• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 935 Views, 34 Comments

CAM_09 IS OFFLINE - RunicTreetops

Pipp Petals enlists her friends' help to livestream a paranormal investigation of the long-abandoned Canterlot Castle. She is excited by the idea, but she might soon realize that some things are best left forgotten...

  • ...


10:00 P.M.

The camera is kept steady, though the occasional braided mane that is visible in the video feed makes it clear that this video is Sunny's. In her right hoof she holds her flashlight, which she happily points at the nearby walls and floor as she exits the entrance hall. Outside of the beam of light provided by it, there is only darkness. Sunny occasionally lets out a light cough.

"Sorry everypony, it's just so dusty in here. Somepony really aught to open a window or something."

Sunny points the flashlight at a nearby window, revealing that it's a large stained glass depiction of Princess Twilight Sparkle. She gasps and the camera bounces up and down slightly.

"Eeeeeee, this is so cool! I know we're here on a paranormal investigation, but oh I just can't help myself! Canterlot Castle is famous for its stained glass windows! They all depict a different part of Equestria's long and glorious history! Look!" As she walks, she points her flashlight at another window, this one depicting two alicorns, one white and one black. "This is the battle between Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon! Ooo, I so wish we had come during the day!"

Sunny continues looking at the stained glass windows as she walks, her excitement level still high but not quite as bouncy as before.

"There is just so much we could learn from a place like this. For all of you Pippsqueaks that aren't aware, this used to be Equestria's capital. The princesses lived here, and so many great things happened in these very halls! Fierce battles were won, incredible technologies and magics were researched... oh, it's just incredible!"

Sunny falls silent for a moment as she walks before speaking up again, her voice now a smidge quieter than before.

"And yet, to this day, nopony really knows what happened to make it fall. Nopony knows what took place within these walls, or... or what happened to Princess Twilight."

Sunny lingers for a moment, her flashlight trained on another window depicting a smiling Princess Twilight surrounded by five other mares.

"...I hope we can live up to your example, princess."

11:00 P.M.

"You know, if it weren't for my dad, we wouldn't be able to have this investigation. I found an old map among some of his history books, and it looked like a general floor plan of the castle! It wasn't very detailed and definitely left some stuff out, but for the most part, it showed exactly how to get to each of the rooms Pipp sent us to! Speaking of, the throne room should be right at the end of this hall!"

Sunny quickens her pace. This hallway is much thinner than the previous ones, and the light from her flashlight covers both walls, allowing brief glimpses at the stained glass windows. In spite of her previous excitement, Sunny seems much more eager to reach the throne room than she is to look at the stained glass windows. One window depicts Princess Twilight's dragon assistant, Spike, saving the Crystal Empire. Another depicts the defeat of Queen Chrysalis. The next shows Princess Twilight being coronated. The one after that shows Princess Twilight being coronated. The one following that shows Princess Twilight being coronated. A sixth shows Princess Twilight being coronated. The last shows Princess Sunny Starscout being coronated.

"Ah, here we are!"

Sunny points the flashlight at a grand set of double doors that, at one point, were probably quite beautiful, but now look a bit worse for wear. However, they are still in better condition than the entrance.

"Well, no time like the present!"

Sunny grabs one of the handles and pulls, finding the door heavy but not impossible to open, revealing the throne room inside. A beautiful red carpet, apparently immaculately preserved, reaches from her hooves to the back of the room, right to the base of a gleaming golden throne. The walls here are also covered in stained glass windows, though Sunny does not shine her light on them enough to make out any details in the video. Instead, she merely gasps while keeping the light trained on the throne. She begins to take a few hesitant steps towards the throne.

"So this is the throne room. I just... wow. I mean, I know I'm supposed to be looking for ghosts, but... just... wow."

Sunny reaches the base of the steps that lead up to the throne, six in total. She looks up at the throne and stares silently for a moment.

"Heh, I can perfectly picture her there, happily greeting her subjects and spreading the word of friendship..."

Sunny falls silent for another moment before walking up the first couple of steps.

"Sorry if this seems self-indulgent, everyone, but... come on, do you expect me to not sit on the throne?"

With a sigh, Sunny happily takes a seat on the throne. In the video, despite the dust particles that have been visible in the air until this point, the room suddenly seems impeccably clean as Sunny gets comfortable, pointing the camera towards the rest of the room from the perspective of the throne.


Suddenly, Sunny's camera turns to static.

12:00 A.M.

Only static can be seen for approximately an hour.

1:00 A.M.

The video feed suddenly returns, still showing the clean, empty room. However, the camera is rising and falling gradually, and Sunny's ragged breathing can be heard.

"I don't understand! What are you talking about?!"

The room is filled with silence.

"I keep telling you, I'm not the princess! I just-" The camera shakes violently, as though Sunny is struggling. "Can't... stand... UP!"

The room is still silent, save for Sunny's breathing.

"My name isn't Twilight! It's Sunny! Sunny Starscout! I-I'm sorry for sitting here, I'll never do it again!"

The silence is broken by the sound of Sunny's walkie-talkie activating and Pipp's voice ringing out.

"Sunny? Sunny, what's going on with you?! We lost video footage for, like, an hour, the walkie-talkie wouldn't connect, and now you're talking to yourself!"


"S-Sunny? Can you hear me?!"


The faint orange glow of Sunny's magic briefly appears before flickering out again.

"Sunny, you need t-"

The walkie-talkie suddenly cuts out. As it does, Sunny's flashlight begins to flicker, briefly revealing a shadow in the darkness before the shadow disappears with the flickering light.

2:00 A.M.

"What do you mean?! I don't even know who you are!"


"D-do you... argh!"

The camera begins to shake violently, and Sunny's leg briefly appears in the shot as though she is holding her head.


"...You don't know what you're talking about! You have no idea what friendship means!"


"No! Just because they're gone... th-that doesn't mean I can't still do something!"


"N-no! I didn't fail them! I... I just..."


"I said STOP!"

Sunny's orange magic once again lights up the room for a brief instant. In that instant, a crowd of shadowy figures fill the hall, and as Sunny leans forward, her head looks completely different. It looks larger, with a purple coat and flowing, dark blue mane. Suddenly, the magic fades and the flashlight goes out, bathing the room in darkness as the video feed cuts out altogether.

3:00 A.M.


4:00 A.M.


5:00 A.M.