• Published 26th Sep 2023
  • 401 Views, 4 Comments

Synthwave Jam - FourShadow

Amethyst Star's fallin' head over heels for a new CPA student!

  • ...

Synthwave Jam

Author's Note:

I had been conceptualizing this for a while, and I wanted to give it a shot. I think this would make for a nice addition to the series, and hey, writing new people who aren't Trixie and Adagio so hey, plus there. Besides, I wanted to expand this universe a bit more beyond those two, and I hope this story will do so.

Hope you enjoy it as always!

I'm fine not liking the story cause of the writing but seriously, do not bring any transphobia here, I'm not puttin' up with that shit.

The end of the summer had arrived. Kids, teenagers, and young adults of all ages had to go back to school. They grew tired of having to go back to school or preparing for another long session of continuous work. Stores already began distributing school supplies, standard textbooks that were expensive as all get out, pencils, paper, etc. and wandering through the city in search of material was none other than Amethyst Star.

After a nice relaxing summer, largely free of crazy Equestrian magic (until the Equestria-Land incident), she was… hesitant to say the least regarding going back to school. Not that she was expecting the worst to happen, in fact, she was content with the simple and mundane, even as eccentric as she was. She was also excited about the prospect of seeing her friends in her classes again; getting to hang out with them and just enjoying school with them. But Amethyst wasn't looking forward to being swamped with homework; especially dreading what would come when she got to college. Right now though, she was hating herself for waiting until the last minute to get her school supplies. Of course, Amethyst (also nicknamed Amy by her friends) was more mad at her own school for not giving a warning ahead of time for when the classes would be, but still.

Upon walking into a store, she lit up when she saw the small numbers. Granted it was showing a good few numbers, but it wasn’t jam packed. Plenty of books categorized by genre; from fiction to non, romance, dramas, comedic, children's classics, to informational guides on numerous characters of popular cartoons and television. Passing by a few kids browsing game guides, she walked over to a shelf showcasing some books set for the new school year. Her fingers slid over the various titles, trying to find one particular named book, but her eyes found nothing so far. The keytar player looked around some more, going through the books on the shelves. Sadly for her, the one shelf that was clean as a whistle was void of any of the books she wanted.

“You have gotta freaking kidding me…” Amethyst groaned as she scrunched her face. “Of course, the one book I actually need and it’s not here, every single time…”

“Can I help you?”

Amethyst turned her head to see a new face; denim shorts, white shirt with blue stripes and a black vest with pockets. A few pins were shown on their jacket; mainly logos of various geeky subcultures and iconography; but also a distinct pride pin with black, purple, white, and yellow stripes. Their hair was long and dark blue with a beautiful curls, cyan blue skin with emerald eyes, and a very friendly smile you’d often see from a lot of employees… most of the time.

“I’m not sure how you can help, but I guess you can try,” Amethyst shrugged. “I’m looking for Advancements In Technology Vol. 2, but this store doesn’t have it.”

“Actually we do another shipment coming in a week or two, you should be able to get it by then,” the worker replied.

The keytar player sighed. “That’ll do. Thank you, I appreciate it.”

“No problem,” they shrugged. “Say, you don’t go to Crystal Prep, do you?”

“Oh, no, I can’t afford to. I go to Canterlot High. Why?”

“Well with school starting soon, I get a large influx of classmates coming in to get supplies early. I go to Crystal Prep,” they answered, still maintaining a friendly demeanor.

“Good school,” Amethyst nodded, casually. "So I've heard."

“Oh where are my manners, I’m Synthwave,” they greeted, offering a hand.

“Amethyst,” she smiled as she shook her hand back. “Sooo… CPA huh? How’s that like?”

The employee grinned. “Pretty good; glad to wear whatever I want instead of those stuffy uniforms. Seriously glad they outlawed those; skirts are waaaaay too short. And itchy, don't know how they never went crazy wearing those."

"Heh. I guess it all depends on who makes the skirt, really. I've worn skirts before, they can be comfy. Although I'm more of a work-shorts and pants kinda girl."

"Can't argue with that," Synthwave shrugged. "But back to your book search; we do have a shipment coming in next week, how desperate are you for one?"

"Well... I think we may be reading from the textbook and using it to take notes, so--YES," Amethyst emphasized.

"Tell you what; once the shipment comes in, I'll save you one, and I'll let you know to come in and get it, sounds good?" They asked.

"Hmm... sure, you got a deal!" Amethyst grinned. "Thank you, I appreciate it."

"No problem, Amethyst," Synthwave winked. They turned around to help another customer, but stopped. They raised a finger to let a customer know they were coming, but turned around back to the keytarist. Reaching into a pocket, they pulled out a small slip of paper and pencil and scribbled something down. They slipped it to Amethyst with a cute grin.

"You can text me, if you want. I just figured if you wanted personal updates on the shipment, it'll be on its way," they said.

"Thank you. I will," Amethyst said with a sweet smile.

And with that, the keytar player left the store with a new determination; definitely getting that book, but also getting to talk to them again. Amethyst stopped for a moment, looking back through the window. She saw them talking to another customer, and noticed some more details. The cute freckles on their face. That smile that made her feel warm inside. They seemed rather... cute.

Shaking her head, she brought herself to the present. "Okay, so they may be cute, but you hardly know them, do not obsess over them girl, do not obsess!"

Within the next day, Amethyst had already been striking up conversations with the enby teen she befriended. They were nice, and kind of fun to talk to most of the time. Amethyst couldn't help but get lost into the conversations she would have with them, and it was just nice meeting another person outside of her social group. Now she loved her friends at Canterlot High, absolutely, but she had been wanting to look outside of her circle for more friends. Or even on the remote chance of something a bit... more.

Going back into the city, she checked her messages for any incoming texts, reading a new notification.

Synthwave: Hey! I've got today off, any chance you wanna meet up at the Canterlot Mall, or go have a snack at a cafe or somethin'?

Amethyst checked her phone, seeing if any of her friends had asked her. Remembering earlier, she recalled her friends having previous engagements that required their attention. Trixie was going over to Vinyl's for a sleepover, Sonata was helping Lyra and Bon Bon make sweets for Bon Bon's family's bakery, and the Dazzlings were going out to dinner just by themselves, dinner with the family. Meaning she had all the time by herself to do what she wanted. Plus, she always came home at a reasonable time, no worries there.

