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Episode 2 - Epilogue

1003 ALB

Time had taught Suri that attempting to get restful sleep in Manehattan was a fools errand.

The city was disastrously noisy, and there was always so much going on. All without any means to muffle it. Dreams and respite denied due to discomforts, rude awakenings, and various sounds from noisy individuals.

It made it all the stranger to awaken feeling so strangely well rested. Suri let out a long yawn, stretching out. Her head bumping into something at her side. Turning where she laid, her eyes came to rest on The Professor. The enigmatic blue mare sitting, eyes closed but upright.

With this, came a trickle, and then a wave of recollection. The experiences and memories of all that had just transpired coming back to her. It reminded Suri that she hadn't actually fallen asleep.

Rather, something-no someone had knocked her out. Which wasn't the most positive source of sleep. Especially when she recalled the face of the entity, that being the impossible rude pegasus. The same one to knock The Professor off the roof, and the same one to harass her.

The hostile pegasus had taken her somewhere. The exact location, and the memory of it hazy, blurry enough to be impossible to recall. But the feeling of the place was retained. The sense of nothingness, of absence, both of consciousness and any presence around her. It stained her memory, like a fixed blur, bitter on the tongue, unpleasant in taste.

"You went and...saved me didn't you?" Suri spoke aloud her conclusion.

"You're awake." The Professsor managed a smile. "I'm...very glad. And...don't worry about that. Here-" She offered a hoof. "I want to show you something. It's...well, it may be a lot, but I think you can handle it. Hopefully."

"That's vague as hell." Suri muttered, making an effort to sit up, assisted. "So...what's up?" She felt the breeze. "Uhm, where are we?"

"The roof of an office building." The Professor told her. "It's across the street from where we first met."

It took a moment for Suri to confirm the location. It was indeed on the roof of some building, with the strange red box parked nearby. Initially, she had little idea how it got there, before recalling it was magic. Her mind still a touch hazy to recall every detail about it.

"Why're we here?" Suri pondered aloud. "Can't be nostalgic already."

"Well, you see-" The Professor wore a smug little grin. "You had trouble believing it was a time machine. So, we're a few months in the past. And if you look right there-" She pointed. "that's us. Meeting for the first time."

Doing as requested, Suri looked out and across the street. Resting her forelegs on the raised edge of the rooftop while doing so. Processing the sight took a moment for her, trying to determine exactly what she was witnessing. But once she had it hit her senses pretty hard.

She was actively watching herself, or a version of herself interacting with that same nasty pegasus that had abducted her, and nearly killed The Professor. Watching the malicious being taking off, spotting The Professor starting over as she did so. Their meeting beginning to play out as it had before, this time under the watchful eye of the pair.

The pair remained fairly silent as this went, Suri watching things play out, and The Professor watching her. A slight expectant smile, on the time-lady's face. Before Suri turned, wearing a curious expression.

Suri took a deep breath. "We're in the past."

"Yup." The Professor replied.

"Like we traveled to it. Went to it. We're here now, then, now..." Suri hesitated. "both...we're both."

"We're in our shared past. But our present moment." The Professor told her. "Which, as an aside, we can't interact with our past selves. Can't personally change things we've done, as that would create a paradox, and those can destroy everything. Trust me on that."

Suri tapped the ground. "So, I guess...immediately, uhm, how?" She heard The Professor snicker. "No, seriously. I don't think even the best unicorn mages can do...this."

"I'd hope not." The Professor snickered some, before noting. "Time Travel is best left in the hands of professionals, like myself."

"What makes you a professional?" Suri inquired.

"A lot of experience. Also I'm a Time Lady, part of the broader Time-Lords." The Professor told her. "Technically it's largely pointless to make the distinction, but I like to."

"Time Lord?" Suri inquired. "What is that?"

"It's the name of an alien species from an alternate universe." The Professor told her, with a little smile. "Evidently your universe doesn't 'naturally' have them. Funny that."

"You're an alien?" Suri asked.

"From an alternate reality, yes. And moreover, I can prove it too." The Professor turned, and tapped her chest. "Two hearts. Even in this body. Go on, listen."

Suri leaned her ear against The Professors chest, and listened. It took her a moment, but she was able to hear that it was off. It was an odd sound, a bit like the beating of a drum. Tap tap tap tap.

"Two hearts...right?" Suri asked, getting a nod. "Okay...okay. Just wanted to double check before I said...you're throwing a lot at me right now. And I think I'm handling it pretty well."

"You're doing remarkable actually." The Professor told her. "I half expected you to pass out."

"See, I thought about it. Sounded awful." Suri nodded slowly, asking. "So, you-we...we traveled through time. How...how did you do that?"

"You remember when you showed up, walked inside that red box behind us and said-" The Professor began.

"It's bigger on the inside." Suri recalled, noticing a satisfied look. "What was that about?"

"N-nothing, it's just...I like that. That uhm, bit there. When people say it." The Professor told her.

