• Published 16th Aug 2023
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Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter fifteen: A spectacular wedding part one

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

Okay that was the greatest vacation I’ve had since I’d been on the other side of that portal where everything was human. Good times, good times. Icing on the cake had to probably be Pinkie’s present, a simple thank you card, that was all I needed. If things keep going as they do then I couldn’t argue about anything opposing this wedding. Yeah that’s right, Twilight told me that her brother was getting wed and she didn’t know who, some pony named Mi Amore Cadenza. Usually relationships like those would only end with a breakup. Yet stuff like this is possible.

Twilight’s head peeks through my door, an anxious look on her face. “Aizen, come on and get ready faster!”

Straightening out my suit and tie I start putting on my dress pants along with my dress shoes. “Chill out Twi, I’m coming I’m coming.” I put that mare underneath a time perception illusion that’s supposed to slow her down but she’s still checking up on me every five minutes. Then again it is something of lesser extent.

Twilight shakes her head over and over again. “Hurry it up then! And now I’ve got to go check on Spike to see if he’s ready.” And slams the door, leaving me to start straightening my hair until it resembles Aizen’s soul society style.

I had only been to one wedding before and it sure as heck wasn’t in Equestria. Back on Earth one of my aunts had gotten married. The reception was terrible but I always stick out for my family.

Speaking of family, Applejack and Braeburn were invited along with all of Twilight’s friends. Assuming I’m one of Twilight’s friends and was not invited simply due to Celestia forcing me to come here. Applejack was specifically invited for catering the reception of this wedding.

“Aizennnnnn! We’re waiting for you downstairs!” The extremely needy mare said.

Coming from a Senkaimon behind Twilight I peek my head through it. “Right here, Twilight. Also hey Spike.”

Twilight, without any hesitation, grabs my shoulders with her hooves and throws me to the floor. I caught myself the moment she chucked me through. “There was no need for that Twilight. That being said, where are your friends at?” I had a decently good idea of where. Twilight is currently acting irrational and nearly crazed. She’s probably going on auto-pilot for this so logically she’d be going to the train. I won’t stop her though, I need some time to kill and going by train would be nice for everyone to mentally get prepared for the worst day of a man’s life.

“No talking! Move your flank to the train station, it’s leaving at one thirty and yet the time is one twenty two! So by wasting our time talking you’re-”

I hold up a hand in displeasure. “Got it, got it. If it’ll appease you then we’ll get going.” Packing the essentials I readjust my tome and Zanpakutō around my waist. Not that Twilight would know since I put her underneath complete hypnosis so she or anyone else who’s already looked at my blade cannot perceive it or the tome. They said they weren’t allowing weapons. I personally couldn’t care less.

“Damn it, just when I had this stupid tome figured out I still can’t decipher the last word and it’s been over a month. The second to last one I’ve got was [Waste] which was decently okay when tested and the second one is way more complicated, being [Goe] which isn’t the full spell’s incantation.”

I can’t keep worrying about this tome, it’s been two months and I decrypted everything except the last spell. That’s good enough for me, even if it isn’t perfect. I shut it close leaving no auditory sound. From everyone else’s standpoint I’m merely taking a look outside the train window. And there’s been something I’ve been sending for the past twenty minutes, this giant mass of energy that’s been getting stronger and stronger the more the train approaches it’s destination. The mass of magic is seemingly defensive in nature, time to keep that in mind.

“Darling I still can’t believe we’re going to Canterlot for a wedding! A wedding that we’ll be helping in.” I overhear Rarity’s over the top excitement. Almost rivaling Pinkie’s. “Making a princesses’ dress is a dream come true, on their wedding no less!”

“Y-yeah, and letting some beautiful birds sing a heart warming song is something that only happens once in a life time.” Fluttershy agrees.

Applejack puts a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Sugarcube, how ya holding up? You’ve been giving the heebie jeebie stare all mornin.”

Her friend nodded her head. “I’m fine. I’m trying to rack my brain for any reason on why my brother got married to somepony I don’t even know.”

“Regardless of who this wedding’s for they’ll get an awesome surprise from yours truly.” Rainbow Dash points a hoof at herself while somehow managing to stay in her seat.

Braeburn chuckles from their excitement. “This’ll be the first time ah get to go to Canterlot, period. And it’ll be with mah cousin and her friends too.”

“You’re gonna love it Braeburn! There’s gonna be treats, happiness, and love between the bride and groom.” Pinkie Pie’s enthusiastic nature goes unnoticed by everyone except for myself. Guess she’s about to say something that’ll predict something in the future. “And definitely no evil queen who’s gonna crash the wedding while simultaneously trying to provide for her people!”

