• Published 19th Jul 2023
  • 379 Views, 12 Comments

Thundercracker Befriends A Pony - TheKing2001

When three decepticons suddenly invade Ponyville, they get betrayed by one of their own.

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Chapter Two

I gazed at the cave entrance nervously and rubbed my mane with a hoof. The purple liquid puddles were getting a bit larger. I was getting slightly nervous about this. Maybe this wasn’t the greatest idea but too late now. I trotted forward into the cave. The blue robot was sitting on a rock and pressed a hoof to his injury. At least I think they called it a hoof.

“Uh hi there,” I shouted so he could hear me. He tensed up and pointed the thingy on his arm at me again before sighing and lowering it.

“You shouldn’t be here. Or startle a Decepticon like that. If any of the others had been here instead of me, you’d be a red stain on the ground,” he grumbled.

“Oh sorry,” I said quieter. “Your name is Thundercracker isn’t it?”

“Yes. You’re one of the creatures from the town,” he noted as he folded his arms.

“Pony,” I corrected instantly. “Pegasus to be exact.” I did a few loops and landed in front of him. “You’re hurt. You should probably get looked at.”

“I’d rather not,” he laughed bitterly. “Hook is a pretty cruel medic. Flatline is okay I guess.” I rubbed a hoof against my chin and grinned.

“Wait here!” I shouted and took off out of the cave. I flew to the top of the Everfree and looked down for any sign of the two Autobots. I vaguely remember First Aid having first aid symbols on his shoulders and if I remember correctly, medics were obligated to help injured persons. Or well, robots in this case. I stared in the distance at the two and dove down to them.

“Oh hey White Lightning,” Groove smiled faintly at me. I always did find it fascinating how some had mouths and eyes while others had faceplates and visors. “What’s up?”

“Hey Groove. So you’re a medic right First Aid?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yes, last I checked I am,” he chuckled as he stepped over a fallen log. “Why?”

“Which means you are technically supposed to treat anypony who’s injured? Even a uh Decepticon?” I pawed at the dirt nervously as the two froze.

“I shouldn’t technically because they are are our enemies at the moment but yes I would. As long as they aren’t hostile or trying to kill me,” he answered.

“Then come with me,” I said cautiously. I didn’t know how this meeting would go. “No guns preferably. I don’t want you two or him getting killed. Or me for that matter.”

“Lead the way.”


“Hey Thundercracker!” I called out as I led the two Autobots into the cave. “I brought help.” He tensed up and aimed his gun at the two Autobots as Groove warily raised his own weapon. “Easy you three. You said you’d help him, not shoot him.”

“She’s right,” First Aid admitted as he cautiously approached Thundercracker. “It’s only your wing and leg that’s shot, correct?”

“Uh huh,” Thundercracker kept his gun aimed at him for a moment before lowering it. “Yeah it is.”

“I see,” First Aid knelt down and opened a toolbox as I raised an eyebrow. “Starscream and Skywarp probably won’t be happy with you killing Runamuck, Runabout and the other two seekers.”

“That’s fine,” Thundercracker grumbled as First Aid started fixing his leg would. “Why are you helping me? I’m a Decepticon, you two are Autobots.”

“I’m a doctor first and Groove is a pacifist like me. We don’t like fighting but we do it because it’s necessary,” First Aid answered as he moved to the wing.

“So what started your guys whole war thing?” I asked curiously as Thundercracker sighed.

“The Decepticons were the working class. We were considered as slaves or in Megatrons case, a gladiator and a miner. The Autobots were the upper class and were considered oppressors of us. Megatron held speeches in Kaon, often getting arrested for it and he started the war,” Thundercracker explained as Groove crossed his arms.

“Really?” I asked and the two Autobots nodded.

“I didn’t join in the war until Megatron attacked my home town on Cybertron and I saw Decepticon brutality first hand. I originally wanted to stay neutral because I hoped the conflict would resolve it’s self but that wasn’t the case,” Groove answered as he put his gun away. “I was a activist for both sides before the war started. First Aid was a doctor in a neighboring city.”

“I was a scientist,” Thundercracker chimed in as he examined his leg. “Working with Starscream and Jetfire, later Skywarp joined us. We explored the galaxy together before the war kicked off. Skywarp had dragged me to a speech in underground Kaon, swearing by the Decepticon cause. Not really surprised he joined, he is wildly popular among the ranks. Mainly because he’s a bully but he’s my brother so I tolerate him.”

I nodded as I sat down on my haunches. This was a bit overwhelming with all this information. I always figured the Decepticons were the evil ones and yeah sure, they weren’t great but Thundercracker seemed okay.

“All good to go. I wouldn’t recommend flying immediately,” First Aid closed his toolbox as Thundercracker looked at him.


“Never saw the day I’d be thanked by a Decepticon,” First Aid commented as he stood up. “Strange but welcome.”

“So are you three just going to go back to trying to kill each other?” I asked and fluttered next to Thundercracker. “You guys had a moment, you could be friends!”

“You ponies and friendship,” Groove shook his head with a smirk. “I only shoot to injure, not kill.”

“This is how our life was made to go. We fight until one of us wins. But we Decepticons have lost sight of our cause. I joined to end our oppression, not take over and oppress other races ourselves " Thundercracker sighed and shook his head.

“You could stay here in Ponyville,” I suggested and lowered myself to the ground. “You could live under my cloud house. Sure, Roseluck and her sisters might be afraid of you but I’m not. Raindrops and Sassy might like you too.”

“Good luck convincing the townsponies. They saw me there.”

“They also saw you betray and kill four of you of your teammates. You could use that as a way to stay,” Groove suggested and Thundercracker stared at him. “What? Just a suggestion.”

“Please?” I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could make. I used them on Sprinkle so many times.

“Fine. But how will we convince the Autobots?”

“I have an idea,” I said with a grin as the robots all looked at each other. “I’m pretty convincing when I want to be.”

“I have a bad feeling about this one,” First Aid muttered and I rolled my eyes.

“Enough negativity. Now come on!” I called out as I did a barrel roll out the cave.

They all looked at me hesitantly before following me.I didn’t necessarily know what I was gonna say but I’ll come up with it on the fly.

Get it? Fly and I’m a pegasus? No? Okay.

I’m gonna stop making flight jokes now I think.

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