• Published 27th Jun 2023
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Ramil Sable - Kawat3ngusan

Twilight visits her friend Somnambula, and discovers that she is not from Equestria but from Zebrafrica and that she had a pegasus friend in her childhood.

  • ...

The unmasking

The unmasking

In the present

After a good night's sleep, Twilight, Spike and Starswirl woke up, and they smelled a good smell coming from the kitchen, they went to check, and they saw that Somnambula had prepared several dishes including pancakes and brioches.

Twilight was dumbfounded
-“Did you really do everything you Somnambula?”-

And the Equigyptian Pegasus laughed back
-“ Eh eh, let's say yes, the fact is that I never have the opportunity to have guests and then I got help from a friend of mine, here he is”-.

From the kitchen stood a light green pony in merchant robes.
-“ Good morning everyone, hello Princess Twilight”-
Somnambula introduced him to her friends
-“ This here, dear Twilight he is one of Ramil's descendants, his name is Dune and he lives in my same neighborhood”-, the pony turned to Somnambula
-“ Did you tell them about my ancestress?”-
-“ Almost, I've just started, for the moment I've only said about when I met her”-
-"But they know that the legend mustn't leave the village, right?"-
-“ Of course they know, I told them, we certainly don't want thieves to steal from your ancestress temple?”-
Twilight noticed that the pony had no stripes and told Somnambula,
-“ It's true Twilight, but not all Ramil Sable's descendants have stripes but some do, when she returned here she married and started a family, and Dune is part of the thirteenth or fourteenth generation”-
Twilight then said her promise
-"I promise you that I won't say a word to anyone about her story, but we are eager to know how it continues"-.
-“Okay, I'll tell you about when Ramil and I met the Warrior of Sekhmet”-
-"And did you also find out who he was?"-
-“ Yes, actually, I found out”-

In the past

Somnambula and Ramil began to go out together often, their mothers were happy that each of their daughters were friends with each other.
Somnambula often took Ramil through the streets of the city, and Ramil let her watch the training with the guards, and Somnambula could see how strong Ramil was, she was agile and fast with different weapons, she never lost against the guards except with her brother Hamzah.
But the brother was always happy and proud to be able to be with his sister even in combat, after all they both trained thanks to their fathers.

Even then, Hamzah congratulated his sister.
-“ You are always the best, little sister, with the khopesch you have always made progress, but I would like to see you often fight with the spear, after all it was the favorite weapon of the zebras”-
-"You're right brother, I'll use the spear more often, but I don't want to hurt you"-
-“ Then use the training spear, because you've always been good with the spear”-

Ramil wiped off the sweat a little with a cloth, then returned to Somnambula
-“Somnambula? I trained a lot, do you want to go to the spa?”-
-“The baths? I only went there with my parents, I've never gone alone”-
-"And you won't go alone, you will come with me, a good hour at the spa will do us good, my mother often takes me there"-.

The Equigyptian baths were copied from the Roarman ones, there were beautiful giant hot tubs, with nice decorations and even a place used as a sauna.
Once the clothes were off, the two Pegasi put on a towel and then entered the water.
Ramil was happy every time she entered the water,
-“ Aaah, what a relief, this water is hot at the right point”-
-“I like staying here too, this place is relaxing”-
-“Tell me, Somnambula? What is your relationship with Prince Hisan? Is he by any chance your close friend? In the sense is he your future coltfriend?” -,
Somnambula blushed,
-“No, no, what do you think? We are just friends, if I know him it's because my father works for the pharaoh, you rather, I think you spend more time with him, aren't you in love with him?”-
-“ I'm not the type of the mare who thinks about love, he's just a pony I give lessons in zebra language and history, maybe one day when I'm older I'll want to look for a good pony to have a family, or look for a zebra coltfriend”-
-“What do you plan to do in the future?”-
-“ It's not something I like to say, my mother is against it”-
-“And what would that be?”-
-"I would like to become a royal guard, I am strong in combat, and I could protect the pharaoh, Hisan and also my people, i.e. both ponies and zebras"-
-“ I've often seen you in training, I think you could be a good guard, but maybe your mother wants you to become like her”-
-"But I'm already like her, I know perfectly her recipes, her medicines, the ingredients, believe me I know many things about my people, i.e. the zebras, it's hard to go unnoticed if you have stripes and you're a pony, especially one like me with the red stripes”-
-“I like your stripes, I like these colors of yours”-
-“ People sometimes call me half-blood, or half-breed, that I'm not pure, that I'm neither pony nor zebra, only the royal family doesn't judge me”-
-"I'm not judging you either, just because you're different doesn't mean you have to be weird"-
-“Yes, you are a friend”-
-"Wait, did you say friend?"-
-"I thought we were friends"-
-"You know it? It's the first time since I met you that you call me friend, I'd really like to be, you'd be the sister I never had”-
-"I think the same too, you would be my sister that I couldn't have, but I love Hamzah, I'm proud that he's my brother"-
-"I like him too, he's a nice zebra"-
-"After the spa, would you like to come with me?"-
-"Where do you want to take me?"-
-“Take a ride on the Nile”-
-“ Flying?”-
-" You'll see"-.

