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Episode 1 - Epilogue

The first day in a new universe, a whole new reality, it had been fairly interesting thus far. Or, at the very least, unexpected. Given the evident differences from what she knew. And yet, some aspects of it were the same.

Floating in the voice of space, The Tardis hummed along passively. A calm presence, merely floating about, resting for a moment in the starlight. Galaxies unfolded around it, in beautiful hues, and dazzling shades.

A long rope tied to the railing beside the door. Pushed out, beneath the closed door, and out into space. A nomad attached to it, floating, as it was, among the stars. Waiting, patiently.

The Professor floated there, within a bubble of breathable air extended from The Tardis. The rope latched around her, with a large, peculiar device held within her hooves. It had a screen attached to the center, with a satellite disc on the back, and a variety of buttons on the front.

The screen displayed miniscule text rolling down the screen, leaving the Time Lady to merely smile, a faint smile. Finding that something she theorized had proven correct. Even if it was comically strange to be correct.

"So...that planet is their version of 'earth' then." She scanned the planet below. "No wound...no tear. I suppose that's it then. No going back..."

The Professor was left to ponder the concept of this peculiar fate, and what it meant for her. She closed her eyes, and focused on the sensation of space, on the memories. A pair of ear-muff headphones on her ear, listening to secondary readouts of the machine.

There was a sadness to this, and yet hope, and frustration. She began to drown out the noise, listening instead to the things beyond it. Feeling the pull and flow of the universe itself. Its own music, and song, checking through it, for something, someone.

The Doctor. It had been a little while since she'd heard that name. Longer since it meant anything. There was simply no way, that entity could exist here. And yet, when listening to the cosmos, she heard the faint thumping, of twin hearts. Echoed back to her from somewhere, her expanded consciousness rapidly dragging back down into the present.

"Doctor...no, no that's not possible." She muttered, confused, annoyed. "Not here. That...how are they here?" She had turned, grasping the rope. "Lovely, is the interior done?"

The doors creaked open, The Professor taking off the headphones, a bit clumsily. She pushed them, and the device back into The Tardis. Letting them merely drift in, while pulling herself after them.

Her hooves coming to rest upon the Tardis interior once more. Sighing tiredly, for a moment, she heard a faint rumble. While stepping forward.

"Yeah, so you noticed too. Can you bring it up on-" The Professor noticed a screen flicker. "Thank you. And, let's see if I'm...oh for fuck sake...how?" She thumped the screen. "How is he here?" The Tardis clicked. "You're right, what was I thinking? Of course, he's here. That damn tear ripped through time; chances are he fell into it."

Her voice was exceptionally bitter, while looking over the screen. On it was a stallion with a brown coat, darker brown made and tail, and an hourglass filled with white sand on his rump. Not unlike her own. He was wearing a long winding scarf, with a locket of some kind around his neck.

Presently walking alongside a wall-eyed mare, who The Professor deduced was his companion. Undoubtedly, given that he always had one. She was so annoyed; she hadn't even noticed the new interior.

"A whole nother reality...and I can't be rid of him." She said, with a half-mad laugh. "Is it too much to ask for, to just have something that's mine?" The look in her eyes, nearly feral. "He's even got the same tattoo for crying out loud!"

Her eyes narrowed, her twin hearts beating a bit faster, as anger began to rise from within. An urge, and impulse. Some destructive inclination towards doing something drastic.

Before her anger could rise any further, however, the screen went dark. The air was suddenly filled with a low, soothing music. The kind sometimes found in coffee shops, The Professor noticing this. Her heart-beat slowing, a small smile spreading across her face.

"Music. I suppose I was getting a bit cross, wasn't I?" The Professor laughed some. "Sorry about that." She listened for a moment. "Oh, wait...this is our song. I remember this...first trip across the stars. We went to see the birth of a star."

The felt her mind far more at ease, electing to simply forget The Doctor for now. After all, it was a new universe, and a new her. And, as she turned, she found herself in a new Tardis interior.

"You spoil me, you know that right?" The Professor asked, with soft fondness. "Can you forgive this time lady, her earlier angers?" She closed her eyes, and felt the music, as it became cleaner. "You're truly marvelous. I'm sorry I don't say it enough."

With that, she took the time to properly get a look over the new interior space that was her home, and first true companion.

Starting with the central console, she found the central rising and falling structure, was encased in glass. Showcasing a mesmerizing display of the swirling temporal energy that powered it. Dancing around, resembling golden sand, spinning through the center of a tornado.

