• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,624 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter four: Getting settled in

Author's Note:

Sorry everyone for the bland chapters so far. Somehow I've already got writer's block for this but I'll keep pushing for a chapter that's at least every week or every other week, at the very latest I'll do every 3 weeks. But with all that out of the way, I'm finally ready to heed the call of the displaced so just let me know if you'd like to crossover, or maybe I'll let you know, either way I'm gonna pave a path for some action.

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

All three of us are walking down the road with damage control already underway, I look down at the mares that are escorting me. Twilight is clearly having a bit of anxiety over this but is keeping it in to some degree. Rainbow Dash though, is choosing to let her clear unwillingness for this assignment out in the open by huffing and puffing like a child while looking over to the right, facing away from me. "Maybe now would be a good time to see if I can get a proper feel for their personalities. That'd definitely help solidify my non-imprisonment in the future after all."

Deciding I should act on this I put my hands behind my back and smile. "Rainbow Dash, was it? I believe I never got a proper introduction from you, would you be so kind as to rectify this?"

"What?" Rainbow Dash turns her head around to do a full 180. "Of course a weirdo like you would talk like an egg head, no offense Twi." Twilight stares at Rainbow Dash with an "what did I do to you?" expression. Rainbow Dash chooses to continue though. "But yeah sure, I'll give you so awesomest introduction you've ever heard. You're looking at Equestria's fastest flier who can clear these skies in ten seconds flat! I'm also the number one weather patroller, a bonified prankster, and most importantly a future Wonderbolt!" She pumps a hoof into the air with a joyful declaration.

"Ah, seems like you've got quite the resume that you're building up for yourself." I reply with some general interest. "I didn't know that Celestia kept the Wonderbolts around even after my temporary absence into imprisonment."

Twilight's ears perk up, taking her gaze off the ground. "Wait, what do you mean? Sure the Wonderbolts are mostly just a performance group nowadays but they still are a military branch. Why would Princess Celestia ever get rid of them?"

I give Twilight an intrigued look. "Your princesses never told you? I actually founded the Wonderbolts, though I suppose that the term 'appropriated' would be more correct so I thought she'd want to get rid of any remnants that paint me in a good light throughout history ." I briefly chuckle before nodding my head. "I told Luna around 240 years into her diarchy that the nightguard needed something special... Like a personal task force comprised of the best Equestria had to offer. Back then Luna and I were sorta friends. Rivals more than anything though. Anyways after the Shadowbolts got instated Celestia decided to replicate our idea and form the Wonderbolts."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash both abruptly stop in their tracks with the lavender colored unicorn having their eyes literally start sparkling, much to my amusement and Rainbow Dash giving me a confused look. "Woah there buster, princess Celestia would never try and copy off of anypony else's idea..." The confident pegasus trails off. "But if what you said about the Shadowbolts it true. Then you're a bit cooler than I thought you were." She reluctantly admits, kicking a hoof down at the ground below us.

"Thank you Rainbow Dash, it means a lot to hear someone as awesome as you to give me some praise." It takes practically all I have to not be sarcastic when I say that to her. "Having to kiss her ass like this is a pain but it's bearable." I think to myself.

Twilight Sparkle appears to have her eyes locked onto me at this point, just barely containing herself as she actually begins to vibrate in place. "Are you serious right now? I have so many questions for you! I mean, the fact that even though you inadvertently made the Wonderbolts that's still something that the historians should've mentioned in their books..." She puts a hoof up to her chin while pacing back and forth through the road we stopped at. "However if it's as you said, if Celestia purposely removed parts of history that involved you. Then you could be a whole goldmine of information! Not just for me but for ponies worldwide!" She excitedly concludes before sheepishly turning around with a hoof around her neck. "T-that's a big if you even made such advancements." The mare quickly proceeds to take said hoof down, glancing around.

Making a shocked expression, leaning backwards whilst placing a hand on my chest I say. "My my dear Twilight, I would never lie about something so detrimental as revolutionization." Rainbow Dash makes an jock-like face, quickly flying above both of us slumped over.

"My goodness, look at both the egg heads combobulate over nerd stuff." She makes a playful disgusted face. "And I only know that word after hearing Twilight lecture about anything for the umpteenth time! I can only hope that you're time the same as my friend over here." Rainbow hovers downwards and wraps a hoof around Twilight's neck in a friendly manner. However Twilight doesn't seem to notice as she has a concentrated look on her face. "Not to say there's something wrong with egg heads but I'm afraid that if our friend group gets anymore then I'll crack."

Ignoring the pun, I laugh it off with a smile. "You've got nothing to worry about over here my rainbow maned acquaintance, I'll act as non-eggyheady as possible." I salute her with a smile, watching her let go of the still shy Twilight who's looking in the other direction, and after a few moments a light bulb goes off inside her mind.

