Kamen Rider Shifter

by Banshee531

First published

Monsters known as Mimics have invaded Canterlot and wish to wipe out humanity. Only a select group of heroes are able to stand against them. The Kamen Riders.

One day, Flash wakes up out of the blue to find himself in possession of an unusual device and no memory of how he got it. And when his home is invaded by shape-shifting monsters, he finds he will need to use that device to save his friends and family.

With the powers he now possesses, Flash must take on the mantle of hero. Along the way, he will face many challenges and uncover many secrets. He may end up sacrificing everything in order to protect his world, but he will grow stronger through those sacrifices. And eventually, he may learn to live up to the title given to him. The title of a Kamen Rider.

Episode 1: A Shift in Life

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Canterlot, a city of many amazing individuals.

The people of the city were living their lives, wondering what insane situation might happen next in the crazy city. Over the last year, many strange things had occurred in Canterlot. Most of it was situated around Canterlot High, but over time the strangeness began to spread out. But what nobody knew was that on that day, the most unusual thing ever seen was about to occur.

At Canterlot High, the students were all arriving at the building ready for another day of education.

This included a blue haired orange skinned boy named Flash Sentry, who had just arrived to the school on his pedal bike. The teen huffed in exhaustion, having not gotten used to needing to get up earlier now that he couldn't drive his car. Why, you ask?

Three days ago.

Flash let out a moan as he felt himself beginning to come around. His head was completely fuzzy but he knew one thing: He wasn't currently asleep on his bed.

Instead, he felt himself laid out on something hard. He opened his eyes and found himself looking directly up at the sky. His body ached as he pushed himself into a sitting position. He looked around and found he was actually in an alleyway, one he frequently walked through when he was heading home from where he parked his car.

He pushed himself to his feet, but ended up staggering slightly as his legs felt like jelly. He managed to regain his strength and looked around, trying to figure out what he was doing sleeping in an alleyway. "What happened to me last night?" He tried to think back, but the last thing he remembered was getting out of the car after parking it and heading towards his house. But everything after that was a total blank.

He reached into his pocket to grab his phone to check the time, but when he did he found it wasn't there. "What?" He began checking his other pockets but they were empty too. His phone, keys, wallet, all of it was missing. "I've been robbed!"

The police believed that Flash had been snuck up on from behind and knocked out, though he didn't appear to have any injuries that would result in a KO.

Despite his keys being taken, Flash's car remained where it was and nothing from it seemed to be taken. However, with his only key set gone he had no way to use it. So until he could get himself a new set, Flash was stuck riding his old bike to school.

Pulling up to the side of the building where the bikes were kept, he put it into place and used his bike lock to keep it from being stolen. He then swung his bag over his back and headed into the building.

"Flash!" He turned to see his friend Derpy heading towards him, "hey. You doing okay after what happened?"

"I'm fine," he told her. "Just wish I knew who it was that got the jump on me." Derpy nodded as they headed for their lockers and started getting what they needed, Flash placing his bag inside and taking out his books whilst Derpy grabbed everything she needed.

"I heard the Rainbooms managed to stop another magic attack the other day."

"Really?" Flash asked, "what was it this time. Did magic infect a coffee maker and turn anyone who drank from it into a magical being with super powers?" Derpy laughed at this, but shrugged telling him she didn't know what it was that they beat.

"All I know is it was pretty dangerous and the girls barely managed to stop it."

Flash sighed, "man I wish I could be like that. If I had magic, I could help those that need it like the girls." He imagined what life would be like if he had one of the girl's powers, even the slightly less useful ones like animal speak and reading minds. If he had something like that, he could help people like he always wanted to do. Unfortunately, it was highly unlikely something like that would ever happen to him.

"I bet it's not as great as the girls make it seem," Derpy told him. "I mean, they're constantly on guard for anything that might happen around him. That sounds really stressful if you ask me."

"Maybe," Flash nodded as Derpy headed off for her homeroom. Flash closed his locker and as he did, he turned to put his back against it to think about what Derpy had said. His hand then reached into his pocket and took something out of it. A device that he had found three days ago.

Three days ago.

"I've been robbed." But then, he felt something in his jacket pocket. Something that was too heavy for his keys and wallet and to big to be his phone.

He reached inside and felt some kind of glass screen in his pocket, which was connected to something thick. He pulled it out and looked it over, seeing it was just like Flash had felt. It was a glass rectangle with multiple dots covering it, which looked like they were actually lights. The glass was big enough that Flash could put his entire hand on it and be completely inside it. On the left side of it, there was a thick square-shaped rod of metal that ran up the side of it and had a button on the top of it. On the left side, between the rod and the dots, letters could be seen one on top of the other to make a word. S, T, R, I, K, E.

Flash looked the device over and pressed the button on top of the rod, which caused it to come to life. "STRIKE!" It cried, surprising him as several dots in the middle of the screen lit up and glowed orange. Doing so caused them to make the outline of an insect, which appeared to have a light on its rear end. Flash realised it was a lightning bug, the lights suddenly going out before other came on to make the same animal shape but in a different pose. It did this several more time, the lights flash on and off to make it look like the insect was flying all around the screen. It didn't stop until Flash pressed the button again, confusing him. "What is this thing?"


Flash stared at the device, still wondering what the heck it was. He wanted to show it to somebody, but every time he thought about doing so he got a strange feeling that made him think again. He was completely clueless about what the heck was going on, but he knew whatever this device was, it was important.

He put the device back into his pocket and began to make his way to his homeroom, the teen trying to get the unusual item out of his mind. But what he didn't realised was that the item in question would prove rather important to him in the coming days and weeks. Rather important to the entire town in fact, as time would soon demonstrate.

In the suburbs of Canterlot, inside a quint little home, a man was busy getting ready for work.

His wife and children were all laughing around the table, since it was there day off from work and school so they didn't have to hurry to get anywhere. "Daddy!" A two year old girl called out, showing her father a picture she had just drawn of the family together.

"Wow," he told her as he knotted his tie. "That's great honey. You're a young Leonardo." The girl looked confused by the statement, but could tell it was a compliment and smiled. "Well," he turned to his wife, "I'd better get to work." She nodded and reached up to kiss him, the kids letting out several disgusted looks as they did.

He headed out the front door, grabbing his briefcase and coat as he left. He stepped outside and took a deep breath of the fresh air before heading to his car. As he did, he noticed a tiny spider had made a home for itself on his wing mirror. He smiled, happy to see his car could keep a living thing safe and shot it the world.

But before he could get in the car, he heard something that made him spin around. Movement coming from around the side of his house, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Who's there?" He asked, putting his briefcase down and taking out his phone. "Whoever you are, show yourself before I call the cops."

After a few moments, somebody stepped out from behind the house. He couldn't see who it was they were, since their entire body was hidden from view by a dark brown cloak with a deep hood that hid their entire face. The figure stepped around the house and slowly made its way towards him, the man feeling very weary about the figure.

"Who are you?" He asked, as the figure got right in front of him. "Why are you here?"

"I am here to remind you," the figure explained. "The time has come for our people to attack and claim this world." He lifted his hood and the man was met with a pair of green eyes. "Awaken and remember what you truly are." These words combined with the eyes caused the man's head to suddenly explode with information, making him grab his head and fall to his knees as he cried out.

"Gyah!" He was in tears as the information flowed through his head, his brain running on overdrive as he remembered everything. After a few seconds, he stopped crying out and looked up at the cloaked figure. "I am...Keel-Tra-Vull. Ready to receive orders."

"Good," the cloaked figure nodded. "Attack and destroy. Let all those in this world know that their time is up." With that, he turned to walk off whilst the man calling himself Keel stood back up. The figure vanished around the side of the house as Keel turned to the spider that was crawling on his wing mirror, the man reaching out and grabbing it in his hands.

As soon as he did, his entire body began to transform. His skin began to melt into a strange dark orange liquid, which consumed his entire form before it started reshaping.

Eventually, the reshaping finished and the liquid began to solidify and be absorbed by the body within it. And in doing so, a new creature was revealed. It was a fusion of a man and a spider, the creature's body being grey in colour with green stripes covering it. Its head was round and had eight bright red eyes, along with a pair of mandibles where its mouth should be. Its arms and legs were normal, but from out of its back had sprouted four spider legs that were large and spindly.

The creature looked its new body over before releasing the hand that had grabbed the spider. From it, a lump of orange amber-like substance fell to the ground. Inside the amber, the spider from before was trapped.

The door of the house opened up and the woman stepped out. "Honey, I thought I heard yelling and-" She stopped when she saw the creature, which turned towards her and let out a roar. The woman screamed as ran back into the house, the spider creature chasing after her but getting stopped when she slammed the door shut.

It pounded against the door, threatening to rip it down any second. But before it could, the sound of a motor filled its eyes and made it turn to see a motor bike rolling down the road. The rider looked over at the house and spotted the creature, almost losing balance from the shock of seeing it. The monster began to charge towards him and the rider let out a scream, riding away as fast as possible.

The monster chased after him as as it did, it let out a hiss as a chord of white sticky string shot out of its mouth. It barely missed the back wheel, the rider crying out and increasing speed. The spider kept up and the pair arrived at the more populated area of the city, the people of Canterlot hearing the man's screams and turning to see him being chased by the monster.

They wondered if this was some kind of performance, until the spider fired out a bunch of webbing that grabbed the wheel of the bike and caused the rider to be thrown from the vehicle. The beast then grabbed the webbing in its humanoid hands and began swinging it and the bike around before throwing it, the bike flying through the air towards a group of people.

They screamed and barely managed to leap out of the way to avoid getting crushed. As they did, the spider monster leapt up onto a parked car and let out a kiss roar combo that made everyone scream.

"Freeze!" A police officer cried as he rushed up and pulled out a gun, pointing it at the monster. "Put your hands in the air where I can see them!" The spider did so, raising its arms and the four spider-like legs. But then it spat out a glob of webbing that struck the gun and knocked it out of his hand. "Augh!" He cried as it fell to the ground, whilst the spider leapt into the air and landed in front of them. One of its spider legs swung down and slashed him down the front, the cop screaming as his cloths were torn and a large gash appeared on his chest.

He fell to the floor, whilst the monster turned to the people still remaining there. It hissed one more time and charged, the people screaming as they rushed off. The monster gained on them and as they ran, they preyed that somebody would show up to save them.

Flash was in class, his mind still on the strange device he had in his pocket.

He barely seemed to notice when the bell rang and everyone began to pack up, Flash remaining seated staring at his book. That was until he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. "Flash?" He jolted back to earth and turned to see Twilight Sparkle, the glasses wearing girl looking at him curiously. "You okay?"

"Yeah?" He nodded, looking around and seeing they were the only ones in the classroom. "I'm fine." He started packing up before getting to his feet.

"You sure?" She asked as they headed for the door. "You looked a little...distracted."

"I'm fine," he assured her. "Just...got a lot on my mind."

"Well try not to let it effect your school work," she told him. "I'd hate all the work I put into tutoring you to go to waste because you're not paying attention in class. You still up for our session later?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Flash told her as they made their way through the halls. "I need a lot of help if I wanna pass math and history...and science...and geography...and...you get the picture." Twilight laughed at this. "So I heard you and the girls ended up saving the day again a few days back."

"Yeah. Nothing to big. A little kid got their hands on a bubble blower that was enchanted with magic. Every time she blew a bubble, it was grow larger and larger until it touched something. When it did, it sucked it inside before lifting it into the air. We were able to stop it before she sent her whole school into orbit." Flash laughed at this.

"Man I wish I could do stuff like you girls. Super speed, super strength, telekinesis. I'd love to have one of those powers."

"Well you've got a lot of skills most would kill for," Twilight reminded him. "Even Rainbow would have to admit you're guitar skills are the best around. And you're the best driver in school. You're the only one who has a licence and hasn't gotten a parking or speeding ticket."

"Still not as cool as you what you girls can do," Flash pointed out. Twilight was about to argue back, but before she could...something happened.

All of a sudden, a wave of dizziness suddenly washed over Flash. The teen suddenly staggered to the side and had to lean against the locker, moaning as he did so. "Flash?" Twilight asked as he held a hand to his head. "Are you okay?"

Flash tried to block out the dizziness, but as he did he felt images appear on the forefront of his head. Images of down town Canterlot, which was being destroyed by something. A creature he had never seen before. He shook his head and when he did, the images vanished but the dizziness continued.

"Flash?" He blinked and his eyes began to focus again, allowing him to see Twilight looking at him worriedly. Several other students who were moving between classes were also looking at him, some looking worried whilst others seemed confused. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he told her. "Just...got dizzy for a moment." But as he said that, he suddenly got a very powerful urge. And urge to go see if what he had seen was real or not. He couldn't explain it, but it was like a hunger. A thirst begging to be quenched.

"Maybe you should go see the nurse?" Twilight suggested. Flash wanted to deny it, but he would rather do that then have everyone continue to look at him.

"Maybe you're right," he told her. "I'll head over there. You go get to your next class."

"Are you sure?" She asked, "I could come with." Flash shook his head.

"Naw, you go on. I'm just a little dizzy. I can survive on my own long enough to get to the nurse." Twilight frowned, but seemed to buy it.

"Alright." She began to walk away, "I'll come check on you at lunch." Flash nodded and began making his way towards the the nurses office whilst Twilight headed to her next class. But as he drew closer to the room in question, the drive to leave and go to the area he saw grew stronger and stronger.

He eventually arrived at the office and was about to knock, but once again the dizziness overcame him and his clutched his head as images of the monster attacking flash through his mind. He wanted to ignore them, but he could no longer fight the urge he felt. The urge to go to this creature and do...something.

Before his mind could make him stop, he pulled away from the nurses office and rushed down the hall towards the exit out to the parking lot. He jumped through the door and ran to his bike, unchaining the vehicle before pulling it out of the bike lock.

By the time his mind finally caught up with his body, he was already racing down the road on his bike and peddling like a madman. "This is nuts," he told himself. "Why am I doing this? I'm not gonna find anything there. And even if what I saw is true, what the heck can I do about it. I'm nothing special." What Flash didn't realise was that the device in his pocket was starting to glow, its power beginning to influence him. Whatever happened when he arrived downtown was gonna be big. Whether Flash realised it or not.

In a dark area, the figure in the brown cloak was watching something. A screen that appeared to have been projected into midair.

The figure stared at the screen, which was showing footage of the spider monster as it ran a muck in the city. "Perfect," he chuckled whilst watching. "Do more damage. Destroy everything you see." Sure enough, the spider monster used its four spindly legs to stab into a car and throw it towards some people. Nobody had been hurt yet, but they were running out of places to hide.

As the figure continued to watch, he was soon greeted by two more figures in the exact same cloaks. One was taller then the first and appeared more thin, whilst the second was a little shorter then the first but had more bulk filling out the cloak.

"Gule," the taller one said with a female voice, "how goes our first operation?"

The cloak known as Gule laughed. "Excellent Maya. I knew activating this monster would be a good start. The humans don't know what to think of him."

"Don't get too overconfident," the bulkier figure stated. "If we believe we've won before the final strike lands, then we'll only be inviting our own doom."

"Relax Frill," Gule told him. "We've been studying this world long enough to know the human's capabilities. There's nothing here that could destroy us, not even those seven magical girls."

Maya nodded. "And once this world has been conquered and purged, we'll move onto the world that the magic they wield came from. I look forward to wielding it myself once I've found a strong enough host."

Frill let out an uninterested hmm. "Let's stay focused on our main goal for now. Even if their weapons do little to no damage to us, a lucky hit could still spell our untimely demise."

Back at school, Twilight sat in her geology class taking notes.

But that stopped when the overhead speaker came on and Principal Celestia's voice echoed out of it. "Will Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity please come to my office." Twilight frowned and turned to Rarity, who looked just as confused, but both got up and left the room.

They headed down the hallway and met up with Fluttershy and Pinkie. "What's going on?" Fluttershy asked, "did we do something to get in trouble?"

"I don't remember doing anything," Pinkie stated.

Rarity also looked worried, but did her best to hide it. "I'm sure whatever it is, it's nothing too severe. And I'm sure we can talk ourselves out of it if we are." They arrived outside the hallway and found Rainbow, Applejack and Sunset coming from the other way. "Rainbow, did you do something to get us in trouble?"

"Not me," she assured them. "I've been on my best behaviour lately." Before the girls could say anything else, the door opened and Celestia stepped out.

"Good, girls, you're here."

"What's wrong?" Sunset asked, Celestia gesturing for them to come in. Luna was also in the room, which made the girls worry more since she wouldn't be there if this wasn't serious.

"Are we in trouble?" Applejack asked.

"No," Celestia told her before turning her computer towards them. "I called you in because I just received a news report." The girls stared at the image on the screen and their eyes went wide seeing photos and a few videos of some kind of spider creature attacking people.

"What the heck?" Rainbow asked when they looked closer, "what is that thing?"

"We're not sure," Celestia told them. "It just showed up and started attacking people. But one thing's clear, it's not something you would find in this world. So I figured it could only mean one thing."

"It's from Equestria," Twilight caught on before they all turned to Sunset.

She took a closer look at the creature, a frown appearing on her lips. "I've never seen anything like that back home. It must have been a normal person or object that was enchanted with magic and transformed, like Gloriosa and Juniper."

"Does that mean we have to go fight it?" Fluttershy asked.

"What are the chances of it being a hoax?" Luna asked, Sunset shrugging.

"It's possible, but I'd rather not take that chance." She turned to Celestia, "permission to leave school early and go check it out." Celestia nodded, "thanks. Let's go girls!"

"YEAH!" All but Fluttershy cried out, the pink haired girl letting a whisper version of the cry free. They all rushed out the office, Celestia telling them to be careful.

"I'll run ahead," Rainbow told them as they reached the doors. "I'll beat that thing to a pulp until you show up, then we can finish it off with a rainbow blast."

"No way," Twilight told her. "If this thing is using Equestrian Magic, it's not safe to fight it alone. Remember what happened with the mirror and the phone." Rainbow frowned at that, not wanting to get sucked away by the villain a third time. "We should all go together and attack with the rainbow blast as soon as we see it." The others nodded, agreeing that was the smartest move.

So, when they got out of the school, they rushed to their vehicles and began to drive down towards the lower city. All the while, they hoped nobody was gonna be hurt by whatever was attacking.

The spider monster had gotten a lot done since it first showed up. Vehicles had been destroyed, buildings had been trashed and even parts of the street had been demolished.

Several humans had been injured but still managed to escape, the spider looking for its next victim. But as it marched down the street, a sound filled its ears and made it stop in its tracks. That sound came from a bunch of sirens, which were connected to the police SWAT vans that had just driven up to the street.

They pulled themselves to a stop before multiple highly armed officers rushed out with shields and guns at the ready. The spider stared at them as they got in formation. "Surrender or you will be fired upon," the leader of the group called out as they loaded their guns and pointed them through the gaps in the shield wall.

The spider hissed before spitting out a load of webbing and hitting one of the shields.

The officers all let the shots fly, but the monster leapt into the air to avoid them and pulled the webs back. The shield was pulled from the officer holding it and the monster grabbed it, just in time as the police pointed their guns up at it and fired. But the shield protected the spider as it fell and landed in the middle of the ground. It pinned a cop to the ground and swung its legs around, sending those around it flying.

The lead cop pointed his gun at the monster, but the beast spun around and fired a blast of webbing at him that knocked him backwards until he hit the ground. It then fired another stream of sticky silk to pin him to the ground, the man crying out as he was trapped and probably left for a snack later.

The monster continued battling the cops, it only being sheer luck that none of them had been gravely injured. When the last one was knocked to the ground and thrown unconscious, the spider turned towards the lead cop. "No," he struggled against the webs but couldn't get free, "stay back." The beast snarled as it got closer, "HELP!" It reached out with its clawed hand and got closer and closer to his face.

Both were so focused on each other, they didn't notice the sound of a bike rolling down the street.

Flash looked around the destroyed street in amazement, carefully swerving around the destroyed vehicles littering it. The teen then spotted the monster and his eyes went wide when he saw it, pulling his bike to a stop and staring at the spider. "No way," he whispered. The beast looked just like the one he had seen in that vision and as he looked around, he realised he was in the same spot the vision had shown him as well. The urge to come here completely vanished, replaced with a new urge. Getting the heck out of there.

But as he was about to turn to leave, he heard someone cry out. He focused back on the monster and saw the man it had trapped, then looked around to see the other police officers scattered around. If he left, then they would all...

"No," he shook his head, "I can't let that happen." He looked around and spotted a piece of broken cane, the teen reaching down and grabbing it before throwing it as hard as he could. The metal spun through the air and slammed into the monster's head, though it didn't even seem to scratch it.

The spider looked up form its pray and spotted Flash, the teen completely terrified but putting up a brave front. "Come and get me!" He cried, the cop turning to him before fainting in terror. The teen turned to ride away on his bike, but the monster was faster and spit out a blast of webbing that hit the wheel and locked it to the ground. "No!" Flash turned back to see the monster coming, the guitar player leaping off his bike and running.

The spider gave chase and slowly managed to catch up to him.

It tried to slash at him with its spiked leg, but Flash managed to leap to the side to avoid it. This caused the leg to stab into the floor, causing it to dig into the ground and get stuck. He then ran as fast as he could, as the spider tried to pull its leg free. When it wasn't looking, he ducked down one of the alleyways between a pair of tall buildings.

The spider finally pulled its leg free and looked up, seeing no sign of Flash.

The teen ran as fast as he could down the alleyway. But as he got about halfway down, he realised he had made a mistake when he saw a large wall in front of him. "No!" He cried, reaching the wall and looking up at it. There was no way to climb it and when he looked back, down the alleyway, he spotted only a single door going into each of the buildings.

He ran to the closest and tried to pull it open, but it was locked. It was the same with the other door. He was trapped.

A hissing made him freeze and slowly turn to see the spider monster glaring at him from the end of the alley. He stepped away from the door and the pair stared one another down, Flash's heart beating a million beat a minute. The beast let out a snarl before it charge, claws and spikes ready to impale him.

Flash's body acted before he could think, rushing forward as fast as he could run towards the monster. It seemed to think he had gone nuts and prepared to kill him. But at the last minute, he leapt down and slid along the ground under the monsters legs and claws.

He slid to the other side of the monster and leapt back to his feet, attempting to escape by running as fast as he could. But the monster quickly spun around and fired a blast of webbing that struck Flash in the back. "Gah!" He cried at the impact, making him stagger forwards before the line went taught. The next thing Flash knew, he was being pulled backwards with enough force that he was thrown upwards. "GYAH!" He cried as he swung up in an arch and came crashing into the ground, crying out as he landed on the other side of the spider monster.

Flash rolled along the ground as something fell out of his jacket. He let out several moans as he laid on the ground, rolling to his front and looking forwards and seeing he was once again trapped between the monster and the wall. He beast hissed, looking ready to kill him any moment. And it was not going to fall for the same trick as before.

Flash then noticed what had fallen to the ground from his pocket: The device from before.

He didn't know why, but he was suddenly overcome by the sudden urge to grab it. And so, his body still aching, he reached out and grasped the screen in his hand. As he did, he felt the pain from before slowly begin to fade and he began to pick himself up.

The spider watched as he stood up and focused on the object in his hands.

He continued to stare at it and as he did, something happened. A sudden pulse flew through his head, causing him to flinch and clutch his head. "Ahh!" He cried, whilst the device began to glow. "Gyah!" Both hands grasped his head as he swung it around. "RAAAAAH!" Then, suddenly, his mind went blank and his body froze.

The spider watched as Flash's arms fell to his side, the device still in his grasp, as his head fell towards the ground and his eyes closed. He almost appeared unconscious whilst remaining on his feet, the teen just standing there limply.

The beast snarled at the boy, having had enough of being ignored. It charged forward, clawed hand raised ready to slash at him. But as it got closer, Flash's eyes shot open and let out a slight glow before turning serious.

And as the spider slashed at him, Flash's left hand reached up and grabbed its wrist. The spider was surprised by this, especially when the grip became so strong it actually hurt. And before it could attempt to attack him with something else, Flash threw its arm to the side before slamming a foot into its chest with enough strength to send it flying.

It hissed when it hit the ground, whilst Flash stood tall and raised his head to show a serious expression. All the fear he had been hiding before had completely vanished.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared around his waist that circled him until it created a ring. The light quickly took shape before fading to reveal a strange looking belt, which was bulky with a large metal case for a buckle that had a glass front. Lights ran around the sides of the belt and three small pipes were on the spot below his arms and on his back that pointed towards the sky.

Flash then held up the black screen-like object and pressed the button on the side, "STRIKE!" The dots appeared to create the images of the lightning bug in motion, whilst Flash reached up and pressed a switch on the left side of the buckle. Doing so caused the other side of the buckle to slide open like a draw, with the side of the buckle still connected to the buckle by a long piece of metal.

Flash placed the screen down so it was resting on the metal, then began to wave his arms around until he struck a pose. "HENSHIN!" With that, he thrust his right hand into the side and pushed the buckle back into place. Doing so locked the thick piece of the screen between the buckle's side and the glass. Now the screen could be seen through the glass, whilst the lights on the belt lit up and glowed orange.

"MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" From out of the pipes, a strange dark orange liquid shot out and flew into the air. It then began to rain down on Flash and when it hit him or the ground, it solidified. Within seconds, his body was completely encased in a strange amber-like cocoon.

The creature stared at it in confusion, until the cocoon started to crack before completely exploding. The amber flew off before stopping in midair, whilst Flash's form was revealed.

He was wearing a black body suit, with a white circle in the center of his chest that had white lines that went to his arms and legs and eventually reaching reached white circles on the backs of his hands and the tips of his boots. His head was covered in a round helmet with a pair of black round glass eyes.

The amber then shot back towards him and hit his body, melting back into the liquid form that changed colour to become a much brighter orange. The liquid struck his arms, legs chest and head before solidifying and becoming transparent armour. His boots became orange whilst a pair of armoured orange gauntlets materialised around his arm from his wrists to his elbows, his chest getting covered by orange armour. On his shoulders, back of his wrists and top of his boots were flat round lights that glowed orange.

The amber of his head morphed into an orange mask that resembled an insect's head that covered the front of his helmet, with a pair of orange antenna that formed a V-shape above his eyes. Finally, the white lines covering his body changed to the same orange as his armour, whilst his eyes changed to a blue colour.

As the armour settled, the belt unleashed new words. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!"

The spider monster hissed at the newly suited individual, clearly confused by his suddenly transformation. This confusion soon vanished and the creature rushed forward, its four spider-legs primed to stab him. But before it could reach him, the lights around Flash's suit glowed brightly.

One of the legs shot forward to stab him, but Flash suddenly leaned out of the way with so much speed that the monster couldn't track him. It then tried to randomly stab him again and again, but Flash kept managing to shift out of the way with ease. As he did, the orange lights around his body created trails of light that slightly blinded the monster.

Then, the armoured teen leapt forward and threw a punch that struck the beast's chest and knocked it flying backwards. It cried out whilst staggering back, then regained its balance before glaring at Flash. It then let out a hiss, firing a blast of webbing at him.

But once again, Flash managed to avoid the attack and rushed forward. He zigged, he zagged, he was an incredible orange blur. The spider fired a blast of webbing and hit a large section of the ground, hoping to get Flash stuck. But to its surprise, he leapt over it and did several flips before landing in front of the monster and unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks that caused the beast incredible pain. With each strike, the energy from the lights on Flash's energy was sent into the beast and burned it.

It leapt back and fired another web stream, but Flash simply reached out and grabbed the end and the energy from his arm light increased and made the string melt. He then leapt up and flew over to the wall of one of the building and bounced off it to charged towards the spider, flying forward and smashing a foot into it.

Back on the destroyed street, the Rainbooms had arrived to find the place in ruins.

"What happened here?" Rainbow asked, the others unable to figure it out. They then spotted one of the police officers laying on the ground and rushed over to him.

"You okay?" Fluttershy asked, the lot rolling him onto his back. He moaned and opened his eyes, sitting himself up but flinching in pain.

"What happened?" Sunset asked, but the cop didn't appear to be in any state to answer question. Instead, she reached out and touched him as her magic activated. Within second, her mind was filled with images of what caused the destruction. A horrifying monster that she had never seen before.

She gasped before pulling away, the others turning to her. "Well?" Applejack asked, Sunset unsure how to answer.

But before she could, an explosion from a nearby alleyway caught their attention. Rainbow was the first to react. "Come on!" Rainbow cried, rushing towards it whilst the others followed after her. The seven reached the entrance of the alleyway and when they did, they were met with the most bizarre sight they had ever seen. And that was saying a lot.

The spider monster Sunset had seen in her vision, staring down a strangely suited figure. And by the looks of things, the monster was in trouble.

Once again, the monster fired a blast of webbing at the armoured figure. But once again, he caught it in his hands. Only this time, he grabbed it in both hands and pulled it harshly. This pulled the beast towards him, as he slammed his right hand into the side of his belt. This pushed the device inwards, causing the belt to announce something.


The light on his right boot glowed, the energy unleashed from it surrounding the entire boot.

And as the spider monster reached him, he swung his leg upwards and struck the beast with enough force the send it flying into the air. After that, he stomped his foot into the ground and propelled himself upwards. He shot passed the spider, which became suspended in the air, then somehow shifted directions and shot towards the monster.

Silently, he thrust his glowing foot forward and smashed it into the beast's chest. The monster screamed in pain as the pair flew towards the ground and slammed into it, causing an explosion that filled the entire alleyway.

The Rainbooms cried out at this, covering their faces from the smoke until Rarity put up a shield that blocked it. They opened their eyes and looked into the alley, the smoke slowly fading to reveal the armoured figure. He stood in the path of the smoke, whilst the spider monster was nowhere to be seen. It had been destroyed.

The girls stared at the figure in amazement, clearly missing something as they slowly moved towards him. The figure heard their approach and slowly turned towards them, Sunset being the one to ask the question they all had. "Who...are you?"

The figure remained silent for a moment before speaking rather quickly. "Sheave-Far-Tar!" As he said that, Flash's brain seemed to reboot and he suddenly realised where he was, what he had just done and what he had told the girls.

"Come again?" Applejack asked, not having properly heard him. They watched as the figure looked around and seemed confused, then focused back on the girls. He then raised his arms and the girls were worried he was about to attack, but instead the lights on his armor unleashed a bright light that blinded them.

They all cried out and closed their eyes, forced to look away from the bright orange illumination. And when the light finally faded, they looked back and found the figure had vanished. "Where'd he go?" Rainbow asked, trying to see if she could spot him in any direction. But the figure was completely gone without a trace.

"What did he call himself?" Rarity asked the others, who hummed before Twilight spoke up.

"It sounded kind of like he said...Shifter." This name confused the girls, but they weren't sure what else he could have said. They were completely clueless about what had happened here, what that monster was and where they masked character was. "What's going on?"

Several streets over, Flash panted as he landed in another alleyway and looked himself over. He was completely lost about everything that had just happened and started looking his body over.

He then spotted the belt on his waist that had the device he had been carrying. After a little fiddling, he managed to get the belt open and pulled the device out of it. When he did, the armor he was wearing began to melt off of him and disappear into nothingness.

Once he was back in his normal cloths, he stared at the device and then at the belt on his waist. Said belt suddenly vanished, phasing out of existence and leaving him just as confused. "What happening to me?" He asked no one, terrified beyond belief. What Flash didn't know, what that he was currently being watched.

Up atop on of the buildings, a figure wearing a white hooded cloak stared down at the scared teen. Their face was completely hidden by the cloak, but a pair of green eyes glowing from beneath it. "So," the figure spoke with a male voice, "it has begun."

Episode 2: A Kamen Rider is Born

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The city of Canterlot was on alert, due to the strange attack that had happened earlier in the day.

Police, fire crews and paramedics had rushed to the scene, doing their best to get everything under control. The people who had been caught up in the attack, were all saying the same thing. That a monster had attacked them.

Many people didn't believe this, thinking the victims were all delusional. But they still investigated the area and could find nothing to explain what had happened.

Several miles away, Flash had walked back to school after having the strangest experience ever.

His entire body had been going on autopilot and only now, Flash was starting to remember what had happened. The strange sensation he had felt, the uncontrollable running to the site of the attack, the run in with the monster and the strange occurrence that had happened.

He had somehow transformed into an armored figure and destroyed the monster, but he had no idea how he had done it or where he had gotten the belt and device that had allowed him to destroy the monster. A million questions were racing through his head and as he reached the school and got his bike, he wondered what he should do about it.

"Maybe I should tell someone," he spoke to himself. "But who?" The first people that came to mind were the Rainbooms. They had been there when he destroyed the monster. Maybe they could help him figure out what was going on.

But what would they think of him, if he told them he was the one that destroyed that monster? Would they think he was messing with Equestrian Magic? He honestly had no idea.

"Maybe I should sleep on this," he told himself as he biked back home. He was feeling really tired after what happened and he needed to rest up.

In a dark area, three individuals are standing around together.

Each of them was dressed in a dark cloak and clearly trying to keep their identities hidden. And as they stood there, they were listening to a radio located on a table between them. "Witnesses claim to have been attacked by a strange monster, that looked like a giant humanoid spider. But this creature has disappeared and there has been no sign of it since this afternoon. Many believe it may have been a mass hallucination, brought on by a natural gas leak or something similar. Further investigation will determine if this is true or not."

"Mass hallucination?" One of the cloaks growled. "They think we're a hallucination?"

"These humans are clearly not very bright," an older sounding male voice replied. "But that can work in our favour. The more they don't believe we exist, the more we can do without them attempting to counter us. What's more important, is to discover what happened to our Mimic Soldier."

"Indeed," a female voice agreed. "We all felt it. The Mimic was destroyed. But how?"

"I'll find out," the first figure announced. "Not sure how, but I'll uncover what happened."

"There is a way," the older male replied. "Gule, awaken another of our brethren. One that the humans won't stand a chance against. And keep an eye on it. If whatever happened before happens again, find it."

"Understood," the other male replied before turning to leave.

The next day.

As Flash biked to school, he was still plagued by the memory of what had happened yesterday.

