• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 6,631 Views, 468 Comments

The Crystal Human - PhoenixHorseGuy

A human ends up in the Crystal Empire on the day of it's return.

  • ...

...And It's F#@*ing Cold Out Here!

“I don't know why I agreed to do this.”

Well, no. I know why I agreed to do this. What I don’t understand is why I agreed to it so quickly. I could see the blizzards from the palace in the center of town. I knew they were outside the city. So why on God’s green Earth did I agree to leave the radius of the protection spell and willingly walk into the goddamned thing witHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT?!?!

“Okay. Okay. Calm down. Remember the breathing technique mom taught you. Breathe in.” I breathed in through my nose as I placed my balled up fist up to my chest. “And breathe out.” I released the breath through my mouth, moving my arm out and opening my fist at the same time. “Breathe in. And breathe out.” I repeated this process several times over until I felt that I was calm enough that I wouldn’t take my anger at my own stupidity out on some innocent pony or another.

Speaking of which, the locals seemed quite interested in me while I was walking down the street. Guess I shouldn’t be that surprised. I mean, for all I know, I’m the first human to ever end up in Equestria. I’m at least the first human to ever get in contact with pony civilization. Perhaps one ended up in Yakyakistan during their four hundred years of isolation from the outside world? Or maybe there's one off where the griffons live? Maybe they’re still around?

“Or maybe I’m just getting my hopes up, and I really am the only one.”

You know, now that I think back to the walk out this frozen wasteland, the locals seemed a bit off. When I saw them peeking at me out of their windows, I thought for sure there would be a lot more curiosity, or maybe even fear, when they saw me. But I didn't see anything in their eyes. They almost seemed… uncaring.

"No, that's not the word I'm looking for. More… apathetic? Yeah, that's it. They seemed rather apathetic about my presence." Probably for the best. Can't do my part to protect the Empire if I'm being run out of it by terrified locals, after all.

"I wonder how people back home would react if the shoe was on the other foot?" "Ah, who am I kidding? That poor pony would either get a bullet between the eyes, a one way ticket to a government lab, or mass social media fame. All three of which are the worst fates imaginable for any living creature."

A freezing wind struck me at that moment, causing chills to go down my spine. I shivered involuntarily as I took another look around my environment. Miles and miles of pristine, white snow stretched out as far as the eye could see. I could see the Empire not far in the distance. I had purposely decided to stay close enough that it would stay within my range of sight on my first patrol, just so I could rush back inside if need be.

"I may have a crossbow at the ready and some semi-decent archery skills, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't have an escape plan in my back pocket. Just in case." Luna did say that I wouldn't stand a chance against this guy in a one-on-one fight, and I think it's best to listen to the one person in that dream with direct experience fighting the bastard. And as tempting as it would be to play the role of the Vietcong to Sombra's United States Army, I doubt I would be able to pull it off.

I was roused from my thoughts as the snowfall began to pick up, the lenses of my sunglasses quickly overwhelmed by white. Then just as quickly as it came, it left. The snow on my sunglasses melted away, leaving behind a small layer of water. I took them off so I could wipe them with my sleeve, placing them back over my eyes once I was finished. I had put them on so that I could protect my eyes, both from the falling snow and the sunlight reflecting off of the snow already on the ground. Not as good as a pair of proper snow goggles, but some protection was better than none.

Speaking of lackluster protection, my ears were practically frozen. I had done my best covering them up with my beanie and even headphones, but those plans only slightly worked and didn't work at all, respectively. I was almost wishing I wore my ushanka to work instead. That has the little flaps on the side that I could use to keep my ears warm.

"I wonder if this is what Amundsen and Scott felt during their expeditions in Antarctica. Eternally cold and ever so slightly annoyed by the snowfall. At least they were properly prepared for the journey. Not like it did Scott any good, but still."

Are these two situations even comparable? They were Antarctic explorers from the early twentieth century, while I'm an unwilling participant in what is effectively a civil war in an Empire that you could reasonably claim was somewhere in Siberia or Northern Canada based off of the climate alone.

“With all this snow… it’s like driving through Buffalo in the middle of winter all over again. I wonder if this is due to lake effect snow as well?” While I doubted that there were any non-frozen lakes around here, it wasn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility. I mean, Finland is pretty far north, and they’re known for having a fuckton of lakes. Minnesota as well, but no one cares about them.

“I wonder how Shining’s doing.” We split up after he walked me to the border. While I went out into the great white beyond, he turned right back around and started making his way back into town. This wasn’t the first time my thoughts had wandered to the white unicorn, and knew it wouldn’t be the last. Though one question was quick to dominate my mind:

“With how much he sounds like a California surfer bro, how did anyone take what he said seriously when he was captain of the guard?”

