• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,039 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 51

I slowly blinked my eyes open, suppressing a yawn as I wrapped my wings a bit tighter around myself. With four of us, the bed in the royal quarters was a bit cramped. Especially as my side and shoulder still hurt if I put pressure on it.

We solved the issue by me wrapping my tail around one of the beams above it instead. Hanging like that kept pressure off my shoulder nicely.

Drawbacks involved a lack of cuddling.

Pros involved hurting less and waking up to the sight of Luna and Sparks cuddling in their sleep.

Sunset was missing, but she almost always was the first one up and awake. That and while she liked cuddles, she didn’t like sleeping like it. Way too hot for the unicorn, especially in Nocturnis.

Sparks on the other hoof was a real cuddle bug in her sleep and clung to whomever was in range. Usually me back home, but Luna seemed to be enjoying it as well.

They looked very cute like that.

Watching for a couple of moments, I then suppressed a yawn as I stretched, pleasantly surprised to find that my side ached a lot less than even last night.

Amazing how much it helped not to accidentally lay on it during the night.

Yep, staying sleeping like this until I was all better was definitely the ticket. Low on cuddle factor, but getting better faster meant more cuddles later which made it worth it. Especially as it gave me a nice view to fall asleep to.

I considered for a second of risking using my wings on the way down, but felt that may put a bit too much stress on things, so instead I charged a teleport, depositing myself on three hooves on the deck just outside the darkness bubble across the bed.


I quickly covered my eyes with a wing, blinking. Damn it, Celestia! We have to have a talk about that dumb thing you insist on having in the sky!

Blinking, I squinted against the bright light before making my escape to the narrow hallway and the relative darkness away from the glare of the sun.

“Good Afternoon, your majesty,” Shade Leaf said as I exited before she pulled the door closed behind me as I stepped out between Shade, Leaf and a pair of Night Guards I didn’t recognize.

“Good Morning Shade, Leaf, Guardponies,” I told them with a smile, “Looking forward to getting back home?”

Leaf nodded, “Yes, your majesty. Canterlot is nice and all-”

“Ignoring assassinations,” Shade interjected.

“But being awake during the days is not natural,” Leaf continued and shifted her wings against her armour, “We always got into trouble in school back in the day, falling asleep all the time. You know, Before.”

Before Nocturnis. Before the decursing. I had heard bats call it Before in the past and you could actually hear the capital B.

I nodded and suppressed another yawn, “Sunlight make me sleepy,” I confided, “Sunset leave long ago?”

“About an hour,” Shade said, “Heading to the galley with the boss.”

“And that’s where I am also heading then,” I said and gave the two Nightguards a nod before heading down the hallway, Leaf and Shade falling in behind me.

Look at me, being a good colt keeping his right forehoof off the floor.

Pushing the door to the galley open with my magic, I entered. Sun shone in through one of the little evil windows, but it wasn’t too bad.

Other than the chef, the only ponies inside so far was Steady Beat, the doctor. He was reading in one corner, a cup of evil evil coffee sitting next to him. Sunset and Moon Glow were at the other table, a pair of empty plates before them.

Sunset looked up when we entered and smiled, giving us a small wave.

I moved over, “Sunny, Glow. Good… afternoon? What time is it?”

“Good afternoon,” Sunset said with a smile and touched her horn softly to mine for a second, “And it’s just after four. Twi and Luna still asleep?”

I smiled and nodded, carefully climbing to sit next to her on the bench, “Very cutely so. Didn’t want to wake them.”

Some very enticing smells were drifting out of the small kitchen.

I knew that scent. That was frying meat! Turtle if I wasn’t wrong. I wasn’t the only pony sniffing at the air either. Leaf and Shade were both trying to look like they weren’t, but their noses were definitely flaring a bit.

Sunset stuck her tongue out a bit at the smell before she sighed softly, “Bats.”

“Ah come on, it smells good!” I protested.

“Not sure I can agree there, your majesty” Moon Glow said with a small smile, “But it doesn't bother me as much anymore.”

“Actually,” Steady Beat said as he joined us, “Pardon me for interrupting, but this is part of my interests. Non-bats can actually eat meat, it’s mostly cultural to why we don't,” he said before she grinned a bit, “Well, mostly. Too much makes our stomachs act up.”

“But not ours!” I said cheerfully.

He nodded, “Indeed. How are you feeling, your highness?”

“Really good,” I admitted and carefully moved my shoulder, “Still not healed, but much better.”

Steady nodded, “Good to hear. Visit me after breakfast and I will change your bandages.”

“Sounds good, thank you, Doc.”

“And eat some more fruit,” he told me before he grinned, “You know, I never have to tell bats that, but I still do after all these years. Reflex, I suppose.”

I grinned as he moved on towards the door, his book floating along in his magic. I turned back just in time to see the griffon exit the kitchen. He smiled and moved to put a plate with pieces of various fruits and a smaller plate of strips of fried meat before me. And a cup of ice tea.

I was about to thank him when my stomach growled loudly.

He grinned and nodded firmly before returning to the kitchen before I could say anything else.