• Published 4th Oct 2023
  • 669 Views, 59 Comments

Why Do I Feel This Way - TheKing2001

When visiting an orphanage in Canterlot with friends, Moondancer realizes she actually cares about one of the fillies and hits the books to investigate.

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Chapter III


“Moondancer! Open up!”

I rolled in bed and groaned, hoping whoever was at the door would just go away. And preferably come back later, but them never coming back would be acceptable too.

“I know you’re in there!”

Of course I would be in here. Where else would I be? Well other than the library or book store of course. The pounding on the door didn’t help my head ache either.

“Coming!” I called out hoarsely, wincing at how bad I sounded. I could use water or coffee or maybe more sleep. Sleep would be nice.

I rolled out of bed and my eyes widened as my hooves got tangled in the blanket, slamming my head into the nightstand.


I rubbed my head as I untangled myself and trotted down the hall, pausing in front of the cracked mirror. I didn’t realize how awful I looked. My mane was pointed in all directions and my coat needed a good brushing. I levitated my manebrush out of my room and started idly brushing.

I trotted past the bathroom and levitated a toothbrush out of the room with toothpaste already on, shoving it on my mouth and absent mindedly brushed. I stopped in front of the door and opened it. I stared at Minuettes wide eyes as I continued brushing.

“Sweet Celestia, Moondancer! You look awful!”

“Gee thanks,” I grumbled around the toothbrush. I levitated it back up stairs and spit the excess toothpaste and spit on the ground outside.

“Ew!” Minuette exclaimed as she jumped to avoid it hitting her hoof.

“Sorry. What are you doing here?” I asked curiously as I gestured for her to follow me. She entered my house and shut the door behind her.

“Just visiting. Pretty wild night last night don’t ya say?” Minuette asked with a grin as she examined my living room. Living room was being generous. All there is in here is a old couch and an old coffee table with a lamp on it.

“Oh okay.” I didn’t really know what else to say other than that. Years of being anti social aren’t that great for fostering friendships or how to talk to friends.

“Wow this place is messy,” Minuette said as she looked around. She leaned over and sniffed a stain on the floor, making a face. “And there’s this stain. I don’t even know what this is!”

I turned a bright shade of red and quickly turned around so she didn’t see. I knew what it was but it’s the kind of activity you don’t tell ponies about. I didn’t really want to tell her I often got off on the floor.

“It’s not that messy!” I retorted as I looked around my self, feeling my ears pressed against my head. Okay, it was pretty messy. Dishes were piled up on the sink, an empty pizza box was in the corner and a bunch of random books with papers that had writing on them strewn all over my desk.

“Uh huh,” Minuette said flatly as she levitated a wash cloth over to her. “Moondancer, do you want some help? I can get the girls over here and we can get this place completely fixed up.”

“I got it. Thanks for the offer though,” I said hastily and kicked a paper plate under the couch. I suppose I could get the fence fixed, it was falling apart. At least the hard ware store was nearby.

“Are you sure? This seems like a pretty big task for just one pony.”

“Yeah,” I said and gulped at the large mess around us. Damn me and my stubbornness. “Thanks for the offer.”

“What are friends for?” Minuette teased as she bumped her flank against mine and I jumped slightly. I opened the door and stepped outside, examining the exterior of my house. I didn’t know it had been this bad, sweet Celestia.

The door had a small hole in from where Twilight had accidentally knocked too hard, the shutters were falling off and the paint was flaking. Don’t even get me started on the state of the fence.

“I might stop by later. Is that alright?” Minuette asked as I nodded absent mindedly. I probably should have paid more attention. She gave a shrug and waved as she trotted off down the road, presumably to her own house.

I levitated my bits out of the house along with my saddlebags, mentally making a note to buy new ones. I shut the door and started my slow trot to the hard ware store.

Canterlot never failed to annoy me. So many stuck up, high and mighty ponies. In my haste to leave, I forgot my sweater. I felt naked in a way without it and we are pretty much always naked.

I should probably get a new sweater too. It was up there with books on my list of favorite things. My sweater keeps me safe throughout all the weather’s. Heat, cold, rain you name it, my sweater has been there. More than I can say for ponies.

I quickly shook my head to get rid of the negative thoughts. Bad Moondancer. No negativity. Positive thoughts only. I opened the door of the store and trotted in.

“Wow,” I said quietly to myself. “So much paint and wood and tools.” Half of these I didn’t even know the purpose of. I would have to research these. That idea excited me more than I was willing to admit.

“Can I help you find anything?” A salespony asked me as I examined the wood on the wall.

“Yes please. I’m looking to fix up my house a bit. I’m starting with the fence. Any suggestions?”

“Right this way miss,” he said and I followed him a few aisles down. “Right here is all our supplies. We got multiple colors and plain if you wish to paint yourself. Paint is in aisle ten.”

“Thank you sir,” I bowed my head respectfully as he smiled before walking off. I started examining the prices and almost fainted.

Who knew house repairs could be so expensive?