• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 1,145 Views, 8 Comments

MLP - Equestria Girls: The Magic of Friendship - MLPEG Lover

The Equestria Girls are back for their last year at Canterlot High School.

  • ...

School of Hard Fights

Nightshade walks up to the door of the principal's office and takes a minute to prepare himself. "Alright, time to do this part again. What kind of entrance should I do this time. I could just blast thee door open." He raises his Crystal spear and begins to charge with magical energy. Until suddenly coming to a stop. "No wait, the polite thing to do would be to knock on the door."

Celestia hears a knock on her door and replies accordingly. "Come in."

The door bursts off its hinges and flies across the room. It just barely misses the now in shock principal and slams into the wall. Principal Celestia looks to her right to see the bottom of her door sticking out of the wall behind her.

"Thanks for having me Ms., much appreciated." Nightshade says as he walks into her office. "Sorry about the door by the way. Needed to send a message and all. You know how these things go." He walks further and stops right in front of her desk. "It'll get fixed soon enough though, so don't worry."

"What have you..." Celestia starts to speak but is cut off when Nightshade places his right index finger on her lips.

"Shhhh, we don't want to worry anyone by starting a panic now do we?"

At that moment the screams of the CHS students could be heard from inside her office.

"I'm sure they're fine. I ordered my terrifying giant beasts not to eat anyone." He says that as if it would actually make her feel better. "Any way I need a place to watch the upcoming events unfold and I figured what better place than the principal's office. So please get out of the chair."

Before Celestia had a chance to reply, she found herself floating up out of her seat. Nightshade is using Twilight's magic on her and she is not enjoying it. "Put me down right now." She demands.

"I don't like your tone young lady." Nightshade says mocking her. "Go stand in the corner." He levitates her over and sit her down in the corner. To keep her in place, he uses Rarity's magic and encases her up to her neck with diamonds. "Now you stay there and think about what you've done."

Clearly enjoying himself, he takes a seat in Celestia's chair. "Cue vice-principal in three, two, one." He points to the empty space where the door used to be, and right on cue Vice-Principal Luna runs in, worried for her older sister.

"Celestia, are you..." She gasps in fear as she sees her sister held against her will in the back corner. Before she could react in any way, she found herself thrusted right next to her sister due to Nightshade's telekinesis. Quickly followed by being trapped in magical diamonds just like her sister.

"Really Luna, it's rude to enter a room without knocking first. Though I suppose I didn't leave you much choice."

Luna struggles to get free, but it's just no use. She is trapped.

Nightshade looks to his captives, or more specifically their distressed faces, and thinks he should do something to try and lighten the mood. "Look ladies I know this must be weird for you and your students. A strange man suddenly appears and is now using magic to achieve whatever it is he wants." Honestly that's pretty normal for this school. "Usually it's a girl."

Nightshade can't help but laugh at his little joke but believe it or not the two sisters don't seem to appreciate his humor. He clears his throat as he realizes that it's probably best to lay off the jokes for the time being and continues to speak.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself. You can call me Nightshade. I'm just going to be borrowing your school for a little while" It's nothing personal, sometimes we do what we need to get what we need. If it makes you feel better, I honestly take no pleasure in what I'm doing." He says as he sits his feet up on Celestia's desk. They still didn't feel any better. I guess there's just no cheering up some people. Especially when your holding said people captive.

"Look whoever you are, if you don't stop this right now..." Celestia starts.

"Am I supposed to assume that you plan on doing something about me yourselves or are we gonna face the facts that the only people who can possibly come close to standing a chance of against me," - Nightshade waves his hand and a magical vision appears before him and the two sisters. - "Are those seven girls."

Within the vision they see The Rainbooms in front of the diamond wall blocking their way into the school. It's almost as if they're watching a magic television screen. They notice the seven girls facing away from the school. Their focus is entirely on E2 who runs from the stone block in the courtyard and rushes to the wall until getting just a few feet. She leaps into the air, but completely face plants into the top of the wall. Before she falls back to the ground though, she's able to get her hands at the top of the wall and is able to hold on. She pulls, basically drags, herself over the walls and to the other side. Her landing is, however, ungraceful. As in she falls straight down to the stairs to the school entrance.

"Oh right, I should probably let them in." Nightshade says. He snaps his fingers, and the diamond wall starts to retract back into the ground. The keeps getting shorter and shorter until it's completely gone.

As much as Celestia and Luna wish they didn't have to have their students in harm's way, they have to face facts. What Nightshade said is true. The Rainbooms are the only ones who ever have been able to do something against all the magical mishaps that has happened here. "They will stop you." Celestia says with confidence.