There it is, the predictions that everybody always ignores. Come to think of it, it might be the work of some outside force that doesn’t let them hear her.

Spike rolls his eyes, probably due to Pinkie’s antics. “When are we getting there?”

“Spike, we’re already here. And- woah look at that! There’s a huge shield around Canterlot.” Twilight stares at it in awe. Surprised by the sheer size of this barrier.

“Security must be at an all time high if they’ve got a giant bubble protectin all of Canterlot.” Applejack comments.

The train comes to a grinding halt. All of us are escorted off. Twilight is frantically trying to get off first and see her brother. Eventually she disappears with a *pop* and appears on the station and marches up to her brother who’s come to greet us. I take the convoluted option of raising up in the air and flying above them all with Spike doing the same along with me. Braeburn elects to be escorted the normal way through. Both of us get to Twilight in seconds. Leaving a lot of guards confused as how two people teleported without the use of magic.

“Hey Twiliy, glad you could make it for the wedding. Spike! Nice to see you brought your friend here with you. The way princess Celestia was describing Sosuke almost made it seem like he wouldn’t enjoy a wedding.” The blue maned stallion says. “Sorry about all of the security, marriage between a princess and the captain of the E.U.P calls for this kind of thing.”

“Meaning that this barrier is for precaution… But that doesn’t matter! Shining Armor, who’s this Mi Amore Cadenza you’re getting married to?” Twilight asks, not even batting an eye to mine or Spike’s sudden appearance.

Everyone else finally managed to catch up with Twilight and get up to the stairs we were on so they could listen in.

“Twilight c’mon, you know Cadenza, she’s Cadance, your old foalsitter.” Shining armor defensively answered.

“Called it.” Spike nonchalantly said while yawning.

“Cadance! Oh Cadance was the best!” Twilight’s realization finally kicks in, almost feeling idiotic for not noticing this sooner. Another voice is heard shortly afterwards.

“Why is somepony calling out my name?” A pink colored alicorn says as she appears from behind.

My heart sinks, this Reiatsu isn’t… Harmonic in nature but it’s familiar, as if it were a long lost friend, this is changeling magic without a doubt. Of course it had to be changelings, in those fifteen years I was in Equestria not once did I have problems with changelings. They knew not to mess with Canterlot and I personally taught them that lesson. In my absence they must’ve grown bolder under the harsher circumstances. This is definitely going to be a problem.

But the one known as “Cadenza” freezes as she sees me, if only for a moment before regaining composure. It’s as if time itself came to a stand still, before Twilight trots up to her with a grin.

This intelligent mare proceeds to do the most childish thing I’ve seen thus far. “Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” She went through specific motions after each part of the rhyme which the likely imposter was indifferent about.

“Uh-huh?” She turns her gaze away from Twilight Sparkle and to Shining Armor. “Shining dear, when are the wedding preparations going to be complete?” “Cadenza” asked in an impatient tone while getting a good look at the rest of the group. “And why are there two extras here?” Seemingly gesturing to me and Braeburn.

Shining Armor gives her an apologetic stare. “Sorry honey, but Princess Celestia did say that they could bring a plus one for each pony, and Aizen was personally invited as well. To help him assimilate.”

“Yeah he can assimilate alright… Dirty snake.” The Princess mumbled underneath her breath.

Rainbow Dash smiles while shrugging her shoulders. “Don’t mind Aizen, he’s a pretty chill guy once you get to know him. And that shampoo he gave me has really improved my flying skills. Who knows, might even get an extra large sonic rainboom on your special day.”

“So uh Princess Cadenza…” Braeburn tries to say before being corrected.

“It’s Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." The false alicorn said

“Right, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, why do ya feel different than everypony else? Even Princess Luna doesn't feel like this.” Even Spike facepalms. He did what was akin to straight up telling her that one of us knows that something’s up.

“Braeburn, manners!” Applejack harshly whispers to his ears.

“So blatantly rude, Shining are you sure we can’t kick them out?” “Cadenza” whiningly asks her soon to be official husband. He appears troubled to find the right words but thankfully he doesn’t have to as Applejack steps in.

“Sorry Princess Mi Amore Cadenza for mah cousins little outburst, we’ll get to preparing this weddin, it’ll be the best one y’all seen in ya entire life!” Applejack quickly tries to salvage the situation.

“You better hope so, for your own sakes.” The mare malevolently threatens before we’re all sent on our way.

