• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 797 Views, 35 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

My Big Fat Aquatic Wedding







Digimon Analyzer

Our heroes were seen standing on a pier as birds were flying and the dolphin-like Digimon were swimming.

“So…” Rainbow Dash stated, “is this guy coming soon?" she asked, feeling a little bored.

"Be patient, Rainbow." Rarity said with annoyance. “That’s like the fifth time you’ve asked that.

"He'll be here soon." Leomon added.

Luckily, their wait was over when they see a large colonial ship heading towards them that appeared to be made of gold. Upon docking, a ladder was dropped for then to climb.

“Finally!” Rainbow Dash muttered out in relief.


A large figure jumped onto the dock in front of them. It was a large humanoid Digimon that resembled an orange-skinned Viking in golden armor with the shoulder guards modeled after treasure chests and gauntlets shaped like barrels. He also has two big horns sprouting from his back that resembles the horns on his helmet. He wore a big golden lock tied with black belts around its neck, and has fur around his waist and around his hands. His shoulders are marked with compass-rose emblems.

"Sorry to keep ya lads a waitin’.” The new figure spoke with a hardy laugh.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Olegmon
Level: Mega
Type: Sea Beast
Attribute: Vaccine, None

Olegmon! All that that glitters is not gold with this sea faring Digimon! His most lethal special attacks are Twin Broadsword Boomerang and Two-Fister Scuttle-Buster!

"W-Whoa!" Applejack stuttered at Olegmon's enormous size.

"Hello Olegmon." Leomon greeted with a fond smile. "We received your invitation. Where's the lucky man?"

"Comin' at ya!"

Another figure jumped onto the dock, landing besides Olegmon.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: CaptainHookmon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Sea Man
Attribute: Vaccine

CaptainHookmon is arguable among one of the most notorious pirate Digimon! His Rage Giga Anchor attack will most certainly make you consider walking the plank or being thrown overboard!

"CaptainHookmon!" Nohemon exclaimed with a bug smile. "Good to see you, you scurvy seadog!" Nohemon and CaptainHookmon exchanged handshakes.

"Sorry for the wait! Had to go for a ride." CaptainHookmon said before noticing the humans. "So, these must be the humans I've been hearin' about?"

"Yep. This is them." Leomon replied, looking to the humans. "Guys, meet CaptainHookmon!"

"Pleasure." CaptainHookmon greeted with a nod before motioning to Olegmon. "And this is my father, Olegmon."

"Ahoy!" Olegmon replied with a salute. "Anyhow, let's get a move on! We're burnin' daylight!" Olegmon climbed up the ladder, along with CaptainHookmon. And the rest of the gang climbed aboard, all the while the humans were amazed at the intricate designs on the ship.

"Man!" Thrill Ride replied with a whistle. "Nice ship!"

"Ain't it?" Olegmon replied with a proud chortle. "She's my pride and joy!"

When they board, a fluffy dog-like Digimon came towards them. It was mostly cream colored with a white underbelly, red ears and tail, and red marking under its eyes.

"AW, HOW CUTE!" Flutterhsy said as the dog-like Digimon was trying to jump at her, urging Flutterhsy to pat the canines head while it panted happily. "Whose a cutie? You are! Yes you are!"

"Looks like Labramon has already taken a liking ta ya, lass." CaptainHookmon said with a smile at the scene.

"He sure seems to be excited." Rarity said as she joined Flutterhsy in petting Labramon.

"He was always like that..." CaptainHookmon chuckled as Labramon came to him, making him ruffled up the canine Digimon's fur.

"So, I hear a certain somebody is getting married." Mercurymon said, walking to CaptainHookmon with a smirk. "You sir are truly fortunate."

"Ya caught me, lad." CaptainHookmon replied with a chuckle. "Wait 'til ya see the bride. She's truly somethin', I tell ya!"

The crew on board were ready and the ship began move out to sea.

True to what CaptainHookmon said earlier, the weather was indeed nice for a good sail. There was fog, but luckily, it did not blind anybody.

"Ooh, I feel like I'm in one of those fantasy pirate films." Rarity announced in awe as she looked around.

"This is so cool!" Rainbow Dash spoke in excitement. "This reminds me of the latest edition of Daring Do!"

"Told ya it was a fine day for sailin', eh?" CaptainHookmon asked the gang. "The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face, its enough to fill a sailor with invigoration!" Labramon barked in agreement.

