• Member Since 27th Dec, 2022
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Don't mind me, just passing through.

Comments ( 40 )

Glad to see I'm no the only one who thinks we need more human females x ponies

It's an underused genre, for sure.

I can't help but feel like Quill is a human turned pony who can't do it with other ponies. "It's my first time with a mare"

If he's the existing OC of that name, the first half of that is correct (I haven't gotten around to reading that story yet so I can't confirm the second).

Uh oh, *whomever* could this mystery pony be?? :twilightblush:

I bet it's Twilight

这是一种简单的存在,使她保持供应,并且紧紧地需求。福利:金币和小马暨桶。这对她来说是一份完美的工作。毕竟,她是一个荡妇,在这个词最严格的定义中。她永远不会喜欢被别人这样称呼——在卧室之外,也就是说......或厨房柜台 - 但从纯粹超然的描述性角度来看,这个词完美地定义了她。她活在仙女的梦里。

There are very few stallions and I don't think they will be short of mares.
The main character is a woman standing in the street, selling her body.

Teal eyes. Twilight's are magenta iirc.

"Uh... uh, excuse me..." the pony replied, his pre-planned speech clearly crashing and burning before his eyes. He was an average build, and his dark coat would have made him kind of hard to discern under the gentle night, were it not for teal eyes which pierced through the dark.

Not to mention "dark coat" and the eyes "pierced through the dark."

I think it's safe to say it's Princess Luna, or, an R63 version of Luna.

That would be an interesting twist.

have to admit the story gets interesting, the new chapter also explores not just human female x stallions but also mares. the mare being Lyra is just the cherry on the top for the mint human loving mare

Pity Flim and Flam always end up screwing their proposals, otherwise they and Nora could really make bank all around the world.:trixieshiftright:

Dang, Nora is just a stupid decision engine, isnt she? :rainbowlaugh:

Chapter 1

Aw, I was hoping for more Big Mac.

I have no idea who this Quill Heart is, an OC? Or was it a fake name? Changeling?

Chapter 2

Interesting to see Fhuman x Fmare. Will we see FFF threesome with Bon Bon joining in? I assume there will a focus on hands in use.

Chapter 3

Well that was an interesting perspective with Flim/Flam and their interactions with Ponyville. When we got to the double penetration, was expecting vag/anal rather than just spitroast.

Also, I'm surprised Nora wasn't more suspicious with the brothers due to them bringing her out to a cave and all.

Other Comments

~ Future tags?
Double Pen
Airtight (triple pen)

~Will we see other sapient/sentient species or only ponies?
Changeling (your head canon on how their shapeshifting works? I would assume they would not be able to change into a human since Nora is so much larger or they can but it requires more Love energy.)
Diamond Dogs

~ Will Nora encounter Poison Joke? What would it give her as a joke? Lead in for Nora to meet Zecora?

~ Group rates on the menu now? Or 200 bits flat per customer involved?
Will Nora be invited for parties? (Intro with Pinkie getting involved?)
Stag parties?

~ I'm very intrigued in how the Main6 storyline will develop. Continue to be the straight men in the sexual situation or more along the lines of just as sexual but out of sight of Nora.

~ Will Nora travel and experience other territories and their cultures (specimen)?
Random scenario: Nora travels, gets her purse stolen:
A: culprit caught, Nora rewards police.
B: Nora has to provide services to get by on the trip.

Eager to see the next chapter.


Thanks for the detailed comment! :twilightsmile:

Some interesting speculations. I can neither confirm nor deny anything right now :moustache:

I do have some scenarios planned out for future chapters, as well as some more overarching plotlines, but I keep thinking of more in the time it takes me to write. This'll probably be a rather long fic, and Nora will definitely continue to get around - a lot - so expect variety, especially with her partners. No promises on incorporating any specific idea, obviously, but I never say no to inspiration, so seeing comments full of ideas like this is interesting.

I considered throwing in some anal with Flim and Flam, but the mental image of them rolling her back and forth on that barrel was too good not to use instead, and there's always plenty of customers out there :pinkiecrazy:

I'm still not sure where exactly this story fits in the show canon - I mentioned Starlight already, so that puts it in the later seasons, since I wanted a fuller range of characters to use. I've actually not seen a decent chunk of the show, or seen it in dribs and drabs, so I'll have to work out details along the way in that regard. I literally forgot Sugar Belle existed when writing the frist chapter, so when I hinted at the timeline more in chapter 2 I guess I accidentally made Mac a cheater - whoops :eeyup:

I don't think it'll cause any huge problems for the story, though.

Looking at your bio it looks like you're in a similar boat since you've not actually watched MLP, so I'm glad we've got something sorta in common!

New chapter soon (probably) btw :raritywink:

Spikes getting taught by Ember what Nora is missing? :duck:

I'll keep an eye on this.

Has Nora never heard the word 'stalker' before? :facehoof:

Nora knows nothing about Changelings now, but Im sure she is going to pretty quickly get a far more in depth understanding that Twilight does? :moustache:


Darn it Luna!

I love this story so far, truly. Awesome work.

Chapter 4

Filthy Rich, an interesting relationship. I'm surprised no one else knows what's going on, or at least from Nora's perspective.

Lyra the stalker ... boundaries are definitely needed.

Nora, you have have to start implementing such work rules: when off the clock, stay off the cock (clit/tit).

Please Lyra, don't be the Joker (2019).

Time to ask Rarity for a backpack?

