• Published 4th Oct 2023
  • 666 Views, 59 Comments

Why Do I Feel This Way - TheKing2001

When visiting an orphanage in Canterlot with friends, Moondancer realizes she actually cares about one of the fillies and hits the books to investigate.

  • ...

Chapter XIV


I gave a long yawn as I trotted to Twilight’s tree house library. I had originally felt slightly uncomfortable just dropping by out of the blue like we did but Lyra insisted Twilight would be fine with it and she surprisingly was.

"You know, if this was Canterlot, I'd advise against being out this late at night." I jumped at the voice and spun around, my horn glowing to light up the dark street. A familiar pegasus gave me a smug smirk as she brushed her blue mane out of her eyes.

"Cotton Cloudy. Scared me," I admitted as Cotton stood on her hind legs and leaned against a random business.

"Sorry," Cotton Cloudy said and I raised an eyebrow. I've never in my short time knowing her say sorry. "Don't get used to me apologizing, by the way."

"Oh I won't," I gave a dry chuckle as Cotton Cloudy dropped to her hooves. "Where you staying anyway? Why do you come to Ponyville for school?"

"One question at a time old mare," Cotton Cloudy smirked and I bit back my comment. I wasn't old. I was only twenty nine. That is not old, that is young. "For starters, I'm staying with Merry May and her sister, Rainbowshine temporarily. They are foster parents and look after fillies who get sent across towns for learning. Secondly, Luna and Princess Twilight thought it was a good idea to have me get away from Canterlot after the invasion. Clear my head and see a new part of Equestria I normally wouldn't."

That made a bit of sense. I didn't know Twilight had played a role in Cotton Cloudy getting education here but I can believe it. Twilight seemed like the type to throw herself at cases like this, especially if the parents were dead.

"Why would Princess Luna have an interest in you?"

"Right, you don't know her that well," Cotton Cloudy inhaled. "I'll walk you back to the library. We can walk and talk at the same time."

"Okay," I said with a shrug as we fell into step alongside each other.

"Luna always was the more military driven of the two sisters. Most Royal Guard families have a crest of Luna in the house. We had one above the doorway. Luna always looked after the family of fallen guards and often sat with her soldiers on the front lines in ancient Equestria back when wars were more common," Cotton Cloudy explained.

I had known a bit of the exploits Luna had in ancient Equestria. Mainly against the griffons back when Equestria and Griffonstone were enemies. There's even famous art work of Luna fighting the griffon leader.

"Did she know your parents?" I asked cautiously as she shook her head.

"Nah. All that mattered to her was they served alongside her."

"Oh." We walked quietly as I sorted my thoughts out. That was a bit more information than I planned on receiving from her. She was surprisingly forth coming tonight. "Why aren't you with Rainbowshine and Merry May right now?"

"Wanted to go for a walk. So I flew out the window. They're pegasi, they can catch me if they truly wish to," Cotton Cloudy said casually and rolled a hoof in the air. "I oddly like it here but it's no Canterlot. At least I have a few acquaintances with the exception of Spoiled Bitches daughter."

"Spoiled Bitch?" I asked hesitantly and winced. I don't swear often unless I'm having a session or I've dropped multiple books on myself in the library, trying to reach one on the very top shelf.

"Diamond Tiara. She bullies the others but she leaves me alone."

"That's nice and I'm almost afraid to ask but why does she leave specifically you alone?" I asked curiously as we turned down a street.

"Because she knows I'd knock all her teeth out and stomp on her stupid little tiara," Cotton Cloudy answered with a cruel, thin grin. "I don't tolerate attitude. The first time she insulted me, I flew her up to a cloud and threatened to let go. She got the message and steered clear of me after that."

I gulped nervously as I shifted on my hooves a bit. I didn't really like violence all that much. I don't know anypony who does except Lyra with her violent video games as she calls them.

"I didn't think you could lift a filly," I blurted out and wanted to facehoof instantly. Out of all the things I could have mentioned to her, I said that.

"I'm stronger than I look. But don't worry, I don't get violent often. Mom always did say that violence was always a final solution," Cotton Cloudy sighed and looked at the moon.

"Are you-?"

"I'm fine," she snapped and I recoiled a bit. "Looks like we're here. Tell the Princess I said hi."

"Or you can tell me yourself," Twilight said as she landed behind us clumsily. I would guess she had been on the deck, looking out her telescope. "Hello Moondancer, Cotton Cloudy. I didn't know you two knew each other."

"Oh we're old friends," I said sarcastically and smirked, waving a hoof. "I didn't know you knew her either."

"She took part in Twilight Time a few times. And I met her once before then," Twilight answered as she opened her door. "Come in, come in. The others are asleep at the moment except for Twinkle. She's up at the telescope."

I had a feeling she was telling Cotton more than me. We followed her in and I sat down on the bedding I was sleeping on as Lemon Hearts snored quietly. I turned faintly red when Twilight sat down next to me, close enough to feel her tail on mine. She was a really gorgeous mare and I knew I didn't really have a chance with a princess.

"So. How are you Twilight?" I asked and nervously tapped my hooves together as she sighed.

"I'm fine I guess. How are you two?"

"Why just fine?" I asked and stared down at the ground. "And I'm good. Can't speak for Cotton Cloudy but I can speak for me."

"I guess I just don't know what I'm supposed to do as a princess in Equestria. All I really do is smile and wave," Twilight explained as she gave an exaggerated smile and waved a hoof.

"Not really true," Twinkleshine chimed in as she trotted down the stairs. "You have an important role in Equestria. Defeating the changelings, Nightmare Moon, getting ponies to be better friends do each other."

"I guess," Twilight sighed as a quiet snoring made us all look at Cotton Cloudy. The filly was curled up in a ball, snoring loudly.

A part of me forgot she was a filly and presumably used up her energy at school. Kids tended to do that often I noticed.

"Well looks like some filly was tired," Twinkleshine giggled behind her hoof.

"I'll send Rainbowshine and Merry May a letter real fast. I don't them well but they won't have a problem with her staying her for the night," Twilight commented as she stood up, stretching and I turned red once again. "Excuse me for a moment."

We watched her exit the room quickly up the stairs as I levitated Cotton Cloudy on the bedding I slept on and tucked in her.

"She's adorable when she's asleep," Twinkleshine commented as we both looked down at the filly.


I yawned and rolled over on my side, draping a foreleg over Cotton and pulled her closer to me.

Hopefully she didn't kill me in the morning for this.