• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 6,626 Views, 468 Comments

The Crystal Human - PhoenixHorseGuy

A human ends up in the Crystal Empire on the day of it's return.

  • ...

The Homo Sapien, from the Perspective of the Crystal Ponies

(Clear Cut's POV)

As the human and alicorn made their way to the border, I could hardly believe some of the stuff I had heard today. A creature from another world with no magic surviving an encounter against Him? It sounded like a foals story or a poorly written adventure novel.

And yet…

"You okay, Clear?" Crystal Smith asked me from my right.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just… it's all so hard to believe."

"It is." Crystal responded. "I do feel bad for the guy." He added. "I mean, torn away from home. Separated from his friends and family."

"That unicorn who visited us yesterday… he said we were gone for a thousand years, right?" I asked

"He did." He confirmed. "I guess we've got some common ground with him, huh?"

"Yeah." I responded. We had family in Equestria before we disappeared. To think that they all died hundreds of years ago, while for us it was just last week…

"Let's head to my shop. I've got an idea." Crystal said suddenly, leading me towards the building in question.

"Oh? And what idea is that?" I questioned as we walked into his shop.

"Well, it's more like two different ideas." He clarified. We stepped into one of the backrooms, where his workbench was. "You remember that folding crossbow design Queen Amore commissioned me for? Before He came to power?" At the nod of my head, he continued. "I still have the schematics somewhere around here… I just need the right materials to make the parts… maybe make a few modifications so Mr. Brunner and carry it more comfortably…" He seemed to brighten up much more as he got 'in the zone' as he called it. "Yes, that's it!"

"And the other idea?" I asked before I lost him completely.

"Hm? Oh, yes." He turned fully to face me. "Princess Cadance said he didn't speak a word of Equish, right?"

"She did, yes."

"Well, you know that one foals story. The one about a griffon being gifted a magic necklace by a young pegasus which allowed him to speak our language?"

"You can't be serious."

"What? Do you not want to help him?"

"Of course I want to help him!" I nearly shouted. Taking a moment to calm myself down and recompose myself, I continued. "That's just an old foals tale. No enchantment like that exists."

"It didn't exist a thousand years ago, no. But it might exist now."

Dammit, he has a point. "But how do you expect to get out of the Empire to learn that enchantment? He's still out there, you know."

"That…" He seemed to finally realize the flaw in his second plan. "Alright. I see your point. No translation necklace, at least not for now. I'll just stick with the crossbow."

"Are you sure you'll be able to get everything for it?"

"First time I built it, I sourced everything from right here in the Empire." He responded confidently. "And I'm sure that I can do it again!"

"Alright. But I'm gonna help you."

"Clear, honey, I assure you that I can-"

"Nope. Your social skills are horrible. You'll need me to help you convince other ponies to give up their stock for this little plan of yours."

Crystal let out a heavy sigh. "And you're sure you don't mind helping me?"

"You're my husband. Of course I don't mind helping you!"

That got him to smile. "And that eagerness is one of the many reasons I fell in love with you." With those words, his coat seemed to regain the shine it had lost before Queen Amore's fall as he got the necessary tools to begin his work.

Author's Note:

The fourteenth chapter of the first story, this time focusing on two of the crystal ponies.

I always thought the possibility of some Crystal Ponies being caught outside the Empire right when it's banishment began was an interesting one, and something that isn't explored all that often. How do those ponies react when they realize that they will never be able to return home within their own lifetime? How do those ponies relatives in the Empire react when they learn that those loved ones caught outside of it's borders, their brothers and sisters and cousins and parents and aunts and uncles and children have been dead for hundreds of years?

I've never seen any other story focus on that idea and, while I don't plan on focusing on it much at this stage in the story, it's an idea that I do want to explore later on.

"My role in life is to give people hope, because if you run out of hope, we may as well give up." - Jane Goodall