• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 1,147 Views, 8 Comments

MLP - Equestria Girls: The Magic of Friendship - MLPEG Lover

The Equestria Girls are back for their last year at Canterlot High School.

  • ...

Catch the Magic

It's now the day after the Nightshade incident. Canterlot High School is able to enjoy this moment of... well, things being normal. Not that this school has never had any moments like this before. But after what Nightshade did, normal is very much welcomed. Or at least it is for most. One student in particular is far more interested in the events that took place three days ago. A boy that made sure to get to school earlier than anyone else. A boy that loves all things magic. New student, Rain. And all he can think about is how a bunch of normal teenage girls can fly around and shoot rainbows from their hands. After doing more research, he found out that it all comes back to one spot of origin. The stone block in the center of the courtyard.

"So, this is where all this started. Or I guess, what's on the other side." He almost can't believe it. Right in front of him is a gateway to a world where magic is like air. Just a few more steps, and he can find all the magic he'd ever need to. "Okay Rain. Just leap forward and witness the magical wonders that await you. And you're probably gonna turn into a pony. Hmm, yeah I'm okay with that." He takes a few steps back, then charges forward only to stop right before going through. "Wait, if I do this now, I'll technically be skipping class." He thinks about it for half a second. "Eh." After some more thinking, he takes off his jacket, folds it up nice and neat, and places it next to the portal. "Please still be here when I get back, please still be here when I get back." He begs the jacket. Okay, this time for real. He takes a few steps back, getting a running start, and then makes a dash for the portal.


"Augh, Oww! Why did going through the portal feel like running into a stone wall?" Probably because that's exactly what he did. There is no portal. Just stone. "Ugh! What the hay." He gets back on his feet and feels around for the portal. Did he not do it right. Is the portal on a different side of the block. No matter how much felt around, there's just no portal! He starts pushing and kick, but nothing. "Well that just goes to show you that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is." Then he realizes something. He's no longer alone. By bus, by bike, by car, or by just walking, students began to appear. And almost all of them have their eyes on the weird boy wrestling with a rock. Time to go. Now! With a slight blush on his face, he quickly scoops up his jacket and runs straight for the school doors. "Okay, clearly I'm gonna need a different approach to this."

After a few classes meet up with each other at lunch. And by the looks of their faces, Sunset can tell that they all of them have the same thing on their minds. The events that took place here yesterday. Best to just go ahead and get it out there. "Alright, I don't need my magic to know what all of you are thinking about. Nightshade, right?"

"Ah know we managed to beat him yesterday, but it still sorta concerns me, ya know." Applejack says, confirming Sunset to be right. "Jest knowin' that Nightshade guy's still out there."

"After what happened yesterday, I couldn't even bring myself to bring my animal friends to school with me." Fluttershy softly says.

"Nightshade is extremely dangerous." Twilight Sparkle says. "He can be anywhere he wants, do almost anything he wants. And what's worse, he can attack at any moment."

After all the girls taking a quick look over their shoulders, umm... for no particular reason, Rainbow Dash takes a turn to speak. "Ugh, not to mention that jerk ran off with our magic even after we whooped his sorry butt. What a sore loser."

"Speaking of which, I wrote to Twilight, uh Princess Twilight, to see if she knew anything about that staff Nightshade used to steal our magic."

"What did she say?" Their Twilight asks.

"She's doing her best to figure out what it is and where it came from, but so far nothing." Sunset replies. "I also told her about what Nightshade was doing to the portal. We're not quite sure why he did what he did but for now, we decided it's best to keep the portal closed."

Rarity takes a turn to speak. "I still can't believe magic has been leaking out of the stone in front of the school this whole time."

"And if it weren't for those other girls, *sigh* well you know." Sunset says.

"So the list of everything we don't know is, who those girls really are, where they came from, how they have a device that looks just like my old magic tracker, Who Nightshade is, what he wants, what his staff is and comes from, just how much magic has already leaked into our world, how we can get our magic back..."

"We get it Twi, there's a lot we don't know." Rainbow interrupts, getting the idea.

"I know! And I can't stand it!" Twilight's not really used to not knowing things. Being hit with this many mysteries at once is a tad frustrating. And it kinda shows.

"Here, scream into this." Pinkie says passing Twilight a big bag of marshmallows. "Helps me when I'm frustrated."

