• Published 5th May 2023
  • 5,639 Views, 152 Comments

A Warm Welcome for Nightmare Moon - Green121

Nightmare Moon had expected a fight upon her return, ponies cowering in fear as she's forced to battle her sister once more. However, there were things that she had not even considered a possibility. A sincere, warm welcome was one of them.

  • ...

Chapter 8

For quite some time, Celestia dared not move. Flat on the ground, she held her pained ears with her hooves, trying to stop the ceaseless ringing in her ears. Her eyes were closed tight, but bright lights kept flashing in front of her, causing them to throb painfully. Lying on the cold floor, she waited for the assault on her senses to wear off, taking shallow breaths. A dusty odor was prominent in the air, followed by the smell of ozone and a faint smell of something burning.

"Nightmare? Sister?"

Her ringing ears and flashing eyes hadn't subsided yet, but it didn't matter. She opened her eyes and called out into the absolute darkness, failing to get an answer. For a moment, she was worried that she'd gone blind. Instinctively, she channeled her magic to cast the first thing that came to her mind, a spell with which she had the most affinity. A tiny flame was ignited, burning at the tip of her horn like candlelight. Her sensitive eyes narrowed against the pitiful light, and a slight relief washed over her. In the huge, darkened room, it was just bright enough to light up something right in front of her face.

With no reason to hesitate anymore, Celestia shifted her limbs to get herself off the floor. As she stood up, she felt a sharp pain radiating from her barrel. Craning her head to the side, she found the left side of her body covered in bruises and cuts, visible through her white coat. Caused by one of her sister's attacks, that was evident. Still, things didn't exactly add up, and she didn't know whether to be relieved or puzzled. No doubt Nightmare had fired her last spell at her, but she felt mostly fine. She was expecting much worse; what happened?

Feeling her eyes and ears gradually recover, the white alicorn fueled more magic into her horn. The tiny flame grew into the size of a small torchlight, lighting her immediate surroundings with shimmering light. With visibility provided, she looked ahead of her, where her sister last stood. She slowly shuffled forward, expecting to find her. Instead, only chunks of debris littered the ground. Anxiety rising, her eyes darted around as she looked around the darkened room. Searching for any signs of her sister, she spotted something at the edge of her vision. Turning her head to the left, she gasped at what she saw.

The hospital ward turned battlefield had already been ravaged, walls and furniture alike not spared from her sister's wrath. Ruin was aplenty, but what she looked at was different in its scale of destruction. The left side of the room's wall had suffered massive damage, with large cracks reaching the floor and ceiling. In the middle of it, what almost seemed like a huge crater had formed, where the thick concrete wall had been torn down and turned into rubble. Enchanted steel walls hidden deep within it were now exposed, warped, and damaged under the sheer power of the spell that it had withstood. She also found the source of the burning smell; a part of her sister's bed had been caught up in the blast, turning half of it into a charred metal husk.

Celestia was now certain of what had happened. Despite her being an easy target, somehow, this was where the spell had struck. It was just too far off course for it to be a mistake; she knew it. If so, that could only mean one thing.

Suddenly, her ears turned backward. With the ringing no longer lingering in her ears, she swore she heard something shuffling somewhere. For seconds, she stood still, holding her breath as she tried to discern its direction. Then, she heard another sound.

"Nightmare? Is that you?" She called out once again, only to be met with silence. Turning to her right, she cautiously walked towards where the sound came from. At first, she saw nothing out of place in the dark. That was until she lit her fire even brighter. In the far right corner, at the very edge of the room, a silhouette of an alicorn became visible just enough for her to discern it. Her sister was sitting there with her eyes closed, her tired body leaning against the wall. The black alicorn would have perfectly blended into the darkness if it weren't for her limb casts and bloodied bandages.

At the sight of her, Celestia hurried towards her. Nightmare's right eye slowly opened as the light shone brighter over her. Her teal eye, tired and unfocused, strained to look in the direction of the light. Then, her expression turned into panic when she noticed the bright orange flame dancing above her sister's horn.

"S-stay back!"

"Nightmare, It's just me. It's going to be alright."

"Don't come any closer! I- I'm warning you!" The fearful mare shouted, her breath ragged and her voice hoarse. She stood up frantically, her lightheadedness made apparent by her stumbling. With her horn lit up and her fangs bared, she was threatening retaliation, but her trembling body easily gave away her bluff.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Please, let me take a look at you."

