• Published 4th May 2024
  • 486 Views, 40 Comments

Kamen Rider Shifter - Banshee531

Monsters known as Mimics have invaded Canterlot and wish to wipe out humanity. Only a select group of heroes are able to stand against them. The Kamen Riders.

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Episode 2: A Kamen Rider is Born

The city of Canterlot was on alert, due to the strange attack that had happened earlier in the day.

Police, fire crews and paramedics had rushed to the scene, doing their best to get everything under control. The people who had been caught up in the attack, were all saying the same thing. That a monster had attacked them.

Many people didn't believe this, thinking the victims were all delusional. But they still investigated the area and could find nothing to explain what had happened.

Several miles away, Flash had walked back to school after having the strangest experience ever.

His entire body had been going on autopilot and only now, Flash was starting to remember what had happened. The strange sensation he had felt, the uncontrollable running to the site of the attack, the run in with the monster and the strange occurrence that had happened.

He had somehow transformed into an armored figure and destroyed the monster, but he had no idea how he had done it or where he had gotten the belt and device that had allowed him to destroy the monster. A million questions were racing through his head and as he reached the school and got his bike, he wondered what he should do about it.

"Maybe I should tell someone," he spoke to himself. "But who?" The first people that came to mind were the Rainbooms. They had been there when he destroyed the monster. Maybe they could help him figure out what was going on.

But what would they think of him, if he told them he was the one that destroyed that monster? Would they think he was messing with Equestrian Magic? He honestly had no idea.

"Maybe I should sleep on this," he told himself as he biked back home. He was feeling really tired after what happened and he needed to rest up.

In a dark area, three individuals are standing around together.

Each of them was dressed in a dark cloak and clearly trying to keep their identities hidden. And as they stood there, they were listening to a radio located on a table between them. "Witnesses claim to have been attacked by a strange monster, that looked like a giant humanoid spider. But this creature has disappeared and there has been no sign of it since this afternoon. Many believe it may have been a mass hallucination, brought on by a natural gas leak or something similar. Further investigation will determine if this is true or not."

"Mass hallucination?" One of the cloaks growled. "They think we're a hallucination?"

"These humans are clearly not very bright," an older sounding male voice replied. "But that can work in our favour. The more they don't believe we exist, the more we can do without them attempting to counter us. What's more important, is to discover what happened to our Mimic Soldier."

"Indeed," a female voice agreed. "We all felt it. The Mimic was destroyed. But how?"

"I'll find out," the first figure announced. "Not sure how, but I'll uncover what happened."

"There is a way," the older male replied. "Gule, awaken another of our brethren. One that the humans won't stand a chance against. And keep an eye on it. If whatever happened before happens again, find it."

"Understood," the other male replied before turning to leave.

The next day.

As Flash biked to school, he was still plagued by the memory of what had happened yesterday.

He had barely slept a wink the previous night, too focused on what had happened. He was sure he needed to tell someone about this and his first stop were the Rainbooms, since they would likely know what the heck was going on with him.

He arrived at school and pulled into the bike shed, locking his bike up before heading inside.

As soon as he got in, he started looking for one of the Rainbooms. But as he did, he passed by someone and heard something interesting. "Apparently, he was wearing orange armor over a black suit and destroyed the monster with a single kick."

He turned to them, as another pair passed him. "What did the Rainbooms call him again?"

"Shifter," the other replied. "That's what he called himself, apparently." Flash frowned, as he continued down the hall. He eventually spotted Twilight and Sunset, who were discussing something with a serious expression on their face.

"How do we know we can even trust him?" Sunset asked, with Twilight shrugging.

"I don't know. But he did defeat that creature that was attacking everyone."

"But then why did he run away?" Sunset then spotted Flash. "Hey, I'm guessing you've heard about it as well?"

"Heard about what?" Flash asked, as he spotted his locker and started opening it.

"Oh, then you're about the only person who hasn't heard. Rainbow and Pinkie have been telling everyone. About someone we met yesterday. His name's Shifter and we saw him, fighting against a weird spider monster."

"Spider monster?" Flash put the pieces together and realised they were talking about him. "What was he like?"

"We don't really know," Twilight replied. "We watched him fight and after he destroyed the monster, he disappeared in a flash of light." She hummed, as she took out her phone. "The authorities think what happened yesterday was a natural disaster of some sort. Wish we could tell them the truth."

"So what do you think of this Shifter guy?" Flash asked.

"We're not sure," Sunset told him. "I don't trust him. He just showed up out of nowhere and disappeared as soon as that monster was destroyed. He didn't tell us anything and just left us with more questions than answers. Like what the heck was that monster?"