Nightshade turns his head to the captive women and says a statement that comes as a surprise to them. "Well, let's hope so."

"Whatever we come up with, as long as the seven of you are all together, we can't lose." E2 sys to the Rainbooms. They all nod in agreement and start to walk forward to confront Nightshade.

With a snap of Nightshade's fingers, the Rainbooms all disappear right before E2's eyes. In a flash Applejack and Pinkie Pie teleport into the cafeteria, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy teleport into the gym, and Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity teleport into the library. None of them have a clue how they got to where they are now, but they do know one thing, the seven of them are now no longer together. Leaving E2 all alone in the hallway.

E2 lets out a sigh of grief and only one phrase comes to mind in a moment like this. "Oh, apple fudge." She turns around and face the path ahead. And by path ahead, I mean the nearly pitch-black hallways of an average high school.

"Great, no way to go but forward I guess." She starts walking, very cautiously, down the hallway. Normally she would rush straight into whatever magical problem she had to deal with. But that's when she has her big sister around to be careful for her. With her now by herself and her suit hardly functioning, maybe playing safe isn't such a bad idea.

"Okay, just think. What would she do if she was here." E2 says trying to think like her big sister. "Oh right, the magic tracker thingy." She detaches said tracker from her waist and tries to remember how it works. She has a little trouble at first, "Come on, how do you use this thing again. Oh right." Finally remembering how to use the thing, she checks her device and notices four readings of Equestrian magic in the school.

"Only four readings, but there are seven Rainbooms." She begins to fear the worst util she comes to a realization. "Wait the Rainbooms all had their magic drained by Nightshade. None of these readings could possibly be them. Good news, three of them haven't kicked the bucket. Bad news, I have no way to find them. I suppose I could just wonder around until I find them. This school isn't that big. At least not compared to the school I go to." She turns her attention back to her tracker, or more specifically the four magical readings it's showing her. "But if they don't have their magic, then what are these readings. Let's see the strongest one has got to be Nightshade. And these smaller readings are giving of an energy signature similar to Nightshade. He must have made more magic mutants like that phoenix from before. And now those monsters are somewhere roaming this place. Apple fudge. Now what."



"Okay I got it. I'm heading straight for Nightshade. He's top priority and really the only reason we even came here."
Hopefully the Rainbooms will be okay. Even without magic, those seven have always been able to take care of themselves. Like I said, nowhere to go but forward."

Applejack and Pinkie Pie suddenly find themselves in the middle of the school cafeteria. The lights are dim, but they can at least see what room they're in.

"What the, how in the hay did we end up in the cafeteria?" Applejack asks her pink haired friend.

"Maybe we should ask those terrified people hiding under the tables." Pinkie grabs Applejack and turns her in the direction of the students cowering under the tables.

"Why are they hidin' under the tables?" Applejack takes a look around trying to see if Nightshade is nearby but finds nothing.

"Maybe they're all playing hide and seek. We can both see you." Believe it or not Applejack has a hard time believing that. She looks at the faces of the students under the tables and sees nothing but fear all around.

"They seem scared Pinkie. Like they're hidin' from somethin'. The cowering students shake their heads and give some kind of hand gestures. Like they're trying to tell them something. Or even worse, warn them about something. "Now what're they doin'. "

"Maybe they're playing charades now."

Unknown to the two confused girls, something slowly descends from above them. As it comes closer to the floor, the other students wave they're hands even harder to warn them. Mostly trying to get them to look up.

"Ya know, playin' games isn't the answer to everythin' Pinkie." Applejack tells her friend still oblivious to what's coming down behind them.

"What if you're asked, what super fun game are you playing right now?" Pinkie asks her with a smug look on her face.

"Well yes obviously then the answer would be..." Applejack stops mid-sentence as she sees the other students panicking. "Okay, now I know they're tryin' to tell us somethin'."

It's walking closer to them.

"I know, is as if they're trying to tell us something that's so obvious, we should've noticed it by now."

And closer.

"Ah please, if it were that obvious, we definitely would've noticed by now."

And closer. It's about to strike.

"Oh for the love of, TURN AROUND!!" A certain blue wannabe magician yells from behind the food counter. Once she realizes how loud she was, she quickly ducks back behind the counter before the thing approaching behind them spotted her.

A sudden growl is heard from behind them, and they slowly turn around to spot something they've definitely never seen before. Outside of fantasy games and movies. An actual combination of an eagle and a lion. An actual, huge, aim to kill griffon.

"Ohhhhhh, so that's what they were trying to tell us." Before Pinkie had a chance to enjoy solving the mystery, the griffon swings it talons, just barely missing the girls as they ran for dear life.

