• Published 6th Oct 2023
  • 2,886 Views, 168 Comments

A Cold Ending. - Knight of Crows

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Chapter 2.

Jason retired for the evening but kept a close eye on the ponies via the Windigoes. This act served two purposes: To feed/ empower them, and to ensure he would be informed of anything important. He could use the Horn instead, but this would work better for him and his plans.

The next day, news of his stunt had spread like wildfire. Below the stage set up in Canterlot Square, reporters from various news outlets had arrived to get the scoop on the unknown creature and its accusations against Equestria's heroes, even rulers from other nations, the ones present at the Gala, had chosen to see this through. Ember, Rutherford, Gruff, Shifting Sands and his wife, Amira, Rain Shine, Novo, and Zullki. Most if not all of the leaders of Equestria's allies were present. It wasn't necessary, but it would still be beneficial to him.

A bright flash went off and the Sisters stood with the Elements, Cadence, Spike, Starlight, and Jason to their sides. The crowd looked up at Jason with varying levels of fear or disgust. Some were hurling insults and calling him a liar, which incited others to do the same, forcing the guard to act as a barrier. Jason's disappointment quickly turned into anger and excitement though when a rock hit him straight in his good eye and knocked him down. The ponies on stage near him looked horrified until he started laughing while covering his eye, pretending to be injured.

"I guess we're getting started sooner than planned. Just know, you brought this on yourself." Jason grabbed the Horn, but Celestia tried to protest.

"Wait!" She tried to plead with him, but it was already too late. Moments later, a noble everyone on stage recognized appeared before them.

"We are each the architects of our own demise. Hello, Jetset." Jason greeted the stallion, who looked around in fear.

"W-what's going on? Why am I here? How do you know my name?" He asked.

"Jetset, you fool..." Celestia groaned in frustration and disappointment.

"You know, I would ask why you threw this, but I already know the answer. It's because I'm a monster, I'm not a pony, I'm a freak, it's almost always been one of those reasons with your kind, and not once did I verbally or physically retaliate. Now, I don't have to." Jason said cryptically.


"Ssshhhsshhshsh... I want you to revel in this next part, for any second now, the Horn will reflect what you just tried to do to me, back at you. Having spent 3 years dealing with abuse like this, I can assure you, it's going to hurt...a lot." Jason smiled. Before Jetset could respond, his magic was sucked out of him by the Horn, causing him to collapse. His eyes and coat lost their color, and his cutie mark disappeared. His eye was then destroyed, a blood curdling scream erupted from him, causing many onlookers to avoid seeing or hearing it as best they could while others lost their last meal.

"JETSET!" A mare cried out as she tended to her husband. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!!??"

"All I did was stand here. He's the one who made the conscious decision to attack me unprovoked. Even if I did do anything, it would be self-defense. No, it was the Horn, it automatically makes the attacker incapable of causing harm and reflects damage. It basically forces everyone to play nice, which he didn't do. If anything, I'm the victim, I don't know why you're accusing me of anything when even a blind man could see your husband was clearly in the wrong." Jason tried to egg her on, but Cadence put a stop to this.

"Will somepony please take him to a hospital?!" She ordered.

"Oh, he'll be fine, being blinded in one eye won't be the end of the world. I would know." Jason brushed off the urgency.

"It's not just the eye, you stole his magic! Like Tirek!" Twilight accused him, causing the crowd to gasp.

"You're a fool if you actually believe that. If I wanted to steal magic, I've had plenty of opportunities to become the new God of this world. No, it was a reaction by the Gjallarhorn caused by his magically assisted assault against me. Had he waited for Celestia and Luna to address this, he wouldn't have become an example. You should be thanking me for my mercy. As the victim, I can decide how to punish him thanks to the Horn, but I'll let this one go." Jason didn't even glance at her as he corrected her.

"What he speaks is truth, Twilight. The Gjallarhorn is a powerful artifact meant to force a peaceful resolution between the user and other parties. It's history dates back to when my sister and I were fillies." Celestia began.

"Back before the unification of the pony tribes, a unicorn noble, Snively, stumbled upon a farming community near where he planned to build an outpost. The farmers were ill prepared for the winter and lacked any effective form of defense. Seeing their desperation, he offered them a deal that the village leader, Merry Gold, knew was too good to be true, and asked for a week to give an answer. She prayed to Faust and was given the Horn." Luna continued.

"Despite not understanding the significance of the Horn, she took it with her to the meeting, and was met with a contingent of armed guards, who would punish resistance with death. Seeing she had been betrayed, she blew into the Horn." Celestia neared the end.

"Long story short, he lost his magic, and his guards basically killed themselves because the Horn reflected the fatal injuries against Merry back at them, and he was forced into offering a fair deal." Jason said impatiently.

"Then what about Rainbow Dash when you attacked her?" Rarity asked.

"That was before the Horn was blown, so it doesn't count. Though it does have more functions than the ones mentioned. If one attacks the other, the victim can do as they please as they are no longer protected by it. If I so desired, I could've sentenced Jetset to death for his little stunt. I could've swung the axe myself, ordered him to poison himself, or even made him jump into a fire." He explained and ended with a threat.

"That would be murder! How can you even talk like life has no meaning to you?!" Fluttershy surprised him by yelling this accusation.

"Let's answer your question with another question. Do you know the reactions everyone had the first time I was struck by lightning? Fun fact, lightning becomes increasingly dangerous the less magic a creature has, humans have none by the way,-"

"Then explain what you did to Dash." Applejack interrupted, demanding an answer.

"You mean when I basically froze her neck? That was magic, but it wasn't mine. It was however, controlled by me and supplied by another who shall remain anonymous for now. Now, as I was saying," he turned his attention back to Fluttershy, "they cheered on my attacker, who you know personally, all before dumping me in the Everfree Forest after I lost consciousness. Try three years of being on the receiving end and tell me how much you still value life. Besides, the laws of God are higher than Mortals, given the Horns involvement, it would've basically been authorized by Faust."

"I must ask you refrain from such a thing. We should get this along, what is it you wanted by using the Horn?" Celestia asked.

"Simple, I want to put everyone who has wronged me on trial for the entire world to see, even for crimes they didn't commit against me, and pass judgement as I see fit. That includes the Elements, the entirety of Ponyville, and Celestia." He answered to everyone's shock.

"That's ridiculous! We've never committed any crimes, much less hurt anypony!" Twilight claimed in outrage, the crowd supporting her.

"You'll be eating those words soon enough, and by the end of this, you'll understand what I mean when I say 'I'm taking everyone with me'. Until then, I hope you can come up with a good defense, and I don't just mean a legal one." He made no attempt to hide his excitement before he departed back to the castle.