• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 797 Views, 35 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

Wolf Quest part 1







Digimon Analyzer

The gang were walking, the area around them was covered in snow.

"Yikes.... it's awfully nippy out here!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a shiver

"Where are we, anyway?" Twilight asked Mercurymon, who held the map.

"According to the map, it seems were heading to Lupis Town." Mercurymon responded as he examined the mop. "A town where sledding is a popular sport."

"Hey, if I'm not mistaken, the Balto Run is happening today." Nohemon acknowledged.

"The Balto Run?" Rarity asked, an eyebrow raised up in confusion.

"It's an annual sledding competition." Nohenon explained. "Mushers compete in a twenty-four hour long race. Enduring harsh conditions and the perils of the wilderness. The first person who makes it to the checkpoint by midnight is declared the winner."

"Twenty-four hours?!" Sunset asked in disbelief. "You mean mushers have to endure a whole day of racing?"

"Maybe we could rest." Thrill Ride said before shivering from the cold. "And maybe find a place to warm up? I think I'm going to get some frostbite."

"So you're heading to Lupis Village, eh?"

The gang jumped in surprise before looking around.

"What the... who said that?" Applejack asked.

"Look to your right."

The gang did so, and they saw a railroad track, along with a rather strange looking bullet train.

"Hey, a train!" Pinkie Pie sighed with joy.

"Maybe the conductor is near by?" Twilight replied.

"You're lookin' at the conductor, darlin'." The train spoke to Twilight with a Canadian accent, making the human kids jump again.

"Whoa! A talking train?!" Rainbow Dash asked with dumbfounded expression.

"A Trailmon." Leomon said with a smile at the train-like Digimon named Trailmon. "This one's a Buffalo model."

"A train Digimon?!" Thrill Ride asked with surprise, but then approached the Trailmon. "Wait! You're heading to Lupis Village?"

"Sure thing, eh?" The Trailmon replied.

"But we didn't purchase any tickets." Twilight replied to the Trialmon.

"Hey, with a Trilmon you don't need a tanned ticket." Trailmon said with a chuckle. "Better hop in. Don't wanna catch a cold now do ya?"

"Well, he's offering." Fluttershy said to her friends with a soft smile.

After a minute long ride, Trailmon had arrived at the terminal of Lupis Town, and the others had exited Trailmon with the humans adorned in warm clothes.

"Ah~, much better." Rarity sighed with content. "No more suffering in the cold."

"Thanks for the ride." Thrill Ride thank Trailmin.

"Don't mention it, eh?" Trailmon said with a chortle. "Go have look around. Don't let me keep ya."

With that, the group began to look around. The place looked like you had stepped into the year 1925.

"Whoa, look at this place." Applejack muttered in amazement as she took in the visuals. "Looks quite nice."

"Yeah." Thrill Ride said, but then he saw something going on in an alley way. What he saw four dog-like Digimon of various kinds looming over another dog-like Digimon. He didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the four canines were harassing somebody.

"Oh Hell no!" Thrill Ride growled in fury before whistling. "Hey! Lay off you bunch of flea bitten fucks!"

The red and white canine Digimon's ears pricked up before he and his three comrades looked to him. The red and white canine was slender, he had a rather long snout filled with razor sharp teeth, eyes that were yellow, and he had a few scars on his face.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Fangmon
Level: Champion
Type: Dark Beast
Attribute: Data

Fangmon! Known for its heretical existence among other Dog and Wolf-species Digimon, it preys upon those who lose their way. Its Snipe Steal attack will render anyone unarmed and defense before it goes in for the kill.

The other three were of different body shapes compared to the red and white one. One resembled a Doberman a Doberman Pinscher with a spiked metal collar around its neck. This was Dobermon.

The second resembled a white and yellow colored Chinese guardian lion. This was Seasarmon.

And the third resembled cartoony dog with black eats and tail, cartoonish eyes, a white "D" on his midsection, and was the only one who stood upright rather than on all fours like the others. This was Doggymon.

"Ya got something to say to me, punk?" Fangmon asked with a snarl.

"I've got plenty to say, you butt ugly mutt!" Thrill Rill replied while the others watched on in worry.

Fangmon growled as he and his three goons approached Thrill Ride. "You got a lot of nerve saying that to me!" Fangmon growled to startle off the Thrill Ride, but said boy didn't falter.