Walkin' down the street, passing by citizens of the city going about their business. Amethyst walked with a chipper demeanor in her step, she couldn't wait to see them again. But as she kept moving, she stopped for a moment with a harsh blush. Sure, she always loved to see her friends, but a bit more excited than usual? That was a bit... out of the blue, according to her.

Looking at a reflection in the mirror display, Amethyst stopped to look at it, adjusting her hair, making sure it still looked nice. Even the two earrings were still looking nice as always. As she made it to the place to meet them, she stopped as she looked at her friend. Synthwave was not in work uniform, for the most part. Instead, sporting a simple white tee with a graphic of a blue keytar, the denim vest, with a pair of black shorts. And despite it being hard to see from far away, Amethyst could see their nails were sharing the same pride colors as they wore on the pin.

"Amethyst, hey!" They waved.

"Hey Synth, good to see you again. How are you?"

"I'm doing okay," they shrugged. "Can't complain. You've been okay? Survived the first day of school?"

Amethyst started walking, leading them with her as she talked. "I guess so. I mean it's the first day, not too bad. I'm just glad it wasn't as painful as I was expecting it to be. So, where do you want to go?"

I... don't know, actually. I hadn't really considered where to go. I think it's probably best you pick, knowing me, it takes forever to make up my mind," they giggled.

"I'm like that with Stack'Em bricks," Amethyst grinned. "Hmm... how about the mall? You've been to the mall here?"

"... They're still around?" Synthwave blinked. "I thought online shopping killed those."

"Most places. But cause we've got so much business in Canterlot, we still have a mall out here. And I love it," Amethyst squee. "I love going there to hang with friends."

That only made Synthwave even more excited to give it a try. It had been too long since they had any regular friendly social interaction.


The mall was bustling with people, as per usual. The amount of consumer traffic hadn't changed like usual; friends of all ages hung out here, and from both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. Amethyst could see a few familiar faces like Flash or Sandalwood here and there. Neon Lights or Royal Pin from CPA also waved, and even gave a wave to Synthwave who just gave a small but sincere smile back to them.

"Sooo what do you usually shop for in here?"

"Ehhh my interests and desires tend to bounce. I used to be super obsessed with..." Amethyst stopped for a moment. "um... 80s pop culture."

"Heh, 80s geek? I like that," they smirked. "I love 80s pop music. So, you have any favorites?"

Amethyst brought herself back to the present. "Oh, favorites! Hmm.... okay, I do like Maretallica, Iron Mareden, Mulechal Jackson, Joan Jetts, KICKS, Motley Cruise, Queens... Sorry, is that too much?" Amethyst blushed.

Synthwave giggled. "So you're a woman of good taste. Me likey."

"Thank my dad for that, he originally intended to just show me music and cartoons... and then I got obsessed with other aspects," Amethyst said, almost shamefully. "But, uh--oh! Hot Takes, this place is great, come on," she guided her friend inside with her.

Inside, the place was lined up with dark colored exposed brick; shirts, pants, and skirts of all sizes and varieties were around the walls. Each of the clothes were blazed with various band logos, pop culture, historical, somethin' for everyone here. But it didn't end there, the store also sold silly knick knacks like cups, wallets, hats, jewelry, pins, patches, etc.

Circling around a table, Amethyst immediately started digging around in the patches, looking for something to apply to her vest. Even Synthwave got in, looking for something to wear for their vest. Although their eyes did set immediately one one band logo with the iconography of a skull, Amethyst was still digging like a rabid dog.

"Any luck?" Synthwave smirked.

"No, I keep hoping they'll have one of... aww nuts, still nothing, never mind," Amethyst looked up. "Maybe the pins might have something. Nice pick by the way."

"Thanks," they grinned. Their eyes locked onto some of the shirts on the walls, looking for ones to add to her wardrobe. They had been needing to get some more clothes for a good while now.


The enby's head tilted back down, and looked to their right. A girl about their age, with goggles on her head, studded ears, wearing a simple tank top and track shorts stood there. Beside her was another girl; cyan skin, rainbow colored hair, wearing a zip up hoodie, white t-shirt, and yoga pants.

"Oh, Indigo, um, hi," Synthwave awkwardly waved. Truth be told, they were still nervous around some of the native CPA students, as opposed to Amethyst or anyone else they met outside.

"Heyyyyy, it is you, I thought I recognized your curls," Indigo grinned. "Rainbow, this is Synthwave; Synthwave, this is Rainbow Dash, my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you," Rainbow greeted, shaking their hand. "And good to see you too, Amethyst."


"Oh, um... they/them," Synthwave whispered, rather shyly. "I um... I don't want you misgendering me, if that's okay."

"I wouldn't do it on purpose, I promise," Rainbow reassured. "But still, good to know. You two know each other?"

"I met them yesterday," Amethyst answered. "Sadly, I apparently missed the memo of 'do not order books at the last minute'."

"Heh. You should have had Twilight be a reminder, she wouldn't let you forget ANY deadlines," Rainbow chuckled. "So, you two dating?"

Both Amethyst and Synthwave blushed harshly.

"... I beg your pardon?"

"Rainbow, come on, I know they look cute, but you're dating me," Indigo playfully pouted.

"W-We're not dating, we just met!" Amethyst stuttered, turning more red by the second. "... don't you two have anything better to do?"

"Not really, this is more fun," Rainbow snickered.

"I hate you so much right now," Amethyst glared.

"Oh relax, we're just teasing you, that's all, I don't bite," Rainbow promised, even though it didn't feel like she was telling the truth. Checking her phone, her eyes widened. "Uh oh, the girls are waiting. Come on, we don't wanna miss the movie!"

"Okay, okay, I'm comin'. See you around, Synth," Indigo waved.

Two blushing teens were left alone as they stood there, unsure of how to continue their hangout time. Clearing her throat, Amethyst decided to put her focus back on the shirts, her face still red.

Don't look at them, don't look at them, don't look at them...

Her eyes averted back to them, who had a soft giggle.

Dang it!

"Are you going to be okay?" They asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. So, um," Amethyst coughed. "Y-You uh... found what you wanted?"

"Yep! Lemme go pay for it and I'm ready to move on," they answered, going to the register.

Soon after, Amethyst led Synthwave further through the mall. Some adults sat at benches, either on the phone with business calls, or were waiting for potential dates to arrive. Some kids ran by, ice cream on their faces and most likely having a sugar high rushing through their veins. Amethyst's eyes couldn't help but look back at Synthwave. They looked adorable, dangit! Their hair, the way they smiled or had that sassy grin that sparkled.

But she snapped out of it when she saw what laid just up ahead.

