• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 5,625 Views, 432 Comments

It's for the Best - RunicTreetops

Years after Nightmare Moon returned and conquered Equestria, six ponies rallied together to defeat her. This was the best thing that could happen to Equestria, and the worst thing that could happen to Anon.

  • ...

A Shining Sun

Author's Note:

This story takes place in an alternate universe where Celestia never sent Twilight to Ponyville.

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Anon puts an arm up to shield his eyes from the midday sun. It's something he hasn't had to do in years. It's something he hasn't missed.

The tall, well-built human emerges from an unassuming hotel in Canterlot. A quick glance at the street in front of him tells him everything he needs to know. It's loud, it's crowded, and it's filled with untold amounts of joy. Ponies are dancing in the streets. Pegasi are flying every which way, both to take care of business and just for the sake of doing it. Everypony relishes the sunlight which, despite having been returned to Equestria about a week ago, still has yet to get old to them. Anon can't help but groan as he tries to stick to the sidewalk and begins to slink his way toward Canterlot Castle.

Of course, his practiced, unassuming gait does little to hide his presence. The fact that he towers above most ponies is bad enough, but there are two other factors that cause him to stick out like a sore thumb. The first is his clothing, which consists of a well-tailored suit. Said suit is jet black with blue and purple highlights, colors that aren't exactly popular in the current moment. Though, it's not like he has much of a choice. His wardrobe isn't that large to begin with, and he doesn't exactly have "casual" wear. The second factor is his reputation. After all, they don't call him "The Moon's Enforcer" for nothing. As far as the general populace is concerned, he's been their second greatest fear for the past four years. Their greatest fear was, of course, the master he served. The mare who ruled Equestria with an iron hoof. The mare that defeated her sister on the day of her return. The mare that shrouded the land in eternal night.

Nightmare Moon.

As her face flashes through Anon's mind, he can't help but smile. Four years ago, he woke up in a strange land, angry and confused. He was lost in a deep forest, and as he wandered, he realized that the sun never rose in this land. It wasn't too long until he stumbled upon a group of ponies wearing dark armor and carrying large spears. Their eyes, which were much more accustomed to the dark environment, saw Anon long before he ever saw them. There wasn't much of a struggle. Soon, he found himself apprehended and brought to a nearby castle, which he would later learn is called the "Castle of the Two Sisters." The ponies weren't very talkative, and most looked quite miserable all things considered. However, when he was brought before a grand, navy-blue throne, he understood immediately what was happening.

Sure enough, a tall mare made her presence known to him. Her coat was jet black. A moon was emblazoned on her flank, and she wore menacing-looking blue armor. Her wings were large, and her horn was long. Her mane and tail flowed in a nonexistent wind, and she was generally much larger than any other pony Anon had seen in that castle. She stared at him with intimidating blue eyes, a cold, cruel expression bearing down on him as he was forced into a kneeling position by the other ponies. Whoever this mare was, she was clearly the one in charge. Seeing her made Anon's heart begin to race, and he felt his breathing grow ragged. He understood immediately the threat she posed. She could kill him ten times over, and she wouldn't even break a sweat. She didn't even know what he was. She looked at him like he was worth less than the ground she walked on.

And she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.

Anon breaks himself out of his thoughts as he finally reaches a gate, signifying that he has arrived at Canterlot Castle. Two large stallions wearing golden armor stare daggers into him. A quiet fury is evident on their faces, but neither dare to say a thing. Anon does have a formal invite, after all. Slowly, and with an obvious reluctance to their movements, the stallions open the gate, allowing Anon to enter the castle premises, cross the small drawbridge, and walk into the castle proper.

The entrance hall is large and grand. The marble walls and floors have obviously been touched up in the past week. He can see his own reflection in the floor. Beautiful tapestries depicting Equestria's two rulers line the walls. Iconography of both the moon and the sun has been erected in several places. His footsteps echo through the grand rooms and corridors. In the past, that echo made him feel strong.

Now, he just feels very, very small.

He knows exactly where he's going as he traverses the castle's many winding halls. He's had to come here for quite a few... "diplomatic" matters before, and this whole building is like a second home to him. After the Castle of the Two Sisters, of course.

Once again, Anon finds his thoughts drifting back to that day four years ago. Although he was knelt on the ground, he didn't lower his gaze. He met the cold, distant stare of Nightmare Moon with a stare of his own. He didn't care if she killed him. His old life was terrible, anyway. What little family he had died when he was young. He had spent most of his days homeless, holding no love or respect in his heart for anyone around him. He worked odd jobs here and there, but most people that met him saw him as little more than trash on the side of the road. In the end, he had to do whatever was necessary to survive. He stole from people, wealthy or otherwise. He got involved with groups he shouldn't have. He went places he wasn't supposed to. He hurt people, and people hurt him. Eventually, he grew numb to it all.

