• Member Since 16th Jan, 2023
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago


Only by studying the past can we win the present.


After it being a year her best friend and partner was killed in a car accident, Sunset still thinks about Pinkie. And all the things she never got to say. Being desperate and depressed, she picks up drinking.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 8 )

Shards, that's heavy, for both Sunset and you. I hope at least you're in a better place now, even if the scars never really heal.

I'm doing better now. I still drink here and there but not as much and it's certainly a much better experience.

Some hurts never go away they just get smaller. My heart goes out to you. Just remember they are always people who care. Just know there is always someone out there that you can talk too.

You've started something, that's for sure.
Now write about how Sunset got better.
That's the real story here.

What happened with the next chapter?

As someone who has never drunk, I can say I feel for you friend.

I'm both happy and sad my friend's death came so early in my life.

My father grew up in a really bad place. He eventually left (military), but his family stayed there so we were familiar with the area. I became really good friends with a kid from the neighborhood.

Since my dad got stationed in Hawaii we moved. I remember waking up, I was small, maybe 11. When I got downstairs my mom looked stunned. She told me that my friend had been shot and that he passed away over night. I ran back to my room and cried for hours.

I couldn't talk about it much for a long time. When I was older I found out that he was hanging out with friends at night and some people in a car thought he was someone else. They shot him and took off.

He could've gotten help, but it was a bad part of town so when his friend was banging and pleading at a door for someone to help or call the cops the people that lived there thought they were part of a gang and didn't do anything. Too scared apparently.

I've never forgotten that friend, but I'm glad I wasn't a little older when it happened, didn't understand things a bit more or I might've been in a place where I could've made worse decisions.


Anyway, real stories are the best reads.

Good fic.

I feel for you too. My friend had just got accepted for the army the day before. We went to the same school church and had been in boy scouts almost all our life and the army was his biggest goal. Unlike Sunset, I had no one lol. I stayed in my room. I had nothing going for me at the time and stuck in a dead end job. When Sunset said she wished she died instead of Pinkie, those were words I had actually said. But I appreciate you liking the fic and your kind words and I'm very sorry about your friend

I feel for you, really I do. Not sure if you're completely recovered, but I'm very glad you can talk about it.

Thanks as well for the kind words.

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