"Maybe he had his reasons," Flash guessed.

"Maybe," Twilight nodded. "I'm just interested in where he got that suit. I don't know what kind of power source he was using, but it must be one heck of a strong device to power that super kick he used." Flash frowned. Of course, Twilight was more interested in the suit than the one wearing it. "I can't help but wonder if he'll show up again."

"I'm more concerned with the monster than with him," Sunset replied. "If one shows up again, who knows how much damage it could do before this guy shows up again."

"You think that monster was made using Equestrian Magic?" Flash asked.

"No idea," Sunset shrugged. "We weren't close enough to it for me to sense anything." As the bell rang, the students made their way to class.

Flash frowned as he watched the girls head off. Suddenly, he wasn't so eager to tell them who that Shifter guy really was. For now, he would keep it to himself and try not to think about it.

That proved easier said than done. Shifter was all anyone was talking about, since Pinkie and Rainbow hadn't stopped talking about him since yesterday. The only time Flash didn't hear about his new alter-ego, was when the teachers told them to quiet down and do their work. But the second the classes ended, everyone instantly turned their attention back to Shifter.

By the point of recess, Flash had to get away so he didn't have to keep hearing everyone theorise he was an alien, or some kind of cyborg created by an evil organisation. He headed up to the roof of the building and once he was sure nobody was there, he took out the device he used yesterday.

Looking it over, he pressed the button on the side and heard it call out the word 'strike' and show the dots. But that's all it did.

He looked down at his waist, where the belt had just appeared yesterday.

He took a deep breath and remembered what he had done yesterday. "Henshin." But the belt refused to appear. "Come on." He pressed the device's button several times and kept yelling out the words, but nothing happened. He didn't know what caused the belt to appear, but it clearly wasn't going to come when he called it.

He let out a sight and put the device back in his pocket, a million questions racing through his mind. But clearly, he wasn't going to get any answers today. "What is happening to me?"

In the city, a woman had just left a large shop carrying a bunch of bags.

Her phone was pressed up against her ear, as she walked around wearing a fur coat and expensive clothing. "I know," she smiled. "I just managed to get some new shoes that are just to die for." She turned to walk down another street, which was currently empty. "How much? I don't know. A lot. I didn't check. Daddy's credit card went through, so who cares."

Suddenly, someone stepped out of an alleyway.

That someone was one of the cloaked figures, who stood in front of the woman and made her stop. "What?" She asked, frowning as she glared at him. "Can you move? You're in my way."

The figure reached up and lifted his hood, allowing her to be greeted with a pair of green eyes. "Awaken and remember what you truly are." These words combined with the eyes, caused the woman's head to suddenly explode with information, making her drop her bags and phone before clutching her head.

The figure watched, as the woman crouched and cried out in pain. But then, she stopped crying and stood up. The expression on her face was different. "I am...Fel-Grow-Varn."

The figure nodded and took something out. A glass case, with a grasshopper inside. "Take this and destroy all that face you. Show this primitive world, why we are the supreme beings." The woman nodded and took the case, opening the top and reaching inside. As she did, her hand changed to an orange-brown liquid.

The liquid flew down and quickly surrounded the grasshopper, which tried to escape with little luck. She then pulled her arm away, her hand reforming, whilst the blob she had left behind solidified and turned into an amber cocoon, with the grasshopper still inside.

Suddenly, her body began to melt and turn into a puddle of slimy orange-brown goo.

That puddle soon began to reshape itself, growing taller than it had been before and looking much thinner in some areas. Then, the liquid began to solidify and be absorbed by the body. In doing so, it revealed a monster that looked like a green humanoid grasshopper. Its legs were bent backwards, with a membrane attaching the parts that were bent to go along one another. Its long lanky arms had small hands, but long sharp claws that looked like they could cut through anything.

Sticking out the back of its shoulders were two long green chords, that looked like they could hold up a building. And its face had large orange eyes, with a mouth that looked big enough to swallow someone with.

The figure nodded and turned to leave, whilst the monster let out a roar and crouched down with her legs. Then, they sprang apart and the monster was catapulted forwards. Her claws dug into the wall beside her, cutting through it as she moved fast.

She flew onto a street with people on it and landed, getting everyone's attention as they saw the monster. This caused them all to scream as they ran away, as the grasshopper monster crouched down again. And with one mighty burst of speed, it shot towards the people and screams filled the air as the claws were swung around.

Flash had been in his Math class when it happened.

