• Member Since 31st May, 2020
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I make both fanart and fanfic. I draw all my cover images myself, and I take art and writing commissions!

Comments ( 61 )


Phew...that was dark, but extremely well written. A fascinating character study of Cozy, and a warning to those who try to kick the can down the road rather than solve the problem then and there.

Did they really expect any of them to get better in stone?
Without any thought about mental health?
Especially Cozy Glow, the most mortal from the group.

Karma touches even the heroes when they selfishly try to ignore the problem to let them feel better about themselves.

Pretty much also illegal because it was handled without any court, defense and punishment appropriate to the crimes committed

From all the things they learned from Celestia, her version of "justice", is the worst one

I guess petrifying villains while keeping them awake makes them go insane. Who would have thought? It just goes to show how messed up the whole thing was when you think about it. Hopefully their actual petrification in the show left those three unconcious and that they would soon get reformed.

I'll admit that I don't particularely enjoy edgy grindmark gorefests like this, but I will concede that this was a well-written fic from a technical and characterization standpoint. You made Cozy here far more evil and brutal then she was in the show but you also showed how she got this much worse.


Edit: Well, now they'll DEAD as the Consequence. And they probably be in Purgatory or Worse case scenario: Hell. Why? Despite being "Heroes", they SCREWED up big time. Instead of Fixing the Problem the RIGHT way ( Reforming or Punish them the Right/Legal Way) , or fix it SOONER. They failed to save Equestria, and their lives. And they will probably be stuck in Purgatory for being TOO Cruel to the Villains, and didn't stop them in time.

I'm gonna like this story, purely for the fact that it took 300 Changelings to bring down Pinkie Pie's endless cannon barrage. I can imagine it, her friends all dead and Pinkie just endlessly slaughtering Changelings, not cause she wanted to. But because she was throwing one last going away party for her fallen friends, and herself.

Comment posted by fanreader999999 deleted Aug 23rd, 2020

Well that was very well written and graphic.

The Equestrian leadership is destroyed, the head of the nation has been cut off, It's a military Junta from now on unless the military leadship got destroyed during the battle that killed Cozy Glow's entire army, then the Equestria State is stuck with a severe power vacuum

The Crystal Empire has likely fallen to Queen Chrysalis and her loyal Army.

The Sisters are at the mercy of Tirek meanwhile.

And the rest of the world could only watch in horror as their world view turned on its head...

So, that was well written I guess. Overall it just doesn't really feel like anything happened. Like, yeah a lot happened but it legit all happened before the story. And I guess reading about Cozy Glow explaining it to the corpses of the mane 6 just didn't really do it for me. I wonder though, the first time Cozy was released, did she not explain to Twilight to torture of being in stone then? Because if she did then Twilight really is a monster, if she didn't then that's a bit of a plot hole.

I guess really my main gripe is like, what is this story trying to accomplish? It's not really a character story, Cozy is the only living character in it really and all I can really say about her after having read it is "Yeah she was crazy and evil and now she's even more crazy and evil." It doesn't really have a moral because "Don't trap people inside their own minds" is a pretty obvious moral that doesn't need to be taught. And the plot isn't really all that exciting because like I said above, it all happened before the story.

How would I fix this story? Well, if I were the one to write it I probably would have made some changes to the plot and setting. Instead of it being Cozy having a nice lil crazy chat with some corpses, I think I would have kept them alive. Broken, but alive. Well, most of them. Imagine Cozy Glow, fully grown, explaining to the despairing mane 6 exactly how and why she destroyed their lives and left them as they were. I imagine the dialogue would also flow much better than Cozy's monologue, and even allow for some better character development I'd say. And you could finish it sharply by making the last line the final blow that fully breaks the spirit of the mane 6. Much more evil, much more subtle.

One last thing, your ending. I guess I can see how a Cozy Glow who went through your story would want freedom from others, but it seems more on character from what little we know of her to still desire domination. She was a child (at best a young teenager) who tried to take over a whole country. She clearly desires power.



sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

  1. Every decision has consequences; a person's actions will come back to them; if one starts trouble or takes actions in spite of the discontent they cause, one will incur negative consequences.

Now I know they sort off had that coming, the proverb is not the best to use, still staying awake as stone for 30 years thing is going to have consequences especially when you completely fail to give any social interaction to said creatures awake in stone, it could've been much worse.

