• Member Since 16th Jun, 2023
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


(they/them) writing about ponies kissing and hugging and making terrible mistakes (pfp by evelili! https://evelili.tumblr.com/post/731980670351622144/free-icons-for-u-nd-ur-partner-in-crime )

Comments ( 13 )


I wonder how Rarity would've reacted if Twilight had been killed in the battle.

Goodness gracious, this was heart-rending.

I both love and hate stories like this.

Love because it is so well written and interesting I can't help but like it.

Hate because I know it could be so much longer.

Regardless, excellent work.

earthsong9405 (their tumblr was hacked, no idea where to find them now...)

DeviantArt. :twilightsmile:

"To protect against nightmares,"

I like this. Mostly because I didn't notice the lack of the word "me" until the end there. It makes a huge difference in the meaning. Great story.

ooo, i love the weight of the conversations here. seeing things rarity’s pov rlly helps get into her head; i loveeee the way u described the scene where twi kills the attacker in the doorway, it was like completely seeing through rarity’s eyes this moment in time in this rlly artistic sense, super cool ^^

gosh this was such a powerful scene here, even tho we only get a little glimpse into their lives in this fic i can still feel the weight of Lore and Establishment and Consequence that is rlly hard to portray so subtly in oneshots like this! twi going for the perfume bottle was a perfect glimpse of something lighter before flowing into this incredibly natural dialogue (and can i say i am in love with the flow of how u write dialogue here, it feels so natural and honest, which can be so hard for heavier topics to make the tone right) that honestly got me tearing up a bit midway. u can feel the pressure on both of them so strongly and even if the ending isnt “happy” it rlly shines showing they can bear their burdens best when theyre together. aughhghh im eating this like soup thank u for the meal!!!

(also, love the new pfp, wonder where u got it…. :3 ur username must not b the same on there, otherwise the follow would b On Sight dkfkfjfksn)

thanks folks for taking the time to read and comment! <3

i would love to work in the long form and i have a few ideas that are better suited to that kicking around but just, the idea of keeping something up for 100k words when i can barely manage 20 is scary. i don't have a lot of time or energy so i try to wring as much as i can out of oneshots instead... if twilight got killed rarity would doubtlessly do something insanely stupid. even odds on a) becoming an iron queen b) shunning all her guards, wandering into the woods on an ill-fated quest for revenge, getting killed immediately c) killing herself extremely dramatically

thank youuuu i updated the description to link to them!

hehehe. rarity's capable of being underhoofed and knowing when she needs to be

thank you eve!! i'm thinking of writing a little blog on Perspective In Prose sometime, i've been experimenting with it a lot through the stories i've posted here. i'm glad this little glimpse implies a broader relationship and world, that's always one of the foremost things i aim for in stories, the sense that it's just a window into something much bigger (tho on this one i owe part of that to mono, e.g. the delegation they were returning from is actually the one featured in our illusion!
i love dialogue. i was tempted to have them talk about good and evil (and subvert typical raritwi expectations by having twilight be the one who believes in fundamental good and evil, and rarity the one who sees shades of grey) but "shouldn't killing evil people be easy" "do evil people exist" felt a bit overwrought for what it was.

AND THANK YOU FOR THE NEW PFP I LOVE IT! it's peak rarity smugness. i don't have a presence on tumblr, i just lurk (which is annoying because it means i can't scream about your art directly into your ear without doing it on this unrelated fic lol. that startwi pic you posted has been Haunting me)

i am becoming the #1 twistar propaganda spreader hahahaHA

Understandable. Just unfortunate that we don't get a lengthy fic from such a talented writer.

Yep, those are about what I imagined she'd do.

This was great. When I saw the mature rating, I figured that Twilight would die in a gruesome way, and while there was death, it instead ended in a really sweet way. I loved how Rarity comforted Twilight in the end and how Twilight broke down, both of which we don't see too much of in existing Bodyguard AU stories.

About Earthsong, you can find her on DeviantArt. Unfortunately, most of her Bodyguard AU stuff was exclusively on Tumblr.

thanks! i really wish this site had separate tags for 'major character death' vs 'death in general' - i tried to use the description to keep it clear this wasn't THAT tragic. o well

I went into this with no strong expectations, as someone who has not read your work, or explored much raritwi content, and wow, this was above and beyond what I could have anticipated. I’m absolutely enraptured with the depth of personality and characterization you pulled off with just a few thousand words. I love the flow the dialog and prose has, I got absolutely lost in the story and couldn’t put it down til I reached the end. Wonderful story, wonderful characters, thanks for sharing with us!

thank you for leaving such a kind comment! even if it's much lighter, i can recommend the series i linked in the description if you're looking for more raritwi (which you should bc like. cmon) i hope you'll stick around for my future work!

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