Wait. When is Pinkie ever frustrated? Ugh, just another thing she doesn't know. Better take Pinkie up on her offer. She takes the bag of fluffy treats and shoves her face into it. Releasing a muffled scream afterwards. And you know what, it does kinda help. "Huh, that was oddly satisfying."

"See, marshmallows fix everything." The pink party lover says.

"Except our no magic problem." Twilights reminds.

"Well, then it's about time we did some research of our own." Sunset says. "I mean for all we know that staff might be from this world. It can't hurt to check out. Soon as we get the chance, why don't we hit up the library?"

"Good idea. I do think better when surrounded by items holding vast knowledge." Is she serious, or was that supposed to come off as funny? Either way, glad she's on board.

"Good. Can't let Princess Twilight do all the work. Let's see what we can dig up on our end."

"You're Telling Me We're Stuck Here!!!" Yells an angry E2. "How could you let your M.M.D get broken?! Do you know how important that thing is?!"

E1 covers her ears in order to withstand her little sister's verbal onslaught. "Yelling at me isn't going to change anything. It got damaged during the fight with Nightshade. What about your M.M.D?"

"I'm a support agent. Mine only has the basic installs."

"Oh, right. But you're smart, can't you just... um science mine back to normal."

Sci-Science it... Did she really just say science it?! "No, I can't just 'science it back to normal' as you so intellectually put it. I need replacement parts! Parts that are probably aren't even made! Ugh, this is bad! Really bad! How are we supposed to get home?!"

"Let's not panic. These things happen on these kinds of missions. Soon enough, they'll send a team to investigate our whereabouts."

E2 sighs with relief. "Oh yeah. That's right. So how long until then."

"Based on the capacity of our mission, uh couple months."

Are you kidding me! "What! Two months! Why do we have to wait that long!"

"To be fair, most agents don't have their M.M.D destroyed after one week on the job."

E2 then realizes something else. Something very important. "We have another problem. Your M.M.D also had all the digital currency we needed."

Say what! "Wait. You mean, without it we're flat broke! How are we supposed to pay our rent! Or eat!"

"Well, there's pretty much only one thing we can do about that."

E1 knows where this is going. "No please, anything but that!"

"We're gonna have to get... real jobs."

"Gah, apple fudge!!"

Within the library of CHS, Rain is currently checking out some books he'd like to read. All six of them. Three of them being fantasy novels, two of them are on advanced science and machinery, and one called "Making Friends 101: Vol. 2". Sure, because volume one was so helpful.

Miss Cherilee finishes checking out the last book and places it on the on the top of the stack of books in Rain's arms. "That sure is a lot of books you're checking out at once. Whenever will you find the time to read them?"

She's half joking when she asks this, but Rain decides to answer anyway. "If I use all of this evening and tonight, I'll have these back here by tomorrow."

Wait, tomorrow! She takes a look at the top book on his stack, "Making Friends 101: Vol. 2", and gets the idea. This kid is very lonely. And a little boring. But she's not gonna say that out loud. "Oh, that's um nice. Enjoy the books."

"I will. Thanks Miss." He starts to struggle to hold up his books and open the doors, but suddenly the doors open for him. "Oh, thank you doors." In reality, Sunset and Twilight had open the doors. But Rain's to busy thinking his own thoughts to notice them.

Paying no mind to the boy they just held the door for, the girls enter the library to begin their research. "So, you really think that Nightshade's staff could be from this world, and that we can find something on it in here?" The resident nerd asks.

"Honestly, I have my doubts." That's not reassuring at all Sunset. "Pretty sure we're not that lucky. But it doesn't hurt to look while we have some free time. Princess Twilight will probably have better luck than us, but I want to contribute something to the search."

"Do you think maybe you should head to Equestria? To maybe help the princess look there." True, she is more likely to find information on something magical in a world full of magic. But admitting it still makes Twilight feel a little off for some reason.

"You said it yourself. Nightshade can attack at any moment. I don't want to risk me not being here when that happens."

That is a good point. She still remembers when she, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash went to Equestria and while they were gone that massive storm hit the yacht their friends and everyone else was one. Probably best for them all to stick together for now.

"Oh, okay then." She replies.

"Now let's see what we can find before next period starts."

School has ended for the day and as you can probably guess their search ended in a failure. All the students are making their way home. Sunset decides to walk Twilight home to continue to try to come up with a plan. "Okay so our search was a bit unsuccessful. Any ideas on what to do now?"

