• Published 5th May 2023
  • 5,635 Views, 152 Comments

A Warm Welcome for Nightmare Moon - Green121

Nightmare Moon had expected a fight upon her return, ponies cowering in fear as she's forced to battle her sister once more. However, there were things that she had not even considered a possibility. A sincere, warm welcome was one of them.

  • ...

Chapter 1

When she sensed an opportunity, the Mare on the Moon desperately gathered all her strength to teleport out of that desolate rock that she once controlled in the past. After multiple botched spells, she smiled wickedly as she felt the spell complete just barely. A familiar sensation of displacement later, she collapsed onto the ground, gasping as she breathed in the fresh air. Finally, she was back in Equestria.

...No. Something about the air smelled off. The ground she was lying on glowed with arcane light. She realized she had just teleported onto an arcane circle in a large room, designed to lure her in and trap her. And lo and behold, in front of her stood her despicable sister, her eyes wide in surprise, surrounded by guards in weird uniforms.

I should have expected this, she thought. With her magic reserves dangerously low, she knew what was going to happen, and she wasn't planning on going down like this. She won't give her the victory so easily.

Before anyone could lift a hoof, Nightmare lowered her horn and charged through the first door she laid her eyes on. Ponies yelped as they moved out to avoid getting skewered, and the door broke out of its hinges as the pitch-black alicorn ran out of the room. Celestia and her guards soon tried to follow, urging her to wait. As Nightmare ran through the halls of the building, various contraptions lining its walls, the guards in the building barely made an effort to hold her down. All they did was move out of her way and say inane things like "Please, you shouldn't be running, your Highness!", or "Please, calm down!". ...Did that one just bow to her? What has the royal guard come to? It looks like, in her absence, even the royal guard has fallen into a new level of incompetence. This was ridiculous, even for Celestia.

After a minute of galloping, Nightmare managed to find what seemed like an exitโ€”a set of large double doors that led to a wide terrace outside. Not the ground floor, but no matter. I'm pretty sure my wings still work. With that, she burst open the doors, shut them behind her, and stared out at the beautiful night sky, her majestic wings spread wide open for flight. She then skidded to a halt as she noticed something very off. In front of the building lay a sea of well-dressed ponies, with some pegasi perched upon the nearby clouds in the sky. The crowd filled every inch of space around the building's perimeter as far as her eyes could see, with an occasional griffon, zebra, and other species mixed in.

The crowd immediately became deathly quiet as they noticed the large armored alicorn burst through the terrace doors. With their eyes wide, they stared at her as if she were a ghost. Nightmare stared back at them with her own wide eyes, trying to make sense of it. Did the entirety of the country's nobles gather here to mock my capture? To congratulate their puppet princess as they hold a ball right here? This was getting ridiculous. There were so many things that she didn't get. For one, she didn't know of any non-pony nobles in Equestria. She knew many of them were wearing dresses, but in styles that she was unfamiliar with. What were the zebras doing here? Just how long have I been trapped on the moon? With no time to dally, she prepared to send out a message to them before she took off.

"I assume all of you gathered to see the end of me." She straightened up and began speaking in her booming royal Canterlot voice. "Put in chains, dragged to the dungeons perhaps? WELL TOO BAD!" She slammed her armored hoof against the floor, making her audience flinch. She may have been depleted of magic, but she needed to make a strong stance, a show of confidence that she was ready to take on anything. As she focused on her speech, the Princess of the Night failed to realize the double doors behind her were already open.

"I am Nightmare Moon, and I have returned to resume my rightful rule on the throne of Equestria! Let me be clear again, little ponies. I shall never condone the existence of pathetic excuses for nobles who think they can get away with everything! And as long as any of you covetous leeches continue to gorge yourselves on the downtrodden, or dare try to manipulate my sister with your lies and misdirection, I can assure you..."

The jaws of the audience started to drop, and with a smile, the dark alicorn took a step closer to the edge of the terrace.

"...with absolute certainty..." And for dramatic effect, she spread her impressive wingspan to its fullest.

"...that the night will last... FOREVER!" Nightmare Moon let out her best evil laugh she had over a millennium, bearing her fangs out wide, relishing the feeling of scaring all those cowardly nobles to death. As she finished her intimidation with a satisfied smile on her face, she felt she had made her point well. Why, she could already feel them cower-

A deafening thunder of cheers erupted from the audience below, scaring the daylights out of her. Ponies were whistling, yelling, and stomping their hooves in joy. Shocked at their unexpected reaction, Nightmare wondered if they were mocking her. This puzzled her further because, at a closer look, she could tell that those ponies were not faking it. She saw genuine happiness, excitement, adoration, and in some cases, tears in their eyes.

Behind her, standing in the open doorway to the terrace, stood Princess Celestia, smiling with her crew of medical team and observatory personnel. Her thousand years of pain and longing were finally over. She had worried immensely whether the thousand years of confinement on the moon had scarred her sister's body and mind. But it seemed like Luna's vigorous body was back in one piece, with her brave and resolute personality intact, ready to protect what she held dear. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she thanked Harmony for safely bringing back what she had been missing for the longest time. Now, Celestia did not fear the prophecy. The future is not set in stone, and neither are prophecies. If Luna needed her utmost love and support, she would be there for her. If Nightmare Moon demanded retribution for the crimes against her, she would take the punishment. Regardless of her future, she would gladly accept it. After all, she knew her final act of atonement was yet to come, and with that complete, she knew Equestria would be safe.

On the terrace, Nightmare Moon stood still with a stunned expression, being continuously covered in irritating, clicking flashes of light from the crowd. She did her best to keep her cool, trying to comprehend the situation. Seeing the rotten nobles do something other than jeer or ignore her for once was a nice change of pace. But still, her head was only filled with one thought.

Just what in Tartarus is going on?!

Author's Note:

This was an idea I've had for a while after watching "A Lullaby for a Princess". I know it feels weird ending here, it's a combination of skill issue and time constraints.