"Oooh, we're coming up on one of my favorite spots. Close your eyes, I'll take you there," Amethyst offered.

"Wha--do I have to?"

"Pleeeeasssseeee?" Amethyst begged like a child. Synthwave playfully rolled their eyes and complied, closing their eyes.

"Well... okay, only because you said please. But you better not be tricking me."

"i promise."

Taking her hand, Synthwave followed Amethyst under the guise of being potentially surprised. They could tell by her face that she meant something fun, or at least, they presumed. Maybe a sporting goods store? Comic books, video, regular books?

"Okay... open 'em."

Synthwave's eyes adjusted to the purple and blue lighting, and stood completely in awe of what they saw. A hangout spot they hadn't seen in ages; arcade. retro games, on-rails shooters, basketball, skeeball, air hockey, VR simulations, driving games, rigged claw machines, this place had them all! Even a prize counter was visible.

"Amethyst, I think I may be in heaven now," they gazed.

Amethyst couldn't help but laugh. "Come on, let's go play some games."

She took their hand, taking them with her inside. They were still trying to process everything they were looking at, it was hard to believe they still existed.

"Okay, forget Oklahoma, I'm staying here! I don't want to leave Canterlot for good," Synthwave squeed.

"I've only shown you a few things, and already want to stay?" Amethyst asked, curiously.

"You kidding me? There's barely anything out there! It's just long stretches of farm lands and tornadoes. ... Among other things, but I'm not going into that," Synthwave replied. "So, what are we going to play?"

"Battle Borg," Amethyst showed.

Having a collection of tokens in pocket, she inserted some into the slots, prepping the game. The game appeared as a tournament fighter, displaying various characters to play as to combat against other opponents. 16-bit graphics, with beautiful detailed colored backgrounds and even character designs.

With both of them taking control of the game, the tournament announced them that round one was starting, and so the battle began. Both Amethyst and Synthwave mashed buttons as fast as possible, competing against each other for victory. Fireballs, blaster bolts, and missiles fired at each other from both sides, trying to one up each other with their armory of weapons.

The competitiveness was present between the two of them, but it never got to the point where it became unfun for the both of them. The vibe was still kept friendly and neither one of them resorted to playing dirty to achieve victory.

Alas victory was given to Synthwave, who had scored 2 out of 3 rounds.

"Nice round, Synth," Amethyst complimented.

"Thanks!" Synthwave giggled. "Maybe we should practice more, you might kick my butt."

"Don't tempt me," Amethyst teased with a flirty expression in her brows.

For the next few hours of time they spent at that mall, they played a few more games in that arcade. Amethyst showed them some of her favorite arcade games; mostly consisting of 8-bit classics from the 80s like Scorponok, Pac-Pone, Menasor, Goat King, and many various other titles that were popular.

And in turn, Synthwave was able to find a few games that they loved playing when the had the chance. A few on-rails shooters like Target Masters, or Battletrap. They even enjoyed the more simplistic games like skeeball or air hockey just to take a break from the screens.

Eventually wandering took them over to a nearby clothing store, looking for some fresh clothes for the new year. Or at least, Synthwave was. They spotted a few casual jeans they liked, a handful of vests. But they also spotted a maxi skirt that they saw to their liking. Even trying it on, they loved how comfy the material was and how nicely it flowed around them. Their eyes also spotted a nice jumpsuit that was designed specifically for casual days, and not for work.

Some more wandering turned to stopping by at the food court to grab a quick snack, mainly ice cream. But neither one of them had any issue with that; the ice cream was amazing, and it always brightened up the day of anyone feeling down in the intense heat of summer. Eventually, the two of them had to leave because Synthwave had some assignmetns to work on, but Amethyst walked them home just so they felt safe with company.

The rest of their walk was in silence; not from lack of anything to say, but Amethyst was too drawn into Synthwave's look to really pay attention. They looked cute, and just from everything that had happened today; she wanted to spend more time with them. They were fun, they didn't judge her for her tastes in games or music or even style, they were completely open to hearing her out and it made her feel... content.

In turn, Synthwave's face only went even redder when they looked at Amethyst a lot closer; that poofy hair, broad shoulders, that cute smile, she looked absolutely wonderful. But more than that, they felt... safe. They felt as if they could talk to Amethyst about anything they wanted, or needed. Amethyst had made them laugh, she made them feel happy, she made them feel... amazing. They hadn't experienced this kind of feeling in a long time, it was one they didn't want to stop. But, would she feel the same?

They stopped for a moment before they made it in front of their apartment complex. Amethyst had seen them stop moving, looking at them with concern. "Hey, you okay?"

"Amethyst, um..." Synthwave asked, awkwardly swaying their arms back and forth. "If you don't mind me asking, I was wondering if say... you were gonna be busy Friday evening?" They asked with a blush.

"Hmm... not really, I don't have anything lined up. And actually, that reminds me, I did want to ask you something too."

"Oh, um. G-Go ahead," Synthwave stammered, trying to keep themself together.

Amethyst slowly let out a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling. "I know we've been hanging out a lot recently, and I really love spending time with you. But I was wondering if maybe we could, i-if you want maybe go a little... further, per say?"

Synthwave's heart raced. Was she going to ask...?

Amethyst inhaled again, this time through her nose as she tried to mentally prepare herself to ask, trying not to slip her words out of fear.

"Synthwave, would... wouldyouliketopossiblygooutonadatewithmethisFridaynight?"

Synthwave's heart raced faster and she only had one expression on their face; sheer, unadulterated joy. They screamed with joy inside, but outside, they kept it calm and collected as they moved closer. Their hand moved down to Amethyst's, feeling how warm she was to the touch.

"I... I'd love to," Synthwave squeaked. "Oh, um," they cleared their throat, trying not to have a massive excited freakout. "Ahem. W-What time?"

"Would 7:00 work for you? Say, Ragu's Road?"

"Ooh, Ponypeinese food. Me likey," Synthwave's lips smacked with the thought of mouth-watering food. "Perfect! See you then?"

"Fine by me, so uh... see you then," Synthwave waved, allowing Amethyst to go on their way. But to their surprise, she didn't leave just yet. She sat there, still trying to take it all in. She did it... she asked them out. And they said yes. It was enough to make her smile proudly, with a warm feeling inside. What she didn't see was Synthwave coming back to see her again, making sure she was okay. And with a cute smile, they moved themself a little closer without realizing it. They leaned in and gave a quick peck on her cheek, snapping Amethyst out of her trance. She looked back at Synthwave with a harsh blush and a sheepish grin.