"That is none of your concern! Leave me be before I do something both of us will regret!"

Both alicorns recoiled when Sparks flew out of Nightmare's horn with a crackle, whatever spell she was preparing failing and backfiring on her. As the dark alicorn squeezed her eyes shut, her horn flashed brightly several more times before it turned completely dim. She groaned in pain, her face contorting in agony as she gritted her teeth.

"Sister, you need to take it easy. You're going to hurt yourself!" Celestia's eyes widened in alarm as she watched the stubborn mare in front of her quickly deteriorate. She saw Nightmare's frustration quickly overwhelmed by lethargy, no longer having the strength or resolve to keep on fighting. Her ethereal, dark blue mane started to lose its magic, losing its sparkle and turning duller. And before anyone could notice, Nightmare's knees gave out, and she swiftly fell forward.

"No!" Celestia yelled out as she saw her sister collapse. However, before her injured head could strike the floor, her body was suspended just above the ground, covered in a shimmering golden magical aura. Celestia sighed in relief. Thank goodness she saw the signs early, or else she wouldn't have been able to catch her in time. Careful not to place too much pressure on her injuries, she levitated Nightmare's body back up and slowly placed her down, allowing the lightheaded mare to sit on her hind legs. Seeing how she hadn't suffered any more injuries, Celestia then sat right in front of her and hugged her gently. After Celestia's forelegs tenderly wrapped around her back, her white wings unfurled, covering her sister's body with their large wingspan.

Celestia felt a mixture of emotions overwhelm her. How long has it been? A simple embrace between sisters, lost for how many years? A part of her millennia of longing may have been fulfilled at last, but her mind was still filled with worry. Her eyes teared up at the state of her sister, hurt and afraid. The shivering mare, her dark coat soaked with sweat and her body chilling, was refusing her gesture to comfort her.

"Celestia..." Nightmare spat out between her labored breaths, her eyes half-lidded from vertigo. "Let go of me."

"Why do you have to pain me so, sister? You have to stay put, at least until you get better."

"Damn it, I'm not... I'm not asking you again, Celestia. Let go of me!"

Nightmare's body stayed rigid, almost as if she were afraid to be touched. Shifting and squirming, she tried to push her older sibling away, but her struggle was pitiful as much as it was barely felt; she was too weak to even break out of a simple hug. A single tear rolled down Celestia's face, her sister's words breaking her heart. Did Nightmare detest her so much that she didn't want anything to do with her? Has their relationship simply been damaged to the point of no return? While her mind dwelled on such thoughts, she felt her sister twitching, almost like she were hiccuping. Concerned, she wanted to ask her what was wrong, but she soon got her answer when Nightmare began to retch.

Celestia was taken aback for a moment but was understanding regardless. She knew it was one of the symptoms of acute magical exhaustion, so she decided to do what was needed the most: to be there where her sister needed her. She felt the mare in her arms shake, her wings trembling in stress. Her poor sister, her stomach twisting and her head spinning, kept gagging, her face distorted in nausea and pain. Yet her empty stomach failed to expel much at all, only small amounts of greenish-yellow bile splattered onto Celestia's back, staining her white coat. But Celestia didn't wince; she simply held her tighter as her younger sister convulsed with each heave. Carefully patting her sister's back, she hoped she could offer some solace, however minuscule it would be.

It felt like the retching would only worsen, but to the worried alicorn's relief, it petered out eventually. When Nightmare was relieved of any sickness, she was spent. Celestia felt her sister's rigid body now leaning into her, albeit reluctantly. Her dark ethereal mane, lost of its starry brilliance, still cascaded in waves as she laid her head on her shoulder. It smelled of sweat and dirt, with a hint of black powder.

"Nightmare, are you feeling better now? Please, there's no shame in asking for help."

"I told you to let go of me. Must you take away my dignity by making me throw up on your back?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were feeling so sick. I shouldn't have pushed myself upon you, but... after all those years of separation, perhaps I was too afraid to let go of you so soon."

For a moment, silence lingered in the air.

"...What are you going to do with me?" Nightmare Moon muttered defeatedly, too worn out to put up any more struggle. She may have been no longer out of breath, but her body was still shaking, whether it was from exhaustion or fear. It only made Celestia's heart sink.