"Well, yes but try not to freak out." Twilight says a bit nervous as to what Sunset's reaction is gonna be.

."Why would I freak out?"

"Well, um you'll see."

Activating Anticipating Freak Out Mode. "All right. I'll try not to freak out."

The two make it to Twilight's house. "Okay, wait here." The purple teen runs inside, Leaving Sunset waiting for a few minutes. After a little bit, she runs back out with something in her hands and her dog Spike right behind her. "All right. Here it is."

"She also spent all of last night working on it." The dog snitches earning a glare from his owner.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't stay up working on your projects anymore." Sunset says with an unconvincing stern look.

"It's to help us against Nightshade. I think we can both agree that my losing sleep is a small price to pay." She takes a breath, almost turning into a yawn, and prepares to show what she's been working on. "Alright, here it is." She opens her hands to reveal a device that Sunset knows all too well. Twilight's magic tracker from the Friendship Games.

She instinctively takes a step back at the sight of it. "Your device from the Friendship Games. You actually fixed that thing!" Last time Twilight used that thing, she sucked up all Sunset's and her friend's magic, closed the portal to Equestria, ripped holes in the fabric of reality, and turned herself into a giant demon that almost destroyed two worlds. So yeah, she's a bit nervous around it.

"Told ya she'd freak out." Spike says.

"Technically I made a brand new one, since the old one was destroyed."

"Not the point!"

"You said you wouldn't freak out."

"I said I'd try!" Well, you failed. "It's not gonna, you know."

"Relax. I've learned from what happened last time. It won't drain any magic anymore. Unless you know, I want it to." Not very reassuring. "It's perfectly safe. Here look." She opens the device and Sunset jumps back, expecting it to, well any of the bad things it caused before. But fortunately, nothing happens.

"Huh, I guess you're right." She reaches out to take a closer look at the device, only for Twilight to mischievously slam the device shut and quickly reopen it. Causing the dual-colored haired girl to swiftly retract her arm, releasing and adorable yelp. Twilight can't help but giggle at Sunset's reaction. "Not funny Twi."

But the look on your face was priceless. "Okay sorry. For real this time." She passes Sunset the device to let her examine it.

"So how does this one work any different than the last one?"

"It'll only detect frequencies when I program it to. And only specific ones I want it to. And its containment feature also requires an input code. It's basically the same but with a lot of safety measures."

"So how do we get it to find what we want?"

"That's the downside to the recent improvements I made. In order to find any form of magic, I first need to scan a sample of it."

As ironic as needing the magic in order to find the magic sounds, this being the only downside to the device no longer being able to cause the end of the world is something Sunset can live with.

"Without our magic, I'm not sure how to get a sample." The nerd says.

Sunset passes her friand the tracker back and places her backpack on the ground. She then starts rummaging through it, searching for something. "No problem. I've got just the thing." She pulls out her magical journal she uses to write to Princess Twilight. "I'm sure there's enough magic in here to help."

"Sunset you're a genius!" Twilight exclaims with joy.

"Thanks for noticing. Now how do we do this? Do I need to open the book. Or maybe tear a piece of paper off and place it inside?"

"Scan complete!" Say what?!

"What? When did you..."

"It's a pretty simple procedure. Now for the moment of truth." The tracker starts to whir and hum, but then the lights power on and it begins to detect the nearest magical energy signature. "Yes, it's working." Twilight face glows with pride. It always feels nice to have a failed experiment turn into a success.

"It's actually working?!" Well don't sound too surprised. "I mean, can you tell what it's tracking?"

"The energy seems rather small. Might be one of those wisps of magic that leaked out from Equestria."

So not Nightshade. Sunset's not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. "Welp, that's a start. Let go find it. Before someone else gets their hands on it." She runs off in a random direction before coming right back. "Actually, you better lead the way. You, having the tracker and all."

"Right. Okay then, this way." Twilight leads the way with Sunset and Spike right behind.

The two girls and the dog run for quite a bit for reasons not quite sure of at this point. "Wh...Why are... we still... running.?" She says between deep breaths. She can handle some running, but they've been running for almost half an hour. without so much as a minute to catch their breath.

"The source... of the magical signature... Keeps moving." Twilight says, also having a bit of trouble breathing. She's is doing better than Sunset and Spike though. Either she's in better shape or the excitement of finding the magic is propelling her forward. "We need to keep up if we ever want to catch it. So, keep running!"