After the baths, Ramil took Somnambula close to a part of the Nile, they saw a male zebra standing on an Equigyptian boat made of papyrus plants.
The boatman approached, Ramil introduced him to Somnambula.
-“Dear Somnambula, this is my uncle Hakim, my mother's brother, he is a fisherman”-
-“Oh, hello Mr. Hakim”-, the stallion didn't understand,
-“ Wewe ni nani? ”-, Somnambula made a strange face,
-“What did he say? I don't think I understand."
-"Don't worry, Somnambula, unfortunately my uncle only speaks Zwahili, he only said who are you?"-,

Ramil talked to her uncle,
-“ Mpendwa Mjomba Hakim, huyu ni rafiki yangu Somnambula (Dear uncle Hakim, this is my friend Somnambula)”-
-“ Ah, sikujua una rafiki, nafurahi kuwa una rafiki (Ah, I didn't know you had a friend, I'm glad you have a friend)”-, the two relatives talked and even laughed, while Somnambula didn't understand anything of that they said.

Then Ramil turned to her friend,
-"Come Somnambula, I'll take you on a boat ride"-
- “Is that what you wanted me to see? A boat?"-
-“My uncle usually uses this boat, however, sometimes I come here and help him fishing”-, Somnambula sat down in the boat,
-"I didn't know you were fishing"-
-“It's just to help my uncle, and sometimes he gives me part of the catch to take home”-, Hakim took the oar and went to the bow, while Ramil put the oar to the stern and they both started rowing.
-“You will see Somnambula, it is very relaxing to row on the Nile, you will like it”-, and in fact Somnambula liked the trip on the Nile very much, it was really relaxing to travel on the Nile.

The journey was long, and Somnambula liked to see the landscape through the journey on the Nile, on the way she also saw some large equigyptian boats where various ponies and various zebras loaded the stones to build palaces.

At one point, Somnambula turned to Ramil,
-“Tell me a little, Ramil, which gods are you closest to?”-
-"But I already told you when we met"-
-“ Yes, but…..don't you have any favorite gods? ”-
-“Let's see……there is Osiris, Isis, Ra, Khepri, Sekhmet, Sobek, not counting Thoth, the god of wisdom, I don't think I have any favourites, however my mother often makes me go to the temples of Khepri and Thoth's and Sekhmet's, when we arrived here, or rather before I was born my people converted to your religion, as well as your language, my mother and my people already had gods”-
-"Really? Ah yes it's true you told me, and what gods did your people worship before?"-
-“Let's see….let me remember…..ah yes, in the religion of my people there is Olorun, he is a zebra god, his name means The lord of the sky, he is comparable to Ra, he is the god of peace, of harmony and purity, it is associated with the color white and controls everything that has this color, such as bones, the brain and the clouds, according to his religion Olorun created the universe, fixed the day and night, ordered the seasons and established the fate of the ponies, it was he who created the orishas, i.e. the saints, who in turn created the ponies and the zebras”-
-“It sounds interesting, so also in your religion you have many gods?”-
-“From what I remember there is Ogun, orisha of iron and war, Logunedé, young orisha of hunting and fishing, Xangô, orisha of fire and thunder, protector of justice, Xapanã, orisha of skin and of sores, Oxumarê, orisha of rain and rainbow, Ossaim, orisha of herbs and medicinal secrets, Iemanjá, queen of the sea, Oyá, female orisha of winds, lightning and storms, Oxum, female orisha of rivers, of gold and love, and then Yemaja, female orisha zebra of lakes, seas and fertility, mother of the other orishas, there would be others but I don't want to fill you with information”-
-“ You have a very interesting religion”-
-"Yours is also interesting, my people did not find it difficult to adapt to the new gods, but some zebras continue to pray to the old gods of their villages, but my mother wanted her children to be of the Equigytian religion and so it is now"-