A soft light coming from it, the glow, golden, glistening, was pleasant to simply sit and observe. Something The Professor imagined she might do, on a slow reading day. Or, one where she was enjoying the peace of it all.

The console itself, and the various buttons and controls had been ever so slightly altered. Given a lighter, and somewhat more whimsical interpretation. She knew what each one was, and walked around it, taking a moment to simply get the feel. Finding it all cleaned up, sleeker, and new.

A bit of sound followed this, her attention going to the ceiling, feeling a breeze of some kind. It brushed against a variety of hanging banners, wind-chimes, dangling trinkets, and displays. She stepped underneath them, and the tapestries that ran across the ceiling.

Her eyes rising, drawing to the ceiling. A vast display there, seemingly made of clear glass, permitting one to view up at the nights sky. Her purple eyes as alight as the star map there, displaying the cosmos of this universe.

A whole reality she'd never witnessed, worlds she'd never visited. Constellations, and galaxies entirely, utterly, new to her. A feeling that made her laugh softly, smiling a smile she couldn't resist.

Her focus turned to the walls of the interior; the room organized not in a circular fashion like normal. Instead, it was hexagonal. The walls adorned with celestial maps and star chart, carved and woven into them. She hurried along, and felt the grooves, silvery and shining against the darker walls. Helping to illuminate the room.

"These are...the maps I made with..." The Professors eyes began to tear up, as she looked around at the walls. "Look at that...it's Gallifrey. They argued about this placement for hours."

She tapped one of the placed stars. It was technically in the wrong spot. Meant to be, a little bit further north. Her mind replaying the memory, the moment, listening to her granddaughters bicker about it.

She found that there was a staircase, that ran along the edges of the central space, around the slightly raised console platform. A couple comfortable couches placed beside them. The staircases seeming to rise to places yet unseen. The main room, and floor she was on having three doors. One leading out, and two leading elsewhere.

All of this led The Professor to reflect on herself, and, in particular the experience she'd just had. Indulging the impulse to examine herself, considering the beings she'd met, the one's she'd help escape. To consider how harsh she had been, at the end.

"Was I too hard on Mitta?" She asked after a moment, thinking on it. "That'd be like me, wouldn't it?" She asked. "A hypocrite." The music stopped; a grinding noise heard. "Er-right, right. I know. Don't be hard on myself...just...get in my own head sometimes."

The music restarted again. The blue mare sitting, considering things. She pulled the sonic out of her coat pocket and looked it over. It had been created by her previous incarnation, in another world. Made hastily, old sounds echoing in her mind, recalling that desperation.

It was a fairly simple rendition of it, resembling a metal pen, with a gem on the end. Thinking for a moment, she came up with an idea. A smile growing.

"Lovely, oh lovely you, I had a thought." She started over to the console. "It's a new me, isn't it?" She asked, gaining a curious noise from the Tardis. "Well, last time, I didn't think to include you in it. Admittedly, I was a little... preoccupied...but uhm...wanna help me redesign the sonic?" There was a low hum. "I'll let you decide the casing?" After a moment, a slot opened on the Tardis. "Oh, you're just...marvelous, lovely, marvelous you."

With a bit of excitement on her face, she slotted it in, and a screen turned on. An expression of amusement on her face, as she looked down at the keyboard, and then at her hooves. The buttons had been made larger in size, though she found typing was a tad difficult. Snickering at how silly it felt.

"Afterwards, I'm thinking... I know you're scanning and such...but I'm curious to see the books of this world. Learn some of its history." The Professor suggested, hearing a curious tick. "Adventure?" She looked nervous. "No...no, nothing like that. That was an accident."

The screen flickered with faces. Familiar ones, that she chose to look away from. The Professor frowning a bit at their sight.

"I don't need... I'm fine. I've got you." The Professor hit a few buttons, changing the screen back. "Besides, surely that nation has a capital, or something, doesn't it?" She inquired, and then laughed knowingly. "With a name like Equ-" She snorted. "Equestria, well, I imagine it'll be a pun." The screen flickered with a name, prompting her to glance away. "Wait, wait, don't spoil it. I want to hear it from them. Oh, it's so much better to hear them say it. All serious, and unaware, absolutely hilarious."

The screen went back, the Tardis's low rumblings sounding content, as The Professor tinkered. The lonely ambiance of jazz filling the new interior space. Her smile nary wavering, as a destination was set in mind for them.

The capital of Equestria. Canterlot.