• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 5,580 Views, 432 Comments

It's for the Best - RunicTreetops

Years after Nightmare Moon returned and conquered Equestria, six ponies rallied together to defeat her. This was the best thing that could happen to Equestria, and the worst thing that could happen to Anon.

  • ...

It's for the Best

Suddenly, everything stops.

The ponies surrounding Anon freeze in place just as their hooves reach the doors. The gentle breeze that had been causing the forest's many trees to sway above them halts, and the area is filled with an eerie silence. Anon, however, can still move. Just as he begins to look around in confusion, a voice rings out. The voice is strangely familiar, and it carries a sad, yet serious tone.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

Anon spins in place, but he cannot find the owner of the voice. In fact, he can't really tell where it was coming from, either.

"Who's there?"

There is an audible sigh throughout the space.

"You're quite strange, Anon. I cannot tell if you want to forget all of this ever happened, or if you're desperate to relive it and just in denial about the reality of your situation."


Anon's eyes widen. He does know that voice. But... how could Luna be talking to him here, and now?

Wait, Luna? Luna is a princess, and she's the pony that was left behind when Nightmare Moon was killed. But Nightmare Moon is on the other side of those doors that he... hasn't gone through yet.

"It seems like you're finally realizing the situation you're in."

The ponies that were frozen in place slowly begin to shimmer before fading away completely, leaving Anon alone in front of the castle. Then, seconds later, a ball of light descends from the moon and lands directly behind Anon before dissipating, revealing the graceful figure of Luna.

"Wh-where are we?"

"This is a dream, Anon. Your dream."

"Hold on, that's... no. We were in the market, and... and you can't visit my dreams anyway!"

"We were in the market, yes. However, I believe the revelations you learned were too much for you to take. Whether it be due to grief, regret, or whatever else goes on in that head of yours, I do not know. Either way, you fell unconscious. I then carried you away from prying eyes and entered your dreamscape. Which, by the by, I am able to do because of that Nightingale apple you ate. Its effects still won't wear off for a few more hours."

After locking eyes with Luna and staring at her silently for a few moments, Anon takes a deep breath.

"I suppose I should wake up, then."

"That is up to you. I may have agency in the dream realm, but I cannot tell others how to dream. If this is what your mind wants, then so be it. However, I'm not sure if you really want to face her again."

"You know, I'm not sure either."

"Well, if you do decide to wake up, I can help with that, Anon. Or... is it Ryan?"

Anon glares at Luna.

"Start calling me Ryan and I'm going to start calling you Nightmare Moon."

"...Fair enough, I suppose."

After a few quiet moments, Anon shakes his head.

"Just wake me up already."

"Very well."

Similar to how she arrived, Luna's body begins to glow. That glow grows brighter and brighter until she is encased in a ball of light. Said ball ascends to the sky and disappears within the outline of the moon. Shortly after, the whole world begins to shake as though there were an intense earthquake rippling across the forest. Anon struggles to maintain his balance as the moonlight surrounding him starts to fade. The area around him slowly becomes bathed in darkness, and once he can no longer make out any details, the ground gives way beneath him. Yet, he does not fall. Instead, he simply floats in an infinite black void, unsure of what to see or do.

Then, his vision goes dark.

Anon gasps as he shoots upright. He attempts to catch his breath as he takes in his new surroundings. He appears to be sitting on grass, with his back to a large oak tree. A setting sun bathes the landscape in varying hues of orange and red, the sunlight reflecting off of the modest pond that lies before him. There are rolling hills on all sides, and behind the tree he sits against, he can see the outline of Ponyville rooftops not too far away. However, most notably is Luna, who sits a few feet away and is facing him. She looks at him with a mixture of emotions, making her hard to read.

"Thanks, I guess."

"You're welcome."

Luna looks away from Anon and begins to stare at the pond. Anon, unsure of what else to do, does the same. A million thoughts swim through his mind. He hasn't thought about his old life in quite some time, and the memories aren't exactly pleasant. However, when he stops thinking about them, his mind drifts to the revelation he came to hours before, and the pain feels just as fresh as it did then. Nightmare Moon never loved him, huh? From the very beginning, she was just as much of a liar as Damien was. And yet, when he tries to block out those thoughts, his mind drifts to the past four years, and all of the atrocities he committed. He doesn't understand why reflecting on them hurts so much. He never had any remorse before, so why does he feel like this now? And when he tries to stop thinking about that, his mind drifts back to the dream he had, and to Damien, and to Nightmare Moon, and to-

"You're crying again."

