• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 922 Views, 34 Comments

CAM_09 IS OFFLINE - RunicTreetops

Pipp Petals enlists her friends' help to livestream a paranormal investigation of the long-abandoned Canterlot Castle. She is excited by the idea, but she might soon realize that some things are best left forgotten...

  • ...


10:00 P.M.

The footage from the camera is extremely steady. Long marble halls and corridors can be seen as Jazz happily trots throughout the castle, occasionally stopping to admire the many stained glass windows adorning the walls. Moonlight shines through these windows, giving the marble an almost ethereal glow. Where the moonlight doesn't provide vision, Jazz's flashlight does.

"Hiya, Pippsqueaks! I know I'm just the auxiliary pony here, so your time might be better spent watching somepony else's footage. Still, I just can't get enough of this castle's architecture! I'm no history buff, but even I can tell that this is really impressive!"

Jazz passes by countless intersecting hallways, most of which look extremely similar if not downright identical to both each other and the one she is currently in.

"It would be really, really easy to get lost in these halls! Good thing I memorized the map before we came here!"

Jazz reaches the end of the hall she is in and makes a right turn into yet another hall. Oddly, there have been no actual doors in any of the corridors she has explored yet.

"Alright, let's get this paranormal investigation started!"

11:00 P.M.

Jazz continues to make her way through the halls, though her enthusiasm gradually dies down as little of note occurs.

"Huh. I thought the library was supposed to be near here, but I can't seem to find it. Did I make a wrong turn?"

Jazz turns around, revealing a corridor that stretches as far as the eye can see. The light from her flashlight does not reach the end of it, and only the moonlight from behind the stained glass windows make it clear just how long the hall is.

"I, uh, don't remember this hall being this long. Nor any hall in the castle, actually."

Jazz begins to walk back in the direction she came from, occasionally turning and shining her light down one of the intersecting hallways on her right and left. At one point, a shadowy figure seems to dart across an intersection in front of her.

"WOAH! W-wait! Who are you?!"

Jazz rushes to the intersection before frantically looking in both directions, revealing little more than another empty hall.

"Ooh, you're not getting away that easily!"

Jazz books it down the hall, quickly glancing at every intersection she passes. Eventually, her breathing grows ragged and she slows to a stop at an intersection. To her front, back, and sides, identical, endlessly sprawling hallways extend infinitely outwards.

"...Uh oh."

12:00 A.M.

Jazz begins to breathe heavily as the camera bobs up and down. She brings a hoof to her chest in an effort to calm herself down, but it doesn't help.

"I... I don't think... I want to do this... anymore! I... I want to go home!"

Suddenly, Jazz's walkie-talkie turns on, and she quickly answers it.


"Pipp! Pipp, I don't know what's going on. These hallways are really weird and freaky!"

"Yeah, I can see that in the video. Just... try to stay calm. Can you see outside the windows?"

"N-no, the stained glass is too... well, stained."

"Okay, just try to retrace your steps. Let's get you back to the entrance and you can support me down here, how does that sound?"

Jazz turns around, revealing another long hallway, though the locations of the intersections and the stained glass windows on the walls are noticeably different to the ones she passed in the footage previously.

"I... I would like that, Pipp, but..."

"But what?"

"I think the hallways are changing around me."

1:00 A.M.

Jazz begins frantically running through the halls, apparently making turns with no rhyme or reason. Occasionally, another shadow darts around a corner. At first, Jazz yelps when she sees one and tries to look around the corner it went behind, but as they become more frequent, she begins ignoring them entirely in favor of continuing to sprint forward. Eventually, she stops to try to catch her breath. As she looks down to do so, she doesn't see the intersections in the corridor in front of her begin to move and shift positions before stopping once more.

Jazz reaches for her walkie-talkie.

"Pipp? Are you there?"


"Pipp, please! I need you!"


"Argh, dang it! Wh-what am I... going to do?"

Jazz begins to hyperventilate, with her quick, panicked breaths being the only sound audible in the marble corridor. Suddenly, another sound can be heard, like a distant voice yelling incoherently. The sound breaks Jazz out of her stupor.

"Wh-what was that?!"

2:00 A.M.

Jazz runs in the direction of the voice, which continues to be audible in the large halls. It sounds like a stallion, and the consistency of the yell allows Jazz to slowly pinpoint a direction in which to run. As she does, the voice becomes more clear.


"Is that... Rocky?"

As Jazz runs, the corridors become less and less elongated, with the number of identical turns becoming less frequent as well. Eventually, doors can be seen dotting the halls until Jazz finally comes to a large entryway with a set of open, rotted wooden doors hanging to either side. Jazz tries to point her flashlight at the pitch-black room within, but the light flicks out right as she does so.

"I... I think this is the library. Rocky?"

As Jazz calls out into the darkness, the video suddenly cuts out.

3:00 A.M.


4:00 A.M.


5:00 A.M.