During the journey on the Nile the chat was long, until they arrived near the city and Ramil and her uncle approached the shore, it was now time to go ashore, first Somnambula then Ramil went down, who thanked her uncle Hakim,
-“ Asante mjomba, tutaonana (Thank you uncle, see you) ”-
-“Tutaonana hivi karibuni, mjukuu (See you soon, granddaughter)”-, the two pegasi headed to the middle of the city to go back to their homes.

Arriving at the market they saw that there was a pandemonium, it really seemed that there were bandits, they were five okapi bandits equipped with scimitar who were robbing the various stalls,
Ramil turned to Somnambula,
-“Hey, Somnambula? You can go home, I have to get some things here at the market"-
-“Try to watch out for the bandits”-, Somnambula got into the crowd, to avoid the okapi bandits, then when she turned around she saw that Ramil had disappeared,
-“But where did she go? Who knows which stall she had to go to? ”-.
The bandit okapis aimed at some ponies with their scimitars, telling them not to move, all the while stealing food and money.

But there was no danger because from the roof of a house the Warrior of Sekhmet appeared, he jumped from the roof and went down to the ground to give a warning to the bandits.
-“Stop, or in the name of the zebra god Olorun I will punish you in the name of the gods, if you surrender I will be merciful, otherwise I will punish you”-, the chief Okapi warned him,
-"Hey you fool, we're here to work, we don't need a clown to tell us what to do or not to do"-
-“ I repeat, if you surrender, I won't do anything to you, otherwise I will use force”-
-"Use your strength, fool, do you think we are afraid of a masked stallion like you?"-
-“ So you have chosen violence, in the name of the goddess Sekhmet, I will punish you”-, the okapis went towards him, but the warrior jumped, and avoided them, then took his khopesch and struck them, when an okapi hit the warrior, he always parried and gave him a kick, or a slap with the wing, the warrior was much more agile than the bandits and after a few slashes of the khopesch he had beaten them, at that moment the royal guards arrived with Hamzah with them, the warrior jumped and returned to the rooftops to run away.