(Shining Armors POV)

“And you're positive that you don’t know anything that could help?” I asked the stallion in front of me one last time. “Anything at all?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t.” Replied the stallion. “I don’t remember much of anything from before Sombra, and…” He suddenly shut his eyes and flinched slightly, as if he had been struck by something. “... and I don’t think I want to remember what Sombra did.”

“I understand. If you think of anything, anything at all, visit me or Princess Cadance at the palace as soon as you can.” The stallion nodded and went back into his home, shutting the door behind him.

“Another bust. At this rate, I don’t think I’ll be able to find anything by the time Twilly gets here.” I walked down the street back towards the entrance to the neighborhood I was in currently, and took a left at the first intersection. “It’s like everypony here has some sort of collective amnesia. Is it a side effect from being trapped in ice for a thousand years, or is some outside force suppressing their memories?” I let out a sigh as I took another left and entered the adjacent neighborhood. "Whatevers causing it, it's making my job a lot harder." I knocked on the door and waited for the pony inside to answer.

"I hope Jack's patrol is going well. I still think he should've taken that spear though."

(Jacksons POV)

"There is, a house, in New Orleans
They call The Rising Sun…"

I started humming songs at some point. Don't remember when, but I started at some point. I didn't wanna risk draining my phone's battery even more just so I could listen to music while out on patrol, but the silence of the frozen wastes I found myself in was killing my morale. So, this was the compromise the practical side of my brain made with the bored out of my mind side of my brain. Sure, I got the lyrics a little jumbled up in my head sometimes, but I never had a perfect memory to begin with.

"And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy.
And God, knows I, am o- SHIT"

My foot went straight through the ice I had just stepped on and into the water below, nearly taking the rest of me down with it. Thankfully I managed to get out of the ordeal with nothing more than a wet boot.

"Should still check and make sure none of it got in my boot. I really do not want to have my sock frozen to my foot."

After ensuring that I was no longer walking over what looked like a frozen lake, I found a decently sized boulder and cleared the snow off the top of it. After taking my seat, I removed my boot to take a good look at my sock.

"Still dry. Good. Guess that guy at the thrift shop wasn't kidding when said these boots were water resistant." I was never a big fan of buying second hand, but when I saw that some guy was selling a pair of (supposedly) water resistant boots for twenty bucks, I figured that it wouldn't hurt. Especially when buying new would've cost me eighty.

And if they weren't water resistant? Well, I was still getting a new pair of boots for twenty bucks and supporting a locally owned business. Not a bad deal.

Putting the boot back on, I heard… something in the distance as I was tying the laces back up. It sounded like a cross between an air raid siren and a wounded animal. To be frank, I wasn't entirely sure what could've made that noise, and I was one hundred percent certain that I did not want to find out.

"Luna and Shining may have taught me how to deal with the local fauna, but they failed to mention anything that sounds like that."

Finishing up my laces, I stood back up and began walking once more, this time being sure to carefully avoid any frozen bodies of water. I heard the noise in the distance once more - "Further away now. Westward, if my ears don't deceive me." - and tightened the grip on the crossbow in my hands.

"Let's hope it keeps moving away."

(Shining Armors POV)

Another house, another resident who didn't have any ideas on how to protect the Empire.

"Maybe they're suppressing their own memories? I've seen some of the older members of guard do it so they could cope with PTSD. Perhaps the crystal ponies are doing something similar?"

My mind was racing with ideas as to what could be causing the Crystal Ponies collective amnesia, both magical and non-magical. The idea of PTSD had crossed my mind a few times before, but now I was seeing it as a very likely possibility, if not the reason why.

"I'm sure Twilly would know. What would she do if she were here?""Probably go to the nearest library and go on a three day study session, knowing her." I chuckled at the not entirely fictional image of my little sister camping out in a library that was running around my head when I came up with an idea.

"Wait… Luna said that Crystal Empire had one of, if not the largest library in the ancient world. So large that it put the Royal Archives of Everfree City to shame, according to her. So that means…"

"... the library would have the answer." I whispered aloud to myself.

Then I facehooved.

"I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner!"

After asking for directions and getting none from the amnesiac ponies around me, I managed to find the library on my own. Stepping inside, I was met with a sight that would've made my sister drool in anticipation.

"Luna wasn't kidding when she said this place was massive. Forget Everfree City, this place puts all of the libraries in Canterlot combined to shame."

"May I help you?" Asked a voice from a few feet to my right. It was a crystal earth pony, wearing a pair of golden glasses with a chain on them.