They split up as they run, and the griffon chooses to keep chasing Applejack. She runs all over the cafeteria. She knows any second know that beast is gonna pounce on her and eat her alive. She turns her head and sees that the beast is no longer behind her. Did she actually outrun it. She faces forward again and sees that the griffon is now in front of her. And it's flying! Oh, right. Part bird. The pounce she had been waiting for finally came, as the griffon flies at her like a bullet and pins her to the floor. The griffon opens its beak right above her face. So close that can smell its bad breath. She tries her best to get free but it's just no use. If she had her magic, throwing it off would be easy. But now there's nothing she can do. That griffon is definitely going to eat...

A cupcake?

Someone had thrown a cupcake and hit the beast right in its eye. And Applejack knows exactly who it was. "Taste the sweet and creamy power of cupcakes!" The sweets lover yells as she pelts the griffon with frosted confections that she, weirdly enough, pulls from out of her hair. While this would've been more effective if she still had her magic, at least she managed to stop that beast from devouring her friend.

Unfortunately, now the beast has a new target. In a flash the griffon charges at Pinkie an comes face to face with her. With a menacing growl to complete the fear effect. "Eh-heh peace cupcake." She presents the beast with said cupcake, only to have it whacked away by the beast's wing. splatting against the wall. "Now that was just plain rude." Not waiting for the griffon to attack her, Pinkie runs away like crazy with the beast not far behind.

Pinkie's crazy, kinda cartoonish, running keeps her out of the griffon's reach. She's moving pretty fast. Not as fast as Rainbow Dash could with her magic, but still. She runs past Applejack and in turn, Applejack runs behind Pinkie with the griffon now chasing both of them.

"What do we do now!" Pinkie asks.

"Right now, just avoid gettin' eaten." The country girl answers. The girls try to reach the exit but all of a sudden, another diamond wall appears blocking the way they came in. Nightshade isn't gonna let them leave that easily.

Back in the principal's office, Nightshade, Celestia, and Luna watch as Applejack and Pinkie run for their lives. After making sure that the two girls couldn't leave, Nightshade leans back in his chair and groans. "Jeez, it seems that, without their magic, those girls aren't as helpful as you thought Celey."

As much as she didn't like Nightshade referring to her as Celey, what really has her upset is seeing her students run for dear life. They're in danger and once again, there is nothing she could do about it. And now that they don't have magic it only makes her, and Luna, worry that much more.

Nightshade notices the fear and sorrow in their eyes and tries to speak. Before he has the chance to, he begins to feel a lot of pain throbbing in the right side of his face and clenches with his hand. After half a minute of pain, he shakes his head and turns his attention back to the two running girls and groans once more. "Ugh, isn't anyone going to help them?" Just as Nightshade finishes asking that question, something interesting happens in the cafeteria that manages to catch his eye.

Applejack and Pinkie continue to run all over the cafeteria, hoping to come up with an idea on how to handle this winged feline. They head for the food counter and from out of nowhere, a cloud of smoke explodes between them and the griffon. The smoke engulfs all three leaving them blind to what's around them. Lost in the smoke, Applejack stops running and tries find out where Pinkie ran off to.

"Pinkie Pie?" She tries to make sure to not be loud enough for the griffon to hear while also being loud enough for Pinkie to hear her. "Pinkie where are you?" She jumps in fear as she hears the roar of the griffon coming from right behind her. Fortunately, it doesn't seem like it knows exactly where she is, however now it's just attacking aimlessly. Applejack makes a break for it and runs right into someone else. The two of them fall over with Applejack landing on top of the other. "Pinkie? Pinkie Pie is that you?"

The smoke finally starts to clear and to her surprise, it isn't Pinkie Pie who's underneath her, but Trixie Lulamoon instead. Now the smoke thing makes sense. She must have thrown a smoke bomb so that they could get away. Or maybe so she could get away. Let's just choose to believe it's the first one.

"Please, don't eat me!" Out of fear for her life, Trixie must think that the griffon had her pinned down. "The world needs me. Think of how miserable everyone will be if I can't perform my great and powerful magic show."

Somehow, I think they'd manage.

Applejack covers Trixie's mouth before she makes any more noise and quickly takes her back behind the food counter. Trixie opens her eyes and finds her back where she started before she threw the smoke bomb.

"Thanks a bunch Trixie, your smoke bomb really saved us back there." Applejack says great fully.

"Huh? Oh right! Of course. Well, The Great and Powerful Trixie is greatly exceptional at helping others."

And at being humble to.

"Now we just need to find Pinkie."

"I right here silly!" The bubbly girl exclaims from behind them.

Applejack and Trixie both scream in response before quickly covering their mouths with their hands to keep themselves quiet.