"You're a little crazy, you know that?" Suri asked her.

"I do my very best to be. Annnywho, as I told you before, that's The Tardis. My Tardis." The Professor gestured. "The name stands for Time, and Relative Dimension in Space. Tardis for short." She sighed contently. "Her name is Lovely, and she is capable of moving through space, and time."

"I...vaguely recall something about you...okay." Suri shook it off, and refocused herself. "More important question. So...when you were inviting me to travel with you. You were inviting me to like, travel with you through uh..."

She glanced back to where her past self was sitting, going through the usual day. The concept of the offer was, surprisingly vast. The pink mare noting the necklace she was still wearing. The one with the key on it.

The Professor took a breath. "Suri Polomare. All of Time, and Space. Everything that ever is, or was. Anywhere." She began. "The most distant galaxy, to the next planet from your own. The first moments of existence, and the dawn of the first suns. To the end of time itself." She said. "Where do you wanna go?"

"I could have hired you for marketing." Suri admitted, hesitating. "First...I guess. What happened here...with all this?"

"Do you recall that pegasus that stole your headband?" The Professor inquired, getting a little nod. "Well, she wasn't actually a pegasus. She was something called an Erinyes." She explained. "Like a fury, or...it doesn't matter. What does, is that she was targeting you." She said. "Evidently there are those out there with unsavory opinions of you, and a desire to see you..."

"Hurt?" Suri guessed.

"Yes." The Professor replied. "That vengeful opinion, and their shared sense that you are 'guilty' and thus deserve some form of punishment, drew the Erinyes here. They're creatures of vengeance, who act a bit like beat cops. Heading out on patrol, looking for something going on." She explained. "This one strayed from her normal jurisdiction, to target you."

"So...I don't understand." Suri admitted. "She was...some cultish...vigilante nutjob?" She then asked. "Was she an alien too?"

"Surprisingly no." The Professor responded. "Clearly has knowledge of them however. So that was moderately useful."

Suri added. "I'm guessing she didn't know I'd...lost my studio, my contracts, my deals, my home, and...the ability to compete or anything really, right?"

"No, she knew. Possibly made it happen." The Professor told her. "The thing is, she was acting more like a torturer, than some mere vigilante." This prompted a raised brow. "Suri, she was sabotaging your life for some time. I don't know for how long. But I know she was spreading rumors, actively ruining opportunities for you. Stalling your progress. All in some perverse vengeful 'justice' as she saw it."

Suri added. "So...everything that happened...that was...because of her?"

"I don't know." The Professor admitted. "But a lot of it, probably. Also, the reason she finally came out of the shadows, is because you entered The Tardis. She no doubt sensed it could be some method of escape from this 'punishment' she'd devised."

Suri took a moment to respond, visibly considering all this.. "So, she figure out that if I went with you, I could leave. And she didn't want me too. Because she's a bucking bitch. Which led her to snatch me up, to prevent you from stopping her, from stopping me?"

"That would be accurate, yes." The Professor replied.

"That sounds like, very confusing, admittedly." Suri admitted.

"Time travel, it uh...can be a headache sometimes." The Professor admitted.

Suri asked. "So, is this what you do?" The Professor tilted her head. "Travel about, and like...battle evil?" She smiled some. "Like one of those comic book heroes?"

"No, no, nothing like that. I'm just a traveler." The Professor told her. "But, I saw that she was preying on you, and went to do something about it." She then added. "And now, you won't have to worry about her ever coming to darken your doorstep again."

"Why, what did you do?" Suri asked her.

The Professor replied. "It's...complicated."

"Uncomplicate it." Suri ordered.

The Time-Lady seemed to consider this, and straightened herself up some. Wording things was always important. It was something she tried to remind herself, often.

"I visited one of the local museums, learned a bit about Equestrian Mythology." The Professor began. "It gave me an idea what she was, and what I could do to resolve this. I then gathered evidence from our conversations, and made a...quick zip over to my ex-partners place." She looked mildly flustered about this. "We talked, had tea, I asked about these things, confirmed my suspicions, and then went to play the role of The Valeyard for this case."

"Ex-Partner?" Suri asked.

"Yes. They were...very happy to see me." The Professor looked bothered by that. "I'm not quite used to that reception. But it's a nice chance of pace to get along after a breakup."

"I would consider that a good thing. Beats the alternative, right?" Suri suggested.

"Oh, you have no idea how bad it can get." The Professor snickered. "Well, maybe you do. I don't know."

"So, what's a Valeyard?" Suri inquired.

"Educated Prosecutor. It's a word from my home planet." The Professor half-explained. "It's...a name."

"Honestly, that sounds brilliant." Suri told her.

"Hmm, what does?" The Time-Lady asked.

"Valeyard. I've never heard it before. It sounds fancy, very unique." Suri observed, adding. "What stopped you from picking it before?"

"A mixture of spite, and a desire to be something I...don't know that I can ever be." The Professor admitted, adding. "It's complicated."