"Please! If you're going to scare me off, it ain't working!" Thrill Ride taunted. "Now unless you don't want a rock thrown at you, I suggest you and your three stooges bugger off!"

"Thrill..." Twilight muttered in concern for her friend.

"Pretty big talk for such a limp shrimp!" Seasarmon said with a snarl.

"Ya got that right!" Dobermon in a deep monotone voice.

"I don't think you realize to who you're talking to!" Fangmon snapped. "I'm Fangmon! Long running sled champion of Lupis Town."

"You know, I'd be lying out of my ass if I said I'd actually cared." Thrill Ride replied with a roll of his eyes, making Fangmon and his goons growl even more furiously at that.

"Come on, let's just go." Fluttershy said to Thrill Ride. "The last thing we want is stir up trouble."

"Yeah, good idea." Thrill Ride replied with a nod. "It's already starting to stink here." Thrill Ride was about to walk off, but Doggymon and Seasarmon got in his way.

"Oh, I don't think so pal!" Fangmon growled angrily. "You think you can get away with talkin' smack to me, then you're stupider than you look!"

"We'll show you what happens to punks!" Doggymon replied with a wicked chuckle as all four canines surrounded him. Thrill Ride however wasn't deterred, as he opted his knuckles with a grin.

"Then what are you waiting for, boys?" Thrill Ride replied with a smirk. "Come at me!"


The four canines gasped in surprise before looking to seeing a new figure had approached. This one too was a canine Digimon, only this is a yellow nine-tailed fox with a white mane and mystical blue flames flaring around its paws and tail tips.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Kyubimon
Level: Champion
Type: Mythical Animal
Attribute: Data

Kyubimon, a fox-like Digimon that is both mysterious and bewitching. Despite its alluring appearance, it boasts some tremendous power. It may be lacking in attack power, but it makes up for that with its powerful will force and proficiency in spell casting.

"Whoa." Thrill Ride gasped in awe upon seeing the kitsune-like Digimon.

"Hey Kyubimon." Fangmon greeted Kyubimon with a smirk before looking back to Thrill Ride. "Come to see me make this little runt my new chew toy? I'm willing to share with ya."

"I suggest you and your thugs move along, Famgmon!" Kyubimon spoke with a glare towards Fangmon. "Unless you want me to o fetch Merukimon. You know just as much as I do that attacking visitors is not something taken lightly!"

"Uh-oh!" Doggymon replied with a scared look. "We better scram, Fangmon! I don't want another run in with Merukimon!"

"You remember what happened last time." Seasarmon chimed in, feeling nervous while Fanngmon rolled his eyes.

"Tch! Fine!" Fangmon scolded before looking back to Thrill Ride. "You've got lucky, punk! But don't think you've got away easily, because you're officially on my shit list!" With that said, Fangmon walked off while bumping into Thrill Ride rudely as his goons followed.

"Jeez, what a dick!" Thrill Ride muttered with a scowl towards the red canine.

"What were you thinking?!" Rarity scolded Thrill Ride. "We're you trying to get yourself mauled?!"

"Thanks for standing up for me."

The others turn to see the canine Dogimon that Fangmon and his goons were picking on earlier. It resembled a wolf with light blue fur, a white underside, dark blue tiger stripes, magenta claws, dark blue-tipped blades, and a very curly tail.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Garurumon
Level: Champion
Type: Animal, Beast
Attribute: Vaccine, Data, Virus

Garurumon, a wolf-like Digimon with fur as hard as a legendary rare metal named "Mithril". Despite its rather animalistic appearance, its intelligence is very high. Its Howling Blaster makes it a formidable opponent to face.

"No problem, dude." Thrill Ride replied with a smile. "I wasn't gonna sit by and watch those pricks hound you like that."

"You're awfully brave to backpack somebody like Fangmon." Kyubimon replied with a impressed smile. "Only a small few had the guts to do something like that."

"Hey, I've fought worse than that pencil-snouted mongrel." Thrill Ride said with a nonchalant shrug if his shoulders.

Kyubimon then turned to face Garurumon with a caring smile. "I'm glad your alright, Garurumon." Kyubimon nuzzled Garurumon, eliciting an "aw" from the girls. "Fangmon didn't hurt you, did he?"

"No, I'm fine." Garurumon replied with a smile.

"Pardon me," Leomon spoke as he approached the two canine Digimon. "We're travelers here, do you know where we can find a place to shelter for the night?"