"I'll help you get back on your throne. It's the least I can do."

"You know very well what that entails."

"I am aware. We'll make this work, I promise."

"And you told me I was naive," Nightmare spoke with tiredness evident in her voice. "You haven't forgotten what I tried to do to the noble court, have you? They won't take this so calmly, and if you expect me to stay silent and stay on the sidelines, you'd be mistaken."

"Equestria has changed a lot, sister. And as much as I have changed, they have too. I've made sure they won't be a problem."

"You sound awfully confident."

"I am, and I swear by my name that you won't have to worry about them anymore. Whatever happens, you have my word that I'll stand by you. I'll do anything to bring you back." Celestia spoke with confidence and sincerity, hoping it would reassure her sister. However, despite Celestia's assuring tone, Nightmare appeared dejected by her words.

"I see what you're trying to do. If you're planning to bring Luna back, yours is a fool's errand," she spoke with a hint of hurt in her voice. "You're setting yourself up for disappointment, Celestia. I won't return to being your weak little sister anymore."

Upon her sister's downcast response, Celestia felt like her old wounds were being reopened. Shame burned in Celestia's chest as she was once again reminded of their past, the things that led to Luna's despondency, and how she slowly lost faith in herself. Yet, beneath the weight of her sorrow, Celestia's resolve burned brightly. Never again would she stand by and watch her sister suffer. She couldn't lose her. Not again.

"Nightmare, I want you to know I'll support whatever choice you make." Celestia hugged her sister a tad tighter with wings. "Because you're right. It doesn't matter which form you choose. Luna or Nightmare, it won't change how much you mean to me. No amount of time and space may sever the bond that connects us, and not even for a moment have I lost faith in it. You'll always be my dear sister to me, Nightmare. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Nightmare's lips pressed into a thin line, her eyes downcast as she absorbed Celestia's words. In their quiet intimacy, Celestia felt subtle tremors in Nightmare's frame, her chest heaving with a slight hitch in her breath. It was a silent struggle to suppress her feelings, a fear of showing her vulnerability. Yet, within the tender confines of their embrace, Celestia felt a gentle warmth seeping into her shoulder and dampening her coat.

"You... you want me to be a thorn in your side that bad?"

"I've never been more sure in my life. I'll always accept you, thorns and all."

"I... I..." Nightmare took a deep breath, trying to quell her tears and steady the quiver in her voice. "...Then so be it, Celestia. Maybe you truly are a fool."

"Perhaps. But my past self was an even greater fool than I am. So many times over countless nights, I wished that I hadn't made that mistake of casting you away. Your absence was haunting, sister. I worried that I'd lose you forever." Tears rolled down Celestia's cheeks, soaking her sister's shoulder in return. "Thank you for trusting me."

Nightmare sighed with a mix of guilt and sadness. "You know what I tried to do to you. I don't think I was being trustful of you."

"You did in the end, and that's all that matters to me. After all the punishment I've put you through, I don't blame you for being doubtful of me. Not everyone willingly grants second chances, let alone to those who hurt them." Celestia spoke softly and solemnly, her voice a calming melody. "But you trusted me. You chose forgiveness and principles over blind retribution. When you could have struck me down, you gave me the benefit of the doubt. That takes more courage than you might think."

"I'm no saint, Celestia. It was a split-second decision, driven by my sentimentality."

"No, that wasn't sentimentality, sister. That was compassion. Something that you've always had within you. It's what always drove you to do the right thing. You don't have to put yourself down like that."

"...You really think so?"

"After all those years of growing up with you? I know without a doubt." Celestia's heart swelled with gratitude and relief, and her strained expression was replaced with a small smile. "Now, if it's alright with you, I think I should call the doctors for real this time. You should get those wounds checked sooner or later."

"No, that won't be necessary. I'll just-" Nightmare grunted as she attempted to stand up, despite being magically and physically depleted. "I'll get to the infirmary by myself."

Seeing her sister trying to stand up, Celestia withdrew her wings and forehooves off of her, allowing her sister to move more freely. She still eyed her movements carefully, ready to catch her in case she stumbled. Nightmare laboriously lifted herself from the ground, one shaky leg at a time. But sure enough, whenever she tried to stand on all fours, her knees buckled and collapsed, and Celestia caught her safely before she hurt herself. After her third try failed, Nightmare could attempt no more.