"Uh... seeyaFridaybye!" They said, running straight inside the apartment. Amethyst just stood even more, struck and slumping down on the bench in complete awe.

Friday came and classes resumed like normal. Like everyone else, Amethyst was eager for it to end so she could leave. She had her date tonight, and she wanted to look her best.

Thankfully her relief came when the final bell of the day rang, allowing her and everyone else to rush out of the classroom to go home for the day. She passed by a few of her friends with a friendly wave and a giddy smile. She was too excited for tonight!

Approaching her locker, she opened it up to be met with a few sparkles from inside. A small disco ball hung from within, moving around and shining lights on a few pictures of old memorabilia of personal nostalgia, with a few photos of her closest friends.

Just then, an interruption came from a friend coming by to check on her; Octavia. She still kept her trademark mohawk, black punk jacket with a few pins of various iconography, a purple shirt underneath with a cute skirt around her hips, and some black leggings with some rips and tears nearing her knees down.

"Hey Amethyst, you want to hang out later tonight?" Octavia asked with an excited grin.

Amethyst blushed. "Oh, um. T-Tonight's not good, Octy. I've uh... got an important business to take care of tonight."

"Doctor's? Dentist? Dermatologist? Music lessons? Family emergency--"

"--I can't tell you, Octavia," Amethyst snapped, She realized how rude she was being and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. But I just can't say anything, okay?"

"Mate, I just want to make sure you're okay. It's nothing serious, is it?" Octavia worried.

"What? No, no no no, I promise it isn't anything bad," Amethyst reassured, giving Octavia a hug. "I promise."

"Amy, we haven't been seeing you the past few days. It's not like you to just blow us off like that, is something going on?" Octavia continued to press.

Amethyst let out a small sigh. "Okay, I'll admit, that's really cruddy of me. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you and everyone else, but I just... I can't talk to you guys about it, okay?" With a slam of her locker, Amethyst left without another word. Octavia, left bewildered, shook her head and rubbed her chin.

"What the heck was that about?"

Just then, another one of her friends came walking by; Vinyl Scratch. Her classy sleeveless vest of white and blue was still properly tucked in to her dressy pants and shoes, and her hair remained nice and fluffed.

"Something wrong?" Vinyl interrupted her train of thought.

"Amy's not telling us something," Octavia observed. "The past few nights, she's always telling us she's been busy with 'business', but she won't say what."

"Maybe she's been dealing with a lot more homework? What if she has a new job and she won't tell us?"

Octavia looked at Vinyl with a deadpan stare. "What job could my best mate possibly gotten that she wouldn't want to tell us?"

Vinyl gulped as she scratched at her collar. "Well... maybe she--"

"--Vinyl! Honestly, I think we know her better than that!" Octavia folded her arms. "She hates working at amusement parks, you know that!"

"I'm just saying, maybe she had to fall back upon it for emergency money?"

"I don't think financial issues are the problem here," Octavia shook her head. "No, she's hiding something else, I know it." Closing her locker, she and Vinyl walked together out of the school through the front doors as everyone else was getting ready to leave too. "Something about her seems off, more than usual."

"There she is now," Vinyl gestured, looking to their friend stepping into their station wagon.

"Alright. Vinyl. We're going to follow her, let's go," Octavia led.

"Wait wait wait, no, Octavia, wait, what are we doing--no, stop!"

Waiting outside of her home across the street they watched as Amethyst went inside of her home. They camped out for at least ten minutes, and then saw Amethyst come back out, going straight back to her car. She drove off again, coercing the two of them to follow suit.

The two friends tailed Amethyst as best as they could, trying not to be too close to her. They followed her into the city, narrowing avoiding her eyes as she went about her business. First, they watched as she set foot into a nearby clothing store, then deciding to stakeout behind the car. When they checked, they saw Amethyst step out in a very beautiful looking dress; turquoise, her favorite color of course, with a sleeveless mini-dress. She still wore her outdated sneakers, preferring their practicality over the high heels any day.

"Oooh, Amy looks so pretty," Vinyl squeaked.

"She does..." Octavia said, with a smile. "But where is she going?"

Checking her phone, Amethyst grinned as she stepped back into her station wagon, driving off once again. Vinyl and Octavia followed her once again, making sure to leave enough distance to not scare her as she left. They followed her around another corner, watching as she parked her car in a spot. Stepping out, she locked the vehicle before looking around, possibly to check for someone. Adjusting her hair, she turned around to see someone coming her way that made her face light up with a smile.

Synthwave strut down the street in their own wear; a steam cleaned, pressed, and prepped dark green jumpsuit, with a belt tied around their waist to present as if they were pants, hugging their curves a little bit. Their hair was still clean and curly as before, but now they had a little bit of eyeshadow to make their eyes stand out much more, with a small hint of lip gloss. They looked at Amethyst with a blushing face as they got closer, completely in awe at the sight.

"Oh... Amethyst, you look... amazing," Synthwave gazed.

"T-Thank you," Amethyst blushed. "And I love the jumpsuit by the way."

"Heh, I um... I didn't have time to get something fancy, my mom helped get this ready for me," Synthwave awkwardly shuffled their feet.

"Well I think you look very lovely," Amethyst smiled. She offered her arm, allowing Synthwave to intertwine with hers, and the two of them walked into the Ponypeinese restaurant before them.

The inside of the restaurant was very cozy and inviting. Various assortments of plants were aligned against the wall, attached to cobblestone like foundations that kept the restaurant standing. The floors were also made of similar stone, creating a very earthy feel to them. Orange lanterns lit the place to make it feel nice and warm for the people who came in; and with plenty of seating and tables for everyone. Most of the restaurants in Canterlot City were relatively modern with design, but the owners of Ragu's Road kept their place charming and rustic, standing out among the crowds of restaurant rows.

It made the perfect place for Amethyst and Synthwave to come and have dinner. They were sat at their table without delay, and were able to look at their menus right away. Unbeknownst to the two of them, they were being spied by a few friends from another café table. Hidden behind menus, a black mohawk and a classy blue hairdo were exposed to the crowds, unnoticed by Amethyst and her date.

Octavia poked her eyes out, slowly setting the menu down. “Okay, she can’t see us, we’re safe for now.”

“I still feel bad for eavesdropping, shouldn’t we just give them peace?” Vinyl insisted.