"Oh, of course." Kyubimon replied with a nod. "I'll take you to Merukimon."

The gang were following Garurumon and Kyubimon someplace, all the while Garurumon tried his best to keep a low profile by keeping himself hidden from within the group. Though many Digimon were looking to Garurumon, other casting glares at him or cowering while Garurumon looked down dejected.

"What's the matter with these people?" Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow. "We're not that ugly, are we?"

"It's me their glaring at." Garurumon said with a dejected sigh, making the gang look to him.

"You?" Sunset asked with confusion. "What do these people have against you?"

"Garurumon aren't particularly acceptable around here." Kyubimon explained as she casts a pitiful look to Garurumon. "The only reason he hasn't been chased off is because he levies with me and Merukimon.

"Merukimon, huh?" Twilight asked with a puzzled look. "A friend of yours?"

"Owner actually." Kyubimon replied. "Well, not just him, but his family too. Merukimon was the first one to see that Garurumon was not as bad as everyone else here proclaimed him to be, and his family top saw it."

"But everyone else doesn't see that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No. Gararumon have been given a bad reputation here, but that's mostly due to misjudgment." Kyubimon replied while Garurumon looked away with a shameful look.

"Hey! Get away from them, you managed beast!"

A pair of axes were thrown at Garurumon, making him skid along the ground with a pained grunt.

"What the..." Thrill Ride looked around, an angered look on his face. "Who did that?!"

"That would be me!" The gang turn to see an animalistic humanoid that was covered mostly in white fur with a brown face, brown hands and brown feet. Its underbelly was darker brown and appeared to be armored, it had horns on its head, and long braids that were capped with arrowheads.

"Korikakumon!" Kyubimon declared with a scowl. "Didn't expect to see you here!"

"Well, if it ain't the sassy fox!" Korikakumon shot back with a scowl of his own as he retrieved his axes. "Why do ya even bother with that fiend?”

"Maybe because your head is too far up your fuzzy ass to see Garurumon for what he truly is!" Thrill Ride shot back, making other present gasp in response to hearing that.

"I beg yer pardon?!" Korikakumon asked with a scowl, but his eyes then squinted as he looks to Thrill Ride. "Wait! Aren't you the human who had a run in with Fangmon?"

"And if I was?" Thrill Ride shot back.

"Then you better expect some Hell to pay, boy!" Korikakumon declared as Fangmon appeared, limping besides the axe wielding Digimon. His fur was tattered lightly and he had some stuff marks.

"That's him... that's the human who attacked me." Fangmon said a sniffling with tears in his eyes, clearly faking it. "I was just minding my own business, and he attacks me put of nowhere for no reason! Oh, woe is me!"

"What?!" Thrill Ride asked in disbelief. "Oh, you lying flea bitten bastard!"

"What do you have to say fer yerself?!" Korikakumon asked, expecting an explanation

"Hey, that furry meanie is lying through his teeth!" Pinkie Pie protested in Thrill Ride's defense. "He's got witnesses."

"Fangmon never lies!" Korikakumon shot back with a low growl while some spectators gathered to comfort the "injured" Fangmon, who flashed a wicked smirk at the group.

"Oh, you poor thing." A Togemon said.

"How dreadful." A Rosemon chimed in.

"Believe what you want, you frostbitten hairball!" Thrill Ride spoke with a scowl. "But I'm telling you the truth! But you wouldn't know that with your precious mongrel there constantly sucking your dick! If you've even got one that is!"

Korikakumon growled furiously upon hearing that while everyone gasped again.

"Uh-oh." Fluttershy muttered fearfully as she hid behind Leomon.

"Why you insolent little..." Korikakumon growled a she raised his right axe.

"Alright, that's quite enough!"

Everyone turns to see four new figures had arrived. The first was a man dressed in what looked like a green wolf costume with a Mesoamerican aesthetic.

Standing at his left was a rather beautiful angelic woman with eight wings.

Standing right of Merukimon was what looked like the opposite if Lilithmon Eden Node, having more dark colorings and appearing more demonic with devilish butterfly wings.

And in the angelic woman's arms was a little girl with long blonde hair and a single pair of angel wings.

(Credit: Deco-kun)

"Korikakumon, lower your axes!" Merukimon demanded.