"A fine wind and a following sea," One of the crewmembers, a Digimon resembling a bipedal orca wearing a life preserver and a life jacket, commented in glee. "AncientMermaidmon must be in a friendly type mood."

"Her youngest daughter is about to be hitched. Why wouldn't she be?" Replied another Digimon, this one resembling a small purple bird with a white underbelly and a large yellow beak.

"AncientMermaidmon?" Sunset Shimmer asked in curiosity. "Who's that?"

"Why, ruler of the Digital World's oceans, lassie!" Said a Digimon resembling a red octopus whose head is covered by a brown, broken pot, which is also adorned with a gold crown and pierced through with three black-striped horns. "Thought every good sailor knew about her."

"She's right." Olegmon joined in. "As one of my crewmates said, her youngest daughter Mermaidmon is marrying my boy."

"Mermaimon?!" Rarity asked in awe. "You mean she's a mermaid?!"

"Indeed, lass." Olegmon replied with a nod. "She's actually the youngest of seven of AncientMermaidmon's daughters. She's quite a doll, I tell ya."

"A mermaid and pirate tying the knot?" Applejack pondered, looking to CaptainHookmon. "Why dies this remind me of a certain story?"

"I must say, she's awfully lucky to be wed to you, my sea faring friend." Mercurymon said, patting CaptainHookmon's back in a congratulatory manner.

What will we do with a drunken sailor
What will we do with a drunken sailor
What will we do with a drunken sailor early in the mornin'.

Sunset Shimmer, Twilight, and Olegmon look to see Thrill Ride was tapping on the edge if the ship, singing.

Way, hey, and up she rises, way, hay..." Thrill Ride sung, but he looks to the three and clears his throat. "Uh... sorry."

"Haha! I see you fancy yerself a shanty!" Olegmon spoke with a chortle.

Olegmon: Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Crew: Weigh hey, roll and go!
Olegmon: Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
Crew: To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!
Olegmon: Heave a pawl, oh heave away!
Crew: Weigh hey, roll and go!
Olegmon: The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored
Crew: To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!

Sunset Shimmer: Man the stout caps'n and heave with a will
Crew: Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Sunset Shimmer: Soon we'll be drivin' her 'way down the hill
Crew: To be rollicking Randy Dandy, oh!

CaptainHookmon: we'll be warping her out through the locks
Crew: Weigh hey, roll and go!
CaptainHookmon: Where the pretty young girls all come down in their frocks
Crew: To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!
CaptainHookmon: Heave a pawl, oh heave away!
Crew: Weigh hey, roll and go!
CaptainHookmon: The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored
Crew: To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!

Mercurymon: We're outward bound for Vallipo Bay
Crew: Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Mercurymon: Get crackin', m' lads, 'tis one hell o' a way
Crew: To be rollicking Randy Dandy, oh!
Mercurymon: Heave a pawl, oh heave away
Crew: Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Mercurymon: The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored
Crew: To be rollicking Randy Dandy, oh!

Thrill Ride: Heave away, bullies, ye parish-rigged bums!
Crew: Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Thrill Ride: Take yer hands from yer pockets and don't suck yer thumbs
Crew: To be rollicking Randy Dandy, oh!
Thrill Ride: Heave a pawl, oh heave away
Crew: Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Thrill Ride: The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored
Crew: To be rollicking Randy Dandy, oh!

Olegmon: Heave a pawl, oh heave away
Crew: Weigh, hey, roll and go!
Olegmon: The anchor's on board and the cable's all stored
To be rollicking Raaandy Daaaandy, ooooooooh!


After a few minutes , the ship had at arrived a series of islands. On the shore of the islands was a large golden castle kept on the edge of a sharp cliff-face, limiting land entry to the main gate area, unless one were to scale the cliffs down to the shore. The only other entries to the castle are two from the shore. On the eastern side of the castle is a dock leading to the hall of the castle where ships can depart and enter. The other entry way is a staircase leading up into the castle's keep that can be accessed by the shore. But the stair is narrow enough that any attackers would have to climb on foot up the stairway, allowing them to be picked off by archers on the barbican to the left-hand side of the staircase.

"Whoa!" Sunset muttered in at seeing the castle.

"Friends, I welcome ya to Anderson Island!" CaptainHookmon spoke as he motions to the kingdom before him. "The crown jewel of the Hillenburg Archipelago!"