Currently I’m stuck with Twilight to help oversee everything, and Applejack to Braeburn along with her catering for the reception. Spike is doing his usual thing, relaxing in a corner while giving me the occasional look, probably waiting for me to say something about the entire “Changeling” thing. Everytime he looks at me though I shake my head. “I have got to see this play out. I know that changeling had recognized me, and while we do I could go grab the kidnapped victim right now if I searched far enough.” Trying to find what’s the right thing to do at the right time is always such a pain.

“Aizen! Hello? Wake up, I told you I need your opinion on this.” Twilight interrupts my thoughts and I take a moment to remember what she asked me.

“Ice sculpture, check!” Braeburn said as he worked in perfect tandem with his cousin.

“Opinion on what exactly?” I ask in the midst of her checking off a box for an ice sculpture.

“How Cadance has been acting lately. I know you probably don’t know her but think about how a normal pony acts, especially one that mends broken relationships. Don’t you think there’s something a little off about somepony like that?”

Ah, time to do one of my favorite pastimes, gaslighting ponies and all people alike. “Twilight this is a soon bride to be. Of course she’s going to act a little ‘off’ as you put it and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Twilight’s face contorts into confusion and mixed anger, she opens her mouth but it’s met with a neatly decorative apple fritter.

“The most delicious apple fritter ya ever tasted?” Applejack jokingly asked as she put the tray back on a table.

“Mmm, check.” Twilight reluctantly agrees, marking something off on her list as “Princess Cadenza” walks through the door.

“Oh howdy Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Are ya here to check on how our progress has been goin?” Applejack gets a different tray of small circular shaped apple tarts and holds it up for the pink alicorn to try.

She takes a small nibble of one of the treats before quickly chewing it and swallowing. “Oh I just love, love, love it.” She said in an unconvincing tone.

“Well shoot, don’t be so modest, here take a couple with ya for the road.” Applejack backs some of the goods up and hands them to “Cadenza” who simply nods her head and walks out of the room, tossing the bag into the trash.

“H-hey, y’all saw what she-” I use Kōyka Suigetsu and make Braeburn temporarily mute before playing a message inside his head

“Not yet, we can’t call her out yet.” I sternly look at him while he looks at me. He’s conflicted on whether or not to hold his ideals up or to listen but he ends up nodding his head and I make both auditory and mental illusions disappear.

“What were ya gonna say sugarcube?” Applejack raises an eyebrow.

“Nothin AJ… Ah thought ah saw somethin for a second.” Braeburn answered.

“You guys should probably get your head in the games if you’re imagining things like this.” Out of nowhere Spike finally decided to speak which scared both Twilight and Applejack.

“Sweet Celestia Spike, you scared the Tartarus outta me.” Twilight starts calming down her elevating heart rate.

The drake doesn’t reply, instead he leans back and grunts.

Twilight squints her eyes at her younger brother yet allows him to get away with it. “Fine, we need to check in with everypony else’s progress as well.”

I Interject. “Actually I’ll catch up with you both later, there’s something I’ve got to handle. You can carry on with checking up on everything.”

“What exactly are you going to do?” Twilight inquired.

Spike stops his sister. “Let ‘em be. Whatever he’s going to do it’ll probably be important.”

“I guess… Just don’t get into any trouble.” Twilight warns me

“No promises.” I silently answer before leaving the room.

“Time to bid my time and search for the real bride.” Widening my sense I focus of Pesuia and try to find the real alicorn

That uh, didn’t go as planned. I landed in an underground cavern and found her but there were changelings almost everywhere there were huge maps that had the image of Canterlot on it. Yup, they were planning to siege, so I had to turn invisible and place an auditory hypnotic message directly into the real alicorn’s brain to let her know who I was and what I was doing. Cadance couldn’t reply back back; she looked as though she understood, mouthing “be careful.” She was in bad shape but I used a mix of Kaidō and reverse [Nosferatu] while both spells remained invisible. Thing is though, I couldn’t let her out unless I wanted to end this early…

Okay who am I kidding I’m about to beat all their asses right here and now. But I can’t kill them until I’m sure they’re not from that changeling’s hive.

Air Walking near the ceiling of the cavern above, I move to the middle of this place and reveal myself while dropping down.

“So what’s going on everybody?” All the changelings stop what they’re doing and stare at me with wide eyes. “Committing crimes isn’t really something that you should do.” I hear some buzzing behind me, ignoring it for now I continue my speech. “So I’ll give you all a moment to decide- one second.” Weaving my body ever so slightly to the left I dodge the changeling’s attack and smirk. “Bakudō #1: Sai.” The attacking changeling’s forelegs unwillingly travel behind them when attempting to get back up.

