• Published 9th May 2023
  • 390 Views, 31 Comments

Rifts - TheKing2001

A bunch of rumors about their individual races cause a rift in Bon Bon and Lyra's relationship

  • ...

Bon Bon

I looked around me tiredly. I had been on the train all night to Canterlot. I would never live here, but I certainly had no problem with visiting. It’s too busy of a city for me. I preferred the quiet life of Ponyville.

“You didn’t have to come with me, you know?” I said idly, looking at the unicorns around hoping that I’d get lucky and Lyra would walk past. “I could have done this alone.”

“Nonsense,” Junebug shrugged as she gazed around us with wide eyes. “I helped run out one of my best friends. This couldn’t wait.” Junebug was the only one who came with, thankfully. The Flower Sisters had their business to run, Golden Harvest had her carrot stand, Octavia was trying to work things out with Vinyl and Berry was spending time with her daughter. I was surprised a bit to find out Berry had hidden her daughter in their cellar until everything calmed down. Not that I blamed her, Ruby was her daughter.
She couldn’t just send her away. Hell, she even had plans to run away with Ruby if things didn’t calm down. We probably would have went with, the fillies and colts were widely agreed as innocent but some still got ran out. Dinky and Sweetie Belle being main examples. I still feel disgusted with myself by standing by and watching it happen. Hell, all my friends were disgusted in helping.

“That is if we can find her. Canterlot is a big place,” I groaned and facehoofed. “She could be anywhere.”

“Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine.”

“Sorry that I’m not in a good mood. Currently faced with finding my fiancée in a big city,” I growled.

“At least Lily isn’t here. She would be all like, “What if she is hooking up with another mare or stallion right now.” And then you would be depressed,” Junebug pointed out.

“Well for starters, she might be right. Secondly I did technically cancel our wedding so if she did sleep with a mare, I wouldn’t be mad. I’d be hurt, but it’s my fault she did in the first place.”

“I’d be mad if my partner did that,” Junebug sighed. I glanced at Celestia’s school and sighed as I watched the unicorns finish taking down the boarded up windows.

“Can you believe we stood here a week ago and watched half the castle get destroyed?” I froze and glanced at Junebug.

“I know. It was crazy we had been hiding in the school,” Lyra laughed. We made eye contact as she and a few other unicorns rounded the corner and she froze, staring right into my eyes.


“Bon Bon.” Junebug and the others watched nervously at our tense interaction.

“What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you,” I took and step towards her and was happy she didn’t run away. “What we did was wrong. What I did was wrong. I never should have believed those stupid rumors.”

“I shouldn’t have either,” Junebug piped in and Lyra’s eyes flicked over to her before settling back on me.

“I love you. If you want me still, I’m yours,” I held up my shattered ring that I had glued back together and I held out Lyra’s hopefully. After staring at me, she walked towards me with her head lowered.

“Well?” She asked impatiently. “Are you going to put it on my horn?”

“I thought she didn’t want to associate with us lowly unicorns?” Lemon Hearts scoffed, glaring at me.

“I’m sorry for how I treated your kind. It was the worst thing I ever did. And it will never ever happen again,” I promised and slipped the ring back on Lyra’s horn.

“So what is there to do around here?” Junebug hesitantly asked. “I’ve never left Ponyville.” Minuette approached her with a big grin.

“Junebug, right?” She asked.

“Yes.” Minuette wrapped a hoof around her neck.

“We have concerts going on all the time, bars but we avoid those. I only went to make sure Lyra stayed safe and didn’t get too drunk. Oh! Movies!” I rolled my eyes and smirked as Minuette dragged away a protesting Junebug. I focused back on Lyra.

“Thank you,” I pressed against and mumbled into her mane. She stepped away and started walking, catching me in her magic before I fell.

“You can show me how thankful you are tonight,” she winked at me over her shoulder and my face turned bright red at the implication.

“Yeah that was more information than we needed to know,” Lemon Hearts coughed, looking at the ground with a blush.

“Yep,” Twinkleshine agreed, her face equally as red as mine as she looked at anything but us.