“No, I want to make sure my mate is being treated right and no one hurts her,” Octavia protested. “I love her dearly, but I know her previous attempts at dating haven’t been super. I want to make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”

Vinyl smiled softly. “It’s sweet that you care.”

Octavia blushed. “Thank you, luv.”

“Sooo… who is this date of hers?”

“No clue. It’s not someone I recognize,” Octavia observed. “And I’d love to listen in, but you didn’t bring the microphone.”

“Raising a microphone over them would make us look obvious, and weird!” Vinyl protested. “Oh, shoot! Waiter’s come back.”

The two of them hid behind their menus again, peaking back over to Amethyst and her date.

“So how long have you been going to Crystal Prep?” Amethyst continued.

“I've only started recently. I haven’t had much luck trying to find a school that was a bit more gender-inclusive, and when I saw they had a program at CPA for LGBTQ students, I thought it would be a good place for me. I haven’t really had any issues there, aside from people just annoyed at me for how I act, but honestly that's just natural to me,” Synthwave shrugged. “Plus the music programs seemed pretty good as well.”

“That’s good. I’m glad you were able to find a place where you could be accepted for, well, you. I… I know what it’s like,” Amethyst said, brushing her shoulder. “N-Not in the same vein as not being accepted for your identity, but more just… oy. I’m not making this better, am I?”

Synthwave patted Amethyst’s hand. “It’s perfectly okay. I get that; you’re a kook for 80s pop culture, right?”

“And 70s! Maybe a smidge of 60s. Some say it’s a bit unhealthy, admittedly they’re not entirely wrong…” Amethyst blushed.

Synthwave rubbed their chin. “I’m curious though, what specifically do you like? I know Lemon Zest loves the music from that era, and I do as well, I think that’s why my parents gave me my name. But I wanna know what you like.”

“Well, I kinda like a lot, well, most of the stuff. Cartoons, toys, the tech, music, movies, aesthetics. Heck, when I grow up and have a house or apartment, I wanna deck it out with vintage design. I don’t care what anyone says, I love the aesthetics!”

Synthwave giggled. “Okay, I can get behind that.”

“But yeah, I like all that stuff. Everything else… ehh, no. I think I’d like to keep the politics, colorism, war on drugs, fearmongering, and every other bad thing back in the past and not back here. I… still have to make that clear to people when I say I like the 80s.”

“Ohh… I’m so sorry,” Synthwave frowned. “I guess I wouldn’t have known. But I do get what you mean; wanting the good over the bad and all.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it. And honestly, it’s nice meeting another person outside of my social circle who gets what I mean,” Amethyst smiled adorably. "I've... kinda been trying to lock down my obsession as of late."

"How come?"

"Well, I hit a phase a year ago when that was all I was obsessed with. I have very, well how do you say, niche tastes I guess? I... haven't made this open with everyone, but I, well... I'm on the spectrum," Amethyst admitted with a small hint of shame. "I get so wrapped up in what I love that i forget what everyone's talking about, and I end up hijacking a conversation and then that's all I ever want to talk about. I turned away a lot of friends with that, long before I settled into high school."

Synthwave didn't say anything, allowing their date to keep going. They recognized the hint of regret in Amethyst's voice, and could tell she needed to let the song play out.

"And I know my obsession can be annoying for people, so I've been trying to not talk about it so much, and try to be open to new stuff. And there is a lot of new media out there I love, absolutely. But I guess I've still got some sick obsession with old nostalgia that it's hard for me to hate or cringe at most of the time. MOST of the time. Does... that make sense at all?"

Synthwave smiled with a sympathetic smile. "It does. I know what it's like to be so excited and enthusiastic about a new thing only for people to grow sick and tired of it every time. Like, let me tell you something. A long time back, before I discovered who I was, I had been obsessed with this cool metal band, they were new, they were loud, and I loved every second of it. I even played some of it while me and my friends worked. I was so obsessed with them, I listened to them for weeks on end. It only took two of those four weeks for my friends to completely ditch me and not ask me to play something else."

Amethyst frowned. "Oh... I'm sorry. But wait, you said you were from Oklahoma, right? There aren't any--"

"--There is only country and bluegrass, there is barely anyone who liked heavy metal. And most of the time, the adults in that town just complained that 'oh rock and roll is evil', or 'you'll be supporting the devil' or some garbage like that. Morons," they rolled their eyes. "But the fact is, I still got obsessed for a long time, and it took me a while to recognize that I would be chasing people away if I was locked onto a single thing for a while," they finished. "But I promise I won't do that to you."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. I love heavy metal, I love all types of music. Most of them," Amethyst chimed.

Synthwave squeed a little at that response. Already they were loving this girl more and more.

"And um... I hope I haven't been hijacking the conversation, I-I don't want to make you feel like you can't speak--"

"--Amy," they interrupted. "You're fine, I promise. I honestly feel like I've finally have someone I can talk to that isn't my mom or dad."

"O-Oh, okay, good," Amethyst blushed. "Sorry. So, um, if you don't mind me asking, what do you like doing just for fun? Any hobbies aside from music?"

"Hmm. Well I do love games, as you saw from the mall," Synthwave recollected. "I love playing music on key synthesizers, mastered it when I was twelve. I do enjoy the occasional baking, although my expertise is limited to cakes and cookies."

"Nothing wrong with that. To be honest, that's all I really know too," Amethyst rubbed the back of her head. "One of my friends is a master baker, and even trying to learn from her, I still can't get most of it right. Still, cookies and cakes are always delicious!"

"Agreed. Oh and I do love making cosplay stuff!"

"Really? You're a cosplay artist?" Amethyst's head tilted.

"Mmmhmm. My ma works with fabrics, and she always helped stitch up clothes that get a bit of tear in them. It's kind of why I have this fancy jumpsuit," they giggled, emphasizing the suit by pulling on the pockets. "She always says clothes don't go out of style; if it has a mild bit of tear, it can be salvaged."

"She might get along with my dad, he and I kind of have our own little philosophy with salvage," Amethyst chuckled. "But still, that's cool. Any chance I can see some of your work?"

"Sure! Actually..." they pulled out their phone, scrolling through their photos. "I recently started working on this for a client; they wanted to get a Halloween costume earlier than Spectral Halloween store openings, apparently they wanted something related to an anime." Synthwave turned their phone around to show their date, with Amethyst moving closer to get a look. The costume's colors were very bright and flashy, with a lot of curve around the shoulders for armor or whatever weird dress the character wore for the source material.

"Whoa... not bad. You did all that?"