As he tried to focus on his school work, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a strange sensation washed over his body. It was the same sensation that he had felt the previous day, but he didn't feel compelled to follow it this time. Instead, he turned to look out the window. He felt strange. Like he was meant to go somewhere, but he didn't know where.

"Mr Sentry?" He looked back around to see Mr Cranky Doodle, the old math teacher staring down at him. "Is there something outside, more important than your work?"

Flash gulped, unsure how to answer that without getting into trouble.

He glanced back around and as he did, he noticed something. "Yeah. That smoke in the distance." He pointed out the window and everyone looked around, where they saw a large cloud of smoke rise up from behind several distant buildings.

Cranky saw this and hummed. "Well, I'm sure that is interesting. But it's also none of our business. It's a long way away and I'm sure the authorities are already on it."

"Hey," Micro Chips spoke up. "What if it has anything to do with what happened yesterday?" This made Flash look back at the smoke, as he wondered the same thing. The other students began whispering about it and all took out their phones, looking up news articles.

Flash looked back out the window and as he did, he noticed the Rainbooms suddenly running out of the school.

The girls stared at the smoke for a moment before they all touched their geodes, causing them to transform into their human pony hybrid forms. Rainbow then grabbed Applejack and Twilight, the girl rushing off and pulling them along whilst the others ran for their vehicles. Flash couldn't help but be curious. What was going on?

Rainbow, Applejack and Twilight, soon arrived at the place where the smoke was and looked around.

They tried to see through the smoke, but it was so dark they had no idea what was causing it. "Wish Rarity were here," Applejack stated. "She coulda made a big fan and blew this smoke away."

"Who needs Rarity?" Rainbow held out her arms. "Check this awesomeness out." He started spinning her arms and created a pair of small tornadoes, blowing away a lot of the smoke. When she did, she revealed the smoke was coming from a bunch of cars that had been destroyed. Several buildings looked like they had had cars crash into them and street lamps her cut to shreds.

"What happened here?" Twilight looked around, only to then see a figure walking through the remains of the smoke.

That figure soon came into view, revealing the grasshopper creature from before. "Wow!" Rainbow cried, "another monster!" The beast stared at them before letting out a horrible roar, then shot forward using her powerful legs.

They all gasped, as Twilight used her magic to move a car bonnet in front of them.

The grasshopper slammed into it, but had spun around and used its legs to hit the bonnet. It then sprang backwards and the force pushed the metal towards them, Twilight gasping as Applejack leapt in front of her and spun around to kick it away.

As the grasshopper landed, Rainbow ran towards it. But the monster bounced forward and the two were moving at an incredible speed. But whilst Rainbow had the slight speed edge, the grasshopper had claws and swung them Rainbow.

"WOW!" Rainbow leaned back and the claws barely missed her, but she ended up losing her balance and fell onto her butt before rolling along the ground.

The grasshopper landed and prepared to go after her, but Applejack ran towards it whilst carrying a broken piece of lamppost.

She swung it at the monster, but the grasshopper leapt straight up before bouncing off a wall and flying towards her. Applejack didn't have time to swing the post around before she was kicked in the chest and knocked backwards, Twilight rushing to her side as the monster landed.

It let out a roar at them, but the sound of a siren filled the air. It turned to see a bunch of police vehicles, racing towards them before coming to a stop. As the girls picked themselves up, police and SWAT teams rushed out with their weapons drawn.

"Freeze!" The head police officer announced. "Don't move!" The monster roared and shot forward, the authorities all opening fire on the creature. But it bounced from side to side, so fast that the bullets didn't even get close. And when it reached the police, it slashed at them and its claws cut right through their guns and shields.

"No way!" One cried before the grasshopper spun around, slamming one of the chords on its back into him. He screamed as he was knocked flying back, whilst several pointed their surviving guns at it. But the beast leapt straight up and they all missed.

The girls watched as the officers were completely outclassed. "What is that thing?" Applejack asked.

"It looks like a grasshopper," Twilight stated. "But it must have been mutated by something."

"Equestrian Magic?" Rainbow asked, but Twilight wasn't sure that was the answer. And if it wasn't, then how could they defeat this creature?

Twilight was then reminded of the figure from yesterday, who had destroyed that spider monster. Whatever power they had, it was clearly able to defeat these monsters. But where were they and why hadn't they shown up yet?

Meanwhile, up atop a nearby roof, the cloaked figure was watching. He stared at the girls, as they tried to fight against the monster. "Are they what destroyed our brethren?" All he could do was watch and see what happened.