"Don't scare us like that!" Trixie yelled as quietly as she could. "We have enough things trying to kill us. We don't need to add heart attack to the list!"

Applejack peaks over the counter and sees the griffon coming out of its disoriantion. It lowers it's beak to the ground and begins to sniff out it's prey. It also notices all the students still hiding under the table but just chooses to ignore them.

"Looks like that critter's only got it out for us Pinkie Pie."

Of course it does. Trixie can't believe she's right next to the two absolute worst people she could be right now. Or are they the best two!

"While I am very powerful magic wise, I'm willing to allow you to use your magic to save us."



"Why aren't you using your magic!"

"I'm afraid we can't use our magic right now." Applejack regrettably informed the magician.

Of course they can't.

"Relax Trixie." Pinkie Pie wraps her arm around the white-haired girl, trying to comfort her. "Applejack and I will have thing all settled in no time." This doesn't fill Trixie with Confidence. If it was that simple, why'd they spend the last few minutes running away? "Right Applejack?" The pinkette asks hoping that she actually has a plan.

"Right. Now I don't care what that varmint
is. There ain't no critter I can't wrangle. I just wish I still had my lasso."

With her trusty rope reduced to ash by a phoenix, Pinkie comes up with the perfect replacement. "Spaghetti!"

Maybe perfect was to strong of a word.

The party animal grabs a tray full of spaghetti and presents it to the cowgirl.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure that ain't gonna hold Pinkie Pie."

"I got another plan!" It can't be any worse.
"Give me a few minutes, and I'll have some licorice rope tied up for you in no time." I stand corrected.

"Pinkie, I don't think we got time for that."

As Pinkie begins tying licorice together, Trixie taps on Applejack's shoulder and presents her a tissue.

"Tissue?" Applejack isn't quite sure how to respond to this. What good is a tissue going to do her right now? Trixie points a glance at the tissue, insisting that Applejack takes her up on her offer.

Ah, what the heck.

She pulls the tissue out of Trixie's hand and found it tied to another tissue. And another, and another, and another, and another, and another, until she ends up with about ten feet worth of tissue tied together. "This is perfect. Thanks Trixie."
The young magician couldn't help but feel-good inside from receiving Applejack's gratitude. But she can't let her know that.

"Well naturally, everything I have and do is always perfect."

The country girl rolls her eyes and converts the string of tissue into a makeshift lasso. She comes from around the counter and starts to swing the noose end of the lasso. The griffon realizes Applejack behind it but before it can react, Applejack throws the end of the lasso, and the noose wraps perfectly around its neck. Applejack flashes a confident smile back to Pinkie and Trixie. She has the beast. She has the upper hand. She, she... she has a problem.

The griffon is much stronger than she is without her magic. And on top of that, the beast is now in a rage due the lasso choking it. It runs in a rage and drags Applejack along for the ride. Applejack is pulled off the floor and goes flying as she refuses to let go of the tied-up tissues. The griffon is running all over the place.

"Ahh!" Pinkie gasps. She runs after her friend but can't quite catch them. It gets even harder once the beast takes flight. "Applejack hold on!"

"I wasn't plannin' on lettin' go Pinkie!" She isn't getting anywhere down at the bottom of the rope. Maybe she needs to handle this beast up-close. She climbs up the lasso in order to climb right on the griffon's back. As she gets closer to the top the griffon swipes it talons at her and rips her left shirt sleeve, just barely missing her flesh. In an effort to shake her off, the winged feline does a barrel roll. Applejack can't hold on any longer and goes flying straight up in the air. Just as the beast thinks it's lost the stubborn girl; he suddenly feels something drop right on its back. As unbelievable as it may seem, Applejack somehow landed right on top of the griffon. "Heh, I uh... meant to do that." That's a lie, but we'll play along. She grabs the beast by the feathers on its head and tries to force it to stop. This works when on cows and horses on her farm, but she's never done anything like this on something that can fly. The beast tosses and turns every which way. This is harder than she thought.

"Pinkie Pie to the rescue!" She charges at the lasso dangling off the beast's neck.

"You yelled Pinkie Pie to the rescue. Why are you dragging me too?!" Trixie yells in protest. For some reason she is being dragged along in the charge. Trixie looks at the students still hiding under the table, and decides that if she has to help, then so do they. "Are you all just going to watch all day?! You better all get over here and lend these girls a hand! It's the least you could do for them!"

The last line Trixie said got to them. I mean how many times have these girls saved them. And heck, if Trixie is willing to help (more or less), why not lend a hand. All the students come from under the table and follow Pinkie in the charge and all grab the tied-up tissues and pulls against the beast.

