• Published 27th Jun 2023
  • 111 Views, 1 Comments

Ramil Sable - Kawat3ngusan

Twilight visits her friend Somnambula, and discovers that she is not from Equestria but from Zebrafrica and that she had a pegasus friend in her childhood.

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The house of the seer

The house of the seer

In the present

Twilight was surprised by Mukhtar's bad reaction,

-"I never liked that unicorn, it was one thing to cheat, but he tried to kill your friend"-
-"Ramil wanted to make a choice that she wouldn't have wanted, she wanted to make a choice that I would have made, because of the words I said to her, but a follower of Seth is very dangerous, and who knows what trouble he could get, especially with the danger that can make a god of chaos"-
-"I think so, like what Discord used to do"-
-" But Discord is a creature of chaos, he defines himself as a lord of chaos, Seth instead even if evil was a god, and I don't know if Discord could have stopped him, he was a dangerous god, since he was the lord of deserts and storms and had also killed Osiris in the past before Ramil and I were born, it is said that he possessed a dagger created by him that only those with his power could wield, a dagger so powerful that it would kill any god, and not just an Equigyptian god, a dagger so powerful it could easily kill even an alicorn"-
-"I hope this dagger is well hidden"-
-"Unfortunately Ramil and I never found it, maybe it's still in the realm of the gods, but no one knows where it is, however Ramil and I made a strange discovery days after Mukhtar's exile"-
-"And what did you find?"-
-"A house, Twilight, a very special house"-

In the past

Somnambula went to Ramil's house, she entered and found Mimea and Hamzah having breakfast, the mother zebra greeted her,

-"Good morning dear Somnambula, I guess you are here to visit Ramil"-
-"Now we are like sisters, she is my best friend, indeed if she is here I don't need any other friends"-
-"I'm happy with your good friendship, but right now Ramil is studying"-
-"Studying? What is she studying?"-
-"She seems to be obsessed with a dream she had last time, but she didn't tell me what it was, yesterday she went to the god Thoth to ask him for papyri to understand dreams, and others to learn the greyk"-
-"Why should she learn greyk? We don't talk to various Greyk people here in Equigypt"-
-"I was hoping you could convince her to leave the room, so we could all talk together"-, Hamzah got up and greeted the two ponies,
-"See you mom, I'm going to work, see if you can get Ramil to come too, because I need her"-
-"Okay, Hamzah"-,

Somnambula then went to Ramil's room, and saw her concentrated with several papyri on a table, the striped pegasus hadn't noticed her friend, so Somnambula made a coughing sound, and Ramil turned around,

-"Oh Somnambula, I didn't hear you"-
-"Hello Ramil, what are you doing? Your mother told me that you had a dream, would you like to talk about it with her and with me?"-
-"All right, but first look at these letters"-,

Somnambula went to see on a papyrus some letters that she had never seen before, they were these πέτρα Ξιφος.

-"What do they mean, Ramil?"-
-"It's Greyk, the first one reads Petra, and means stone, the second one reads Xiphos, and it's the name of a Greyk sword, but they don't make sense, I haven't found anything in the Thoth's papyri, it could mean a sword of stone, or it could be the name of a spell, or a curse........"-
-"Or the name of a pony"-
-"It could be, come with me, I'll tell you about my dream"-.

Mimea was right that Somnambula would get Ramil out of the room and so Ramil sat down at the table to eat, and Mimea and Somnambula listened to what she had to say,

-"So, this had happened, I was in a temple I've never seen before, which I had never seen, then there's a long corridor with female pegasi statues, and dragon statues, then there's a giant book on a pedestal and a skeletal dragon hand, pointing to a blank page, then a feather from my wing comes off, and starts writing my name, and next to my name is what I wrote in a papyrus, the name Petra Xiphos, and then I hear a voice behind me talking to me and saying Your destiny is fulfilled, Ramil"-

Mimea was curious,

-"Were you able to see who was?"-
-"Yes, she was a light green pegasus, blonde and in a white dress, and she said her name was at the top of the book, and it was Solar Calendar"-, Mimea and Somnambula were amazed, her mother answered her,

-"Are you sure of the name you read, my child?"-
-"Yes, mum, I'm sure, it was Solar Calendar"-, Somnambula then replied,
-"This name was told to me by my mother, it was the name of a pegasus seer"-, Ramil was confused,
-"In what sense it was?"-,