“Shush,” Lyra smirked.

“Oh lord help us,” I mumbled. “Two ponies scared of what mares get up to after hours.”

“After hours?” Lyra snorted with a smirk.

“Remember? The one time after I closed the candy store for the night?” Lemon Hearts looked between us and I honestly thought she had became a tomato.

“I don’t wanna know,” she announced. I made eye contact with Lyra before we both burst out laughing.

“Maybe one day you’ll get a coltfriend or a marefriend, Lemon!” Lyra smirked. “And you’ll learn a few things. Maybe even Twinkleshine over here could help out!” There was the Lyra I knew. The only mare I knew who could turn our serious moment into a bunch of dirty, raunchy comments.

“Shut up!” Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine giggled, turning even redder than before if that was possible. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m going to the hotel. Goodnight.”

“No. I’ve been staying with Minuette,” Lyra stopped my and pulled my hoof in the opposite direction.

“Oh,” I sighed. “We need to talk about your parents also, I have questions.” All three unicorns looked down suddenly.

“I’ll tell you everything,” Lyra promised. “It’s a lot to take in do just bare with us.”

I gave a satisfied nod at that as I started to walk to Minuettes house. I’ve been there so often, it’s like second nature at this point.

“Race ya there!” Lyra shot past me, trotting at full speed and I grinned.

“It’s on!”


(This next part is going to be connected to this story. It takes place during this one, just in an earth ponies point of view. The earth pony will be Berry Punch because she has a unicorn daughter. Enjoy. )

I galloped as fast as I could through Ponyville, jumping over carts and other ponies, sometimes sliding under them expertly. Not many ponies expected me to be as agile as I was.

“Hey! Watch it!” A stallion shouted angrily at me. Everypony was really angry right now, with the unicorns and pegasus teaming up to destroy our crops and gardens.

“Sorry!” I shouted back as he disappeared. I kept galloping till I reached my house and rushed inside, slamming the door shut and locking it. “Ruby! Where are you!”

“I’m in here!” I rushed to the voice and skidded to a stop. My daughter was curled into a shaking ball behind the couch. I stood up on the cushions and looked down at her lovingly.

“Are you okay?” I jumped down behind the couch and hugged her.

“Why are the earth ponies running us out? I thought they liked us?” Ruby sighed and gazed into my eyes.

“The adult unicorns are destroying earth pony crops and gardens. It’s not safe for you to be here. We need to hide you,” I explained.

“I don’t want to go. You can’t send me away!” Ruby clinged onto my neck.

“I won’t do that,” I promised as I looked around and my eyes lit up. “We will hide you in the cellar. You stay down there until I’m home everyday. And you wait until I either come down there to get you or call you up. Make no sound if you hear a pony walking around the house and you don’t know if it’s me. Am I clear?” I asked seriously. I grabbed her and dragged her to the cellar doors in the floor. I opened the doors after pulling the rug off and Ruby trotted in nervously. I had just closed the doors and pulled the rug back over before the somepony knocked on the door. “Come in!” Two earth ponies I recognized as Caramel and Cherry Fizzy trotted in.

“Hey Berry,” Cherry greeted me.

“Sup?” I asked calmly as I could.

“Not much,” he answered as he looked around. “Any unicorns in here? We are running them out.”

“N-nope!” I gave a nervous giggle. “None here.”

“What about your daughter?” Caramel asked. “Where is she?”

“Oh I sent her to Canterlot. Safest place for her,” I lied through my gritted teeth. I’d rather die than let them take my daughter away. I glanced down and my heart caught in my throat at the piece of Ruby’s tail sticking out. I casually stepped forward and stepped on it with my hoof, completely covering it up.

“Good call,” Caramel set down a picture of me and Ruby smiling in the park. “We will be out of your hair then.” The two started to trot out the door before a yelp made them freeze.

“What was that?” Cherry asked as his eyes flicked around.