"Applejack, jump down!" The pink haired girl says with a group of others behind her. "We'll catch you." The apple lover jumps off the beast and falls into the arms of the group.

"Thanks y'all. That was a bit more difficult than I expected." She comes down from their arms and looks at everyone willing to help out. "Without our magic, it's nice to have some extra help." She and Pinkie grabs the lasso with the students holding on and with one mighty pull, the griffon comes crashing down to floor.

The beast isn't moving. Did that do it? Did they win? "Yeah! We did it!" Pinkie exclaims while pulling Applejack into a big hug.

As soon as Pinkie finishes her cheer, the griffon shoots its eyes open and takes flight once again. Refusing to let those two girls win, it darts straight for them trying to finish them once and for all. There's no time for them to react. It gets closer and closer, ready to strike. Until a cloud of smoke explodes right in its face. The griffon becomes engulfed in the smoke and when it finally comes out, right in front of it is a brick wall. With no time to turn it crashes right into the wall. Knocking the beast out once again.

Trixie has once again helped them out. Pinkie and Applejack both flash her a smile. Though Applejack's is basically the smile equivalent to saying, 'Aw she does care'. "What?" Trixie says. "Just know that you two owe me one. Actually two. You both owe me two." Her words say one thing, but the smile on her face says another.

Suddenly the diamond wall lowers back into the ground revealing the exit once again. They started to question why the wall vanished. Perhaps a reward for vanquishing the griffon. Like in one of Sunset's videogames. No that can't be it. The griffon is waking up.




"Everyone quick, let's get out of here!" Applejack exclaims. The group of students quickly evacuates the cafeteria as calmly as one can considering a blood thirsty griffon is about to pounce on them. So not very calm at all. The students all make it out safely right as the griffon gets back on all fours again. It makes a break for the escaping student but surprisingly, the diamond wall reemerges from the ground blocking the way to the cafeteria doors. The beast is trapped in there like a cat in a kennel.

"Now, now, there's no need for that." Nightshade says as he raises the diamond wall in the cafeteria once again. Making sure that the cat/bird hybrid couldn't do the students any more harm. "They won fair and square. Don't be such a sour puss." He snickers a little at his joke. I guess he actually found that funny. "Well done Applejack, Pinkie, and friends."

Right outside the principal's office, E2 sneaks up to the door, or where the door used to be, and carefully pokes her head around to see Nightshade sitting at the desk. He doesn't seem to notice her. His focus is completely on... a giant floaty vision of magic stardust? Okay, just gonna ignore that. Plan time. While he's distracted, all she has to do is sneak up on him and absorb his magic. Simple.

Sure, he already had a huge amount of magic before he stole the magic of the Rainbooms, her own magic isn't very useful in a fight, and she's all alone. But hey, this is only the fourth stupidest thing she's ever done.

"Though, using magic might have made the fight a little easier." Nightshade complains.

"Yes, if only they had some." Luna dryly says in the background.

"I may have taken what was on the surface but..." He stops mid-sentence as he feels something nearby. Or should I say, someone.

"Excuse me for a second ladies." With a snap of his fingers, he was gone.

With literally nothing else to do, the two sisters turn their attention back to the mid-air vision to see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in the gym trying to get out.

E2 recalibrates her device to hopefully be able to absorb magic as quickly as possible. It may take a bit, but as long as Nightshade's focus is elsewhere, she should be fine.

"How long is that gonna take."

"Not long now." E2 obliviously answers. "And once I finish, Nightshade is so gonna..."


Oh apple fudge.

She looks up to see none other than Nightshade himself tauntingly waving his fingers, saying hello. Okay, make that the third stupidest thing she's ever done.

Within the gym, Rainbow Dash searches for any possible way of escape. But it was the same everywhere she ran it's the same thing. Dead end, dead end, dead end. A wall of diamonds blocking any possible escape. Great, the two of them are trapped in here. In a poorly lit room. Without any of their friends. No magic. And at any moment they could be attacked by a super powerful maniac. If she was the timid type, she'd probably be scared out of her mind right now. By the way, how's Fluttershy doing?


Oh. Not very well. I think she's having one of her deep down inside freak outs. Better comfort her quick before it spirals into a real freak out. Rainbow walks over to the poor girl sitting in the middle of the floor and sits beside her. "Hey, uh Fluttershy. I kinda need you not to freak out right now so we can figure out a way out of here before something bad really happens." The shy girl shudders at the mention of something bad happening. The inevitable fate of things actually getting worse probably wasn't the best thing to say in order to calm her down. "Come on. There's nothing to be scared of. We're the only two in here. And even if we weren't, I'm here. I can handle anything thrown our way."