"A little teachings from my ma," they answered. "But I have been working on some of my own designs. I like coming up with cool ideas for characters and bringing them to life in some way," they flipped their phone around again, to showcase another design; a feminine-presenting warrior with protective armor covering arms, legs, chest, and a helmet with a T-shaped visor. "This one I kinda conceptualized from the Galaxy Wars saga."

"... you like Galaxy Wars?" Amethyst asked quietly.

"... y-y-yeah?"

"... I love Galaxy Wars too!" Amethyst squeed. "Ooh, fun question. Favorite trilogy?"

"... you're going to leave me if I answer that," they said nervously.

"Nah, I won't. Come on, try me."

"Okay. I... honestly, I love the sequel trilogy, and I think it gets too much hate. I understand the complaints and the criticisms, but I can't bring myself to be mad at it; I love them, and I think they made some cool ideas that should be explored more."

They waited for an angry response; something bitter or nasty, something mean that they've come to expect when discussing the topic. Instead, they were given this;

"Hey, that's perfectly fine by me," Amethyst shrugged.

Synthwave swore they heard glass shatter. "Really? You... aren't going to get mad at me, or tell me I'm wrong for liking them?"

Amethyst blinked. "Okay, I don't know who you've been talking to, I'm a little concerned right now, but I'm not going to get that mad. Honestly, younger me would have been impulsively mad at someone for liking something I don't, but I've grown up. If you like them, that's great. I will admit, I always will love the originals, and the prequel cartoon series, but I do get why people love the new stuff. I may not care for some of it, but I won't hold it against you for loving something that makes you happy."

Synthwave was taken aback. Someone who was willing to have a normal conversation on a heated topic that gets debated constantly more than political views?

"I... thank you," they said, softly, but sincerely. "That's.. honestly refreshing to hear."

"It's okay. Honestly, I've just kinda chilled out these days when it comes to new movies and shows, I'm just going with the flow now. Although I will admit there is stuff I do get insanely passionate about, so uh, fair warning for you."

"Hey, I completely get it, just watch me ramble on and off about Mundane Series," Synthwave laughed.

Just then, their waiter came back around with their orders finally; on Synthwave's plate, For Amethyst; a simple plate of nice steaming spaghetti with added meatballs, a dash of fetta cheese, and a glass of plain milk. For Synthwave, easy meat lasagna; melted cheese on top with meaty tomato sauce. And just like Amethyst, a simple glass of milk to go with the meal.

"Enjoy your meal," the waiter said with a geninue smile.

"Thank you, sir," Amethyst graciously replied.

For the next ten to fifteen minutes, the dinner was kept in relative quietness. Not from having nothing to say, but both partners were enjoying the delicious taste of the Ponypeiness food. The spiciness blended perfectly with the meat, and the added amounts of salted and oregano just fit perfectly.

For Amethyst, the meal wasn't the best thing. She was having a wonderful time with this person; she felt like they were really clicking. Despite the ramblings she went on about, they were completely accepting of that fact and understood her. Someone else outside of her friend group understood... her.

On the flip side, Synthwave was starting to feel taht warm and fuzzy feeling all over. The way their heart beat against their chest when they looked at her, or how many times they brushed a loose strand of hair out of their face to try and make themself look perfect for her, or the multiple times they blushed... they couldn't deny it. They loved this girl.

"We've been here for half an hour, I don't think we're going to get anywhere else with this," Vinyl folded her arms with a pout.

"Just a few more minutes, and we'll leave," Octavia without even thinking pulled herself slightly ajar to get a better view at Amethyst's date. She remained out of their line of sight, but it was enough for her to get a good look.

“I still don’t see what the big deal is, so what if she’s dating another girl, that’s normal,” Vinyl shrugged off.

Octavia's eyes squinted the hardest as they could, until she saw something that made them widen. And as she thought about it more and more, suddenly everything made complete sense to her. “Um… Vinyl?” Octavia interrupted. “Look again.”

“What do you mean?”

“Their jumpsuit, look at the pin,” Octavia pointed.

Vinyl’s eyes squinted hard, looking to Synthwave’s jumpsuit. A wide variety of pins of bands, logos, and various sci-fi cultures plastered on the left and right, But there was one particular pin that stood out among the rest; streaks of black, purple, white, and yellow.

“Wait. I know that color scheme,” Vinyl realized. “Does that mean…?”

“Yes, yes it does,” Octavia confirmed, falling back in her seat.

“… I just misgendered someone,” Vinyl facepalmed.

“Vinyl, stop,” Octavia reassured. “You made a mistake, it happens, and upon first glance, you wouldn’t know they identified that way. All the more reason to ask, isn’t it?”

Vinyl’s eyebrows straightened. “Huh… that’s, very wise, I’ll admit. But wait, how were you able to tell they weren't a girl?"

“I have friends who are a part of the Pride community; it pays to learn a great amount of knowledge of them,” Octavia shrugged. "Also, I can tell a lot by a person by the pins they place on their clothes, bags, or backpacks. Imagery and iconography are signs that tell you what kind of person someone else, and more often than not, they tend to show good," Octavia continued. “But back on point; the fact they… well. Is this why Amethyst didn’t want to tell us who she was dating? I thought she’d know we’d be okay with whoever she dates.”

“I… guess we haven’t made that clear enough,” Vinyl frowned, slumping a little in her chair.

"Well, I don’t want my mate thinking we wouldn’t accept her if she dated someone outside the gender spectrum," Octavia said, putting her menu down. "She's our friend, she shouldn't have to hide from us."


Octavia and Vinyl froze. Slowly looking back, they were now locked eyes with a disapproving Amethyst Star, folded arms and tapping her sneaker against the ground. Synthwave stood by, not wanting to be in the middle of any possible drama that would break out between them, at least they hoped there wouldn’t be. Amethyst tried her hardest to keep up a serious face, but her heart was pounding intensely against her chest, scared as she gazed at them from inside.

“Care to explain why you are stalking me?”

“We, well… she started it,” Octavia pointed.

“What!?” Vinyl spluttered. “It was your idea, you said ‘let’s go see what Amethyst is doing', and insisted you take me along with you.”

“How long have you been following me?” Amethyst glared like a disappointed parent.

“Not long!" Octavia protested before lowering her voice. "A few hours.

Amethyst groaned as she rubbed her temples. “Why do I even… girls, I appreciate you looking out for me, but I’m fine. They and I were hitting it off great, until you two stepped in.”

“I dunno, I think you and I still are doing great even with the interference,” Synthwave wiggled their left brow, making her blush.

