• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 2,885 Views, 168 Comments

A Cold Ending. - Knight of Crows

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Chapter 6.

Jason once again used the Wendigos to keep tabs on the Bearers. He learned of how the newspapers are doing what they do best and making things seem worse or more questionable than they really are as well as their quickly shut down plans to use the Elements on him. He didn't understand the need for the newspapers though as the trials are being shown all across the world, but he accepted it anyway as it would only help his end goal.

While he was planning the next trial, Shining Armor came knocking at his door to speak with him. The Wendigos hid themselves as Jason took off his cloak before allowing entry to play mind games with the former Captain. He hid the fact that he reveled in Shining's discomfort.

"Could you please put your cloak back on?" Shining asked.

"What? I like sleeping without a shirt on. Oh! I get it! You don't want to see the magnum opus that Ponyville spent 3 years working on, is that it? Besides, at this point, each scar is simply another debt I intend to repay with interest." Jason said ominously.

"You know, Spike hasn't spoken to anyone since then."

"Okay? How's that my problem? You know what? Don't answer that. Have you spoken to your parents or your murderous grandfather yet? What was his name? Egg Snatcher? Flamebringer?" Jason subtly hinted that Shining has other, more important things to discuss with other people.

"Shield Wall! And I-"

"Don't care. Get down to business already or leave, I'm busy planning on how to expose and break another one of your sister's friends, which is the real reason why you're here, right?"

"I have to ask, why did you show all of that to my brother? What did that have to do with you?"

"Directly? Nothing. I just wanted to expose how cruel and corrupt the royal guard is. In fact, I know first hand how bad it is, and you'll get to see it soon enough. As for why? I thought I already said why; because it would Spike, which would hurt Twilight, knowing her blood is responsible for so much meaningless death and destruction."

"So, that's what this is? Revenge? And you'll stomp on anypony if it means you'll get what you want." Shining accused.

"Revenge and Justice are two sides of the same coin. The reasons do not matter when the results are the same. I'm stomping on anyone for what I want anymore than you ponies have stomped on everyone else, including myself, to maintain the status quo. Who's worse by that logic?"

"Do you really expect me to believe Twilight, her friends, and all of Ponyville did this to you? If we can resolve this, just name it." Shining offered.

"Everything you can give me has no value anymore. Money? I haven't needed that in years. Any female of my choosing? The only ones I would consider are either unavailable or must hate me almost as much as I hate them, assuming they can even look past my body that is. Status? What good would being King do for me in a world that time and again it wants me dead? No." Jason walked up to him.

"Unless you can take away the pain, the nightmares, give back my happiness, my life, I'm going to stick my original plan."

"And that is?" Shining asked, to which Jason smiled as he began pushing him out the door.

"A Cold Ending to everything. If the world seeks my destruction, then I'm taking everyone with me. I hope everyone's been working on their defenses, not that it'll change anything." Jason said before slamming the door.

(The next day)

"Court is back in session." Luna announced.

"Members of the court. It has come to our attention that the plaintiff has not been entirely honest with us!" Rarity proclaims.

"How so?" Queen Novo asked. "So far, the plaintiff's claims are proving compelling."

"There's something that's been bugging me since the first two trials," Twilight began "when Jason first met Princess Celestia, he already seemed to know her. He even seemed to know us and the rest of Ponyville, but he didn't come from the mirror nor did he have the Horn. How did he know us before he even met us?"

"How I knew you all won't change the outcome. If you're implying I've found a way around the Horn's lie detector, there's no need when the truth will cut deeper than any blade could. But if you insist, I can show you. In fact, I planned to do so later, but I guess now's as good a time as any. Allow me to introduce you to a series called 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'." Jason touched the Horn to play it.

"Come on! It's starting! It's starting!!!"

"I told you I don't want to watch some pony show,"

The little girl pulls Jason onto the sofa as she picks up a remote and points it a the tv. Members of the court were confused as to what they were seeing. "What the matter? Afraid you might like it?"

"Sure, cuz. I'll like a children's cartoon for your age group,"

"Shush. Here it is!"

To say the courtroom was left speechless was a severe understatement. There, right before them and more or less the entire world, the defendants in a singalong at various locations in Ponyville and Canterlot. The locale themselves was accurate to a disturbing degree. The defendants were the most shocked towards the end of the intro as a picture showed everyone they knew in Ponyville. But the real shock came from the episode itself. It showed Twilight Sparkle obsessing over the fact that she had not sent Princess Celestia a letter in a week about friendship. So, she went out to find one. But, Twilight learned that none of her friends had an issue to report. Each failure caused Twilight to become more manic in her efforts until she stood before three familiar fillies. The episode continued with Twilight hypnotizing the town into fighting over her smarty pants doll. It got so bad that Princess Celestia had to intervene. Twilight's friends came to her aid, and the Princess dismissed Twilight's action by requesting a letter from each of the girls on friendship.