He had barely slept a wink the previous night, too focused on what had happened. He was sure he needed to tell someone about this and his first stop were the Rainbooms, since they would likely know what the heck was going on with him.

He arrived at school and pulled into the bike shed, locking his bike up before heading inside.

As soon as he got in, he started looking for one of the Rainbooms. But as he did, he passed by someone and heard something interesting. "Apparently, he was wearing orange armor over a black suit and destroyed the monster with a single kick."

He turned to them, as another pair passed him. "What did the Rainbooms call him again?"

"Shifter," the other replied. "That's what he called himself, apparently." Flash frowned, as he continued down the hall. He eventually spotted Twilight and Sunset, who were discussing something with a serious expression on their face.

"How do we know we can even trust him?" Sunset asked, with Twilight shrugging.

"I don't know. But he did defeat that creature that was attacking everyone."

"But then why did he run away?" Sunset then spotted Flash. "Hey, I'm guessing you've heard about it as well?"

"Heard about what?" Flash asked, as he spotted his locker and started opening it.

"Oh, then you're about the only person who hasn't heard. Rainbow and Pinkie have been telling everyone. About someone we met yesterday. His name's Shifter and we saw him, fighting against a weird spider monster."

"Spider monster?" Flash put the pieces together and realised they were talking about him. "What was he like?"

"We don't really know," Twilight replied. "We watched him fight and after he destroyed the monster, he disappeared in a flash of light." She hummed, as she took out her phone. "The authorities think what happened yesterday was a natural disaster of some sort. Wish we could tell them the truth."

"So what do you think of this Shifter guy?" Flash asked.

"We're not sure," Sunset told him. "I don't trust him. He just showed up out of nowhere and disappeared as soon as that monster was destroyed. He didn't tell us anything and just left us with more questions than answers. Like what the heck was that monster?"

"Maybe he had his reasons," Flash guessed.

"Maybe," Twilight nodded. "I'm just interested in where he got that suit. I don't know what kind of power source he was using, but it must be one heck of a strong device to power that super kick he used." Flash frowned. Of course, Twilight was more interested in the suit than the one wearing it. "I can't help but wonder if he'll show up again."

"I'm more concerned with the monster than with him," Sunset replied. "If one shows up again, who knows how much damage it could do before this guy shows up again."

"You think that monster was made using Equestrian Magic?" Flash asked.

"No idea," Sunset shrugged. "We weren't close enough to it for me to sense anything." As the bell rang, the students made their way to class.

Flash frowned as he watched the girls head off. Suddenly, he wasn't so eager to tell them who that Shifter guy really was. For now, he would keep it to himself and try not to think about it.

That proved easier said than done. Shifter was all anyone was talking about, since Pinkie and Rainbow hadn't stopped talking about him since yesterday. The only time Flash didn't hear about his new alter-ego, was when the teachers told them to quiet down and do their work. But the second the classes ended, everyone instantly turned their attention back to Shifter.

By the point of recess, Flash had to get away so he didn't have to keep hearing everyone theorise he was an alien, or some kind of cyborg created by an evil organisation. He headed up to the roof of the building and once he was sure nobody was there, he took out the device he used yesterday.

Looking it over, he pressed the button on the side and heard it call out the word 'strike' and show the dots. But that's all it did.

He looked down at his waist, where the belt had just appeared yesterday.

He took a deep breath and remembered what he had done yesterday. "Henshin." But the belt refused to appear. "Come on." He pressed the device's button several times and kept yelling out the words, but nothing happened. He didn't know what caused the belt to appear, but it clearly wasn't going to come when he called it.

He let out a sight and put the device back in his pocket, a million questions racing through his mind. But clearly, he wasn't going to get any answers today. "What is happening to me?"

In the city, a woman had just left a large shop carrying a bunch of bags.

Her phone was pressed up against her ear, as she walked around wearing a fur coat and expensive clothing. "I know," she smiled. "I just managed to get some new shoes that are just to die for." She turned to walk down another street, which was currently empty. "How much? I don't know. A lot. I didn't check. Daddy's credit card went through, so who cares."

Suddenly, someone stepped out of an alleyway.

That someone was one of the cloaked figures, who stood in front of the woman and made her stop. "What?" She asked, frowning as she glared at him. "Can you move? You're in my way."

The figure reached up and lifted his hood, allowing her to be greeted with a pair of green eyes. "Awaken and remember what you truly are." These words combined with the eyes, caused the woman's head to suddenly explode with information, making her drop her bags and phone before clutching her head.

The figure watched, as the woman crouched and cried out in pain. But then, she stopped crying and stood up. The expression on her face was different. "I am...Fel-Grow-Varn."

The figure nodded and took something out. A glass case, with a grasshopper inside. "Take this and destroy all that face you. Show this primitive world, why we are the supreme beings." The woman nodded and took the case, opening the top and reaching inside. As she did, her hand changed to an orange-brown liquid.

The liquid flew down and quickly surrounded the grasshopper, which tried to escape with little luck. She then pulled her arm away, her hand reforming, whilst the blob she had left behind solidified and turned into an amber cocoon, with the grasshopper still inside.

Suddenly, her body began to melt and turn into a puddle of slimy orange-brown goo.

That puddle soon began to reshape itself, growing taller than it had been before and looking much thinner in some areas. Then, the liquid began to solidify and be absorbed by the body. In doing so, it revealed a monster that looked like a green humanoid grasshopper. Its legs were bent backwards, with a membrane attaching the parts that were bent to go along one another. Its long lanky arms had small hands, but long sharp claws that looked like they could cut through anything.

Sticking out the back of its shoulders were two long green chords, that looked like they could hold up a building. And its face had large orange eyes, with a mouth that looked big enough to swallow someone with.

The figure nodded and turned to leave, whilst the monster let out a roar and crouched down with her legs. Then, they sprang apart and the monster was catapulted forwards. Her claws dug into the wall beside her, cutting through it as she moved fast.

She flew onto a street with people on it and landed, getting everyone's attention as they saw the monster. This caused them all to scream as they ran away, as the grasshopper monster crouched down again. And with one mighty burst of speed, it shot towards the people and screams filled the air as the claws were swung around.

Flash had been in his Math class when it happened.

As he tried to focus on his school work, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a strange sensation washed over his body. It was the same sensation that he had felt the previous day, but he didn't feel compelled to follow it this time. Instead, he turned to look out the window. He felt strange. Like he was meant to go somewhere, but he didn't know where.

"Mr Sentry?" He looked back around to see Mr Cranky Doodle, the old math teacher staring down at him. "Is there something outside, more important than your work?"

Flash gulped, unsure how to answer that without getting into trouble.

He glanced back around and as he did, he noticed something. "Yeah. That smoke in the distance." He pointed out the window and everyone looked around, where they saw a large cloud of smoke rise up from behind several distant buildings.

Cranky saw this and hummed. "Well, I'm sure that is interesting. But it's also none of our business. It's a long way away and I'm sure the authorities are already on it."

"Hey," Micro Chips spoke up. "What if it has anything to do with what happened yesterday?" This made Flash look back at the smoke, as he wondered the same thing. The other students began whispering about it and all took out their phones, looking up news articles.

Flash looked back out the window and as he did, he noticed the Rainbooms suddenly running out of the school.

The girls stared at the smoke for a moment before they all touched their geodes, causing them to transform into their human pony hybrid forms. Rainbow then grabbed Applejack and Twilight, the girl rushing off and pulling them along whilst the others ran for their vehicles. Flash couldn't help but be curious. What was going on?

Rainbow, Applejack and Twilight, soon arrived at the place where the smoke was and looked around.

They tried to see through the smoke, but it was so dark they had no idea what was causing it. "Wish Rarity were here," Applejack stated. "She coulda made a big fan and blew this smoke away."

"Who needs Rarity?" Rainbow held out her arms. "Check this awesomeness out." He started spinning her arms and created a pair of small tornadoes, blowing away a lot of the smoke. When she did, she revealed the smoke was coming from a bunch of cars that had been destroyed. Several buildings looked like they had had cars crash into them and street lamps her cut to shreds.

"What happened here?" Twilight looked around, only to then see a figure walking through the remains of the smoke.

That figure soon came into view, revealing the grasshopper creature from before. "Wow!" Rainbow cried, "another monster!" The beast stared at them before letting out a horrible roar, then shot forward using her powerful legs.

They all gasped, as Twilight used her magic to move a car bonnet in front of them.

The grasshopper slammed into it, but had spun around and used its legs to hit the bonnet. It then sprang backwards and the force pushed the metal towards them, Twilight gasping as Applejack leapt in front of her and spun around to kick it away.

As the grasshopper landed, Rainbow ran towards it. But the monster bounced forward and the two were moving at an incredible speed. But whilst Rainbow had the slight speed edge, the grasshopper had claws and swung them Rainbow.

"WOW!" Rainbow leaned back and the claws barely missed her, but she ended up losing her balance and fell onto her butt before rolling along the ground.

The grasshopper landed and prepared to go after her, but Applejack ran towards it whilst carrying a broken piece of lamppost.

She swung it at the monster, but the grasshopper leapt straight up before bouncing off a wall and flying towards her. Applejack didn't have time to swing the post around before she was kicked in the chest and knocked backwards, Twilight rushing to her side as the monster landed.

It let out a roar at them, but the sound of a siren filled the air. It turned to see a bunch of police vehicles, racing towards them before coming to a stop. As the girls picked themselves up, police and SWAT teams rushed out with their weapons drawn.

"Freeze!" The head police officer announced. "Don't move!" The monster roared and shot forward, the authorities all opening fire on the creature. But it bounced from side to side, so fast that the bullets didn't even get close. And when it reached the police, it slashed at them and its claws cut right through their guns and shields.

"No way!" One cried before the grasshopper spun around, slamming one of the chords on its back into him. He screamed as he was knocked flying back, whilst several pointed their surviving guns at it. But the beast leapt straight up and they all missed.

The girls watched as the officers were completely outclassed. "What is that thing?" Applejack asked.

"It looks like a grasshopper," Twilight stated. "But it must have been mutated by something."

"Equestrian Magic?" Rainbow asked, but Twilight wasn't sure that was the answer. And if it wasn't, then how could they defeat this creature?

Twilight was then reminded of the figure from yesterday, who had destroyed that spider monster. Whatever power they had, it was clearly able to defeat these monsters. But where were they and why hadn't they shown up yet?

Meanwhile, up atop a nearby roof, the cloaked figure was watching. He stared at the girls, as they tried to fight against the monster. "Are they what destroyed our brethren?" All he could do was watch and see what happened.

As soon as the class had been let out, Flash rushed out of the school.

His phone was out and he had opened it up to a local news channel, allowing him to watch as everything happened. For a news crew had gotten to the scene and was filming everything. "As you can see, the police have engaged the creature. But their attempts to subdue it have not been successful."

The footage then showed a shaky image of the monster that was attacking, Flash's eyes going wide when he saw it.

He watched, as the beast shot several feet forward and slammed a SWAT office in the shield. The impact sent him flying back and as several cops fired, the creature dodged every attack.

"So fast," he frowned. "The Rainbooms can handle it." But then the image happened to show Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack, Flash seeing Rainbow and Applejack looking rather scuffed up. "Ahhh." He remembered what happened yesterday.

He had stopped that monster easily. But he had no idea how he did what he did or if he could even do it again. And even if he could, how would he get there. He still didn't have his car and who knows how long it would take to bike there. "There's nothing I can do."

Suddenly, a bright flash of light appeared in front of him.

He let out a cry, as the light blinded him for a moment. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust and when they did, he was able to see the light was coming from some kind of tear in the fabric of space.

Said tear was quite large, big enough for a person to fit through it without issue. And as Flash stared at the portal, he suddenly found his body moving on its own. Before he realised what was going on, he stepped through the tear and disappeared from his school.

And as soon as he was through it, the portal closed.

As the grasshopper slammed its feet into someone else, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie arrived.

"Girls!" Sunset rushed to the other's side. "Are you alright?" They all nodded, as the monster barrelled through another group of police officers. "What is that thing?"

"We were hoping you'd tell us," Rainbow stated. "Whatever that thing is, it's fast and dangerous."

More police were knocked back and as the creature turned to them, it growled. "I think it's noticed us," Pinkie gulped. She took out a cupcake and as the creature charged, she threw it at the monster.

It swung its claws around and cut through the tasty treat, which exploded right in its face.

The girls smiled, but the grasshopper flew out of the smoke without even a scratch. "Look out!" Fluttershy cried, as Rarity put up a shield. The monster slammed into the wall and whilst the diamonds shook, nothing happened.

Rainbow tried to use this moment to run around and try to tackle the monster, but the creature leapt straight up and the girl missed by a mile. "Wow!" She skidded to a stop before she could crash into a building, whilst Twilight grabbed a destroyed piece of car in her magic and threw it.

The beast easily avoided the attack and flew down towards them, Pinkie throwing a bunch of charged sprinkles at it. The explosion that followed actually managed to knock the creature back, but it did several back-flips and landed.

The police who were still able to fight saw this and were amazed, but saw these girls clearly had no way of actually harming the creature. "Bring out the biggest weapon we have!" He cried, as the officers rushed over to a van and returned moments later carrying some kind of machine gun.

The grasshopper noticed the movement and looked around to see them taking aim, the girls quickly rushing away in case the cops missed.

"Open fire!" The lead officer roared, as the cops began to unload on the creature. But once again, the beast was able to dodge and avoid every attack sent its way and moved towards them as fast as it could.

Once it was close enough, it leapt into the air and spun like a drill with its claws outstretched. The speed at which it moved was like nothing any of them had ever seen and in the blink of an eye, it was behind them with its claws outstretched.

The machine gun then fell apart, having been cut into a dozen different pieces and falling to the ground. And as the officer turned to it, the creature swung its claws around and slashed him down the chest. "GYAH!" He was knocked back and the other officers could only watch in shock, as the Rainbooms ran out of hiding.

"That's it!" Sunset called out. "Let's end this. You girls with me?" They all nodded and took hold of each other's hand, as they summoned all of their magic and flew into the air.

The monster turned to see them glowing, which made the creature tilt its head in confusion. Then, the girl's magic flew upwards and began to swirl into a rainbow of spiralling light. Said light curved back down and shot towards the monster, who tried to leap up to avoid it. But the second it did, the light also curved and flew towards the beast.

It slammed into it before it could dodge and the creature screamed, as the spiral completely surrounded it.

Everyone who saw this was amazed, hoping this meant the creature would be destroyed. And as a blinding light filled the air, everyone looked away whilst waiting to see if the fight was over.

The Rainbooms floated down to the ground, as the light began to fade away.

They all smiled, thinking they had won. But before they could celebrate, something came crashing down and struck the road hard enough to break it. The grasshopper, completely unharmed by their attack. "What?" Sunset gasped.

Before anything else could be done, the beast shot forward with its claws drawn. It swung them towards Sunset and at the last minute, Rainbow pushed her out of the way. "GYAH!" She cried, as the beast slashed at her. It cut into her wing, causing her to fall and crash to the ground.

"RAINBOW!" They all screamed, as the beast prepared to slash at them again. But Twilight grabbed an entire car and threw it at the monster, the beast getting slammed into and thrown backwards. They all rushed over to Rainbow, who had changed back to her human form.

This caused her injured wing to disappear, though she still looked like she could feel the pain she had suffered. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked, with Rainbow taking several deep breaths.

They turned to the monster, as it roared and Rarity put up a dome of protection. The police began to unload on the creature and the girls realised that whatever it was, their magic couldn't stop it. But what could?

Flash had no idea where he was. As soon as he stepped through the portal, he found himself in a dark void illuminated only by the portal.

But the portal quickly vanished and Flash was completely blind, not daring to take a step for fear of falling into some kind of trap. "Hello?" He called out, "anyone there?"

Suddenly, footsteps filled the air and he looked around to see someone walking out of the shadows. A figure in a white hooded cloak, the rest of their body hidden beneath it. "Welcome."

Flash frowned at him, "who are you? And how did I get here?"

"That's not important," the figure replied. "All you need to know, is that you are Earth's only hope of survival." Flash looked shocked by this. "your world is currently being threatened by a powerful force. And the only thing that can stop it, is you."

"What force? Do you mean that creature I fought yesterday? And the one attacking the city right now?"

"Those creatures are called Mimics," the figure replied. "A very dangerous species, that originates from another universe." Flash could hardly believe that. "They have only one goal. Total extinction of anything that isn't a Mimic. That's why they're attacking your world. They see humans as beneath them and must be wiped out."


"I don't know. Why does your species constantly try to exterminate rats and roaches, whenever they show up? It's just something you do to a species you think has no value." Flash frowned. "Be warned. The Mimics are dangerous. Their abilities allow them to live up to their name and mimic the abilities of creatures they interact with. But those abilities are dialled up to eleven when a Mimic uses them."

"So they want to destroy our world?"

"Not just your world. They've wiped out all life on multiple other alternative universes. Once they've completely destroyed your world, they'll just move onto the next. The entire multiverse is at risk of being destroyed, unless the Mimics are stopped here and now."

Flash frowned, thinking about everyone he knew and loved. His mother, sister, friends and people that just try to live their lives. If nothing happened, the Mimics could kill all of them. "But why me? You said I'm my world's only hope, but why me?"

"Because you have a power that other humans do not. This power is what will allow you to protect your world and end the Mimics."

Flash took out the screen he had used the previous day, whilst placing a hand on his waist. "You mean that belt I have?"

"The Mimic Driver. With it, you can become a warrior that will slay any Mimic you come across. It is your destiny." Flash wasn't so sure about this, since he had no idea where he got the belt or the screen device.

"You know a lot about all this. So how the heck did I get this power?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that," the figure replied. "I know you probably have a million questions, but the answers to them will have to wait. When the Mimics are defeated, you will understand everything. But until then, you must fight and protect your world. And to do that, I have something to give you."

Before Flash could ask what that was, something suddenly appeared out of the darkness between them.

A table of some kind, ascended from below. And on that table was a tennis ball sized orb, made of a strange orange-brown material. As soon as the table stopped moving, the figure pointed to it. "Take it."

Flash gave him a curious look, but carefully moved forward and reached out to grasp the orb. As soon as he did, the object began to melt.

He was about to flick his hand and throw the slime away, but the substance then reshaped itself and solidified. In the blink of an eye, Flash was holding some kind of small motorbike toy. It was mostly orange in colour, with black sections below the bodywork and blue lightning bolt streaks covering it. Flash didn't know why, but it seemed to be a lot longer than a normal motorbike would at this size.

"What is this?"

"Something that you should find helpful, in the battles that are to come." Before Flash could ask anything else, the portal appeared behind Flash. And when he turned to it, the tear moved and he was suddenly thrown through it.

The next thing Flash knew, he was staggering forward and almost fell over. Looking around, he saw he was back where he had originally been. Back at school with nobody around. The portal quickly closed behind him, Flash left standing there completely clueless about anything.

No, that wasn't true. Flash had been told a few things. The creatures that were attacking were called Mimics, which wanted to slaughter his race. And apparently, he was the only one capable of defeating them.

He then looked down at the bike toy he had been given, wondering how the heck this was supposed to help him in stopping the Mimics. But just then, the bike started melting in his hand.

"What?" Flash held it up, as the toy turned back to the slimy substance it was before. And before Flash could ask what was going on, it suddenly flew out of his hand and shot towards the ground.

As soon as it made contact, the slime began to increase in volume. Flash stepped back, as it got larger and larger. And once big enough, the slime began to take shape and form the same structure it had been in back when it was the toy. Eventually, the shaping ended and the slime began to harden. Within seconds, a life sized version of the toy was standing in front of him.

"Wow." Flash stepped forward and looked it over, realising it wasn't a toy. It was a real motorbike, with an engine, lights and everything. "Awesome." As he said that, his phone beeped.

"It appears this creature is completely indestructible. No amount of gunfire has been able to touch the creature, let alone harm it. The police are ordering an evacuation of the area, to prevent any casualties."

Flash frowned, as he remembered what that cloaked man told him. "I have the power to stop this." He looked over at the bike, then remembered the Rainbooms were there and probably in danger. "If that's the case, I have to do this. To protect my friends and my world, I'll fight!" As soon as he said that, a light suddenly appeared around his waist.

Looking down, he saw the light take shape and form the belt from yesterday.

He smiled as he swung his leg over the bike, getting seated and placing his hands on the handles. As soon as he did, the bike burst into life as the engine started. Despite never having ridden a motorbike before, Flash suddenly knew everything he needed to do in order to use it.

Revving the engine, he kicked it into gear and the bike's wheels began to spin.

The front suddenly flew into the air and the bike shot forward, Flash holding on tight as the machine raced out of the school's parking lot.

The front flew down as he did and he quickly swerved out onto the street, the bike picking up amazing speed but not having any issues controlling it. It was moving so fast, to everyone else it was just an orange blur.

As he raced towards the battle, Flash opened the belt before reaching into his pocket. He took out the screen-like device and activated it. "STRIKE!" The dots appeared to form the insect, as Flash placed it into his belt.

And as he found a straight section of road, the bike remained upright as Flash yelled out. "HENSHIN!" He slammed the draw of the belt shut, locking the screen inside and causing the lights on the belt to turn orange.

"MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" The strange orange-brown liquid shot out of the pipes, flying into the air and somehow keeping up with Flash despite him going a bazillion miles an hour.

The liquid clung to his body and solidified, eventually forming the cocoon around him that didn't cause the bike to lose balance. And after a few moments, the cocoon cracked apart before shattering off his body. Doing so revealed him in the black suit, which the pieces of amber slammed onto and formed the armor around his body.

As the armour settled, the belt spoke. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!"

Transformation complete, the newly christened Shifter revved the engine again and the bike continued to fly forward on the road. Despite being a little scared, Flash didn't allow himself to stop going. He would stop that monster, no matter what.

All of the police were completely out of ammo and as they turned to run away, the Mimic launched itself towards the Rainbooms.

Rarity tried to put up a shield, but the Mimic bounced into the air and leapt over the wall. It then flew down and slammed a foot into Rarity, knocking her flying back. "RARITY!" Her friends cried, as the Mimic shot forward and slammed into each of them. They all cried, as they were sent flying and crashed into the ground.

They all let out a groan, each reverting back to human, as the Mimic landed and glared at them. Its claws twitched, as it clearly prepared to end this fight.

All the while, the one named Gule watched and shook his head. "They're not the ones who defeated the Mimic. So what was it?" He watched, as the girls tried to pick themselves up. But it was clear that they weren't in a fit state to keep fighting.

Suddenly, an engine filled the air and caught everyone's attention. The girls, the police, news crew and even the monster turned to see something racing towards them on a bike. "Hey!" A police officer yelled, "stop!" But the rider didn't listen.

The next thing they knew, the bike shot into the air and flew over them. Despite the vast distance it had to travel, it made it over the crowd with no effort and landed on the other side of the Rainbooms.

As it did, it slid along the ground and came to a stop. This allowed them to see who it was.

"It's him," Rainbow spoke up. The girls all stared at the armored figure, who stared at them for a moment before turning towards the Mimic.

"Who are you?" The grasshopper cried, as the figure leaned on the console of his bike.

"Shifter," the figure replied, "that's the name I'm apparently being called. And I'm the one that's gonna stop the Mimics. You won't do here, what you've done to other worlds." Everyone wondered what he meant by that, as the Mimic growled.

"You don't scare me. You won't even touch me."

"Don't be so sure," Shifter told it. "Because right now, the winds of victory have shifted." With that, he revved his bike's engine and shot towards the Mimic.

The grasshopper bent its legs and shot into the air, moving with incredible speed away from Shifter and his bike. But the armored warrior launched into the air and his bike followed after the Mimic, catching up as the monster turned to see him coming.

It tried to slash at him, but Shifter blocked with his arm guard before dealing a punch to its chest. The Mimic fell to the ground and Shifter landed before swerving its bike around, launching himself at the Mimic as it picked itself up.

It tried to jump away, but the bike was too fast and smashed into the mutant before it could flee. Shifter then swerved around and swung his leg at the grasshopper, smashing it into the beast and knocking it backwards.

The Mimic staggered back and as Shifter swung his bike around again, the beast leapt into the air and prepared to slam its foot into its opponent. But Shifter accelerated and before the grasshopper could complete its attack, he leapt onto the seat and bounced off it. He flew towards the Mimic and spun around, thrusting his own foot into the creature's chest and knocking it backwards

Shifter then back-flipped and landed back on the bike, which kept driving as the Mimic crashed into the ground.

"Wow!" Pinkie cheered, "he's awesome."

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "but who is he?"

"Well, he's helpin' us." Applejack glanced at the others, "don't that mean he's on our side?"

"Maybe," Sunset didn't look so sure. All they could do was keep watching, as the green and orange blurs flew around continuing their fight.

Shifter's bike somehow stuck to the side of a building, rolling along it for several seconds before shooting off and flying towards the Mimic. The grasshopper spun around and managed to slam the front of the bike with its leg, knocking it away and causing Shifter to spin out of control.

He managed to land and skidded along the ground, as the Mimic landed and shot forward.

Shifter revved up and pushed his bike forward, as the grasshopper slashed at him. But before it could make contact, Shifter spun his bike around and slid the side of the bike onto the ground. As the bike ground against the pavement, Shifter threw a punch upwards and struck the Mimic when it flew over him. The monster was struck in the stomach and knocked flying into the air, as Shifter pulled the bike back up and spun to a stop.

The Mimic crashed into the ground, as Shifter swung the bike around. The front was now pointing right at the monster, as Shifter slammed the side of the belt to make it speak out.


The light on his right boot glowed before bolts of energy flew out of it, down his boot and into the bike. The front wheel then started glowing orange, as Shifter revved the engine. Eventually, the wheel started spinning and sparks flew out of it. And as the Mimic picked itself up, the bike shot forward at an incredible speed.

The energy from the wheel, formed a slipstream around the bike and turned it into a giant projectile. And as the Mimic realised what was happening, Shifter pulled the bike back so it performed a wheelie and the wheel slammed into the Mimic.

The monster roared, as the spinning wheel ground into it and the energy cut into its body. All this happened in a single second, but to the Mimic the pain felt never-ending. And in the blink of an eye, the monster exploded and the bike flew through the flames.

Shifter once again swung the bike around so it skidded to a stop, as the smoke faded to reveal the grasshopper was nowhere in sight. It had been destroyed.

With the danger now passed, the police, news crew and even the Rainbooms began to slowly move towards him.

Several cops reached for their guns, but seemed to remember they were out of bullets. And as Shifter turned to leave, Twilight spoke up. "Wait!" She rushed forward and he looked back at them. "Who are you? What's going on?"

Under his helmet, Flash wondered if he should tell them who he was and what was going on. But a worry of being captured and experimented on, suddenly appeared in his mind. He couldn't let that happen. He had a feeling the police wouldn't believe him, if he said he had no idea what was really going on.

As such, he turned towards them and would say what he did know. "That creature was known as a Mimic. They come from another world and their only goal, is to wipe out all life on this planet." Everyone who heard this looked worried. "But don't worry. I won't let that happen. So long as I'm around, the Mimics won't get to destroy this world. Even if it costs me my life, I'll stop them no matter what."

The crowd clearly had no idea what to make of that and Shifter said nothing else, revving his bike before racing off at high speed. "Wait!" A reporter cried, but he was already gone. She frowned, turning to the camera. "Well, there you have it. Our world is under threat and the only one able to protect us, is someone named Shifter."

The Rainbooms all shared a look, wondering if they would ever learn who this mysterious hero was. And if he was really trying to help them.

Up on the roof, Gule watched in intrigued at what he had just seen. "What was that? How can a human have that kind of power?" He turned to leave. He needed to tell the rest of his team about this new development.

It wasn't long before the news of the fight spread around the city and the discovery of this mysterious armored hero, who single-handedly defeated this unstoppable monster.

When Flash returned to school, he managed to sneak it without anyone noticing. His special bike had shrunk back to its tiny form, allowing him to pocket it without issue. He got to his final class of the day, his friends asking where he was during the previous period.

Luckily, he was able to come up with an excuse they believed and nobody said anything else. They were too focused on the news about the new hero and the monster attack.

As soon as school was out, Flash grabbed his bike and rode back home. He wished he could use his new bike, but realised people might get suspicious if he was racing around on the same vehicle as the armored man.

"I'm home," he announced once he arrived at his normal suburban home. He stepped into the living room and there, sitting on the couch, was his mother. Misty Vail, a silver skinned woman with purple hair. She smiled at him, as he sat down on the couch next to her.

"How was school?"

"Good," Flash nodded. "Nothing out of the ordinary."

"That's good," Misty smiled. "Your sister called and said she'd be spending the evening at her friend's house. Would you be okay picking her up?"

"You want me to bike all the way there and bring her back the same way?" Misty smiled and pointed to the coffee table, Flash looking down and seeing a car key sitting on it.

"Oh, yes!" Flash grabbed it. "Is this..."

"Lock smith came this afternoon. Programmed the key and managed to deactivate your old one. Whoever stole it's not gonna be able to use it anymore."

"Thanks mom," Flash smiled. "You're the best." Misty smiled back, as the news she was watching changed subjects.

"In other news, the police have released a statement about the monster attack that occurred earlier today. This Mimic creature is currently under investigation, along with the mysterious armored figure that appeared and defeated it." The TV showed an image of Shifter, Flash taking a close look since this was the first time he had seen himself in that form.

He had to admit it. He looked pretty cool.

"With us right now, is an expert in strange circumstances and unusual situations. Doctor Evan Nigma." The image showed a man dressed in a lab coat, with glasses and a strange hairdo. "Doctor Nigma. What do you make of this whole event?"

The doctor pushed his glasses up. "After closer examination of the facts, it appears our city has become host to a situation that is usually only restricted to Japan." The image showed Shifter once again. "A mysterious armored figure, riding a motorbike and fighting against a monster. In Japan, these individuals are known as Kamen Riders."

"Kamen Riders?" Flash felt like he had heard that before.

"For many decades, these heroes have fought against unusual threats and kept our world safe. And whilst most of their activities have been localised to Japan, that doesn't appear to be the case anymore."

The presenter turned to the screen. "There you have it, folk. Let's all hope we can rest easy in our beds, tonight. For Kamen Rider Shifter, is on the case."

"Kamen Rider Shifter," Flash smirked. "I like that."

"What did you say?" Misty asked, as Flash shook his head.

"Nothing." Flash got up. "I'm gonna...go make sure my car's alright. The thief might have stolen something from it." She nodded as Flash headed out.

"Just be careful. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you."

"Oh," Flash smiled, "I wouldn't worry about that." He took the bike toy and screen device out of his jacket. "I get the feeling things aren't gonna be like they were before." With that, he headed out. He might not know what the heck was going on, but he knew one thing. He had been entrusted with the fate of his world. And he wouldn't let it down.

In another area, someone was watching the news broadcast. They were in a dark corner of the room, watching as the presenter gave his last remarks.

"There you have it, folk. Let's all hope we can rest easy in our beds, tonight. For Kamen Rider Shifter, is on the case."

The figure paused the TV, as they began to step forward. "Kamen Rider, huh?" The figure stepped into the light, revealing itself to be a figure wearing a suit similar to Shifter's.

Their suit was silver instead of black, with blue lines running around their body, whilst dark blue transparent armour was sitting atop it. This armour was much bulkier than Flash's, with thick chest armour and bulky shoulder-pads with triangular spikes on the end of them. Its helmet was almost completely covered, by the transparent blue material. The only thing uncovered, was a white mouth guard.

The eyes glowed yellow and the mask had a large blue horn coming out of the forehead, that mimicked a hercules beetle. On the end of the horn was a large V-shape, with two little nubs halfway up. The figure was also wearing the same belt Flash was wearing, with a bunch of blue light dots that showed a hercules beetle in many different positions.

The figure stared closer to the TV and stared at the image of shift, clearly interested in him. "You and I will be meeting soon. And when that happens, you better have some answers for me."

Episode 3: Strange? An Another Rider

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The weekend had come and everyone was trying to enjoy themselves, despite the looming threat of attack.

Several days had passed since the Mimic attack and in that time, there hadn't been any sign of a monster attempting to harm anyone. Nor had there been any sight of Canterlot's newest hero, Kamen Rider Shifter.

Said Kamen Rider, was using the free time of the weekend to do a little research.

Flash was in his room, laptop open as he sat at his desk. On the screen were blurry images and shaky video files. It was all focused on one subject. "Kamen Riders." Ever since people had started calling him that, he had been interested in learning more about this group that he had apparently joined.

According to what he had studied, Kamen Riders had first appeared over fifty years ago. Armored individuals, who rode motorcycles and fought against monsters, robots and a bunch of other things. And from what Flash had discovered, a good many of them were themed after some kind of insect. Just like him.

"I wonder." Flash sat back in his chair and thought about the white cloaked individual, who had given him his bike. He couldn't help but wonder if the figure had intended for him to gain that name, or if it was just a coincidence.

A knock at the door caught his attention, Flash turning towards it as the door opened. In doing so, his sister stepped into the room. Scootaloo.

The orange skinned, purple haired girl, wearing a black zip-up hoodie, green cargo pants and black boots, looked him over. "What are you doing?" She asked, as Flash closed his laptop.

"Homework," he told her. "What do you want?"

"Can you give me a ride to the mall? I'm meeting Applebloom and Sweetie Belle there."

Flash let out a sigh. "How is it when I got my licence, I somehow turned into your private chauffeur?"

"Come on. What else are you gonna do all day? We both know that wasn't homework you were doing." Flash wasn't sure what she thought he was doing, but he quickly wanted to change the subject.

"Fine. Let's go." Scootaloo cheered, as they headed out towards his car.

In a dark place, the three cloaked figures were standing around a radio.

"It has been several days since the attack from the usual creature calling itself a Mimic, which was destroyed by the one calling himself Shifter. Many people are wondering if it was some kind of performance stunt, whilst others are claiming to have seen more of these monsters and Shifter. But those sources are unconfirmed. Many wonder if another attack will happen and if so, where?"

One of the cloaks growled. "Shifter. He's destroyed two of our brethren now. We must make him pay."

