, but something about me being from another world had shifted the tone of the whole conversation. There was something else she wasn’t telling me, but this time I felt best to not pry further.

What's her deal with out-worlders?!

'What a strange... human he called himself? He was certainly brave with how he spoke to me that's for sure.' I let out an annoyed snort, remembering when he had lectured me about how to protect my subjects.

'I think the part I hated most was how he was right' Which is probably the only reason I didn't feel the need to silence him when he spoke out of line like that.

He actually has a point. You have TERRIBLE Security and Guards, compared to War of Warcraft standards. And he has faced way worse beings than you, so he ain't scared to speak his mind.

I'm loving this story so far great work, plz keep it up.

Well shit looks like he is going to be the doom of them after all. If something just learned the secrets of necromancy and/or creating deathknights from him then any of the many deaths to follow will be half his fault. Although it could be a good test for when the true evils come as tends to be the case.

Just finished reading it's looking interesting so keep up the good work.

Lol twilightcicle:trollestia:

Twilight you dun goofed

its not the armor it looks fucking goodit is probebly the fact that all Death Knight suffer from a cursed/urge callde iturnal hunger theurge to inflict pain and suffering abone the living if thay dont kill somthing they can go insane leafing tham to go into a murder spree ceep in minde Death Knights are still mechines of war even if thay are free of the lich king that is most likely the reason of dislike agansed Death Knights becos of fear.

As quickly as I could, I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing... my racing heart slowly coming to a crawl.

wait doesn't he not have a heartbeat or did I miss something?

oh I think craps about to hit the fan, wonder what celestia is gonna do...

good idea, the only real way to slay a hydra... by cutting out the heart... since the heads just regrow... lolz

You probably read it already by now but a later chapter does elaborate on the heartbeat. :twilightsheepish:

ya tho it does seem strange for an undead to have one at all...

oh twilight why... :facehoof:

cant wait for next chapter! :twilightsmile:

hmmm its kind of his own fault but also not. The CMC scene was hilarious. Applejack overreacted but her friend was incased in ice which is usually a very bad thing. His own fault because he instigated the whole thing by underestimating Twilight. Equally Applejacks, Twilights, and Dalan's fault , although maybe a bit more on Applejacks side.
anyway im enjoying this story so nice job.

OK, I have to ask, why does almost no writers on this site give consequences to massively violent actions?

Seriously, I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with us as a community. AppleJack kick him so hard that it's basically attempted murder, including breaking his arm, and yet, nothing happens. Of course, if this follows this site's formula, sometime soon AJ will approach the guy with a "Gee, Im ah sorry fur bucking ya, ken ya ever furgive me?" and he will hold a grudge. But absolutely nothing else will happen.


Too nice

Agreed, for attempted murder, at the very least, he should have knocked out her teeth.

The Monk
“There are many ways to create a monster, and the one the girl knows best is rather basic: you tell someone they're a monster over and over again, then wait to see how long it takes before they agree with you.” -Estee

Well considering the chapter ended shortly after the incident, we can't just assume everyone is going to be forgiven for this?

I'm well aware how many authors will shock value in some kind of "Suspenseful" or ooc action and cover it up with a wave of the hand and forgiveness. All i ask is to please withhold your judgment on that until after the chapters have been released

I realize my comment may have come off a bit commanding. I just want to put fears to rest that I know problems like this exist in the community.

I'm guilty of it myself in my older fics, been writing and reading here since 2012 after all. And i don't want to repeat my same mistakes.


I realise my comment may have come off a bit commanding.

I didn't think so.

The Monk

“To say that Twilight Sparkle went bugfuck would be like saying the Incredible Hulk had some mild anger management issues.” -DustTraveller

Okay, i just didn't want to sound defensive or anything. Every bit of criticism i get i take into account when writing.

I was originally going to keep the "resolution" to this problem in this chapter but it was already getting pretty long for me (6-7k word chapters are new for me, I usually kept them much shorter) and held off so I could make it it's own chapter entirely.

Can't wait for next chapter keep up the good work!

Thanks! Sorry for the longer than expected wait. :twilightsheepish:

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