"I LEFT SPIKE BY HIMSELF AT HOME!" Her shout manages to penetrate my ears despite quickly blocking them a quarter of the way through, instantly causing them to ring. Birds fly out of nearby trees and some pebbles briefly lifted off of the ground when she made her voice known. Rainbow Dash is in the same boat as I am. Covering her ears with a pained appearance mixed in with some anger.

"Aughh! Did you want to give us both tinnitus or something? Because with a scream like that you sure could've definitely accomplished that goal perfectly well." Rainbow Dash painfully grunts out.

The ringing in my ears slows down but doesn't completely disappear. "I'm sorry Twilight but I've gotta agree with Rainbow Dash. That was definitely uncalled for unless you wanted us to get some type of hearing related damage." "It's real nice to know that ponies evolved to have voices that let them nearly deafen people with a mere screech." I tell myself sarcastically.

Twilight looks even more embarrassed. The mare is trying to mimic that one butter colored pegasus that I saw with Twilight and her friends who rarely talked. Though she still manages to speak up. "L-listen Rainbow and Aizen, I'm sorry I hurt your ear drums but we really need to go check up on Spike. Who knows what could've happened to him when Discord attacked."

A sigh passes from both me and Rainbow Dash, giving an understanding nod we stop our small talk. "I- we understand Twilight, lets just get moving then." I comment before Rainbow Dash can say anything.

Twilight visibly brightens a bit from my willing attitude, hurriedly taking lead to her house that I've been to already, once more.

Pov: Spike the dragon

I groggily wake up at a random point in time, not even bothering to rub my eyes. "Man... It feels like someone's been talking about me." "Eh, unlikely, Twilight's been out all day anyways. I'm back off to bed." Finishing that thought I fall right back asleep, pulling my blanket back up.

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

As we make considerable pace towards Twilight Sparkle's residence I begin to thinking to myself. Making sure to move past any ponies and ignoring their remarks about how weird I dress or seem.

"Purposely not telling them I could just teleport us there since I've already been to her home aside. This has given me some time to think about the situation. These ponies have already warmed up to me... Besides a select few that is. No matter, I shall bypass that within time. And it seems as though my plan worked, those modified Caja Negación worked perfectly for siphoning some of the element's power. Of course I cannot simply use them, that'd be worthless unless I has having a near death experience. They'd most likely do best as being made as weapons. A smile grows on my face while keeping up with the mares. "Yeah, and I think I've already got a mare who could help me do it. All I can hope is that no weird bullshit ruins this for me."

"W-we're huff h-here. Oh dear princess Celestia that took a lot out of me." Twilight knocks me out of my thought process. And I can see Rainbow Dash patting Twilight's back with a "there there" look. Then the mare backs up to give her friend some space while she catches' her breath, she wobbles a bit but manages to stay on hooves.

"T-thanks Rainbow, a-anyways as I was saying. We're finally here, now c'mon lets check on Spike." I go ahead of them and open the door for the two littles mares as one should.

Rainbow Dash snorts, barely managing to hold back some obvious laughter as she flies past me through the door. "Heh, looks like we got ourselves a real gentlecolt. I guess being so old made you pick up a few old habits like Luna. But don't think this little being polite attitude is going to get you anywhere cause it's not. Still though, thanks for opening the door."

Twilight shakily enters through the door but trips on her own leg. "A-aah buck!" swiftly reaching down, I grab her by the barrel and hold her in place until she gets her balance again. The moment being a little awkward for the little mare I let her go, considering she was in my arm like a dog.

"Now that I think about it, ponies always were extremely soft by all things considered." Though I shake my head, getting those thoughts out of my mind. "You alright there?" Asking with a bit of eloquence in my voice.

The mare brushes herself off. Wiping the sweat away from her fur. "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine, we don't have time to talk anyways, not when we're just outside the library." Twilight bumps pass me and enters her home/library only to see Rainbow Dash chilling out on a beanbag, yawning.

"Rainbow Dash! Why the heck aren't you searching for spike?!" She angerly asks with me coming in shortly after.

"Huh? Oh I flew in the house while you two were doing whatever and found him sleeping in his room upstairs. So I thought now was a good time to just try and relax for a bit." The blue pegasus answers with a lack of care for Twilight's vastly calming emotional state.

"I- that actually makes sense." Twilight looks relieved though her brows are still slightly furrowed. "But I told that drake time and time again that he can't just sleep in." She shakes her head, smiling. "I guess he deserves it all things considered, it's been a long week at the library so I needed a lot of help." Twilight reasons with herself.

"Maybe I can just go sit down over there for right now. An informal break will do me some good after being imprisoned for that long. Not physically of course but a mental break has always served its purpose." I silently tell myself. I move over to a bean bag that's next to Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle is already ahead of me, teleporting in front of the comfy chair to stop me. Somehow in some way she has her hoof making a wagging gesture that resembles one of a finger's.