But Somnambula wanted to follow him, the warrior was faster and he also jumped on the roofs, but she followed him from the streets then she called him,
-“Wait, warrior”-, the warrior stopped and looked down to see who had called him,
-"Who are you? What do you want from me?"-
-"I know little about you, but I wanted to know one thing, why do you help people?"-
-"I don't do it to have honors or glory or money, where there is an injustice I am there, if I am there the bad guys have a short life"-
-"But where are you from? I didn't remember you were a pegasus"-
-“ Dear Somnambula, I cannot tell you where I come from, because I have an identity to protect, but know that I am not your enemy and that this is not the last time you will see me, hataa naltaqi mujadadan (Goodbye)”-, and Sekhmet's warrior immediately vanished and Somnambula saluted him,
-“Hataa naltaqi mujadadan (Goodbye), but…….now that I think about it, how does he know my name?”-, behind her was Hamzah who answered her,
-“ No need to ask questions, she knows everything about many of us”-
-“ Ehm….I'm referring to Sekhmet, she's the one who speaks for the warrior, so it's normal that the warrior knows some names of the inhabitants of Harim, and then I told you you can trust him”-
-“Now that I think about it, he mentioned Olorun with the bandits, is it possible that Sekhmet's warrior could be a zebra? Ramil told me about your old gods”-
-“ Um…..and who knows? All the zebras that moved here knew the god Olorun, it could be any zebra, now if you don't mind I have to look for my sister, my mother forgot to tell her to buy some coconuts too”-, Hamzah walked away towards the market, but Somnambula began to think,
-"It's strange, Hamzah made some strange verses, as if he were lying, or as if he was hiding something, that he is the warrior of Sekhmet? No, impossible, when he arrived the warrior was still with the crowd, and then he couldn't be on the roofs and then behind me, but who knows who could be the warrior of Sekhmet? ”-.
The next day Somnambula went to the pharaoh's palace, where she was supposed to meet with Ramil, but she didn't find her, she found Mimea instead, Ramil's mother zebra, Somnambula greeted her,
-"Hello Mrs. Mimea"-
-“Oh, dear Somnambula, how nice to see you, come, come to my room and I'll offer you a drink”-.
Mimea took Somnambula to a room that the pharaoh had assigned to Mimea for when she was in the palace, Somnambula saw the strange decorations that were in that room, there were plants, cacti, tribal masks never seen before, various caskets, containers with strange liquids, and in the middle of the room there were a large and a medium pot set on fires, also there was a table with books and papyri.
Somnambula sat down on the floor near a table, while Mimea put a small pot on another fire with some liquid and some leaves inside her.
-“ What are you preparing, Mrs. Mimea?”-
-“Oh, nothing special, it's just an infusion of leaves that gives you energy, it makes you feel better like a good night's sleep, Ramil drinks it often, that's why she is full of energy"-, after a while Mimea put the infusion into two small bowls, it was hot, but it was drunk like this, Somnambula sipped, it was good,
-“Mmmmh, it's delicious, Mrs. Mimea”-
-“Please Somnambula, just call me Mimea, I'm so glad you're here”-
-"How come?"-
-“Because you gave Ramil something that she didn't have, that is a friend, usually she only spoke with Hisan and Hamzah, she didn't have female friends, you are like the sister that she couldn't have, besides, I'm in my age, and I wouldn't be able to find another husband"-
-“ I'm also happy to meet Ramil, my parents didn't give me a brother or a sister, so I too found a sister in her”-
-“Do you two talk often?”-
-“Yes, we often talk, and she is very cultured, she told me about your old gods like Olorun, but she knows a lot about your new gods, as symbolized by her cutie mark”-
-“And she's very attached to Khepri and Thoth, she also loves beetles, when she was a filly she liked to observe beetles”-
-"She is also very strong, furthermore she introduced me to her uncle Hakim, but she only spoke to him, since he only speaks Zwahili"-
- “Among our people we speak Equigytian, but there are also members who speak only other Zebra African languages, such as Zwahili, Zulu, Yoruba, fortunately I among our people we spoke all three, and others too, and I taught these languages to Hamzah and Ramil, they are both good with languages, Hamzah is now learning to handle with potions, but Ramil is better than him, also because she started before her brother”-
-“She also told me about the gods that you have been praying to since you came to this village”-
-“Ramil in my opinion didn't tell you that only half of the zebras converted to your religion, the other half continues to pray to the Yoruba gods, my husband still prayed to Olorun, I converted instead, and Hamzah did too, he was small, instead Ramil who was already born here I immediately gave birth her in the name of Ra, we zebras have a good story behind us, we know a lot about the other zebras that inhabit this continent and therefore we know many legends and many stories"-
-"You really have a fantastic daughter and also very strong and very intelligent"-, however Mimea changed her attitude at those words, from happy to sad,