"Wow. That was great!"

"So, wait, Twilight doesn't get in trouble for hypnotizing a town?"

"No, that wasn't the point. It's about respecting friends when they are freaking out. Anyway, I told you you would like it. Want to watch another?"

"Alright, Susie,"

"So, was that enough for you?" Jason asks the defendants. "You all just saw an episode of a television program called Lesson Zero. Judging by your reaction, I'd say that memory is spot on. It also raises another question. Princess Celestia? Why is it you allowed Twilight to get off scot-free after messing with the minds of Ponyville? Mind-altering spells are illegal here, and I know I would not be safe with a pony that becomes manic from a messed deadline. That same neurotic mare is now a princess!"

Celestia, however, stammers a response. The reveal of the show threw her completely off balance. "I-I, you--"

"Hold on! Do-Don't try and change the subject! T-That was-- No, it's impossible! That memory. That was exactly how everything went that day to a T!" Twilight exclaimed.

It took another moment before Rainbow Dash. "Aha! That means you are a spy! How long you've been watching us?"

"Well, the show went on for about nine seasons. So, that's nine years. Susie loved it."

Several murmurs erupted as Luna called for order. "This is startling news indeed. But, there are some inconsistencies I would like to address. The first is at the beginning. I know Ponyville enjoys a song. But I was not with Celestia when Spike sent that letter, nor did we hear voices,"

"What you saw was the introduction of the show. Back in my world, we have stories like MLP brought to life with moving pictures. It's not uncommon for shows, especially animated ones, to have an opening at the start."

"Are you trying to say that your kind created our world?!" Rarity exclaimed.

Jason rolled his eyes as he saw the ponies in the gallery begin to panic. "No. To make it easier to understand, Sunset came from the mirror world. We can classify that mirror world as an alternate reality. A world similar to this one, with some differences here and there. Do you know about the multiverse theory?"

"Upon discovering the mirror world, scholars have theorized the existence of multiple dimensions beyond our plane." Celestia stated.

"What does that have to do with humans watching our every move?!" Rarity said.

"What it means, Rarity, is that a pony can exist across infinite universes and timelines. For example, the mirror world has a human version of us. Each world has a set of rules. In Jason's world, it looks like they can view our world." Twilight said.

"I don't get it." Fluttershy said.

"Think of it like when you are reading a book. You are reading and visualizing another world."

"So, what? we're just a bunch of made-up characters?" Rainbow said with an air of indignation.

"To a superficial extent, yes. It's a matter of perception. In my world, we can only see specific critical points of this. We're not seeing anything we're not supposed to. Rather, we believe what we're seeing isn't real, so knowing means nothing. It's not like we're seeing anything private. Probably the most invasive thing we've seen I can think of at this moment would be Spike sharing secret crush."

"This would also explain how you knew who Jetset and Uppercrust were," Luna summarised.

"That still doesn't change the fact that you were watching us!" Applejack said.

"And if your favorite book was given an animated adaptation, you would be just as guilty. Hell, you basically are just as guilty just by reading it. If you have a problem with the belief that I invaded your privacy or anything of the sort, then it would only be fair if you also directed that towards any authors, like Twilight's mother. Yes, I watched the show and came to like it. Your lessons about friendship helped real people in need. People love this world so much that they make their own stories and fictions about you. People like Pen Stroke, Moguera, and more. There are millions of stories dedicated to your honor. Some write a completely different story. Others write parodies. And some, well, let's just say none of you, whether you exist in this world or not, are safe from Rule 34." Jason began to laugh, much to the confusion of everyone in the courtroom.

"I don't understand that last one." Fluttershy said, which only made Jason laugh even harder.

"Of course, it would be the shy one who says it!!!" He shouted. He calmed down a minute later. "If any of you came to my world, you would instantly become a celebrity. You'd be worshiped as gods. Humans love you. I loved you!"

The murmurs all stop as Jason's voice cracks. Rainbow Dash slowly floated back to her seat. "Is that why you came to Equestria? You wanted to meet your idols?" Cadance said.