"But can't we at least take of a break?" The poor dog begs.

"No, we can't. We have to catch it. Who knows when will ever get a chance to find another one."

"Twi has a point. Let's... just keep going and hope we see it soon."

And, as if the universe decided to show pity on the tired runners, The magic signature finally stops moving. and Twilight is trilled. "Hey, it stopped moving. Now's our chance to catch it!"

"You're really excited about this, huh Twi." Sunset asks, now feeling a bit relieved.

"This can just be a start. Think of all we can do with magic if we figure out how to properly utilize it."

She's probably been thinking about this for a while. Twilight is a wiz at science. If she figures out how to incorporate magic into that. Then again, Sunset's not too sure if that's such a good idea. Magic doesn't exactly follow any rules here. Maybe she's a bit too excited.

"It's here!"

Sunset's snaps back out of her own thoughts to find Twilight rushing to the park. She knows it's in this area. It's only a matter of time before they find it. "So, it's somewhere in the park?"

"Yep, and I just need to pinpoint its location so we can... What the!" Suddenly the energy signature on her device just vanishes. "Wait a sec... no, what, how!"

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Her worried dog asks.

"The magic signature, it's gone!"

"Gone!" Sunset says. "You mean it left?"

"No, I mean it just... blipped off!"

Blipped off? "It just vanished? Did your device stop working or something?"

"No. At least I don't think so."

Spike walks further into the park and spots something. "Girls look!"

The two look up from Twilight's device and look in the direction Spike is looking. And then they see it coming from behind a tree. A person in an oversized black jacket looking as suspicious as possible. What really catches their attention is what the person has in his hands. It appears to be a canister of some sort. And within it a purple glowing wisp of Equestrian magic!

"Hey, you!" Sunset yells in the person's direction. The person gasps at the sound of her voice. He's caught by surprise but then decides to make a break for it. "Come back!"

The three begin to chase after him. The guy runs for dear life and is actually getting away. The three of them are still tired from all the running to get here. They needed to catch their breath and by then, he was long gone.

"Oh great! He got away with the wisp." Twilight says in distress. "And whatever he had it in, must be blocking the energy signature. I can't track it."

The fact that someone else has something that can not only contain the wisp but also suppress its energy signature. This leaves Twilight feeling, well honestly, a bit intrigued. But mostly aggravated, because now she can't track the wisp.

"Maybe we can find another one." Sunset, trying to cheer her up. "I mean, come on there all probably some of those things all over the place."

"I guess. But Sunset, what if that guy who stole the wisp... what if he was Nightshade."

Sunset can't say she didn't consider that. I mean, who else would try to get their hands on it. E2 and, she can only assume, E1 sure. But she highly doubt's that guy has anything to do with them. And even though using a canister to contain the magic instead of his staff seems a little off, Nightshade is unpredictable. Plus, he probably doesn't walk around carrying that thing twenty-four/seven.

"Okay, let's say he is Nightshade. You want us to go after him right now? Maybe it's best to just keep looking around until we have a better idea of..."

"But we can't just let him go!" Twilight says cutting her off. "If it is Nightshade he can gather up all the magic in the city in no time between his teleportation and super speed. If we find him, we might be able to get our own magic back. Isn't that what you want?"

"Well yeah, I guess." It's not that she's scared to face Nightshade, okay maybe a little. But she'd just rather be prepared is all. Ugh! When did she start being the cautious one?

"Besides, it might not even be Nightshade. It might just be a random person who can come up with a way to track magic and keep its energy contained in a safe manner. A person who must already have an understanding of the capabilities of integrating magic with science! A genius! A person I must meet!"

Is she just hoping to find a person she can bounce her nerd ideas off of? Twilight notices the look on Sunset's face and blushes a bit. "You know, if he isn't Nightshade and all."

Well, she definitely doesn't want just anyone with that magic. And Twi id bring up some good points. "All right, but how are we gonna find him if we can't track that wisp?"

"I got his scent!"

The girls look over to the tree the person was previously hiding behind to find Spike their now. He's sniffing around, getting the scent of the person. Of course, if they can't track the magic, we'll just track the person who stole it! "You got his scent, good boy Spike!" His owner says proudly.