Anon glances at Luna, who is still looking at the pond. He wipes at his face and realizes that his cheeks are indeed stained with tears.

Anon isn't used to feeling sad. He doesn't really know how to feel about that. In truth, a not-so-small part of him doesn't want to talk to Luna at all, but... if not her, then who? What is he supposed to do here? He has always had someone there to give him orders. He isn't the 'smart one,' he doesn't make his own decisions like that! That job is given to people who deserve it, like...

Damien? Nightmare Moon?


"Hey, Luna?"


"How... how do you deal with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You used to be Nightmare Moon. How do you handle knowing you did... all of that?"

"..." Luna is quiet for a few moments. Her brow furrows, but her eyes do not stray from the pond. A distant bird calling into the late afternoon air breaks the silence before Luna does. "I'm not sure how well I'm 'handling' anything. Despite my sister's pardon, I feel wholly responsible for everything Nightmare Moon did. I wish I could just bury it all and pretend the past never happened, but that's simply not an option. As it stands, I have the power to help. It won't undo what I've done, but working to bring Equestria back to a state of peace and prosperity alongside my sister is at least better than doing nothing."

"And what about the ponies that hate you?"

"Let them hate me. I deserve it. However, if I were to spend the rest of my days wallowing in self-loathing, doing nothing to help fix the problems I caused, or even worse, doubling down on those problems? I'd just be fueling their hatred further. Most will never forgive me, and I've accepted that."

"Why do a job no one will thank you for?"

"Because I don't need to be acknowledged to know what I'm doing is right."


The two fall silent once more for quite some time, neither really knowing what to say next, but Luna eventually sighs.

"It wasn't even my intention to tell you about Nightmare Moon's feelings."

"Hm? Then what did you want to tell me?"

"...Well, my sister and I did some digging. We came across an old spell that, if we were to combine our magic, might be able to send you back home. We thought that might be the best course of action considering your... recent behavior."

"..." Anon doesn't even look at Luna as she says that, but his expression hardens even further.

"Though after seeing that dream of yours, I... wonder if that might not be the best idea. There's no telling what might happen if you were to get sent back to where you were when you ended up here."

Anon clicks his tongue.

"Even in the best-case scenario, I don't have anywhere to go back to. I'm Anon, and as far as I'm concerned, Anon was born here."

"And Ryan?"

"Ryan is just as dead as Nightmare Moon."


Anon sighs.

"What do..." Anon cuts himself off and shakes his head as his words get caught in his throat. "Ugh, I'm not used to this kind of conversation. Er... what do you think... I should do?"

"Oh? You want my opinion?"

"I don't know who I can trust anymore. Nobody, maybe? And right now, you're probably the only pony still willing to talk to me."

"If you want me to be honest, you remind me of all of the worst aspects of myself. You remind me of my past mistakes, and while I can't say that I think you deserve good things, I think you at least deserve to not be manipulated anymore. Plus, I... just feel uncomfortable around you."


"But, I also feel responsible for helping you. So... I guess your best option would be to just leave."


"There are plenty of countries outside of Equestria you could flee to that are likely less angry with you. The griffons, perhaps?"

"And what would I do there?"

Luna shrugs.

"I can't make your decisions for you, Anon. I said it back at Canterlot, and I'll say it again: I want you to be free."

Anon lets out a single, empty chuckle.

"Free, huh?"

Once again, silence overtakes them. They both sit as the sun almost finishes setting. Luna's horn begins to glow as she slowly starts to raise the moon. By the time she's done, moonlight is gently glimmering on the pond's surface. In the water, Anon can see the perfect reflection of a crescent moon.

He's not sure he's ever considered being "free." Sure, he understands the concept, but he's never really wanted it. At least, not when it comes to being free from those around him. Even in his old home, he always imagined Damien being right by his side when they escaped the city. In Equestria, he never even bothered to think about a life without Nightmare Moon. Why would he? What better way to spend your life than dedicating it to the one you love, regardless of what you're being asked to do?

To his surprise, a different memory is brought to the forefront of his mind. A face of horror and betrayal stuck on the face of a purple unicorn. Now that he thinks about it, she was the first person or pony to ever just... offer him food. Shelter.


And he repaid that kindness with betrayal. Heck, he didn't even think about it. He just carried out the order he was given without question, just as he had always done.


