• Member Since 25th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


"... okay, I have another plan!"


Bored one Friday evening, Sunset gets the idea of renting a movie from the videostore. One movie she comes across looks like it should be interesting. Little did she know that was a bad idea....

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 211 )

Totally Mortal Kombat Annihilation.

Probably not birdemic, while bad, it's not scar you for life bad.

My money's on Baby Geniuses. Yes, the first one, even though the sequel (WHY?!) is in IMDB's bottom 5 worst movies.

There was this one movie I saw once that was really, really bad. But it was so bad I have blocked the title from my memory.

Anyways there are two somewhat recent movies I can think of: Food fight or AVP2

I bet my money on the utterly terrible and disgusting anime ova: GYO: Tokyo Fish Attack

Dragon Ball Evolution or The Last Airbender


Freddy Got Fingered, Bio Dome, something made by Uwe Bowell, Movie 43

The Room by Tommy Wiseau.:trixieshiftright:

Dragon Ball evolution?

Human Centipede

Star wars holiday special.

Schumacher's Batman and Robin?

Food Fight, definitely!

7429558 YES. YOU'RE RIGHT. Probably, anyways.

Food Fight. There is no movie worse than that.
Can you even call it a movie?! I got cancer from that shit!

Southland Tales.

The only movie I've EVER seen that I actually dislike.

I am calling it now... "The Hand of Manos"!

And barring that, "Troll 2" or "The Highlander 2: The Quickening."

Garbage Pail Kids.

7429537 they already asked the room, in the fic she said no though Im going with Son of the mask, that one is terrible maybe norm of the north or... A minty christmas :fluttershbad:

A movie like this one I feel should be universally bad, something that anyone, without prior knowledge agrees is a horrible thing. Thus Mortal Kombat Annihilation, Dragon Ball Evolution, Star wars holiday special, The Highlander 2, Fant4stick, or The Last Airbender wouldn't really qualify as a large part of their awfulness is derived from them crapping all over beloved properties that it'd be debatably if Sunset had enough of a sense of nostalgia for to be truly offended over. Uwe Boll's work could be seen as exceptions, since they rarely adhere to the licensed title's original content.

No, you want something that is a more universal definition of suck, something that can be regarded as bad without any background besides the movie itself. The Room, Birdemic, Baby Geniuses (or immediate sequel), Freddy Got Fingered, Food Fight, Manos (though I hear the full, non-MST3K version is terribly slow and boring) are good suggestions since you don't need to know anything else about them. Then there's also things like Leonard Part 6, Yor, The Taint.

How has no one mentioned Toll 2 yet?
(Edit: Posted just after 7429592 got there)

For my own, I think you need to go obscure or rare to get really bad stuff. I'd say John Waters' Pink Flamingos, The Amazing Bulk, Crazy Fat Ethel, or anything of the Schizophreniac series. Actually, I'd say Actium Maximus. That is theoretically a film, though it fails on virtually every level.

If the girls want Sunset to feel better, they can watch Miami Connection. It starts off with ninjas killing drug dealers and then goes to a song about friendship and making your dreams come true!

Okay, change of thoughts: Titanic the Animated Musical (you know the one :trixieshiftright:).

Gaaargh! If it's not any of the movies said in the fic, there's SO many others it could be! But which horrible film could be so terrible to traumatize her until the next morning?!

Troll 2, Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, Foodfight, the Star Wars Holiday Special, Dragon Ball Evolution, Birdemic: Shock and Terror, Batman and Robin, Norm of the North, the animated Titanic movie, what, WHAAAAT?! :applejackconfused:

It was Batman and Robin wasn't it?:trollestia:

The Creeping Terror?

Nah. That one's stupid, really stupid, but not horrible.

Space Mutiny?

Again, stupid, but not horrible, no matter what Mike and the Bots might have said.

Robot Monster?

Lets see:: nonsensical plot, terrible ending, and a monster that looks like a man in a gorilla costume wearing a diving helmet. It's a pretty good candidate

The Last Airbender?

It outright murders one of the best cartoon series of all times, so it's a pretty good candidate.

Leonard Part 6 ?

Hilariously bad storytelling, terrible jokes, and a strange disdain for vegetarians. This could very well be the one.

Freddy Got Fingered?

Forget what I said earlier; this has to be it. Unlikeable characters, disgusting jokes, and depictions of bestiality.

Can you give us a clue? Parody name of the star, or a very basic plot point?

7429689 "Batman and Robin" wasn't that bad. Yeah, it was the worst of the live-action Batman movies, but it could be worse. It could have "Foodfight" levels of bad.

Well, it broke Nostalgia Critic and JonTron.

Megashark vs Crocosaurus?

7429780 Well it had the Nostalgia Critic try to commit suicide and also try to go on a murderous rampage. So I would say it's pretty bad.

7429828 Yes, but have you seen Foodfight? The Nostalgia Critic literally had a mental breakdown after he learn that review was all for nothing.

Plus, the NC is known for exaggerating (it is a comedy series, after all).

7429799 Trust me when I say that every single movie mentioned here has NOTHING on the awfulness that is 'Where The Dead Go To Die' by Jimmy ScreamerClauz. Animation worse than a PS1 cutscene, horrendous acting, fucked up imagery and themes to the nth degree, no sense of story or any kind of narrative structure, not one single likable character to be found, everything in that movie is just wrong in every possible way.

Comment posted by MythrilMoth deleted Sep 8th, 2016

7429871 I'm sorry my story didn't please you. :pinkiesad2:

One-shots just aren't really my thing. I was giving this a try.

7429885 Eh, keep practicing, learn by reading, and so forth. :twilightsmile:

7429780 I don't know, man. BVS was pretty bad. I can actually go back and watch Batman and Robin.

7429638 the one with the rapping dog?

7429904 Technically, Batman v. Superman is not a Batman movie, neither is it a Superman movie. BvS is a Justice League movie.

MythrilMoth's right. You gotta fix some things. But this was a nice quick read for me.

Also, shame on you people. Have you forgotten about Jack and Jill?

Story of my life

Comment posted by tron deleted Jul 27th, 2016
tron #45 · Jul 27th, 2016 · · 2 ·

this must be talking about this movie

Movie 43, The Rules of Attraction, Gigli...

Food Fight

I'd say Norm of the North but it's not even on dvd yet :twilightblush:

Sunset obviously watched Frozen.

the avatar the last airbender movie

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