“I’m sorry for following you, but we just wanted to make sure you were okay. When you said business, I didn't know you meant... you were on a date,” Octavia apologized. “I didn’t know you wanted to be alone in this way.”

Amethyst shook her head with a groan. “Look, I kept my date a secret because frankly, I have no idea how you or the rest of our friends would react if they found out I was on a date with an enby. I know you all are supportive of Trixie and Adagio, but there’s some people out there who can’t accept the idea of not everyone fitting into a clear-cut role, and… I didn’t want you to stop being friends with me.” Amethyst looked to her date with another sad expression. “And now I look like a jerk cause I’m probably making them feel like they have to hide from everyone.”

“I never felt that way,” Synthwave emphasized. They wrapped their hand around Amethyst’s. “I understand completely, it’s not easy for friends to accept something like that. I know it took a long time for some of my friends to be understanding of my identity. But I assure you, I’m fine.”

Amethyst blushed softly, still feeling a bit down.

"Amy, sweetheart, if this is why you haven't been telling us where you've been, you shouldn't be afraid of that. So what if you're dating someone who is nonbinary, that doesn't bother us. In fact, I'm rather proud of you," Vinyl smiled.

"But what about the others...?"

"Mate, if they weren't accepting, we wouldn't be hanging out with Adagio and Trixie. I assure you they are some of the most accepting people ever," Octavia smiled as she patted her shoulder. "Besides, it's nice meeting someone new."

"You... think so?"

"I know so. I'm sorry we haven't been making that clear with you," Octavia apologized. "But I don't want you feeling like you can't talk to us about anything, alright mate?"

"I... guess so. And I'm sorry for blowing you all off, I didn't know how you react," Amethyst apologized in turn.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Now, if you don't mind us asking... mind introducing us to your date?" Vinyl asked with a little squee.

Amethyst looked to her date who gave a nodding okay. "Well, since you asked, I want you to meet Synthwave Jam. They go to Crystal Prep Academy, they love music just like me, and they are a master of the art of cosplay."

"Years of experience makes you a master of the craft," Synthwave said with a confident grin. "And you two are...?"

"Vinyl Scratch," Vinyl began, offering to shake their hand. "Lovely to meet you."

"Octavia Melody. Sorry for interrupting you there, mate," she introduced herself. "I didn't want to assume, but... Amethyst is one of my best friends. I didn't want to see her get hurt. I'm sorry for barging in on your date."

"Well... I can't be too mad, honestly," Synthwave smiled. "I think it's nice she has friends she can rely on. Even if they can get a bit nosy," they sassed with a smirk.

"Still, it was lovely to meet you. Now how about we leave them be and we can ask her how the date went later, okay?" Vinyl asked.

"Aww, but I wanted to see where it goes," Octavia whined.

"Octavia, just go," Amethyst playfully rolled her eyes. "Promise me one thing;don't tell the others, okay? I... I'd rather tell them myself."

Octavia dropped the playful remarks and gave a sincere smile to her friend. Softly, she gave Amethyst a reassuring hug, getting one in return.

"I promise, mate. We won't say a thing."

After the hug, Vinyl and Octavia left the table, giving a cute wave to the two of them as they left the restaurant. Amethyst felt a huge wave of relief being lifted off her shoulders as she slumped back down in the booth. Vinyl and Octavia found out, yes, and she was stressed beyond everything. Her heart was still trying to calm down from how scared she was but... they accepted it. They weren't mad, they didn't say anything mean or throw any slurs, they were okay. The more she thought about it, she started to wonder why did she even bother hiding it from them.

"You doing okay?" Synthwave asked.

"Y-Yeah... I guess so," she said, a smile returning to her face.

The rest of their dinner thankfully went smoothly as both parties hoped. No more drama, no issues arose, it was the most calm thing that both of them were enjoying and they loved it. Eventually after their meal, Amethyst took them back to her car and drove them back to their apartment. Parking became a bit of a challenge with the multitude of cars in the area, but she found a spot.

Walking on the sidewalk to their home, Amethyst started to feel her heart pounding again. She had a wonderful time, an amazing one. And being so close to them on a personal level made her desire to spend more time with them continue to grow. But would they want that?

Synthwave noticed Amethyst had stopped walking, trying to keep herself together. Turning around, they adjusted their jumpsuit before moving up to them.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Y-Yeah. I... okay," Amethyst took a deep breath to calm down. "I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a while,” Amethyst blushed a bit, her arms locked behind her and fingers twiddling awkwardly. “I um… I haven’t found the best way to do so, and I wanted it to be perfect because I keep thinking ‘Synth is too cool for this, no way they would love something so… passe’.”

Synthwave couldn’t help but blush back, with a little bit of a cute smile on their face. “I’m… I’m not really that cool, I’m just… me.”

“I… I think you’re amazing, you’re sweet, you’re cute, you understand… me. I never really met anyone on a personal level who understood me as a whole, but then I met you. You get me, you get… all of this,” Amethyst gestured to herself. “A-And if you don’t want to, I won’t push it, but I wanted to get it out of the way before I say something that will screw things up, and if you want to just stay friends I'm okay with that too, but I wanted to ask it now, so, um…” Amethyst’s face turned red with embarrassment. She stopped herself for a moment, trying to take a deep breath to calm down.

Synthwave raised a hand to say something, almost hesitating themself. But after a moment, they found the courage to push forward and ask the adorable musician before them.

“—Do you want to go out with me?”

Amethyst was taken aback. She had prepared herself.

“Agh, wait, no, I was ready!” She playfully pouted.

“Oh, hehe, sorry, please go ahead,” Synthwave giggled.

“Synthwave… do you want to go out with me? As in… be my enbyfriend?” Amethyst asked.

The enby looked at her with another adorable blush, brushing the strand of hair out of their face. They said nothing but moved closer to her, holding her hands. They leaned in close, cupping Amethyst’s cheek before leaning in for a kiss. Amethyst was taken aback… for about two seconds. She leaned into the kiss, stroking Synthwave’s cheek softly before moving out of the kiss.

“Does that answer your question?” Synthwave asked with lidded eyes.

“… Yes,” Amethyst blushed some more, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head.

Without another thought, Synthwave pulled her in again, for a sweet embrace of a hug, feeling warm all over. The 80s obsessed geek was feeling the same as she wrapped her arms around them, another wave of relief leaving her as she embraced her partner.

After pulling from the hug, Amethyst looked at them. "So... what do we do now?"