Anon rises to his feet. Luna looks up at him with curiosity in her eyes. Without saying a word, Anon reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small, silver badge in the shape of a crescent moon. Nightmare Moon gave him this before his first job, and to this day, he's never parted with it. It was a reminder of the mare he loved. Of his purpose.

Balling his hand into a fist, he winds up, takes a couple of steps forward, and throws the badge into the pond. It hits the water right where the real moon is reflected off of it, and although it floats for a few seconds, it eventually sinks down beneath the surface, never to be seen again.

"You've made a decision, then?"

"I don't want to run." Anon turns back to Luna. Although he doesn't appear even remotely happy, it's the most certainty she's ever seen on his face. "Is there anywhere in Equestria that might need a really strong creature that's good with a knife?"

For the first time since meeting her, Anon watches a smile make its way to Luna's face.

"...I think I know some ponies that could use you."

It's been almost a year since the day Anon learned about Nightmare Moon's lies. He pops his back as he makes his way down a relatively quiet Canterlot street, one of his eyes half-lidded with fatigue and the other swollen shut due to an injury. The sun has already set, and the moon is beginning its ascent into the night sky.

Anon is a terrible person. He's done terrible things to countless ponies. The longer he continues to live this new life of his, the more apparent that becomes to him. Almost nopony forgives him. Nopony trusts him. The looks he was getting when Nightmare Moon fell continue to this very day. They used to not bother him. Now, he forces himself to acknowledge every single one, lest he forget what he's trying to do in the first place.

These ponies don't like him, and they never will. Anon has come to terms with that.

If he wanted to be liked, he shouldn't have crossed the lines he did. Yes, Nightmare Moon had him wrapped around her hoof, but even then, that doesn't excuse his actions. He could have stopped. He could have fought back. He could have helped Twilight, or Rarity, or Pinkie Pie, or anypony else that he came across. He didn't, and now he has to live with the consequences for the rest of his days.

But it's not all bad. If he wanted to spend all day feeling terrible about himself, he could go hide in the Castle of the Two Sisters and mull over what could have been. However, there is little point in that. Instead, to the surprise of everyone, he technically works under Celestia now. He is "officially" part of the Equestrian Conservation Effort, a team put together by the princesses to help the entire country heal after the long, terrible reign of Nightmare Moon. As far as Anon is concerned, that mostly involves tearing down her militaristic structures and helping to rebuild areas that were damaged or destroyed during her rule. He can't count how many houses he has helped build for Equestria's population, or how many stone walls he's torn down. That number is perhaps dwarfed only by the number of apologies he's given to each and every pony he encounters during his travels. Most do not accept them. How could they possibly take The Moon's Enforcer at his word?

It cuts Anon deep, as his word is the only thing he has to offer them. Yet, he does not blame them. Instead, he silently accepts the jeers, the insults, the angry tears, and even the occasional slap or punch he receives from a grieving parent. So long as he isn't hurt enough to be unable to continue fixing up their homes, he waits for them to let it all out and gets back to work.

It doesn't make up for everything he did, of course. He now understands that perfectly well. However, it's perhaps the best thing he can do.

Anon lets out a tired sigh as he reaches a small home tucked away in a far corner of the city. The land here is technically owned by the princesses, which is the only reason why Anon was able to acquire this house in the first place. Nopony in their right mind would sell land to The Moon's Enforcer.

Mindlessly, he digs into his back pocket for his keys and attempts to unlock the door, only to find that it has already been unlocked. He groans as he opens the door. It wouldn't be the first time somepony has broken into his house. He no longer has the energy nor the drive to be upset, but he certainly isn't looking forward to cleaning up the mess left behind.

As he clicks on the light, however, he is taken aback.


There is the sudden sound of a party popper going off as confetti falls down onto Anon. He looks into his small living room to see a little blue table set up with a pink cake resting on it. A few assorted balloons are floating around aimlessly, and a small banner that says "Happy Birthday Anon" is hanging above his sofa. Most surprisingly of all, however, is the pink mare smiling at him in the middle of the room.

"P-Pinkie Pie?"

"Happy birthday, Anon!"

"I... wow, uh..." Never in Anon's entire life has someone thrown him a party. Granted, this party is very small, but it's unexpected nonetheless. "You threw me a party?"

"Of course! Everypony deserves a birthday party, right?"