"And how do we do that?" The female voice asked. "We don't know where he is or what he looks like without his mask. And if he has the power to destroy Mimics, how can we be sure he won't use that power to destroy us?"

"She's right," the older male agreed. "We need more info before we can counter him."

"Then let me awaken another of our brethren. They will lure this Kamen Rider out and once he's there, I will discover who he is and eliminate him. Why have we not attacked again already?"

"We must keep the humans off balance," the older male replied. "If we attacked every single day, they would know to expect an attack every day. We must keep the element of surprise."

"But I'm with Gule," the female stated. "It's time for the next Mimic to awaken. And hopefully, it'll defeat this Kamen Rider."

"And even if it can't," Gule turned to leave. "I'll destroy them myself." With that, he headed out and the other two cloaked individuals continued to listen to the radio. But eventually, they turned it off and got to their own work. They really needed to get the lights working again.

Flash and Scootaloo had arrived at the mall, Scootaloo running off to meet her friends the moment they arrived.

Meanwhile, Flash was simply browsing as he looked around and saw everyone enjoying themselves. He smiled, happy to see that the Mimics weren't scaring people into hiding themselves away.

He soon arrived at a store that sold electronics and decided to head inside, wanting to see if there were any cool new gadgets he might enjoy playing with. The place had the usual stuff, like phones, music players, cameras and a few laptops. But there wasn't anything he would consider interesting.

"Flash?" He looked around and saw Twilight, who was carrying a box of new tech. She was dressed in her work clothes, a blue shirt and black pants, both of which had circuitry patterns on them, along with black shoes and blue socks she was wearing over her pants.

"Hey," he leaned against a table with some phones on it, "got anything new for me to play with?"

Twilight laughed. "Probably not. Unless you're interested in some new state of the art processors to upgrade your computer at home. But then you'd need to know about your laptop's gigabyte limit and data stream output." Flash was already lost. "Anyway, you come to the mall for a reason?"

"Dropping my sister off," Flash replied. "I was kind of expecting this place to be a ghost town, given everything that happened a few days ago."

"I thought the same thing. But I guess it takes more than a monster attack to make people scared these days." Flash nodded. "Honestly, I'm almost excited for another attack."


"Well, I don't want anyone to get hurt. But if a Mimic did so up, Shifter might show up as well."

"The one they're calling a Kamen Rider?" Twilight nodded, as Flash suddenly felt very hot under the collar. "Why would you wanna see him again? From what I've heard, not a lot is known about him."

"Exactly. And I want to know everything about him. Like what kind of technology he uses and how his bike's able to move at such an incredible speed. He doesn't use Equestrian Magic, so there has to be some other power source he's using. I'd love to study it, just for a minute."

"Well Shifter probably has his reasons," Flash shrugged. "Maybe he doesn't wanna risk his technology, falling into the wrong hands. Or maybe he's worried that if his identity got out, he'd never get to live a normal life again."

"I guess that makes sense," Twilight nodded. "Still, I hope he has someone that helps him out. I'd hate to have to fight a bunch of monsters, without Sunset or the other girls backing me up. Fighting on his own must be terrifying." Flash hadn't thought of that.

Was he really going to have to face every single Mimic on his own? So far, he had fought them one on one. But how long would it be before he was facing five or ten at a time. He was suddenly feeling very scared.

Outside the mall's back exit, a security guard was taking a break.

He stepped outside to have a smoke and unwind, but he wouldn't get the chance to do either of those things. For as soon as he closed the door, he suddenly heard a sound and looked around. And there, a few feet away, was the dark cloaked figure.

"Hello?" He asked, as the figure drew closer. "Can I help you?"

The figure stopped and spoke. "Awaken and remember what you truly are." The figure looked up and the guard was met with a pair of eyes, which caused him to suddenly go stiff before clutching his head. He cried out, as something without him broke and a flood of information was sent into his mind.

He stayed like this for a moment before stopping and looking up. "I am Lek-Nee-Ray."

The figure nodded and stepped back. "Destroy anything you find. Make the humans fear us and if someone tries to stop you, make them pay." With that, he was gone and the one calling himself Lek looked around.

He spotted an ant on the ground and thrust his arm out, said arm morphing into a slimy orange tendril that flew down and struck the ant. As soon as it was struck, the ant was trapped as the man pulled his arm back. The slime around the ant began to harden and morphed into an amber cocoon, with the ant trapped inside.

His body then began to melt into the slimy substance and reshape itself, eventually hardening to reveal a humanoid ant monster. It was brown in colour and had the head of a giant ant, whilst it had four arms that ended in small crescent pincers. Sticking out of its butt was a large thorax and the creature snapped his mandibles together.

Flash and Twilight laughed at something Flash said, the teens having a fun talk as Twilight used her magic to put everything that was in the box on display.

"Scootaloo really did that?"

"Yup," Flash nodded. "And ever since, we've had to mix our cake and pancake batter by hand. Seriously, of all the places to stick your tongue." They laughed and as they did, someone stepped into the store.

"Twily." They looked over and saw a man, with white skin and blue hair walking towards them. He was wearing a gray button up shirt, black pants and a silver coat over it. Flash had a feeling that despite looking friendly, Flash wouldn't wanna get on his bad side.

"Hey, Shining." Twilight turned to Flash. "This is my brother, Shining Armor. Shining, this is Flash. A friend from school."

"Oh yeah," Shining nodded. "Twilight's told me about you. The guys she tutors from time to time."

"And trust me, I wouldn't be passing Math class without her." Twilight blushed at the praise, as Flash suddenly noticed something on Shining's belt. A gun holster. "Um...are you licensed to carry that?" Shining saw what he was looking at and smirked.

"Sure," Shining took out his wallet and opened it up. "Here's my licence." He flipped it open and showed a policemen's shield, Flash relaxing at this as Shining put it away. "Anyway. Twilight, your lunch break soon?"

Twilight checked the time. "Another couple of minutes. Did you wanna get something to eat?"

"Sure." He turned to Flash, "you wanna join us?"

"Really?" Flash asked, "you're okay with that? We've just met."

"Yeah, but I'm good at telling if someone's trustworthy or not. Always been a sixth sense of mine. So, you in?" Flash thought for a moment and was about to say yes, but then another voice caught their attention.

"Twilight!" They all looked around and saw a brown skinned teen with green hair, wearing a red shirt under a sleeveless blue jacket, yellow-brown pants and a black beanie on his head.

"Timber?" Twilight laughed as she ran up to him. They hugged and as they did, Flash noticed Shining looking a little upset. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Camp Everfree?"

"Things have been pretty slow around camp," Timber explained. "My sister also hired some new workers and things are working pretty smoothly. So I thought I'd use the time to come see how everything's going around here." He then noticed the other two and smirked. "Shining. Long time, no see."

"Yes," Shining nodded, "I guess it has."

Timber smiled at him and turned to Flash. "Hey, we've met before, right? Dash?"

"Flash," he corrected him. "And yeah. I was at the camp with Twilight and the others. How's your sister been after the whole..." He glanced at Shining, "incident."

"Oh, she's fine now. Helps that the camp's future is secured...at least for now." He turned to Twilight. "Anyway. I thought we could spend the day hanging out together. Maybe go see a movie or get something to eat."

"Thanks Timber," Twilight smiled. "But I've only got about thirty minutes for my lunch break. Besides, I was gonna go eat with Flash and Shining. But you're welcome to join us. Right guys?"

"I don't know," Shining frowned. "I guess it's okay, but finding a place that seats four might be tricky. Unless we go to the food court, but I'm not a big fan of the food they serve there."

"There's a burger place that's not too far from here," Timber smirked. "But you're right about them usually only sitting two or three. Four might be a bit of a stretch."

"It's cool," Flash told them. "You guys have fun. I should probably get going anyway." Flash wasn't sure why he suddenly didn't wanna have lunch with them, but something about Timber was making him lose his appetite.

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked. "It wouldn't be fair if you didn't get to go."

"It's cool," Flash assured her. "You've only got a limited break time. Spend it with your brother and Timber." He started walking away. "I'll see you later." With that, he was gone and they watched him leave.

"Nice kid," Shining told Twilight. "Considerate." Twilight nodded, as Timber turned to her.

"So, burger place? Sitting three shouldn't be a problem for them." Shining frowned at him. "Come on. We going or not?" He headed out and Twilight followed once she cleared her lunch break with her boss. Shining was the last one, a frown on his lips as he headed out.

Flash was making his way through the mall, having stopped off to get a smoothie from Applejack.

As he slurped up his drink, he thought about what had just happened. Why had he been so annoyed, when Timber showed up? He figured he had put his feelings about the guy behind him, when he realised he and Twilight didn't have a future. But seeing the two together like that had made him want to transform and Rider Kick the guy into next week.

"Come on, Flash." He shook his head, as he slurped up more of the orange and passion fruit. "You've got more important things to think about." Number one was finding the Mimics and stopping them before they could hurt anyone. Until then, he didn't have time to be interested in girls. He needed to focus on fighting, so he could learn the truth about what happened to him.

He headed past the sporting goods store and noticed Rainbow, using her super speed to stack boxes and put up signs. He wished he could use his powers for everyday activities, but he doubted being able to destroy things with a kick had many uses outside of fighting monsters.

Back with Twilight and the boys, they had arrived at the burger place Timber had suggested.

Unfortunately, the place was jam packed when they got there. Every table was full and wouldn't be empty for a while, meaning eating there was out of the question. "Oh, great." Timber cried. "Sorry guys. I was sure this place wouldn't be jam packed."

"That's okay," Twilight assured him. "We'll just go somewhere else. Sunset works at a sushi place."

"I'm not a big fan of sushi," Shining stated. "What about that pizza place?"

"Pizza, for lunch?" Timber clearly didn't like that idea. "There's that fried chicken place. Eleven herbs and spices." The siblings seemed to be considering this. But before they could say yes, they suddenly heard a bunch of screams.

They all turned towards the source of the commotion and Shining rushed forward, Twilight going with him. Meanwhile, Timber stood there. "Where are you going?" The siblings said nothing and kept running, until they reached a large crowd of people running away.

Pushing through this group, they reached the middle of the mall and were shocked to see a monster attacking it.

The ant human hybrid roared, as it grabbed the mall's fountain and ripped part of it out of the ground. The beast looks around and sees them before throwing the fountain part towards them, Shining looking ready to tackle his sister out of the way.

But Twilight reacted first and ponied up, using her magic to stop the piece of concrete before it could hit her.

Shining looks impressed by this, as Twilight spun the fountain part around her before throwing it back towards the monster. But the ant simply backhanded the piece of marble and turned it to dust, Twilight frowned. "This must be another one of those Mimics."

"So that's what they look like." Shining pulled out his gun and fired, but the creature didn't even bother to dodge. And for good reason, as the bullet just bounced off its shell like it was nothing. "Seriously?" They both frowned, all the while Timber snuck over and hid around a corner to watch.

The three all thought the same thing. This creature wasn't going down easily.

Back outside, Flash was heading towards his car.

But just as he took out his key to open it up, he was overwhelmed with a feeling. One that made him look towards the mall, as a large group of people started running out of it. "That can't be good." He rushed towards the building and grabbed someone who ran out of it. "What's happening?"

"A monster's attacking. It's one of those Mimic things!" The man pulled himself out of Flash's grip and ran for it, Flash frowning as he turned to the building.

The first thing he thought about was his sister. He had to make sure she was safe. As such, he ran inside and prayed she had gotten out unharmed. But if he found the Mimic first, he would destroy it before it could harm anyone else.

"Raaah!" Twilight grabbed another piece of damaged fountain in her magic and threw it.

The ant saw it coming and leapt into the air, showing impressive jumping skill as it landed on a nearby wall and stuck to it. As it did, Shining kept firing. He hoped hitting the same spot would damage his shell, creating a weak point they could target. But no matter how many times he fired, the shell did not allow itself to be damaged.

"Damn it!" Shining cried, as the Ant Mimic leapt off the wall and landed right next to Twilight. "No!" Before his sister could react, the creature grabbed her around the neck and threw her across the room. Shining watched as Twilight crashed into the wall and hit her head. "TWILIGHT!"

She fell to the ground and laid there, slumped along the floor not moving. After a few seconds, she returned to normal and was still knocked out.

Shining turned to the Mimic and roared, but the creature was faster and rushed over to grab him by the neck. He then spun around and threw Shining away, the man flying through the air and crashing through a clothing store's window. He then hit a rack of clothes and knocked it over, getting buried by the clothing in the process.

Timber watched, as the Ant Mimic clicked its pincers together and looked around.

It then turned to Twilight, who was still unconscious. And just as it was about to do something, footsteps filled the air and it turned to see Flash. The teen ran forward and spotted the monster, then noticed the girl laying on the floor.

"Twilight!" He rushed to her side and tried to shake her awake, but found she was completely unconscious. As this was going on, Shining was pulling himself out of the clothing whilst Timber continued to watch. Flash turned towards the monster and stood tall, as the Mimic Driver appeared on his wrist.

He took out the screen device and held it up, pressing the button to activate it. "STRIKE!" He quickly opened the side of the Driver and placed the screen inside, completely unaware that he was being watched by Shining and Timber.

As the Ant Mimic stared at him, he struck a pose. "Henshin!" He slammed the draw shut and the belt activated.

"MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" Flash crossed his arms, as the liquid flew out of the pipes and began to cover him. It quickly solidified before breaking apart, revealing the suited up teen before the amber slammed into him and formed the armor. As the transformation completed, the Driver spoke. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!"

Both Shining and Timber were shocked by what they had just witnessed.

"The winds of victory have shifted," the Kamen Rider announced before running forward. Before the Mimic could respond, the Rider leapt at it as he slammed the side of his belt inwards.


His boot was surrounded with energy and with a mighty kick, he slammed it into the Mimic and sent it flying backwards whilst it was electrocuted by the energy. This wasn't enough to destroy it, but it did give Shifter the time he needed.

He pulled out the motorbike toy and threw it at the ground, causing it to melt and grow before reshaping. Once the bike was completed, Shifter grabbed Twilight and carried her over to the machine. But as he placed her on it, the Mimic picked itself up.

Shifter growled, wishing there was a way for him to get Twilight to safety and stop this thing from doing any more harm.

Then, suddenly, the bike revved up on its own and raced off with Twilight on it. "Huh?" He watched it go, Twilight not falling off at all. "Okay. Wasn't expecting that." He heard the beast roar, as it charged forward to attack.

He thrust his foot back without even looking, knocking the creature away. As it hit the ground, Shifter prepared for a fight. "Bring it on." He charged, as the beast picked itself up and the two began to fight. Shifter jumped around, leaping off the wall and dodging all the ant's attacks.

Their fight caused them to both move away from the area, allowing Shining and Timber the chance to let what happened sink in.

Shining finally acted, jumping out of the window and running off somewhere. This just left Timber, who stared at the spot Flash had last been in. And after a few moments, he nodded and ran off somewhere as well.

Shifter and the Ant Mimic continued their battle, with Shifter having a clear advantage as he fought against the monster.

The Ant threw its claw at Shifter, but the Kamen Rider easily caught it by the wrist before flipping it around. The alien roared, as it was sent flying and crashed into the ground. Flash kept hold of the creature's arm and pulled it upwards, whilst slamming a boot into its chest.

The creature roared in pain, as Shifter tried to think of what to do.

He could destroy the monster, but that would only nullify the threat. There had to be a way he could get some information out of the creature. Find out how to defeat the Mimics, once and for all. Because once that happened, he might finally have some answers from that weird cloak guy.

However, something happened that soon caught him completely by surprise.

Out of nowhere, something flew towards him at high speed. "Huh?" He looked around, just as the creature slammed into him. "GYAH!" He was thrown off the Mimic and sent flying through the air, the Rider doing several spins before landing on his feet and sliding along the ground.

He slid to a stop and looked up, his eyes going wide at the sight of another monster helping the ant up.

It looked like the cross between a man and an insect. Its body was humanoid, but it was surrounded by a green exoskeleton. It had a pair of insect wings on its back and its hands and feet looked like that of an insect with three fingers that were like insect arms. On the back of each of its elbows and on its knees were some kind of glass dome that looked like they lit up. The head appeared to be humanoid, but it was wearing an insectoid mask.

"Another Mimic?" Flash asked, as the creature laughed.

"I'm not just any Mimic." Shifter's eyes went wide, not expecting to hear these things talk. "I am Gule-Far-Tar. General of the Mimic army." Shifter let that sink in and realised, this guy had to be one of the big bosses. "I came here to uncover what's been destroying my fellow Mimics. And now I've uncovered it. You."

"Your Mimics are trying to destroy my world," Shifter stated. "If they wanna do that, they're gonna have to go through me!" He ran forward and Gule did the same, the pair meeting in the middle and throwing a punch at one another.

The impact knocked the two back, Shifter off his feet whilst Gule staggered back.

As this happened, the Ant Mimic charged and dived on Shifter. The Kamen Rider managed to raise a leg, so the creature slammed into his foot. But as he kicked it away, Gule attacked.

Shifter leapt to his feet and the pair traded blows, whilst the Ant attacked as well. It was two on one and Shifter was clearly at a disadvantage, not getting a second to catch his breath as the monsters attacked one after the other. If something wasn't done to change the odds, Flash would be in real trouble.

Outside, many people were grouped up in a large crowd.

Whilst they were worried the monster would attack them outside, curiosity also got the better of them. They were all wondering if Shifter would show up and fight against the creature, or maybe someone else might find a way to stop it.

Rainbow, Applejack and even Rarity were outside. They all wanted to go back in and help, but they had their own issues to worry about. Scootaloo, Sweetie and Applebloom were with them, having escaped once they heard about the monster attack. The girls had to make sure the three were safe before they could think about going in to fight a monster.

"Is everyone okay?" Rarity asked, the girls nodding as Scootaloo looked around.

She spotted Flash's car and suddenly grew worried. "Where is he?" She looked around, but there was no sign of him. "Is he still inside?"

"A'h doubt it," Applejack told her. "He probably left ages ago and didn't want to find another parkin' space. A'm sure he's fine." Scootaloo wasn't so sure, but an engine pulled her attention away from searching for her brother.

From out of the mall, a bike flew out with somebody on it. That somebody was Twilight, who Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity rushed over to. "Twilight!" Rarity cried, as they recognised the bike. "Isn't this Shifter's bike?"

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded, "where'd you get it?" But Twilight didn't answer and they realised she was unconscious. "Twilight!" She tried to pull Twilight off, but the girl didn't move. Looking down, they realised part of her body had something fused to the bike. Her legs had the metal melded to her pants and shoes, whilst her hands were stuck on the bike's handles.

"What the hay?" Applejack tried to pull her off, but it didn't work. "Come on. Let her go." The others tried to follow suit, but nothing happened. "What's wrong with this thing?"

As they tried to extract her from the bike, sirens filled the air and they looked around. They soon spotted ambulances, police cars and even a few news crews. Clearly, news of the Mimic attack had reached the authorities and they wanted to do something about it.

Back inside, Shifter and the two Mimics continued to fight.

Shifter was growing more and more tired, as he did his best to fight to two off. And as he blocked a slash from the Ant, Gule suddenly dealt a kick to his chest. "Gyah!" He was knocked off his feet and slammed into the ground, Gule quickly grabbing him by the foot and flying him into the air before throwing him across the room.

He hit the ground and slid across it, moaning at the impact until he came to a stop.

Gule laughed as the Ant charged again, whilst Shifter tried to pick himself up. And as it got close, the Kamen Rider raised his arms and unleashed a bright flash of light from bulbs on his suit. The light struck the creature's giant eyes and made it scream in pain, allowing Shifter to rise.

He ran at the beast and dealt a swift punch into its chest, knocking it back as he quickly fired off two more punches before swinging his leg around to kick it.

As the Ant tried to recover, Gule flew in and blocked another punch. And as Shifter pulled back to deliver another strike, Gule's own body unleashed a brilliant light. "Augh!" Shifter hissed, his visors doing nothing to protect him from the bright flash.

As he staggered back, he remembered those glass domes on the Mimic General's body and realised they were the same as his own lights. This thing had his ability.

The world around him still blurry, Shifter was unable to defend himself when Gule flew forward and grabbed him by the neck. The next thing he knew, he was lifted into the air and flown over to one of the walls. He was smashed into it hard before being pulled away and flown over to another wall, smashing into it just as hard.

This happened two more times before Gule flew him down and threw him towards the Ant Mimic, which slammed one of its pincer fists into Shifter and sent him flying in another direction.

He crashed into a pillar and broke right through it, falling to the ground as Gule and the Ant moved towards him. He tried to pick himself up, but he needed a moment to recover.

"With you out of the way, there'll be nothing to stop us from taking over." But as Gule was about to attack, a noise caught their attention. One which made them look around and see something, moving towards them.

It was a bike, which looked like a blue version of Shifter's bike. It had silver under the bodywork and yellow streams on it. And riding it was a figure, dressed in a silver suit with blue armor themed on a hercules beetle.

The figure drove and before the Mimic could comprehend what was happening, the bike accelerated and rammed into Gule. The impact sent the Mimic General flying, eventually crashing into the ground.

The bike had stopped seconds after slamming into Gule, the rider throwing a kick towards the Ant and knocking it away as well. Then, he got off his bike and moved over to Shifter. "You alright?"

Shifter looked up at him and finally realised, he was just like him. Wearing the same belt and screen device as him. "You're...like me."

"Name's Morphic." He held out a hand, "Kamen Rider Morphic. You looked like you could use some help." Shifter took the hand and was pulled to his feet, as Gule picked himself up.

"Another one!?" He cried, as the Ant pushed itself to its feet. "No matter. I will destroy you both."

"You deal with the loudmouth," Morphic announced. "I'll take ant head over there." Shifter nodded and charged towards Gule, whilst Morphic walked towards the Mimic.

Shifter leapt into the air and dealt a powerful kick to Gule, who tried to block with his hands but had little success. As he was sent staggering back, Shifter continued to throw punches and kicks at him. Gule quickly managed to recover and started fighting back, the pair appearing at a stalemate one on one.

Meanwhile, the Ant Mimic charged and tried to grab Morphic. But the blue Rider was able to easily knock his pincers away and deal his own punch to the creature.

The Ant staggered back. From what it could tell, Morphic was slower than Shifter. But he had more strength than the orange Rider, allowing him to hit harder. And with the Ant being at around the same speed, the two appeared to also be at a stalemate.

Morphic charged forward and dealt several strong punches towards it, the Ant doing its best to block or dodge them. It managed to avoid two and deflect two, but still got hit several times. It cried out, but kept fighting and slashed its pincers towards Morphic.

The Rider was struck in the chest, but his armor was able to protect him from any serious damage. And when the Ant tried to go for an unarmored section, Morphic grabbed his arm before it could deal him any damage. And with a powerful kick to the stomach, the Ant was thrown backwards and crashed into the ground.

The Mimic hissed, but it hadn't taken any serious damage. Despite how strong Morphic was, the Ant's armor was clearly able to take his attack. No matter how hard Morphic struck it, he couldn't destroy it.

However, it seemed Morphic realised this too. And was ready.

"Blitz Blaster!" Suddenly, part of his gauntlet turned to liquid and flew down into his hand. Once there, it solidified and reshaped itself. Soon enough, a blue handgun with a long barrel was in his grasp. And as the ant charged, he quickly fired a blue energy out of it.

The Ant saw this coming, but couldn't move in time to dodge. The energy slammed into it and when it did, a powerful explosion caused its chest armor to crack. This made the Mimic scream in pain, as it staggered back and clutched its chest. Morphic then fired again, hitting another section of his chest and blowing that apart as well. He then fired multiple times.

All the creature could do was scream. With each strike, its body was blown apart. Its hands were blasted off, its legs were destroyed at the knees and several holes were sticking out of the armor.

As the Mimic fell to the ground, Morphic slammed his hand into the side of the belt.


His armor glowed before the light began to fly through his body and into his blaster, which started lighting up as Morphic pointed it towards the sky.

The Mimic saw this and tried to crawl away, but it was no use. All it could do was drag itself, helplessly, a few inches at a time.

"Feel the full force of my justice." Morphic fired the weapon and it flew straight up, with him suddenly leaping right after it. Somehow, he was able to fly past the energy sphere that had formed and spun around. He slammed his foot into the orb and kicked it, the blast flying back towards the ground even faster than before.

It morphed into a glowing blue meteor, which shot down to the Mimic and exploded upon contact.

The beast roared, as it exploded and Morphic landed on the ground in front of the explosion. When the flames and smoke from the blast faded away, the Mimic was nowhere in sight.

Shifter and Gule continued their fight, both still at a stalemate.

Shifter threw a kick at Gule's neck, but the Mimic General blocked before trying to kick him back. But Shifter was able to grab his foot and the pair could only stand there, each on one foot, as they fought against the other's strength.

Eventually, they pushed away from one another and staggered back. As they did, the lights on their bodies glowed and they unleashed the beams towards the other. Both were blinded, unable to properly fight back.

They quickly shook off the blindness and both ran forward, Gule taking flight whilst Shifter leapt up and swung his leg to kick. But Gule quickly swung his claws around and the two were knocked away from one another, landing as they panted.

Gule growled, wanting to end this nuisance once and for all. But before he could, blaster fire flew towards him and he was forced to leap back. "What?" He looked over and saw Morphic, running towards him with his weapon in hand.

"Give it up!" Morphic announced, stepping up next to Shifter. "You can't beat us both."

Gule growled and looked ready to attack, but then they all heard noises. More footsteps and voices, coming closer. It appeared the police had arrived. "We'll finish this later," Gule stated before leaping into the air.

Morphic tried to blast him, but had no such luck and Gule broke through a nearby skylight. "Ahhh," Morphic cried. The noises got closer. Any minute, the place would be swarming with police. "We need to get out of here." As he said that, his bike rolled over to them.

"Not good," Shifter gulped. "My bike's still not back yet."

"Get on!" Morphic climbed on the bike and Shifter stared at him, clearly unsure if he should trust this guy. "I'm on your side." Shifter sighed and climbed onto the bike, holding onto Morphic's sides as the bike revved up.

As the police and news crews arrived, the two raced off and flew out the nearest window they could find.

Back outside, they were still trying to figure out how to get Twilight off of the bike.

"Come on!" Applejack did everything she could to pry the metal off of her, but she couldn't without risking injury to Twilight. "Why won't it let her go!?" The others frowned, wishing they had an answer. But the bike kept its hold on her.

It was then that they heard a loud smashing sound and turned towards it, as another bike suddenly raced out from around the building. It was moving so fast, they couldn't tell who was on it. But as soon as it passed, the bike Twilight was on suddenly revved up.

The metal holding her to it also gave way, causing her to almost slip off as her friends caught it. The bike then raced off, following the other bike in becoming a blur and disappearing.

"That was weird," Rainbow stated before Twilight let out a moan. "Twi! You okay?" She opened her eyes and looked around, seeing she was outside.

"What happened?" The others frowned, wishing she would have the answers for them.

Morphic raced through the streets, swerving between the bikes until he turned into an alleyway and drove down it.

Once they were safely out of the public's eye, he rolled to a stop and allowed Shifter to climb off his bike. "Thanks," he told him. "I might have been in trouble, if you hadn't gotten me out of there."

"No problem," Morphic told him. "Us Riders have to stick together, huh Flash." The orange rider's eyes went wide as he leapt back, ready to fight. "Wait, just relax."

"How do you know who I am?"

"You transformed right in front of me." Shifter tilted his head, as Morphic reached down and opened up his Driver. Once he took out the screen, the armor began to melt away and his suit disappeared. This revealed the person underneath.


Shining Armor smiled, as his bike shrank back down. As it did, Shifter's bike finally arrived and rolled next to him. "You should really be careful when you transform. You're lucky I was the one who saw you. You might not be so lucky next time."

"But...how? How are you a Kamen Rider?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." Shining held the screen in his hand. "One day, I was chasing after a criminal when I suddenly blacked out. The next thing I knew, I was waking up and this thing was in my hand. What about you?"

"Same," Flash nodded. "Have you...talked about this with anyone?"

"No. But since you have a bike, I'm guessing you met our friend in the cloak." Flash nodded. "He said all would become clear when I defeated the Mimics. But before I could find one, you suddenly showed up and started kicking butt. Thanks for stealing my thunder. I had a whole speech planned out for when I revealed myself to the world."


"It's cool. I'll admit, you made up on the spot something that was way better than what I came up with." They both looked down at the screen devices, curious about what had happened to them. "Flash. I know you're a kid who's probably in over his head, but I need you. I can't do this on my own and you can't do it either. We need to work together."

Flash smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that. Because based on what happened today, there's no way I'd win this fight on my own." He held out his hand. "Partners?"

Shining smirked and took his hand, "partners. Now. let's get back to the mall. I need to check on my sister."

"Same," Flash nodded. "I just hope they're okay. Your sister looked like she was in pretty bad shape when I showed up. Where were you and Timber?"

"I'd been knocked into some clothes," Shining led him out of the alleyway. "I don't know where Timber went. But I'm more worried about that Mimic General. He was pretty strong, for someone who was probably just a high up grunt. Makes me wonder who the big boss is. And how many more generals he has."

Flash nodded, wondering the same thing. He knew it was just a matter of time before they met all those in charge, especially if they kept messing up the Mimics' plans. But since the Mimics had no idea who Flash and Shining were under the masks, they had nothing to worry about.

Gule had returned to the dark place that acted as the Mimic's base, the insectoid monster sighing as he sat down.

"Chosen to get rid of the cloak, I see." Gule rolled his eyes, as he turned towards the female voice. "Good. I'm starting to get sick of this thing as well." A ripping sound filled the air. As it did, a feminine monster suddenly appeared out of the darkness.

Her body was mostly black, being rather slim in appearance with a large bust and hips along with thick arms and legs. Her hands and high-heeled feet were red. Her arms, legs and hips were covered in red web-like designs and around her neck was a long black collar that flowed down over her shoulders, chest and back. Along the collar were eight red lines that resembled spider legs that were connected by red spider-webbing. She was also wearing a skirt that mimicked the rear of a spider, the same webbing pattern on it. Her head was entirely round with black skin and four red eyes that appeared to be divided into four sections.

The woman stepped forward and smiled at him. "Well aren't you a sorry sight."

"Back off, Maya. I'm not in the mood."

"Now now," a male voice replied as another figure stepped forward. "Let's not fight. We're all on the same team, after all."

Another monster appeared out of the darkness. Its body looked like the cross between a man and a bird, as a pair of black wings came out of its back. Most of its body was also covered in black feathers, with only its neck, head, hands and feet having visible skin. That skin was pink and wrinkly around its hands, neck and head, whilst the feet were grey and thin with three long toes. Its neck was long and curved, with a round head and slanted beak for a mouth.

"Frill," Gule glared at him. "We may have the same goals, but that doesn't make us a team. My only care, is to protect the Mimics and allow them to complete their mission."

"Indeed," the vulture Mimic nodded. "But to do that, we must work together. And based on your injuries, I'm assuming you had a little tussle with the one they call Shifter."

"Not just Shifter. There's another one, calling himself Morphic. He's just as dangerous." The other two frowned at this. "But I have uncovered something. Shifter's true identity."

"Really?" Maya asked, "how did you discover that?" Gule stood up and as he did, his body began to melt and change. Slowly, he took a new form and his body eventually solidified. When it did, it revealed a brown skinned teen with green hair. Timber Spruce.

"I saw him," Timber replied. "And now that I know who he is, I will destroy him."

"Well, don't forget you're not in this alone." Maya raised a hand and snapped her fingers, causing light to flood the room. Doing so caused the entire place to be revealed. A giant laboratory of some kind, full of tables carrying glass jars.

Inside those jars, pulsing orbs of orange-brown slime were moving around within them. Enough to make an entire army of creatures, ready to destroy the Earth. Timber, or was it Gule, smiled at the sight of them all.

"Soon, those Kamen Riders won't know what hit them." He and the other two laughed, as they knew this fight had only just begun. The Riders might be winning the battles, but the war would end in Mimic victory.

Episode 4: A Crabby Comeback

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In their mysterious lab, the three Mimic Generals were discussing their situation. Primarily, the Kamen Riders that were getting in their way.

"What's the problem?" Gule asked, currently in his monster form. "I know who Shifter is. I can easily find where he lives. So why don't we just go there and kill him whilst he sleeps? Stop him before he can transform?"

The vulture, Frill, hummed with his arms crossed. "That might not be a bad idea."

"Maybe," the spider Mimic named Maya stated. "But we have other issues to deal with. Kamen Rider Morphic. We have no idea who he is under that mask. If Shifter can be so easily defeated whilst unmasked, we can do it any time. But if we do it, Morphic will surely know and be on more of an alert. We should discover his identity or eliminate him, then deal with Shifter when he's not expecting it."

Gule obviously didn't like the idea of waiting, whilst Frill turned to her.

"What do you have planned?"

"Gears are already in motion. I can get Shifter alone, then send in a Mimic he has no hope of defeating without Morphic. But before Morphic can arrive, I'll be there to stop him." The two looked at her curiously, as he body began to melt and shift.

Slowly, it grew smaller and less monstrous. And eventually, it began to solidify and revealed a black skinned woman with flowing blue hair and bright green eyes. She was dressed in a business suit, with a green shirt under a black blazer with black pants and black high heels.

The woman stepped over to a table, where a jar of slime was waiting for her. She reached in and the slime transformed into a sphere, which she removed with a smile. "Yes. You will do quite nicely."

A few days had passed since the battle against the Ant Mimic.

Since that day, Flash and Shining Armor had stayed in contact with each other. This was to help them foster a sense of teamwork, which they would need if they wanted to stand any chance of defeating the Mimics together. So far, Flash had learned that Shining enjoyed comics and making models of robots and futuristic vehicles.

He was actually engaged to the principal of Crystal Prep, Cadance, and was also an enjoyer of Ogres and Oubliettes. Meanwhile, Shining had learned everything he could about Flash. It turned out, the two could get along quite well with each other. And that meant they should be able to work well together, should the need arise.