The ship arrived at the dock, and everyone on board got off.

"Oh my!" Flutterhsy muttered awe, examining the area around her.

"This place is awesome!" Rainbow Dash spoke amazement.


Suddnely, Leomon, Mercurymon, Nohemon, and their human companions were met with the ends of lances. They see a bunch of knight-like Digimon in red and white armor, red capes, and each wielding lances and circular shields.

"State your business!" One of the knight demanded.

"Hey, what's the big idea?!" Rainbow asked in defense.

"We shall be asking the questions!" Another knight replied.

"Gallantmon!" Olegmon stated to the knight Digimon, making them jump. "Lower your lances! They're guests here!"

"Y-Yes you highness!" The Gallantmon replied collectively, nervously putting away their lances before walking off.

"My apologies for that." Olegmon said to the gang.

"There's my fiancée."

The gang turn to see what looked like a mermaid woth blonde hair in a braid and a pirate hat.

"Mermaimon, love!" CaptainHookmon exclaimed out of glee as the mermaid-like Digimon threw herself into his arms, the two rubbing their noses together in an Inuit kiss.

"I'm so glad you're here, love." Mermaidmon said before she took notice of the humans. "Oh. Are these the guests you've told me about?"

"Indeed." CaptainHookmon replied, looking to the gang. "Meet my fiancée, Mermaimon."

"A pleasure, Madame." Leomon replied with a bow.

"Olegmon! There you are!"

The group look to see another mermaid-like Digimon, only this one was as large as Olegmon and was covered in blue armor and had a trident in hand.

"AncientMermaidmon." Olegmon stated with a sigh. "I take it things aren't doing well?"

"Like you wouldn't believe!" AncientMermaidmon replied, clearly stressed. "The wedding dress got lost, the photographer's camera got smashed, all the flowers up and died!" AncientMermaidmon rubbed her temples in dismay. "I swear, everything's going wrong!" AncientMermaidmon then took notice of the gang, a smile now on her face. "Oh! More guests. And humans too!?"

AncientMermaid went to Thrill Ride and proceeded to hug him like he was a small child, much to the boy's shock. "Oh, how adorable they are!"

"Mother, you'll suffocate him!" Mermaimon stated in mild annoyance.

"Mother!?" Sunset asked out in bewilderment. "Wait! Does that make you... a princess?"

"Pretty much." Mermaimon replied with a nod.

"I'll handle things from here, AncientMermaidmon." Olegmon said, looking to CaptainHookmon. "Why don't you show our guests around, son?"

"Are you sure you don't need me to help out, pop?" CaptainHookmon asked in concern.

"I'm sure I can handle it, sonny." Olegmon replied with a wave. "Besides, it's not too often we get tourists from oversees."

"Well..." CaptainHookmon pondered, looking to the gang. "If these folks here are up for it."

"You kidding?!" Rainbow replied with excitement. "Of course we are!"

"If it's not too much trouble." Fluttershy said meekly.

"Than it's settled." Olegmon replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I best be tendin' to the band."


Mermaimon and CaptainHookmon were leading the gang through the castle, showing them around.

"This is the main hall." CaptainHookmon spoke, motioning to the room. It is a spacious room, with large windows kept under deep arches. By these windows, are many assortments of benches, possibly for guests to sit on during events. To the northern part of the room is a pathway to another part of the castle, kept underneath a corbel.

Applejack took notice of many guards standing in position at certain areas.

"Uh... pardon me for asking, but what with the security?" Applejack asked.

"Well..." CaptainHookmon muttered, a hint of hesitation in his voice. "Between us, both our kingdoms had been at war for years."

"Really?" Pinkie asked in surprise.

"Yes." Mermaimon replied. "However, the war ended when my mother took the throne."

"I see." Sunset stated, rubbing her chin. "And I take it not many people from either side are acceptable of this union?"

"Quite so, lass." CaptainHookmon responded. "My father ordered his best guards to to patrol the castle grounds."

"My mother ordered her forces to ensure nobody underwater interfered." Mermaimon chimed in.

"But why would they need such security?" Twilight asked.

"Because of the marriage between Mermaimon and CaptainHookmon, of course." Mercurymon elaborated. "Considering this is the first time two royals of both kingdoms are to be wed, it's obvious not many would take kindly to it."