"L-look, I'm thankful, but-"

"I know it isn't your actual birthday. You've never told me when it is!"

"I'm not actually certain when it is myself," Anon mumbles.

"And that's all the more reason to have it today! If my math is correct, it's the anniversary of your arrival in Equestria!"

"Oh, is it?"

"Five whole years!"

"Five years... huh."

"Sooooo?" Pinkie leans forward, an inquisitive smile on her face. "I know it's not much, but I figured big parties aren't really your thing. Also, I don't really know what your likes and dislikes are, so I went with the classics!"

"A party with just the two of us?"

"Well, I... er... couldn't get anypony else to come." Pinkie hangs her head low apologetically, but she doesn't take her eyes off of Anon. "I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's not your fault. If I were them, I wouldn't come either. That said, why did you come?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why throw a party for someone like me? I... I was the one who-"

"I already told you a while ago, Nonny." Pinkie's voice, although still optimistic, is much quieter than normal. She smiles at Anon, though the smile is less excited and more gentle. "I forgive you."


"Forgiveness is a choice. Twilight and Rarity and Applejack and... well, a lot of ponies might not want to forgive you, but I do."


"I always believed you could do better, and look at you now! ...Nonny?"

Pinkie tilts her head at Anon as he shuts his eyes tight. However, doing so does not prevent tears from beginning to run down his cheeks. Unsure of what to do, she looks at him nervously for a moment until he speaks up with a quiet, shaky voice.

"Thank you."

Once more, Pinkie smiles. Anon, overwhelmed by the mare's kindness, is gently guided into the living room before Pinkie happily gives him a slice of cake. Although Nightmare Moon provided plenty of decadent meals over the years, it's the most delicious thing he's ever tasted.

Anon can't undo his mistakes. Equestria won't forget everything he did. He can't forget the effect that Nightmare Moon had on him and his life. However, he also cannot forget the life he lives now. It's hard. It's thankless. Oftentimes, it feels like there is little reason to go on. However, Pinkie's little party for two is all the confirmation he needs. He will never be able to redeem himself, but he can at least try to do some good with the life he still has. He's not just putting his past behind him, he's accepting it, learning from it, and growing from it. Even when Celestia and Luna run out of jobs to give him, he'll keep trekking along, and he won't allow the scars caused by himself or Nightmare Moon to reopen. He has to, because at the end of the day, regardless of his feelings...

It's for the best.

Author's Note:

Well, that's it! I really wasn't expecting this story to generate as much discourse as it did! This story truly means a lot to me, and I cannot thank you all enough for reading! :twilightsmile:

I don't normally do this sort of thing, but in response to all of the discussion surrounding this story, I have created a blog post going into my thought process when writing this story and bringing up a few common points of contention. If you're interested, you can check it out right here.

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 55 )
dart157 #1 · Nov 6th, 2023 · · 7 ·

Now this ending was most definitely for the best. What a great way to cap it all off!

One of my favorite stories on this platform, regardless of the hate it got two chapters ago. I was almost thinking you wouldn’t continue it, but you did anyway, and you did a great job at that.

Thanks for sharing this story with us! :twilightsmile:

A good ending.

Me finishing the story thinking it was another banger and checking out the comment section:


Growing up among criminals and no real adult guidance on good behavior its no wonder that he doesn't really know anything beyond that. He must have latched on to the first person who seemed to carw.

this story was about anon who has done some REALLY bad things. if we were gonna work toward a "happily ever after" story we would so many more chapters and thats not something most authors wanna do. this middle ground is one of many realistic choices that could have happened and im alright with it.

we should be glad it didnt end with something like "anon was never seen again" or he offed himself or one of many horrible things that tends to happen for characters who do as much bad as anon did.

I'm quite happy Pinkie Pie forgives and befriends with Anon.

But not much with the others. Some Bearers of "Friendship/Harmony" they all are. :ajbemused:

Look, I understand what Anon did and all. But Luna is technically in the same boat as him, but she is quite easily forgiven from everypony.

And considering how Canon Twilight easy forgives former baddies like Sunset, Starlight, and especially Tempest Shadow that were in the same situation as Anon was, and probably did way worse crimes than he ever did.

And most of them even tolerate Reformed Discord, and he didn't get this hated from everypony like Anon did? ( That was until Discord himself screwed up TWICE in Season 4 and 9 respectfully. )

You all know what I'm talking about, right? This just concludes being them all total hypocrites and too biased here!