As soon as the class had been let out, Flash rushed out of the school.

His phone was out and he had opened it up to a local news channel, allowing him to watch as everything happened. For a news crew had gotten to the scene and was filming everything. "As you can see, the police have engaged the creature. But their attempts to subdue it have not been successful."

The footage then showed a shaky image of the monster that was attacking, Flash's eyes going wide when he saw it.

He watched, as the beast shot several feet forward and slammed a SWAT office in the shield. The impact sent him flying back and as several cops fired, the creature dodged every attack.

"So fast," he frowned. "The Rainbooms can handle it." But then the image happened to show Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack, Flash seeing Rainbow and Applejack looking rather scuffed up. "Ahhh." He remembered what happened yesterday.

He had stopped that monster easily. But he had no idea how he did what he did or if he could even do it again. And even if he could, how would he get there. He still didn't have his car and who knows how long it would take to bike there. "There's nothing I can do."

Suddenly, a bright flash of light appeared in front of him.

He let out a cry, as the light blinded him for a moment. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust and when they did, he was able to see the light was coming from some kind of tear in the fabric of space.

Said tear was quite large, big enough for a person to fit through it without issue. And as Flash stared at the portal, he suddenly found his body moving on its own. Before he realised what was going on, he stepped through the tear and disappeared from his school.

And as soon as he was through it, the portal closed.

As the grasshopper slammed its feet into someone else, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie arrived.

"Girls!" Sunset rushed to the other's side. "Are you alright?" They all nodded, as the monster barrelled through another group of police officers. "What is that thing?"

"We were hoping you'd tell us," Rainbow stated. "Whatever that thing is, it's fast and dangerous."

More police were knocked back and as the creature turned to them, it growled. "I think it's noticed us," Pinkie gulped. She took out a cupcake and as the creature charged, she threw it at the monster.

It swung its claws around and cut through the tasty treat, which exploded right in its face.

The girls smiled, but the grasshopper flew out of the smoke without even a scratch. "Look out!" Fluttershy cried, as Rarity put up a shield. The monster slammed into the wall and whilst the diamonds shook, nothing happened.

Rainbow tried to use this moment to run around and try to tackle the monster, but the creature leapt straight up and the girl missed by a mile. "Wow!" She skidded to a stop before she could crash into a building, whilst Twilight grabbed a destroyed piece of car in her magic and threw it.

The beast easily avoided the attack and flew down towards them, Pinkie throwing a bunch of charged sprinkles at it. The explosion that followed actually managed to knock the creature back, but it did several back-flips and landed.

The police who were still able to fight saw this and were amazed, but saw these girls clearly had no way of actually harming the creature. "Bring out the biggest weapon we have!" He cried, as the officers rushed over to a van and returned moments later carrying some kind of machine gun.

The grasshopper noticed the movement and looked around to see them taking aim, the girls quickly rushing away in case the cops missed.

"Open fire!" The lead officer roared, as the cops began to unload on the creature. But once again, the beast was able to dodge and avoid every attack sent its way and moved towards them as fast as it could.

Once it was close enough, it leapt into the air and spun like a drill with its claws outstretched. The speed at which it moved was like nothing any of them had ever seen and in the blink of an eye, it was behind them with its claws outstretched.

The machine gun then fell apart, having been cut into a dozen different pieces and falling to the ground. And as the officer turned to it, the creature swung its claws around and slashed him down the chest. "GYAH!" He was knocked back and the other officers could only watch in shock, as the Rainbooms ran out of hiding.

"That's it!" Sunset called out. "Let's end this. You girls with me?" They all nodded and took hold of each other's hand, as they summoned all of their magic and flew into the air.

The monster turned to see them glowing, which made the creature tilt its head in confusion. Then, the girl's magic flew upwards and began to swirl into a rainbow of spiralling light. Said light curved back down and shot towards the monster, who tried to leap up to avoid it. But the second it did, the light also curved and flew towards the beast.

It slammed into it before it could dodge and the creature screamed, as the spiral completely surrounded it.

Everyone who saw this was amazed, hoping this meant the creature would be destroyed. And as a blinding light filled the air, everyone looked away whilst waiting to see if the fight was over.

The Rainbooms floated down to the ground, as the light began to fade away.

They all smiled, thinking they had won. But before they could celebrate, something came crashing down and struck the road hard enough to break it. The grasshopper, completely unharmed by their attack. "What?" Sunset gasped.