Chapter 5


"much custom at this"

"He brough his snout"

"sensation brining her"

Ah, thank you for confirming Quill that you are a changling.

Wait worked nights ... Luna? Why did it take until the last 5 paragraphs to the end for me to even consider it. If so this is a very intriguing twist.

Chapter 6

Nice to see Gilda and surprised to see her doing such work ... is this a competition that Dash knows about?

Dang it, now all I hear are bill and ted from these 3 dude/gym bros.

Wait do griffins have 2 or 1 holes?
I guess they have 2.

... You know I would not have been surprised if Glinda pooped on Nora's face during her victory clean up.
Never mind, I take it back after Glinda backs Nora before and after the gangbang.

Also, I really hope something comes from the dudebros, future clients or competitions.

Other Comments

How is Nora getting protein? Eggs? Or hand-swept with magic?

What would ponies think of riding crops? Are bits (part of the tack) considered bdsm in Equestrian culture?

With enough support, would Nora do sex "missionary" with a stallion?

More tags
Egging (changelings)
Double pen (as in 2 penis in 1 hole. Probably not possible with ponies unless magic is involved)

Also, I was very surprised that you were able to write Chapter 6 in 2 days. Inspired? Or backlog?



I was using 'custom' as a noun there, meaning business, so to my knowledge that's correct, but I've tidied up the other errors, thanks for flagging them :scootangel:

Dudebros may come back, probably more as a passing reference than the center of another chapter, but who knows - as it is I've got a bunch of story threads I'm planning on picking up again later on, often from things I wrote on a whim or that are mentioned in passing in, like, a single line of dialogue. I do this to myself :pinkiesad2:

Well, um, I can certainly think of one way she gets protein...

And yeah, backlog is to thank for Chapter 6 being out so quick - I actually had this one written in its entirety when Chapter 5 was only half done, since I was contemplating making it (5) shorter at first.

Appreciate the detailed comment as always - so far you've had a knack for posting right when I'm nearly done with the next chapter, though I may stall the release of this next one since it's basically part 1 of a two parter, and the first part won't really have any clop, but if anyone is dying to see something to hold them over, let me know and I can probably publish it soon.

O come on! All this foreplay, but no action otherwise? :applecry:

Damn fine chapter. A female human in Equestria is rather rare. Quite the treat :yay:

Rainbow Dash probably comes around to check on that sexy human :rainbowdetermined2:👍

Fun fact: stallions cum a lot. She had taken plenty of loads in her days as a prostitute, but it was always an ordeal - much like the size factor, being subjected to a stallion shooting inside you was something you could expect, but never qutie grow accustomed to. At least, Nora hoped she wouldn't.


"Well you were the one hogging her all to yourself, borther," Flim retorted, holding his hooves out in a conciliatory gesture but not capitulating completely. "I don't think you'd have much rather been in my position, while you were rutting her senseless like that."


Flim shot an ecstatic smile, walking up to Nora's rear as she tapped on her ass to punctuate the point. Flam sulked, looking more than a little jealous, despite having just coated her insides minutes ago himself. Instead, he circled around to her front, where he head rested, supported by chest which the barrel propped up. She had to steady herself with her feet to ensure she didn't roll too much - the object certainly wasn't designed for such purposes.


As Flam came down from his peak, unleahsing his orgam, he slammed a hoof on the barrel between Nora's head and a resting arm. It didn't look at all intentional, but this blow was too severe for the vessel, the wood breaking under the might of the strike and cider shooting out of a newly made hole right under Nora's face, soaking her in yet more fluids.


Well, easy cum, easy go. Still, these two were businessponies by trade - she may have missed a good opporutnity, there. A few extra bits never hurt, and she had technically given out four freebies today. Tut tut, naughty Nora.


Magnificent chapter. All I hoped for and more ♡
Very well done :eeyup:👍

Highly entertaining, lovely slice of life to the juice flowing ♡

That was a great chapter, the female human sure is a hard worker :raritywink:
Depending on how mutch luxury she life, she must be swimming in gold bits.
Than again she buy a house to herself.

It's obviously after Twilight got her wings and castle, but how mutch further?

After reading the comments a Changeling would be the most likely if his Shy act is a ruse, otherwise maybe a Alicorn in hiding as to enjoy a mortal lifestyle?


Thanks for pointing these out, I'm surprised I let so many errors slip in one chapter. :facehoof: I've fixed them now.

And thanks for all the support in the comments. :scootangel: Glad you're enjoying the story so far.

Great chapter :twilightblush:
Nora lose in a business aspect :duck:
But she sure got her itch scratched :twilightsmile:

Bladder control can go when preparation are lacking, same with anal. Rather surprised the hasn’t a tube of lube for that at her.
Better to have it and not needing it
needing it and not having it at hand.

This chapter? Was... :yay:

Fuuuuck this gonna be good

My apologies for the time between updates, was very busy at the end of last year, then got writer's block on crafting this two-parter when I was about 1.5 chapters in. Hopefully the double release makes up for it :scootangel:

I wonder if Spike did it with Ember by any chance.
Or maybe Nora teaches Spike the art if love making? The passion of lusty horizontal dancing?

Friendship with benefits is magic ♡▪︎♤

Not having a Microwave, Nora didnt realise just hw much she missed Hot Pockets? :pinkiegasp:

Hope Spike get to give Nora a double penetration with a hole eatch. :raritystarry:
Awesome 2 chapters, thanks for the upload.

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