• Published 29th Jul 2023
  • 713 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Fixing a distorted world. - Aether Spark

Spike and Discord come home to a world on the brink of chaotic catastrophe, can they fix it and save harmony?

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Getting ready for a chaotic adventure

After the party Spike set up started to die down Spike walked over to the edge of the party and sat down.

“Whoo, that felt good, eh Discord?” Spike said.

“Rightio, heads up buzzkill coming our way,” Discord gestured to the approaching Celestia and Starlight.

“Hey Princess, hi Starlight,” Spike said.

“Hello Spike, I suppose I should thank you now,” Celestia said.

“Why?” Spike asked.

“Because thanks to you the other ponies here seem less depressed and they’re better fed now,” Celestia said.

“Yes, that’ll make it easier to keep the masses calm,” Starlight asked.

“Yeah, hey, now that I think about it where’s Shining Armor and Cadance?” Spike asked.

“In the Crystal Heart chamber, they are watching the Crystal Heart so that Chaos cannot attempt to breach the Crystals Barrier,” Starlight explained.

“I guess that’s why I haven’t seen them, so what now?” Spike asked.

“I have the elements, I magically tethered them to the Crystal Heart, as you seek out the new bearers I ask that you be careful of the dangers, especially since your going to be alone." Celestia said.

“Ok,” Spike nodded “Can I visit Shining Armor and Cadance first, in case something goes wrong?” Spike asked.

Celestia winced at this “Believe me when I say it Spike I shouldn't be barring you from seeing them but they are located at the crystal heart right now and with your current chaos powers we don't know what could happen, please understand," Celestia said.

"Wha- then bring them here," Spike said.

“And make them leave their post? What if Chaos launches another attack?” Celestia said.

“Then I stop him! Let me see my brother!” Spike’s eyes began to turn red, Celestia noticed and seems guarded.

“Spike, calm yourself, you're letting your chaotic emotions run wild,” Celestia subtly lit her horn.

“I AM CALM!” Spike said huffing and puffing, making multicolored fire emerge from his mouth.

Starlight remembered what happened when Twilight lost control… she went ballistic and nearly vaporized her, she had to do something! Starlight lit her horn and conjured a tub of ice cream.

“Let me see my brother or I will BURN YOU TO A-” Spike was cut off as the tub was splattered into his face.

Spike shook the ice cream off and looked disoriented.

“Whoa… what just happened?” Spike asked looking dazed.

“You nearly attacked Celestia in a fit of rage because she wouldn’t let you see your brother at this time,” Starlight explained “Thank goodness Cadence shared the location of her ice cream stash with me,” Starlight sighed.

“Whoa… uh, sorry Celestia,” Spike said.

“It is fine, but I hope you understand the reasoning why I feel it would be dangerous,” Celestia said.

“I guess, can you tell him I said hi at least?” Spike asked.

“Ok,” Celestia said hugging him.

“Thanks,” Spike said hugging her back, after the hug Celestia handed a backpack to Spike.

“A backpack? Are you sure this will keep the elements safe?” Spike asked.

“Yes, it cannot be opened by anypony else but the one wearing it, it’s durable and it hides magical signatures, it’s ideal for this journey,” Celestia said.

“Gotcha” Spike nodded and then Starlight gave Spike a map.

"You can teleport around but I figured this will help,” Starlight said.

“Thanks,” Spike said “So this is where I head off eh?” Spike said floating into the air.

“Not quite yet, you need this,” Celestia floated a gem over to Spike.

“What’s this? A snack?” Spike was about to eat it but Celestia pulled it away from him.

“Nono, it is a communication stone, it will enable us to communicate with you, just use your magic to activate it,” Celestia said, Spike nodded and put it in his bag.

“Alright, well, any last words of encouragement?” Spike asked.

“I’ll be in communication shortly to see how the exit of the barrier went, if anything goes awry, come back in, got it?” Celestia said.

“Yeah,” Spike replied before remembering something important.

"Wait a minute what about Luna I just realized we never got back to her," Spike said turning to Celestia.