"Hold it there Aizen." I stop in my tracks out of confusion. "Rainbow Dash were you just going to let Aizen sit down? After all that all we've been told so far? This man is like a vast library of knowledge, he could answer any question from the past that Princess Celestia forbids from me getting the answers."

Rainbow Dash simply shakes her head in response. Much to Twilight's annoyance. "No of course not. I'm not into that egghead stuff that you do. And to add to that, I'm only here to watch the guy, not prevent him from sitting and bombard him with questions." I watch them go back in forth. Deciding now in a good time to intervene I loudly clear my throat. Drawing both of their attention.

"Sorry dude, didn't mean to argue." Rainbow Dash apologies in a cool tone still not really paying attention to the situation which is fine by me. A small blush enters Twilight's face as she nervously gives a "Sorry" before letting me continue.

"Let me just answer any questions you may have instead of trying to fish them from me?" And with that, I let open the flood gate of questions.

Four painstakingly long hours later.

"And that Twilight is why the Sternritters were born." I end up finishing. I even got Rainbow Dash to join in to listen to my little tale. And Twilight, with her ever piling notes takes in a deep breath, releasing the longest sentence known to ponykind (debatably).

"So what you're saying is that the Sternritters showed up only because you started making these 'arrancar hybrids' as you call them and they inherited this ability to store, release, and absorb this spiritual energy called Reishi, which is fundamentally similar to Zebrica magic, because of the influx of a new species? And since Celestia was at her prime these Sternritters formed a cult under her name to try and track down and kill all Arrancars as well as yourself since you and arrancars are poisonous to them regardless?!" The lavender mare starts taking deep breaths in order to account for the lack of oxygen in her lungs.

"... Wow, that was a perfect recap Twilight." I involuntarily clap my hands, extremely impressed by her ability to recount such a thing even if it was from her notes. And Rainbow Dash raises a hoof in the air after witnessing such a feat which I promptly call upon her like a school teacher.

"Yes Rainbow Dash, do you have a question for me?" she rapidly nods her head so I motion for her to go ahead.

"Its about these "Sternritter" guys. You said they went into hiding after you felt the prescence of the last arrancar fade inside your imprisonment, right? So like, if they don't like you or your pals. Then aren't they just gonna come back and try to kill you again?" The loyal pegasus askes me to which I nod in response.

"I have already planned for their return." I tell her with some bravado before sighing. "Well, not so much as plan as to attempt to figure out how I shall counteract these nuisances. If they're anything like from what I read in the pre-written media that they, and myself are based off of then they're gonna be tough." I slump down a bit with some dissatisfaction. "If only I could have some help. But I know Celestia shall not help me by any means."

Rainbow Dash gives me a sympathetic look. As sympathetic as a tired pony can be anyways. Twilight seems as if she's considering something but stays quiet. Much to my disappointment though I don't let it show. Not that I didn't have a backup strategy in case she doesn't help me.

"Hm... Whelp lets not dwell on such sorrowful things." I hop up with a small smile. "Do you girls want to see something cool before we settle in for the day?"

"Wait, like that thing you did to the meteorite. That was you, right? That whole black rectangle thingy. Cause if you've got more tricks like that then I guess that sleeping could wait for a bit longer." Rainbow Dash picks herself up with some renewed interest, Twilight following suit.

"Of course that was me, I'm not one to just sit there tiddling my thumbs in such a detrimental moment like a meteorite threatening to level a entire town. But not to worry I wont be doing anything that big like preforming such destructive spells." Rainbow Dash seems a bit disappointed by this however Twilight keeps her same enthusiasm, clutching her notepad and quill within her magical grasp.

"If you're not going to preform any of your... "Kido" techniques as you called them which you've been documented to call your magic. Then what exactly are you going to do?" Twilight tilts her head much to my amusement.

"Simply watch and learn my dear mares, all questions shall be answered in time." With a small chuckle I clear my throat and call out while holding out my hand as if to hold something. "Kyōka Suigetsu, come to me!" Unlike my counter-part that I'm based off of, I haven't lost the privilege of fully being able to hear my Zanpakuto. A sickly bluish purple originates from my chest, where my Hogyoku is. It begins to manifest my small desire of calling out to my blade, safely materializing it in my grasp. Much to the amazement of the two mares in front of me, Twilight furiously scribbling with her quill and Rainbow Dash flapping her wings upwards to get a better look.

"This is my blade, this is myself and I wont lose it, not in a million years." I solemnly tell myself. I shake myself of this suddenly serious reaction from myself. "Maybe it's the fact that I've informally summoned my Zanpakuto without fighting for the first time after my imprisonment. Whatever it is, this feeling is amazing." Noticing how much I've been inner monologuing again I snap myself out and hold my blade out in reverse grip.

