• Member Since 19th Mar, 2023
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago



After an unknown incident leaves Princess Celestia unsure if her precious pupil is alive, dead, or something in-between, the future of Equestria seems uncertain. With the elements compromised, the crown thrown into disarray, and Celestia herself flagging under the weight of her fear and grief, the solar diarch resorts to extra-dimensional assistance to unravel this mystery...

In the form of a lich necromancer.


Inspired by Dead/Light, by Lord Destrustor: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/173638/dead-light

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Is this an Overlord crossover?

Nope, just a regular-old skeletal lich monstrosity.

"A promising beginning to be sure, let us see where this road takes us..." - Some poor fool

I like the writing style~
The internal monologue of the necromancer is fun, they're really objective, surprisingly passive and somehow humorously out of touch socially for something so grave.

Very well written, and I love the pacing and the balance of dialogue and description. I am also very much a fan of this kind of story so I will watch your progress with great interest.

You have piqued my interest.

The story here seems interesting.

To start, this ouch feels unique, not quite tired but not quite energetic. He seems to hover in that middle ground that I imagine most immortals inhabit.

Yet he maintains his personality, makes comparisons, feels like an actual person despite being a walking corpse! You manage to make him reasonable without being a pushover, and I love the way you’re portraying Celestia here. Convicted yet desperate.

Love this story, hope to see it update soon

Ah, a respectable member of the thanatocracy instead of some upjumped bone-botherer. A rather intriguing beginning you've got here.

Insta like, let’s see where this goes!

This is one of the most intriguing starting chapter I've read recently. Let's see if it could become as comedic as The Sparkle of Unlife or The Worst Equestrian Necromancer.

Very interesting premise so far. I wonder what Celestia could use to pay him. Perhaps a magical artifact that the ponies will be glad to see rid of, like the remains of the Staff of Sacanas or Grogar's Bell.

Depending on when this is in the timeline, but considering how she use the phase "student" as opposed to "fellow princess" or "successor", it might be too early for either of those artifacts.

This could be very interesting, I wonder what kind of views the MC holds about necromancy and how that interacts with Equestrian ways of thinking. They are clearly not a capital E Evil type of Lich and seems relatively polite by Immortal Necromancer standards, if somewhat socially awkward.

It is interesting that corpses specifically are a sought after commodity, usually it's souls or the exact mechanics behind where a necromancer obtains the army of undead is handwaved and the graveyards remain unmolested.

Very much added to the tracking list, I look forward to see where this goes.


I'm certain there's got to be a few trinkets and doodads in the vaults to at least tempt the Lich into "consulting". And then there's the issue itself that may lure him(?) into agreeing anyway; knowledge of things previously unknown could be priceless to the Lich. More than a few stories have the detective/expert doing the case simply because it piqued their curiosity.

...You know, this all seems very much like a prequel to that other fiction series of a certain playful (pranking) necromancer that would interact with Celestia and her world. :rainbowlaugh:

I like the depiction of this lich with what sounded to me as snake like lower body. I am curious if you will continue this and he retain his unique form.

I love the writing style and internal commentary of the Litch, very well written, please send me

I hope you are going to continue this, i'm already hooked on it.

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