Before anything else could be done, the beast shot forward with its claws drawn. It swung them towards Sunset and at the last minute, Rainbow pushed her out of the way. "GYAH!" She cried, as the beast slashed at her. It cut into her wing, causing her to fall and crash to the ground.

"RAINBOW!" They all screamed, as the beast prepared to slash at them again. But Twilight grabbed an entire car and threw it at the monster, the beast getting slammed into and thrown backwards. They all rushed over to Rainbow, who had changed back to her human form.

This caused her injured wing to disappear, though she still looked like she could feel the pain she had suffered. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked, with Rainbow taking several deep breaths.

They turned to the monster, as it roared and Rarity put up a dome of protection. The police began to unload on the creature and the girls realised that whatever it was, their magic couldn't stop it. But what could?

Flash had no idea where he was. As soon as he stepped through the portal, he found himself in a dark void illuminated only by the portal.

But the portal quickly vanished and Flash was completely blind, not daring to take a step for fear of falling into some kind of trap. "Hello?" He called out, "anyone there?"

Suddenly, footsteps filled the air and he looked around to see someone walking out of the shadows. A figure in a white hooded cloak, the rest of their body hidden beneath it. "Welcome."

Flash frowned at him, "who are you? And how did I get here?"

"That's not important," the figure replied. "All you need to know, is that you are Earth's only hope of survival." Flash looked shocked by this. "your world is currently being threatened by a powerful force. And the only thing that can stop it, is you."

"What force? Do you mean that creature I fought yesterday? And the one attacking the city right now?"

"Those creatures are called Mimics," the figure replied. "A very dangerous species, that originates from another universe." Flash could hardly believe that. "They have only one goal. Total extinction of anything that isn't a Mimic. That's why they're attacking your world. They see humans as beneath them and must be wiped out."


"I don't know. Why does your species constantly try to exterminate rats and roaches, whenever they show up? It's just something you do to a species you think has no value." Flash frowned. "Be warned. The Mimics are dangerous. Their abilities allow them to live up to their name and mimic the abilities of creatures they interact with. But those abilities are dialled up to eleven when a Mimic uses them."

"So they want to destroy our world?"

"Not just your world. They've wiped out all life on multiple other alternative universes. Once they've completely destroyed your world, they'll just move onto the next. The entire multiverse is at risk of being destroyed, unless the Mimics are stopped here and now."

Flash frowned, thinking about everyone he knew and loved. His mother, sister, friends and people that just try to live their lives. If nothing happened, the Mimics could kill all of them. "But why me? You said I'm my world's only hope, but why me?"

"Because you have a power that other humans do not. This power is what will allow you to protect your world and end the Mimics."

Flash took out the screen he had used the previous day, whilst placing a hand on his waist. "You mean that belt I have?"

"The Mimic Driver. With it, you can become a warrior that will slay any Mimic you come across. It is your destiny." Flash wasn't so sure about this, since he had no idea where he got the belt or the screen device.

"You know a lot about all this. So how the heck did I get this power?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that," the figure replied. "I know you probably have a million questions, but the answers to them will have to wait. When the Mimics are defeated, you will understand everything. But until then, you must fight and protect your world. And to do that, I have something to give you."

Before Flash could ask what that was, something suddenly appeared out of the darkness between them.

A table of some kind, ascended from below. And on that table was a tennis ball sized orb, made of a strange orange-brown material. As soon as the table stopped moving, the figure pointed to it. "Take it."

Flash gave him a curious look, but carefully moved forward and reached out to grasp the orb. As soon as he did, the object began to melt.

He was about to flick his hand and throw the slime away, but the substance then reshaped itself and solidified. In the blink of an eye, Flash was holding some kind of small motorbike toy. It was mostly orange in colour, with black sections below the bodywork and blue lightning bolt streaks covering it. Flash didn't know why, but it seemed to be a lot longer than a normal motorbike would at this size.

"What is this?"

"Something that you should find helpful, in the battles that are to come." Before Flash could ask anything else, the portal appeared behind Flash. And when he turned to it, the tear moved and he was suddenly thrown through it.

The next thing Flash knew, he was staggering forward and almost fell over. Looking around, he saw he was back where he had originally been. Back at school with nobody around. The portal quickly closed behind him, Flash left standing there completely clueless about anything.

No, that wasn't true. Flash had been told a few things. The creatures that were attacking were called Mimics, which wanted to slaughter his race. And apparently, he was the only one capable of defeating them.

He then looked down at the bike toy he had been given, wondering how the heck this was supposed to help him in stopping the Mimics. But just then, the bike started melting in his hand.

