• Published 29th Jul 2023
  • 714 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Fixing a distorted world. - Aether Spark

Spike and Discord come home to a world on the brink of chaotic catastrophe, can they fix it and save harmony?

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Spike and Discord stood at the top of the hill overlooking Ponyville.

"What… what happened here?!" Spike asked.

"I don't know," Discord said.

Ponyville was unrecognizable, clouds covered the ground, houses floated in the air, the ground had eyes, birds flew upside down and backwards, and that was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Well?" Spike asked.

"Well what?" Discord responded.

"Can you fix this?" Spike asked.

"...I'm honestly not sure," Discord said.

"You're not sure?!" Spike exclaimed.

“This chaos… I’ve never seen such congealed and dense chaos,” Discord said “But it’d be a disservice to my friends if I didn’t try!” Discord said before extending his hands and the town began to glow as Discord tried to reorder the chaos magic running amok.

But in the end Discord fell to a knee and panted in exhaustion.

“Discord!” Spike said running to him.

“This chaos is too… much, even for me to corral… no this isn’t even considered chaos… it’s better described as absolute chaos,” Discord said getting up.

“Th-then what do we do? What about Twilight and the others? Maybe if we find them then this can be fixed?” Spike asked.

“I doubt the harmony wave could even scratch this,” Discord said as he began to walk towards the town.

“Wait! Where are you going?!” Spike ran after him.

“We’re not going to find out the issue by standing around dear Spike,” Discord said.

“I guess… is it safe for anypony to go there?” Spike asked nervously.

“Just stick with me, I know chaos better than anypony-” Discord was cut off as the ground spat out an anvil that fell upwards and hit him before turning into birds and they flew off.

“Am I really safe?...” Spike asked.

“Of course, I just haven't dealt with such condensed chaos before, it’ll just take a bit of adjusting to-” Discord was getting up when gravity moved him left and then reversed his movements and speaking tones.

“oK mAYBE a pROBLEM,” Discord snapped his toes and returned himself to normal.

“If it's too chaotic even for you, we’re in trouble,” Spike said. “What happened here?”

“I can only assume they let their chaos bottle up too much, I left specific instructions to filter their chaos every now and then.” Discord said.

“Are you sure you’ve never dealt with something like this?” Spike said, stepping out of the way of a floating toaster shooting ice out of its holes.

“On a much lesser scale yes, I’ve never seen this much chaos however,” Discord said wearily, as he gestured for Spike to get beside him.

“What?” Spike said expecting something bad to happen any second.

‘I need to form a regular chaos bubble, it’ll protect us from any warping effects,” Discord said before concentrating and forming a golden bubble. “Stay right beside me, and no matter what, don’t leave the field,” Discord warned as he moved on.

“Ok,” Spike said.

Discord noticeably grunted with the strain of the chaotic pressure as he walked among the absolute chaos.

“This isn’t so bad, we can fix this,” Spike nervously muttered trying to reassure himself.

“I hope so, otherwise we may be doomed, by the way jump,” Discord said.

“What why-” Spike was cut off when Discord grabbed him and jumped into the air avoiding a moving portal that led to outer space.

“Like I said, we have to be careful of warping, in this mess we could end up anywhere,” Discord said.

“Got it,” Spike said.

As the two moved on they saw more damage, buildings were in the midst of deconstructing and reconstructing, the ground kept developing various orifices, but the most shocking part was the ponies who didn’t make it away from this catastrophe quick enough.

They were objects and various household items with pony legs and eyes just… going about their day?

They looked like hydrants, shelves, brooms, ovens, benches, ect, it was a weird sight indeed, not to mention they were twitching every now and then.

“What’s wrong with them?” Spike said nervously.

“Absolute chaos, they’re so chaos-infused right now their bodies are becoming disconnected from reality, don’t stare too much,” Discord said.

Spike walked past several ponies turned objects who looked like they were going about their day.

