• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,039 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 39

"Press please," Steady Beat said, putting his hoof against mine.

I winced and did so, my shoulder screaming at me as I sat on the bed.

The unicorn doctor nodded and pulled his hoof away, making a note at his clipboard, "Well, you seem to have full motion still," he said, "I was worried you may have damaged some tendons we didn't discover, but it seems alright. Once the muscle heals, you should have full capability back," before he put the clipboard down and started to unwind my bandaged shoulder and side.

"You've done amazing work as usual, doctor."

Steady Beat looked a bit amused and shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't take too much of the credit. If you were any other kind of pony, I'd say you have a long road of healing ahead of you. But I’ve seen you recover fully from burns that would have left a pony scared for life, so I have no doubt you will have full use of your foreleg back by this time next month."

Removing the last of the bandage, he revealed the injury. Didn't look like much to me to be honest. It had hit me at the rear part of my shoulder, passing through it into my barrel. They had shaved my coat from the area and sewn the injury closed.

"Good color," Steady Beat said, feeling it with his magic, "No sign of infection. Good," he agreed and uncorked a small glass bottle, pouring something that felt minty cold onto the wound.

I winced at the feeling, "...And somepony is a pretty good shot too," I agreed, "That's almost a perfect shot at a moving target."

Steady hesitated for a second before he nodded, glancing at me before starting to put a fresh compress and bandage back on, "Missed your heart by a horn's width."

Bucking hell.

I swallowed at that. Tough and long lived didn't mean immortal. Even alicorns needed their hearts.

There was a knock on the door and I looked up, "Enter."

Moon Glow pushed the door open and slipped inside, "Your majesty," she said and bowed deeply.

"Up, Glow," I said and motioned for her, "No need for that."

Steady tied the bandage off and handed me a pair of pills which I gladly swallowed with some water. He gave Glow a nod before leaving the room.

"Your majesty, I would like to tender my resignation," Glow said, standing at attention, "I have completely failed in my duties an-"

"Buck that," I snorted and then winced as I slowly laid down again, "Nopony could have seen that coming unless they could see the future. Can you see the future, Glow?"

"No, bu-"

"Then please don't make me get a new chief of security, I rather like the one I have. I don’t want to train up a new one."

She shifted slightly, shaking her head, "I should have been there."

"And I should learn how to duck," I told her firmly, "How's Shade and Leaf taking it?"

Glow shook her head, "By refusing to leave your door. I'm not sure if either has slept more than a couple of hours since the attack."

"What about you, Amber?"

A stream of ancient changeling floated out from beneath my bed. I didn't get all of it, but it sounded like she planned violence.

Okay then, I'll deal with that later.

Glow didn't even startle, apparently fully used to it by now, "Send them in here and then try to get some rest yourself."

"When it's time, your majesty," Moon Glow said, "We are conducting an investigation into the attack."

"I thought the solar guard was doing that."

She scowled, "The crossbow used was guard issue. The majority of unicorns capable of casting teleport are in the guard. I don't trust them, it is likely we'll find the suspect in their ranks."

Awesome, that won't make me paranoid or anything.

I nodded, "Thank you, Glow. And no more ideas about resigning over this. You are doing an awesome job. Now send those two bats out there in so I can yell at them for not sleeping."

"No sir," Glow said, standing up straight to attention again, "They are my ponies. If there is yelling to be done, it's to be done by me. If you feel yelling is necessary, yell at me."

I smiled at her, "And you wonder why I won't accept your resignation. Just make sure they know I am thankful and approve of their job. And that they have to take care of themselves."

Glow nodded with a small smile, "I will, your majesty," before she saluted and left, closing the door behind her. There was muffled talking through it, but I turned my attention downwards instead,

"Amber, get up here."

The 'ling scooted out from beneath the bed and climbed up to lay next to me. I brushed her back with my wing across her back, "You know it's not your fault either, right?" I told her gently but firmly, "Nopony can be everywhere at once and I don't think even Rainbow Dash would be able to intercept or tackle me out of the way of a bolt in flight. Not your fault."

"...Never my fault," she said quietly, "You always get hurt, sir, and there's never anything I can do about it."

I sighed softly and gave her a very careful hug against my uninjured side, "I know, Amber. And I'm sorry. It's not like I'm trying to get hurt."

"The Princess is mad at me."

"Skitter?" I asked and at the nod, I sighed, "I'll talk to her. Don't worry about it, let me handle it. Try to get some sleep, I can tell you're exhausted."

She looked at me in surprise, "How?"

I smiled at her, "Because I know you and I know 'lings. You always overdo it," I said before I glanced upwards, "...That lamp looks pretty strong. Help me up there so I can reach it with my tail, it'll take pressure off my shoulder."

Amber stared at me for several seconds before she slipped off the bed, "I'll get the doctor, sir. You are not hanging from a lamp, we'll get a perch installed or something similar."

Excellent. An Amber with something to do isn't an Amber feeling sorry for herself.

One thing solved, I settled down to try to get some rest.