"What?" Flash held it up, as the toy turned back to the slimy substance it was before. And before Flash could ask what was going on, it suddenly flew out of his hand and shot towards the ground.

As soon as it made contact, the slime began to increase in volume. Flash stepped back, as it got larger and larger. And once big enough, the slime began to take shape and form the same structure it had been in back when it was the toy. Eventually, the shaping ended and the slime began to harden. Within seconds, a life sized version of the toy was standing in front of him.

"Wow." Flash stepped forward and looked it over, realising it wasn't a toy. It was a real motorbike, with an engine, lights and everything. "Awesome." As he said that, his phone beeped.

"It appears this creature is completely indestructible. No amount of gunfire has been able to touch the creature, let alone harm it. The police are ordering an evacuation of the area, to prevent any casualties."

Flash frowned, as he remembered what that cloaked man told him. "I have the power to stop this." He looked over at the bike, then remembered the Rainbooms were there and probably in danger. "If that's the case, I have to do this. To protect my friends and my world, I'll fight!" As soon as he said that, a light suddenly appeared around his waist.

Looking down, he saw the light take shape and form the belt from yesterday.

He smiled as he swung his leg over the bike, getting seated and placing his hands on the handles. As soon as he did, the bike burst into life as the engine started. Despite never having ridden a motorbike before, Flash suddenly knew everything he needed to do in order to use it.

Revving the engine, he kicked it into gear and the bike's wheels began to spin.

The front suddenly flew into the air and the bike shot forward, Flash holding on tight as the machine raced out of the school's parking lot.

The front flew down as he did and he quickly swerved out onto the street, the bike picking up amazing speed but not having any issues controlling it. It was moving so fast, to everyone else it was just an orange blur.

As he raced towards the battle, Flash opened the belt before reaching into his pocket. He took out the screen-like device and activated it. "STRIKE!" The dots appeared to form the insect, as Flash placed it into his belt.

And as he found a straight section of road, the bike remained upright as Flash yelled out. "HENSHIN!" He slammed the draw of the belt shut, locking the screen inside and causing the lights on the belt to turn orange.

"MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" The strange orange-brown liquid shot out of the pipes, flying into the air and somehow keeping up with Flash despite him going a bazillion miles an hour.

The liquid clung to his body and solidified, eventually forming the cocoon around him that didn't cause the bike to lose balance. And after a few moments, the cocoon cracked apart before shattering off his body. Doing so revealed him in the black suit, which the pieces of amber slammed onto and formed the armor around his body.

As the armour settled, the belt spoke. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!"

Transformation complete, the newly christened Shifter revved the engine again and the bike continued to fly forward on the road. Despite being a little scared, Flash didn't allow himself to stop going. He would stop that monster, no matter what.

All of the police were completely out of ammo and as they turned to run away, the Mimic launched itself towards the Rainbooms.

Rarity tried to put up a shield, but the Mimic bounced into the air and leapt over the wall. It then flew down and slammed a foot into Rarity, knocking her flying back. "RARITY!" Her friends cried, as the Mimic shot forward and slammed into each of them. They all cried, as they were sent flying and crashed into the ground.

They all let out a groan, each reverting back to human, as the Mimic landed and glared at them. Its claws twitched, as it clearly prepared to end this fight.

All the while, the one named Gule watched and shook his head. "They're not the ones who defeated the Mimic. So what was it?" He watched, as the girls tried to pick themselves up. But it was clear that they weren't in a fit state to keep fighting.

Suddenly, an engine filled the air and caught everyone's attention. The girls, the police, news crew and even the monster turned to see something racing towards them on a bike. "Hey!" A police officer yelled, "stop!" But the rider didn't listen.

The next thing they knew, the bike shot into the air and flew over them. Despite the vast distance it had to travel, it made it over the crowd with no effort and landed on the other side of the Rainbooms.

As it did, it slid along the ground and came to a stop. This allowed them to see who it was.

"It's him," Rainbow spoke up. The girls all stared at the armored figure, who stared at them for a moment before turning towards the Mimic.

"Who are you?" The grasshopper cried, as the figure leaned on the console of his bike.

"Shifter," the figure replied, "that's the name I'm apparently being called. And I'm the one that's gonna stop the Mimics. You won't do here, what you've done to other worlds." Everyone wondered what he meant by that, as the Mimic growled.

"You don't scare me. You won't even touch me."

"Don't be so sure," Shifter told it. "Because right now, the winds of victory have shifted." With that, he revved his bike's engine and shot towards the Mimic.