After the fight, the two had snuck back to the mall and instantly went to check on their younger sisters.

Whilst Scootaloo was okay, Twilight had a small head injury. But after a night in hospital, she was cleared with no damage done whatsoever. But her friends had quite the story to tell her, about how she had appeared on Shifter's bike. That had certainly thrown the girl for a loop.

Now, Flash was at his house getting ready.

He had promised to help out with a special event, chaperoning young children as they went to the city's aquarium. He was going with Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow and some other kids who apparently didn't go to CHS. He had been asked to help by a woman who had contacted him after talking with Celestia, having asked for any boys that were willing to help out. Flash had apparently been the first on the principal's list and Flash, being Flash, had been unable to say no.

"Alright," Flash headed down stairs where his mother was working on her laptop, "I'm off. Sure you don't want me to get you a souvenir?"

Misty chuckled. "No thanks. Fish have never really been my thing. Probably because of how easily I get seasick. But have fun." Flash nodded and headed out, running to his car and actually being excited for the day ahead.

But as his car came into view, a bright flash of light suddenly appeared before him.

"Wow!" Before he could stop himself, he ran through the light and found himself in a dark area. The same place he had appeared in when he first learned about the Mimics. "Hey, cloak guy. You here?" A light suddenly shined down from above, blinding him.

Once he was used to the light, he looked down and saw something rise up from below. The table that had once held his bike, now rose up and allowed him to see what was on top of it. Five more of the strange screen devices that he and Shining used to transform with.

He stepped forward and picked one up, allowing him to look it over and see it was blank. There were no letters on the side and when he pressed the button, nothing happened. The screen didn't light up at all. "What?"

"Those are Mimicores." Flash jumped and looked around, but saw no sign of the cloaked individual. "As you've probably realised, they are necessary to allow you to access your powers. The one you hold, allows you to wield the powers of a lightning bug. And the one Shining holds, grants him the power of the hercules beetle."

"Right," Flash nodded. "But what about these ones?"

"They are blanks," the voice replied. "They cannot be used. Not until you program them."

"Program them?"

"When you see an animal you wish to wield the powers of, hold the Mimicore up to it. Doing so will cause the Mimicore to copy all the abilities of that animal."

"Wow," Flash smirked, "imagine what Shining and I could do with these."

"That is why I am giving them to you. To help in the battles that are to come. Use them wisely, but be careful with who you let use them." Flash looked confused. "Each Mimicore, will also link itself to whichever Driver uses it first. You and Shining cannot swap the Mimicores you already have, so be careful when you use one. Because once you do, Shining will be unable to use it."

"Okay." Flash nodded. "Five Mimicores. Don't suppose you have a sixth one, do you?"

"Not at this time. But when I do, I will attempt to give them to you. For now, you and Shining decide who gets what. Use them to defeat the Mimics."

"I don't suppose you plan on telling us more about this whole situation?" Flash asked, but the figure did not reply. Instead, the light appeared behind him and he was thrown through it. "WOW!" The next thing he knew, he was back in front of his house. "Of course." He looked down at the five Mimicores he had received. He needed to get them to Shining.

But he also had the aquarium visit, which he was now probably late for. As such, he rushed over to his car and got in. As he did, he connected his phone to the car and dialled Shining's number. "Hello?" The man replied when he picked up.

As Flash drove to the aquarium, he told Shining what had happened. To say he was surprised was an understatement, but he was interested in the Mimicores Flash had received.

"Those will definitely come in handy," Shining told him. "Our Rider forms have their weaknesses, but this should help to overcome them."

"So what do we do about dividing them?" Flash asked. "There are five and only one person can use them."

"You take three," Shining replied. "I'll take the other two. I'm more trained when it comes to combat, so I should be able to do more with less. And if what that cloak guy said is true, we may end up getting more later."

"Alright," Flash nodded as he arrived at the aquarium. "I'll bring them over to you later. Hopefully, you don't run into a Mimic before I can get it to you."

"Cool. See you then." He hung up and Flash pulled into his parking space, as he spotted a group of young children at the front of the building.

Getting out of the car, he spotted Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow amongst them. And they weren't the only ones, as their were two boys around Flash's age there as well.

One was a light green skinned boy, with orange hair and purple eyes. He was wearing a green jacket over a purple shirt and brown pants. Next to him was a kid that looked almost identical, having the same face. But his skin was dark green and his hair was red. He was wearing a gray version of the other boy's jacket, with a purple shirt underneath and black pants.

"Hey," Flash waved as he approached. "This everyone?"

"Looks like it," Twilight nodded. "Have you met Thorax and Pharynx?" She gestured to the two, the light skinned boy stepping forward.

"Hey," he held out his hand. "Name's Thorax. Nice to meet you?"

"Flash Sentry," he shook the teen's hand. "Same here. Do you go to CHS?"

"Yes, but not for very long." Thorax gestured to the other boy, "my brother and I were homeschooled until recently." Flash was surprised by this, never heard of anyone who had actually been homeschooled before. "Our mom was really protective of us."

"But not anymore?"

"No," Pharynx shook his head. "She's barely ever around anymore. Which is why this whole thing feels weird. Why is she bothering to do all of this?"

"Is it so wrong that I wish to do some good for the community?" They all looked around and saw a tall woman with dark skin and green hair, marching towards them. "With everything that's been happening in this city lately, I thought the younger generation should enjoy some fun. Who knows how long those days will last, with those Kamen Riders causing trouble all over the city."

Flash frowned at this, whilst Thorax stepped forward. "Mom. The Kamen Riders aren't the ones causing trouble. It's the Mimics that are attacking. The Kamen Riders are trying to stop them."

"Don't be so naive, Thorax. It's clear those two weirdos are unleashing these creatures on the city, just so they can destroy them and pretend to be the heroes." Thorax frowned, clearly not agreeing. But before he could say anything else, his mother spoke up. "Anyway. Let's not ruin this day with an argument. Hello. My name is Chrysalis and I hope you're all looking forward to today."

"YEAH!" The younger children cheered, clearly excited to see all the different fish.

"Alright then." Chrysalis gestured for them to follow. They all headed into the building and arrived at a circular room, with a reception desk at the front, the walls painted blue with many cartoon fish and sea creatures covering it.

They all waited, as Chrysalis paid the woman for the entrance fee. And once that was done, she returned with a bunch of arm bands that they had to wear until they left.

"Now then," Chrysalis handed the bands out to them. "Please remember to behave whilst you're here. Any bad behaviour will reflect poorly on me. Be good and this may end up becoming a regular thing. Understand?"

"YES!" All the children announced. Once they were all wearing their arm bands, they ran off with the older teen following and making sure they stayed under control.

Chrysalis watched with a smile. But when they were out of sight, her smile dropped and she looked around. Once she was sure nobody was watching, something appeared in her hand. The orb of brownish orange slime, which she dropped.

As soon as it hit the floor, the orb melted and changed colour to mimic the carpet. "Find what I told you to find. And when you do, destroy Shifter and anyone else that gets in your way." The puddle began to move off, as Chrysalis turned to leave. She had to prepare for their next guest.

In the next room, Flash and the others all stared into the tank.

There were many different fish in the tank. Clown fish, starfish, flatfish and so on. The children were all amazed by them, but then noticed what they thought was the coolest fish of all. "Swordfish!" One boy cheered, seeing the creature in question swim into view.

"Cool," Thorax smirked at the sight of it. "Just imagine what it's like, to be a fish in the ocean whilst that thing is around. One minute, you're swimming along. And the next, you're suddenly impaled on its spear-like nose."

Twilight laughed. "Actually, that's not how swordfish hunt." Thorax turned to her. "In a way, it should really be called a club-fish. It uses its nose to whack their prey into submission, stunning them so the swordfish can easily finish them off."

"Really?" Pharynx asked. "So it never cuts its prey?"

"Sometimes, they use the tip to slash at the prey. But that's more to injure them so they slow down, allowing the swordfish to catch up and stun them."

"I wonder how sharp its nose is," Flash stared at the fish before it suddenly shot off.

"Probably not that sharp," Twilight replied. "It doesn't need to be. At the speed it can move, even a dull blade would be able to cut into a fish's body. If something's moving fast enough, it'll be able to cut through anything."

Flash nodded, as the kids moved to another tank in order to check out a cool looking octopus.

They continued through the aquarium, seeing the many interesting sea life all over the place. There were puffer fish, large turtles, a small coral reef with all kinds of different creatures living there. Stingrays, eels and even a few rare breeds of sea snail. All of them were amazing to look at.

Slowly, as they made their way further and further into the aquarium, the groups began to split off in order to examine the different tanks and sea life.

Flash and Thorax's group soon arrived at the area that housed the penguins, Flash being very glad he was wearing a hoodie due to how cold it was. They stepped over to the observation platform, overlooking the penguin habitat. There, they watched as the flightless birds slid down the ice slides and dived into the water.

There was another section below them, which would allow them to watch the penguins swim. They would have to go see it later.

"This is awesome," Thorax smiled. "I've always wanted to see penguins up close."

"Haven't you ever been to something like this before?" Flash turned to him, as Thorax shook his head.

"No. Honestly, my brother and I never get to go anywhere like this. Growing up, mom was always too busy. First she was busy running a business on her own, whilst also looking after my brother and me. Then, when her business took off, she was constantly running around trying to manage the different branches of it. All the while, she made sure Pharynx and I studied and got good grades."

"What about your dad?"

"Never met him. He ran off before my brother and I were born." Flash frowned, feeling bad for him.

"Sorry, man. I know what it's like, growing up without a father. Mine died when I was younger. I can barely remember him." Thorax nodded, as they began to make their way down to the lower sections. "Ever since then, it's just been my mom, sister and me. My mom worked hard to provide for us but even so, she always found time to make sure my sister and I were happy."

"I never said I wasn't happy," Thorax stated. "My mom might always be busy, but I've got Pharynx and we have fun together. We play games, do our school work together. We have a large house that we have pretty much free reign over. Everything's good."

"Except your mom hardly spends any time with you guys. I get she wants to make enough for you all to live comfortably on, but I think I'd rather spend time with my parents instead of having a large house, cool car and going on fancy vacations." Thorax nodded, clearly not arguing against him.

They arrived at the lower section, where they got to see the penguins swimming around having fun. The kids were all having a blast and as they watched a penguin do a spin as it dived lower, Flash and Thorax couldn't help but smile.

But then, Flash suddenly sensed something and turned towards an area of the aquarium.

"You okay?" Thorax asked, only for a bunch of screams to suddenly fill the air followed by the sound of shattering glass. "What the?"

"Take the kids back to Twilight and the others. I'll go make sure everything's okay!" Flash ran forward and Thorax was left to wonder what was going on, the blue haired teen running through the aquarium towards the screams. And when he arrived at the source, he found a bunch of people running towards him. He pushed himself to the side and looked over them, allowing to see what they were running from.

It was a humanoid crab monster. Its body was a mixture of black and red, being black in the areas that had moving joints such as the shoulders, elbows, waist and knees. The rest was covered in red armor, its head being encased in a red dome-like structure with multiple glowing green eyes. Instead of hands, it had a pair of large crab claws on the ends of its arms. And when it opened those claws, holes could be seen in the centre that it shot high pressured water out of.

The Mimic was standing next to a large tank, which had been shattered and water sent everywhere. Along with it, a bunch of lobsters and crabs were running about the place.

Flash looked around and spotted a doorway, which he quickly rushed through into another room. This one was empty and Flash took out his phone, texting Shining two words. 'Aquarium, Mimic.' Sending it off, her took out his Mimicore as the Driver appeared around his waist.

As soon as Shining got the text, he ran over to a spot he wouldn't be seen. And as the belt appeared on his waist, Shining took out his Mimicore and activated it.


He opened up his driver and placed the device inside, striking a pose as he did. "HENSHIN!" He slammed the draw shut and the lights on his belt turned dark blue.

"MIMIC! HERCULES BEETLE!" Shining crossed his arms, as the orange-brown liquid flew out of the pipes and began to cover him. It quickly solidified into the cocoon before breaking apart, revealing the silver suited figure. The amber then slammed into him and turned blue, forming his hercules beetle armor and mask. As the transformation was complete, the Driver spoke. "Power that shatters everything, contained in a mighty horn!"

Morphic took out the toy motorbike and threw it into the air, the vehicle melting and enlarging itself as it fell to the ground. It solidified as soon as it hit the pavement, creating the blue, silver and yellow motorcycle.

He leapt onto the machine and revved it up, racing out of the alleyway and zooming down the street towards the aquarium. "Hold on, Flash. I'll be there soon."

Back at the aquarium, the Crab Mimic continued to attack anything that moved.

The people continued to run to escape, whilst the Mimic smashed multiple tanks and caused them to empty out. Luckily, all the animals in these tanks were ones that could survive out of the water. But it was drawing closer to the ones with fish and other completely aquatic creatures in it.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pharynx and Thorax, were trying to get the kids out of the building.

"Where's Flash?" Twilight asked, looking around. But the teen was nowhere in sight. The others shrugged, as they tried to make it to the exit. But the only way out of the location they were in, was to go through the area the Mimic was in.

"What do we do?" Thorax asked, as Twilight and Rainbow nodded.

"We'll hold that thing off," Rainbow stated. "You guys get the kids out of here!" They nodded before the girls cards into the room, which had crabs and other creatures scuttling around the place.

The Mimic noticed them and quickly launched a blast of water towards them, but Twilight managed to stop the water and push it away from them. And once the water flow stopped, Rainbow charged forward and performed a powerful kick right to the creature's chest.

But the attack did nothing but hurt Rainbow foot, the girl crying out as she was forced to stagger back and hold her leg. "Rainbow, look out!" Rainbow had to duck under the creature's claw, then leap back to safety.

The Mimic growled, snapping its claws as it chased after her. Twilight was about to throw something at it, but a sound then caught her attention.


An orange blur flew past and the next thing she knew, the Mimic was getting struck by a supercharged kick. The impact sent it flying backwards, as Shifter landed in front of them. "You alright?" He asked Rainbow, who nodded. Shifter was about to say something else, but the Mimic stood up. "What?" He looked towards the beast, but saw it didn't even have a scratch. "Tough little bugger."

"We need to keep it distracted," Twilight told him. "So Fluttershy, Pharynx and Thorax can get the kids to safety."

Shifter nodded and charged, the beast firing a blast of water at him. Shifter dodged this attack and managed to get in close, throwing a punch into it. But this did nothing against its rock solid armor. "Ow!"

The monster roared, as it swung its claws at him once again. But he managed to avoid them, as Twilight and Rainbow helped Shifter keep it distracted. As they did, Pharynx saw the opening and turned to the others. "Let's go." They nodded and all headed off, running as fast as they could.

They managed to get past the Mimic and headed for the exit, whilst Shifter crossed his arms to block a punch by one of its large clawed hands.

As they ran, they came across the remains of a tank. Thorax happened to look into this tank and when he did, he stopped as he saw something within it. A crab.

However, this crab wasn't walking around or pinching at the air. This crab wasn't doing anything. Because it was encased in an orange cocoon made of some kind of amber. "What the heck?" For some reason, he felt like seeing this was important.

But before he could think to investigate it, a stray blast of water struck next to him and he remembered he was in danger. As such, he ran for his life and left the Kamen Rider to fight against the Mimic.

Outside, Morphic continued to race through the city towards the Aquarium.

As he got closer, he spotted a large crowd outside the building. One he would need to jump in order to get to the building. So, he revved his bike up and shot forward. But as he was about to jump over them, the people heard his engine and turned to see him coming. And to his surprise, they all moved aside to allow him through.

He rode through the crowd and reached the other side, sliding his bike to a stop as the people called out of him to stop that monster.

Many were taking pictures of him, Kamen Rider Morphic finally getting the spotlight. And as he got off his bike, which shrank down to the toy form, he turned to the aquarium and could feel the Mimic within it.

He marched forward, ready to help Shifter and take the Mimic down. But before he could get inside, he suddenly sensed something and his instincts kicked in.

He leapt to the side, as a web shot down and almost hit him.

He rolled along the ground and as he did, he summoned his Blitz Blaster and pointed it towards where the web had come from. He and everyone watching, looked up to see something sticking to the side of the aquarium's wall.

The humanoid spider smirked before leaping down, doing several flips before landing on the ground. Morphic could see it was female and as she stood up, she got into a fighting stance. "Kamen Rider Morphic, if I'm not mistaken."

Morphic tilted his head. "You know me?"

"My confidant, Gule, told me all about you. You were quite the surprise for him, when you saved Shifter from him and our Mimic underling."

"I see." Morphic nodded. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I don't know you."

"Of course. Where are my manners?" She bowed. "My name, is Maya-Vala-Uru. Mimic General." Morphic frowned, as Maya got into a battle stance. "And I am here to defeat you. Once you're out of the way, taking down Shifter will be easy." She punched the air and from out of her wrist, a stream of webbing shot out towards the Rider.

Morphic fired his weapon, igniting the webs and forcing Maya to cut the line before it reached her. She then shot forward and Morphic tried to gun her down, but Maya managed to dodge each of his blasts until she reached him.

When she did, she spun around and kicked the gun out of his hand. The Blitz Blaster hit the ground and started to melt into a puddle, whilst Morphic was forced to block a punch she dealt to him. The pair started fighting one another, throwing kicks and punches at one another.

It quickly became clear that they were both even when it came to skill level, both able to perfectly match the other's attacks. When one threw a punch, the other deflected it. When one swung in for a kick, the other rolled out of the way. Neither side seemed to have an advantage.

But when Morphic tried to punch her in the chest, Maya leaned backwards and formed a perfect L-shape without falling. And before Morphic could pull back, she thrust her fists forward and fired a pair of web blasts. "Gyah!" Morphic's eyes were covered and he staggered back, as Maya pulled herself forward. When he pulled the webbing off his helmet, he suddenly found himself getting hit in the head by a kick. "AUGH!"

As he fell to the floor, Thorax, Fluttershy and Pharynx arrived with the kids.

They quickly saw the fight going on and Thorax gasped at the sight of the new Rider, whilst Pharynx focused on the Mimic. "Cool!" Thorax cried, making Maya glance back at them. When she did, Pharynx got the feeling she was looking right at him and Thorax.

Morphic used this momentary distraction to swing his leg around and kick Maya's out from under her, knocking her to the ground. This allowed him to roll away and get to the puddle that his blaster had melted into. And when he touched it, the slime flew up his hand and reformed his weapon.

As Maya picked herself up, she suddenly found a bunch of laser blasts coming her way. But she was able to avoid them all, as the others watched Morphic continue to keep her at a distance.

But before they could get too invested in watching the fight, a loud crashing sound made them look back into the aquarium. And they saw Shifter, crashing into the ground due to being hit by a water blast that had knocked him through a wall.

Not wanting to get accidentally hit, the teen ushered the young kids away from the building. They had to get somewhere safe.

Shifter groaned, as the Crab Mimic leapt through the hole he made and caused it to double in size. It then landed and roared before charging, Shifter getting to his feet just in time to avoid a claw swipe. He then thrust his arms forward and unleashed a bright flash of light, which blinded the Mimic.

Rainbow and Twilight arrived, as Shifter tried to punch the Mimic and damage it. But all this did was make Shifter cry out, the Rider staggering back and clutching his hand. "Ahhh!" He waved it around, as the Crab prepared to attack. But before it could, Twilight grabbed a destroyed piece of the wall and threw it.

The rock slammed into the crab and knocked it forward, allowing Shifter to jump away.

"Isn't there any way you can beat this thing?" Rainbow asked, as the Crab turned to them. It fired a blast of water and Rainbow barely managed to pull Twilight out of the way.

"I wish. But I'm not strong enough to break through the shell." He thought about his powers and realised, all of his abilities were evenly increased.

He was stronger, faster and more agile than he was out of costume, but the increases were all equal to one another and he wasn't strong enough. Morphic was obviously slower and less dexterous than him, but that meant he had more strength. Enough to probably break through this thing's shell, if he were here.

"Where is he?" He dodged another slash from its claws, as Rainbow picked up a piece of rock and ran forward. She picked up a tone of speed and once fast enough, she stopped and the rock was flung from her hand.

It flew across the room towards the Mimic, but the creature spun around and backhanded the rock, shattering it without even leaning a scratch. "Seriously?" Rainbow cried. "What the heck is this thing even made out of?"

Shifter was thinking the same thing, as he once again ran forward and attempted to hit the Mimic in the back. But as he did, the Crab spun around and his claw slammed him in the chest. "GYAH!" He was thrown backwards, as the Mimic completely turned towards him. And as he did, the creature raised its claw.

"Look out!" Twilight cried, but the Mimic unleashed a powerful blast of water at the Rider.

Shifter picked himself up, but couldn't react in time to avoid getting slammed by the high pressure water blast. "AUGH!" The water felt like a truck and slammed him backwards, the Rider's arms and legs flail as he flew and crashed into the back wall.

The Force of the impact was enough to shatter it, causing Shifter to be pushed through the wall.

Kamen Rider knocked away, Twilight and Rainbow gasped at the sight. The Crab then turned to them, its pincers snapping as it prepared to attack. But the girls weren't going to be so easily beaten.

Twilight lifted a bunch of rocks into the air and threw them towards the Mimic, but it quickly knocked them away whilst Rainbow ran behind the creature. And she quickly raced forward and leapt onto its back. "Gotcha!" The Crab Mimic roared, as it started flailing around trying to dislodge her. But Rainbow held on with everything she had, hoping she could distract the Mimic long enough for Shifter to recover.

But with how little the Rider was able to do, she wondered if he had any chance of beating it.

Shifter groaned, as he pushed himself up and looked around.

He had landed next to a large tank, full of different fish. And as he stood up, he realised he wasn't going to be able to defeat this Mimic. At least, not with the powers he was using at the moment.

He took out one of the Mimicores he had been given and realised he was in the perfect place to use it. He looked towards the tank and saw the many different fish, all swimming around looking rather tough. But what would help him defeat the Crab.

It was then that a swordfish happened to swim by, Shifter's eyes being drawn to its sleek form and sharp nose. Staring at it, he remembered what Twilight had said. "If something's moving fast enough, it'll be able to cut through anything."

"That's it," Shifter smiled before holding up his Mimicore. "I hope this works." As the swordfish swam past, the Mimicore light up a bright light flew out of the screen.

The light passed over the swordfish and scanned its entire body before retracting back into the Mimicore, which started glowing as it changed. Letters appeared along it, going down the side of the screen to form a word. B, L, A, D, E. The dots on the screen started glowing blue before all but a couple of them went out, creating the image of a swordfish in different poses.

Staring at it, Shifter suddenly knew everything he could do with it. "Perfect."

As the Crab Mimic swung its claws around, Rainbow narrowly avoided the attack and slid along the ground.

Twilight threw another piece of debris towards it, but the monster spun around and unleashed a blast of water that atomised it. It then ran forward, but Rainbow managed to race around it and grab Twilight before it could crush her in its claws.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded. They came to a stop and Twilight turned towards the Mimic, wondering how the heck they were gonna defeat it. But before she could come up with a plan, Shifter stepped out of the next room and walked towards the Crab. "Be careful. That thing's too powerful!"

"I know." Shifter held something up. "But I'm ready for it now."

The Mimic looked towards him, curious about the object in its hand. Twilight and Rainbow were just as curious, as Shifter pressed the button and activated the device. "BLADE!" The dots began to form the image of a swordfish, swimming around in different positions.

Shifter hit the button on the side of his Driver and the belt opened up, allowing him to remove the Lightning Bug Mimicore and replace it with the new one. Once it was in place, he struck a pose. "Shape Shift!" He slammed the draw of the belt shut, locking the screen inside and causing the lights on the belt to turn blue.

"MIMIC! SWORDFISH!" The armour around his body began to melt once again before changing to a transparent flyway blue, then began reshaping itself before hardening to reveal Flash's new form.

His helmet's mask was now shaped like a fish's tail, whilst his armour was thinner and more aerodynamic. The back of his chest armour had a curved dorsal fin, along with the toes of his boots and on his shoulders. Finally, his eyes changed to bright yellow whilst the lines on his suit turned the same blue as his armor.

As the new armor settled, the belt unleashed new words. "Slicing through the ocean, with speed and precision unmatched."

"Wow," was all Rainbow could say. Twilight was just as amazed, but the Mimic didn't look impressed.

It did look annoying, especially when Shifter pointed at him. "Hope you're ready to lose. Because now, the winds of victory have shifted." That got the Mimic mad.

It raised its arm and fired a blast of water from its claw, which shot straight towards Shifter. But the Kamen Rider suddenly disappeared and the water broke through the wall inside. This shocked the Mimic, as it suddenly heard Shifter behind it.

"Surprise!" It spun around, only to find nothing behind it. "Peekaboo." It spun around again and nothing happened.

Twilight and Rainbow were just as shocked. To Twilight, it looked like Shifter was teleporting behind the Mimic. But Rainbow's magic let her keep up, despite him still looking like a blur. Shifter was moving at super speed, circling around the Mimic.

The Crab roared, as it started swinging its large claws around wildly. But every time it got close to the Kamen Rider, Shifter easily avoided it and even managed to get a few shots in on the monster. But his punches and kicks were still doing nothing against its hard shell.

"Come on," Rainbow cried. "There's gotta be a way to hurt that thing."

Shifter shot away from the Mimic, who still looked undamaged despite all the hits it had taken. But Shifter wasn't beaten yet.

Both his gauntlets turned to liquid and reshaped themselves, extending forwards above his hands before solidifying. Sticking out the ends of his arms, were a pair of blue blades with a white line running down the middle of it. Each blade was roughly one and a half feet long and looked strong enough to cut through anything.

Shifter chuckled at this, then turned to the Mimic before racing forward. The next thing the creature knew, something sharp struck its shoulder and broke through its shell.

Shifter appeared behind the Mimic with his blade pointed forwards, as an explosion came off the spot that had just been struck. The Mimic roared as part of its shell fell away, revealing its weaker underside. And as it staggered away, Shifter turned to it and charged forward again.

He moved with incredible speed, flying past the Mimic and cutting into it again. He then did this again and again and again, multiple times which caused the beast to roar as its shell was destroyed.

The girls were amazed by this, as Shifter came to a stop. "It's go time!" He announced, slamming his hand into the side of his belt and making it call out.


Shifter stood at the ready, as some of the water that had escaped from the tanks began to move. It shot towards Shifter and picked him up, shifting into a wave shape that he rode upon towards the Mimic. The crustacean creature cried out, as it tried to escape. But the wave came crashing down towards it and it suddenly found itself swirling around in the water.

As it tried to escape, Shifter dived down into the water and moved through it like it wasn't even there. And as he moved towards it, he started spinning and morphed into an underwater tornado. Once that slammed into the crab and destroyed the rest of its shell, allowing Shifter's blades to cut into its body and rip it to pieces.

The water then flew away, allowing Twilight and Rainbow to see the two.

Shifter landed on his feet, his blades pointed forwards, whilst the crab crashed into the ground and exploded. Shifter's blades returned to his arms and he turned towards the explosion, which faded to reveal the Mimic was gone. The girls cheered at this, but another explosion caught their attention from outside.

Morphic and Maya continued to fight, with Morphic shooting at the Mimic to keep her from getting close to him.

She, meanwhile, was attempting to hit him with her web punches. But Morphic was able to blast the webs or simply dodge them, using his Blitz Blaster to destroy them whenever they hit the ground. "You can't keep this up forever," Maya finally stated. "Eventually, your little blaster will run out of ammo. Then, you'll be in trouble."

"I don't have to keep this up forever," Morphic told her. "Just until Shifter's finished with your Mimic and comes to help."

"Please. I've studied your friend's abilities. He might be strong, but he's not strong enough to harm the Mimic I created to destroy him. Without your help, he'll be completely crushed."

"So that's why she's keeping me out here." Morphic frowned, trying to think of a way he could get past her and help Shifter. But when he looked behind her, he saw something that made him smirk. "You might wanna double check your plan. Because it has a serious flaw."

"What?" Maya suddenly heard a whooshing noise and looked around, as a blue blur suddenly shot past her. "GYAH!" She fell to the ground, as a deep gash was running along her chest. She looked to where the blur had gone, she and everyone around them seeing a light blue rider with blade arms appearing. "What?"

"Nice look," Morphic told him.

"Thanks," he nodded as Rainbow and Twilight left the aquarium.

Thorax, who was off to the side with the others, called out to them and they ran over to the group. "What's going on? Who is that?"

"it's Shifter," Twilight explained. "We're not sure how, but he changed his suit. And with it, he somehow gained new powers." They all turned to the battle, as the two blue Riders stood ready for a fight. But Maya didn't seem to like the idea of two on one.

"You may have won this time," she told them. "But I'll be back. Just you wait and see." With that, she thrust her arms up and a bunch of webbing shot out of her arms. That webbing then began to spiral around her body, forming a cocoon that completely concealed her from view.

The Riders saw this and tilted their heads, as a light began to come out from the cocoon. "Oh no you don't!" Shifter shot forward and slashed through the cocoon, ripping the threat to bits. But as the cocoon fell apart, they found Maya was nowhere in sight.

"Where'd she go?" Pharynx cried, the others wondering the same thing.

Morphic and Shifter looked the area over, but there was no sign explaining how she had escaped. "Damn it!" Morphic cried. He then turned to the crowd and realised they needed to get out of there before the police arrived. "Let's book it." He took out his bike and threw it into the air, the vehicle growing larger and falling to the ground.

Shifter rushed off, using his new super speed to race away whilst Morphic shot away on his bike. Before anyone could think about trying to follow, the Riders were gone.

"That was awesome," Thorax smiled. But then he noticed something. "Wait, where's Flash?"

"Guys!" They looked over and saw Flash, who was creeping out of the aquarium. "Is everything okay?" He moved over to them, "the monster..."

"Is gone," Pharynx told him. "Where the heck were you?"

"I went to go see what was going on and came face to face with that...creature. The next thing I know, it hit me with his claw and I was getting slammed into a wall. Then everything went black."

"You sure you're okay?" Fluttershy looked worried, but Flash nodded.

"I'm fine. Bit of a headache, but I think I'll be okay." They nodded, Flash sighing in relief. Thanks to his new abilities, he had been able to super speed around the building and run through it back to the entrance before powering down. Luckily, nobody seemed to question his coincidental disappearance and reappearance whilst the Riders were there. He would have to be careful. Let that happen too often and people might get suspicious.

But for now, everything was A-okay.

In the laboratory, Maya flinched as Frill was applying something to her gash.

It was the same slime that made up the creature she had unleashed, which was being absorbed by her body and allowing the gash to close. "How's that?" He asked, as Maya nodded. "Well, we've now learned something about our enemies. They're not bound to simply one form and power set."

"We should strike now," Gule told him. "Before they're able to get any stronger."

"Patience," Frill told him. "We're not in a position for an all out assault yet. Our forces are still growing. And if we wish to be able to fight full on, we'll need powerful creatures to Mimic. So far, we've used bugs and small creatures humans could easily defeat. If we wish to win, we must increase the power of our Mimics."

"How?" Gule asked, only for Frill to chuckle.

"Leave that to me."

Back at the aquarium, the police had arrived to secure the area.

Thorax and Pharynx were trying to locate their mother, but she didn't seem to be anywhere at the moment. At the same time, the younger children's parents had arrived when they heard about the attack. To say they were upset was an understatement.

Luckily, Thorax had managed to calm them down before they could talk about suing their mother. And as the children left, he let out a sigh whilst Pharynx patted him on the back. "Nice work, bro. Mom'll be happy...when she finally shows up."

Thorax nodded, as he looked over to see a cop walking out of the building. As he did, he was carrying something. Pieces of yellow stone that looked familiar. "We found this when we examined the area. The aquarium's manager said it's not a part of the aquarium's display."

Shining Armor, who had arrived shortly after the excitement ended, examined it. "Never seen anything like it."

"I have," Thorax spoke up. The cops, Flash and Rainbooms turned to him, Pharynx looking worried. "By any chance, did you find that thing is the crab's tank?" The cop nodded. "Earlier, when we were trying to escape from that Mimic, I saw a large rock made of this stuff. It had a crab inside of it."

"A crab?" Twilight looked curious, "like what the Mimic looked like?" Thorax nodded, as Flash and Shining shared a look.

This was new information. And they would need to find out what it meant, if they wanted to have any advantage over the invading monsters. They might have the edge with their new Mimicores, but there was no telling how long that edge would last. They had to find a way to get the better of these things once and for all.

Episode 5: Hunters and Prey

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Canterlot Zoo was in utter chaos, as a massive crime had taken place there.

Shining Armor arrived on the scene, as a bunch of uniformed officers were making sure the scene wasn't being contaminated by the populace. Shining walked through the yellow tape and into the park, where the staff and owners were waiting for him.

"What's the situation?" He asked the owner, who walked towards the enclosures with him.

"A lot of our animals have been stolen. At least one animal from each of the enclosures was taken. Lions, tigers, bears. Oh, my poor animals. What could have happened to them?"

"Security cameras?"

"All shut down moments before the animals went missing. The night watchmen were on the scene and confirmed all the animals were there when they checked on them. But when they went to check on another area, the cameras went down. As soon as the CCTV operator called him, he rushed back and found the animals were gone. But he couldn't have been gone for more than five minutes. How could they move the animals that fast?"

Shining wondered the same thing, as he headed into the lion enclosure.

The remaining lions had been moved to a different area, so Shining and the rest of the police could investigate the area. Shining did a sweep of the enclosure, but found nothing out of the ordinary. The rest of the force had also found nothing of interest. There had been no fingerprints, no footsteps and not even a piece of clothing the perpetrators left behind. How the thieves managed to get in without leaving a trace was unheard of.

It was then that Shining spotted something curious. He moved over to a section of the enclosure and picked up a small rock. One that was very different to the rest of the rocks in the enclosure. This one, only the size of a small pebble, was some kind of hardened amber.

Shining had seen this rock before. It was the same rock they had found after the fight at the aquarium, where the Mimic had attacked. The fact that it was here, made Shining worry.