"You going to try and make me?!" Korikakumon asked with a snarl, but Lilithmon X dashed towards him and grabbed him by the braids, glaring furiously at him.

"Do as the man says, or you’ll choke on dirt!" Lilithmon X demanded with her eyes glowing a feint red while everyone watched. Korikakumon lowered his axes with a grunt.

"Alright everyone, back to your business!" Merukimon declared, and all the bystanders present resumed to doing what they were doing. "And you, Korikakumon, this stunt better not happen again! Because if it does, than you leave me no choice but to count you out of the Balto Run!"

"But this heathen..." Korikakumon shot back while pointing to Thrill Ride, but Lilithmon X interrupted him.

"CAN IT!" Lilithmon X demanded with a glare, shutting Korikakumon up instantly. "Now pick up your crap and beat it!"

Korikakumon scowled, but he said nothing as he helps Fangmon up and walks away.

"Seriously! What is the matter with you?!" Sunset asked, slapping Thrill Ride's arm with a glare. "You need to keep that temper of yours in check!"

"I do apologize if Fangmon and Korikakumon caused you trouble." Lilithmon Eden Mode said with an apologetic look.

"Hey, at least nobody got hurt." Rarity said before looking to Thrill Ride with a glare. "Right, Thrill Ride?"

"Yeah, yeah." Thrill Ride responded with a sigh and a roll of his eyes.

"Thanks for the save, Merukimon." Kyubimon said as she went to help Garurumon up.

"No worries." Merukimon replied with a nod before looking to the gang. "Hello visitors, I'm Merukimon." Merukimon motions to the angekic woman. "This is my wife, Lilithmonn Eden Mode."

"Hello dears." Lilithmon Eden Mode reolied with a smile before looking to the demonic fairy. "This is my sister, Lilithmon X."

"Lilithmon?!" Twilight asked in utter shock. "As in the Lilith?! The alleged firsf wife of Adam before Eve?!"

"Yeah." Lilithmon X replied nonchalantly. "But you've got nothing to fear from me, sugar. Just because I'm a demonic Digimon doesn't mean I'm evil."

"And this is of course our little one, Lucreciamon." Lilithmon Eden Mode added as she pats the little angelic girl's head. The girl looked a little shy, she stayed close to her mother.

"Oh my, she is simply adorable!" Rarity gawker in awe at how cute Lucreciamon was.

"Its alright, young one." Leomon replied with a soft smile. "No need to be timid.'

"Are you ok Garurumon?" Kyubimon asked Garurumon, who was standing up and limping.

"Ugh... I'll muscle through." Garurumon replied with a light pained groan.

"Garurumon!" Lucreciamon gasped a she flew out of her mother's arms and towards the wolf-like Digimon. "Oh, you poor thing."

"Hey kiddo." Garurumon replied with a smile at the angelic child.

"Come along now dear." Lilithmon Eden Mode called out to Lucreciamon. "Mr. Jijimon has a surprise for you," Lilithmon Eden Mode turned to the gang. "Your more than welcome to accompany us if you like."

"Well, Kyubimon told us that Merukimon could arrange a shelter for us to stay for the night."

"Of course." Merukimon said with a nod. "Come now. We'll discuss maters as we press on."


The gang arrived at Jijimon's workshop, where they see Jinimon himself behind a counter. Jijimon was a short, old man with a long, white beard wearing rags for clothes and carrying around a staff with a lion's paw at the end.

"First, you have to cover your eyes, dear." Merukimon told his Lucreciamon, the angelic Digimon doing as told with no question.

Meanwhile, Kyubimon and Garurumon waited outside with Nohemon accompanying them.

After a quick introduction of new friends, Jijimon went to his table to get what he had been working on for the angelic girl.

"Okay," Merukimon chuckled as Jijimon put the present in front of her. "You can open your eyes now." he told his daughter.

Lucreciamon did that and grew instantly excited, for it was a handmade sled just for her. "Ohhh! I love it!" Lucreciamon said happily as she hugged Jijimon. "Thank you Jijimon! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, sweetheart!" Jijimon said with happy chuckle as he pats her back.

"Hmm, I think you're missing something kiddo." Lilithmon X said with a smirk. "Oh, I know." Lilithmon X then oresented a musher's hat. "You'll need this."

"A real musher's hat!" Lucreciamon beamed, even if the hat covered her cerulean eyes."Thank you auntie X!"