But it was Cozy Glow and the trio's fault for getting themselves stoned in the first place, thanks to them gambling with a attempt to take over Equestria, instead of running away and living a new life, it was a all or nothing attempt and they failed, the conquences for failing the gamble was the stoning, the ponies wouldn't care less if they were executed on the spot but the Show couldn't do that for obvious reasons.

The legal way wouldn't have worked it was a forgone conclusion, especially with the damage Canterlot suffered during the battles of the finale episode's. The ponies wanted nothing more and nothing less to see the Trio humiliated and punished by the righteousness of the hero's, they wanted no mercy to them since all three of them have launched an attack (and failed) on their country on multiple occasions.

They see no good in them, too bad for them Twilight would be too late to give an attempt of reformation.

Twilight was too late to control the whirlwind she had sowed, the Element of Generosity and Kindness did nothing and only made the whirlwind stronger and vengeful.

In a matter of fact Princess Twilight Sparkle made a very poor decision to keep the Trio stoned despite Cozy Glow telling her of the conditions of being kept in stone when Cozy was briefly freed from stone 15 years after losing to the the rainbow of doom, only to be stoned for a later 15 more years with Twilight being fully aware of it this time.

Now would the Mane Six deserved the pony version of hell for this one mistake they did?

No, they don't, spending some short time in purgatory for the problem they mostly forgotten will do them fine.

They have done too many favours to the rest of the world preventing horrendous wars and awful scenarios from happening, just look at the end of season episodes where Starlight used time travel against Twilight and Spike in Season 5.

They showed what would've happened without the Mane six united.

They rightfully deserved the pony version of Heaven no matter how many mistakes they did in the end.

Although Twilight needs more hours in Purgatory for being fully aware of what the stoning did to the mental state of the villains and decided not to act on it when Cozy Glow was briefly unstoned, Cozy probably mentioned about the fully awake and aware thing to her.

Eh...I was waiting to see how she dealt with Discord.


Okay I MEANT to say Purgatory instead of Hell. ( I forgot about the Netural Place of Redeeming yourself..) I just SO upset on how this have turn out. YES, Cozy Glow, Tirek, Chrysalis did DESERVE Punishment for what they did. But, putting them to Stone ( With the Negative being fully awake the entire time, causing Mental Torture on them. And IF they are free, cause them to be more Evil due to the Insanity.) is going a BIT TOO far.

I DON'T hate the Mane Six. It's just that this is a very too Brutal punishment for them to do that ( Even to a Bad Child like Cozy Glow.) And they COULD have stop their own Deaths and the Destruction of Equestria, IF they try to make the punishment Less severe, or try to Reform them at least.

I mean Luna, Sunset, Starlight, and Tempest did WORSE things when they were Bad, and they got Refrom. While Cozy Glow didn't get a Slight chance of Redemption. Sure, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek, are possibly be Irredeemable. BUT, the heroes could have tried to help them at first.

I just mad that the Mane Six could have STOP this Massacre, if they tried to be more merciful, by releasing them from their Stone Prison, and put them into a more LESS Torturous Prison, like Tartarus. Thus, maybe getting though to the Villain's heads of NOT getting revenge. Since because the Heroes give them a HUGE favor of NOT letting the Villains lose their sanity from the Stone Prison.

But it's now too late. :ajsleepy:

so how did chrysalis and tireks fights go at the crystal empire and silver shoals


The little butter-yellow pegasus had fallen first. The corpses of her animal friends lay scattered around her, and somewhere in the darkness, the magic-drained husk of her draconequus lover still moaned and sobbed, low and strained as the wind around the towers of Canterlot.

Discord is implied, the only reasonable way he could've been drained of his magic was thanks to Tirek, it seems to be implied that Tirek was successful in his revenge against the Sisters in Silver Shoals and he must have had the surprise on Discord when Celestia sent a distress signal to him.

This means that Tirek attacks on the Sisters happened before the invasion of the Crystal Empire and the death of the Mane Six.

Discord now powerless could still feel the distress and death of Fluttershy.

He is now broken.

(We still don't know what happened in the Crystal Empire but attacking a city that has seen nothing but peace for the last 30 years with 3 Legions surely won't go well for the city, the Guards have no warning and no time to mobilised. This is not accounting the possible Changlings drones disguised in the city causing confusion and chaos just before the city is invaded.)

But it also said that she didn't know if Tirek was successful in his attack on Celestia and Luna. Although, I will admit to not having seen that my first time reading this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Well it was short. Which made it kind of meh? Not really long enough for this sort of prompt.