Shining spent the rest of the day, studying the rest of the enclosure and searching for clues. But they all were just as untouched at the lion's enclosure, with Shining finding no other pieces of amber.

Shining chose to keep his amber discovery to himself, as he didn't want anyone else getting involved with the Mimics. He would need to talk to Flash about this himself.

When he finally got off work, he headed home.

It was a small apartment, with a single bedroom, small kitchen and tiny shower cubicle. It wasn't anything fancy, put it was the perfect place for a man living on his own. Not that he was really ever on his own.

As he stepped into the apartment, he heard movement in the kitchen and stepped into it to find his fiancée. A pink skinned woman with pink, purple and yellow hair. Cadance, the principal of Crystal Prep Academy. The most beautiful woman in the world, in Shining's eyes.

Cadance turned to him and smiled. "Hey." She moved over and the pair kissed, "tough day?"

"Confusing day. Animals from the zoo go missing and I can't figure out who did it."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Cadance assured him. "Just relax and don't stress about it. Let your brain rest and tomorrow, you'll have the crooks locked up before lunch." Shining smiled at this, as Cadance continued working on their dinner.

Shining was the luckiest guy in the world. He didn't know what he did to deserve a woman like Cadance. And when he thought about the secret he was keeping, he felt terrible. But he couldn't tell her about his double life as a Kamen Rider. At least, not until he knew what the heck was going on with him.

The rest of the night, the pair enjoyed a nice meal, snuggled up in their favourite pyjamas and watched TV together whilst enjoying each other's embrace.

The next day, Shining returned to the zoo.

The police officers there were fewer than before, whilst many people were hanging around outside the place waiting to see what was happening. "Stand back!" One officer announced. "I mean it. Stand back."

As Shining got closer, he noticed a group of teens amongst the crowd. One was Flash, who Shining expected to be there due to calling. But the others. "Twilight?" His sister looked around, the rest of her friends doing the same. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey Shining," Twilight smiled. "We heard about what happened. Fluttershy wanted to come. We thought maybe she could tell us what happened."

Shining frowned, only to then remember what Fluttershy's magical ability was. "Yeah. That might actually help. Alright. I'll let you in. Just be careful." She nodded and Shining talked to the officers guarding the entrance, the teens all being allowed inside.

As they headed in, Sunset turned to Flash. "What are you doing here?"

Flash frowned. "I wanna help too, you know. You don't need magical powers to do everything." Sunset frowned at this, clearly not buying that. But Flash walked ahead, as Shining led them towards the animal pens.

But as they did, they heard another voice speak out. "Twilight!" They looked around and were surprised to see Timber Spruce, the teen walking towards them dressed in a keeper's uniform. "Hey! Wasn't expecting to see you here." He and Twilight hugged.

"I wasn't expecting to see you. Since when have you worked here?"

"I just started a week ago. Thought it might be a good way to make some extra money. I was gonna take you on a special VIP tour, once I'd been here long enough to have that kind of pull." Twilight nodded. "What about you guys? I know why Shining's here, but why'd you come?" His gaze happened to fall on Flash, as Sunset spoke up.

"We're hoping Fluttershy, might be able to figure out what happened to the rest of the animals. What better witnesses, than the animals whose friends were stolen." Timber nodded, understanding that. But as they walked off, Timber frowned.

He took out his phone and started texting. If the Kamen Riders discovered anything, it could put a serious chink in their plan. "Hopefully, my new friends will be able to handle you for good this time."

They headed over to one of the lion pens and as soon as they were there, Fluttershy moved over and got the lion's attention. Her geode glowed as it roared, the girl listening to it. "Then what happened?" The lion kept making noises and she gasped. "That's awful!"

"What happened?" Shining asked.

"He said that his mate was stolen by a creature. Some kind of blob-like beast came into the pen and knocked him away, then grabbed his mate and sucked her inside of it. He tried to save her and slashed at the creature, but it didn't do anything. And when she was completely consumed, they both disappeared in a bright flash."

Shining frowned, as he remembered the piece of rock he had found. Was that part of the blob creature, knocked off by the slash. And if it was, that had to mean it really was a Mimic.

"You think these blob creatures attacked the rest of the animals?" Applejack asked, Fluttershy not sure what to say. She would only know once she talked to them.

It was then that Flash and Shining both felt something and looked around, Twilight noticing this reaction. "You okay?" Suddenly, an elephant's panicked cry caught their attention and Shining raced into action, the others following after him as they ran to the elephant's enclosure.

When they arrived, they were shocked to see the large beasts being attacked by something.

It was a humanoid cat creature, standing at around seven feet in height. its body was rather lean and covered in orange fur, which had black spots all over it. its feet were cat-like, but its hands were humanoid with long sharp claws. Its tail was almost as long as it was tall.

"It's a Mimic!" Applejack cried, as the beast tried to claw at the elephants.

"HEY!" Fluttershy cried, "leave them alone!" The cat creature turned to see them and roared. Then, in almost the blink of an eye, it was suddenly right on top of them with its claws ready to rip them apart.

Luckily, Rarity was able to put up a shield and protect them.

Twilight turned to Flash, Timber and her brother. "Get out of here!" Timber didn't need telling twice and raced off, not even looking back. Flash and Shining stayed for a moment, then noticed the beast cutting through the shields. "GO!" Twilight yelled, the pair finally leaving.

The girls all ponied up, ready to fight this thing. And as it broke through the crystal shield, Pinkie threw a bunch of sprinkles at it.

But the beast became a blur and dodged the following explosion, speeding away and landed behind them. "So fast," Rarity gasped.

"Not as fast as me." Rainbow prepared to attack, but Sunset stopped her.

"Hang on. You might be faster than that thing, but one swipe of its claws will cut you to bits!" Rainbow frowned, not wanting to risk it getting a lucky hit in. Rarity put up a dome of shields around them, as the creature flew forward and slashed at the dome. The girls frowned, as each slash carved part of Rarity's shield away. They were in trouble.

Flash and Shining managed to get somewhere away from prying eyes. Once they were sure they wouldn't be seen, they both took out their Mimicores and activated them.


Their belts appeared and the two quickly opened them up, slotting the Mimicores into place before striking a pose. "HENSHIN!" They cried together before slapping the belts shut, their Mimicores making the lights on their belts glow.



The belts unleashed the slime, which flew into the air as the pair crossed their arms. As the slime fell atop them, it solidified to form the orange-brown cocoons. And soon enough, the cocoons shattered to reveal the Riders. Their armor quickly formed, as their suits spoke out in unison.

"Slicing through the ocean, with speed and precision unmatched!"

"Power that shatters everything, contained in a mighty horn!"

The Cheetah continued to slice at the dome, as the girls tried to think of a way to stop it.

Twilight noticed a trash can and focused on it, using her magic to make it fly towards the Mimic. But the creature noticed the movement and quickly turned towards it, slicing it to pieces with his claws. "NOW!" Sunset cried, Rarity creating an opening in the dome that Pinkie threw a cupcake through.

The Mimic spun around, as the sweet treat flew towards it.

The cake exploded and the Mimic was sent flying, the beast crashing into the ground with a roar. The girls cheered, but the Cheetah pushed itself back up. It didn't even look burned, the beast turning to them and glaring at Rarity closed the hole in her shield.

It looked ready to attack again, but a blue blur suddenly shot past it and the beast roared in pain.

The girls gasped, as the blur stopped to reveal Kamen Rider Shifter. The Swordfish themed warrior turned to the Cheetah, who picked itself up and growled as it glared at him. "Bring it on!" Shifter held up his blades and the two shot towards one another, slashing at each other as they tried to land a hit.

Rainbow was the only one able to follow the two, watching as their blades and claws slashed against one another with incredible speed. But no matter what, neither of them was able to overpower the other.

They eventually jumped apart, both catching their breath as they prepared to attack again. But before they could, a bunch of blasts almost struck the Cheetah.

Everyone turned to see Morphic, running towards them with his blaster out. The Cheetah suddenly found itself in a perilous position, both Riders ready to destroy it.

Morphic fired and the Cheetah went super speed to avoid the blasts, only for Shifter to chase after it. Whenever it focused on Morphic's blasts, Shifter attacked. And whenever it focused on Shifter, it slowed down enough for Morphic to hit it with his blaster. It was trapped.

"Yeah!" Rainbow cheered. "That's the way. Show that creep who the boss is."

"Two on one," Sunset nodded. "Normally, I'd be against those kinds of odds. But in this situation, I'm okay with it." The others agreed, only for Twilight to suddenly notice something.

Up in the sky, something was moving to their location. Something big and almost human in appearance. "What's that?" The others looked up and saw it. And as it got closer, they were able to make out its features.

It was a large humanoid hawk, with a pair of arms in front of its wings. Said wings were green, along with its head, chest and legs. The rest of its body had gray skin, whilst its lower legs and feet were yellow. Its beak was also yellow and it had a yellow line of feathers running along the top of its head.

"It's another Mimic!" Sunset gasped, as the creature suddenly dived down towards the Riders. "Look out!" Shifter came to a stop and at that moment, the Hawk grabbed him by the shoulders.

"WOW!" He was lifted into the air and carried away, the girls gasping as Morphic saw it.

He raised his weapon to fire, but the Cheetah acted before him. "GYAH!" The next thing he knew, he was getting slashes at the chest and thrown away.

He crashed into the ground, his armor having a gash running down the chest. He groaned, as the Cheetah rushed forward.

"Take this!" Morphic quickly raised his weapon and fired, but the feline Mimic was able to dodge each of his blasts and get in closer. The next thing he knew, his Blitz Blast was kicked out of his hand and the claws slashed against his armor again. "AUGH!"

"NO!" Twilight cried, whilst the others looked over at Shifter.

The Kamen Rider struggled against the grasp, finally managing to get his blades to cut into the creature.

It roared in pain, dropping him down to the ground. Luckily, a tree managed to break his fall and Shifter smashed his way through several branches before hitting the ground. "Oh." A squawk made him look up and see the Hawk fly down and land atop a lamppost.

Shifter pushed himself up, as the Mimic leapt into the air. Shifter tried to chase after it, running as fast as he could before leaping up. But even with his increased speed, he couldn't do anything against the creature. As soon as leapt up, the bird shifted in the air and the Rider couldn't change the direction of his attack.

The next thing he knew, the creature swooped down and struck from behind. "GYAH!" He crashed into the ground and rolled along the ground, as the Hawk flew back up. "Alright!" He pushed himself up and took out his other Mimicore. "Let's switch things up." He pressed the button and it activated.


He quickly swapped the Mimicores and slammed the draw shut. "Shape Shift!"

The Mimicore glowed, as the belt spoke up. "MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" His armor melted, recoloured and reshaped itself into Shifter's original form, the lines on his suit and the lights on his belt changing colour with it before settling. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!"

The Hawk watched this and dived down, its claws at the ready. Shifter unleashed a blinding light from the torches on its body, forcing the beast to pull away. He cheered at this and leapt up, summoning energy to his legs. But the bird was able to recover and once again changed direction.

"No!" Shifter cried, unable to hit it with his attacks. Instead, the bird flew down before flying back up to attack from below. And Shifter could do nothing to stop it from slashing at him. "GYAH!" He fell to the ground and groaned, as the beast landed right on top of him with is talons on his chest. "Not good."

The Hawk raised its claws, ready to cut him to pieces. But before it could, a blue blur shot past and the Mimic was thrown off of him. "You okay?" Shifter turned to see Rainbow, smiling as she held a hand out.

"Thanks." He was pulled to his feet, as Applejack and Sunset arrived. "What about the other Mimic?"

"Twilight and the others are dealing with it," Sunset explained.

Sure enough, the others really were dealing with it.

Twilight threw whatever she could at the Mimic, whilst Pinkie and Rarity threw sweets and gems at it. That coupled with Morphic's blaster, had the creature on the run. Whenever it tried to get close, Rarity put up a shield to protect them.

It roared, annoyed that its prey was able to fight back. And as it jumped back, Morphic used that opening to fire through a gap in the crystals. It struck the cat and made it cry in pain, the blast having struck its side.

The beast growled and decided it wasn't gonna let itself be destroyed, so raced off in the opposite direction.

The Hawk flew down and Applejack grabbed some sacks of food from a nearby wheel barrow. She threw it and the bird was able to avoid them, but that let Shifter leapt up and deal a kick to its chest.

As it fell back, Rainbow grabbed a rock off the ground and ran around at high speed. She then threw the rock and it struck the hawk at a hundred miles an hour, exploding against it and making it cry out. This gave Shifter the chance to leap up again and deal another strike right to its face.

The beast squawked, as it fell to the ground and rolled to an eventual stop. It groaned at this, as Shifter prepared to use his finishing attack. But before he could, it spread its wings and leapt into the air. He flew so high, Shifter couldn't jump after it and Applejack wouldn't be able to throw anything without missing.

Now at a safe height, the beast flew off in the same direction the Cheetah ran to. As it did, Morphic and the girls reached them. "Did you get it?" Morphic asked, but then saw the retreating creature. "Damn. It got away too."

"They'll be back," Shifter stated. "And we need to find a way to beat them when they do." The others nodded, as Twilight turned to the Riders.

She had many questions and hoped she would get some answers. But before she could, Shifter's lights exploded and the girls were all blinded. They cried out, covering their eyes until the light faded away. And when it did, both Kamen Riders had vanished.

"Seriously?" Rainbow asked. "What's with them disappearing whenever the fun's over? The least they could do is stick around for a little bit." The others agreed, but knew the Riders weren't likely to do that.

The girls searched the zoo to make sure everything was alright. There wasn't anyone injured. No signs of the strange crystal and the animals were all accounted for. Everything was okay. And as they headed for the exit, they spotted Flash, Shining and Timber waiting for them.

"Hey!" Timber rushed over to Twilight, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "The Kamen Riders showed up."

"Really?" Timber asked, glancing at Flash. "Did they beat the monsters?"

"Unfortunately, no." Sunset crossed her arms. "These ones were too much for them. But hopefully, they'll find a way to beat them the next time they show up." The others nodded, Flash and Shining sharing a look as they did so.

In the Mimic lair, Frill and Maya were tending to the Mimics that had returned.

Maya was placing the strange gel on the Cheetah's wounds, whilst Frill had his hands on the Hawk's head. "I see." He nodded, as if seeing something whilst touching the creature. "Those Kamen Riders didn't stand a chance against them."

"So then why did they come back here injured?" Maya asked, as she finished placing the gel on the cat.

"It's those girls. The ones with unusual powers. They managed to turn the tables on our friends here. If they hadn't been there, the Riders wouldn't be alive right now." Maya frowned at this, clearly wishing to deal with those girls. "They might be useful."

"How could they be useful?"

"If we can bring them over to our side, their abilities would suit us perfectly." Maya caught on and nodded, a smile on her lips as she moved over to a table and picked something up. It was a phone, but it had something connected to it that made it three times the size.

She tapped several buttons before holding it up to her ear. Moments later, Timber's voice spoke back. "What's up?"

"Gule. Are you with any of those girls right now? The ones with the strange powers?"

"They just left. Why?"

"The next time you're alone with one of them, grab them. I don't care which one. Bring them here and make sure you're not seen when you do it. We're going to add their abilities to our side."

"Got it. But it won't be easy. Those girls are hardly ever alone. I don't think I could grab more than one of them without them fighting back and drawing attention to me."

"Just grab them one at a time. Focus on the weakest member, if you have to. Just bring them here and we'll do the rest."

"Understood." With that, the phone went dead and Maya put it down. She turned to the Mimics that had just attacked and knew they needed to be sent out again, before the Riders had a chance to recover and come up with a plan.

Flash and Shining were still at the zoo, both sat on one of the benches as they thought about the fight they had had.

If it hadn't been for the girls, they would have been in real trouble. They knew they couldn't rely on the girls again, so they had to find a way to beat those Mimics. "What if I took on the Cheetah," Flash replied. "And you fight the Hawk. We're better equipped for handling those ones."

"Maybe," Shining nodded, "but what about the next time I face a faster opponent. Or the next time you face a flying one. We can't always expect to simply fight Mimics we're already good against."

Flash sighed. "You're right. Which leaves us with only one option." They both took out one of the empty Mimicores, both only having two available. "We'll have to find something to scan."

"I need something fast."

"And if my opponent's in the air, I need something that can fly up and face it." They nodded to each other before getting up and heading off. There were still plenty of animals in the zoo and they needed to find one that matched what they were looking for.

Flash headed over to the area where the birds of prey were kept. He looked around and saw many different types. Kestrels, ospreys, kites and many more. He had so many to choose from, but had no idea which to pick. Which would beat a hawk in a fight?

"I need more than that," Flash told himself. "Which of these birds has the abilities best suited for me to use?"

"Flash?" He looked around and spotted Twilight, who was walking towards him looking curious. "What are you doing here? It's not safe to be here on your own. What if a Mimic shows up?"

"Sorry," Flash scratched the back of his head. "I just...wanted to take a look around in case I couldn't come back for a while. What are you doing here?"

"Just making sure nothing happened during the last fight. It's possible the Mimics were planning to use the fight to take more animals." Flash nodded.

"So you really think it was the Mimics?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. Shifter said they have the ability to copy other life forms. Makes sense they would steal a bunch of animals to copy the powers off. A cheetah and a hawk were two of the animals taken." Flash nodded. "I hope the Kamen Riders can find a way to beat them."

"Me too," Flash nodded as he looked around. "Say, random question. Which of these birds do you think is the best? If you could pick any of them to become, which would you choose?"

Twilight gave him a quizzical look, Flash praying he hadn't just shot himself in the foot. But then, she looked around at all the animals and hummed before moving over to one of the cages. Flash followed at they soon arrived at the bird of her choice. "This one."

Flash looked at the info board in front of the cage. "An owl?"

"Don't underestimate these guys. Owls might not look too impressive, but they're incredible hunters. Their wings make no noise when they fly and their eyesight is so good, it's practically night vision. Plus, they have an amazing sense of perception. If I was an owl and you tried to punch me, I'd see the punch coming, realize what was going to happen and be able to formulate three ways of stopping you in a single second."

"Wow. Nice. Though if your owl body is anything like your human body, it'd probably just stay standing there until I hit you." They both laughed at this, as Flash looked back at the creature in the cage. He let what Twilight said sink in and realised he had what he was looking for.

Twilight finally turned away from him and as she did, Flash took out his Mimicore. He held it up to the owl in the cage and let the light fly out and move over the bird. The creature clearly didn't like this, but the scan was too fast for even its high level of perception.

Once the scan was complete, the Mimicore glowed and began to blink with yellow dots. Letters appeared on the device, as the dots showed images of the owl in different posses. Flash smiled, quickly putting the device away before Twilight saw it.

At the same time, Shining had gone over to the habitats for the more four-legged creatures.

He looked around, trying to figure out which one could keep up with a cheetah. But Shining knew that feline was one of the fastest creatures in the animal kingdom. He looked online to try and find an animal that was faster, but the only one it told him about was the peregrine falcon, a bird that wasn't in captivity here.

"Shining?" He looked around and saw Fluttershy, walking towards him curiously. "Are you okay?"

Shining nodded. "I'm fine. Just looking around to make sure everything's okay. Didn't want anything to happen to these guys." Fluttershy nodded, understanding what he meant. "And I've never really thought about animals before. I've watched them, but this is the first time I've thought about their skills and abilities."

"I understand," Fluttershy nodded. "These animals really are amazing creatures. I just hope we can save the ones that were taken."

Shining nodded. "But to do that, the Riders are gonna need to find a way to beat those Mimics. Against a cheetah that can move super fast, how are you supposed to beat that?"

"Cheetahs are the fastest animals on the planet," Fluttershy agreed. "But they're not unbeatable. They can't use that speed forever." Shining let that information sink in and remembered how the Cheetah had had to stop at times, allowing him and the girls to get their attacks in. If it hadn't stopped, they wouldn't have stood a chance. But it couldn't.

"They don't just mimic the strengths," he realised. "They mimic the weaknesses too." Fluttershy shrugged, thinking the same thing. "So what do you think the Riders should do to exploit that weakness? If they can use the powers of other animals, I bet they're looking for one that'll help them beat that Cheetah."

Fluttershy hummed, clearly trying to think of an answer. Then, she moved over to one of the enclosures.

Shining followed her and they arrived at an area with a bunch of canine enclosures. He expected her to take him to the wolf paddock, but Fluttershy moved somewhere else. An enclosure with a bunch of sleek looking dog-like creatures. They weren't as muscular as a wolf, but they sure looked fast. And with the sharp looking claws, Shining had a feeling they could do some damage in a fight.

"Coyotes?" He read the sign, as Fluttershy nodded.

"One of the fastest predatory dogs in the animal kingdom. They can't move as fast as cheetahs, but they can still hit about fifty to sixty miles an hour. And the best part is they can keep running for a lot longer than a cheetah can."

"Really?" Shining smiled. That sounded exactly what he needed. "Let's hope the Riders know this. Too bad they're not here."

Fluttershy nodded, "maybe they'll realise it's the animal they need as well. They must know a lot about animals, so maybe they'll have the same idea we had." Shining nodded, as he waited for Fluttershy to turn away.

She did so and as soon as she did, he took out his Mimicore and held it up to the enclosure.

The light flew out and ran over the nearest coyote, scanning it and programming the device. As soon as the scan completed, the device flashed and letters appeared down the side of it. Red dots then appeared, showing the coyote in multiple different posses.

But as soon as the Mimicore was complete, a scream filled the air.

He and Fluttershy turned to the screams and Shining ran ahead, Fluttershy following. They ran through the zoo until they arrived at the giraffe enclosure, where they saw the Cheetah Mimic running around trying to injure the poor creatures.

"Leave them alone!" Fluttershy cried, making the Mimic turn to her.

It let out a roar before shooting towards them, moving like a blur until it leapt over the fence and landed in front of the two. Shining stepped in front of Fluttershy, his gun at the ready in a vain attempt to injure the creature. But before he could try, a squawk made him look up and see the Hawk Mimic.

It flew down and tried to grab them, but Shining managed to push Fluttershy down before it could hurt them. But his push might have been a little too strong, since Fluttershy cried out due to twisting her ankle.

Shining looked back over at the monsters, who looked ready to strike at any moment. But before they could, a trash can flew towards the Hawk and slammed into it. It cried, being knocked away and making everyone turn to see Twilight and Flash.

Twilight lifted another trash can up and threw it at the Cheetah, but the beast swung its claws around and cut the can to shreds. "Get out of here!" Twilight cried, throwing everything she could at the monsters. "I'll try and hold these things off." Flash and Shining shared a look and nodded, both running off in one direction with Shining helping Fluttershy escape.

Twilight threw whatever she could get her magical hands on. But the Mimics soon learned that was all she could do and quickly adapted. The Hawk spun around and kicked the trash can away, as Twilight realised she had nothing nearby to throw at them.

The Cheetah then sped forward, its claws ready to gouge her heart out. But at the last moment, a bright flash appeared behind it and the creature roared in pain.

It covered its eyes and staggered back, as Shifter leapt onto the scene beside Twilight. "You okay?"

Twilight nodded, "I'm fine. But what do we do? These things are strong. Especially that bird one."

"Don't worry," Shifter took something out. "I've come prepared." Twilight saw the strange looking screen device and watched, as he quickly pressed the button.


Shifter opened the draw on his belt and removed his other Mimicore, quickly placing the new one in to replace it. "Shape shift!" With that, he slammed the draw shut and the lights on his belt turned yellow.

"MIMIC! OWL!" The armour around his body began to melt once again before changing to a transparent yellow colour, then began reshaping itself before hardening to reveal Shifter's new form.

His mask was now a thick V-shape, with a beak-like design on the bottom and a zigzagged pattern around the edges to give it the design of feathers or fur. The area around his eyes appeared thicker, creating two rings that were connected to give them a goggle or glasses appearance.

The rest of his armour was pretty plain, with no lights or blades like his other two. But on the back of his armour were a pair of yellow wings no bigger than his hands. Finally, the lines on his suit turned yellow whilst his eyes changed to green.

As the armor settled, his belt unleashed new words. "Flying through the sky, seeking prey with all seeing vision!"

Twilight looked him over, amazed by the new look. She was even more amazed, when the tiny wings on his back suddenly grew ten times the size. Each wing was now as large as Shifter was tall, the two spreading out as he looked towards the Hawk.

"I hope you're ready," he pointed at the mimic. "Because the winds of victory have just shifted." With that, he leapt into the air and his wings actually carried him. Twilight gasped, watching as Shifter flew up and dealt a punch right to the bird's chest.

The creature cried out, as it was knocked back and Shifter chased after it to deal a kick to its face.

Twilight was still amazed by what she was seeing, but a growl made her look back and see the Cheetah had turned its attention away from the sky battle. It raised its claws, ready to attack again. Twilight frowned, knowing she had to be careful what she did.

Back with Shining and Fluttershy, the man was still trying to get the girl to safety.

Fluttershy flinched, as she kept hopping on one foot. Shining didn't want to leave her, but he also knew he had to get back and help fight the Mimics. What could he do?

He got his answer, when Timber suddenly appeared in front of them. "What's happening?" He asked, as the two reached him.

"The Mimics are attacking again." He handed Fluttershy over to him. "Get her to safety. I have to help." Before either of them could say anything, he turned to run off. Fluttershy called out for him to be careful, whilst Timber looked at Fluttershy with a smile.

'That was easier than I thought. Now, where to bring you?'

Back with the fight, Shifter continued to fly circles around the Hawk. Every time the monster attacked, Shifter was able to fly out of the way before curving around to deal a retaliatory attack.

Back on the ground, the Cheetah ran forward. But Twilight was ready and used her magic to grab a piece of rope that a keeper had dropped during the commotion. And as the Cheetah picked up speed, Twilight made it go tort and the monster tripped over it.

The beast howled, as it was sent rolling along until it came to a crash into the side of another enclosure.

Twilight couldn't help but laugh at this, as the monster began to push itself back to its feet. As it did, it turned to glare at the girl and Twilight frowned. It then charged again and Twilight tried to use the rope, but it quickly swung its claws around and sliced right through it.

Twilight gasped, as the creature then leapt forwards with both clawed hands at the ready.

But before it could even scratch, an energy blast hit it in the shoulder. It snarled, as it was knocked away from Twilight. She looked around and spotted Morphic, who was running forward with his blaster in hand. "You okay?" He asked, Twilight nodding at the Cheetah picked itself up. "Time for me to speed things up." He took out his new Mimicore and pressed the button, the image of the wolf-like creature appearing in the dots.


Morphic opened the draw on his belt and removed his Mimicore, replacing it with the new one. "Mega Morph!" With that, she slammed the draw inwards and the lights upon the side of his belt turned red.

"MIMIC! COYOTE!" The armor around his body began to melt and change from blue to a bright red colour, the amber slimming down before solidifying to form a thinner more streamlined armour.

The armour on his arms had three short white points sticking out the front above his hands, whilst his boots also had claws on the ends and cleats on the bottoms. His head armour formed to mimic the head of a canine with his eyes remaining yellow and a short snout sticking out like where his nose should be. Finally, the lines along his body turned red.

As the armor finished its transformation, the belt unleashed new words. "Howling velocity, increasing the tearing power of its fangs"

Twilight was once again amazed to see the Kamen Riders changing their animal motifs, this one looking incredibly fast. And sure enough, Morphic ran forward and turned into a blur.

The Cheetah did the same, the orange and red blurs flying around the place and colliding several times. Twilight could only watch in amazement, as they seemed to be at a stalemate and both landed a good distance away from one another. As they did, Morphic clutched his chest and Twilight saw several scratches down the front of his armor.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Morphic assured her. He then turned back to the Cheetah. "You won't get the drop on me again." The claws on the ends of his arms then turned to liquid before extending outwards, then solidified to form a trio of Wolverine style claws.

Back with Timber and Fluttershy, the two were making their way through the zoo.

Fluttershy was following Timber's lead, but couldn't help but notice the direction they were heading wasn't the way out of the zoo. "Why are we going this way? Shouldn't we be trying to get to safety?"

"We are," Timber told her. "But there's another way out of the park that shouldn't be as crowded." Fluttershy nodded, accepting this. Timber smiled, looking for a good place to complete his objective. But before he could try, he heard something.

"Fluttershy!" They looked around and saw Rainbow and the other Rainbooms, running towards them. "Are you okay?" Rainbow saw how Fluttershy was limping and Applejack quickly took her from Timber, lifting her up without worry.

"I'm fine. Just twisted my ankle. Timber was getting me somewhere safe."

"Thanks man," Rainbow told him.

"No problem," Timber forced a smile. He couldn't take all these girls on at once. He needed to keep his cover and fighting these girls would get the attention of the Riders. His plan was ruined. "Come on." He pointed in one direction. "The Kamen Riders can deal with the Mimics. Lets get out of their way." They all nodded and followed him out of the zoo, Timber steaming at his failure.

Back in the fight, Shifter and Morphic had their opponents on the ropes.

The Hawk flew towards Shifter and tried to slash at him, but Shifter curled his wings and barrel-rolled out of the way. The Rider then shot forward and dealt a punch straight to its side. The Hawk cried and tried to slash at him, but Shifter's owl vision allowed him to preserve this attack and easily avoid it.

"Nice try!" Shifter flew around the creature and his wings were so silent, the Hawk couldn't tell where he was and he dealt a powerful kick to its back.

At the same time, Morphic was able to keep up with the Cheetah's speed. And thanks to his new claws, he was able to slash at the beast before it could do the same.

"Raaaaah!" The beast roared, as it landed next to a lamppost and used its claws to cut through it. And when it tipped over, it kicked the metal structure towards Morphic.

The Kamen Rider saw it coming and turned into a completely still blur, not taking a step as the lamp reached him. His arms then moved like a flurry, his blades cutting the metal pole to ribbons without any effort.

Eventually, the last of the metal fell to the ground and Morphic shot forward. He swung his claws around and slashed them down the creature's chest, making it roar as it was sent flying backwards.

All the while, Twilight watched this happen and was completely amazed by how fast the battle had turned in the Rider's favour. She could barely follow Morphic and the Cheetah, but was able to watch as Shifter fought the Hawk.

Once again, the bird Mimic tried to slash at Shifter. But he dodged and grabbed the beast's arm, twisting it before dealing a powerful kick to its wing. The impact knocked the limb back and made it bend at an unnatural angle, making the Mimic roar as it felt its wing snap somewhere.

The Rider then spun around and threw the monster downwards. And as the Hawk crashed to the ground, injuring its wing even more, Shifter slammed the side of his belt.


Shifter's wings grew larger and larger, until they were four times their normal size. He then started beating them, causing a powerful gust to appear and swirl around the Mimic. As the Hawk picked itself up, a tornado formed around it and lifted the monster into the air.

The Mimic squawked, as it tried to escape from the vortex. But nothing it did worked and as Shifter's wings shrank back to normal, he dived into the tornado. And unlike the Hawk, he wasn't fighting against the wind. He was using it to make him spin around, moving faster and faster by the second.

And as the tornado began to dissipate, he spun around so his feet were pointed towards the Hawk. Then, he thrust them forward as he spun, morphing him into a giant air drill.

The attack slammed into the Hawk, who screamed in pain as its body was dug into. And after a few moments of this, the tornado vanished and it was sent flying backwards into the ground. As it crashed into the earth, it sparked and Shifter flew out of his drill form.

He glided down and landed, right as the monster exploded behind him.

"YES!" Twilight cheered, only to then hear a roar and look around to see the Cheetah and Morphic stop flying around. The Cheetah had a bunch of cuts on its body and as Morphic dealt a swift kick to its chest, it was thrown backwards whilst Morphic did a back-flip.

When he landed, Morphic slammed the side of his belt and made it yell out.


As the Cheetah picked itself up, Morphic shot forward and morphed into a blur. He was moving even faster than he had been before, too fast for the Mimic to counter in time and it shot past him. "GYAH!" It roared, feeling the claws slashing at him. This stopped it from being able to counter the next slash, then the next and the next and the next.

To anyone watching, it almost looked like Morphic had multiplied and the many clones were attacking him one after another. Eventually, after what had to be the hundredth slash, Morphic slid to a stop with his claws pointed forwards.

The Mimic swayed in place for several seconds before, finally, it fell to the ground and exploded with Morphic standing with his back to it.

Twilight stood there, amazed as she watched the Kamen Riders walk over to one another and high-five. They then turned to leave, but Twilight finally found her voice. "Wait!" they looked around. "Please, tell me. Who are you? How can you do all these things? And why are you the only ones that can hurt the Mimics?"

The pair glanced at one another, then back to her. "We wish we could tell you," Shifter stated. "But honestly, most of those questions even we don't have the answers to." Twilight frowned, wondering what he meant by that. "Maybe one day, we'll be able to tell you. But until then, just trust us. We're here to help."

Before Twilight could say anything else, the two raced off. Shifter took to the sky and Morphic raced off, Twilight watching them both disappear into the distance.

In the Mimic lab, Maya and Frill waited as Timber arrived.

As soon as he did, his body melted and transformed into his Mimic form. The pair stood there, glaring at him. "What?" They said nothing, Gule sighing. "I get it. I failed to get the girl here. It wasn't easy, you know. That place was covered in cameras. If I didn't take her somewhere out of the way, I would have been spotted."

"You could have been faster," Maya told him. "If you had gotten her there quicker, you would have been able to transport her here before the rest of those girls showed up."

"It's not like we lost anything important," Gule stated. "Out of all the girls, she had one of the worst powers. They wouldn't have been able to help us much."

"Maybe," Frill stated. "But there's no telling what else those girls might be able to do. But it doesn't matter anymore. The Riders are growing stronger. We need to find a way to deal with them before they get out of hand." He moved over to another area and stepped through a door, the other Mimics following.

They soon arrived at a large room, where many animals were located. But all of these animals were encased in amber cocoons, waiting to be used by a Mimic. Everything, from lions, tigers and bears. All ready to grant power to the Mimics. Power that the Riders couldn't hope to fight against.

Back at the zoo, the investigation was drawing to a close.