"Indeed yer right, lad." CaptainHookmon said. "But anyway, why don't I show ya the dance Hall?"

"Ooh! I'll bet that's where the real fun begins!" Pinkie said out of sheer excitement, bouncing giddily.

While the group weren't looking, a figure was hidden in the shadows, looking towards both CaptainHookmon and Mermaimon.

It was now evening, the rehearsal dinner was held in the dance hall and everyone had gathered in the dance Hall. Many Digimon of all shapes and sizes were either chatting amongst themselves, enjoying the food, just having a good time.

At one of the tables, Thrill Ride was seated with his friends.

"Man, quite the party." Thrill Ride said with a smile while enjoying a glass of sparkling water.

"Ugh... this party is boring." Rainbow groaned in boredom. "How is this old school cheesy crap fun!"

"Rainbow!" Rarity scolded while slapping the tomboy's arm. "Show some respect, will you?"

"I think it's quite fun!" Pinkie said as she enjoyed a slice of cake. "The food here is delicious!"

At a nearby table, CaptainHookmon and Mermaimon were giving each other loving stares while Olegmon and AncientMermaidmon looked to them with soft smiles.

But the fun was cut short when a bolt of electricity stuck near CaptainHookmon, and everyone began to panic.

"Uh-oh!" Applejack declared in concern. "Loos like we've got trouble."

"Reactor Discharge!"

A bigger lightning bolt struck the ground, creating a massive Shockwave of electricity that blew everything and everyone in the radius away.

The source of the shockwave was a fish-like humanoid Digimon with a crab claw on its left arm, a sword held in its right hand, and a long fishtail appearing on the back of his head rather than its tailbone.

"Yeesh! Aren't you ugly?!" Thrill Ride asked in a creeped out anger upon seeing this new figure.

"Regalecusmon!" AncientMermaidmon declared in rage. "You miserable traitor! You have some nerve showing your face here!"

"If anybody is the traitor, it's you and your whore daughters!" The Digimon named Regalecusmon shot back, infuriating AncientMermaidmon.

"Consider those your final words! Crystal Billow!" AncientMermaidmon raised her trident upwards, a few dropelt sof water forming before hardening into crystal shade, then with a forward swing, she fired them at Regalecusmon.

Regalecusmon dodged effortlessly, and just as AncientMermaidmon was about to strike, Regalecusmon grabbed Mermaimon and held his sword close to her throat.

"One more move, and your little princess gets it!" Regalecusmon threatened, making AncientMermaidmon gasp in terror.

"Hand off my fiancée!" CaptainHookmon growled furiously, before aiming the anchor strapped to his left arm at him "Rage Giga Anchor!" CaptainHookmon fired the anchor.

"Briona Strike!" Regalecusmon countered by aiming his sword at CaptainHookmon, firing a blast of lightning at him, the attack sending him flying to a wall.

"NO!" Mermaimon called out in fear.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got places to be!" Regalecusmon mon said sinister before looking to Mermaimon. "And I've got a delivery to make!"

"Smoldering Slasher!"

A wave if fire struck Regalecusmon in the back, making him roar out in pain while accidently releasing Mermaimon.

"Sugar Rush Torrent!"

Regalecusmon was sent crashing into a wall by two streams if soda. Wracked in pain, Regalecusmon looked to see FlameKnightmon and Maenadmon.

"And just who might you two be?" Regalecusmon asked in mild anger.

"Friends of the groom, of course!" FlameKnightmon replied while brandishing his sword.

"Then you are no friend of mine!" Regalecusmon growled as he for up and raised his own sword.

"Manic Barrage!"

Regalecusmon was pelted by a barrage of purple energy blasts, making him yelp in pain. Regalecusmon sees that Calamitymon has joined in on the fray.

"I think some reinforcements are needed." FlameKnightmon declared as he held out his D-Gen.

//DigiSoul Manifest!// From the device, the red and yellow forms of bith Gigasmon and Cyclonemon appeared.

"Quagmire Twister/Hyper Heat!" The Gigasmon and Cyclonemon summons roared out, Gigasmon spinning around into a tornado while Cyclonemon fired a blast of fire at Regalecusmon.

"Reactor Discharge!" Regalecusmon cried out as he raised his pincers upwards, the appendage sparkling with electricity before emitting a powerful electric shockwave that stopped both attacks. Both the Gigasmon and Cyclonemon summons groaned before they red energy and were absorbed back into FlameKnightmon's D-Gen.