Mind, we aren't really sure that the whole "they're aware while petrified" is a thing for them, canonically. Yeah, Discord was aware, but Discord is a draconeques and different rules apply to him. When Twilight was petrified by a Cockatrice or when the Princesses were petrified by Tempest, it was a perfect stasis.

From what I gathered from this story. It looks like Princess Twilight and the gang. Finally got what they fucking deserve. You don't petrified someone and leave them still aware for gods knows what and not expect this out come to be the result of one's own arrogance and hubris.

Wow, same thing like I said. But, you make it sound it WAY better than mine! 👍 :twilightsmile:

What's ironic. It's I watch a famous MLP Youtuber name: Sawtooth Waves. And he DID made a couple videos about the Villainous Three's Stone Imprisonment. And he also made Realistic ways to Reform them all. ( Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow.)

Well,look at the differences

On one side you have:
-petrification by elements of harmony,
-petrification by alicorns and Draconequus

On the other side, you have :
-petrification by a monster from the Everfree Forest
-petrification by some alchemy/potion/artifact that can be produced in numbers into obsidian statues(yes , obsidian I found in on wiki)

From looking at this the second ones are a cheap and much more temporary way of petrification.A measured condensed amount of magic used to completely petrify for a short time(from minutes, hours to couple years),in which the "spell' isn't meant to save and arrange any magic for later, so it can go all out on petrification.

While the first ones are supposed to last as long as they can. So the magic of the spell has to be used sparingly on hight priority functions, like 'freezing" the body and movement and keeping them alive.
So less important things, like if the prisoner is aware of his surroundings, are put in the back.

Oh yes, I've seen those as well. Those videos were pretty well put together, and it would have been interesting to see them executed.

That too is mostly just speculation though. We don't really know how, why or even if the methods are radically different from one another, or how aware the trio are. So that leaves it up to the author, which has led to something of a trend I've noticed: Authors who believe the punishment was justified tend to have it be perfect stasis so as to not bring in the nightmare fuel, while authors who think the punishment was wrong tend to have them be aware to emphasize the cruelty of the punishment and how "wrong" the heroes were to leave them in that state. Granted, it's not universal, as I've seen stories where authors simply layered the awareness on top as another justified punishment, and I've seen redemption stories where the petrification was perfect stasis, but for the most stories the whether or not the petrification is perfect stasis or not seems to depend on the author's opinion of Cozy Glow's imprisonment.

Comment posted by Aether Spark deleted Aug 25th, 2020

Not necessarily, she ruined the future of the heroes yes, but what she did in the grand sheme of things is create a power vacuum, depending on who will emerge on top, her actions have the very slight potential of actually being good for the world's future.

I love happy endings! ^^

I am the 100th like

Woo! Thank you for the upvote!

Honestly, the fact this is still on the featured list after so many days speaks to its quality. I hope for a sort of "sequel" of sorts to follow, maybe following Tirek then Chrysalis. Regardless, excellent work!

She massacred the leaders for harmony, endangered the surviving princesses and ruined harmony.

Not to mention unleashing multiple villains on Equestria without the protectors to stop them from rampaging.

and a power vacuum has just as much potential to destroy.

How in the heck is her destroying everything they've worked towards a good thing?? They didn't deserve to die after everything they've done for so many.

I personally fail to see why this is a good turnout.

I am not saying it's a good turnout, i'm saying it's not an immediate loss for the world.

A power vacuum can lead to many things, something good can come out of it just as much as something bad.

¨How in the heck is her destroying everything they've worked towards a good thing??¨

That is exactly what you don't get, how does killing them destroy what they accomplished? If i kill a guy after he built a house, does the house gets magically destroyed too?
Cozy Glow didn't destroy everything they accomplished, she merely destroyed them personally. As such, she didn't ruin harmony or the future, she ruined 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 futures.

The future is merely no longer set in stone. It can now morph into anything, good or bad.

But it was headed for good before she did what she did, now it's uncertain.

Not to mention now there's no element wielders to stop Chrysalis and her army or Tirek. unless the tree can suddenly hire new ones

They did so much good and then they die dogged deaths for one filly's personal satisfaction.

Is that not unfair?

¨Not to mention now there's no element wielders to stop Chrysalis and her army or Tirek. unless the tree can suddenly hire new ones¨

Perhaps that will lead people to learn to defend themselves instead of relying on deus ex-machina bullshit? That is an example of something good that can come out of it.