The grasshopper bent its legs and shot into the air, moving with incredible speed away from Shifter and his bike. But the armored warrior launched into the air and his bike followed after the Mimic, catching up as the monster turned to see him coming.

It tried to slash at him, but Shifter blocked with his arm guard before dealing a punch to its chest. The Mimic fell to the ground and Shifter landed before swerving its bike around, launching himself at the Mimic as it picked itself up.

It tried to jump away, but the bike was too fast and smashed into the mutant before it could flee. Shifter then swerved around and swung his leg at the grasshopper, smashing it into the beast and knocking it backwards.

The Mimic staggered back and as Shifter swung his bike around again, the beast leapt into the air and prepared to slam its foot into its opponent. But Shifter accelerated and before the grasshopper could complete its attack, he leapt onto the seat and bounced off it. He flew towards the Mimic and spun around, thrusting his own foot into the creature's chest and knocking it backwards

Shifter then back-flipped and landed back on the bike, which kept driving as the Mimic crashed into the ground.

"Wow!" Pinkie cheered, "he's awesome."

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "but who is he?"

"Well, he's helpin' us." Applejack glanced at the others, "don't that mean he's on our side?"

"Maybe," Sunset didn't look so sure. All they could do was keep watching, as the green and orange blurs flew around continuing their fight.

Shifter's bike somehow stuck to the side of a building, rolling along it for several seconds before shooting off and flying towards the Mimic. The grasshopper spun around and managed to slam the front of the bike with its leg, knocking it away and causing Shifter to spin out of control.

He managed to land and skidded along the ground, as the Mimic landed and shot forward.

Shifter revved up and pushed his bike forward, as the grasshopper slashed at him. But before it could make contact, Shifter spun his bike around and slid the side of the bike onto the ground. As the bike ground against the pavement, Shifter threw a punch upwards and struck the Mimic when it flew over him. The monster was struck in the stomach and knocked flying into the air, as Shifter pulled the bike back up and spun to a stop.

The Mimic crashed into the ground, as Shifter swung the bike around. The front was now pointing right at the monster, as Shifter slammed the side of the belt to make it speak out.


The light on his right boot glowed before bolts of energy flew out of it, down his boot and into the bike. The front wheel then started glowing orange, as Shifter revved the engine. Eventually, the wheel started spinning and sparks flew out of it. And as the Mimic picked itself up, the bike shot forward at an incredible speed.

The energy from the wheel, formed a slipstream around the bike and turned it into a giant projectile. And as the Mimic realised what was happening, Shifter pulled the bike back so it performed a wheelie and the wheel slammed into the Mimic.

The monster roared, as the spinning wheel ground into it and the energy cut into its body. All this happened in a single second, but to the Mimic the pain felt never-ending. And in the blink of an eye, the monster exploded and the bike flew through the flames.

Shifter once again swung the bike around so it skidded to a stop, as the smoke faded to reveal the grasshopper was nowhere in sight. It had been destroyed.

With the danger now passed, the police, news crew and even the Rainbooms began to slowly move towards him.

Several cops reached for their guns, but seemed to remember they were out of bullets. And as Shifter turned to leave, Twilight spoke up. "Wait!" She rushed forward and he looked back at them. "Who are you? What's going on?"

Under his helmet, Flash wondered if he should tell them who he was and what was going on. But a worry of being captured and experimented on, suddenly appeared in his mind. He couldn't let that happen. He had a feeling the police wouldn't believe him, if he said he had no idea what was really going on.

As such, he turned towards them and would say what he did know. "That creature was known as a Mimic. They come from another world and their only goal, is to wipe out all life on this planet." Everyone who heard this looked worried. "But don't worry. I won't let that happen. So long as I'm around, the Mimics won't get to destroy this world. Even if it costs me my life, I'll stop them no matter what."

The crowd clearly had no idea what to make of that and Shifter said nothing else, revving his bike before racing off at high speed. "Wait!" A reporter cried, but he was already gone. She frowned, turning to the camera. "Well, there you have it. Our world is under threat and the only one able to protect us, is someone named Shifter."

The Rainbooms all shared a look, wondering if they would ever learn who this mysterious hero was. And if he was really trying to help them.

Up on the roof, Gule watched in intrigued at what he had just seen. "What was that? How can a human have that kind of power?" He turned to leave. He needed to tell the rest of his team about this new development.

It wasn't long before the news of the fight spread around the city and the discovery of this mysterious armored hero, who single-handedly defeated this unstoppable monster.