"Why don't we cut in?" Calamitymon asked a she and Maenadmon both held out their D-Gens.

//DigiSoul Manifest!// A violet and crimson of BlitzGreymon manifested from Calamitymon's D-Gen while a pink and cerise version of Melusimon manifested from Maenadmon's.

"Siren Gaze!" Maenadmon's Melusimon Summon cried out, firing a bright green energy blast from her eyes that froze Regalecusmon stiff.

"Bullseye Boom!/Thunder Vernier!" Calamitymon and her BlitzGreymon summon exclaimed in unison, BlitzGreymon firing lightning blasts from the weapon on his back while Calamitymon fired two powerful purple azure energy blasts from her tonfa blasters.

"AAAAAAaaaa..." Regalecusmon screamed out in agony before turning gray and fading away, his DigiEgg remaining before it hovered out of the room.

Both Melusimon and BlitzGreymon summons turned into azure and bright pink energy respectively before being beamed back into Calamitymon and Maenadmon's D-Gens respectively. And with that, Maenadmon, FlameKnightmon, and Calamitymon reverted back into their respective human forms.

This reveal took many Digimon present completely surprised.

"Humans becoming Digimon?" A Divermon asked in shock.

"Those devices they held!" A WereGarurumon muttered. "Could they be...?"

"The bearers of the DigiPendants?" A Gatomon asked. "It seems so."

"Incredible!" AncientMermaidmon muttered, approaching the three humans with awe in her face. "So the stories are true. The DigiPendants are real."

"And it seems they've chosen they're wielders." Olegmon replied with a smile.

"Oh, thank you!" Mermaimon said as she hugged Sunset Shimmer.

The Gallantmon present genuflected in respect for the three, as did every other Digimon present. Sunset Shimmer, Thrill Ride, and Pinkie Pie looked to each other.

"Wow." Pinkie Pie muttered bashfully. "Looks like we're the life of the party here."


Meanwhile, somewhere in the deeper depths underwater, a purple pollywog-like Digimon with developed forelimbs and undeveloped hind limbs, a wide mouth with several pointed teeth, round eyes, and a tail end in a web of skin supported by bony rays was swimming to the entrance of an underwater grotto.

"Sir... bad news." The pollywog Digimon said nervously.

"What is it?" A deep voice spoke out.

"It's Regalecusmon! He's... he's been defeated." The pollywog Digimon said.

"What?!" The voice asked, clearly shocked. "He was my finest! How did he go down!"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" The pollywog replied, a pair of red eyes shinning through the darkness.

"Try me!"

The next day, it was officially wedding day and things were pretty much laid out. The wedding was held on the beach near the castle, and everyone was there. A MagnaAngemon served as priest, the groomsmen consisted of an Angemon, Duftmon, and ExVeemon while the bridesmaids were three of Mermaimon's sisters, which were a Calmaramon, Sirenmon, and MarineAngemon.

"Dearly beloved..." the priest started, "we are gathered here today to witness the union of two royals from differing worlds. One above the surface, the other below the ocean depths."

As the priest, Leomon, Mercurymon, and Nohemon were smiling fondly at the knowledge of their friend being married. Sunset and her friends were joked at the sight.

"Oh, this is so sweet." Rarity said with a sigh. "How I love a..." She heard the sound of sniffling, and she sees Thrill Ride was crying. "Dear, what's wrong?"

"I just love weddings." Thrill Ride replied, wiping his tears away with a tissue. "Don't judge me."

"If some one has a reason that these two should not be wed, please speak now, or forever old your…" MangaAngemon spoke, but suddenly the ship shook violently.

And shortly afterwards, a large figure emerged from the water. It was a pallor humanoid as large as Olegmon and AncientMermaidmon, wore black jumpsuit with a submersive pressure gage strapped to his chest, red eyes, a cape, two long squid-like tentacles sprouting from his shoulders, tentacle-like arms, and a tail that resembled an octopus tentacle for a tail.

"Yeah! I've got something to say!" The devilish sea man replied with a snarl.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: MarineDevimon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Sea Animal
Attribute: Virus

If there is one Digimon considered to be the most sinister denizen of the deep, it's MarineDevimon! If you don't have a fear of open water, his Dark Deluge will surely rectify that!