Look, I understand what Anon did and all. But Luna is technically in the same boat as him, but she is quite easily forgiven from everypony.

The story is going with the idea that Nightmare Moon was basically some other entity possessing Luna, so it makes sense that Twilight would be more forgiving towards Luna.

Admittedly it would have been nice to see some tension between her and Luna too. I do think the story goes a little too hard on "It's all Anon's fault and everyone else is really innocent" at times.

And considering how Canon Twilight easy forgives former baddies like Sunset, Starlight, and especially Tempest Shadow that were in the same situation as Anon was, and probably did way worse crimes than he ever did.

This isn't canon Twilight though. This Twilight didn't make friends and defeat Nightmare Moon in a single night and she didn't become the Princess of Friendship and stop bad guys in simple 2-parter premieres and finales and make friends with a bunch of them. This Twilight got stuck under the hoof of a tyrannical dictator for years, and had to watch Moondancer and likely many other friends and innocent ponies get killed.

You say all of those reformed villains have done worse than Anon, but who of them actually won and enslaved and killed ponies for years? Tell me a single friend of Twilight's that Starlight, Sunset, Tempest or Discord killed? Tell me the experiences Twilight faced under their rule and tyranny for years? You can't, because it didn't happen. It makes perfect sense that this Twilight wouldn't forgive Anon like she forgave all of them, and that she probably wouldn't be nearly as forgiving in general as Canon Twi. I honestly doubt this Twilight would even be as forgiving to some of those villains as her canon counterpart was because she's had drastically different experiences and has real reasons to not be so.

from start to finish this was an amazing story to read. you good sir are an amazing story teller.

Good story!


I honestly doubt this Twilight would even be as forgiving to some of those villains as her canon counterpart would because she's had drastically different experiences and has real reasons to not be so.

This is only just your own opinion, speculation, and theorizing.

I would only believe that, until we will eventually see how this version of Twilight and the others react to the other villains in a potential sequel.

And would see if they are treated the same like Anon was?

I'd say two major things are at play when trying to compare the actions of this set of elements and canon elements.
1. None of the villains that are redeemed/forgiven cross the event horizon of actually permanently killing someone. Or if you want to be cynical in the case of Discord/Tempest anyone the elements knew, though canonically as far as I can tell no one died due to them.
2. Bad times never lasted very long in canon-verse. Here, its 4 years of bad times that take place basically pre-show.

I'm sure Runic is quite done with this setting for the moment, but I wouldn't mind someday returning to this setting. Maybe to see what happens when the Storm King comes stomping in? Both to see how things go down between Tempest and Twilight and to see where Anon would be after ? amount of time between the ending of this story and the invasion.

I'm pretty happy with where this ended up. Anon's backstory is such that I think that even if he wasn't hot for Nightmare I'm not sure he'd have done any better with his chance to join the rebellion. From one world where there are no good powerful entities and his one "positive" connection shot him in the back, straight to a world that seems to mimic it in every visible way. To quote a great game, the game was rigged from the start.

Fortunately, I think he finally made a good call. I like to think that someday things will brighten up a bit for him but only the author knows.

Honestly, I don’t think I was meant to read the blog post first and then finish up this story. Whoops.

Besides that, I enjoyed this story! It had its ups and downs, made my gut twist here and there, but I think that goes to show that you made this brilliant if I felt all the things I did! And I will say, I’m surprised there was a somewhat good ending here, given the history of Anon/Ryan. It may be my dark and twisted mind, but I was expecting suicide or self exile that would eventually see him killed. Kinda glad I was wrong.

And Pinkie being the only one to forgive him made my heart strings tug, not gonna lie. Even after all he had done to her and her family, she made that choice of forgiveness. Even if this is a colorful magic land of friendship and magic, glad to see the realism behind that choice. (That last bit may not make sense, but I’ll just roll with it lol.)

Anyways, that all I have to say. Go away now. (Love ya Runic!)

Not really sure what to say, but I think you wrapped up this story quite well. I think you struck the right amount of redemption for Anon given the things he's done.
Nice job nice job

Great all the way through. :twilightsmile:

Shame it ends here though, genuinely think that there's a lot of potential in Anon interacting with other characters that were only introduced after Luna's return in the show. Especially the villainous kind.

Imagine Discord, unable to affect Anon with his mindfuckery, instead resorting to guilt-tripping in an attempt to break him.