“Yeah. I’m looking for a book on the Empire’s history. Do you know where I could find it?” I replied.

“Oh, yes. History… history… ah, yes!”

“Um… could you tell me where?”

“Oh. I, um, actually don’t remember. I’m not sure I actually work here…” the ‘librarian’ trailed off.

“I see. Well, I’ll just have a look around then.”

“Let me know if you find anything!” She called after me as I walked deeper into the three story labyrinth of books and crystal shelves.

“Right. Gotta find the history section. I’ve been in enough libraries with Twilly throughout my life. I’m sure this will be easy, right?”

It actually was easy. Surprisingly so. Turns out that deciding to check the first floor first was a good idea, as the history section was in the left hoof corner furthest away from the doors.

“Right, let’s see what we’ve got here…

‘Blood and Snow: A History of the First Three Yeti Wars by Swift Spear’? Nope.

‘The Seven Pillars of Equestria by T.E. Lancer’? Not that one either.

‘A Comprehensive Guide to Repair Spells and Mend-Alls by Lapis Print’? What the hay is this doing in the history section?”

“Here we go. ‘History of the Crystal Empire’. This should have all the answers I need.” Skimming through the pages, I came upon an entry that piqued my interest.

“A 'Crystal Faire'.” I read aloud. “First established by Queen Amore, it’s held every year to ‘renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so they could protect it from harm’. I think this is the lead we were looking for.”

“It sounds promising.” Cadance responded. “But how are we supposed to hold an entire Faire? We’re just two ponies, and I’m pretty sure our human friend won’t be able to help out much either.”

“I’m sure we can find a way. And if we can’t, then we can ask Twilight and her friends to do it when they get here.” I chuckled. “We seem to be relying on Twilly a lot recently, are we? First the wedding, now this.”

“Maybe Auntie Celestia should name Twilight Queen of the Empire once we're done here.” Cadance laughed. “I’m sure she would do a great job. Well, after the panic attack at least.”

"With those friends of hers, I'm sure she would be able to handle it. Tartarus, I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes an alicorn in the next few months."

"Hey now, don't get too crazy. Ascension is a long and complicated process. I think Twilight is more than capable of it, but it'll probably be a few more years, maybe even decades before her ascension."

I rolled my eyes at that. "Says the mare who got her horn in an afternoon by befriending a witch." I replied in a fake mocking tone.

"Oh, shut up." She said while playfully punching my shoulder, taking a quick glance out the nearest window. "Isn't it almost time for you to go meet up with Jack?"

I nodded. "That it is. Let's hope his patrol was a quiet one."

(Jacksons POV)

It was almost time for me to meet up with Shining at the border. I wasn’t far, thankfully. Just a short ten, maybe fifteen minute walk and I would be back on the other side of the barrier keeping the cold and snow out.

I stopped briefly as I heard something.

“There it is again.” The noise from earlier. It seemed to be circling me. Sometimes it got closer, others farther away. As if it were toying with me.

"Or maybe it's… tracking me. Like a predator does its prey. Is this what those deer felt like before I pulled the trigger on them? A sense of foreboding, mixed with a feeling of being watched? Like some unseen threat was going to jump them at any moment and end their existence in one fell swoop?"

"You're thinking too much again, Jack." A memory of Eddy replied. "They're just animals. Bet they don't even know the meaning of half the words you just said."

“I know that. It's just… I can't help but think about it, you know?" I replied, still looking down the scope of my rifle, getting a good view of the forest around us from our hunting nest, the early morning sun shining in the distance to the east. “It's an interesting thought experiment, to say the least.”

"Whatever you say, Aristotle.” He let out a small chuckle before quieting himself. I gave him a raised eyebrow and was about to say something before he beat me to the punch. “Shhh.” “I heard something. To the left.”

Sure enough, just as Eddy said, the noise came once more. This time, from the left.

And it sounded like it was right on top of me.

As I raised my crossbow and turned to the left, I saw a patch of snow about three hundred feet away turn black. Then a form rose out of it, revealing a face with green sclera around red irises and purple mist flowing out of the edges of it's eyes. The head itself was equine in nature, though it seemed to lack teeth. To tie everything together, a red horn jutted out of the shadow monster's head, making it resemble a unicorn.

I wasn't sure what to do. Luna and Shining hadn't warned me of anything that looked like this last night, and it sure as hell wasn't a yak or yeti.

"What a most… queer looking creature." The shadow said. It was at that moment that everything clicked.

"Sombra… this is the unicorn king…"

"... oh shit."

Author's Note:

The eighth chapter of the first story. And thus, The King makes his first appearance.

Fireside Chat #6 can be found here.

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