Shining Armor headed out of the park, having a feeling the Mimics wouldn't be showing up again. He and Flash would need to be careful. With more powerful animals stolen, they would likely be facing more powerful Mimics. He and Flash both had a single Mimicore left. They would need to use them wisely.

As he got in his car, he got a call from Cadance. She was calling to ask when he would be home, Shining smiling as he told her. He might be a superhero, but he was glad he could have times like now to enjoy. A reminder of what he was fighting for and what he needed to do in order to keep that safe.

Episode 6: A Shocking Encounter

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Canterlot was on a state of alert.

With the Mimic attacks continuing, everyone was finding themselves more and more worried to go outside. But many knew that fear was exactly what the Mimics were trying to get out of them. If they allowed themselves to be too scared to leave their homes, the Mimics would still be ruining their lives.

As such, the citizens of the city kept themselves busy with everyday life. But they also knew that they needed to be careful. A Mimic could show up at any moment and if it did, they had to be ready to evacuate at a moments notice.

It helped that the Kamen Riders had been doing such an amazing job, fighting against these monsters and keeping the injuries sustained to a minimum. Despite nobody knowing who they were and where they came from, they were happy to know that they had the amazing heroes protecting them.

One of those amazing heroes, was currently in class. But his mind wasn't on the subject their teacher was talking about.

Flash Sentry, was thinking about the final Mimicore that he had available to him. He and Shining only had one left each, meaning they could only acquire one new form each. The only problem was, they had no idea what animal to use the Mimicores on.

Flash was thinking about the three forms he already had access to. His Strike Form, was pretty balanced when it came to speed, agility and attack power. It was well rounded, but didn't excel in anything. His Blade Form was fast, with incredible cutting power. But it was a glass cannon that couldn't take hits very well. And his Flight Form gave him an aerial advantage, but its strength was lacking so it would take a while for him to wear the opponent down enough to use his finisher.

His forms all had strengths and weaknesses, but he knew he had to be missing something. He just had no idea what.

The bell suddenly rang, the students quickly packing their things up as they prepared to head out. The teacher gave them their homework and Flash barely heard what he said, still too focused on what to use his final Mimicore for.

He knew it would be best for him to save it until he knew for sure what to use it on. But he didn't want to risk needing it and not having the chance to use it, when the time arrived. If he could figure out what he needed before he needed it, that would be great.

He left the class and headed for his locker. He had a free period, so he could do some of his homework and maybe figure out what animal he needed to add to his skill set.

But as he arrived at his locket, he happened to spot something he did not expect to see. "Trixie, is that a hedgehog?"

Trixie Lulamoon looked around, as a hedgehog's head was sticking out of her bag. She glanced at said bag and frowned, taking it off and carefully scooping the creature out of the rucksack. "Yes. Yes, he is." Flash looked down at the little creature and smiled, thinking he was rather cute.

"Aw, hey little guy." He gave Trixie a quizzical look. "Okay, why do you have a hedgehog with you?"

"I found him," Trixie replied. "He was by the side of the road, injured and afraid. I couldn't just leave him there." Despite how self-absorbed Trixie acted like she was, she could be caring when she wanted to be. "I took him to the vets and they managed to mend him up. But I have no idea where to take him."

"Can't you just release him back into the wild?"

"And let him get hurt again?" Trixie asked. "Don't be an idiot." Flash rolled his eyes. "That's when I realised, I just needed to ask Fluttershy. She could easily talk to him and figure out where he lived. He might even have a family I can return him to."

Flash nodded. That made sense, since Fluttershy was a master at animal communication. "So you brought him to school, to talk to Fluttershy. Why not just call her?"

"I don't have her number. I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Fluttershy brings her animals to school all the time. Twilight too." Flash nodded. "But...Fluttershy's not here. Rainbow said she's home sick. So I'm having to sneak this guy around with me."

"Ouch," Flash nodded. "That sounds rough." Micro passed as he said that. "Well, I don't see any issues with you having him here. So long as he doesn't cause any problems."

Micro noticed the hedgehog and frowned. "I'd be careful, if I were you." They both turned to him. "I heard someone from the board of education is coming to inspect the school later today. Apparently, the board's been hearing rumours of weird things happening in CHS."

"What kind of weird things?" Flash asked, hoping he wasn't talking about him.

"Students growing wings and glowing. Giant plants trying to eat students. Large robots causing mass destruction."

"Weren't you the one who caused that last one?" Trixie asked, with Micro looking a little sheepish. "But I get it. The school's getting an inspection. If this guy sees me with spiny here, I might get in trouble." She glanced down at the hedgehog. "Sorry, little guy. You're gonna have to stay in my bag for the day. I promise, I'll get you something nice to eat at lunch time. Until then, just stay curled up in my bag." She zipped it up, as Micro walked off.

"Maybe you should run home and leave him there."

"I'm not leaving him all alone. He's been through a terrible ordeal. If I leave him alone, he might get scared and who knows what'll happen to him then." Flash had to admit, that was a fair point. He was about to make another suggestion, only to suddenly sense something and look away. Trixie noticed this and raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"

Flash frowned. He knew this feeling. After the last few times, he had realised it was somehow connected to the Mimics. Whenever he sensed it, a Mimic was close. "I gotta go!" Before Trixie could say anything else, he ran off and left the girl to blink.


As soon as Flash was outside, he summoned his belt and took out his Mimicore.


He double checked to make sure nobody was around and placed the Mimicore into place, striking a pose as he did so. "HENSHIN!" He slammed the Mimicore into place and the drive activated, the lights going yellow.

"MIMIC! OWL!" The slime flew out of the pipes and began to cover Flash, the cocoon forming before breaking off his body. Now suited up, Shifter stood there as the armor formed around his body and his wings grew upon his back. "Flying through the sky, seeking prey with all seeing vision!"

As soon as his armor settled, he ran forward and leapt into the air. He shot into the sky, in the direction he had sensed the Mimic. Hopefully, he could get there before something bad happened.

The screams of people filled the air, as bolts of lightning exploded out everywhere.

The source of the lightning was a ten foot tall monster. It was a bulky humanoid creature, whose skin was entirely blackish blue. Its head was that of an eel whilst it had a pair of yellow fins on its head, that both started on either side of its large nose before running down its head, the back of its neck, back, waist and along either side of its long tail before joining together at the tip. Its chest, the front of its neck and lower jaw were a lighter blue, but still pretty dark. And covering its shoulders and arms were lightning bolt patterns.

Its body sparked with energy, as it unleashed blasts of lightning in all directions.

A few cops were there and tried to shoot it, its body looking rather easy to pierce. But the bullets stopped before they could touch the creature, eventually falling to the ground as the creature picked up a car and threw it. The men screamed and ran, barely managing to avoid getting hit.

And as they ran, they spotted something in the sky and smiled. "Kamen Rider!" The owl themed hero flew onto the scene and noticed the creature, a frown on his lips as he dived down.

The Mimic spotted him and roared before unleashing a blast of lightning, Shifter barely managing to avoid it. "WOW!" He barrel-rolled out of the way and dived down, throwing a punch as he got in close.

But despite hitting it in the head, Shifter was the one who felt pain. A few hundred volts worth of pain, making him cry as the creature swung a punch at him.

"GYAH!" The impact and zap that followed, made Shifter cry out as he was thrown backwards. The Eel then unleashed another blast of lightning, which flew forward and slammed into Shifter's wing before he could counter. "AUGH!" The wing melted, as the energy flowed into him.

He fell to the ground, his wing remaining damaged and preventing him from flying. The Mimic then walked forward, but Shifter refused to give up and took out another Mimicore. "BLADE!" He quickly replaced the Mimicores, as the creature unleashed another electrical blast.

"Shape Shift!" He barely managed to leap away, as the lightning bolt struck the spot he was in.

"MIMIC! SWORDFISH!" His armor changed along with the lines and his eyes, the long blades appearing off the ends of his arms as it settled. "Slicing through the ocean, with speed and precision unmatched!"

As soon as he finished his transformation, he shot forward and slashed at the Mimic. But once again, some kind of electric barrier blocked the slashes and sent bolts of lightning into Shifter. "Gaaah!" He staggered back, but kept trying to slash at it with the same results. He slashed, tore, sliced and cut at the creature. And every time he made contact, he felt himself get zapped.

He staggered back, his body feeling numb whilst the Eel seemed perfectly fine.

The Mimic laughed, whilst Shifter glared at him. "Wise guy. Think you're untouchable. Every shield has a weakness. And I'll find yours!"

"I don't think so!" Shifter spun around and spotted something flying at him. The green insect Mimic that he had fought at the Canterlot Mall. Gule-Far-Tar flew down and slammed a foot into Shifter's chest, knocking him backwards. "Surprise!"

"You!" Shifter cried, getting ready to speed strike him. "Bring it, you oversized Christmas light!" He swung his blades towards him, but Gule dodged the attacks before taking to the air. He then unleashed a bright light, which blinded Shifter for a moment and allowed Gule to fly down.

But when he slammed a foot into Shifter's chest, something seemed to happen. "Huh?" Gule suddenly felt something, as Shifter was knocked back. "What was that?" He stared at the Rider, as a strangely familiar feeling washed over him. It distracted him so much, Shifter took him by surprise and slashed at him. "WOW!" He leapt back, barely avoiding having his head cut off.

Shifter followed him and brought both blades down, Gule raising his arms and blocking them. The blades cut into his arms and he flinched, Shifter pushing down on him. But before he could keep going, he was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling. The same feeling Gule was feeling.

The two stared into each other's eyes, as a sense of familiarity washed over them.

"What?" Shifter finally asked, only for a bolt of lightning to suddenly smash into him. "AUGH!" He was knocked away and pulled his blades from Gule, as he staggered back.

The Mimic General flinched at the damage done to his arms, as the Eel Mimic built up a bunch of electrical energy. It was about to fire again, but suddenly found itself getting shot several times.

It cried out, as Shifter turned to see Morphic racing towards them on his bike.

As he pulled up, he fired several more times and the Mimic was injured each time. Shifter saw this and was suddenly struck by what he was missing. "Of course."

Gule saw what was happening and frowned before moving over to the Eel. "We're out of here!" He unleashed a blinding light and the Riders were forced to look away. And when the light faded, they looked ahead and saw that they were both gone.

"Ahh," Morphic groaned, "they got away." He turned to Shifter and saw he was thinking about something. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Shifter nodded. "I just realised what I need to use my last Mimicore for. I'm lacking a long range attack, like your Blitz Blaster. So I need to find an animal that'll give me that ability." Morphic nodded, understanding what he was getting at. But there was no telling what animal that could be. This was gonna take some thought.

Back in the Mimic base, Gule was sitting in a chair whilst The Eel Mimic applied the healing gel to its body.

As he sat there, he thought about what had just happened. His memory flashed back to when he had touched Shifter, causing him to receive a strange feeling. He couldn't quite get it. It felt familiar and somehow, different.

"What are you doing?" Gule looked around and spotted The Vulture Mimic, Frill-Nar-Ron, walking towards him. "Why are you just sitting there?" He then spotted the damage that had been done to his arms. "What on earth? How did you let that happen?" He grabbed more of the gel and applied it to Gule's arms.

"Kamen Rider Shifter," Gule replied.

"You let that Rider get the better of you?"

"Something happened. I don't know what, but I got a strange feeling when I touched him. It didn't happen the last time I fought him. And it was fuzzy. Like an image in my head, but I can't remember the details about it."

"What does that matter?" Frill stated. "We're supposed to be destroying him."

"The fight was going well," Gule stated. "Shifter couldn't do a thing against the Eel Mimic. But Morphic was another story. His energy weapon allowed him to hurt the Eel without needing to touch him."

"I was afraid of that," Frill stated. "Good thing I've been working on something." He moved over to a table, where a syringe was waiting. He picked it up and moved over to the Eel. "This should help the next time you face him." Before Gule or the Eel could ask what was going on, Frill stabbed the Mimic with the needle and injected it.

The Eel suddenly looked very uncomfortable, as its body began to melt in places and ripple. "What did you do to it?"

"A little enhancement that should help it deal with Morphic's weapons. And once he's out of the way, we'll deal with Shifter. And to make sure those two can't team up and help one another, I'll put Shifter someplace he can't escape until it's too late."

"How?" Gule asked. In that moment, Frill's body began to melt and reshape itself.

He morphed into a humanoid form, standing somewhere between Timber and Chrysalis in height. And when he finally solidified, he was a middle-aged man wearing a maroon business suit. He had gray skin and black hair, which was sleeked back to form a near ponytail. He also had a small goatee on his chin.

"Trust me. I have my ways."

Back in CHS, Flash had managed to get back to school before anyone missed him.

Currently, he was in the library. He was on the computer, trying to find an animal that might be able to help him with his current problem. The only issue was, animals weren't really known for using ranged attacks.

The best he could find was the bombardier beetle, but he had no idea where he was supposed to find one of those. He needed to find an animal that could help him attack from a distance, without touching his opponent.

As he continued to look over the many different kinds of animals, he suddenly felt something by his feet.

He pushed his chair back and looked down, only to be shocked at the sight of Trixie's hedgehog. "Hey, little guy." He picked him up, the little guy curling up. "Don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you." As he said that, Trixie suddenly appeared.

"There he is." She rushed over, glad to see the little guy was okay. "I turned away for a second and he ran off. Thanks for finding him."

"No problem." Flash held the hedgehog out to her. But as he did, somebody suddenly appeared behind them.

"What is going on here!" They spun around, only to see a gray skinned man in a suit standing behind them. And he wasn't the only one, as Celestia and Luna were both there with him. "Why did you bring that filthy creature into this school?"

"Hey!" Trixie held little hedgehog close to her. "He's not filthy. And I had to bring him. He's injured and needs someone to take care of."

"Then you should have taken him to a vet," he growled.

"Mr. Neighsay," Celestia spoke up. "I'm sure these two meant no harm in this. Yes, she probably should have taken the hedgehog to a vet. But she clearly had good intentions."

"Rules are rules," Neighsay stated. "These two broke those rules and must be punished."

"What rules did I break?" Flash asked, but Neighsay didn't answer. He focused on the two principals.

"I think detention should work for them. Three days." This shocked them all, the lot about to argue but Neighsay was clearly having none of it. "That's my final word on the matter." He turned to leave, Celestia and Luna looking apologetic at the pair. "And if you must carry that blasted creature around for the rest of the day, put it in a cage or something."

"Who is this guy?" Trixie asked, clearly outraged by what had just happened.

"Neighsay," Celestia sighed. "He's on the school's board of education. I'm sorry, but I can't refuse his orders. You two will have to be in detention." Both looked at her in shock. "Just for today. Neighsay works with multiple schools in the area. Once he leaves, he'll forget all about the two of you."

"Aaaaah!" Flash groaned, fearing something bad would likely happen whilst he was trapped in detention.

Trixie was just as upset, especially when she was forced to keep her new spiky friend in a cage she had gotten from somewhere. She had the carrying him around in the bulky thing, the hedgehog clearly not happy about it.

Flash also sent a message to Shining, warning him of the problem he was in. Shining assured him he would be fine on his own, especially since the Mimic was vulnerable to his attacks. For the rest of the school day, Flash continued to think about what animal he should use his last Mimicore on.

The biggest issue was even if he managed to find an animal that met the criteria he was looking for, where the heck was he gonna find one to actually scan? The Swordfish and Owl had been in areas that housed animals like that, but there was a chance the aquarium and zoo wouldn't have the animals he was looking for.

Neighsay was finally leaving the school, Celestia and Luna going to the exit with him.

"Well," Neighsay turned to them, "everything seems to be in order. I was getting worried, when I heard rumours of odd goings on in this school. But it seems everything is as it should be."

"That's good to hear," Celestia nodded. "And I promise, nothing strange is happening at this school. Everything is perfectly normal." Neighsay raised an eyebrow at this. "Well, as normal as things get in this town."

"Yes. I do hope those Kamen Riders aren't causing too many issues for your students."

"We've had a few close calls," Luna told him. "Our students have run into the monsters that have been attacking the city. But none of them have been harmed, thanks to the Kamen Riders."

"Maybe. But you never know what'll happen. If you two find anything even remotely out of the ordinary, I want you to contact the board of educators. Is that understood?" They nodded. "Good. Your records since taking over this school have been excellent. I don't want to hear you decided to ruin them, by keeping something dangerous under wraps."

"There's nothing to worry about," Celestia assured him.

"I hope so," Neighsay finally left and the principals sighed. As he walked away, Neighsay took out a phone and began calling someone. "It's done," he stated to whoever was on the other line. "Send him in. You'll have about an hour or so to make Morphic regret he ever tried to fight against us." He smiled as he hug up, leaving the area before anyone could notice him.

Back inside, Flash and Trixie were both getting out of their final class of the day.

They headed towards the classroom detention was kept in, both arriving there and finding they were the only ones in detention that day. Or, the only ones that decided to show up.

As they sat down, Luna stepped in and looked around. "Good. You're both here. Trixie, is your little friend still in his cage?" Trixie held up said cage and Luna nodded. "Good. Again, we're sorry this is happening. But it's only for today. Just use this time to do your homework. I'm sure you'll see the time fly by."

The two doubted that, but both took out their books and started working on the homework. The next few minutes crawled by, as Flash worked on his history homework whilst Trixie was doing math and keeping her little friend from causing too much of a commotion.

Flash was just about to start talking about the events that pushed America into World War One, when he suddenly sensed something and looked up. Dread filled Flash's heart, as he looked towards the city and realised what he was feeling.

The Mimic was back and Flash realised he had no way of leaving to fight it. All he could do was sit there, as the sensation continued to ring in his head. "Shining," he whispered, "I hope you can handle this on your own."

The Eel Mimic unleashed a bolt of lightning, as people screamed and ran for cover.

The creature stood still and built up as much electrical energy that it could, then sent it flying out. Doing so caused every electrical device around it to suddenly spark before exploding, whilst it let out a roar and threw another bolt of lightning towards someone.

It barely missed them and the Mimic continued to attack, as an engine noise made it look around and see Morphic racing towards it on his bike. "Back again?" The Rider asked, as he pointed his Blitz Blaster towards it. But as he opened fire, the Mimic seemed to brace itself as the energy around its body surged. And when the energy bolts struck this field, it was somehow sucked into it. "What?"

The Eel laughed and unleashed another blast of electricity, this one even stronger than the last. It slammed into the ground in front of Morphic and exploded, knocking the Rider off his bike. "GYAH!" He crashed into the ground, as his bike reverted back to its smaller form. "Ow."

The Eel charged, as it slashed at Morphic.

The Rider barely managed to dodge the swipe in time and rolled over to his bike, picking it up as he fired his Blitz Blaster. But the attacks did nothing, as the energy field around it surged again and absorbed the shots. "Seriously?"

The Eel spun around and before Morphic could react, it grabbed him around the neck and lifted him up.

"Not good!" He kicked at the monster, but all that did was cause his feet to get zapped. The only part not surging with energy was, surprisingly, the hand that was currently holding him.

But that was about to change, as the fins on its body glowed as more power surged. It then unleashed that energy straight into Morphic, making him scream as his whole body was zapped.

Fighting through the pain, he reached up and grabbed the creature's fingers. And slowly, he pried them off him and allowed the rider to pull himself free. "Gaaah!" He kicked himself away from The Eel and raised his blaster, firing several shots.

One managed to get through, but the barrier quickly formed afterwards and absorbed the others.

Morphic landed and caught on. "He can absorb energy, but he needs to focus in order to do it." He frowned, as The Eel unleashed a lightning bolt from its hand. Morphic leapt to the side, as the bolt struck a car and lifted it into the air. "There's no way I can take this guy down on my own."

As the car was thrown his way, Morphic realised he needed Shifter. But with Flash in detention, he wasn't gonna be there to help for a while. But then he realised there was a way to get Flash out of detention, though he absolutely hated himself for even considering it.

"No choice!" He fired several shots at The Eel, none of which actually hitting it. "Come and get me, you overgrown spark-plug!" He turned to run off, as The Eel gave chase. Morphic fired several more shots behind him, whilst The Mimic launched a few lightning bolts.

The two continued to trade blows with one another, neither able to hit the other, as Morphic led him through the city. He just hoped he wouldn't come to regret this decision.

Back at CHS, Flash was getting a serious headache from the feeling he was overwhelmed with. But he still had a good while before he could act on it, making him fear his head would explode.

However, as Luna finished writing something, the P.A system suddenly came online and Celestia spoke up. "This is an emergency evacuation order. Everyone is to evacuate the school, now!" Everyone wondered what that was for, only for an explosion to catch their attention.

"You heard her!" Luna cried, getting up as Flash and Trixie did the same. They all headed out of the classroom, as more rooms opened with teens evacuating their after school clubs. As soon as they joined the large group, Flash began to move away from Luna and Trixie. And once he was far enough away, he ducked into a bathroom and stood waiting.

Once the noise of teens escaping died down, he took out his Strike Mimicore and summoned his Mimic Driver. "STRIKE!"

Morphic leapt away from a blast of lightning, barely managing to avoid it.

As he landed, he considered using his Rush Form. But whilst that would make him fast enough to avoid the attacks, he would have to physically attack it to do damage. And with the electric barrier surrounding it, that would be a dumb move. "Come on. There's gotta be a way to take this thing down!"

As he said that, he noticed movement to his left and a large group of students and teachers were exiting the building.

The Eel saw this and began charging up power, as it turned towards the students. "NO!" Morphic leapt in front of the crowd, as the Mimic unleashed an electric blast. "GYAH!" He cried, getting zapped by the energy and feeling like a million needles were stabbing into him.

The crowd saw this and knew they had to get away, so the Rider didn't have to worry about them. And as they began to move, the electrical attack came to an end Morphic fell to the ground. He panted, as the beast began to charge up again.


Spinning around, it saw Shifter flying towards it with his glowing foot thrust forwards. The energy flew towards the Mimic and slammed into it, hitting it too fast for the creature to absorb the energy. It was then blasted away, Shifter flipping back and landing next to Morphic.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Morphic pushed itself up. "Be careful. This thing's gotten stronger. He can absorb energy now."

"Really? Great." He sighed, as the monster pushed itself up. As it did, it built up a ton of energy before unleashing it in a powerful wave.

The Riders wanted to dodge, but there were still people trying to escape. As such, the pair were forced to take the blast and get zapped. Both cried out, but kept pushing forwards through the wave.

When the energy subsided, Shifter ran forward. "If I'm fast enough, maybe I can hit it before it charges up!" He managed to get in close and deal several kicks and punches to the beast, who cried out as Morphic ran forward to do the same. But by the time he reached them, the Eel was charged back up.

It roared, as it unleashed a blast of energy from its body.

That energy slammed into the pair and twin arcs of lightning pushed them both into the air, making them cry out as they fell to the ground. As Shifter landed, something happened to go flying out of his possession. The blank Mimicore, which slid along the ground and stopped close to where people were evacuating.

As this was happening, Trixie was amongst the group leaving the building. The hedgehog was in her hands, the loud explosions causing it to panic and curl up. "Don't worry," she told it. "You'll be okay. I'll keep you safe."

At that moment, the Eel charged up a blast that it prepared to launch at the group. But at the last moment, Morphic fired his Blitz Blaster and hit it in the chest. This knocked it back and caused its lightning attack to go flying, hitting the ground near the group.

Trixie screamed, as the blast knocked her off her feet along with several others.

She hit the ground with a cry, the hedgehog flying from her grasp and rolling along the ground. As it did, it happened to come close to the Mimicore and stopped right next to it. Trixie groaned and picked herself up, as the hedgehog uncurled itself and began to move.

"Wait!" She cried, seeing it climb onto the Mimicore.

Shifter was recovering at this moment and raised his head, allowing him to see the hedgehog and what was happening. The Mimicore was starting to glow, as the light moved over the spiky creature. "NO!" He cried, pushing himself up as Trixie ran over. But as she picked the little guy up, the scan completed.

Shifter picked the Mimicore up and looked it over, seeing the device beginning to transform. Letters appeared upon the side, as the dots glowed green and started showing images of a hedgehog in different poses.

Trixie saw this and panicked. "I'm sorry," she bowed. "Please tell me I didn't ruin whatever that is?"

"Ahh," Shifter frowned under his mask. He looked at the word on the side of the core, wondering how literal they could be. And as he heard an explosion and Morphic's cry, he realised he had two options. Try to beat the Mimic as he was now, or take a gamble and see what this new core could do. "Might as well see what this thing can do." He hit the button and as he did, it lit up with green dots forming the shifting images of a hedgehog in different poses.


Shifter quickly opened his belt and replaced his Mimicore with the new one. "Shape shift!" He cried, slamming the draw shut as he did so.

"MIMIC! HEDGEHOG!" The armour around his body began to melt once again before changing to a transparent green colour, then began reshaping itself before hardening to reveal Flash's new form. Every part of his armour was covered in spikes, from his chest, to his shoulders, to his back, to his boots and arms. Even his mask was covered in spikes, though his eyes remained uncovered. The armour around his wrists had an extra long spike pointing forwards along the backs of his hands. Finally, the lines on his suit turned green whilst his eyes changed to orange.

As the armor settled, the lights on his belt turned green whilst his yelled out. "Defending all with a shield of spines, impaling all that try to do harm!"

The transformation surprised Trixie, whilst also catching Morphic and the Eel's attention. The two looked towards Shifter, as he looked himself over. "Wow." He stared at the spikes on the back of his arms and as he did, one suddenly shot off him and shot forward. "YAH!" He staggered back, as the spike impaled a nearby wall.

The impact had caused it to dig into the wall, showing it had incredible power behind it. Once that happened, it melted away and Shifter found a new spike growing out of his arm.

"Wait. Did this just give me the power I was looking for?" He turned to the Eel, who was charging itself up. Shifter then rushed forward and thrust both arms forward, the spikes on his arms flew off of him and shot towards the Mimic.

The creature put up its electric barrier, but the spines shot right through and stabbed into him. It roared in pain and Shifter cheered, having gotten exactly what he was looking for.

He turned back to Trixie and the others, "go!" They nodded and ran off, as Shifter raced towards the Eel. As it was recovering and charging itself up, Shifter got in close and fired several spines right at it. The beast tried to dodge, but the spikes were too fast and it was stabbed several times.

Shifter finally got within striking distance and the Eel swung its claws around, but the Kamen Rider ducked under them before the spikes on his leg grew larger. This allowed him to throw a kick and stab it several times, without his leg touching the barrier around it.

Morphic took this moment to fire at it. The Mimic was so distracted by Shifter, it couldn't focus on him and absorb his attacks. This meant the blasts burnt its body, making it roar and unleash a blast of lightning.

This wave struck both Riders and knocked them down, as the Mimic charged forward. Shifter was on his hands and knees, as the Mimic prepared another attack. But before it could land, the spines on Shifter's back extended and once again stabbed its body. It roared in pain, staggering back as Shifter picked himself up.

"I am loving this new form!" He laughed, as the Eel staggered back. "I hope you're ready. Because the winds of victory have shifted." With that, he unleashed a barrage of spikes on the beast, firing as many as he could produce.

The Eel roared as the spines impacted its body, stabbing into it again and again. At the same time, Morphic shot it from behind and the energy blasts damaged its body. Eventually, the Eel unleashed another wave of electricity that shot towards them both.

Morphic was able to jump up over it, with nobody behind him to worry about. Meanwhile, Shifter slammed both fists together and the gauntlets melted and merged. They swirled together and grew to form a human-sized shield, covered in spikes.

It solidified and blocked the electric wave, Shifter not feeling a thing as it dissipated.

The Eel growled, as the shield began to shrink. But before it could attack again, it heard a voice coming from above.


It spun around and saw Morphic, firing a bolt of energy from his blaster that he then kicked in its direction. It moved fast and the Eel couldn't prepare itself to absorb it, so unleashed a blast of energy. This stopped the attack, but distracted it as Shifter finished his preparations and slammed his hand into the side of his belt.


His right gauntlet turned to slime and covered his entire hand and arm, solidifying into a giant spike. As it did, he thrust his left arm forward and sent out a barrage of spikes. These projectiles slammed into the Eel and kept it from putting up a defence, as Shifter then charged forward with incredible speed before thrusting his right arm forwards.

In the blink of an eye, Shifter stood behind the Mimic as the creature now had a giant hole in his chest. As the large spike on his arm returned to normal, the Mimic sparked before falling to the ground and exploding.

Shifter slowly turned towards the fireball, as it faded away to reveal the monster was gone. He smiled at this, as Morphic stepped over to him. "Nice!" He gave Shifter a playful punch, only to flinch in pain. "Ouch!" He had pricked himself on one of the spines, Shifter laughing as he looked over to where the students and teachers had evacuated.

The students were beginning to return to the building, Shifter moving over when he saw Trixie and her hedgehog friend. "Thank you. I know it was an accident, but you and your little friend helped me save the day."

Trixie smiled at this, as Shifter gave the hedgehog a gentle scratch on the head.

Morphic stepped over to Celestia and Luna. "I'm sorry I put your school in danger. If I had been able to beat that thing sooner, the fight wouldn't have moved to this area."

"Don't be sorry," Celestia told him. "You did what you could to stop it. Thank you for keeping our school safe. You Kamen Riders are a god send." Morphic nodded before taking out his bike and making it grow larger, Shifter doing the same.

The two Riders got on their bikes and raced off, the school and its residents all watching in amazement as the pair disappeared down the road. Once they were gone, Celestia turned to the rest of her staff. "Alright, everyone. I want to make sure we didn't lose track of everyone in the panic. Let's get a head count of everyone who was in the school when the alarm went off."

They nodded and the students began grouping themselves up, based on the activities they were doing before the insanity began.

Trixie looked around for Flash, but couldn't see him anywhere. And when Luna arrived, she too had no idea where Flash might be. They both looked worried and just as Luna was about to raise an alarm, a voice spoke up.

"There you are." They looked around and spotted Flash, walking towards them with a smile on his lips. "Sorry about that. I got overtaken by the crowd and pushed somewhere."

"Are you okay?" Luna asked, with Flash nodding. "Good. Then we don't have to worry. And I think you both have been through enough. Let's say your detention is over." The pair smirked at this and high-fived, whilst everyone else continued to work on making sure nobody had been left behind.

It took a while, but the head counts confirmed everyone was where they needed to be.

Up on a nearby roof, Neighsay glared down at the group that had escaped his brilliant plan. These Riders were getting more and more annoying by the day. He had to find a way to get rid of them once and for all. But how?

The next day.

Despite the crazy events that had occurred the previous day, the next school day was just like any other. There had been no damage to the school, so there had been no reason to have the place closed. As such, lessons were going on as normal.

Flash had just arrived and stepped over to his locker, looking around as he spotted Trixie off to the side. And she wasn't alone. Fluttershy was feeling much better, so she had come to school as well.

"Oh," Fluttershy held the spiky erinaceidae. "Aren't you cute." The hedgehog made some noise and Fluttershy laughed, "that's true. So, can you tell us where your family is?" The hedgehog explained and she nodded. "I see. Oh. Oh, my. That must have been terrifying. But I think I know the place you're describing."

"So you know where he lives?" Trixie asked, as Flash took his books out of his locker.

"Yes. But it's not a very safe place for hedgehogs to live. If a wild fox or badger doesn't get to them, the traffic will."

"Then we need to find them a safer place to live," Trixie announced. "Any ideas?" Fluttershy was clearly thinking about it, as she handed the hedgehog back to her.

"I think I might know a place. I've seen other hedgehogs living there and they seem perfectly happy." Trixie nodded, as Flash closed his locker. But then, he noticed Luna walking towards them and panicked. He tried to get the girl's attention, Trixie finally noticing him and catching on to what he was doing.

"Oh." She grabbed the hedgehog and tried to stuff it back into her bag.

But Luna arrived before she could finish and noticed the little guy, Trixie and Fluttershy sharing a nervous laugh as she stared at them. Flash took a step back, not wanting to risk getting more detention. But as he did, he heard Luna speak up. "I don't see anything. Especially not a creature that helped the Kamen Riders protect our school."

They were all shocked by this, as Luna continued down the hallway. As she left, they sighed in relief. "That was close," Trixie stated. "Sorry little guy, but I can't bring you to school anymore. I don't wanna stretch how much Vice-Principal Luna is willing to overlook this whole thing."

"Don't worry," Fluttershy assured her. "After today, you won't have to. We'll go find his family, then take them to a safe new home away from danger." Trixie smiled at this, as the bell rang and the girls walked off.

Flash smiled as well, as he headed to his own class.

As he did, he took out his four Mimicores and smiled. Despite the last one being an accident, he was glad he had it. Now he felt like he was really ready for everything. Strike, close range hand to hand combat. Blade, high speed slicing attacks. Flight, aerial combat and manoeuvrability. And Pierce, long range fire power and some pretty impressive strength in close quarters.

As far as he could figure, these four forms would give him everything he needed to fight any opponent.

He put them away, whilst thinking about Shining. He still hadn't chosen his new form and Flash couldn't help but wonder what Shining would pick. He already had a ranged attack and his Rush Form gave him speed. So what animal would he choose for his final Mimicore and what abilities would it give him?

At the Canterlot zoo, Shining was searching the place for a new creature to scan.

He had a vague idea of what traits he was after, but wasn't sure which animal to use. "Elephant?" He shook his head, "no. Maybe a rhino." He stared at the creature, but it didn't feel right. Then, he heard splashing and moved over to another enclosure. When he looked inside, he spotted a creature thrashing around and smiled. He had found what he was looking for. "Perfect."

Episode 7: Memory Lane

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In the City of Canterlot, people were going about their everyday lives in spite of the Mimic threat.

But as they did, a sudden explosion filled the air and people screamed before running for their lives. Moments later, Kamen Riders Shifter and Morphic leapt out of the explosion. Shifter was in his green Pierce Form whilst Morphic was wearing his blue Blitz Armor.

The two landed and turned towards the smoke, as it slowly faded to reveal two Mimics flying in the air. One of which was Gule.

The other was a humanoid Wasp Mimic, standing at the same height as Shifter with a pair of insect wings coming out of the back. Its body was yellow and had a bunch of black stripes covering it, its head being a giant wasp's head. Its left arm was a normal human arm but its right arm, at least past the elbow, was a large limb with a stinger on the end of it.