Imagine Starlight learning about how to move forward after her redemption from him, the same way he did with Luna.

Imagine Golly trying to manipulate him, but failing miserably because he can completely see through her shit.

I'll admit, I smiled for how bittersweet it felt, for Anon with that ending. He can't undo all the pain he's caused, but he can move forward, free of the shackles that bound him. Kinda gives me Andrias vibes, from Amphibia, in a way.

Maybe things could improve. Maybe it could take years, perhaps several years, but maybe he'll eventually end up with someone else in his corner. And failing that, having even one person in his corner is something to cherish. I'm actually glad for Pinkie Pie.

I honestly doubt this Twilight would even be as forgiving to some of those villains as her canon counterpart was because she's had drastically different experiences and has real reasons to not be so.

Plus, an important factor to also consider there is, there's at least even odds a few of them are dead in this timeline anyway — and even as canon went, Fluttershy had all the faith in Discord as far as S3 went, whereas Twilight... did not, until the end, and even then it was rather begrudging until the S4 finale choice she made.

It's part of the unbridled tragedy of the whole thing. Even as Twilight heals on her part, she'll still be marked, by everything. It only served to hurt everyone, in the end, the MC included, the wounds too deep to truly disappear; even if Twilight forgives him one day — years, perhaps even decades — she'll never be able to forget.

As I think others have said, a story where it wasn't a manipulation would have been a really interesting direction to take it. That being said, you pulled this off well and it was a damn good read.

Good story, even if it didn't go how I wanted. I'm very big on the villains being more sympathetic. That wasn't the case here. Sure I feel bad for Ryan, but he still killed ponies. I was really hoping that this would be more about Anon and Nightmare Moon and less about what mistakes Anon made.

Forgot to say,
For anyone who wants to read a story similar to IftB, I highly recommend "The Lunar Guardsman" by Crimmar. Its, much longer (unfinished) story with many parallels. Big warning through, it broaches some very, very dark topics and can get really brutal. Its portrayal of Equestria and Luna specifically were spectacular. In short TLG features a similar setting to IftB, but diverges in that Luna remains to be a problematic individual post NMM, with her meeting an equally problematic human and befriending them after the M6 dealt with her

I really love how Pinkie was written in this. It's pretty incredible that after everything Anon/Ryan has done, she still has it in her to show forgiveness and try to cheer him up.

God this was amazing Runic! Absolutely love this one.

Kind of expected a timeskip where Anon would come across Tempest, admittedly, but this ending was fantastic!

Okay hear me out

Tempest Shadow

This story has been one twist for me after another. At first thought it was going to be him moving on from an unhealthy but mutually romantic relationship, then the revelation happened and I had no idea where it was going to go, and it ended here.
It was a good read.

The funny thing is when random people get more offended at legitimate constructive criticism than the author themselves. But those people are obviously very immature, since they take it as an attack on themselves.

"Someone doesn't like something I like, I better defend it!"

This was a great story but I feel that it lost some steam at the end and I hoped that it would have a darker or sadder ending. Still good story.

What was that phrase “villains aren’t born, they’re made” this was an interesting story cut from a different cloth than your usual ones. Which is to say I still immensely enjoyed the read!

This is actually a very good ending, a very beautiful ending. It went way better than I expected. It's sweet that Pinkie cares for him. It's the one thing that he actually got despite everything he lost, someone to care for him, genuinely care for him, no strings attached. I think I like it better this way. For the comic relief that Pinkie is, there is wisdom in her, instead of grieving and hold on to sadness and anger(which is totally justified), she did the one thing that everyone didn't, to forgive and to move on together and that is very hard to do sincerely but she did it. Sometimes, I'm jealous of Pinkie's ability to not be spiteful. Anyway, nice work! Loved it a lot!

While a well written story the twist, and ending leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

It'd interesting to see a redemption arc where anon fights against discord/chrysalis.

My only real gripe about this story is that there was no real romance in the story even though it had the romance tag. The main character loved someone else and grieved for them, sure, but there was never anything romantic shown throughout any of the chapters.

It would be cool to see the continuation of this story. The job he has right now will take maybe a couple of years, but eventually, it will end, and he will have to find something else to do. It would be interesting to see how Anon/Ryan, after a certain amount of time, develops as a person who chooses his fate instead of following someone and trying to leave an everyday life. With this weight of his past sins, it would not be an easy task.