When Flash returned to school, he managed to sneak it without anyone noticing. His special bike had shrunk back to its tiny form, allowing him to pocket it without issue. He got to his final class of the day, his friends asking where he was during the previous period.

Luckily, he was able to come up with an excuse they believed and nobody said anything else. They were too focused on the news about the new hero and the monster attack.

As soon as school was out, Flash grabbed his bike and rode back home. He wished he could use his new bike, but realised people might get suspicious if he was racing around on the same vehicle as the armored man.

"I'm home," he announced once he arrived at his normal suburban home. He stepped into the living room and there, sitting on the couch, was his mother. Misty Vail, a silver skinned woman with purple hair. She smiled at him, as he sat down on the couch next to her.

"How was school?"

"Good," Flash nodded. "Nothing out of the ordinary."

"That's good," Misty smiled. "Your sister called and said she'd be spending the evening at her friend's house. Would you be okay picking her up?"

"You want me to bike all the way there and bring her back the same way?" Misty smiled and pointed to the coffee table, Flash looking down and seeing a car key sitting on it.

"Oh, yes!" Flash grabbed it. "Is this..."

"Lock smith came this afternoon. Programmed the key and managed to deactivate your old one. Whoever stole it's not gonna be able to use it anymore."

"Thanks mom," Flash smiled. "You're the best." Misty smiled back, as the news she was watching changed subjects.

"In other news, the police have released a statement about the monster attack that occurred earlier today. This Mimic creature is currently under investigation, along with the mysterious armored figure that appeared and defeated it." The TV showed an image of Shifter, Flash taking a close look since this was the first time he had seen himself in that form.

He had to admit it. He looked pretty cool.

"With us right now, is an expert in strange circumstances and unusual situations. Doctor Evan Nigma." The image showed a man dressed in a lab coat, with glasses and a strange hairdo. "Doctor Nigma. What do you make of this whole event?"

The doctor pushed his glasses up. "After closer examination of the facts, it appears our city has become host to a situation that is usually only restricted to Japan." The image showed Shifter once again. "A mysterious armored figure, riding a motorbike and fighting against a monster. In Japan, these individuals are known as Kamen Riders."

"Kamen Riders?" Flash felt like he had heard that before.

"For many decades, these heroes have fought against unusual threats and kept our world safe. And whilst most of their activities have been localised to Japan, that doesn't appear to be the case anymore."

The presenter turned to the screen. "There you have it, folk. Let's all hope we can rest easy in our beds, tonight. For Kamen Rider Shifter, is on the case."

"Kamen Rider Shifter," Flash smirked. "I like that."

"What did you say?" Misty asked, as Flash shook his head.

"Nothing." Flash got up. "I'm gonna...go make sure my car's alright. The thief might have stolen something from it." She nodded as Flash headed out.

"Just be careful. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you."

"Oh," Flash smiled, "I wouldn't worry about that." He took the bike toy and screen device out of his jacket. "I get the feeling things aren't gonna be like they were before." With that, he headed out. He might not know what the heck was going on, but he knew one thing. He had been entrusted with the fate of his world. And he wouldn't let it down.

In another area, someone was watching the news broadcast. They were in a dark corner of the room, watching as the presenter gave his last remarks.

"There you have it, folk. Let's all hope we can rest easy in our beds, tonight. For Kamen Rider Shifter, is on the case."

The figure paused the TV, as they began to step forward. "Kamen Rider, huh?" The figure stepped into the light, revealing itself to be a figure wearing a suit similar to Shifter's.

Their suit was silver instead of black, with blue lines running around their body, whilst dark blue transparent armour was sitting atop it. This armour was much bulkier than Flash's, with thick chest armour and bulky shoulder-pads with triangular spikes on the end of them. Its helmet was almost completely covered, by the transparent blue material. The only thing uncovered, was a white mouth guard.

The eyes glowed yellow and the mask had a large blue horn coming out of the forehead, that mimicked a hercules beetle. On the end of the horn was a large V-shape, with two little nubs halfway up. The figure was also wearing the same belt Flash was wearing, with a bunch of blue light dots that showed a hercules beetle in many different positions.

The figure stared closer to the TV and stared at the image of shift, clearly interested in him. "You and I will be meeting soon. And when that happens, you better have some answers for me."

Author's Note:

Now the world knows about the Mimics and their new hero. What's more, Flash has earned himself the title of Kamen Rider. Can he live up to that title? And who is this new Rider that's appeared? Stay tuned to find out.

For those curious, the bike's design is basically the Alpha Frame for the Stardust Accelerator Duel Runner. Look it up if you're curious.