¨They did so much good and then they die dogged deaths for one filly's personal satisfaction.

Is that not unfair?¨

¨personal satisfaction¨ is a light word to use, it was revenge for being tortured for years. From Cozy's hooves, it was fair.
Good and Bad karma don't matter with individuals, what i mean by this is pretty simple.

For example, imagine you save 2 people from being raped and tortured. Then you, yourself, go on to rape and torture someone else. Would the fact that you technically have positive karma make it unfair for you to be killed by your victim?

Is there an official confirmation in the show that she was aware during that time?

And who says they would actually wait 15 years to give her a chance, Discord got his chance with harmony, of course they'd try it sooner.

And didn't she nearly destroyed Equestria twice with no remorse. After they gave her friendship and she used it as a means to an end the first time?

Besides, wasn't it Celestia Discord and Luna who froze them? Why are the six being butchered for revenge.

And to answer that other thing, Equestria has relationships with other nations, but the elements were always a fallback plan to spare the needless loss of life

Without them, how many are going to have to die to stop a psychopath an army of changelings and a magic devouring centuar? With the elements, almost none.

Can they even stop them without the elements? The three of them are pretty capable of laying waste to Equestria without a surefire method of stopping them.

¨Is there an official confirmation in the show that she was aware during that time?¨

Who cares? We are talking about this fanfic, not the show, i am not even sure why you are bringing this up, did you actually read the story?

I see no real need to expand on the rest of the post.

I ask that because [not just this fic] has mentioned this conundrum.

On one hand, Discord was aware, but then again, he's Discord who can say that he didn't just use his astral powers.

And I don't think the six would leave them aware, it'd go against their morals.

Not saying Cozy being turned to stone was rightful but, she needed to be imprisoned in some way, she's grown quite powerful and dangerous as a result of using Grogar's power.

Again, she waited for a response, and when none came, she went on. “Well, I think you all have a rough idea. I’ve mostly been hanging out in the basement of saintly Princess Twilight’s castle. There was a little barred window, high up in the wall, and I was positioned just so I could see it. Yeah, that’s an interesting point — did you all know that being a statue doesn’t remove your senses? Yep, I was shocked too. Turns out being turned into stone doesn’t stop you being able to see, or feel, or hear. I heard all sorts of things. I could count the sunrises and sunsets. I could listen to ponies walking in the garden, moaning about each other. About their new rulers.”

Realistically, anyone would become braindead within 2 months at most in a scenario with total isolation, paralysis and no social interaction. So if the villain trio was petrified with their consciousness remaining, they would die a horrible death and enter a vegetative state.
Also, please go dislike that edgy POS of a story called "Papers, Ponies, and Attitude".


Not saying Cozy being turned to stone was rightful but, she needed to be imprisoned in some way, she's grown quite powerful and dangerous as a result of using Grogar's power.

Sorry to butt in but she lost those powers when the rainbow blast hit her leaving her as a normal pegasus filly.

True, I'll admit I've only seen clips of the end episodes.

But the point stands that Cozy is just as dangerous as she is clever.

I don't approve of her being sealed in stone either but I do approve of her being locked away for endangering Equestria as a whole twice, at least until they can find a way to convince her to adopt a more peaceful life.

In a sense cozy maybe even more dangerous than Tirek or Chrysalis, the other two are brutes but she's a manipulator it'll be difficult to tell if she's genuine about adopting a peaceful life.

Thing is that not being locked away worked well enough for Starlight. But lets say she needs to be locked up. Appearently the only option in that regard was an empty metal cage where no one went to visit her. It could work if she was given a normal prison cell or a magically locked room in the castle.

the other two are brutes but she's a manipulator

Tirek did convince Discord into helping him and was effective at teaching Cozy how to drain magic from Tartarus while Chrysalis orchestrated a plot to kidnap the entire Equestrian leadership and managed her changelings effectively to do so. I wouldn't call them just brutes. But yea, Cozy would be a challenge. Then again so was Discord.

Yeah, I agree.

Thinking about personality traits I came up with this.

Discord was lonely and didn't know it.

Cozy is strait up deceptive and cares only about getting the upper hoof. But perhaps if taught proper friendship she could learn... Or play a long con. Either thing is possible.

Then again did she ever consider her partners in crime her friends or just partners?