You didn't seem to do so well the first time you had face Nightshade. Though her confidence is somewhat slightly comforting. Slightly. "But we're trap in here." Fluttershy reminds her friend. "We can barely see anything, and Nightshade has Angel. What'll we do if Nightshade shows up. We couldn't even beat him with our magic. Or our friends. Huh! What if he's done something horrible to our friends!"

Uh-oh, we're losing her! Quick, do something. "Fluttershy, calm down!" Rainbow Dash yells as she grabs shy friend by her shoulders. "Relax. Panicking isn't going to change any of that. And if you really don't like it in here; if you're really worried about our friends, then help me find a way out of here."

"But we can barely see in here."

"No sweat. I'll just use the flashlight on my phone." She pulls her phone out of her pocket only to find that her screen is cracked. It must have gotten damaged during the fight outside. "Aw man, I just bought this phone. So much for having the latest model during the new school year. "Give me your phone."

"It was in my bag. The one Nightshade took." Of course it was.

"Well it's not too dark in here." She stands up and is ready to search for a way to escape once again. "We'll just stay close to each other while we look." She is still shivering but at least she's not freaking out. Or at least not that she can tell anymore. It's kinda hard to tell with Fluttershy sometimes. "Just close your eyes and take a deep breath. Actually, take two deep breaths. You might need an extra one."

Fluttershy closes her eyes, breathes in, and breathes out. Breathes in, breathes out, and... feels something breathing down her neck? "Uhm, Rainbow Dash. Are you... taking a deep breath behind me" Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

The athlete is a little confused why she would ask something like that but replies none the less. "Uh no. I'm standing in front of you. You're still a little jumpy try breathing in and out again."

Keeping her eyes close. Breathe in, breathe out, and there it is again. Something is definitely breathing down her neck. Her eyes shoot open, and she turns her head around to find, uh nothing. Maybe Rainbow was right. Maybe she is still a little jumpy. Just breathe in and out a few dozen more times. Just ignore all that breathing... and snarling? Just ignore it! Keep breathing, keep breathing!! You're definitely not hyperventilating right now!!!

Rainbow hears the "not hyperventilating" sounds coming from her panicking friend, and can also hear... growling from behind her? She walks directly in front of her and raises her hand up in front of her. She moves her hand forward and feels something warm and furry. "Uh, F...Fluttershy." She can't hear her. She's too busy calming down. "Fluttershy, you might want to get up. Like right now!" Right before Rainbow's very eyes, the furry creature her hand is touching slowly comes into view. Bit by bit it's huge, furry, and horrifying body reappears. It is invisible no more. A giant, magic-infused, evil... bunny? "Huh, a bunny. Not quite what I was expecting. Bunnies don't attack people, right?"

Maybe not. But this one definitely does and will. With a threatening growl, Rainbow is signaled to get away quick. She doesn't run to far before remembering that she left Fluttershy behind. She quickly turns back and sees only the shy girl on the floor still trying to relax. But the giant bunny is nowhere in sight.

"A giant bunny with the power to turn invisible?" Luna says. Honestly this is kinda out there. "How does that even make sense?"

"I'm not sure if magic is supposed to make sense." Her sister says.

"Even by our standards, this is pretty random."

"I suppose. But I'm more concerned as to where Nightshade ran off to." She won't have to wonder any more. Right outside the office entrance a loud booming sound is heard. Quickly followed by a certain strangely dressed girl sent flying across the doorway.

"I may know where he is."

Not to sound like a total Fluttershy right now, but deep down she's starting to freak out. It could be anywhere. Anywhere at all! Okay Rainbow, calm down. You can't both freak out. You're not gonna let some overgrown furball get the best of you. Sure, it's way bigger than you, and it's invisible... Seriously, it turns invisible. Why? I guess a magic-infused evil bunny can do more than just eat carrots.


Oh no.

She can't see it but that huge booming sound confirms it. It had jumped right behind her. The vibrations from it landing almost knocked Rainbow off her feet. On the bright side, that had to have knocked Fluttershy out of, whatever was going on over there.


Or not. "Keep breathing Fluttershy. Just stay calm." She mumbles to herself.

She makes a run for it only to get pinned down by the invisible beast. Bunnies are vegan right? So at least she won't get eaten.


Then again it doesn't have to eat her to kill her. This is bad. She can't move.

The bunny turns visible for just a second. Just long enough for Rainbow Dash to see it's blood-thirsty eyes stare right into her soul. As much as she hates to admit this, there's only one thing left to do. "FLUTTERSHYYYYYY!!! HEEEELLLPPPP!!!"

That sound, no, that call. Her friend. Her friend is calling for help! Snap out of it Fluttershy. Your friend needs your help. She's being attacked... by... nothing? She's just lying there. What is she screaming about?