"If you want, you girls can hold them, just make sure to be gentle." Rainbow Dash and Twilight both turn over to face each other with predatory looks. And in an instant, Rainbow Dash dashes towards the blade but Twilight's magical draw is faster. Securely gaining the blade in her telekinetic field. Lifting it up and bringing it over to her.

"This looks like a regular katana though?" She says with some confusion. Rainbow Dash comes to hover behind her companion with a look of disappointment. "Hey! She's right, it just looks like a regular old katana. I thought it was gonna have some of that flashy stuff that you had just shown us two seconds ago. Which was wayyyy cooler than this."

"Now now ladies, that blade has been with me since day one, show a little respect okay? And you should know never to judge a book by its cover." I quip. Then crack my knuckles before calling out the key word for my blade's Shikai activation. "Shatter." The Hōgyoku resonates with me once more, shining beautifully. It remotely inserts the command into my Zanpakutō. Making the surrounding area around both me and the katana to have a light purple panel shatter behind us.

I have a half the mind to make a remark about an "illusion of appearance" but I shall keep that to myself. Instead I say. "Well there you have it, your 'main event' so to speak." And their reactions are priceless, both of them asking where the glass came from and why it's gone now or how I even did that in the first place. All while Twilight Sparkle makes sure to rotate the blade in her magical grasp to get a better view of it.

"That... That phrase and strange sequence." Twilight steadily pieces the imaginary equation together. "Is this the 'initial release' for your weapon?" The mare inquires to which I nod.

"You seem to have a great grasp on my abilities already dear unicorn. So then why ask all these questions?" I ask her. And she responds. "It is true that I have a little bit of information on you. I still don't know all the details and it's necessarily to see it in person to test the validity of another pony's claims." I stare at her for a second before giving her a semi-farce grin and hold it for a good couple of minutes. "This mare's resolve and tenacity for knowledge will come quite in handy for what's to come." but before I can add to that, Rainbow Dash interrupts us.

"Listen I'd love to blabber on about books as much as the next egghead but you mind explaining what just happened. Because you didn't even answer either of our questions from earlier." The rather impatient pegasus tells me. I look at her with the same grin I gave Twilight and start explaining the inner workings of my Shikai and its "complete hypnosis ability." Her reaction is a bit more monotone than when she saw the transformation process.

"Heh, I guess that's cool. Still seems like a wimpy way to fight but hey, not everyone can be as strong as me." Rainbow Dash flexes her front hooves with a cocky smirk.

A small tilt of my head is all Rainbow Dash needs to figure out what I'm trying to articulate to her. "Are you seriously giving me that look? I mean, not to offend you but Aizen you look about as strong as Fluttershy." I ball my fists up in a "I'm going to enjoy this" manner. Then slowly relaxing my fingers. I give her a long stare. "Twilight, would you be a dear as to be a referee. I have a feeling that a few things need to be in order as of right now." The lavender unicorn gives me a weird expression but nevertheless chooses to stay attentive.

Rainbow Dash looks at me with wide eyes before grinning. "Oh I see. You're challenging me to a hoof wrestling contest? Sorry to say buster but I've even beat Applejack a couple of times before. And she's the best there is besides Big Mac." The pegasus proudly announces. "But since you're so insistent on getting your flank kicked then c'mon." She sits me at a table and sits right across from it, wrapping her hoof around my hand. Twilight standing on her hind hooves adjacent to us while holding her notepad and quill in her magic. Seemingly trying to record the results.

Pov: Rainbow Dash

"Okay, lets make this quick and snappy since it's already late out from the lecture you gave. Twilight, start us off." My friend nods and starts counting. "3 2 1... Go!"

I instantly go for the win, pushing down with a considerable amount of strength... But this guy isn't budging?! What the buck is this shit? I try and glare at him but notice he just yawned in response. Audible grunts are heard from me and I notice this isn't gonna go my way unless I add a bit of Rainbow flare so I start flapping my wings diagonally towards the opposite way of Aizen's arm, trying to get an edge but he still isn't moving.

"Hey listen if you're not gonna take this seriously then I'll just end it right now." Aizen has an unamused face. Sweat is beading down my body whilst I see Twilight going crazy in that notepad of hers. Probably jotting down notes about how her "guest" isn't even trying. Though I'm given no time to react as Aizen proceeds to slam my hoof down on the table with minimal effort. As soon as he does this he promptly gets up much to my shock and walks off, Twilight quickly following him while asking him more questions. I turn my head away and have a humbled smile plastered on me.

"I guess I've got some more training to do. But I can already tell this Aizen guy will settle in just fine..." "As long as he isn't a dick." I mentally remark.