“As I was saying, I’ll give you all a moment to decide whether or not you’ll surrender.” I finish and then hold my fist up in a combative manner. I can’t kill any of them so that means non-lethal attacks. While simultaneously using levitation to move the time out of its holster, removing it from the illusion.

They all hiss at me in response as they ignited their horns and buzzed their wings.

“That’s what I was hoping you all would say, been a while since I could get some stress relief in that wouldn’t be able to pierce my heirro.”

Three changelings fling themselves at me, horns first and two changelings behind them fire off two beams towards me which curve to pincer me.

In a single motion I swipe my hand forward at the changelings, creating a small purplish dome of purple fire that erupts on the changelings charging forward, knocking them out of their flight and to both my sides, I create two light green barriers to intercept the green crackling beams. “El Escudo, [Ruin].” I noticed something when I used [Ruin] for the first thirty times I realized I could control the ratio to always get a non-critical on it. But I couldn’t replicate it to always get a high end on it though. Not that I’ll ever need to. But I’m having to suppress and regulate my power throughout this entire fight so every blow wont be lethal.

“Don’t be discouraged soldiers, he may talk big but his attacks are weak! We will whittle him down!” A changeling in the far back yells. Seeming to command the previous two changelings and five more to fire at me again, this time in a barrage instead of continuous streams.

I use Flash Step and weave in between the blasts with relative ease, getting spells in between. “[Mire]!” I fired three large green globs of toxic slime between dodges and hit four changelings, incapacitating them in the sticky substance. A lucky double strike, two for the price of one, how sweet.

They halt their firing before managing to start it back again with double the efforts. Only tiring themselves out further.

“Fools, and the rest of you, become subdued. Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen!” Flash Stepping upwards to the ceiling, I throw off their tempo. Holding out my palm and allowing it to crackle with yellow energy. I trace out a large triangle which forms three yellow pikes that shoot and hit the rest of the three changelings, pinning them to the ground.

Surveying around me, the numerous amount of changelings take to the air along with me. “Jeez, there’s about fifty of you? More effort than you all are worth but I’ll take the time to start using my fists again. Lets see, I could probably…” I mentally wander off. A changeling takes the time to go up behind me, reel back both their hooves and sledgehammer into my skull. They create a large *thunk* and hurt their hooves in the process. The changeling holds both their hooves as it softly whimpers from the pain.

“Hm okay guess, Bakufuu (blast).” Aiming indiscriminately, I pull my fist back I immediately launch it forwards as if it were a shotgun, the wind pressure knocks back a few changelings. I go into a boxer’s stance with both my fists close together, ready to knock out the fifty-something changelings in the room.

“Everyone stop it!” A voice calls out in the back. Their wings buzz and fly over me, landing between both sides. “The queen wishes for him to be unharmed and to bring him to her.” A purple eyed changeling commanded. He actually appears to be a bit bigger than the other changelings, his muscles are more toned as well.

All the changelings have varying levels of confusion, one hisses something in the back. “And who are you to give out orders from the queen?” A relatively small changeling asked.

The purple eyed changeling narrowed their eyes at the one who spoke out. “I’m one of her majesty’s royal changelings, Pharynx, you’d do well to remember that newborn.”

The changeling lowered its gaze and looked down to the floor. They went and flew back down to the floor, as did the others. All except for Pharynx.

“Sōsuke Aizen, you’re coming with me, do not make this difficult. And you’re leaving the princess here for now.” The higher ranking changeling says.

The princess from below looks up with wide eyes. “H-huh?! I can’t stay down here!”

I put my hand up to my forehead in disbelief before laughing maniacally, who does this kid think he is? “I’m sorry but that’s not what’s going to happen. I went through all of that and I’m not leaving without her.”

Pharynx bares his teeth at me, practically trying to strangle me with his stare. “You dare try and go against the Queen’s orders? I’ll bring you back with all of your limbs-” Pharynx pauses, looking on in disbelief. He nods several times in quick succession. “Yes Queen, no Queen I will not, thank you your majesty.” Pharynx’s wings briefly twitch with anger. You may bring the alicorn of love along but do not do anything rash.”

Cadance takes a sigh of relief and struggles against her bindings. Pharynx flies down and releases her from the green resin substance on her legs and hovers towards a different section of the cavern, not even bothering to tell us to follow.

A lot of changelings are shooting me dirty looks for the damage I caused but if someone like me isn’t being hated then you've obviously been doing something your entire life. I cleanly put my tone back into its holder and smile.

The princess only looks on, dumbfounded by the fight that just broke out and the resolution by using threats. “No use just standing there princess. You’ve got a wedding to attend tomorrow. Hoping you get there anyways.”

Author's Note:
