• Published 4th Aug 2023
  • 761 Views, 30 Comments

The Legend of Twilight: A New Beginning - HarryBuilder

To protect this World, Twilight must Unleash the true Dragon with in her.

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Chapter 3: Twilight Leaves Ponyville

Chapter 3: Twilight Leaves Ponyville

After Twilight and Spike got back to Ponyville, they told their parents what happened to them. They told them they went to the Everfree Forest and Twilight was fighting off the threats. Then Spike told them the most amazing and bizarre discovery he has been amazed by…

"She had Crazy Magic! So I was just about ready to blow the top off that cage and teach that jerk a lesson. But then Twilight let out a powerful beam of magic…No joke. Totally different magic, from the horn," Spike explained with surprise and confusion, pointing to Twilight's horn.

"I-I'm sorry Spike, I was just trying to help you," Twilight apologized, assuring the Dragon that she wasn't trying to hurt him.

"Ha, some help Twi, you nearly zapped me into oblivion, sis," Spike retorted before turning to their parents, "Mom, Dad, you should've seen her. She came blasting out unreal magic! Alright? I tell you, it was crazy!" Spike explained further.

Night Light, the blue Unicorn Stallion, and Twilight Velvet, the light gray Unicorn mare, looked at each other in silent as Velvet nodded, noting to her husband that they had something to say.

"Oh of course, You don't believe me!" Spike retorted before turning to Twilight, "Twi, tell them," He asked Twilight to back him up.

"It's true, guys. I swear. I just got really mad, my horn lit up, and then whoosh… Crazy Magic Central," Twilight explained in her honest opinion.

"It's not that, Twilight. We believe you both. It's just that, your mother and I knew this day would come," Night Light explained, rubbing the back of his head.

"Day?" Spike asked, being confused.

"What day?" Twilight added, raising a brow.

"The day when we would have to tell you the truth, Twilight," Velvet replied as she began to explain…

"So that was the night that Twilight learned that she wasn't born to the family she was raised in nor was her birthplace in Ponyville after all. But in fact, an exile from an unknown distant land,"

"So…you mean…I'm…I'm not your real daughter?" Twilight asked as she and Spike looked at the two unicorn in worry, the mare sadden she wasn't Night Light's and Velvet's real daughter.

"You are our real daughter, Twilight and we've loved you since we first saw you," Velvet assured while Night Light nodded, making Twilight smile a bit, "It's just that you came from somewhere else. Far away where wars rage on and on, and the innocents seem to always pay the prize," Velvet explained as Twilight's expression changed to thought as she knew what she needed to do…

"It wasn't long after that night, that Twilight has decided to venture forth to Canterlot to find answers in her search to find her real home,"

As Twilight began to set forth for Canterlot, Spike flew in front of her…

"So I guess this is goodbye, huh? I mean, you're leaving home to go on a quest to find where you belong, and leaving the Spikester behind without a care eh?" Spike questioned her, feeling upset that Twilight is leaving and onward to find her true home.

"Don't worry, Spike. I'm just going to Canterlot to see if there's anything that can lead me to some answers," Twilight explained to him with a sad smile, "This might be your home Spike, but I just found out that my home is out there somewhere and I'm gonna find it. Besides, I'm not leaving you behind, I'm just leaving you where you belong," Twilight assured the young dragon.

"I know. It's just…You're more than just my sister. You're my best friend," Spike said as he hugged Twilight and the Alicorn hugged him back. Spike then pulled back and crossed his arms, frowning "So I thought I belonged with you but I guess I was wrong. You know what, you're right and I'm wrong, so you go off and do what you want and I'll just stay here,". With that Spike flew off and Twilight sighed sadly.

Night Light and Velvet came forward holding a saddlebag full of stuff that Twilight might need on her trip. Night Light placed the saddlebag over Twilight and made sure it was secure. "Don't worry sweetie, you know how hot headed he can get, he'll be fine," Night Light assured her.

"We've packed a few things you might need and you're ready to go," Velvet told her.

Twilight lowered her head in sadness, not believing she's leaving the town she grew up in and the family that raised her as well. Night Light and Velvet noticed their daughter's forlorn expression and decided to comfort her.

"Now, now, Twilight. Keep your head up, your nose clean, and use that special magic of yours wisely." Night Light said, trying to cheer Twilight up. "Remember all gifts come with a price,".

"But most importantly, Twilight. Be yourself. It's all any of us can do, okay?" Velvet assured, lifting Twilight's head lightly by chin to make eye contact.

Twilight nodded and hugged her parents one more time before setting out on her quest…

"So hard as it was, Twilight left the only family and home she'd ever known and began her trek to where she did not know…,"

Twilight walked her way to Canterlot with her head down in sadness, wishing she stayed in Ponyville, but she knew that if she wanted to find out where she came from, she needed to get to Canterlot for answers. But while Twilight was walking, she was unaware that more of the Ape Creatures from earlier were climbing and hiding in the trees above her.

Twilight raised her head, thinking she saw something, she looked up and shrugged and continued on her way. But then Twilight got the strange feeling she was being watched again by someone and when she turned to see who it was, the stranger dove into the bushes, creating a rustle.

Twilight stopped by the sound of that and looked around her, "Hello? Who's there?" She called, unaware that the Ape Creatures were hopping from tree to tree above and around her, almost taunting her with their hoots, hollers, and laughter. Twilight was getting nervous and scared about what was happening around her. Suddenly, a spooky howl was heard and Twilight's eyes widened in fright, "I'm outta here!" She said as she knew this place wasn't a safe place to stay.

So Twilight ran out of the forest as fast as she could and made it to a clearing. She looked around, making sure she wasn't followed or if there were any more sounds trying to spook her. But yet, Twilight was still feeling unsure about her quest and most of all…alone.

"Oh, I wish somepony was with me right now," Twilight said to herself, wishing she chooses to bring some company. "Now, to find the quickest way to Canterlot!".

When Twilight was about to continue on her way, she heard a familiar voice calling to her.

"Hey, Twilight! Wait for me!" It called to her, as the mare perked up.

Twilight looked behind herself and saw Spike flying out of the forest and towards her, wearing a backpack of his own.

"Spike? What are you doing so far from home?" Twilight asked, seeing her Dragon Brother come all the way out here by himself.

"Well, Me, Mom, and Dad were talking about this whole belonging thing. And we've decided that I should go with you. Because us siblings and best friends have to stick together, right?" Spike explained with a smile and gave Twilight a light elbow bump on the chest, "Even if one of them is a bit of a bookworm,".

Twilight smirked, "Bookworm, huh? Well at least I've never been turned into a pet in a cage," She shot back, reminding Spike how he was crammed in a cage.

"Oh please cage, shmage," Spike waved off as he jerked a thumb behind him, " Are we going to Canterlot or what?" He smirked, as he pointed to a hill with what looks like a castle on it in the distance.

"Let's go, Spike," Twilight chuckled as she and Spike walked the rest of the way to their destination…


Author's Note:

And that makes 3 Chapters.

Twilight has learned that she isn’t the daughter of Night Light and Twilight Velvet but entirely different kind of creature.

Now she off on a quest to find out who she is, what she is and where she came from. And Spike tags along as he would never lever his big sister behind even if he was afraid of what comes next.

Next time, the Two adventures make it to Canterlot and have a freightening encounter with, something, before they finally meet the Royal Sisters face to face and they learn what has really been going on out in Equestria.

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stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.