"Well, I need to get going since I have work tomorrow, but maybe I can see you after or on my break? I'd love to get the chance to see you some more," they said, adorably.

"I... I would love to," Amethyst smiled, stroking their cheek, almost hesitantly. "B-But um. Something else I wanted to ask. Since Vinyl and Octavia know about us dating already, and I'm guessing they're probably still stalking us..." She turned her head to the side, checking if they were hiding again, this time behind a car. "Should... I tell my friends you and I are an item? I don't want to make anything official if you don't want to."

"Hmm..." Synthwave rubbed their chin. "Well, I'd honestly be okay if you tell them we're dating. Though maybe don't use lover anytime soon, we're nowhere near that," they said with a little wink.

"I promise," Amethyst nodded. "But if you tell anyone at CPA we're dating, I'm perfectly okay with that."

"Thank you," they said with another heartfelt smile. They leaned in again and kissed Amethyst on the cheek. "So... see you tomorrow then?"

"Of course. Have a good night... Synth," Amethyst winked.

"And you as well, Amy," they winked back before walking up to their apartment. Amethyst was quiet for a moment as she walked away from their apartment complex. And without knowing it, Synthwave peaked their head out to watch her as she let out a quiet but adorable cheer of delight.

"Best! Night! Ever!"

The weekend came and went by in a flash. Amethyst was back in school for her second week, now caught in a quagmire. How would she possibly break her new social life to her friends? Again, she tried to beat it into her that her friends would have been accepting but she was still stuck with no direction. Her pacing back and forth continued as she tried to think, unaware that her friends had been standing there and watching for the past few minutes.

"Amy! Hey!" Amethyst broke out of her head abuse to notice her friends were all standing there, looking at her with confusion.

"Exams don't start til the end of September, why are you walking like you have it in a day? " Bon Bon asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"I... okay. I've been trying to figure out how to talk to you all about this, but.. actually, you know what, can we discuss this in the practice room?"

Following Amethyst's steps, the group moved their discussion into the old practice room where most of their meetings had taken place now. It was out of the hallways, it had enough room to spread out, it was the perfect spot to talk if anyone needed to step aside.

Everyone sat on the steps in the middle as Amethyst kept pacing back and forth, trying to bring herself together. Except for Octavia who just stood by in case she needed another supporting hand.

"Okay, how do I... should I... no. But what if--no!"

"Sheesh, I haven't seen you this conflicted since you saw that new Galaxy Wars cartoon," Lyra folded her arms. "What's gotten into you?"

Amethyst sighed for a second as she faced her friends.

"Okay everyone, I've been a bit quiet the past week, and I wanted to wait to tell you all when I was ready," Amethyst began. She was a little shaky in her voice, but Octavia's supporting shoulder calmed her down. "I've been doing a lot of internal thinking, questioning myself, and I realized I should trust you all well enough that you would be okay with this."

The girls were a little confused by her beginning start but some of them already started having some thoughts.

"The reason I haven't been hanging with you guys after school as of late is because, I'm... I'm dating."

A small wave of silence hushed over the group. Well, except for Lyra and Bon Bon who gasped simultaneously.

"Okay, details, now," Lyra insisted with an excited grin.

"That's it?" Sonata asked. "That's not a big deal, that's perfectly okay."

"Sonata, this is a very big deal to me," Amethyst folded her arms. "Because, I'm not exactly dating... a guy, per say."

"Oh, sweetheart, are you into girls?" Adagio asked.

"No, well... maybe, I don't know, I'm still questioning myself. I know there's some cute guys here, and maybe a girl or two, but I'm not dating... well either guy or girl." Everyone was still trying to process it, making Amethyst groan out loud. "Okay, since my subtlety isn't working... I'm dating a non-binary person," she said, sighing with shame. "Now you all know."


"... So?" Aria asked, rolling her hand around. "... What's the big deal? So you're dating someone who isn't a guy or girl, I don't see the issue here," Aria rolled her eyes. "This is what you made a fuss over?"

"Maybe to you all. But not everyone is so accepting of that, and I didn't want to tell any of you because I was afraid you all would not want to be friends with me."

"Okay, pump the brakes," Aria interrupted again, standing up on her feet. "Look, we have been through a lot together. We almost died because of a raging she-demon together, and saved an entire school through music. You girls fought monsters at the Friendship Games, and got sucked into a magical pendant prison," she recounted with her hand. "So you're dating a non-binary person, big deal. You can relax."

Amethyst had to stop herself before she spoke again. But with a small, but sincere smile she gave a nod to Aria. "Thank you, Aria."

Bon Bon spoke up next. "Amy, you're our friend, we're gonna support you no matter what. We just want you to be happy."

"Really dear, it's perfectly okay," Adagio added. "In fact, I'd actually love to meet them some day. Maybe you and them can join me and Trixie on a double-date some time?"

"What, not me and Flash?" Aria pouted, folding her arms.

"When your boyfriend confirms you two haven't gotten kicked out of any restaurants, then we'll talk," Adagio glared, firmly but calmly.

"I'd have to ask them, we're still in the early stages. We're still trying to get adjusted to being this close to each other," Amethyst rubbed her arm. "But maybe one day I can introduce you all to them?"

"We'd love that," Vinyl agreed. "Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I have not eaten all day, and I am desperate for some grub. Shall we go eat?"



"Let's go!"

Everyone left the room one by one, with Amethyst being the last of the group to leave. She stopped for a second as she thought things over. She really did worry over nothing. Her friends were happy for her. They really were. That only made her more happy as she caught up with them to go get food from the cafeteria and lockers.

A buzzing sound vibrated in her pants, coming from her phone. Pulling it out, she saw a new text; one from Synthwave.

Synthwave: Hey baby! I just wanted to say hi, hope you're having a good day. ^_^

Amethyst couldn't help but gush. And maybe one day she would introduce them to the rest of her friend group. But that day would come when they were ready. And she would be there for them no matter what.

Comments ( 4 )

The Shatered Rainbow Rock universe??
I didn't expect that.

And OCTAVIA, what have they done to you!!?


Parallel dimension rules; Octavia's a metal punk in this world :3

This was a charming read. One thing I found I've really liked as I've grown older is romances where the people involved just *like* each other without any back-and-forth, will they or won't they, nonsense. It's refreshing for lack of a better term. Seeing Amethyst and Synthwave click with each other is heartwarming. :twilightsmile:

That was a very nice read. Amy and Synth are so cute together! :twilightsmile:

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