"MarineDevimon!" AncientMermaidmon declared bitterly, clutching her trident. "How dare you show your face here!"

"Can it, sister! I'm putting an end to this once and for all!" MarineDevimon retorted.

"Sister?! You mean you two are siblings?!" Thrill Ride asked out in disbelief. "Dear God, that's a face that not even a mother can look at with out soiling herself in terror!"

MarineDevimon looked to Thrill Ride in rage, definitely not taking kindly to those words. "So you're the humans that I was told who can use the DigiPendants!"

"You bet your butt-ugly ass we are!" Sunset said as she, Fluttershy, Thrill Ride, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack held out their D-Gens. And within moments, they each Neo Evolved.

"Looks like it's calamari tonight, folks!" FlameKnight declared as his sword emitted a bright red glow. "Wrath Of The Fallen Greymon!" With a single thrust, FlameKnight fired a blast of crimson energy shaped like a dragon at Gigasmon while MarineDevimon. Although the attack hit, it did little damage.

"Manic Barrage/Cola Crash!" Calamitymon and Maenadmon both cried out in unison, firing teal energy blasts and explosive soda bubbles respectively. But again, this did little damage.

"Howl of the Great Garurumon/Petal Tempest!” Adletmon released a mighty blast of light from her mouth while Usagimon fired razor sharp petals at MarineDevimon.

But again, it did hardly anything other than annoy MarineDevimon.

"My turn! Dark Deluge!" Marine Devimon cried out, firing a stream ink from his mouth at them. When the attack hit, they each lost sensation in their entire bodies before they fell to the ground and reverting back to their human selves.

"Hah! Too easy!" MarineDevimon declared with a smug before grabbing their D-Gens with one oh his two tentacles.

"Hey! Give those back!" Fluttershy demanded.

"You want 'em?" MarineDevimon taunted before shoving them in his mouth and swallowing them. "Come an get 'em!"

"You son of a bitch!" Thrill Ride declared angrily.

"Don't worry lads!" Olegmon said as he brandished a lair of axes. "I'll gut 'em out of his gut!"

"Just try it!" MarineDevimon said with a grin before another Digimon appeared, this one being as big as the ship our heroes were on. This one was a chimera
of various aquatic Digimon. It had the head and legs of a Coelamon, the horn, tusks, ears and mane of an Ikkakumon, the horns of an Octomon as well as its tentacles for a tail, the body of a Seadramon, the dorsal fins of a Dolphmon, the tentacles of a Gesomon on its back, the left arm of an Ebidramon, and the right arm of a Divermon holding a spear.

"A MarinKimeramon!" Mercurymon gasped out in terror.

"Twin Broadsword Boomerang/Crystal Billow!" Olegmon hurls his twin axes at MarineDevimon while AncientMermaidmon fired crystal shard from her trident.

MarinKimeramon however appeared and took the attack. "Aqua Viper!" MarinKimeramon declared, firing a large energy beam the tip of its horn. The attack hits both royals, making them scream in agony as they knelt down.

"Mother/Pop!" Mermaimon and CaptainHookmon cried out while MarineDevimon grabbed them with his tentacles.

"Oh no!" Rarity muttered. But suddenly, she heard a beeping sound. She pulled out her D-Gem, realizing it was beeping profusely.

Meanwhile, a bright glow was visible from below the waves. MarineDevimon and MarinKimeramon saw this, and both were stunned.

"What the..." MarineDevimon asked in disbelief as an orb or light arose from the water and dashed its way towards Rarity.

When the orb of light got close enough, Rarity saw that within it was a golden trident.

With a smile of confidence, Rarity extended her D-Gen as the trident turned into blue energy and was absorbed into it.

//DigiRemnant Acquired.// Rarity's D-Gen spoke as Rarity emitted a bright blue aura glow while she floated off the ground.


A blue hexagon seal with the her DigiPendant's symbol beneath her as she was enveloped in a massive waterspout.

MarineDevimon and MarinKimeramon watched on in disbelief while Mermaimon and CaptainHookmon were amazed by this.

The waterspout had eventually ceased, revealing Rarity's Digimon form to everyone in all of its glory

It resembled a human woman, a rather gorgeous one, with curly slivery blue hair and turquoise eyes, her ears resembled fins and were also turquoise colored.