As a result, he felt a bit shocked when Nightmare Moon told the ponies holding him down to back off.

"I thought I sensed something strange out there," she ruminated. She examined Anon thoroughly, clearly deep in thought. Her voice was cold and commanding. It carried a sort of arrogance to it that made Anon's skin crawl, yet something about that stirred up feelings he couldn't explain. "I can tell that you're no beast, at least. There's a modicum of intelligence behind those eyes. Tell me." She leaned forward in her throne as she narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you?"

Back in the present, Anon passes by a pair of castle staff. Two thin-looking mares, who had been happily chatting amongst themselves, immediately shut up and squeeze together on the far side of the corridor. They greatly increase their pace as they pass by Anon, their terrified eyes never leaving him until he is behind them. They remain quiet until they disappear around a corner, at which point Anon can hear their sighs of relief. He simply rolls his eyes as he continues on his way.

As he gets back to recalling that night, he begins to shake his head. He'd prefer not to think about how the next few moments of that conversation went. He's never really liked authority, and not even the strange feelings building in his chest would keep him from disrespecting someone who thought they were better than him to their face. Nowadays, he's not very proud of what he said to his lady.

Ultimately, she took the offense about as well as one could expect. It took less than a second for her horn to become enveloped in a blue magic, and not a second more for Anon to find himself being blasted by said magic. The display of power was more for the ponies around him than anything else. Surely, the unbelievably large and forceful attack was overkill. Once the spell faded, nothing of Anon would be left.

And yet, when the spell ended and steam gently rose from Nightmare Moon's horn, Anon still stood. Confused and dazed, perhaps, but almost entirely unharmed.

"What witchcraft is this?!"

"Couldn't tell ya." Anon, realizing that he was meant to die, gave her a cocky smirk as one final act of defiance. "Guess you'll have to get your hooves dirty, Miss Moon."

He took a step in her direction, and the ponies surrounding him immediately stepped forward and pointed their spears to his neck. To his surprise, however, Nightmare Moon held up a hoof.

"Release him." Without a hint of hesitation, they did exactly that. Once again, Anon was caught off guard. "So." She leaned back in her throne yet again and rested her helmeted head in her hoof, her cruel expression now filled with amusement. "Your kind can resist magic?"

"Lady, I didn't know magic was real until about thirty seconds ago."

"...Interesting." A wicked smile made its way to her face, and once again, Anon felt his heart skip a beat. "I might have a use for a creature like you."

"Peh, how many times have I heard that?"

"Now, now. As Equestria's one true ruler, I am well aware of the image I have created for myself. Yet, even I can be pragmatic sometimes. I can think of more than a few tasks someone like you might be able to handle."

"What's in it for me?"

"Well, if I am to continue having you work for me, I suppose I'll need to provide you with some food and shelter. That should be enough."

"And if I refuse?" She didn't say another word. Instead, her smile only widened as she silently waved a hoof. For a third time, the ponies under her command pressed their spears to Anon's neck. "...Point taken."

"You agree, then?"

Anon stared at her for a moment, and his defiant, aggravated look slowly turned to one of silent respect. A single chuckle escaped his lips.

"Sure. Food and shelter is more than most people have given me. What do I need to do?"

Anon's reminiscing is cut off as he reaches an unassuming door at the end of a long corridor. Two guards stand at attention outside the door, each glaring at Anon with poorly hid disgust. He ignores them as he walks right past them and into the hallway beyond. This hall, although still grand and imposing, is much less so than the ones he was just in. He knows this to be the living quarters of the princesses, which includes their bedrooms, a dining room and adjoined kitchen, two grand bathrooms, and even a small library. He stops in place for just a moment as he takes a deep breath. When he begins to walk again, it feels like the echoing sound of every single step he takes is a cannon going off. He doesn't want to be here. He didn't want to respond to the summons he was sent last night. And yet, he can't run from this. That's not who he is anymore.

Eventually, he reaches a set of double doors. They're made of wood, and the carvings on them must be the work of an incredibly skilled craftsman. It's a miracle that this door wasn't defaced at some point in the past four years. Taking only the briefest of moments to steel himself, he throws the door open and lets himself into the dining room.

The room itself is quite spacious. It's circular, with a domed ceiling and plenty of windows. The sunlight pouring through said windows makes the white walls and flooring seem to shine. Those walls, which were likely plucked bare of the tapestries that used to hang there years ago, have yet to be refurbished, but they have at least been cleaned. Of course, the most notable part of the dining room is the long table located directly in its center. A dozen chairs are pressed up against it, with five on either side and one on each end. A pure white tablecloth is draped over the table, and a variety of fresh dishes are spread out across it. The smell is incredible, but Anon can't find it within himself to enjoy it at the moment.

Because there, seated at the two ends of the table, are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.