"There's no need to overdo yourself, sister. Sit tight; I'll call for them."

"Don't bother with it. I've been through worse."

"Are you sure? As I said, there's no shame in asking for help."

"No, I can do this. I just need a little breather, and I'll get back up." Nightmare carefully sat back down with the help of her sister. "Celestia?"


"I-If it's not a bother to you..."

The white alicorn listened attentively, curious as to what she was about to ask for.

"...Can you hold me just for a little longer? I'm... I'm still feeling a bit faint, that's all."

Celestia, pretending to not notice the slight hesitation and embarrassment in her voice, simply smiled as she wrapped Nightmare in her embrace, draping her wide wings around her back once more. "If that's what you need, of course, sister. We have all the time in the world."

So, with Nightmare's insistence, the two resumed their reunion under the radiance of Celestia's flame. The two sisters cuddled, their necks gently entwined as they rested their heads on each other's withers, bathed in the warm light that shone amidst the darkness of the room. With the tender loving care of her older sister, Nightmare Moon finally loosened up. Her rigid body gradually lost its tension, fully relaxing as she let herself sink into her sister's hug. In their embrace, there was no room for coldness. The radiating warmth from Celestia's body drove out any remaining chill in her bones, soothed her aching body, and quieted her mind from any lingering woes. Slowly but surely, the black alicorn, smothered by her white counterpart's affection, found herself no longer shivering. For them, at least for this moment, there was no anger. No sorrow.

There was peace.

Celestia gently patted her sister's back, feeling her chest rise and fall in a slow rhythm. With tension gone and her adrenaline wearing off, Nightmare fell asleep before she knew it. Sinking into her sister's soft coat, the tired mare snored quietly. Celestia, maintaining her embrace and letting the mare in her arms get some rest, also enjoyed this quiet moment of reconciliation. Her back was stained with her sister's vomit, and her side still stung from her assortment of injuries, but she paid no mind to any of that. At the moment, she was as comfortable as she could be. Things could wait, she thought. The day took quite a toll on her as well, and she found no reason to cut this precious moment short. Unwittingly, her eyelids began to droop. With bouts of anxiety-ridden insomnia she'd had to endure for the past few months, perhaps she too was deserving of a much-needed rest. Feeling warm and fuzzy, she offered no resistance to the inviting drowsiness, letting it overtake her.


Suddenly, she was jolted awake. She swore she just felt something waft over her body. Was that a slight breeze? In a closed room? No, that couldn't be right. It was subtle, yet unmistakable. The atmosphere of the room had changed faintly as well. Was it the air pressure? In a way, it felt similar. Then it dawned on her. It was something she'd felt before a long time ago—a shift in ambient magical pressure. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She felt like she was being watched.

With unease creeping into her mind, Celestia pulled her sister even closer before funneling more magic into her spell. The torchlight burning at the tip of her horn was stoked into a raging fire, fierce enough to illuminate the entire room. She eyed every tiny shadow cast behind every object in the room, wary as if something was hiding behind them. Holding her breath, her eyes darted around, prepared to react, until about a dozen unicorns suddenly materialized in the room with a loud pop.

"Secure the exit, and protect the princesses!" One of the unicorns in guard armor shouted, prompting the rest to move swiftly. While the maintenance crew dashed towards the door, the royal guards and the medical team quickly surrounded the two alicorns, forming a protective circle around them.

Celestia was startled as they all appeared at once; she hadn't cast the counterspell yet to let anyone in after all. But once she saw that they were her subjects, she sighed in relief. They must have taken the shielding down somehow, she reasoned. At least that would explain the oddities she felt. Feeling at ease, the searing flame she held was promptly extinguished, allowing her little ponies to approach and take a closer look at her and her sister. Guards and doctors alike, their faces were etched with anxiety. Seeing their concerned expressions, Celestia could only put up a sheepish smile. Perhaps she had indulged in a solitary moment with her sister for a bit too long while her subjects were panicking outside.

"Oh, dear. I made everyone worry, haven't I?"

"Your Highness," Dr. Horse said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with his fetlocks. "You have no idea."

Author's Note:

Ever since I decided to continue this story, I immediately knew writing parts for chapters 7 & 8 would be challenging for me. Now that they're finished, here's to hoping the latter parts will go more smoothly.