"We can help her once we can reactivate the elements, so I beg of you, hurry while she still has time," Celestia said.

"Ok," Spike said with a nod.

“Good luck Spike!” Starlight said.

“Alright! See later! Hopefully…” Spike said before teleporting.

Spike reappeared on the edge of the crystal barrier.

“Spike? Can you hear me?” Celestia’s voice called over the crystal.

“Yeah, I can hear you,” Spike said.

“Where are you right now?” Celestia asked.

“Just at the edge of the barrier, as instructed,” Spike said as Discord walked up beside him.

“Now’s the moment of truth,” Discord said.

“Let’s keep our fingers and hooves crossed,” Spike said as he stepped forward.

“Be careful Spike,” Celestia assured.

Spike exited the barrier and felt the oppressive weight of the chaos around him and it forced him to a knee, he managed to stand up and it got easier over time.

Spike readied himself to jump back into the barrier on the off chance Chaos was ready to pounce…

Spike glanced all over the ruined landscape and saw no sign of the chaos personification.

“I…I think we’re in the clear,” Spike said into the crystal before spinning to check if the opposite was true.

Still nothing.

“I…I think it worked!” Spike said happily.

“Whew…” Discord sighed heavily.

“Thank the sun, we aren’t done for then,” Celestia said.

“Alright, now let’s get going, we’ve got three objectives,” Spike said making three numbers appear.

“First off, we need to find new bearers… but where?” Spike asked.

“Why didn’t you check any of the ponies back at the castle?” Starlight asked as Spike began to walk.

“Because none of them seemed to resonate, I got… intuition,” Spike said glancing at Discord.

“Darn right,” Discord said.

“Second we need to get into Ponyville and free the elements,” Spike said “and then, lastly, we need to subdue Chaos,” Spike said.

“A good plan Spike, and I think I know what to do,” Discord said.

“Spill it,” Spike said pocketing the crystal for now.

“Let’s go pay a curtain shrub a visit,” Discord said.

“Huh?” Spike said quizzically.

Spike teleported to a cave and he looked around for the ‘shrub’ Discord mentioned.

“In the cave Spike, but let me do the talking, and don’t get too close,” Discord said.

“Ok?” Spike said as he followed Discord into the cave of harmony.

As Spike and Discord entered they saw a giant crystal tree, Spike could see the chaos trying to subsume the tree but the light the tree is exuding is extinguishing the chaos magic.

“The tree of harmony?” Spike said quizzically.

“That’s right, now stand back, I got to have a conversation,” Discord said approaching the edge of the light.

Spike wondered what kind of conversation they were going to have, maybe he’ll hear ancient secrets, or maybe-

“Hey! Tree! Wake up we need to converse!” Discord called shattering Spikes's thoughts.

The tree lit up more and a glow emanated from the tree and a silhouette emerged.

“Huh?” Spike said seeing a pony he desperately wanted to see.

“TWILIGHT!” Spike ran for the pony that looked like her.

“Spike! Wait!” Discord called and Spike immediately felt burning pain as he entered the light.

“OWOWOWOW!” Spike retreated out of the light.

“You're a chaos being now, the light of harmony is harmful,” Discord said.

“Yes, it is best for now that you keep your distance young Spike,” Harmony said.

“Huh? ‘Young Spike?’ Why do you sound like that Twilight?” Spike asked.

“That’s not Twilight, she is merely taking her form to have a means of communication,” Discord said.

“What?” Spike said confused.

“And what brings you here Discord? Come to mess the world up more than it is now?” Harmony said bitterly.

“Whoa whoa, it isn’t all my fault you know, but besides the point we need your help,” Discord said.

“To locate new bearers?” Harmony guessed.

“...Yes,” Discord said.

“How’d you know?” Spike asked.

“My intuition, and my ability to know what’s going on throughout the land… did you know the Hippogriffs are experiencing a storm of fudge in the distant lands of the Hippogriffs?” Harmony casually said.

“Sounds tasty,” Discord said wryly “Can you help?” Discord asked.