“I said don’t stare,” Discord warned.

“Why? They're not doing any-” Spike was cut off when one of the ponies, a green bicycle with eyes, looked at him.

“Huh?!” Spike staggered back.

“Okajhafshjopahfowjoeirwajkljdfngkjf,” The pony bike said in a distorted voice.

“Ahhh!” Spike yelped as he staggered back and he accidentally stepped out of the field.

And he was yanked into the air by an invisible force and tossed in a hundred directions in a minute.

“Spike!” Discord yelled as he formed a chaos lasso and sent it to snag the screaming dragon and he missed, he tried two more times and finally caught Spike before tugging him back into the field.

“AHH!” Spike screamed disoriented and freaking out, Discord smacked him to snap him out of it.

“SPIKE! Calm yourself, you’re back to safety!” Discord said.

“I… I huh? Wh-what happened?” Spike said gasping for air.

“You stepped into the chaotic hornet's nest, that's what, if I didn’t save you you’d have been torn to shreds by the chaos horizon by the next minute,” Discord said.

“I want to leave now,” Spike begged.

“I’m afraid we’re in too deep to leave right now, just climb on my back or something,” Discord said, picking him up with his tail and setting him on his back before continuing.

“Tell me straight Discord, are we going to fix this?” Spike asked.

“I… don’t know,” Discord said.

“I’m worried about Twilight and the others,” Spike said.

“Me too, but I need to focus,” Discord said as he made it to the town center and saw the fountain that was spewing out all kinds of liquids that were turning into colorful bubbles and floating away.

“I can sense we’re really close,” Discord said before noticing a projectile and ducking it, seeing literal ducks flying backwards overhead.

“So if we get there we can fix this?” Spike asked.

“No we’ll know where this happened, fixing it is another case,” Discord said.

“Ok…” Spike mumbled.

Discord walked on and saw the distorted ponies and the town in utter calamity… even the old him would be appalled at the sheer disorder that is occurring right now, and the thought of Fluttershy and the others in big trouble spurred him on.

Discord then arrived at the castle and saw the castle floating in the air and looking like it had shattered to pieces and the shards were just floating around a purple sphere.

“I think we’ve found the core of the absolute chaos,” Discord said.

“Should we destroy it?” Spike asked.

“Not unless you wish to blow the planet to pieces, we need to dispose of it properly, and that’s easier said than done,” Discord said grimly.

“Why?” Spike asked before suddenly the crystals began floating around the sphere faster and they formed into something.

“What the?!” Spike exclaimed.

“So it shows its face at last,” Discord said.

“Discord… how long has it been since we’ve last talked,” the Discord-like face that emerged from the crystals said.

“What is that?” Spike asked.

“Chaos, straight up, the voice of chaos,” Discord said.

“What?” Spike said.

“Let me save you the lengthy explanation, Harmony and Chaos are two sides of the same coin, just like harmony has a voice, so does chaos,” Chaos said.

“But I thought the personification of chaos was you Discord, right?” Spike asked.

“I represent chaos, like how Celestia and the elements of harmony represent harmony, I represent chaos,” Discord explained.

“Recently he’s fallen out of favor, ever since he let that pink-haired whiner lead him down the path of harmony,” Chaos said.

“Do NOT, insult my friend,” Discord snarled.

“Or what? You're going to throw flowers at me? Face it Discord, you’ve lost your edge, and now that you have, I am looking for a new apprentice, and I’m grooming the former guardians of harmony into such,” Chaos laughed.

“You let my sister and the others go! Or I’ll-” Spike was cut off when the face got really close in the blink of an eye.

“You’ll what? You're not a creature of chaos! You can’t even step out of that field of protection without succumbing to me,” Chaos mocked.

“Where are they Chaos?” Discord demanded.

“At their places of abode, still undergoing mental conditioning, they’re certainly making me work for it too, they're too attached to their notions of morality and love and all that garbage,” Chaos spat.

