• Member Since 31st Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

The Ancestor

Rus | Man is the warmest place to hide.


What was supposed to be a friendly visit for Twilight to discuss her doubts about her last descision, turns into a wild goose chase as a ruthless monster ravages the Capital.

Will the combined force of Twilight and Celestia be enough to stop it?

Could something be learned from the whole ordeal?

Crossover with one of my favourite games, Dishonored. Takes place after the second installment of the series.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

This was good. I didnʼt think it was that dark, but thatʼs mainly because Iʼm unfamiliar with the deeper lore of the franchise you crossed it over with. As for the gore, it was... lacking, in a way, into the sense that it was sorta glossed over. Not a bad thing, just wanted to point it out.

Kinda wished you had circled back towards the conversation at the beginning. You sort of did, because the story ends with Luna once again mentioning Twilightʼs nightmares. Thing is, I wanted the ending to really circle back toward Twilightʼs problems with Tirek. In the sense that I was expecting her to kill Emily, relating to Celestiaʼs earlier comment of “How far are you wiling to go to protect your subjects?”

But I do like the story. Good work, The Ancestor.


I didnʼt think it was that dark, but thatʼs mainly because Iʼm unfamiliar with the deeper lore of the franchise you crossed it over with. As for the gore, it was... lacking, in a way, into the sense that it was sorta glossed over. Not a bad thing, just wanted to point it out.

I considered taking away the dark tag, but chose to leave it there. Both Emily and Corvo rack up quite a bodycount by the end, and the willingness to kill others for personal/greater reasons is not something the show usually brings up.

As for the gore... Yeah, I tried to err on the side of caution, mainly due to the scene where Corvo deals with the guards.

Thing is, I wanted the ending to really circle back toward Twilightʼs problems with Tirek. In the sense that I was expecting her to kill Emily, relating to Celestiaʼs earlier comment of “How far are you wiling to go to protect your subjects?”

It's implied that had Emily not swapped places with her doppelganger, she would've been crushed under the dome. I thought of letting her die, but in the end, I adore these characters too much. My weakness, I suppose.

The idea of Twilight being willing to kill for her subjects is an interesting one for sure. Itʼs such an unexpectedly dark side to her character and Iʼm glad you explored it by having her resort to more violent fights. Also, that line:

Celestia: Had Twilight Sparkle wanted you dead, you wouldn't be in this room right now.

All in all, thank you for an enjoyable, if somewhat chilling, read.

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