Jason gives a shallow nod in response. "My cousin, the little girl you saw with me, got me hooked on the show. It was our favorite activity to watch whenever her parents dropped her off at my place. We'd watch the seasons over and over. Then, she got diagnosed with cancer after generation five was announced. She still managed to get excited over your world, even when she was getting weaker. The show helped her past the worse of her disease. She died, but I vowed to stay a fan for our sake. But I got depressed. Watching the episodes was harder without Susie there. Then, I found a sketchy website advertising a way to visit this world. I thought it was for a new theme park. So, I went to the location, found a portal, and went through. Poof, I'm here in the magical land of Equestria..." Jason looks down as he walks to the center. He turns to the defendants with the same blank stare. But, it was more hollow and empty now. "Did you know that Susie believed you were the best pony, Fluttershy?"

"M-Me?" The shy mare said.

"I would always say it was Luna or, though not a pony, Ember. But she always loved how you were so kind. The way you treat animals. How soft-spoken you are. One of her favorite episodes was when you took Iron Hoof's seminar. It shows that you can get tough when you need to, even if you took it a little too far,"

"Oh, my. I-I hope that she did not learn the wrong thing from that." Fluttershy was feeling strangely calm. Jason's features were slowly morphing into a soft smile that felt comforting.

"No, she didn't. She took every lesson you learned to heart. She would always have a doll of you with that same soft smile."

"Oh, that sounds nice,-" Fluttershy looks down in thought before speaking again. "-I'm sorry for your loss."

Jason nods again before he sighs and moves to the Gjallaarhorn. "You know, in a way, I am glad she is dead." There were several gasps of shock at the one-eighty turn in Jason's demeanor. "Don't misunderstand. I miss her. I'm just glad she didn't find that same website I did. Because meeting you, Fluttershy would've broken her heart, assuming she lived long enough to meet you that is." Jason spoke calmly.

"W-What?" She became more unsettled by his lack of anger.

Jason places his hand back on the Gjallarhorn. The image displays Fluttershy walking back to her cottage. It was midday, and several woodland critters hovered and scampered around her while humming happily. However, she stops when something calls out. "HELP ME!!!"

"Shut up, freak!"



Fluttershy felt compelled to investigate. But, when she bursts into an open clearing, she stops. Jason was in a fetal position, trying to shield himself as three royal guard unicorn stallions wielded batons and beat him down. A brown well, dressed Earth pony stallion swirls his smoking pipe as he watches. Jason's face had welts and bruises. Blood trickled down his nose and the side of his head. Fluttershy saw a black eye and missing teeth. "Mr. Rich doesn't want some ugly monster prowling around his property!" The stallion ended his sentence with another swing against Jason's arm.

"I-I was in the shed. It's the only place I could be warm. Please. I'll work there for free if you--"

"Hit it again! Preferably on those tiny claws. I assume that's how it climbed over my fence. I can't have it trying to sneak into Diamond Tiara's rooms next. Who knows what could happen if it got inside the manor," Filthy Rich said. However, before the order is carried out, Filthy spots Fluttershy frozen in shock. "Oh, stay back, Miss Fluttershy. My butler found this dangerous creature prowling the property. I notified the guards here, and now, I'm making sure it doesn't get that idea again. You're an animal expert. Do you know how to keep pests like these out of our homes properly? I was thinking of getting some Orthros,"

Fluttershy heard the question, but she kept her eyes on Jason's face. Jason finally spots her and reaches out. "Fluttershy, help me, please!"

"Aah!" Fluttershy jumps back despite being the furthest away. "Yes, that will work. See you later, bye!!!"

Filthy watches as Fluttershy runs away. "Thank you, Miss Fluttershy. It's hard to see a sweet mare like her so terrified. Well? Smash those claws and break its hooves. I shudder to leave this thing capable of hurting an element of harmony,"



The memory ends with the stallions following through with Mr. Rich's order. Once again, the courtroom fell silent. Some ponies left the room, while others found a nearby trash can to vomit. All eyes were on Fluttershy as the mare could not utter a word except an expression of horror. "Zecora was the one who found me in that clearing with my fingers and legs broken. She was able to nurse me back to health. But I get these aches and pains in my knees, and it's hard to open and close my hand sometimes," Jason said. "I thank god Susie isn't here to see this. That could've easily been a child even younger than the Crusaders."

"B-But-but, that was Mr. Rich and his goons. Fluttershy didn't touch you," Rainbow said, still in shock.