-"And this is the point, Ramil is very strong, she often trains with Hamzah, and also with the other guards, unfortunately she is stubborn, like her father was, but actually Hamzah is stubborn too, myself at their age I was stubborn, so it's also my fault they took this bad quality from me too, I don't know if she told you, but Ramil would like to become a royal guard”-
-"actually yes, she mentioned it to me"-
-“Being a royal guard can be very dangerous, Hamzah became a guard because the pharaoh consulted with the god Horus to know if Hamzah could be a good guard, Horus said to trust him and in fact my son is one of his best guards, but my daughter has always had the idea of protecting people in her head”-
-“I don't see what the problem is, it's a noble cause”-
-“ I can't bear the idea that my children could die fighting, I've already lost my two husbands, I wouldn't bear to lose my two things I care about the most, Hamzah is strong, but my daughter, I wouldn't know if she could do it , furthermore there are no female guards, not to mention that she has always trained since she learned of Sekhmet's warrior, she would like to become like him, but it is dangerous to be an avenger, even if you are masked, it could happen that someone will snatch your dress and see your stripes and there are no Pegasi with red stripes like you, they would recognize you immediately, and they would kill you" -
-"But Ramil would only like to help the innocent ones, she would only like to help the ponies and zebras and other creatures, her dream is noble, you should support her"-
-“the fact is that……Ramil told you about Nyasi?”-
-“She is a zebra, she is my sister, my older sister, since she moved here she has decided to become a gladiatress, she has always been strong and has never lost, she has been in different arenas on the continent she currently lives in the south from this part of the continent to Ingwenya, sometimes she travels with her colleagues, other members of our old tribe live there, and unfortunately in one of the arenas of that city I lost both my husbands, Nyasi had warned them, but both wanted to earn money for their family, I often told my children about my sister, sometimes she also came to visit us here and brought money and gifts for her two nephews, she is good with spears, swords and shields , I think it is also because Nyasi is important for Ramil that my daughter wants to fight, luckily Ramil never thought of being a gladiatress”-
-"But her sister Nyasi is strong enough, has she never lost?"-
-“Dear Somnambula, there's one thing I never told Ramil and Hamzah, even Nyasi and Hakim never talked about it, but when we were in our old village, me, my sister and my brother made a potion that it allowed us to travel to the dimension of the gods, to receive advice, we even met the zebra god Olorun himself, it was on that occasion that the gods told us that our destiny was to leave for Equigypt in our future, we received three magical amulets, Hakim received the amulet of Onilé, god linked to the cult of the earth, with which he could use the power of the earth, Nyasi received the amulet of Eleguà, the messenger of the gods, who gave her good speed, and I received the amulet of Orula, the orisha of divination and destiny, which allowed me to foresee the future”-
-“And you three still keep these amulets?”-
-“No, the gods said that if we stayed with them the amulets would always work, but when Hakim and I converted to the new religion the amulets didn't work anymore, but Nyasi still prays for our old gods, so her amulet works again, indeed me and my brother Hakim gave our amulets to Nyasi, and all three amulets worked on her, that's why Nyasi never lost, because she has divine amulets, Ramil instead has no protection from gods by amulets, so I would never be happy knowing that my daughter could die at any moment, you must try to understand me Somnambula, you are her friend you would never want anything to happen to her, right?”-
-"Yes, it's true, I would never want her to get hurt or die, she is my friend, I could never bear the thought of losing her, she is my best friend, in fact I consider her like a sister, I would never want to lose her , I would never have another friend like her, I agree with what you say, Mimea, but then again I don't want to be responsible for Ramil's unhappiness, if she wants to become a guard, then…..wait a minute , but then your sister Nyasi uses divine magic to fight? I didn't think it was allowed in fights ”-
-“Actually the use of magical objects is not forbidden, and then Nyasi is not that she makes an exaggerated use of them, she is strong enough, but the amulets protect her from certain deaths, if one day you have to go to Ingwenya you should go to see the fights that my sister Nyasi does who also uses the magic that we zebras produce with potions”-
-“ I would like to know a lot about you zebras, I don't know much about you”-
-“We zebras come from various places in Zebrafrica, my people come from a distant part towards the center and the south, and we have often had to deal with other tribes for this we know many languages, in fact many Harim's zebras act as guides to some inhabitants of the city in case an interpreter is needed, don't mind my brother Hakim, he only speaks Zwahili but he knows a few words in your language, it's just that he wants to stick to his original language, that's why he only speaks to those of his race, or with his family”—
-"Excuse me for asking, but could I take a look at your room?"-.