"Quick! Get this thing off me!"

But there's nothing there. "Uh, Rainbow Dash. I think now you're a little nervous now." She thinks she's losing it. "Try closing your eyes and taking a deep breath..."

"I'm serious here Fluttershy! There's a giant evil invisible bunny right on top of me!" That honestly didn't make her seem less crazy. But hey, they've seen weirder.

Nightshade returns to the principal's office with an unconscious E2 draped over his shoulder. Beating her was pretty easy actually. Her sister would have put up a much better fight. Not That he's complaining. He wanted to finish up quickly so he could get back to watching his new favorite show. "Alright, I'm back. Hopefully I didn't miss too much." He gently sits the sleeping girl on the floor up against the diamonds encasing Celestia.

Two question pops into the principal's head. One: Who the heck is this strangely dressed person? And two: Is she going to be okay after going head-to-head with that creep?

"Oh dear." Nightshade says showing concern over what's taking place in the gym. He calls upon his crystal staff and channels Fluttershy's magic in order to communicate with the monster bunny. "Easy there Angel." He's speaking into his staff as if it were a microphone. "I need those two alive remember. Try to rough 'em up a little, but don't kill them."

The bunny hears Nightshade's voice in its head loud and clear, and instead of silencing the poor sports girl permanently, it simply knocks her aside straight into Fluttershy. "You believe me no—OOOOWWW!" The rainbow haired girl words turn to a scream as she finds herself hoisted away and held in mid-air. She tries flailing her arms in an effort to hit the invisible beast, but to no avail. "Come on! Fight fair already!"

"Why does the bunny turn Invisible?" Luna asks, still wondering about that.

"I only give them the magic." Nightshade admits. " I don't decide what magic they get. Though they're on their own in there. I would have preferred if some of the other students had have ran into the gym as well. But perhaps..." He once again begins to speak into his staff. "Angel Bunny, please turn visible again. And stay that way please. I'd like to test something."

What? Why? The monster bunny has a major advantage while invisible. Why would he tell it to stay visible? He also didn't want anyone to die. Guess this guy isn't super evil.

"Still rough 'em up as much as you want though."

Never mind.

The bunny did as it was told and made its appearance seeable again. Letting out a mighty roar as it did. It tosses Rainbow Dash aside and sets its sight on Fluttershy. It lowers itself to come eye-to-eyes with the shy girl and follows up by releasing another shriek. Fluttershy for the first time got a good look at the beast. Right in its eyes. It doesn't matter how scary it looks or how loud it roars. She isn't scared or even nervous. Not by what's in front of her.

Before either she or the beast had any time to react, a basketball comes flying hitting the side of the bunny's head. It turns its attention from Fluttershy to the person responsible for hitting it with the ball. Of course, it was the only other person in this room. "Hey over here fluffy!" Fluffy? Seriously. Note to self, improve on your material Rainbow Dash. Oh well. What's important is that it worked. She got her attention. As for the rest of her plan.




Give her a minute.

Unfortunately, that minute is up. The beast charges and she's running. Not for very long though. The mutant bunny hops right over the athletic girl, blocking her path. She makes a U-turn and runs in the opposite direction, only for it to have the same result. Okay that's it. If flight clearly isn't gonna work, then it's time to fight. As soon as the furry beast gets near her, she kicks it in the face bringing it to a halt. For a second. Now it's just staring at her with even more rage than before. You know what, flight wasn't so bad. Perhaps she should have stuck with it. Unfortunately, she won't be given the opportunity to do so. The bunny swiftly strikes her with the back of its paw, sending her flying into the wall. The monster bunny jumps over the young athlete. Pinning her down once again. The furry monster brings its head dangerously close to her face baring its teeth. Rainbow closes her eyes and awaits the pain that's coming her way. Except it never comes. Instead, she hears a voice that can be heard throughout the entire gym.


Angel? Rainbow is confused at first. but then remembers what Nightshade did to that bird outside. He must have done the same to Fluttershy's beloved pet.

The beast responds to the voice and turns its attention to the owner of said voice, Fluttershy. The girl who's usually quieter than a pin drop. Huh, I guess even magically mutated animals don't scare her. The bunny chooses to ignore her and continues to threaten Rainbow.

"Angel it's me, Fluttershy. Don't you recognize me?"

Anel simply roars at her owner causing the poor shy girl to flinch and whimper a little. Let's face it. Angel never really listened to her before he got turned into a monster. "Fluttershy, I don-AAGGH!!" Rainbow's words are turned into a swift yelp as Angel places his paw on top of her body, pressing down hard. "Fl-Fluttershy." She manages to gasp out her name, and that's about all she could say.