Morphic fired his blaster at The Wasp Mimic, who responded by thrusting its stinger arm forward. Doing so caused energy bolts to fly out of the stinger and hit the blasts, stopping them as Gule charged down.

Shifter fired his own spines, but Gule was able to dodge them all as he landed before slashing at Shifter. The Kamen Rider blocked the attack with his arm and extended the spikes on his armor, forcing Gule to dodge them as he leapt back.

"You guys have the worst timing imaginable," Morphic stated. "I'm supposed to be getting ready for a date right now." He fired at Gule, but the Mimic General avoided the attack. "If I'm even a minute late, my head is gonna roll."

"Oh," Gule told him, "boo hoo. Like I care!" Shifter leapt at him, attempting to stab him with his spine blades.

"I'll make you care." The two started struggling against one another and pushed one another back, leaving Morphic to fight The Wasp on his own. He fired his weapon, but The Wasp just blocked with its own. The Rider frowned, as he took out one of his other two Mimicores.

"Time to bring out the big guns. Or...big teeth." He was about to activate it, only for a gasp to fill the air and make them all look around.

A girl had somehow wandered into the battlefield and now looked absolutely terrified, as she stood there like a fish in a barrel.

Morphic saw this and rushed over to her, whilst The Wasp began charging up its weapons. He leapt in front of her as the Mimic fired, energy spikes shooting towards him. He tried to counter with his blaster, but it was shot out of his hand by the first strike.

The second struck him in the chest, exploding and making him cry out. The third hit his shoulder with the same outcome, followed by his leg, other shoulder and finally, the last one hit him in the Driver around his waist.

This impact caused the belt to spark and made the Mimicore flash rapidly. This terrified the girl and she finally ran away, as Morphic staggered around with the Driver continuing to spark. Lightning surged out of the device and started zapping him, everyone seeing this wondering what had happened.

And before anyone could do anything, an explosion suddenly shot out of the belt and filled the battlefield.

The Wasp was closest and it was sent flying back, crashing into a building whilst Morphic was thrown away as well. He screamed, his driver still sparking as he crashed into the ground.

Gule and Shifter had managed to weather the explosion, both only getting knocked staggering back.

As Shifter regained his footing, he turned to Morphic and saw him laying there. "NO!" He ran over to him, whilst Gule rushed over to The Wasp. As he did, he looked over at the downed Morphic and watched his armor starting to melt off of him. The same happened to his suit, which evaporated the moment it was off his body.

This revealed Shining Armor to The Mimic, Gule's eyes going wide at the sight. "We're out of here." He told the injured Wasp before dragging him away. "We'll finish this later." They both took to the air, as Shifter continued to look Shining over.

"Come on." Shifter removed his Mimicore and transformed back to his civilian form, Flash looking the unconscious Shining Armor over. "Wake up!" But Shining was completely out of it.

Flash looked down at the Driver around his waist and saw it was badly damaged, eventually disappearing whilst Flash realised Shining Mimicore was gone. He checked Shining's pockets and found they were all gone, which shocked Flash. "What's going on?" He shook his head. He had to focus. "Gotta get you to a hospital."

As Flash began to lift Shining up, planning to take him somewhere else to call an ambulance, he was unaware that he was being watched.

Up on a nearby rooftop, a figure cloaked in white stared down at the area. In his hands were the three Mimicores, which he held up. "This isn't good. With The Driver damaged, who knows what'll happen. I need to keep a close eye on him." With that, he walked off and disappeared in a flash of light.

At Canterlot Hospital, Flash sat in the waiting room with a worried expression on his face.

The teen feared Shining was in a bad way. He wasn't sure what had actually happened to him, but he knew it couldn't be good. And if the doctors discovered the driver or whatever else Flash and Shining didn't know about themselves, things were going to go from bad to worse.

He had called Twilight and told her what had happened, though he had had to lie and say Shining had been in the vicinity and had saved him from the Mimic before the Kamen Riders appeared. She and her family were on their way, whilst Flash remained waiting here for some kind of development.

"Flash!" He looked around and spotted Twilight, along with two people he assumed were her parents.

They ran up to him and her mother, Twilight Velvet, spoke up. "What happened? Is Shining going to be okay?"

"The doctors are still working on him," Flash replied. "Your son saved me when I got attacked by the Mimic. But there was an explosion and he was knocked flying. I think he might have hit his head or something." They all looked worried, as another woman arrived. One Flash recognised from the Friendship Games.


"Cadance!" She rushed over to the woman and they hugged.

"Is he okay?" Cadance asked, but nobody said anything and Cadance realised they didn't know. "Oh." And so they waited, another hour passing before a doctor stepped out and moved over to them.

"How is he, doc?" Twilight's father asked.

"Physically, he's not seriously harmed. A few scratches and a light burn, but nothing that'll leave permanent damage. He even woke up a few minutes ago."

"I'm sensing a but coming," Flash stated off handedly.

"But," the doctor nodded, "he's...I think it'd be best if you saw for yourself." He gestured for them to enter the room, the family did so with Flash choosing to stay back.

As they entered the room, they saw Shining on the bed. He was awake and wearing a hospital gown. "Shining," Cadance rushed over to him, "are you okay?"

Shining stared at her, a curious look on his face. "I'm sorry...but I don't know you." Cadance's eyes widened in shock, the others looking just as horrified. "Any of you."

"Doctor?" Night Light turned to him, "what's wrong with him?"

"We're not sure," the doctor replied. "We've done several head scans, but nothing appears to be wrong with his brain. He just...can't seem to remember anything."

"Amnesia?" Velvet asked, the doctor nodded. "How long will this last?"

"It's hard to say. Until we know what caused it, we can't estimate how long his memories will be gone for. He could get his memory back in a day, a week, a month." He frowned. "Or...he might never get his memory back. Every head case is different. It all depends on the person."

The family all turned to Shining in absolute horror, as Shining looked around at them.

The doctor left and the family started trying to help Shining remember who he was. "Okay." Shining pointed at them. "You're my dad, Night Light." He nodded. "And my mom, Velvet." She nodded as well, whilst he turned to Twilight. "And you're my sister. Twilight."

"That's right," she nodded before he bag opened up. "And this is our puppy, Spike." The dog looked like he was about to say something, but Twilight stopped him. "Our perfectly normal puppy, that does nothing out of the ordinary." Spike glared at her but she just stared back.

"Okay," Shining looked a little confused. He then turned to Cadance. "And you're...my fiancee?"

"That's right," Cadance nodded. She took out her phone and started flipping through it. "See. This is us." Shining took the phone and started looking through the photos of them. There was one of them sitting on a couch, cuddled up together. Another of the two on the beach, with Shining covered in suntan lotion. And another of them at a theme park, this particular photo looking several years old due to how much younger they looked.

"I guess you are my fiancee." Shining frowned. "I'm sorry I forgot you."

Cadance placed a hand on his. "It's not your fault. You didn't forget me on purpose. And we'll find a way to bring your memories back. I promise."

Shining nodded, as the family continued to tell him about his life. The only one who doesn't say anything is Flash, who was silently having a meltdown.

'Shining doesn't remember anything, so he doesn't remember being a Kamen Rider. This is bad. Really really bad.' Flash thought about that Wasp Mimic, Gule, Maya and every other Mimics they had fought so far. Flash wouldn't stand a chance against them all on his own. 'If Shining doesn't remember anything soon, we're all gonna be in serious trouble.'

It was at this moment that Shining noticed him. "Hey. How do we know each other?" Flash turned to him, the family doing the same.

"I'm Flash. I'm a friend of Twilight's. We've met a few times and you saved me from the Mimics before you..."

"Before you got hurt and lost your memory," Twilight explained.

"What's a Mimic?" Shining asked, as everyone frowned. Not knowing what a Mimic was could be dangerous in this town. "Is it some kind of group that hurts people? You said I saved you from them." Everyone remained quiet, unsure how to explain it all to him.

The next day.

Having been cleared to leave the hospital, the family took Shining home in hopes of sparking some kind of memory for him. They kept telling him stories of his life, but nothing seemed familiar to him.

"And this is the house you grew up in," Night announced as they pulled into the drive way.

Shining looked up at the large building and whilst it looked nice, he didn't feel anything. No sense of familiarity or nostalgic fondness. As far as he was concerned, this was the first time he had ever seen this house. "Anything?" Velvet asked, but Shining shook his head.

They headed inside and took Shining to his old room, where he sat on the bed surrounded by all his childhood memories. None of which he could actually remember. "I don't feel anything," Shining frowned as he picked up an old teddy bear. "This must be important to me, but I can't remember any of it."

"Relax," Cadance told him. "I know you're frustrated. But I'm sure you'll remember it in time. You just have to be patient and not force it. Let the memories come gradually."

"I guess," Shining nodded. He put the bear down and sat on his bed. "Thanks." Cadance smiled at him, as he noticed a framed photo on his desk. It was of him and Cadance, the same photo of them at a theme park of some kind. "Is this some kind of special time for us?"

"It was our first date." Cadance sat next to him. "I used to babysit for Twilight and one day, as I was leaving, you randomly asked if I wanted to hang out with you." She smiled. "It was so cute. You were so nervous that I couldn't help saying yes. And we had so much fun at the fun fair."

"Sounds nice," Shining nodded. "I wish I could remember it." Cadance placed her head on his shoulder, the pair sitting there enjoying each other's company.

They stayed like this for a while before Velvet called them down for dinner, where they were apparently having Shining's favourite food. And Shining had to admit, it tasted absolutely delicious.

After dinner, they watched Shining's favourite film. One involving monsters that attacked people from underground. Shining loved every minute of it, but couldn't remember ever watching it. After that, he and Twilight played a board game they often spent their youth playing. Shining had fun and quickly got the rules, but soon realised Twilight was way better at it than him.

"Oh, come on. Not even losing to me seems familiar?" Shining gave his sister a deadpan glare, the two then bursting out laughing. The family continued to spend the rest of the night together until it was time to go to bed, with Shining sleeping in his childhood room.

But despite all that, he still couldn't remember anything. He went to bed frustrated, feeling like something should have come back to him by now. But nothing had. And he felt like if he didn't get his memories back soon, something terrible was going to happen.

At their base of operations, The Wasp Mimic was sitting around whilst the Generals talked.

"Shining Armor?" Maya asked, as Timber stared at his phone. "Is that someone we should know, because I have no idea who that is." She turned to Frill, "do you?"

"Never heard of him," Frill replied.

"He's the older brother that Twilight girl," Timber explained. "And it appears, he's the one under Morphic's helmet. We finally know who the second Kamen Rider is."

"I see," Frill nodded. "And he was injured during your battle with him?"

"Exactly," Timber nodded. "And according to the text Twilight's been sending me, he's suffering from memory loss." He stood up. "Don't you get it? This is our chance. Before Shining can regain his memories and remember he's a Kamen Rider, we'll attack and kill him. Then we'll only have to worry about Shifter."

"He's right," Maya nodded. "That's a good plan. Wait for the opening and attack him when he's vulnerable. Take him down fast before the other Rider shows up."

"No problem," Timber transformed into his monster form and turned to The Wasp. "You might have just won us this war." Gule patted him on the shoulder. "I don't know how you did it, but you neutralised one of our biggest threats. And once he's taken care of, this planet will be ours for the taking."

Over the last few days, Shining's family had done everything they could to help him get his memories back.

They took him to his favourite places, told him more stories about his life and showed him all the activities he enjoyed in his spare time. And whilst none of this had helped him remember anything, Shining had loved every second of it.

He had grown to truly love the strangers that were his family. His dad and him talked for hours about models they liked to build. Velvet made him feel safe and Twilight made him feel like someone worth looking up to. But the person he had grown to especially care for was Cadance.

Shining quickly realised why his former self would fall for her. She wasn't only beautiful, but smart, funny, caring and had so many other amazing attributes. He could feel himself falling for her, his heart beating faster whenever he saw her.

Currently, he and his fiancee were driving to a surprise that Cadance had arranged for them.

Shining had wondered where they were heading until they found themselves outside a large theme park called Equestria Land. "What are we doing here?"

Cadance smiled at him. "I thought that, maybe, recreating our first date might help you remember it." They got out of the car and headed for the theme part. "I can't bring the fair we went to back, but this should work just as well." She placed her hand in his. "And even if it doesn't, it'll be a fun time for us. A new memory to replace the one you lost."

Shining smiled at her. "Thank you. I know it must be hard, not having me remember anything about our past together."

Cadance could see the pain in his eyes and squeezed his hand. "It's okay. It's not your fault this happened. And even if you can't remember who you are, you're still you. The man that I love. Even if you never regain any of your memories, we'll just make new ones. Like today."

Shining couldn't help but smile at her. Every minute he was with her, he felt like he was falling more and more in love with her. "Thanks." Cadance smiled and the two headed inside, unaware that they had been followed.

Flash parked his car and got out, having kept an eye on Shining to make sure nothing happened. With the man having no memories, Flash had been worried he might accidentally turn into Morphic whilst surrounded by people. Flash had to make sure that didn't happen.

And whilst Flash headed in after them, nobody noticed a flash of light a ways away. One that signalled the arrival of two Mimics.

An hour passed and Shining was having the time of his life.

He and Cadance had gotten lucky and the number of people there was quite small today. As such, there were barely any lines and they got to enjoy the rides with barely any wait time. And even when they were in line, they didn't care. Being in each other's company was just as great as any ride.

But the rides were still awesome and Shining liked the horror rides the most, mainly due to Cadance hugging him when she got scared. Roller coasters, house of mirrors, all that stuff. They had the best time. Shining might not remember his past dates with Cadance, but he knew this one had to be in the top ten if not five.

They both laughed, as they left the area and headed towards the games booths. There, they found a bunch of games giving out prizes for anyone who could do a simply looking task. "Step right up. Step right up. Knock down the bottles, win a prize."

The two stepped up to the booth and saw a bunch of bottles a few feet away, stacked into a triangle. There were red, blue and yellow bottles, Shining determining they were about fifteen feet away.

The booth owner smiled at them. "Two tickets for three balls. Use those balls to knock down the bottles. Yellow bottles are one point, blue bottles are two points and red bottles are three points. The more points you get, the better the prize." He turned to Shining and smirked. "You look like a guy with a good arm. Wanna give it a try?"

Shining and Cadance smirked at each other and Shining handed him a ticket, the amnesiac taking the three balls and staring at the tower of bottles. He knew the best way to knock them all down was to aim low. So after getting the right angle, he threw the ball with all his might.

Said ball sailed through the air and slammed into the bottom row of bottles, knocking several out from under the stack.

This also resulted in the bottles above it falling as well, the tower now only being two thirds complete. But that didn't last long as Shining threw the next ball, which hit another part of the tower's bottom and knocked even more bottles off. Only a few remained and Shining was quick to knock them down as well, the entire tower being reduced to nothing.

"Winner!" The booth operator announced, "that's quite the throwing arm you've got." He pointed to all the prizes they had. "Go ahead and pick anything you want." Shining turned to Cadance, who looked around before noticing a large dolphin plushy.

Shining saw this and pointed to it, Cadance smiling as the booth operator handed it to him. "Thank you," she smiled as he gave it to her. "Since when have you had such good hand eye coordination?"

"What? Was I not a good shot back when I lost my memory?"

"Not really. You once bet me five bucks you could get a chocolate wrapper into a trashcan five feet away. It took you over a hundred double or nothings to finally get it in." Shining felt a little embarrassed by this, but the two laughed as they headed to another area.

They grabbed themselves some food, Shining getting a hot dog whilst Cadance got a salad. They then sat on a bench together and enjoyed their meals, both smiling at one another as they ate.

"This has been such a great day," Cadance announced. "Even if it didn't get your memory back, I'm glad we came here."

"Same," Shining nodded. "I had fun. And even if I don't remember anything about our past, I'm happy just being here with you." The pair smiled at each other, as their gaze lingered on the other. And slowly, their heads began to move closer and closer.

But before they could kiss, Shining pulled back. a sensation washed over him. A sense of dread, like something dangerous was close by. "What is it?" Cadance asked, seeing Shining pull back. He looked around, as the sensation increased. And then, it happened.

An explosion, creating a large shockwave that terrified everyone. Shining jumped up, his body almost moving on his own to run towards the source.

"What was that?" Cadance asked, as they all looked over to where the explosion came from. When they did, they saw part of a roller-coaster collapsing as something flew down in front of it. The Wasp Mimic, its stinger charged with energy, looked around and spotted Shining.

Before anyone could try and stop it, The Mimic fired several stingers in their direction.

Shining managed to grab Cadance and push her out of the way, the stinger hitting a hot dog stand behind them and blowing it up. "You okay?" He asked, Cadance nodding as they got up. As they did, Gule suddenly appeared and landed on top of a nearby fence.

"Hello there," he stated. "Sorry about ruining your little date, but we have some business to attend to." Shining wondered what he meant by this, as the Mimic leapt down. "Don't make this difficult. Just let us end you and we'll be on our way."

"What do you want with us?" Cadance asked, as Shining's head started throbbing.

Staring at this monster, he was suddenly reminded of something. But he couldn't, for the life of himself, remember what that something was. And as Gule was about to say something, someone else leapt into the fray.

"HYAH!" Kamen Rider Shifter, in his Flight Form, flew down and dealt a kick towards Gule's chest. The Mimic managed to dodge it and leap back, as Shifter landed and turned to the other two. "Get out of here!" They nodded and ran off, as The Wasp and Gule tried to chase after them. "Oh no you don't!" He spread his wings and started to unleash a powerful wind in their direction.

The two braced themselves, as the wind slammed into them. Both fought to keep from being blown away, Gule turning to The Wasp. "Go after them. I'll deal with this guy!" He suddenly leapt up and allowed the wind to blow him backwards, only to hit a lamp.

Using it as a spring board, he flew forward and fought through the wind.

He grabbed Shifter and pulled him into the air, allowing The Wasp to go after Shining and Cadance. "What do you want with those two?" Shifter asked, though he had a feeling he knew.

"I'm taking a Kamen Rider down before he can remember he is one. With him gone, you won't stand a chance against us." Shifter panicked, realising Gule had learned Morphic's identity.

"I won't let you touch them." He threw a punch into Gule's face. "You and your wasp are going down." The two fought against one another, Gule using the lights on his body to blind Shifter on occasion. As they struggled to overpower each other, The Wasp flew off after Shining.

The Mimic spotted the two fleeing towards the exit and unleashed several blasts from its sting, the explosions that followed sending the pair flying across the park.

They crashed into the ground and whilst Shining was in pain, he quickly rolled over to shield Cadance from its attacks. "Why are they attacking us?" Cadance cried, Shining feeling like he should know the answer to her question.

As The Wasp charged up another attack, Shining pulled Cadance up and they ran for safety. But The Wasp managed to fire a blast and this one struck right behind where they were standing. The explosion that followed sent the both flying and once again crashed into the ground. But this time, Cadance's head slammed into the ground and she was knocked out.

Shining groaned and as he pushed himself up, he looked over and saw Cadance with a bleeding head.

"CADANCE!" He crawled over to her and saw she was still bleeding, but seeing her in such a state caused Shining's blood to boil. He turned to The Wasp, who was preparing to fire again. "DAMN YOU!" He pushed himself to his feet. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS!" As he said that, a light appeared around his waist. "What?" Looking down, he saw a strange belt appear around him and that looked damaged. "What is this?"

The Wasp saw this and prepared to fire again. But before it could, something shot up and hit it. A blast of some kind, which knocked the insectoid back. As it was thrown back, Shining looked around and saw someone moving towards him. Someone in a white cloak.

"Who are you?" The figure said nothing for a moment, as he took out a remote-like device with a screen on the top. "What is that?" The device beeped for a moment before something appeared on the screen.

"I see." The figure looked up at him, Shining feeling a little worried. "I was afraid you would awaken. But I didn't expect you not to remember who you are. What you are." Shining tilted his head at this. "Time to put things right." Suddenly, he pulled a strange looking gun from under his cloak.

Shining staggered back, as he saw it looked like some kind of sci-fi ray gun. Instead of a normal barrel, then end had a short tube with a ball on the end of it. "What are you doing?"

"Sending you back where you belong, so the one I need can return." With that, the gun unleashed a green beam that flew towards Shining and slammed into the belt.

Shining suddenly found his entire body seizing up, the man unable to move as the beam continued to strike the belt. And as it did, the belt began to repair itself. The cracks disappeared. The missing pieces were replaced and the lights were fixed.

Shining continued to wonder what was going on, only to suddenly find images flashing before his eyes. But these weren't just any images. They were memories. His memories. Memories from the day he was born to...that day. "I remember." The figure tilted his head at this. "I remember who I am. What...I am."

"Not good," the figure stated. "Have to regain control." He fiddled with the gun and as he did, Shining's gaze happened to shift over to Cadance's body.

As the woman remained unconscious, Shining's recent memories also appeared. His time spent with his family and Cadance, getting to know them once again. And getting to grow close to Cadance and gain feelings for her.

He looked down at his hands, remembering how Cadance held them. As he did, he realised something. "I'm not the one she loves." Suddenly, his head exploded with pain and he flinched before closing his eyes.

As he did, all the noise around him vanished along with the pain. And when he opened his eyes, Shining found himself in a white void. Said void had nothing within it, except some kind of large floating screen. On said screen, he could see everything he was looking at before he came here.

The figure was pointing the gun at the screen and finally stopped firing, instead staring at him as if judging something. Then, he began to walk away.

Shining then looked around and saw something, laying on the ground behind him. Another Shining Armor.

This Shining Armor appeared unconscious and as the first knelt down, he shook the man. "Come on. You need to wake up. Cadance needs you. The real you." As he said that, the other Shining began to respond.

He let out a moan as he started moving, his eyes slowly beginning to open. As he does, the first Shining smiles and stands up.

But before he could say anything, something shot out of nowhere. A long string of orange blown slime, which slammed into the first Shining's arm. "Augh!" He was suddenly pulled away from the waking Shining, as a second slime string hit his other arm. He couldn't fight back, as he was pulled away and stared at his twin. "Keep her safe. Protect her and everything else on this planet." Finally, he was pulled far away and disappeared into the void.

The other Shining was finally starting to come around, slowly standing up and staggering around. And when he happened to place his hand on the screen, the void around him completely vanished.

Shining opened his eyes and looked around, wondering where he was.

"What?" When he figured out his location, he frowned. "What am I doing here?" It was then that he noticed something on the ground and gasped. "Cadance!" He rushed over to her, seeing she was just unconscious. "What's going on?" He suddenly heard an explosion and turned to see The Wasp Mimic, making his way towards him.

He then noticed his Driver was on his waist and before he could attempt to grab his Mimicores, a clattering sound made him look down and see the three screen devices had been thrown to his feet. He looked around and saw no sign of who had thrown them, but knew he couldn't focus on that.

He quickly grabbed his cores and activated one, opening his Driver at the same time.


He quickly placed the Mimicore into the Driver and as The Wasp prepared to attack, he struck a pose. "HENSHIN!" He slammed the Driver shut, the lights flashing blue as it spoke up.

"MIMIC! HERCULES BEETLE! The pipes unleashed the slime and as The Wasp fired its stinger, the cocoon formed around him and blocked the attacks. Then, it shattered to reveal the Kamen Rider as the armor formed around him. "Power that shatters everything, contained in a mighty horn!"

Morphic was back and as The Wasp charged up another attack, he summoned his Blitz Blaster and fired it.

The stingers also fired and the attacks collided in the air, cancelling each other out. The Wasp then leapt up and aimed its stinger towards Cadance, Morphic seeing this and leaping in front of her before firing his own blaster. But The Wasp fired more stingers than he did and one got through his barrage, hitting the rider in the shoulder.

"AUGH!" He clutched it, but ignored the damage and glared at The Mimic. It was then he remembered something and he quickly took out his new Mimicore. Pressing it, purple dots appeared on the screen to show a crocodile in different poses.


He quickly opened his belt and replaced the Mimicores, as the Wasp prepared for battle. "Mega Morph!" With that, he slammed his belt shut and the lights changed to purple.

"MIMIC! CROCODILE!" The armor around his body began to melt and change from blue to a more purple colour, with the armour around his arms growing thicker and forming weapons. His right gained a blade similar to Shifter's Blade form, only it resembled a crocodile tail.

Meanwhile, his left arm morphed into a crocodile head with his hand at the back of the mouth. The armour around his chest, back, arms and legs became scaly, resembling a crocodile's hide, whilst his helmet changed to mimic the head of a crocodile. His yellow eyes were inside the mouth, with teeth covering parts of them, whilst the snout went down the middle between them and stopped above his mouth guard. Finally, the lines around his body turned purple.

Transformation complete, the belt began to speak. "Vice-like fangs and an impenetrable hide, crushing anything in its way."

The Mimic stared at this new form, clearly shocked by the sudden transformation. And as it watched him, Morphic pointed at the monster. "Prepare to feel the full force of my justice." With that, Morphic rushed forward and the Mimic began to panic.

It thrust its stinger towards him, launching a bunch of energy spines at the Rider. But Morphic responded by raising his left arm.

The stingers bounced off his iron tough armor and didn't even leave a scratch, shocking the Mimic before Morphic charged forward. Before the Wasp could come up with a plan, the Rider swung his tail blade around. As he did, the spikes on the side started moving. This transformed the blade into a large chainsaw, which Morphic used to cut into the insect.

It cried, staggering back in pain. It quickly realised it couldn't win this fight and spread its wings.

But as it leapt into the air, the crocodile head on Morphic's arm glowed before he thrust it forward. Doing so caused the light to fly off before it morphed into an energy construct, mimicking the crocodile's head. This construct was connected to Morphic's armor by an energy chain and as the construct reached The Wasp, it bit onto the creature's leg.

The Mimic screamed, as the real crocodile head closed and held the chain.

"You're not going anywhere!" Morphic used all his strength to pull the Mimic down and the creature cried out, being pulled back towards Morphic as the Rider's arm blade began to move again and he slashed at The Wasp.

As the Mimic fell to the ground, Morphic continued fighting against it. He kept slashing at the creature, whilst occasionally kicking it with his iron hard boots. The Wasp didn't like this and tried to stab him with its stinger. But he used the crocodile head to bite on the stinger and with a single twist, snapped the weapon off it.

The Wasp cried, its precious stinger being destroyed.

Back with Shifter, he continued to fly around trying to fight off Gule.

The green insect Mimic flew after him and attacked with his claws, Shifter pulling himself back from getting slashed. But when he tried to deal a kick to Gule's face, the Mimic General dodged the attack and unleashed a blinding light. "Augh!" This forced Shifter back, as he landed on a roller coaster track. "Ahhh!" He blinked, his eyes still a little fuzzy from the bright light. "I really need a way to deal serious damage in this form."

Gule dived down, attempting to slash at Shifter. But at the last moment, Shifter leapt into the air.

He dove down and as he did, he pulled out another Mimicore and activated it. "STRIKE!" He landed and replaced the Mimicores, Gule flying down towards him.

"Shape Shift!" He slammed the draw shut, his armor beginning to melt as Gule attacked.

"MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" As Gule got in close, the armor reshaped and solidified. Shifter then acted fast, unleashing a blast of light of his own. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!" The light blinded Gule, allowing Shifter to run up and start fighting against him.

He managed to deal several hits to Gule's chest before he staggered back, both fighters unleashing blinding light from the bulbs on their body. This light made it impossible for them to see each other too well, so barely any of their attacks landed.

At one point, Gule landed a strike on his body. But in doing so, he and Shifter felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity again. "What are you?" Gule asked, wanting to know why he kept thinking he knew him.

"I want to ask you the same thing," Flash groaned. He grabbed Gule's arm and hit the side of his belt.


Before Gule could pull himself away, energy flew into Shifter's leg and he swung it up with all his strength. With a single powerful stomp, he slammed his foot into Gule's chest and sent him flying back with a cry of pain.

He crashed through part of the roller coaster, crying out as parts began to fall on him.

Shifter panted as he stared at the pile of wood and metal, which was quickly thrown away as Gule pulled himself out. The Mimic's body was covered in burns and cuts, making Shifter smirk. "You'll pay for this," Gule growled. "I don't know what you are, but it won't stop me from destroying you." With that, he leapt into the air and flew away.

Shifter prepared to chase after him, but then remembered Shining. "Hang on!" He told his partner, as he ran through the theme park. But as he did, he heard several explosions coming from that direction. "What's going on?"

Back with Morphic, The Wasp's destroyed stinger meant it couldn't do a thing against him.

"Raaah!" Morphic performed a triple slash at the Mimic, damaging it and causing the beast to stagger back. He then thrust his crocodile head forwards and the energy construct shot out, biting upon the Mimic before Morphic pulled on the chain.

The Mimic was thrown upwards into the air, Morphic then pulling down on the chain and causing it to go flying over him before crashing into the ground. Doing caused several small explosions to occur on the Mimic, causing it to scream in pain.

As The Wasp was recovering, Morphic stepped forward and slammed the side of his Driver.


The weapons on Morphic's arms began to glow, as Morphic pulled his left arm back. Then, as the Wasp picked itself up, Morphic thrust the arm forward and the light went flying off it. Said light then morphed into the giant end of a crocodile, its mouth wide open as it scooped the monster into it.

The Wasp roared in pain, as every bite from the beast sent energy flowing into its body and caused mini explosions to rock its form.

Eventually, the energy crocodile threw the Wasp up out of its mouth. And as it did, Morphic leapt up and flew through the construct. Doing so caused him to absorb the light into his armor and it all flowed into his tail saw, which started moving again. And as the Wasp began to fall towards him, he swung the sword around and slashed at the Mimic.

The Wasp roared, as Morphic flew past it and fell back towards the ground. As he landed, the Wasp exploded in midair and Morphic stood with his back towards the monster.

As the flames disappeared, Shifter arrived and spotted his fellow Rider. "Shining?" Morphic turned to him, as they saw the Wasp monster was gone. "You...you transformed."

"Flash." Morphic looked around and after seeing nobody was around, he removed the Mimicore from the Driver. "What's going on?" He asked, changing back to human. "The last thing I remember, we were fighting in the middle of town. Now...I'm here and Cadance-CADANCE!" He rushed over to her, Shifter changing back to human as well.

He knelt beside her and held her close. "Shining. You really don't remember the last few days?"

"No," Shining shook his head, "why?"

"You had amnesia. You couldn't remember anything. Who you were, who your loved ones were and even that you were a Kamen Rider." Shining looked shocked by this. "Cadance brought you here to try and get your memory back. I guess it worked."

"Maybe. I just remember waking up here and getting attacked." They heard a moan and looked down, Cadance appearing to be coming around. "You'd better get out of here. Don't want her asking questions about you."

Flash nodded and was about to run off. But before he did, he remembered something. "Listen. Your family thinks you got injured rescuing me from the Mimics. So if they ask you what the last thing you remember is, tell them it's saving me from the Wasp and hearing a loud explosion." Shining nodded and Flash ran off, whilst Cadance opened her eyes.

She looked around and found Shining, staring down at her with a big smile. "Hey, sleeping beauty." Cadance stared up at him, the name he called her being something she knew all too well.

"I never told you that was a nickname you gave me."

Shining smiled before looking serious. "Cadance. What are we doing here?" Cadance gave him a curious look. "The last thing I remember, I was saving a kid from The Mimics before some loud boom filled the air." Cadance's eyes went wide. "The next thing I know, I'm in the middle of a theme park and you're on the ground."

"You...you remember?" Shining nodded, as Cadance gasped. She pulled him in for a hug and Shining held her, the woman sounding like she was about to cry. "Thank goodness. I was worried you might never remember."

"I don't remember," Shining replied. "Like I said, the last thing I remember is helping that kid. Then, I'm suddenly here and getting attacked by the same Mimic. Morphic showed up and saved us, but I'm still drawing a blank about what's going on."

Cadance pulled away from him. "So you don't remember anything about the last few days?"

"Last few days?" Shining asked. "How long was I out?"

"Not out. You lost your memories. But now you've got them back."

"But I lost my memory of losing my memory," Shining frowned. "This is really confusing." As he said that, they both heard sirens and Shining helped Cadance to her feet. "Come on. We should make sure you didn't get too hurt from...whatever the heck happened." Cadance nodded and they began to make their way out of the theme park, holding one another rightly as they did so.

Cadance smiled at him. "I'm really glad you're back."

"Glad to be back. Just wish I could remember what the heck happened the last few days."

"We did have a lot of fun," Cadance smiled. "We did everything you loved. Your favourite foods, favourite movies, favourite places. All of it."

"Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"Just trying to give you a reason to remember," Cadance laughed. They continued to hug one another, happy to be in each other's presence. All the while, wondering what had happened. How had Shining regained his memories and why did it make him lose his more recent ones. There had to be a reason.

In the Mimic's base, Gule was once again getting healed up.

Maya and Frill frowned, as they had learned Morphic had returned. "It seems he got his memory back. And now, he's stronger than ever." Maya turned to Gule, "you should have taken him out before he remembered who he was.

"I tried. But Shifter got in the way. I'm guessing he was keeping an eye on his partner, in case we did something like that."

"We may have failed to destroy Morphic," Frill stated. "But we now know who he and Shifter are. And that means we have the advantage." He turned to his cohorts. "We should change tactics. Instead of trying to destroy the Riders physically, we should destroy them mentally and emotionally."

"How?" Gule asked.

"How else? The Riders have people they care about. Friends and family. They will be our way in. Take away their emotional support and eventually, they won't be able to find the will to keep fighting. That's when we dive in for the attack." Maya and Gule smiled, liking this plan. They would find the Rider's weaknesses and use them against them. And when they did, the Kamen Riders would regret ever messing with them.

Episode 8 Enemy Strikes Next

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In the city of Canterlot, everyone was enjoying a brief reprieve from the Mimic attacks.

They hadn't shown up since the attack on the theme park and a few people hoped that meant they were gone for good, but others knew lowering their guard was a bad idea. They knew the Mimics would show up again and they would be ready when they did.

But despite the lack of action, the Kamen Riders had not been idle.