"My, isn't she just a dear?" Rarity said withba chuckle at seeing Lucreciamon's excitement while the girl went outside with Garurumon and Kyubimon.

"She sure is." Merukimon said, casting a smile to Lilithmon Eden Mode. "She's just like her mother."

"Oh you." Lilithmon Eden Mode replied teasingly with a playful smack to Merukimon's chest.

"About Korikakumon," Leomon spoke, looking to Merukimon with a puzzled expression. "I take it you two don’t see eye to eye.”

"Obviously." Merukimon replied with a scoff. "A big reason from that was that he was my political opponent for the mayoral election that occurred just a month back. He's still sour because I won the election."

"Pardon me Mr. Mayor."

The group looked to see a red and white bird-like with a belt on its head with large talons and a lone feather on its head.

"The Balto Run will begin in five minutes." The bird Digimon said.

"Very well then." Merukimon said with a nod. "Thank you, Hawkmon." The Digimon named Hawkmon nodded back before exiting. "Oh well, duty calls." Merukimon looks to Lilithmon X. "X, could you be a dear and show them around? I need to make myself preventable."

"Of course." Lilithmon X replied with a nod, and both Merukimon and Lilithmon Eden Mode walked out.

"X?" Pinkie Pie asked with an inquisitive look. "Does that mean you're not a Digimon?"

"No, It's a nickname." Lilithmon X responded with an amused chuckle. "My full name is Lilithmon X."

"What's the X, stand for?" Twilight asked.

"She's the result of an ordinary Lilithmon achieving X-Evolution." Mercurymon replied. "When the X-Antibody, the thing required for X-Evolution, accesses and modifies a Digimon's Digicore, the Digimon itself evolves into a special X-Antibody variant of itself that expresses latent data that the X-Antibody has extracted from its Digicore."

"You mean like an upgraded form?" Twilight pondered.

"You betcha." Lilithmon X replied. "My sister Lilithmon Eden Mode is the result of Mode Change."

"Wait! Lilithmon?!" Twilight asked with a scared look. "As in Lilith, the first wife of Adam and wife of Asmodeus?!"

"Yeah." Lilithmon X replied nonchalantly. "But you've got nothing to fear from me. Just because I'm a demonic Digimon, doesn't mean I'm evil."

"Uh... so, X-Antibody?" Sunset said, wanting to change the subject. "What that?"

"Its a.. uh, special gene, I guess you could call it, that often grants additional beneficial mutations." Leomon explained, trying to keep it as simple as possible. "Digimon species who have acquired these mutations are differentiated from their original forms by the suffix "X". Lilithmon X is one of them."

"And Mode Change?" Applejack asked, "You mean Digimon can alternate from one form to another?"

"Yes." Mercurymon replied. "Not all, but some do. This can be caused by a multitude of factors. Such as a direct power-up that either enhances their current power or grant new ones, a change between equipment that they already have, or even a change of stance or body plan." Mercurymon explained while the humans were surprised. "As I said, the causes of Mode Change are numerous."

"But anyhow, why don't I show you around?" Lilithmon X said with a smile. "It's not too often we get visitors around here."

At the town square, it was almost time for the Balto Run to begin. Fireworks were popping, and fans were cheering as many sled teams were prepping up.

On a booth, Hawkmon was holding a microphone.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to this year's annual Balto Run!" Hawkmon spoke as the crowd applauded. "Now then. Let's us all, welcome, Mayor Merukimon." Merukimon accepted the microphone from Hawkmon.

"Hello, everyone. It does me great honor to kick start this year's Balto Run." Mayor Merukimon said as the crowd clapped in response. "Now then, for those who may not be familiar with how the Balto Run goes, I'll keep it brief and..."

Suddenly, the sky turned dark and there was an eerie breeze in the air. Everyone looked around with surprise as the wind kicked up.

"Uh... I've got a bad feeling about this!" Pinkie Pie said in unease.

And suddenly, a large purple seal appeared. And from it a tall woman manifested. Most of her body is covered in black, skin-tight fabric. She wears knee-high, purple and yellow boots with the yin-yang symbol on the instep, and purple and yellow gauntlets with the yin-yang symbol displayed on the backs of the hands. She also wears a purple cuirass and shoulder guards, the latter of which have the yin-yang symbol emblazoned upon them, and a purple, traditional kitsune-style half mask which obscures her face. She also has ankle-length black hair tied into pigtails. She wields a long, silver staff with several rings adorning the tip called Shakujou. Its gloves bear the Zero Unit.