“Oh that was me!” I gave a strained smile. “It’s a bit dusty in here!” I attempted to recreate the sound to the best of my ability and just when I thought they saw through me, they nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind them. Those two always had kinda been idiots, not that I would ever say it to their faces or tell Candy Apple how I felt about Caramel. I made sure they were gone before I removed my hoof and stared down at where the tip of the tail had been. It was out of sight now and I assumed the yelp was Ruby yanking it into the cellar with her. With a sigh, I entered the room under our house.

“Are they gone?” Ruby’s face appeared in front of me.

“Yeah love. They are gone,” I reassured her. “Are you hurt?”

“No. My tail got stuck in the door is all. Sorry for making a noise,” Ruby nuzzled me sheepishly and I quickly returned it.

“It’s okay. Let me see your tail and make sure it’s okay,” I sighed. She turned around and I examined the tip of her tail. “Alrighty, you’re right. Just making sure.”

“When can I go outside?” Ruby asked. “I wanna play with Dinky and Sweetie Belle.”

“Probably not for a while baby. We gotta wait for things to calm down outside and then we can maybe go check. Lyra is watching over Dinky and Amethyst for Derpy, probably already left for Canterlot with Sweetie Belle.”


“It’s not safe here for them. Canterlot is primarily a unicorn city.”

“Why don’t we go there?” Ruby asked. I tapped her horn and she gave a soft giggle and then I tapped my own head.

“I don’t got a horn. They wouldn’t let me in,” I explained patiently. "Besides, we have all we need in here. Enough food, water, books and each other."

"What happens if they find them and try to take me away, mom?" Ruby asked and I could hear a hint of fear in her voice.

"That won't happen," I said firmly. "They would have to get through me first."

"They would lose. My mom is the toughest mare I know!" Ruby giggled and she pressed her hoof to my chest.

"Dang right," I announced with a proud grin. "Not even Celestia or Luna could stop me."

"And they're the rulers of Equestria!" Ruby paused for second. "Well, former rulers. Twilight's coronation is today." I had completely forgot that. I was more focused on getting home and keeping my filly safe and sound from the angry mob downtown.

"Yeah I don't think it's happening today kid," I frowned at her pouting expression. "She is most likely trying to solve all this right now."

"But they might reschedule it, right?" Ruby asked hopefully. I knew how excited she was for this. I ruffled her mane with a hoof and smiled at her.

"Maybe they will," I agreed. "Lots of fun places for us to go to in Canterlot." I had saved up our few bits we had for this. I hated accepting help from Lyra, Derpy and Junebug in the form of money but as long as my daughter was happy and had a better foalhood than I did, I'd do whatever it takes. Because that's what a parent does. They try their hardest to give their foals a better life than they had. Shouldn't be too hard to top my foalhood. Mom was pretty abusive growing up and dad was too afraid of her leaving him to say anything. I quickly decided that I would never be a mom like she was. Sure, being a single mom can be taxing especially with bills and such but we get by. I sometimes have to lie and say I'll eat later just so Ruby can eat.

I love my daughter and I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. No matter the cost.

(Link is here. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/535680/stay-quiet )

Comments ( 9 )

Good idea about berry here. Truly a good mother, right? Caramel and co looking for ruby, not thinking streight to do that to a kid

And Bon Bon fearing of lyra and stallions, a bit ironic for me.

Now that i think of it, i wonder how batponies could have been affected by this

I so love me some Berry Punch lmfao

Naturally, next to derpy one of the few background mothers.

As for Lyra, funny Story, if you really wanna know

Yea and ty. The pegasus pov might be either derpy or White Lightning. I'll decide when i get there

Your call. As for Lyra, made her once streight in a Story universe showing her with bon bon. Solution, her stallion lover went missing, so she turned bi and to Bonbon to get over the pain

A lot of the ponies believed the rumors about other races. It's obvious their relationship would be strained because of it. Plus Chrysalis probably used a bit of magic to help convince the tribes

Mhm. Sucks but it's a good premise for a story, most relationships have more than one fight lol. Originally there was gonna be a drunken makeout session between Lyra and Minuette but it got cut

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted May 12th, 2023

That wouldn't make for a good story. It would be too short and be like one chapter

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