Fluttershy can't let this happened. In fact, she won't! "Angel Bunny, you stop hurting my friend right now!" Did she just yell, at the monster bunny?! "You come over hear right now mister!"

'You heard her. Why don't you focus your attention on her.' Nightshade's voice is heard in the monster bunny's head and is done as told. The beast releases his grip on Rainbow and approaches his owner. 'Attack!' The monster raises his claw and slashes at Fluttershy, but then suddenly stops before making contact. Something had paralyzed him. What could have possibly stopped a giant ferocious beast such as that?

The only thing that possibly could. Fluttershy is giving him the stare! 'What? Why did you stop?' After a minute, she stops her stare and begins to speak in a soothing tone.

"I've Known you for a long time Angel. You may misbehave sometimes, but you'd never do anything this awful. You don't really want to hurt us, do you?"

"Fl-Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash says as she catches her breath. "That bunny is being controlled by Nightshade. He's not going to listen to you."

'That's right. So do as I say and take care of those girls!' Angel once again growls and prepares to attack, but then stops when he feels a hand placed on his nose.

"Angel is still my friend Rainbow." The currently not so shy girl says. "I can't turn my back on him. And I won't no matter what."

'Last time. Attack them... OR ELSE!!!!' Angel shakes his head and then stares into the eyes of his owner. Those kind and friendly eyes. He can't do this. Sure, he may cause trouble from time to time, but he doesn't want to hurt her. The girl who has always taken care of her for almost his entire life. You know what, Nightshade be darned. He doesn't like being bossed around anyway.

The giant bunny lowers his head and gives Fluttershy a friendly nuzzle. The animal lover in turn wraps her arms around Angel's neck returning her affection. "Oh Angel, I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried something bad might have happened to you."

"You mean besides being turned into a giant monster!" Rainbow Dash exclaims. "Hey, remember that time that he tried to kill us. I do. It was just a few seconds ago!" She does have a point. He was this close to almost ending her.

"And I'm sure he's sorry, but it's not his fault this happened to him." Also a good point. This is all kinda Nightshade's fault.

Fluttershy gestures to Rainbow, telling her to come closer. "Come on Rainbow. There's nothing to be scared of. Angel won't hurt us anymore."

"Won't hurt you anymore maybe. I'm pretty sure I've seen the bunny give me the stink eye before." Kinda like how he is right now.

"You're not scared are you?" Fluttershy teasingly asks.

Scared? Of the giant monster bunny that almost killed her once or twice. No. "Pfft, me? Scared? Ha! You forget who you're talking to?" She walks over to the monst... uh I mean bunny, cautiously, and places her hand on his nose. She gives a slightly nervous laugh and looks to Fluttershy.

"See nothing to be afraid of."

The diamond wall blocking the exit to the hallway begins to lower into the ground and eventually disappears. "The wall's gone!" Rainbow Dash cheers. "Alright we did it! And now, we have a giant attack bunny to help us fight Nightshade. Right Fluttershy!" Wrong Rainbow Dash.

"Angel, I want you to stay here."

"Wait What." Rainbow can't believe what she's hearing. "Why would we tell the giant monster bunny not to come and help. He's huge, has razor sharp claws. He can turn invisible, remember that?!"

"I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to him. If Nightshade could do this to this to Angel, I don't even want to think about what he'd do if we use Angel against him. Or if Nightshade uses him against us." Ugh, fine. "So just wait for me here angel. I'll make sure to come back for you once this is all over." The bunny nods in understanding as the two girls leaves the gym. As soon as they exit, the Diamond wall reemerges from the ground, blocking the way back into the gym.

"You know, that bunny would have been very helpful. He could have at least given us a ride."

"You mean if you wouldn't be too scared to even get on him." She teased once again.

"I keep telling you I was not scared." The two girls shared a laugh as they made their way through the halls.

"Very impressive. But not the victory I wanted for them." Nightshade mumbles to himself. "Can't believe there was no one else in there to help them." The situation seemed to have been an inconvenience for him. "And I couldn't afford to do anymore teleportation then either." He continues to mumble. "At least she increased her bond with the bunny. Perhaps things will go better with the last set of girls." The vision transitions to Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity, who are slowly walking around the poorly lit library.

'Have fun my eight-legged friend.'

Author's Note:

There it is. The first chapter of a fanfiction I wrote myself. This chapter needed more than I originally thought it would. And I've been busier than I thought I would. But the next chapter will end the beginning I promise. Also, I've read that some stories have or need proofreaders. How do I get one of those? Anyway, hope you all enjoy, and the next chapter will be out soon.

P.S I take any and all forms of comments.