This was a great ending.

Also, it was a smart choice to make up a fictional mafia and city for Anon to come from, rather than pick something real.

Nilam #35 · Nov 6th, 2023 · · 4 ·

Thumbs say most agree with you. And to be fair, there aren't any people saying it was a bad story.

Good story, reeled me in but only up to the last few chapters.
It was like watching Game of Thrones, where the last season is not for everybody.

This was an awesome story from start to finish. Bittersweet but still good. Hope to see a sequal some time in the future and how this version of the characters handle the other canon threats.

It was a nice ending, but I feel that it was a bit rushed.

But at same time she was the only one who seemed to care at all so he latched on and she probably realized that nicer she pretend to be to him the more loyal he would be. And for someone who hasn't had any caring in forever well of he isn't willing to just give it up. I wish that nightmare had cared about him though and that it was reflection of Luna feelings. He needs people to care about him. Nobody during her rule bother trying to know him for more than nightmare enforcer and of blame him for doing his job and falling for someone who seemed to care about him.

Actually liked the depiction of a toxic relationship here, normally I don’t like “Anon” stories, but this was a rare exception. He doesn’t get a happy ending, but the reality is neither does Luna/Nightmare Moon. Love sucks sometimes, most love (and crushes) are unrequited after all. Anon latched onto Nightmare because while she was… a lot of colorful words… she at least “seemed” honest from his point of view. Of course that was wishful thinking by Anon, he’s a beaten dog who latched onto the first person (well pony) who gave him a good meal and a little attention. It doesn’t excuse what he’s done, but knowing his background, it explains his thought process.

Pinkie being forgiving was well within her character, as for the rest of the girls… I think those bridges are burned. Twilight especially, seeing her friend die because of Anon likely traumatized her considerably. I’m more amazed she didn’t try to kill him during their meetings. Rarity likely resents him for being part of the regime that forced her into servitude. Rainbow seemed more indifferent to him, while she doesn’t “like” him she doesn’t seem to have much hate. Fluttershy is a mystery, but she likely fears and resents him for killing her precious bunny and ensuring many creatures were hunted in the forests. Applejack… probably doesn’t hold him in high regard either since he tried to force her to grow and sell tainted food… which is the antithesis of her in so many ways….

Question for the Author, would you say Twilights outlook on non-ponies was effected by these events. Having her trust be abused and having that lead to the death of one of her oldest friends would no doubt leave scars. I’m wondering if Anons actions might have caused this timeline to be denied the School of Friendship along with a new Alicorn princess…

An interesting question. Twilight is most certainly changed after these events, but whether or not she'd still be fit to ever become a "Princess of Friendship?" Hard to say, but she's almost certainly more adverse to betrayal after Anon's actions. At the very least, she would most likely have much less sympathy for changelings, whose entire MO is deceit. As for if she'll be able to learn to grow past that...

Well, you certainly gave me some nice food for thought! :derpyderp1:

This story was certainly different of what I imagined, but good, I was surprised too, taking the original premise to a more realistic end, hopefully I read more from you and possible new story, thanks for the reading :D.

Yep, in this timeline, I wonder how will she react and behave in the human world behind the mirror, considering her disastrous experience with a human, human bias can be counterproductive.

I'd have liked more, but not all great stories can be long. Maybe a sequel, perhaps? If not thanks for this story. :pinkiehappy:

This was truly amazing, it also does tie in with a question I was asking myself a few days ago of if the worst person can change. It's hard to say for sure and in most cases I believe that some actions leave you evil from the start of the action until there very death. But in the case of Anon in this story, I think that even if the world may say his evil to the core, I believe that him repaying his debt to society is grounds for me to say that he is a redeemed man.

Always makes me happy to see this quiet type of redemption.

any sequels planned for this story?

Missed this when it was first posted, but read it now. Guess I liked(?) it while not exactly liking it - hard to decide what to feel, but it certainly made me feel something.

I'll be completely honest. I loved the story.

Then came the end chapters.

Everything about this was perfect but the unoriginal idea of Anon just being manipulated ruined it for me.

I was expecting a great story where nightmare moon actually was slightly good and Anon wouldn't regret his actions as they were justified.

Don't get me wrong, the story was still great and i liked it! i just wish there was a alternate version where Anon didn't actually regret his actions. Or that he wasn't manipulated by Nightmare moon.

Still a great story anyways.

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