The sniffs a little more to make sure he's got the scent. "Huh, smells like old fabric, dust, and soda." Not sure if they needed to know that, but okay. "Come on, this way!" With the little guy taking the lead this time, the three make their way to find their magic thief.

It was a long walk, but they finally make it their destination. An old beat-up music store called Music Kingdom. This is not what they expected. But then again, what were they expecting? "You sure this is the place Spike?" Sunset asks staring at the shabby store.

"Positive. The scent leads right here."

"If Spike says this is the place, then this must be the place." Twilight says.

Sunset pulls out her phone. "Alright, I'll text the others. If this is Nightshade's place, then we should all be here. Just in case."

"Yeah, okay." Twilight walks up to the windows and tries her best to look through the cracked, dusty windows. With little success believe it or not.

"You really think it's Nightshade in there?" The dog asks his owner.

"I don't know Spike. But I intend to find out."

Thirty minutes pass and almost all the remaining Rainbooms assemble in front of the store. Everyone except Rainbow Dash. "Where in tarnation is Rainbow? We've been sittin' here for near 'bout ten minutes!" Applejack rants.

"I'm sure she's on her way." Fluttershy says, trying to defend her oldest friend.

"Here she comes now!" Pinkie exclaims, seeing their rainbow-haired friend running towards them.

Rainbow comes to a stop once reaching her destination, and instantly goes into explanation mode. "Sorry, I'm late. Soccer practice ran a little long and I didn't see your text until I was finished."

"How do you already have soccer practice?" Sunset asks. "School just started yesterday."

"I didn't say I was practicing with a team." Sunset playfully shakes her head as Rainbow walks up to the store doors. "So, this is Nightshade's evil lair huh."

"We don't know that for sure." Twilight says. "But there is a person in there with Equestrian magic. We need to get in there. Make sure it's not in the wrong hands."

"And put it in our hands, I reckon." Applejack says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Twilight answers without a second thought. "It's safer with us and we all know it."

Yeah, that's technically true, somewhat.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Rainbow says, a bit over eager. "Let's bust down this door and get that magic!" But before Rainbow's foot can connect with the door, Applejack simply pushes the door open. Leaving her on the receiving end of Applejack's signature "Really Rainbow Dash" look. "Or you can just, open the door. Heh-heh." Sure, if you want to do it the boring way.

The girls and Spike all step into the building, and all start to regret it just a little. Or in Rarity's case, a lot. "Ugh. How could any person possibly stay in this dust infested place?" The place is old, dark, and dusty. Filled with only the most outdated music products.

Fluttershy flips the light switch on and the lights, eventually, flicker on. Though, the place looked better with the lights off. They still all look around the place though.

"What's with all this old-school junk." Rainbow says. "I mean, who even listens to mixtapes anymore?"

Applejack picks up and old base and gives it a simple strum. Which is all it takes for one of its strings to snap. Just barely missing hitting the cowgirl's face.

"Stop messing around." Sunset says. "We need to find the guy that took the wisp. And before that, we should come up with a plan in case we do face Nightshade!"


Was that a bell?! Spike and six of the Rainbooms face the counter and find the seventh Rainboom, Pinkie, with her hand on a service bell. She didn't mean to ring it. She was just leaning on the counter and the bell was just at the wrong place. "Um, heh-he, well the sign does say, 'ring for service'."

"Pinkie!" The rest yell in unison.

"Customers?!" Uh-oh. That must be the store owner and/or magic thief and/or Nightshade. "I don't ever get customers!" The person yelling runs out of the backroom and is struggling to get is arm through the sleeve of his oversized jacket. He runs behind the counter, but unfortunately for him, he also trips over his own foot and lands on the rolling chair behind the counter. To add injury to insult, the chair rolls with him on it, lying on his gut, until his head makes contact with the wall. His groans of agony now fill the room.

The girls aren't entirely sure what just happened, but if that guy is Nightshade, he definitely seemed more threatening with the cloak and staff. And without the cartoonish slapstick. The guy manages to pull himself up, using the counter as leverage, and rubs his head in order to soothe the pain. "Ohhhhh. Welcome to the Magic Kingdom, I guess. How may I help YOU SEVEN!"

The girls all jump back at the boy's sudden outburst with those last two word. Does he know them, or is he just really surprised at how many there are of them that actually stepped foot in this place.

"Oh, uh, wow, uh, you're all, uh here. In my store. All seven of you." The boy barely manages to pull a sentence together. Looking at them all seems to make him really nervous. Or really suspicious.