Flash Sentry was at the mall, the teen needing to recharge after the last few days. Ever since Shining had gotten his memory back, he had wanted the pair to be ready for any more powerful Mimics. As such, the pair had spent almost all their free time practising in places they wouldn't be seen.

Junkyards, forest, rooftops. Anywhere they could go all out without drawing attention to themselves.

They had been working to perfect their skills with all their different Rider Forms. And whilst they trained, Shining had realised a minor error with two of Flash's forms.

The previous day.

Atop a roof, Blade Form Shifter and Rush Form Morphic were battling it out. The two flew towards one another at high speed, their claws and blades clashing against one another. Shifter slashed at Morphic, but the Coyote Rider ducked under his attack and tried to claw upwards at him.

Shifter responded by blocking with his sword, as he kicked Morphic backwards.

The two slid to a stop and as they did, they both took out new Mimicores and activated them.


They quickly replaced their Mimicores and charged, slamming the draws shut. "Shape Shift/Mega Morph!" They yelled, as their armor began to change shape and colour.



Shifter unleashed a brilliant flash of light, which hit Morphic and forced him to look away. This allowed the orange Rider to leap forward and deal a kick to him, only for Morphic to block with his armored gauntlet before pushing Shifter back.

He then summoned his Blitz Blaster and started firing, Shifter doing his best to avoid the shots and get in close. But Morphic was able to keep him at bay with his blaster until Shifter was all the way on the other side of the roof. Morphic then fired at him again, forcing Shifter to leap away and roll along the ground.

This allowed Morphic to rush forward and deal a strong kick right to Shifter's side. "AUGH!" Shifter hit the ground and Morphic pointed his blaster at him, only for Shifter to illuminate the lights on his suit again.

"Ahhh!" Morphic staggered back, as Shifter got up and took out another Mimicore.


He quickly replaced the Mimicore and struck a pose, as Morphic's eyes recovered. "Shape Shift!" Once again, he slammed the draw closed before his armor transformed.

"MIMIC! HEDGEHOG!" As the armor solidified, Shifter fired a bunch of spines towards Morphic. But Morphic responded by shooting his blaster, the two cancelling one another's long range attack out before charging forward.

They started throwing punches and kicks at one another, which the other managed to dodge or deflect. And whenever they got the chance, they fired their projectiles at the other in an attempt to knock them back. But the two appeared rather evenly matched.

Shifter swung his leg up, the Spikes covering his legs extending in an attempt to stab Morphic. But once again, the beetle Rider used the armor on his suit to block the spikes and push him away. As he did, the pair took out new Mimicores and activated them.


They replaced their Mimicores and as the two slammed a fist into the other, knocking their opponent back, they slammed the draws shut. "Shape Shift/Mega Morph!" As they flew backwards, their armor once again changed shape and colour.



Shifter quickly spread his wings and took to the air, whilst Morphic stood his ground before thrusting his crocodile head forward. This caused the energy construct of the head to shoot up towards Shifter, who barely managed to avoid it before diving down towards him.

Shifter swung his leg around, aiming to kick Morphic. But the purple Rider swung his tail arm around as the chainsaw-like teeth started moving.

"WOW!" He pulled his leg back at the last moment, flying over Morphic and landing behind checking to make sure he wasn't missing part of his foot. "Are you insane?"

"Don't be such a baby," Morphic rushed forward and swung the tail blade around, Shifter crying out as he did his best to avoid the attacks. He took to the air and tried to fight back, but nothing he did allowed him to even get close to Morphic. And when he did get a hit in, he did nothing against the crocodile armor.

Shifter landed and took out his Blade Mimicore. About to activate it. But before he could, Morphic held up a hand.

"That's enough!" Shifter stopped before he could press the button. "Good. You're getting better and learning to incorporate the move I taught you." Shifter nodded, as the pair removed their Mimicores and changed back to human. "But I have noticed a problem."

"What is it? Am I doing something wrong?"

"No. The problem's mostly with your gear. Strike and Flight Forms." Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "They're strong and have a lot of perks. But they also have some problems. Mostly in their fighting options. Blade Form gives you blades and Pierce Form gives you projectiles. But the other two don't give you anything to really fight with."

"That's not true. I can fly in Flight Form."

"Yes, but it's got nothing that helps you take advantage of that. You can fly in the air and create wind, but nothing that can really damage an opponent. It and Strike Form force you to use hand to hand combat. And that's okay against some Mimics, but others won't be beaten so easily."

Flash frowned, letting this info sink in. "So you think they're not strong enough?"

"All I'm saying is that these forms have their limits. There's still a lot we don't know about these Mimics. What if they're able to mimic more than one animal? Flight Form was able to beat the Hawk Mimic. But what if one day, a Mimic appears that can combine the powers of a Hawk with the Electric Eel Mimic we fought? Pierce Form doesn't have an unlimited range. It could fly up further than you can shoot and give off blasts of lightning. Then what?"

"I get it," Flash nodded. "I'd be forced to use Flight Mode and wouldn't be able to touch it."

"Exactly. I'm not saying you were wrong to pick the Owl. And you didn't pick the Lightning Bug. But we need to find a way to help you sure up those weaknesses. If we don't, it's only a matter of time before a Mimic shows up that can exploit them.

As Flash made his way through the mall, he thought about this issue and wondered what he could do about it. It wasn't like he could go to whoever that cloaked guy was and ask for an upgrade.

"Muffins. Get your muffin coupons here!" Flash was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice, making him look around and see someone that made him smirk.

Derpy Hooves, who was currently wearing a pink and white shirt, a blue skirt and a hat on her head shaped like a muffin. She was carrying a large stack of flyers handing them out to anyone who passed her by.

Flash stepped up to her and when she saw him, she smiled. "Flash!" She rushed up to him. "Want a coupon for fifty percent off any muffin of your choice?" Flash took the flyer and saw it was for a new muffin kiosk at the mall. At the bottom was a coupon for the place.

"Are you working here?"

"Yup. I'm just handing out flyers at the moment. But if I do a good job, they might let me bake and sell the muffins. Talk about a dream job."

"Nice. You always did enjoy a nice coconut and blueberry muffin." Flash gave her a curious look. "Just be careful. I'd hate for you to lose your job, just because you got overexcited and did something that would get the owner mad at you."

"I'll be fine," Derpy assured him. "You just focus on enjoying your muffin." With that, she ran off to hand out more of the flyers. Flash watched her leave as he headed in the direction of this kiosk. Only to hear another familiar voice.

"Flash!" He spun around and was greeted to the sight of Twilight and Timber, the two heading over to him and smiling as they approached.

"Hey, man." Timber smirked, as he looked around and spotted Derpy a ways off. "Who's the blonde? Girlfriend of yours?" Flash's eyes widened in shock, only to then burst out laughing. "What? I say something funny."

"No," Flash shook his head. "Just...imagining me and Derpy together." He laughed, needing to take several deep breaths to stop himself from making a scene.

"What's funny about that?" Timber looked Derpy over. "She's cute..." Derpy suddenly fell over and sent flyers soaring all over the place. "In a clumsy airhead kind of way."

"I know she's cute. But there's no way the two of us could ever be a couple. It'd be like dating my sister." Timber looked confused, turning to Twilight who seemed just as perplexed. "Derpy and I live on the same street. We grew up together. Heck, our families went on vacation together a few times. We might not hang out as much as we used to, but we're still close."

"I get it," Twilight nodded. "And I don't know about you two being together being impossible. I've heard of childhood friends who ended up getting together. sometimes, those are the best kinds of relationships."

"Maybe. But that's not me and Derpy. Like I said, she's more like a sister than anything else."

"I see," Timber raised an eyebrow at this. Flash and Twilight continued to talk for another few minutes, whilst Timber's attention remained on Derpy as she finished picking up the flyers. Slowly, a smirk appeared on his lips. one that would worry Flash and Twilight if they had noticed it.

He managed to stop said smirk before they turned to him, Flash saying goodbye and heading off to the muffin kiosk whilst Twilight turned her attention back to him. "So, you ready? The movie's probably gonna start soon. We should hurry if we wanna catch it in time."

"Yeah," Timber nodded. "Let's go." But his attention wasn't on the movie. It was on the girl that was clearly important to Flash. One he would have a hard time fighting against if he was forced to. The perfect target.

That night, Timber returned to the Mimic base and reverted back to Gule-Far-Tar.

As Gule stepped into the room, he spotted Maya and Frill standing around a table. On said table, a jar of the strange orange and brown slime could be seen. and above the jar was a device of some kind. It was suspended over the table by metal arms, which were bolted to the sides of the table. The device was a cube-like machine, with a satellite dish on the bottom.

Said satellite was unleashing a strange energy, which flew into the jar and electrified the slime inside.

That slime was dancing around inside of the jar, clearly being affected by the energy that was hitting it. Maya and Frill seemed pleased by this, as Maya reached up and deactivated the machine.

The energy stopped and the slime continued to move, though not in the same wild way it had before. "Perfect," Frill stated. "It's ready."

"Good," Gule stated. "Because I've found the perfect human to use it on." The two turned to him. "You want to use the Riders' loved ones against them. Well I know someone that Shifter's very close to."

"A girlfriend?" Maya asked.

"No. But I think he cares for her the same way one would care for a lover or a family member. There's no way he'll be able to battle it."

"Very well." Frill picked up the jar and headed over to a door, Maya stepping ahead and opening it up to allow him inside. There, they found a bunch of different animals. They were all trapped inside amber cocoons, looking horrified, angry or scared.

There were tigers, bears, zebras, several times of fish and a whole bunch of different birds and insects.

Frill placed the jar on the ground and carefully emptied the slime onto it. "Go. Find something that's to your liking." They watched, as the puddle of slime slowly made its way across the room.

First, it moved over to a cocooned snake. It pushed its body up against the cocoon, as if merging with it. But then it pulled away, moving over to one of the insects. It repeated what it had done before, but nothing happened. It then moved to another and another.

Gule growled. "What's taking so long?"

"Patience," Maya stated. "I seem to remember you and your brother took a while to choose your forms." Gule said nothing in response, only for a banging sound to come from another door off to the side.

"Quiet down in there!" Gule yelled, moving over to pound his fist into the door. "We don't actually need you fools anymore. So be grateful we're choosing to keep you around. Any more noise and we'll make you regret it." The banging stopped and Gule nodded. "That's more like it." He turned back to the glob of slime, which finally seemed to find something it liked.

It was a small cocoon with a white bird inside of it, which the blob of slime merged with and stayed connected for several moments. Then, the slime flew off the top and grew larger in size.

It arched around and touched the ground, where it started taking shape and form. When it finally disconnected from the cocoon, it completely formed a humanoid shape and completed its transformation.

The Mimic Generals stared at the creature and smiled, liking what they were looking at. Especially Frill.

"Excellent." He turned towards Gule. "Now. Tell me everything you know about this girl Shifter cares about." Gule nodded, a smirk on his lips as he thought about how much pain and suffering Shifter was going to be in. He couldn't wait to see the look of horror on his face, hoping he wouldn't be wearing his mask when it happened.

The next day

School had ended and Flash found himself in his after school chemistry club. He enjoyed being in the club, but also knew he should be out on the street preparing for the next Mimic attack. But Shining had told him they needed to act like they weren't Kamen Riders, so needed to keep up appearances of being normal people who did normal things. And for Flash, that meant doing his extracurricular studies.

"Okay," Flash and Derpy were working on something together. "Carefully hand me the benzoic acid. Carefully."

Derpy frowned, as she picked up the glass jar with the chemical inside. "I'm not completely useless, you know." She walked over to him, but accidentally kicked a stool that happened to be sticking out from under the table. This caused her to lose her balance for a moment, Twilight and Rarity getting ready to act if she dropped the jar. But at the last moment, she managed to regain her footing and stood up. "See. I got this."

The others sighed in relief, as Derpy stepped forwards and handed Flash the jar.

"I'm not saying you're useless," he told her. "But everyone has some kind of weakness. You wouldn't call Twilight useless, just because she can't see without her glasses."

Twilight, clearly not phased by Flash using her need for spectacles as an example, agreed. "Nobody's perfect. And it's the imperfections that matter. Heck, the universe wouldn't even exist without imperfection."

"She's right," Rarity nodded. "So what if you're a little clumsy. You were able to save yourself just then."

"Maybe," Derpy frowned. "But don't think I don't notice what people say about me. That I'm the clumsy girl who trips over her own feet. I do try and be careful. It's just, sometimes things happen around me and I lose focus." The others frowned, knowing Derpy clearly didn't want to be seen as the clumsy girl with weird eyes. They all knew there was way more to her than that.

They were about to say something, but didn't get the chance. As in that moment, Flash sensed something. Something coming in fast.

"GET DOWN!" He tackled Derpy and a second later, the windows shattered and something flew into the room. It was actually two things. A pair of avian Mimics.

One was a vulture, that looked rather old with its terrible posture and crooked neck.

The other reminded Flash of the Hawk Mimic, only it was much more feminine with an hour glass figure and white feathers. Her head reminded Flash of a dove and instead of claws on her hands, they appeared to be a normal pair of hands.

Frill looked around and then stared down at the ground, smiling towards Flash and Derpy. "Ahh, there you are." Flash quickly got up and pulled Derpy to her feet, as the birds landed atop the tables. "Don't struggle. This won't hurt a bit."

"Who are you?" Flash asked, realising this Mimic wasn't like the others.

"Frill-Nar-Ron," he announced. "General of the Mimic Army." They let this information sink in, shocked to meet yet another Mimic General. "And now, you will give us what we want." Frill stared towards Flash and Derpy, Flash getting the feeling he knew what the General was after.

'Did he figure out who I am? How?' Before he could say anything, a wall of diamonds appeared between them and the Mimics.

The avian creatures were shocked by this, as Flash turned to Rarity. The girl and Twilight had removed their science clothing and transformed into their ponied up forms. "Get out of here!" Twilight told them. "Rarity and I will handle them."

Flash nodded and grabbed Derpy's arm, pulling her towards the exit as Frill and The Dove attacked the crystal wall.

The teens managed to escape, both throwing their lab gear away whilst Twilight used her magic to lift a bunch of chemicals off the tables. "I'm usually one for lab safety. But I'll make an exception today." She threw the chemicals towards them, as Rarity dropped her barrier.

As she did, the chemicals smashed together in front of the Mimics and a small explosion occurred.

The Mimics screamed, staggering back as the girls shielded themselves behind one of the tables. Twilight tried to find something to use, hoping to tie the Mimics up. But nothing was in sight.

As the smoke began to die down, Frill and The Dove staggered back and looked towards the window. "Go," Frill told The Dove. "I'll handle these girls." The Dove nodded and spread her wings, leaping through the window and taking off.

"NO!" Rarity tried to block the windows with her diamonds, but The Dove managed to fly through it before she could.

"We have to stop it!" Twilight cried, only for Frill to spread his wings instead.

"I'm afraid you'll be a bit too busy with me." Before either girl could say anything, he swung his wings around and sent a bunch of feathers flying towards them. The girls could barely react in time and dodged, the feathers stabbing into the wall beside them.

When Frill fired again, Rarity managed to put up a wall and shield them. Twilight then grabbed some more chemicals from a nearby storage cupboard and threw them towards the Mimic, who fired feathers at the containers and shattered them before they could touch him.

But this allowed Rarity to throw her gems towards him, the Mimic only able to raise his arms to defend himself. "Augh!" He staggered back, as he realised this room had way too much to their advantage. If he wanted to turn the tables, he had to get them out of there. But that was easier said than done.

As he was thinking that, Twilight grabbed a nearby bunsen burner in her magic and moved it towards him. The Mimic saw this coming and jumped back, throwing one of his feathers at the pipe connecting it to the gas mains.

The girls gasped at this, as the gas began to fill the room.

Frill then leapt through the window and fired another feather, attempting to cause a spark and make the entire room explode. But before it could cause the spark, Rarity put a shield around the gas main and hose. This blocked the feather as it hit something and caused the spark. But with nothing too light, it simply sparked with no after effect.

Twilight quickly ran over and switched off the gas, she and Rarity turning to Frill as the Vulture stared at them from outside. This Mimic was fighting dirty and they knew that the longer they wasted time fighting him, the more chance the other Mimic would get what it was after. Whatever that was.

As soon as Flash and Derpy were out of the building, they ran for the car park.

They quickly got into Flash's car, as The Dove Mimic appeared in the sky. "There it is!" Derpy cried, seeing the winged creature flying towards them. Flash quickly put his car into gear and floored it, the vehicles shooting out of the car park and down the street.

The Mimic gave chase, soaring after them and quickly picking up speed. Flash tried to lose it by turning a corner, but she was as agile as she was fast.

Derpy continued to watch it follow them, fear ever present on her face. "Why is it following us?"

"It's after something," Flash told her. "Me." Derpy looked confused by this, but quickly found herself forgetting about it as something shot down in front of them.

"WOW!" She cried, as Flash swerved around it. She glanced out the window and saw it was a bunch of sharp feathers, impaled into the road. Had Flash not dodged them, his tires would have burst.

Derpy looked out the window and saw the Mimic, continuing to chase them. Only now, she was plucking feathers out of her wings and throwing them at the car.

One slammed into the roof and ripped right through it, embedding itself into the back seat. "This thing can throw feather darts?"

Flash nodded. "It's always something like that with these things." Flash checked his mirror and saw The Dove was about to throw a bunch more of them. At the last minute, he swung his car around and rolled down another street. The feathers barely missed the car and as they raced away, Flash found himself entering a busier part of the town. "Come on. I really don't need rush hour traffic right now."

Derpy checked the mirrors and the Mimic was still coming, as Flash swerved around the many different cars.

Car horns were blaring, as Flash went onto the wrong side of the road. Derpy hoped nobody would catch him on camera. The last thing Flash needed was a ticket.

They turned out of the busy street and as they raced away, The Dove began to pick up speed.

It dived down towards them and as it did, it pulled something out of nowhere. A pair of fans styled after a bird's tail feathers. And as it dived down towards Flash's car, it started spinning with the fans held outwards.

What happened next was so fast, Flash and Derpy could barely register it. There was a bright flash of light and a horrible chalkboard sound, causing them both to flinch. And when the light and sound ended, something didn't feel right with the car.

Moments later, the machine broke apart down the middle. The two halves continued to roll along for a moment as they moved apart, but they eventually lost balance and the sides slammed down onto the ground.

As the metal sparked along the road, the teens inside screamed and held onto the doors. Eventually, the two halves came to a stop and smoke was coming off the metal that had skidded along the ground. They realised they weren't safe and quickly got out, Flash looking at his destroyed car in horror.

"No way." His precious ride had been completely destroyed. "My insurance doesn't cover Mimic attacks." He looked ready to start crying, but his horror quickly turned to anger. "Oh, it's on, Mimic!" He looked up at the monster, which had landed a ways away and was now walking towards them. "Derpy. Get out of here. I'll hold it off."

"You can't fight that thing!" Derpy cried, but Flash gave her a look that told her to do what he said. "Be careful." She began to run and Flash turned back to the Mimic, his Driver appearing around his waist. He just had to wait for Derpy to leave, then he could transform and beat this thing.

But before he could, the Mimic spread her wings and started beating them. Doing so created a powerful wind, which slammed into Flash and made him cry out. "Augh!" He pushed himself forward, but the wind was just too powerful. And before Flash could think to transform, he was finally thrown backwards through the air.

"FLASH!" Derpy cried, as she watched him slam into a nearby building. He fell to the ground and went still, Derpy fearing something bad had happened.

But before she could run to his side, The Dove Mimic leapt into the air. She gasped, as it turned to her and began to charge.

Flash moaned, pushing himself up and hearing Derpy's scream. Looking around, he was shocked to see the Mimic wasn't going after him. "It wants Derpy?" He hadn't been expecting that. "Why would it want Derpy?" But he quickly shook his head, as he realised Derpy was in danger.

He stood up and took out his Mimicore. "STRIKE!"

Back with Twilight and Rarity, the pair continued to stare at Frill through the window.

Twilight had sent a text to the rest of their friends, hoping they could help them defeat this monster. But before she or Rarity could try and attack again, the Vulture turned away.

"Get back here!" Twilight called out, as the Mimic flew away. She spread her wings and flew out of the window, whilst Rarity created a diamond ramp she could use to get through it. Twilight watched Frill take to the air and grabbed several items off the ground, pulling them up with her. "You're not getting away."

Frill looked around and saw her throw the objects in his direction, but the Mimic managed to dodge them and launch several feathers in her direction. Twilight dodged them as best she could, but one managed to hit her in her wing.

"Augh!" She cried, as Frill dived down. Before she could respond, he slammed his foot into her chest and she was knocked falling towards the ground.

She screamed, as she was unable to stop her descent and kept picking up speed. She could only brace herself, expecting this to really hurt. But before she hit the ground, something caught her.

"Gotcha!" She looked around and saw Rainbow, having ponied up and flew into the air to catch her. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "thanks for the save." Rainbow helped her towards the ground, where the rest of the Rainbooms were waiting. As they landed, they spotted Frill as he flew away. "He must be going after Flash and Derpy."

"Why'd he be after those two?" Sunset asked, as Twilight frowned.

"I don't know. But Frill was focusing on them when they told them to come quietly. And another Mimic went after them when they escaped."

"I don't like the sound of that," Sunset frowned. Rainbow then spread her wings.

"I'll get him before he finds them!" She took off, only to be stopped when Applejack grabbed her by the leg.

"Hold ya'h horses, sugarcube." Rainbow frowned and stopped. "A'h get ya'h wanna help em, but remember what's happened every time we tussle with a Mimic. Even when it's the seven of us, we don't stand a chance. Only da'h Kamen Riders have a chance against those things."

"So what?" Rainbow asked. "We're just supposed to sit around and let someone else protect our friends?"

"We need to help them," Pinkie cried.

"But we can't do anything stupid," Sunset stated. "We'll find Flash and Derpy. But we'll do it together. Then we'll protect them together. Hopefully, Shifter or Morphic's already found them and are dealing with the Mimic right now." She took out her phone and tried to call Flash, but it wouldn't go through. "What?"

Pinkie took out her phone and tried Derpy, getting her the first time. "Derpy. Are you alright?"

"I'm being attacked by an overgrown pigeon!" Derpy cried, as the Dove continued to chase after her. "So I've had better days."

She turned a corner, as Pinkie's phone appeared to be switched to speaker phone. "Where's Flash? He's not picking up his phone." Hearing that made Derpy flinch.

"He tried to protect me, but he got hurt. I don't know what happened to him." Suddenly, a feather impaled the wall beside her and she screamed. She looked up and saw the Dove Mimic, as it got closer and closer to her. "I can't escape. How are you supposed to get away from something that can fly?"

The bird Mimic let out several avian noises, as it prepared to strike.

But before it could, an engine filled the air and they looked around to see something flying towards them. Shifter, on his bike. The Kamen Rider accelerated and before either of them could do anything, he shot past the Dove and grabbed Derpy.

She cried out, as she was lifted into the air and thrown onto the back of Shifter's bike. She managed to grab only his waist, holding on tight as the Rider zoomed away at incredible speed. "You okay?" He asked, Derpy nodding. "Any idea why this Mimic's after you?"

"I don't know," Derpy cried. "But it hurt my friend. You have to stop it before it hurts anyone else."

"Right now, I'm focusing on keeping you from getting hurt." The Dove chased after them and despite the incredible speed the bike was moving at, The Mimic managed to stay close to them. It threw several feather blades towards them, but Shifter managed to swerve out of the way and they missed.

"Can't you outrun it?" Derpy asked, as Shifter accelerated further.

"I'm not sure. But I bet I can outlast it. It'll tire eventually and when it does, we can escape." But as he said that, something suddenly shot down and covered the entire road in front of them. "WOW!" Shifter tried to stop, but couldn't in time and his front tyre hit the white sticky stuff.

The pair were thrown off the bike and sent flying, Shifter barely managing to put his arms around Derpy and protect her before they hit the ground. "AUGH!" They skidded against the pavement until they came to a stop, Shifter letting out a moan as Derpy rolled off of him.

"Are you okay?" Shifter pushed himself up and turned his attention to the roof of a nearby building, where he spotted two figures standing there waiting for them.

"Great. It's them."

Gule-Far-Tar and Maya-Vala-Uru were staring down at them before leaping off the roof, Gule flying down whilst Maya used a web to swing to the ground. Shifter turned to his bike and saw it was still stuck to the pavement, meaning he wasn't going to get away on it.

The Dove then landed, the three Mimics moving towards them. "What do we do?" Derpy asked.

"Just stay behind me," Shifter stated. "I'll keep you safe."

"Will you now?" Shifter looked around and saw Frill, who flew down and landed behind them. Now they were surrounded, with the other three Mimics spreading out to circle around them. "Well isn't this a fine mess. Shifter, all on his own. Where's your friend?"

Shifter was wondering the same thing. He had texted Shining before transforming, but it could take a while before he found them. That meant Shifter had to hold them off on his own.

Maya was the first to attack, firing several web lines in his direction. "WOW!" Shifter managed to dodge them, pulling Derpy around as he did so. But Gule then shot forward and slashed at Shifter, who barely managed to pull Derpy away before dealing a kick to the Mimic's chest.

Gule dodged it and jumped back, as Frill flew forward and tried to claw at Shifter. The Kamen Rider leapt to the side and pulled Derpy around with him, Derpy crying out as he did so. Then, Maya fired a web and hit him in the chest.

"Gyah!" He was pulled away from Derpy and thrown around the street, crashing into a nearby wall and falling to the ground. "Augh!"

Derpy gasped, as The Dove moved towards her. "Stay back!" She cried, but the creature didn't respond and got closer. But as it did, Shifter pushed himself up and took out his Mimicore.


Shifter quickly replaced the Mimicores, as Gule charged towards him. "Shape Shift!" He slammed the draw shut and the lights on his belt changed colour, whilst it began to speak up.

"MIMIC! HEDGEHOG!" His armor began to melt and change colour, reshaping itself as his eyes and the lines on his suit changed colour. Eventually, the armor settled and the belt spoke out. "Defending all with a shield of spines, impaling all that try to do harm!"

Shifter quickly launched a bunch of spines towards Gule, forcing him to leap back to avoid them.

Frill launched several feather darts at Shifter, but the now green and black Rider fired his spikes and they cancelled each other out. This allowed Shifter to run to Derpy, who once again found herself getting approached by the Dove Mimic.

He was about to fire a bunch of spikes towards the avian Mimic, but Maya acted first and fired a web line that struck his wrist. This pulled him away and allowed Gule to get in close and unleash a blast of light, blinding Shifter. Frill then flew up and grabbed him by the shoulders, lifting him up before diving down and slamming him into the ground.

Shifter roared, crashing into the road and skidding through it before he could react.

He moaned, laying on the ground feeling rather beat up. But he couldn't let himself be stopped. He had to save Derpy.

The girl found herself trapped against a wall, as The Dove moved closer to her. "Why are you after me? What could you possibly want?"

"Everything," Frill replied. "She wants everything from you. And you're going to give it to her." Derpy continued to panic, as The Dove prepared to do something.

But before she could, a cupcake slammed into its head and exploded. The creature squawked in pain, as it staggered away and left Derpy unharmed. And before she could try to run, a blue blur shot past and grabbed her. The next thing she knew, she was being pulled away from the Mimic whilst several more cupcakes were thrown at the monsters.

Shifter picked himself up and when he looked over, he saw Derpy was now standing next to the Rainbooms.

"You okay?" Sunset asked, with Derpy nodding as the girls turned to the monsters. "We won't let you touch her. I don't know why you're after her, but you're not getting her!" The other girls nodded, as the Mimics growled.

"You think you can stop us?" Gule asked, as Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow stepped forward. "Your magical abilities are impressive, but they don't hold a candle to our power."

"Maybe," Shifter picked himself up. "But they'll distract you long enough for me to take you down. And Morphic's on his way." He fired several spines towards The Mimics, but they all managed to dodge them.

As they did, the Rainbooms charged into battle. Rainbow used her super speed and shot towards Frill, flying at him at high speed and swinging her leg around to hit him. The Vulture braced his arms and was knocked back, whilst Applejack ran towards Maya.

The Spider Mimic fired several webs at her, but Rarity used her shields to block them whilst Applejack grabbed a lamp post and ripped it out of the ground. She then swung it around and tried to slam it into Maya, but she was able to leap over it and webbed the metal pole to the ground.

At the same time, Twilight was throwing whatever she could get her hands on at Gule. The Mimic General dodged them all and unleashed a bright light, making Twilight flinch and stagger back. Gule tried to capitalise on it and slashed at her, but Pinkie jumped in front of her wearing shades.

She threw an entire tub of sprinkles at Gule, which exploded right in front of him and made the Mimic stagger back. As he did, he tried to blind Pinkie but her shades were protecting her. "Nice try!" She took out a lollipop and as it started glowing, she threw it at Gule.

He tried to bat it away, but the lollipop struck to the back of his hand. "Huh?" He turned to the sweet and it exploded, making him roar as he staggered back.

Meanwhile, Shifter was able to focus on the Dove Mimic and fired several spikes at it. The avian replied by firing its feather darts, which bounced off the spikes and caused them both to rain down on Shifter. "Augh!" He was forced to avoid them, until they were caught by a purple light and stopped from falling.

Shifter turned to Twilight and she nodded before throwing the feather and spikes back towards the Mimic, who managed to avoid them but was forced to fly higher.

The other Mimics saw this and weren't happy, each nodding at one another with Maya firing a web line at Pinkie. It struck her glasses and pulled them off, as Gule unleashed the brightest blast of light he could create.

The only ones who weren't blinded were Shifter and the other Mimics, whilst Derpy and the Rainbooms cried out as they staggered around. Maya then fired a blast of webbing at the ground, right where Rainbow landed after losing her sight.

Rainbow felt her shoe hit the web and was trapped, the girl attempting to pull herself free with little luck. Applejack started throwing blind bunches at the Mimics, but all she ended up hitting was the side of a building. The large crack that resulted, made everyone feel a little uneasy.

Shifter tried to best to fight against the Mimics, launching his spikes towards them with little success. Frill flew down and dodged his attacks, eventually tackling him to the ground with his feet. "Augh!" He cried, which caused the spikes on his armor to extend.

The Mimic General flinched as he pulled himself off of Shifter, flying into the air. But this had allowed the Dove Mimic to fly down towards Derpy, Fluttershy and Sunset. "Stay away!" Sunset yelled, standing in front of Derpy. Fluttershy looked terrified, whilst Derpy saw Shifter and the others having trouble against the general.

The Rainbooms could finally see and tried to fight back, whilst Shifter sending several spikes towards the Dove. But the bird swung its wings around, the pair melting into a whip-like slime coloured brown and orange. This deflected the spikes, as Rarity tried to put up a shield between it and her friends.

The Dove saw this and punched the wall, but was unable to break through.

Maya saw this and launched another web line, hitting Rarity in the boot. "Huh!" She looked down, her concentration breaking along with her gem wall. Maya prepared to pull her legs out from under her, but Shifter managed to fire a spine and break through it before she could.

However, this gave The Dove the chance to knock the gems away and swing her melted wings around, slamming into Fluttershy and Sunset. The two girls were knocked flying and crashed into a nearby wall, leaving Derpy free to be grabbed.

"Stay away!" Shifter yelled, but Frill suddenly grabbed him from behind.

"You can't protect her forever. Why waste your energy trying to stop the inevitable?" Shifter once again extended his spikes, but Frill refused to let that stop him. The other Rainbooms try to save Derpy, but Maya webbed them up before they could.

Derpy saw that her protectors had been beaten and once again turned to run, as the Mimic's wings returned to normal. She only managed to get a few feet before she tripped on something, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Ow!" She moaned, picking herself up. But before she could escape, The Dove slams down on the ground in front of her. She gasped, falling onto her rear and attempting to shuffle backwards. But as she did, the monster's wing extended and started melting again.

Derpy saw this and looked worried. "What...what do you want with me?" The creature didn't answer and instead, thrust its melted wing towards her. And in the blink of an eye, it slammed into her chest and Derpy gasped. "AUGH!"

"DERPY!" Everyone screamed, as the slime began to spread around her body. In the blink of an eye, she was entirely trapped within the large blob of orange and brown liquid.

"NO!" Shifter finally had enough and with all his strength, extended the spikes on his body to almost six feet long. This knocked Frill off of him and Shifter was free to run, but they were too far away.

Derpy tried to free herself, but she couldn't. Instead, she was forced to lay there as the slime around her began to harden. She closed her eyes and went entirely still, as she was trapped within a solid amber cocoon. And as she did, the Mimic's body began to change as well.

The Dove melted, her wings disappearing whilst she got shorter and took a more humanoid form. And eventually, the slime began to solidify and reveal its new form. A form everyone knew all too well.

"Derpy?" Shifter whispered as he skidded to a stop, unable to believe his friend was now standing in place of the Mimic.

The new Derpy opened her eyes and looked herself over, smiling at the transformation before turning to them. "Hello there. What do you think of my new look?" Everyone was completely lost for words, as they let what they had just seen sink in.

Twilight was the first to realise what was happening and was shocked she hadn't realised it before. As she said it, it seemed obvious. "Mimics...can mimic people."

In a dark void, the figure in white was watching some kind of holographic screen.

On said screen, he was watching the image of The Dove encasing Derpy in the slime. "So, now they've seen it. I wonder. Will this mean another hero will soon be born?" But as the scene played out, he saw the Mimic transform and smile. This caused him to sigh. "She's not strong enough. And it's possible the Riders won't be able to stop this one."

He walked away from the screen and moved over to a table, which had something on it.

That something was a strange looking device. It was a round metal tube, which looked like the handle of a weapon. That handle had a square cutlass crossguard on one side, making it look like a sword with no blade. The crossguard also had a glass rectangle sticking out the side, which was open at the bottom end to allow something to slide inside of it.

The figure took out a device and used it to scan the weapon, getting several beeps and whizzes from it. "It's ready. But are the Riders ready for it?" He picked the weapon up as he turned back to the screen. "They may have to be. Or they won't be able to defeat this new enemy."