“Let them go!” Spike tried to leap at it but Discord caught him.

“You fool! Have you forgotten what happened earlier?!” Discord shouted.

“Best keep your pet on a leash Discord,” Chaos mocked.

“Pet?!” Spike said indignantly and renewed his struggle, Discord had no choice but to snap his fingers and put him to sleep. As Discord put the sleeping dragon on his back he turned to Chaos again.

“Turn this world back, You know full well what’ll happen to this world if absolute chaos is allowed to run rampant for too long!” Discord said.

“Yes, I do, and that’s fine with me,” Chaos said.

“What?!” Discord said in disbelief, “You know that balance is needed! Without even a smidgen of harmony in the world we’ll all die!” Discord shouted.

“Why should I care? Ponies everywhere never gave chaos a chance, they’re always championing harmony. Harmony this, harmony that! Well I’m sick of it, once my new apprentices are ready I will leave this world to rot and find a new one,” Chaos said.

“You…. I didn’t think even you would resort to that out of petty jealousy!” Discord said with disgust.

“Jealousy? Oh nononono, you have it all wrong Discord, I’m leaving because my purpose here will never be fulfilled, you see Discord, I chose you all those years ago because you were the most chaotic one around, you didn’t disappoint me until recently when you decided to retire and live in harmony, you were my last hope for this world’s chaos, and now, I’m cutting my losses,” Chaos bitterly said.

“L-look! I’ll return to chaos just undo everything!” Discord begged.

“Too little, too late, the first loss I’m cutting, is you,” Chaos growled.

Discord, realizing the danger, now decided to teleport as far away as possible.

He wound up in Canterlot… only to find that the whole city was upside down and spinning… and Chaos was waiting for him there.

“Tch!” Discord then teleported again to the Dragon Lands which had multiple erupting volcanoes, they were spewing chocolate sauce and the dragons there were just like the ponies, changed into random objects with limbs and eyes, only the dragons seemed to be walking in reverse, as if time has become distorted.

Chaos was already there, with a smirk on his crystalline face.

“Want to try again?” Chaos asked.

“Ngh! Leave us be!” Discord said before teleporting to the wastelands and hiding under a rock.

“We’ll be safe here,” Discord said.

“From what?” Chaos asked.

“From Chaos ...ah crapbaskets…” Discord said before fleeing on foot away from the floating crystal face.

“You can’t hide from me Discord, where there is chaos there will be Chaos!” Chaos laughed.

“There has to be a nonchaotic part of the world!” Discord exclaimed while carrying the snoozing Spike.

Just as Chaos was gaining on him he felt teleportation magic forming around him.

“Huh?” Discord said.

“What? No!” Chaos growled and he lunged for Discord but he was teleported just as his crystal teeth clamped down on the space he and Spike were a second ago. “I have to intercept him!” Chaos said before vanishing as well.

Discord reappeared on a crystal floor and tumbled to the ground, he turned sensing an incoming teleport but for some reason, it stopped a few dozen miles away.

Discord looked out to see the crystal face crash into a barrier and shatter before reforming, he looked around before staring at Discord balefully and disappearing.

“What… what happened?” Discord asked before turning and seeing Celestia and a dozen guards.

“Celestia? Oh thank goodness, you are still around, thank you for saving-” Suddenly every spear present was pointed at Discord.

“Oh…” Discord said.

Spike woke up and looked groggy. “Ugh, what happened? Where-” Spike stiffened when he saw a spear in his face and he laid down and closed his eyes.

“Play dead play dead…” Spike muttered.

“Discord… we need to talk,” Celestia said firmly.

“Well… this has been a fun after vacation day.” Discord sighed.

Author's Note:

And at last we continue where the last story left off.

I will say that this story will have a few more darker tones in it, but will be full of chaotic whimsy to the best of my ability.

I hope you all tune in for the thrilling conclusion to Friendship is absolute chaos finale