Somnambula was curious to see part of that room, she was especially curious about the masks, Mimea told her about them,
-“ These masks are handed down in our family, I know magic formulas for various diseases in different languages, and I have written in some books some medicines and magic formulas of our people and some peoples”-, Somnambula saw a book,
-“And this book is written in Zwahili?”-
-“Not really, that book is written in my original language, Yoruba”-
-“Ramil didn't tell me that she had an original language”-
-“Maybe she didn't tell you about it because in our family we always spoke Zwahili more, but our original language was Yoruba, my husband Ghassan and I knew it, and Hamzah knows it, but between us zebras we talk more with Zwahili and Zulu to better understand each other, in my tribe we spoke both Yoruba and Zwahili”-
-“So Ramil doesn't know Yoruba?”-
-"Not entirely, she knows many phrases but I didn't teach her everything, but I taught her the others to talk to with other cities and to other zebras"-
-“And what are those things?”-
-“Oh, those are all musical instruments, some of our people's, others instead are Equigyptian ones”-, Mimea took a large lira,
-“ This is a simsimiyya, you should have seen her in the city”-
-"I don't know about music, but my mother says I should learn to play something, also because usually I'm always out, or I read or study, maybe playing an instrument would help me avoid boredom"- Mimea then took a big instrument similar to a large maraca covered with beads,
-“ This is a shekere, an instrument that is played by striking it on the hoof, we used it in our village”-, then she took a small drum,
-“ And this is a darbouka, we used various instruments for ceremonies, weddings, or parties, I'm happy that Hamzah lived in my village, but I'm even more happy that Ramil was born and raised here, and this flute you see is called ney , and this is a simple lute, I sometimes dabble in music, either for relaxation or for therapeutic reasons”-
-“Do your children play these instruments?”-
-“Hamzah can only play the ney and the darbouka, while Ramil is the most cultured and attentive, she can play all the instruments we have, she learns very quickly, she is excellent at playing”-
-"She never told me that"-
-"Maybe because she usually only plays with her family, or if I ask her, next time you try to ask her to play in front of you, I'm sure she will"-
-"It was nice to talk to you, now I have to go back to my home, I hope to talk to you again how do you say goodbye in your languages?"-
-“In Zwahili we say Mpaka tukutane tena, in Zulu we say Size sihlangane futhi while in Yoruba we say Titi ao tun pade”-
-“ I hope I remember it, I want to see how Ramil will react if I tell her”-.
Somnambula came out of the palace, and she started walking back home, but she saw Hamzah that was entering home,
-“Shouldn't Hamzah be on duty at this time of day? Why is he going home? Maybe he knows where Ramil is ”-.
Somnambula followed Hamzah without being noticed, the house in question had two floors and close to the royal palace it wasn't very big but it wasn't small either, it was the first time she had seen Ramil's house.
Somnambula followed Hamzah to a room and she heard that he was talking to someone so she tried to hear, she heard perfectly two voices,
-“Even today went well, thanks to you the city is a little safer”-
-"But even you guards do your duty, you can't always count on me, but sometimes I have to go beyond the city to try to help other people"-
-“The important thing is that no one knows, especially mum, you are important to me little sister, as you are important to the community ”-, Somnambula understood that Hamzah was talking to Ramil, but that was not her voice, so she looked into the room, she couldn't believe it, Hamzah was talking to the warrior of Sekhmet, but at that moment he took off his mask, and what's even more incredible, it was her friend Ramil, it wasn't a male it was a female, at that moment she couldn't shut up and entered the room.
-“Ramil! Hamzah!”-, the two brothers got scared to see Somnambula at their house, Ramil asked her
-“Somnambula? What do you do here? Were you spying on us?”
-“ I didn't want to spy, I just saw your brother entering and I wondered what he was doing since he was on duty, and then I saw this scene, I can't believe it, you Ramil are you the warrior of Sekhmet?”-, Hamzah was sorry,
-"I'm sorry little sister, I didn't realize I was being followed"-
-“You have to pay more attention, if it was a scoundrel? Luckily it was only Somnambula”-, Ramil went to Somnambula,
-“Well... yes, I am the warrior of Sekhmet, I have chosen to play this part to help the people of Harim, and as you have seen I have done my duty with all those who were in danger”-
-“ But you could have gotten hurt, you could have been killed, what would have happened to you if someone had recognized you? What if, for example, one had seen your stripes and understood who you were?”
-“Oh, but please, you look like my mother, you talk like her”-
-"Actually I went to her, and she told me these things, so Mimea doesn't know anything?"-
-"No, and if she knew, she would lecture me that would last a month, it's better if she doesn't know anything"-
-“What if you were dead? Your mother wouldn't bear your or your brother's death, you are the only things more important for her than her life, and you are important to me too ”-, Hamzah interrupted the pegasus,
-“Don't blame Ramil, see Somnambula, it's all my fault, it's me who convinced Ramil”-
-"You? Are you the one who convinced her? But you are her brother, how could you?”
-“You see…..the fact is that I once went to the temple of Sekhmet, and her statue spoke to me, it made this mask appear, it is a magical mask, able to hide the voice of the wearer, that's why Ramil's voice was different and looked like a male one, Sekhmet had asked me to give it to a deserving warrior, who would help me in my guard work and so I thought of giving it to Ramil, in this way she could help me and help people in danger, but nothing dangerous has ever happened to her, try to understand, don't go and tell mom"-
-"I won't tell her, I'm not a spy, but I want Ramil to stop being a warrior, she could get killed, and you who are her brother should pay more attention to her safety, and instead it was you who made her do this madness" -
-“But Sekhmet never said anything about my choice so everything was fine”-
-“ I know I'm blaspheming a goddess, but I don't care if Sekhmet told you, I want Ramil to stop, I don't want her to die, and if she dies it will be your fault, and what will happen if your mother finds out? I mean what if she knew the idea was yours?”
-"But listen, Somnambula ......"-, Ramil however stopped her brother,
-“La ya 'akhi hadha sahih (No, brother, it's true), I don't want you to be responsible for the choice you gave me, if I have to die I want it to be for my choice, so I give you the mask and also the white dress, I stop being the warrior of Sekhmet”-
-"But... but little sister, you can't, you are very good as a defender of the law"-
-“I did it to show that I could do it, but I don't want mom to know, I didn't even want Somnambula knows it”-, but Somnambula replied,
-"I told you, I won't snitch, I just want you to think better, if something happens to you, what will happen to your mother? She also told me about your aunt Nyasi”-, Ramil understood,
-"My aunt Nyasi is an example, if I thought about fighting it's thanks to her example, she has never lost in her life, she is a very strong zebra gladiatress"-, then Hamzah spoke,
-“Yes, but thanks to the amulets”-, Ramil looked at him,
-“What amulets?”-, Somnambula was amazed,
-“You Hamzah, do you know about the amulets?”-, all three sat around a table, and Hamzah confessed everything, after the explanation he clarified everything,