"A-And from the sound of it. You were trespassing," Rarity said, only to immediately regret it as Princess Celestia glared down at her and the rest of the courtroom.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize trespassing in a shed far away from the Riches home that no one used warranted chasing them halfway across town to beat within an inch of their life instead of following standard protocol of 'leave or we'll arrest you'. Remember that no hotel would take me even if I had the bits. The cold nights of Ponyville were unforgiving. I had no choice. But I guess beating someone and breaking bones is standard procedure for the royal guard, I mean, we already saw what happened to Janus and Spike's real family. Guard brutality seems pretty common, at least against non-ponies."

"N-no. That is not proper conduct!" Celestia denied it, as it was her day guards in the memory acting like hired thugs.

Jason ignores the solar Princess and questions the shy pegasus. "Why? Why did you run away, Fluttershy?"

"N-no, I didn't--" Fluttershy stammers, unable to form a sentence. Jason moves closer to her, his expression turning more aggressive.

"You saw me. You looked me dead in my eyes and ran! You even gave Filthy Rich advice to abuse me further!!!"

"I-I didn't mean to--"

"You could've told them to stop. They would've listened. You're a national hero! I thought you were supposed to be kind!"

Fluttershy trembles as she shoots up with tears in her eyes. "I am! I am kind!" Just then, the Gjallarhorn sends out another pulse. A burst of magic leaves Fluttershy as it did for Celestia and Twilight. She stumbles briefly before she looks at Jason in recognition and horror. "I remember. I-I did see you. I've seen you so many times in Ponyville. I saw you hurt, beaten, and bloody, but I never helped you..." Fluttershy shrank at her admittance. She curls into a ball, similar to Jason's, and openly cries. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!!!"

"Like I would believe you. You only had three years to fix this. It's not like you had chances to save me."

"P-Please. I am kind. I am a good pony!"

"Do you know my people have a saying that fits all the times you left me to suffer ideally? It goes like this: evil wins when good people - good ponies - do nothing. It bothers me that you didn't offer me any of that kindness you are known for all over Equestria. You did for a pony-eating manticore,"

"I'm sorry." Fluttershy's voice started to crack.

"You do it for all the dangerous animals in your cottage." He continued to calmly criticize her.


"You did for the parasprites that nearly devoured all of Ponyville."


"You even give it to Discord. The same guy that ruled over Equestria in pure chaos while making ponies' life miserable. The same guy that corrupted you and your friends. Hell, he forcefully changed you personally. What else? Oh, yeah. He betrayed everyone, teamed up with Tirek, and helped him steal all the magic in Equestria. But, some fucking how, the most irresponsible, traitorous, man-child is more deserving of your kindness than me when my absolute worst crime was trespassing to escape the cold. Tell me something; if I tried to destroy the world, would you show me kindness then?"

"STOP!!!" Fluttershy hollers while her eyes go wide. Jason knew what was happening instantly. It was the stare in full effect, but he didn't even flinch. Instead, he began to chuckle, smiling at the fact he finally broke her into retaliation. Backing Fluttershy in a corner made her use it subconsciously. However, as Fluttershy glares intently into Jason's eyes, she sees everything. Jason's time on Earth. The times when he and Susie watch MLP. The moment he came to Equestria and the last time he ever smiled.

Then, she saw Jason's time in Ponyville. She saw everything the citizens did to him. She saw everything her friends did to him. She saw every time she cowed in fear of him. She saw Jason standing in a tree with a noose around his neck before he jumped. It was too much. Fluttershy's eyes went blank white, her pupils fading out to show unconsciousness. Her body would give subtle little twitches before she began to wobble. Finally, with a soft thud, Fluttershy passed out on the defense bench.

"Fluttershy!!!" The elements, and Celestia exclaims.

"Medical! Get the medical ponies in here right now!!!" Luna commands.

Meanwhile, as a commotion begins to erupt, Jason looked down at Fluttershy with a satisfied look on his face he made no attempt to hide. He was tempted to take full advantage of the fact she no longer had any protection from the Horn, but he decided to save that surprise, that reminder, for when a specific pony inevitably gives him the chance. "Truly, she's so kind that rather than take criticism, she'd instead try to mentally and emotionally assault an already mentally and emotionally damaged creature."

A tone that Rainbow Dash catches instantly. "That's it!!!" She zips into the air and charges toward Jason.

"Dashie, no!!!"

"Dashie, YESSSS!!!" Jason shouted excitedly.


Author's Note:

I wanted to do less copy/ paste, but this was originally written in a way I feel left this version of Jason very limited. I wanted more cruelty on his end, but I just couldn't think of how to get that cruelty here without having to potentially rewrite it multiple times over.