11k days/nights just staring at a window and having birds shit on you while possibly NOT having the option to sleep (thus providing rest for the mind). I find it impossible that she is capable of any coherent thought at all after being freed. That is literally the SECOND worst punishment possible to give anything. Trapped in your own body, unable to move, unable to sleep, and provided with almost no stimulus. At least discord had passing creatures to entertain himself with listening too and thinking about things he heard. Cozy got nothing for most of that time except her own mind and that is torture worse then tartarus. Only the hell that was created by humans beats that.

“Surely, those who disbelieve in our revelations, we will condemn them to the hellfire. Whenever their skins are burnt, we will give them new skins. Thus, they will suffer continuously wherein they abide forever.” (Sura 4:56, Khalifa translation)

That is the number one worst punishment: Great and permanent physical suffering as it also creates suffering for the mind at the same time. Anyways... ya... if I was her and SOMEHOW came out lucid... I would do the same thing.

How could they give amends for that amount of suffering? "I'm sorry, I didn't know it worked like that" is NOT going to cut it. Nothing you could give would "make it better" or make things even.

I gotta agree

Things would have turned out better for Equestria in the long run if Cozy hadn't inflicted such a tragedy.

Then again, stone imprisonment can make a fella crazy,

Interesting story. Loved how you have Cozy explaining how she went crazy. Her plan also involves what she does best, which is to take advantage of other's mistakes, and that's very easy to see. The Alicorn Amulet was particularly welcome to see, as it has always been one of my favorite artifacts from the show, and the way Cozy utilizes it here, speaks to the character's imagination and creativity quite well.

Love how you work her obsession with dolls into the whole thing too. That's not something a lot of writers touch on, and I've always thought of Cozy Glow as the type to role play about being in charge and admired, while having little business meetings with all her friends (who look up to her and adore her), so this was actually quite believable in some ways, especially when you consider the fact that she's been left for dead (School Raze Part 2) nearly set on fire (The Ending Of The End Part 1) and subjected to what she goes through here.

Not sure how I feel about the ending, but on the other hand, given how unlikable and self serving some of these characters have started to come off as since the last two seasons (with Twilight being particularly self centered), I can't say them losing wasn't a refreshing change of pace (even if I don't think I am a fan of all of them dying). All in all, a well written story, even if it is something that leaves me more than slightly disturbed.


But it was Cozy Glow and the trio's fault for getting themselves stoned in the first place, thanks to them gambling with a attempt to take over Equestria, instead of running away and living a new life, it was a all or nothing attempt and they failed,

I mean running away proberbly wouldn't have been believable anyway for one obvious reason: Discord was behind the whole thing. Remember, they see him as a "good guy" working with their enemies, so they have no way of knowing if what Discord is doing here is sanctioned or not, or if anyone knows that they are on the loose, or will hunt them down.

Sure it's never something that's explored, since they were proberbly going to make the attempt anyway, but even if they had thoughts of backing out, with that revelation that their "benefactor" was tied to their enemies, it wasn't like they had a whole lot of better options, even if they hadn't let Discord go. (Which is still one of the dumbest parts of the final in my opinion, certainly one of the dumbest decisions we see made during the first part.)

Thank you 🙂

It's good to see I'm not the only one who thinks this.


Great story. It showed a different kind of crazy in Cozy and reminded me of Greek revenge plays. The descriptions were spot on and I loved Cozy's dialogue with the whole dead crew of the Main 6.

Not bad, I guess, but not my thing. It seemed more gore for shock value "oh no, the Mane Six were torn to shreds!" Then Cozy monologues a stereotypical villain rant and... that's it. Didn't seem like there was a ton of substance. It was written well enough, outside of seemingly half of it describing in graphic detail how torn apart the Mane Six are. Could have taken the gore out and had the same emotional impact. Just didn't do it for me.

And why did Spike have to die too? There's not even poetic justice in that.

I took a logical look at the concept of Cozy winning like this and thought of this.

Tbh Cozy is in more danger than she knows, the ending claims she's off to live a happy rest of her life... unless you consider that by murdering the six and Spike, she's effectively made an enemy of all their friends... which is pretty much everyone, the only thing she may have to look forward too is getting mobbed by vengeful creatures of various nations unless she can pull off a good disguise.

She may have to go into hiding for the rest of her life. Be honest, what has she actually accomplished besides making an enemy of everyone again?

Your comment...,

They do nothing but good their whole lives and deliver Equestria into an age of harmony, and then they mess up once and they deserved to suffer and die dogged deaths and be left to rot?

Why? What proof do you have that they were even aware during that time?


Why should I? Some people aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

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