Everyone gasped in shock and terror upon seeing this woman.

"Who is that?" Twilight asked while Kyubimon looked on in shock.

"Kuzuhamon." Kyubimon muttered with a shiver.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Kuzuhamon
Level: Mega
Type: Deity
Attribute: Data

Kuzuhamon, once a Fox-species Digimon that lived long, and has now transformed to take on a humanoid form. Well versed in ancient magic, her Illuminator and Taizoukai Mandala attacks are ths perfect examples of her arcane skills.

"What in Goldramon's name is she doing here?" Lilithmon X growled angrily while Lilithmon Eden Mode shushed her.

"Well, this is quite the celebration." Kuzuhamon replied with a wicked chuckle. "Looks like everyone decided to show."

"What do you want, Kuzuhamon?" Merukimon demanded.

"Oh, nothing really." Kuzuhamon replied eith a smile. "It's been a while since I've attended a Balto Run. I was quite unpleasant as to why I wasn't invited."

"You know the reason as to why!" Merukimon replied with a growl.

"Oh yes, no need to remind me!" Kuzuhamon scoffed in response. "You banished me off to exile because my goody-goody sister that I rigged the votes when I tried to run for Mayor seven years ago. I still toss and turn in bed every night remembering it."

"And if you don't leave now, then I'm going to do more than banish you!" Merukimon threatened with a primitive looking knife in hand.

Kuzuhamon clicked her tongue, but then she noticed Kyubimon. "Oh, and speaking of which..."

Kuzuhamon vanished monetarily before reappearing in front of Kyubimon, making the fox Digimon jump and back up a bit.

"Hello, dear sister." Kuzuhamon greeted with a sinister grin. "It's been a while hasn't it? Enjoying your life with these washouts?" Kuzuamon then smacked Kyubimon to the side with her staff.

"Kyubimon!" Lucreciamon cried out, but she was held back by her mother.

"I've been dying to do this all,those seven years ago!" Kuzuhamon said, but just as she was about to strike again....


Kuzuhamon stopped herself, snarling at the insult before looking behind her. "Who said that?!"

"You've got eyes, don't you?!" Thrill Ride shot back as he apprached her, glaring daggers.

Kyubimon looked to Thrill Ride with concern while Kuzuhamon walked towards him.

"Who do you think you aren, talking to me in such a fashion?!" Kuzuhamon said, growling furiously.

"You better leave now, or I'll be sure you suffer!" Thrill Ride demanded, popping his knuckles. "I'm not one for hitting a girl, but I'm willing to make an exception here!"

Kuzuhamon snarled before taking a deep breath. But Kuzuhamon then saw Thrill Ride's D-Gen from his pocket, her snarl turning to a wicked grin.

"Oh, I'm leaving." Kuzuhamon responded with a chuckle. "But, not before I shake things up for this year's Balto Run."

"Shake things up?" Sunset asked with an unsettled feeling in her stomach. "I don't like the sound d of it."

Kuzuhamon then tapped her, the staff glowing a bright purple as a spiral of violet energy swirled around her.

"For this year's Balto Run, I'm raising the stakes to an all time high with a curse!" Kuzuhamon as a magic seal formed in the sky. "Each and every child in this town shall be struck with an incurable illness! One that will result in death by the stroke of midnight!" Everyone gasped in horror upon hearing this. "But should one win the Balto Run, the curse will be broken!"

Everyone had a horrified look on their faces, a purple energy dome formed aroubd the entire town before vanishing. Kyubimon gasping in terror as Lilithmon Eden Mode held onto Lucreciamon tightly.

"YOU WITCH!" Leomon roared out furiously as he went to strike her with his sword, but Kuzuhamon countered this by smacking him away.

With a wicked laugh, Kuzuhamon vanishes in a bright purple flash of light.

As soon as Kuzuhamon was gone, Lucreciamon started to cough a little.

"Momma, I don't feel well..." Lucreciamon muttered as she started to lose her balance. Lilithmon Eden Mode held onto her while putting her hand on her daughter's forehead.

And it wasn't just Lucreciamon, many other child Digimon was feeling sick.

Many Digimon had their focus on Thrill Ride.

"Oh crap." Thrill Ride muttered, knowing he just caused a huge problem.

To be continued...