Mimea replied,

-"Ramil, my baby, Solar Calendar was a pegasus seer who lived here in Equigypt many years ago, I met her and she lived in this city, she died five years before you were born, that's why you couldn't know her , the description you made also matches"-
-"Wait, is she dead? So I dreamed about a dead pegasus?"-
-"She was old in your dream?"-
-"No, she was young"-
-"It's strange, why would you have dreamed about a pegasus that you've never met? Hamzah had met her, but only once, instead I spoke to her many times, but she was a strange pegasus, she came from a distant land, but she never revealed where, no one knew anything about her, she wasn't even of our religion, she belonged to other gods, it is also said that she came to this village aboard a flying green snake with feathers, she didn't speak our language, but she was able to speak with the people of this place thanks to magic crystals, she earned a living by making predictions for the people and the pharaoh, before she died, was over 150 years old, had no children or descendants, had no never married, she was always shrouded in mystery, no one knew anything about her, also the day she died no one found her anymore, her body was missing, it is said that another pony visited her, a female pegasus with a white dress, but then no one has seen her or the foreigner, I can't tell you anything else, because that pegasus was a good person, but no one spoke to her outside of her profession, she told me she had taken refuge here because in her continent there was a threat, but she didn't tell me anything else"-
-"But why should I dream about a pegasus that I've never met?"-
-"Maybe you should visit her old house, it's near Hatmehit's temple, just by the river, maybe you could find something there"-, Somnambula spoke to Ramil,
-"If you like, dear Ramil, after your shift we will go together to check that house, I don't know why you had that dream, but I'm curious too, my mother also met her, and told her she would have a daughter special, destined for great things"-
-" That Solar predicted your birth well"-
-"I'm sure she would have said that about you too"-.

So Somnambula went to the royal palace to help her father with his work, while Ramil thought about her work, but both waited to finish to go to the seer's old house.
When the time came, the two pegasi headed for the temple of the fish goddess Hatmehit.
Arrived on site they noticed a house, it was abandoned, it seemed full of dust and cobwebs, Ramil was uncertain,
-"Do you think this is the house? Somnambula?"-
-"It must be this one, many say it is still inhabited by the seer's spirit, but I don't know whether to believe these things, no one has ever wanted to live there after her, at least that's what my mother told me"-
-"We need to check inside, maybe we will find something interesting"-, Ramil tried to open the door but it seemed blocked,
-"By the wings of Ra, it looks like something is blocking the door"-
-"And now what do we do?"-

-"I'll show you something the goddess Ta-Bitjet taught me"-
-"The scorpion goddess?"-
-"Behold, Blades of Ta-Bitjet"-, having said that phrase Ramil's front hooves turned into scorpion claws, Somnambula was impressed, Ramil hit the door and broke it down, and hit it until she knocked it down, then the claws disappeared and hooves returned,

-"Very cool, eh? Somnambula? They are very strong blades, the goddess Ta-Bitjet also said that they are excellent for striking the enemy by surprise"-
-"I don't think I like having scorpion claws, that makes me a little impression"-
-"The choice is yours, I'll search the house"-,

Ramil immediately entered the house, then Somnambula followed her, Somanmbula saw that there were several papyri, she opened one and saw the drawing of a green pegasus in a white dress nearby to a green serpent with four red wings and a crest around its neck.
Somnambula called Ramil,

-"Hey Ramil? Come here come and see what I found"-
-"What did you find?"-
-"Some drawings, but it's not written in our language and therefore...."-, Somnambula turned around but didn't see anyone,
-"Ramil? Where are you? Where are you hiding?"-
-"But are you invisible? Why can't I see you?"-
-"Why wasting Bastet's gift? I'm not invisible"-
-"And where are you?"-
-"I'm here on the ceiling"-, Somnambula looked up and got scared, Ramil was really on the ceiling, but she was hanging upside down, her hooves had become legs of a scorpion and her tail was that of a Scorpion.
-"AAAAH, what have you become?"-
-"Sorry, I wanted to try this new power"-, Ramil got down on the ground,
-"Now I'll explain, Somnambula, this is a gift from the goddess Serqet"-
-"the pony goddess of scorpions?"-
-"This technique is called Serqet's Poison, it allows me to climb ceilings and the poison in my tail allows me to paralyze the enemy"-
-"So now you have two techniques related to scorpions"-
-"Not only that, Serqet and Thoth are teaching me different antidotes and potions against various poisons of various types, if I'm good with potions one day I'll be immune to any poison, would you like to know this technique?"-
-"No, thanks, I don't think I like it, even if it's a gift from the gods, but it will be useful for me to have a friend who prepares antidotes"-
-"What did you want to make me see?"-
-"This papyrus, look at these drawings, it's not written in our language, look at these strange symbols,ራሚል ሳብል"-, Ramil looked closely at those symbols, but he was amazed,
-"but this...this is Amharic"-
-"It's a Zebrafrican language, but it's not widespread here in Equigypt and those symbols you saw are my name in Amharic"-
-"Is your name written on it?"-
-"Yes, it says Ramili Sabili, and...I don't know how she knew Amharic, since she was a foreigner"-
-"Can you by any chance read what is written there?"-
-"Yes, dear Ramil and dear friend of Ramil, if you are reading this papyrus I have long since died, however I wanted to warn you, that I Solar Calendar come from a very distant land, one day a threat coming from the crystal invaded my country and I had to take away the treasure of my people, a seed, a seed that would grow a tree that bears fruit that whoever eats it can command any dragon, you will not find this seed in your land, because I buried it in another continent , unfortunately as you already know I am a seer, and I already know that the threat will come from you too, so you will have to be strong and protect your people, create a team of masked heroes to protect Equigypt, I know your friend doesn't like to kill, but this threat does not deserve to live, I had to abandon my family, I could not return to my land, the snake you see in the drawing I drew is Kukulkan, a divine snake of which I was his favorite priestess, I left this message for you because I knew you would find it, or rather it was Somnabula who found it and then called you Ramil, I just want to tell you that the gods are right you will do great things, and you will be ready for various difficulties, also a person dear to you will die, well you will have to be careful because many will stop you but one of you will save that person thanks to hope and you two have a lot of it, never doubt your precious friendship, never....."-, Somnambula was surprised,
-"She wrote everything down, she even predicted that I would find the papyrus"-
-"But who was this Calendar? I wonder if the other papyri can answer, I mean we know that she came from another land and that she had other gods, but what do we have to do with it?"-
-"She spoke about a crystal threat, what does it mean?"-
-"I don't know, can you give me a plinth with the other papyri?"-, the two pegasi checked the other papyri, but they were written in another language, but Somnambula found some drawings,
-"Look here, Ramil"-, Ramil saw the drawing,
-"What will it be?"-, Ramil tried to understand, but Somnambula already had a hypothesis,

-"It seems that Solar had a large crystal, here a pony is drawn that is about to be crushed by a boulder, in this part the pony is dead, but we see that in this part of the drawing she uses the crystal to save his life, it might be silly but I think that is not a normal crystal....."-
-"I believe it well, there is an Amharic writing that says Gīzē kirīsitali"-
-"And what does it mean?"-
-"It means, Crystal of the time, and look at the bottom of the drawing, there are several statues, probably of the gods of the land of her, they throw a light at her, and from that light the crystal is created"-
-"What do you mean?"-
-"I think that crystal was created by her gods, and that she can use it to manipulate time, but if so, then she can travel through time, and look what I found in this papyrus"-,

Ramil showed Somnambula a drawing of two pegasi dressed in white, one young and one old, and the young mare stood in front of a grave,

-"What do you want to say, Ramil?"-
-"Mom said that a stranger visited her before the seer died, I think she wasn't a stranger, but she was the same pegasus"-
-"Do you mean that she was the seer?"-
-"I think she traveled in the past, or in the future to meet herself, but it doesn't seem like an evil pegasus to me, I also found a papyrus where she met a blue pegasus, but in an unspecified time in the future, and it seems that even that pegasus had to do with gods"-
-"Do you mean that there are other pegasi messengers of the gods like us?"-
-"It's plausible but not in this era, so you know what I do? I take all the papyri and bring them to Thoth, maybe he will be able to translate something, even if it's a foreign language"-
-"Are you sure you want to know something else? I mean we've already discovered several things so far, don't you think that would be too much?"-
-"She was talking about a threat from the crystal, what if it was our enemy as well as an enemy of the seer? We need to know more"-
-"I don't know, it scares me, but I'm with you, it's not the first time they tell us that we two are hope for the people, so maybe if we prepare ourselves we could face this threat"-
-"This is the right spirit, Somnambula"-.

Somnambula returned to her house while, Ramil passed by the temple of Horus to go to the realm of the gods to speak with Thoth.
When she came to him she handed him the papyri, the ibis god looked at them,

-"MMMmh, very interesting"-
-"Can you translate those writings, Thoth?"-
-"I don't know, even if I'm the god of knowledge I also have my limits, I can tell you that it's a Mayan language, which comes from the distant land of Equestria"-
-"Equestria? And where is it?"-
- "Now I can't tell you, one day I'll tell the Pharaoh myself, you don't have to think about it now, I'll see what I can decipher, I'll let you know"-, Ramil left, but then she returned immediately to a question to the ibis god,
-"Sorry god Thoth, can I ask you a question?"-
-"What is it about?"-
-"I discovered that Mukhtar was a follower of Seth, and that when he was exiled he said he would have allies, is there any danger of a return from Seth?"-, Thoth touched his head, then after a couple of minutes he gave her an answer,
-"In my immense knowledge I know that there will be a return of Seth and if you are not ready you will perish under his spear"-
-"So Seth will kill me"-
-"I can't know everything, but there are various possibilities that can happen so one can happen and others not, it depends on your training, you are hope, Ramil, as is Somnambula, if you are strong, you can face Seth"-
-"How do I deal with him if he is a god?"-
-"I can't tell you this, I can't know certain things if you are uncertain of yourself"-
-"Thank you Thoth"-
-"But don't tell anyone about Seth's return, nor about the fact that one day you might face him"-
-"The only thing I can do is training, just so I'll know if I'm ready"-.

Ramil left the ibis god's library to go home, of course she didn't say a word to anyone about Seth.

To be continued….

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro