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Only by studying the past can we win the present.

Comments ( 74 )
Comment posted by Mystic Sunrise deleted Apr 17th, 2023

Interesting there are hardly any where someone actually tries to help sunset with this mess much less the girls get in trouble for being hotheads.

Exactly. I've never seen Diamond Tiara or Silverspoon help her either. I really enjoy the comic because of the potential. Shame I had to delete a derogatory comment already.

There are always people who unfortunately can't find anything nice to say. Personally I never liked the end of the comic where the cmcs get off Scott free for what they did. Plus if they hadn't confess when they did the girls wouldn't have believed sunset. The book might have created doubt in their belief of her guilt but without the confession they wouldn't have believed her for long.

Yeah. Oh well. I appreciate your very kind comments. I hope you enjoy and keep reading this story

Just promise this fan that you will finish before next year and I might be able to put this in my favorites pile.

I enjoyed it so far. I never cared for the anon a miss comic just because it was rushed and did show the cmc getting into any real punishment except 6 months of detention. Everyone just forgave Everyone so quickly and that wouldn't happen. I look forward to reading more.

Yeah there will be punishments in this one

Great job, Apple Bloom. You’ve lost more time to spend with your sister because your “brilliant” plan just got her arrested.

Really like it so far. I love the stories where sunset reminds herself she is a badass and doesn't let other wall over her. Please keep going! 😀

Oh I will. I have a lot of ideas I'm gonna take this with and Im glad you like it so far

At least some of the girls are having doubts. Considering the one aspect of friendship they never discussed was how important trust is. Without that none of the other stuff will matter.

Hold on. How old is Diamond in this story? Isn's she too young to drive?

Sixteen, she's a freshman in Rainbow Rocks considering we never saw her in the first movie to my knowledge. And you can get a driver's license at sixteen

The migraines are the elements punishing the traitors.

Huh.. for once rainbow is the voice of reason?

Yeah. I don't see it in any of the anon a miss stories

Like this and seeing Sunset stand up for herself feel really good.
I love the idea of Rainbow and Pinkie having doubts and feeling bad, they may redeem themselves,
Apple Jack Rarity and Fluttershy may lose their chance...Well Apple Jack lost any chance.

I wouldn't be surprise the Rainbooms break apart even after the truth is revealed.

I do want Bloom to suffer lasting effects, but nto to the point her sister goes insane and winds up nearly breaking her jaw.
Like that one aftermath story.

Yup! While glad Bloom got punished, things went way too far for her.
Apple Jack kept blaming her for everything even though Bloom started it, AppleJack was the one who fell for it, and went nuts and afterwards not taking responsibility for it.

Again in this fic if Bloom started things, she needs to be punished harshly but while the others fell for it, how they reacted and what they did was their own choices.
Though Bloom's plan has backfired badly.
She going to have to transfer same for Sweetie if she stole Sunset's phone everyone going to go after them and tear them apart.

From all the fights happening.

Wait, Rainbow and Pinkie are now starting to believe Sunset is innocent. Now this I like!

Comment posted by ArlynntheDragon deleted Apr 19th, 2023

That's a new twist. Usually it appleboom who starts and gets her friends on it the next day. Sweetie decides that she also wants revenge for being ignored and joins in.

Yeah I noticed. I decided to do a bunch of twists in this one

Not to mention Scootaloo being the sane one of the three. She usually would encourage it.

Setting up for something with that later on in the story

Damn. Roofied at the club, and a glass of water no less.

Judging from the ending, it appears Sunset’s water has been-

Rarity is going to shocked when the truth comes out. And fixing what they broke is going to require some major work. Maybe even a miracle. As for sunset a simple apology would not be enough considering that they didn't exactly want forgive and forget. She understood that she uses to be a jerk and hated herself plenty for the no offense thing was pushing it. If she hadn't been hating on herself so much I think she would have told them because I don't see the point in constantly reminding someone of their mistakes. You are supposed learn from the past so you don't do again but you aren't supposed keep dragging into the present.

That was five hundred dollars we coulda spent upgrading the farm equipment and because of her, we lost it.

That's not how bail works. It's collateral. You give the judge money and get it back by showing up in court.

"Ah ain't mean to hit her! Y'all know ah got anger issues, seeing her so careless made me mad!" Applejack snapped defensively.

I mean I didn't, but it's good to know I guess.

That is how bail works lmao. Considering I've been in court when family members had to pay bail and they never got the money back sooo yeah that's how bail works. You pay to get out

Well this is certainly getting very good. Good to finally see one where rainbow dash is the one with a level head.

Actually you're both right. Whether or not the bail is refunded is based on the jurisdiction, and sometimes the judge.

The definition of Bail: the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court:

Bail - Definition, Examples, Processes (legaldictionary.net)

In the legal system, the term bail refers to a process in which an individual arrested for a crime is required to pay a specified amount of money to be released from police custody. The amount of money required as bail is generally set by a judge, and is a sufficient sum to ensure the accused will return to court as directed, in order to get his money back. While bail is returned to the individual after the criminal court proceedings are complete, failure to appear in court as directed usually results in forfeiture of the money. To explore this concept, consider the following bail definition.

Bail is deposited to ensure that people reappear in court, which wouldn't happen if they didn't get their money back. That is the legal definition of bail.

And like Mysterious said, it isn't like that always and they don't get the money back even if they show up

Listen Scootaloo, throughout this whole thing, I can tell you truly have no resentment to Sunset Shimmer. So I really you don’t even think about what Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle want and do what YOU truly believe is the right thing.

The definition of bail is pretty much universally defined as collateral. If their going to flat out take your money, with no chance to earn it back, they should call it a fine.

It honestly sounds like it was either a violation on your relatives part, or the legal system screwing with them.

It wouldn't be the first time that something like that has happened, and I have heard stories of judges misusing the bail system before.

I can't believe that rarity hasn't suspected her sister of being involved considering the fact the site ip address is her house. Now the girls are in for a big surprise and I hope they honestly work to earn back sunset trust because they were downright mean to her. Why should she just up and trust them when they were so quick to throw her away. And sunset is gonna be really hurt by scootaloo because she thought she could trust her and she went along with the girls in stabbing her in the back.

"Get out of here, Applejack. This isn't the place for you. Hopefully, one day you can buy enough lube to pull your head out of your ass but that day isn't today. Now run before Lightning hits you," the green girl snapped. Bon Bon stared at her in shock. Applejack glared at her before nodding and walking away.

Holy Golden throne above! I never thought of that.

I know right. If it were me I would've probably either hauled off on her on basically called her every name in the book.

"Actually it does. I represent the Element of Empathy and Forgiveness. I haven't been very empathic lately with the school, so I betrayed my element in a way too." She rubbed her head.

Really elements!? Sunset has a very good reason on not forgiving them right away. This ain't frickin Equestria. :ajbemused:

And considering how most of the school is out for her blood I wouldn't be feeling a ton of empathy. Maybe when things calm down she can think about their point of view but that would also require the students taking responsibility for their actions.

I think I would be insulting her and calling her every foul word that I can think of and I'm going to be honest here. (which I hate being right now) that would be a lot of foul words that would be borderline to something really bad

The girls are learning a hard lesson about action and consequences . Sunset is being a lot nicer than I would be about scootaloo being involved. Though I hope she gives the girls what for and doesn't just let them off the hook.

Comment posted by KR Chrome deleted Apr 21st, 2023

Sorry to be a nitpick but shouldn't the title of this chapter be 'Chapter VIII'? Because, I see 'Chapter VII' twice.

"Why in God's good name did you do this Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked calmly. LMFAO

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