"Gotcha, I'll drop it. No worries." Suri assured. "That said, you wanna answer my question now?"

"I got her fired." The Professor replied with a shrug. "Removed from her 'position' in life."

Suri let out a hesitant breath. "That sounds like...you killed her." The Time-Lady was silent. "Is that a yes?"

The Professor turned to her. "Wasn't like she left me much of a choice. For a variety of reasons." She added. "I was a little low on time, lower on options. But, I offered her a chance to stop...to let you go, to end this-" She gave a half-motion. "demented little game of hers, and she wouldn't. Instead, she wished to kill me, and continue torturing you. Couldn't really let the latter happen, now could I?"

Suri seeming to shift how she was sitting. "What makes mine worth more?"

"The Erinyes tormented you. She didn't know you. Didn't know anything about you. Didn't know if you were guilty of anything. She just presumed you were." The Time-Lady replied. "I've been prosecuted for existing, and prosecuted others for it too. And she would have continued, with glee, and joy, at every little moment of your suffering." She added. "Besides, her death wasn't up to me. It was up to her boss. I just presented the evidence of her wrongdoing."

"You say that very coldly, Professor." Suri noted with concern.

"Travel can be dangerous, it can be brilliant too." The Professor replied. "There are wonders beyond imagination. Amazing, calming, and serene beyond expression."

"So can the city. But it can also have like, fatal things. Terrifying things, and monsters. Threats most nightmares couldn't conceive." Suri guessed, playing over everything. "And sometimes...it forces you to make decisions, just to survive."

The Professor said. "If you don't wish to anymore, I'd understand. I won't press, and I-"

She felt a soft bop on her nose. Her counterpart simply giving her a look. Something a bit amused, and a bit reassuring.

"I didn't say no." Suri responded, adding. "You said this thing...is like a flying machine too, right?"

"That would be accurate, yes." The Professor responded, with a little smile on her face.

"Good. Then...would you mind taking me home, for a little bit?" Suri requested of her. "To ponyville. I just want to do something."

"I can do that." The Professor hopped up, with a little skip to her step, heading over to open the Tardis. "Shall we?"

"Look at you, hopping around like a rabbit." Suri caught her attention, smirking. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were excited."

"Eh-heh...welllll, I mean, It's nice to have uh...company." The Professor reasoned, adding. "Besides, I just...wanted to get the door for you, is all."

"Down girl." Suri responded to that.

She started forward, and into The Tardis. The Professor closing the door behind her, before heading up the console. Beginning to get things sorted out.

"Surprisingly, not the first person to tell me that recently. Much different context, however." The Professor admitted, spinning a wheel of sometimes.

Suri rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, it was something about having dropped a coin, or something?"

The Professor glanced over to her. "Actually, I dropped my sonic screwdriver. Good guess though." She threw the last lever. "And, we're off."

"W-wait, just like...now?" Suri asked in mild alarm.

The room making a great whirring, and whooshing sound through the air. Suri wasn't 'quite' certain, but she felt like the act of flying or traveling would be turbulent. And yet a following sound, like a 'bwoorm' echoed.

"And we're here." The Professor smirked, while stepping past her.

"In Ponyville?" Suri inquired. "But that was...only a couple moments?"

"Time, and Space." The Professor said, opening the door. "Come on, take a look."

The doors opened to a place that Suri knew. She stepped out, and got a look at the town she had grown up in. At the quainter buildings, and the far more relaxed atmosphere.

The quiet of the space, in contrast to the city was a touch overwhelming to her senses. The mare shaking it off, fairly literally. Composing herself.

"Alright...I just...one thing, and I'll be right back." Suri said.

"I'll be here." The Professor replied with a little smile.

Suri replied. "You'd better."

With that, she started off, and wandered around town for a moment. Venturing down the streets, past people she had once known. A couple taking notice of her, and her disheveled state. Her attention eventually coming to fall on someone, a smirk on her face. Stepping over to the pale coated mare, with purple hair, she gave a little wave.

"Well, hello miss Rarity." Suri greeted.

"Hmm, good mo-" Rarity paused, and noted her. "Suri. Well, it's been some time, darling. My, you're in quite an unfortunate state."

"Yeah, well, I just wanted to say something." Suri composed herself for a moment and said. "You're not from Canterlot. So, your stupid accent is as fake as the one I was using. But you're a pretentious bitch, so it works. Have a good day."

This earned a few gasps from those nearby, Suri laughing a little bit while hurrying back to the Tardis. Finding The Professor stlill waiting there. Raising a brow as she approached.

"Do what you wanted to do?" The Professor asked.

"Absolutely." Suri replied, asking. "So..where too now?"

"All of space and time. Anything that is, was, or may have been. Where do you wanna start?" The Professor asked.

Her companion responding. "Let's find out."

The doors closing as they headed inside. The machine making its usual whirring noise for a moment. Fading away, and out of sight, leaving the space empty where they had once been.