“I can,” Harmony said.

“I’m sensing a but coming…” Discord said.

But, why should I trust you… especially after last time,” Harmony said with a glower.

“Last time?” Spike asked turning to Discord.

“Oh come on! The world is at stake and you're going to still bellyache over me deserting you to work for Chaos?” Discord said with a sigh.

“I’d say you have yet to fully regain my trust,” Harmony said.

“Then trust him” Discord said pointing to Spike “I’m just an echo of my spirit now, surely you can trust Twilight’s #1 assistant,” Discord said.

“You can take control of him at any time, how do I know?” Harmony said back.

“He can?” Spike said sounding surprised.

“Yes, but I haven’t, I haven’t once gone rogue-” Harmony raised a brow. “-...Since the Tirek incident… can’t you forget and forgive? Isn’t that what you do?” Discord said.

“Even abstract concepts of universal balance have forgiveness limits,” Harmony said.

“The world is about to die! Can we settle this afterwards?!” Discord yelled.

“Only when you give me a reason to trust that you won’t revert to the Discord that only ever cared about fun at the expense of others!” Harmony said.

“You call yourself the abstract of Harmony!? Where’s your forgiveness?” Discord said.

“I-” Harmony began but Spike stamped his foot and shouted at a tone that almost surpassed the Canterlot voice.

“SHUT UP!” Spike shouted silencing both of them “Discord, we need to get things moving and insulting Harmony isn’t going to make her want to help us more, but more than him I’m disappointed in you!” Spike said pointing at Harmony who took a step back.

“Spike!” She said narrowing her eyes.

“My sister and friends are being brainwashed and hurt and you can’t look past your dislike of Discord's past to help us? They're your bearers! Care about them and all the innocent lives that could be lost first, then hash things out with Discord, I can’t believe I even have to question you of all ponies,” Spike said panting from his outburst.

Harmony seemed a little stunned by his words. She looked to the side for a second to consider it and then nodded.

“Very well, you carry a point Spike, perhaps I let my bitterness speak for itself, I will trust Discord once more, all I ask is that you not let Chaos win,” Harmony said.

“Thanks,” Spike said.

“Thank you…” Discord said.

Spike levitated the elements out of his backpack and floated them over to the tree.

“You need this right?” Spike asked.

“Yes, thank you,” Harmony then grabbed them in her own magic and put them in their slots.

Afterward, her eyes glowed and then she floated the elements back to Spike.

“I have located the ones who will be the new bearers,” Harmony said.

“Who?” Spike asked.

“Give me a second,” Harmony levitated six crystals to herself and began using another crystal to carve something onto them. Afterward, she floated them to Spike.

And on the crystals were the images of a dragon, a yak, a griffon, a hippogriff, a pony, and a changeling.

“Hang on… are they those six youngsters who applied for the friendship school?” Discord asked.

“Yeah, the one Twilight tried to open up, had a rocky start, strange that didn’t get mentioned in the previous stories,” Spike said.

“Well it was summer vacation, and they're not notable enough in this part of the series, yet” Discord reminded him.

“Alright, let’s go with that,” Spike said.

“And they currently reside in their home countries right now, with varying circumstances, time is of the essence, collect them and bring them back here, I will fix them of any chaos ailments,” Harmony said.

“Gotcha,” Spike said assuredly “We need to get going then Discord and locate the students,” Spike said.

“Ok, and uhm… Harmony?” Discord asked.

“What?” She asked.

“Thanks for helping us, even though you don’t like me,” Discord said.

“It’s fine,” Harmony said.

Spike and Discord exited the cave and looked at the map, Spike summoned a marker and marked the spots he needs to go to.

“Alright, Where to first?” Discord asked.

Author's Note:

Things are heating up, and now the journey toward repairing the planet can resume.

On that note, let's start the poll. In the comments, tell me...

Where to first? You guys can craft this story's path, now craft away! :rainbowdetermined2:

1. Trottingham

2. Dragon Lands

3. Changling Hive

4. Yakastan

5. Griffonstone

6. Mount Aries