On her head was a pink crown or tiara that looked like it was made from a sea star, she had a blue cape with a purple underside and appeared to function like fin-like fins, an azure colored top that exposed her midriff, a white long skirt that reached her ankle with blue ribbon on the sides, purple gloves that reached her elbows,

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Amphitritemon
Level: Unidentified
Type: Aquatic
Attribute: Vaccine, FreeBy utilizing her Marine DigiPendant and the Digiremnant of Sistermon Blanc, Rarity has Neo Evolved into Amphitritemon! Just like the ocean, she is beautiful but also dangerous! Better pray you’re a good swimmer if you decide to mess with this sea queen!

"Bah! Bring it, girly!" MarineDevimon taunted with confidence. "'I've trashed your friends, and you'll be no different!"

"We'll see about that, uncouth heathen!" Amphitritemon shot back with a smirk, her trident held at the ready.

"Dark Deluge!" MarineDevimon roared out, firing another blast of ink at her.

"Try this on for size!" Amphitritemon declared as thrusts her trident forward. "Tidal Surge!" A blast of water then fired from her trident, sending the ink back before hitting MarineDevimon square on the face.

MarineDevimon growled angrily in response. "You little... go get her!"

"Aqua Viper!" MarinKimera fired another energy blast from his horn, firing at Amphitritemon.

"Charybdis Shield!" Amphitritemon declared as a large vortex of water appeared before her, her attack canceling out MarinKimeramon's. "But wait, there's more! Briny Bubbles!" Amphitritemon raised her trident upwards, forming a barrage of bubbles before firing them at MarinKimeramon, the bubbles dissolving parts of his body like he was being doused in acid.

MarinKimeramon roared out in searing agony before he turned gray and vanished, his DigiEgg hovering off into the sky.

MarineDevimon was not shaking in terror, but he swallowed his fear and glared at his opponent. "You... You can't stop me!" MarineDevimon boasted. "I'm leagues powerful then you!"

"Oh are you!" Amphitritemon antagonize with a proud smirk. "Then let's teat that with my next attack!" Amphitritemon's trident then began to glow bright blue glow while she prepared to toss it at the aquatic devil. "Triton Javelin!"

Amphitritemon threw her trident at MarineDevimon, the attack piercing right through MarineDevimon's stomach while earning a pained gasp from him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" MarineDevimon screamed in blistering agony as his body was overcome with electricity. His body began to go gray and fade before vanishing, his DigiEgg too taking off into the sky.

Upon MarineDevimon's defeat, Mermaimon and CaptainHookmon were sent falling to the water below, but a large bubble appeared for them to fall on.

The D-Gens that MarineDevimon had stolen appeared to their respective users, earning a smile from them.


With MarineDevimon and MarinKineramon neutralized, the wedding proceeded.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife." MagnaAngemon said, and Mermaimon and CaptainHookmon kissed to seal the deal while everyone clapped.

After the kiss, Mermaimon tossed her bridal bouquet. And where it landed right into Calmaramon hands.

"Yes!" Calmaramon cheered out in joy.

"I still can't believe Mermaimon got married before me." Sirenmon grumbled in slight jealousy.

"Oh suck it up, Sirenmon." MarineAngemon replied with a smirk.


After the wedding, it was time for our heroes to depart. Mermaimon, CaptainHookmon, AncientMermaidmon, and Olegmon were giving their thanks to them.

"Once again, thank ya for everythin'." CaptainHookmon thanked with a smile.

"Anything, dear friend." Leomon replied with a smile.

"It's what we do." Thrill Ride said, rubbing the back if his neck bashfully.

"I wish there was someway we could repay you." AncientMermaidmon said.

"No need, darling." Rarity replied with a wave. "Seeing that everything turned out well is more than enough."

"Well, we better get going." Mercurymon said, holding the map. "The next settlement is not too far off."

"Ah, you must mean Sleipnir Town!" Olegmon replied with a chuckle while motioning to a dirt path. "Just follow this road and you'll make it by evening."

"Thanks." Sunset Shimmer thanked before looking to Mermaimon and CaptainHookmon. "Congratulations, by the way."

"I can already see the grandchildren!" AncientMermaidmon uttered out in joy. "Oh, I cannot wait!"

Everyone present laughed at that.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. For this one, I took inspiration from Disney's "the Little Mermaid" and the Ben 10 episode "My Big Fat Alien Wedding"