"Hey, haven't I seen you before?" Twilight asks the poor boy.

"Uhhhh..." Pull yourself together man. Just answer the question without doing that thing you do where you say something dumb. "Yeah. I met you yesterday on my way to school. You're the girl who fell flat on her face in front of me."


Twilight's cheeks change shades. "Uh, yeah. That is what happened." She begrudgingly admits. "You said your name's Rain, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. And I don't think I got your name Twilight."


Seriously dude, just stop talking.

"Wait then, how do you know my name?"

Realizing the mistake he made, Rain decides to rethink his approach. "I need to head to the backroom." Or I guess make a tactical retreat. "Please excuse me and don't follow me." He rushes to the door leading to the back and can't get behind it fast enough.

As soon as the door closes, the girls and Spike all look to one another. Still unsure as to what the heck just happened.

In the backroom Rain tries his best to calm himself down. "Okay, okay, calm down Rain. Just calm down." His best better be pretty good. "Come on man get it together. You wanted to meet them. Just not all at once. Dah, seriously! Why are they here?!" The boy looks to his desk and sees the canister containing the wisp of magic. "Riiiiiight. But how'd they track it. This thing should have kept its energy signature concealed. Oh, don't tell me it's malfunctioning. Again!" He thinks for a minute and then tries to stay positive. "Hmm, well maybe there here to actually buy some music stuff." Then he remembers where he's at. "Who am I kidding, this place is a dump!"

The boy shakes his head and focuses up. "Never mind that now. All you can do now is speed up the plan a little. See if you can befriend these girls, learn all you can about their magic, possibly learn magic in the process." He takes a deep breath and slaps his cheeks with his palms to ready himself. "And don't say anything dumb, don't do anything weird, and don't do that thing you do where you get a little too excited."

Back to the others in the store, they begin to discuss. "You know that guy Twilight?" Sunset asks.

"Well not really." She replies. "I met him on the way to school yesterday, and that was pretty much it." Though he didn't seem to act quite like that at the time.

"Gotta say, definitely didn't get super villain vibes from that guy." Rainbow Says.

"He did seem a tad, um socially awkward." Rarity says, putting it gently.

"Whatever the case is that guy has the wisp of magic." Twilight says. "He probably has it in his backroom somewhere. We need to get in there and find it."

"Twi's right." Sunset says. "You all figure out a way to keep him distracted, while Twilight and I sneak into the back and get that wisp."

The others nod their heads and then Applejack asks a question. "Alright, but keep him distracted how?"

Before they had a chance to discuss further, the door opens and Rain walk through, doing his best to stay calm and focused. He walks back behind the counter and sits on his chair. As if he actually expects to make a sale on something. "I'm sorry about earlier. Now How may I help you?"

Spike looks around and sees an old cassette player. "Uh hey, what's the story behind this old thing."

Rain looks to the asker of the question and can't help but feel it coming. He can just feel it bubbling to the surface. He tries to stay calm and focused, but he just can't take it any longer. "Oh My Gosh A Talking Dog!!" He clicks his pen, pulls out a notepad and leaps clean over the counter. Rushing past the Rainbooms and straight to the wonder that is Spike. "Speak talking dog!"

He is weirdly close to Spike's face. "Um uh, my name is Spike."

"Speak Spike! How can you talk?! Is it magic?! Did Twilight experiment on you?! Are you actually a being from an alternate world?! Or are you just some kind of hyper rare dog that can talk?!!"

"Oh. Well uh, where should I start?" The dog asks, taking a few steps back.

"At the beginning. From whenever you became able to speak our language. Don't leave out any details. No matter how long!"

Well, who was Spike to turn down the chance to enlighten the boy with his origins. "Alright, let me start at the beginning."

Once again, the girls can't quite understand what just happened. "Well there's your distraction." Rainbow whispers to Twilight and Sunset. "Get going."

"Oh right." Both Twilight and Sunset say. They ease their way to the door to the back and slip through undetected.

What luck. The distraction basically came up with itself. But whether it's just a distraction or not, Spike is going to enjoy what he's about to do. "You see it all started when me and Twilight came to Canterlot high for the Friendship Games."

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. The girls finally all meet Rain, but he probably didn't make the best first impression. Hopefully things will go smoother in the next chapter.

They won't

Until next time. Please like and comment on what you think about this chapter.