-“It was my uncle Hakim who confessed everything to me, as long as Ramil didn't know anything, but I couldn't keep this secret from her for too long, Aunt Nyasi always had the help of the amulets of the Yoruba gods, if only Ramil had amulets, perhaps Mom would let her fight”-, Ramil was furious, pounding her hooves on the table,
-“Siwezi kuamini kwamba mama alikuwa na siri hii kila wakati”-, Somnambula did not understand,
-“What did she say?”-, Then Hamzah translated,
-“It's zwahili, she said I can't believe mom always had this secret”-
-“Actually your mother should have told you, so Ramil wouldn't have tried to be a paladin”-, but Ramil didn't agree,
-“ I won't be Sekhmet's warrior, but one day I will become a guard, whether my mother wants it or not”-, Ramil ran out,
-"Little sister, where are you going?"-
-“I'll go talk to her”-.

Somnambula ran out, and saw Ramil on the roof of the house, so she flew and came close to her,
-“ I'm sorry Ramil, I didn't want to find out your secret, it's just that I'm worried about you like your mother is, if something were to happen to you I think I wouldn't be able to live without my best friend”-
-"Am I your best friend or am I your only friend?"-
-"Who cares? If I had other friends you'd be the best, and it's because you're the best that I don't want to lose you, so will you be more careful with evildoers? I don't want you to die, but I also don't want to stop your dream of becoming a guard, what kind of friend would I be if I did?”
-“So you believe in me?”-
-"Of course I believe in you, I just want to know if you could really make it against the bandits without getting hurt, I've seen you in action, and you're good at fighting, and I wish you'd become stronger"-
-“You are a true friend, and I would never want you to worry about me”-, Somnambula hugged her,
-“ I would like you to fight to make our city safe, but I would also like you not to get hurt”-, then Somnambula broke away from Ramil and a question came to her mind,
-“By the way, how did you manage to contact your brother when you captured the bandits?”-, Ramil showed her a small golden bottle,
-"Inside this bottle there is a special potion, which I made, thanks to my mother's teachings, with this potion the bottle becomes a tool to call my brother, he too has one, you have to pour the potion into all and two bottles, so you can only communicate in two parts and no more bottles, my mother used to make this potion to talk to Ghassan and my father even if they were miles away from here"-
-"It's amazing"-
-“By the way, I had come home not only to take off my disguise, but also to come to your house to give you this gift”-
-"A gift? For me?”-, Ramil took a pearl necklace and put it around Somnambula's neck,
-"A necklace? Where do you find it?"-
-“Uncle Hakim often finds shells on the seabed with pearls inside, he usually sells them for money, but he put some together and gave them to me, but I don't want it, I prefer to give it to you, you are the best friend I have, you will be the only one, but I'm sure if I had other friends you would be my favorite”-
-“ I like it, Ramil, I will keep it jealously, can I ask you something?”-
-"Please ask"-
-"Your mother showed me the instruments you play, would you show me how you play?"-
-“I don't like to brag about my musical talent, but since it's you, I'll show you how I play, come on in the house”-, Somnambula followed Ramil to her house so she could hear her play.

To be continued….

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbr