• Published 14th Apr 2023
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The Green Eyes of the Stage - lyramei

The Ponyville Middle School staff is putting on a theater production of Mary Cloppins, but someone keeps ruining the show...

  • ...


The auditorium lights dimmed.

Everypony was already in their seats; Discord had been the usher, welcoming hundreds of ponies, including Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and their baby daughter Flurry Heart.

"So I guess silly school plays is your thing, hmm?" Discord snickered. Cadance shot him a look. "I actually helped direct this one," he explained. Cadance raised an eyebrow. "Mmm. Excited to see it!" Discord smiled, then snapped his fingers and disappeared.

A spotlight illuminated, revealing Discord on the stage. There were a few gasps from ponies, who were still skeptical due to the time he committed a grave crime against Equestria the last time he was on stage.

"Welcome, fellow ponies of Equestria! How have you all been? Well, today, I will be presenting to you Ponyville Middle School's staff theater production of Mary Cloppins, which I actually helped direct myself even though no one liked the humor I suggested. Oh well, woe is me. But put your hands together for Mary Cloppins, directed by Discord!" the draconequus announced. Noteworthy, the other director, booed him. The curtains came down, and came back up a few seconds later.

The overture to Mary Cloppins began to play. As Octavia and the Ponyville Orchestra made the music swell, the chorus began to vocalize, revealing Lilac Wishes as Mary Cloppins on a cloud. The audience cheered. "YESSSS!!! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!!" yelled Comet Chaser, Lilac's boyfriend. The ponies next to him shushed him for the disturbance.

Lilac took out her compact and began to powder her face just like Mary Cloppins had done in the musical. Not long after she started doing so, the audience began to laugh at her. Her heart stopped. What did I do? she thought. Lilac tried her very best to act natural, but the audience kept laughing and laughing. She raised a quizzical eyebrow, then looked down at her compact brush, which was all black. No wonder why everyone was laughing- she was powdering soot on her face!

"What? Why? This isn't supposed to be used until later!" she whispered through gritted teeth. When her introductory scene was over, Lilac ran backstage with tears filling her eyes. Island put his hoof on hers. "It's okay. At least ponies got a good laugh out of it! Did you check the makeup before going on stage, though?"

Lilac shook her head. "No! I didn't know this would happen! I haven't even spoken a single line and everyone's already making fun of me and laughing so hard! Honestly, I'm really considering running away," she said tearfully.

"Lilac, stop. It's only one mistake, and that wasn't your fault. You can't have Mary Cloppins without Mary Cloppins," said Island. "Wish me luck!"

As the song "Sister Suffragette," performed by Inkwell and Flora Blossom, began to play, Lilac removed her makeup wipes from her purse and began to wipe the soot powder and tears off her face. How could I be so careless? I really should have checked it before the show!

When it was time for her next scene, Discord helped Lilac onto the high platform so she could fly down into the Flanks household. "Don't cause another scene, Cloppins," he laughed. Lilac rolled her eyes at him, opened her umbrella, and flew down in front of Island as Mr. Flanks.

Daisy and Orange Wishes, Lilac's children, who played Jane and Michael Flanks, hid behind the stairs. "It's her! She's answered our advertisement," said Orange as he watched his mother make her grand entrance.

"You are the father of Jane and Michael Flanks, yes?" asked Lilac. Island just stared into space, to which Lilac had to annoyedly repeat the question to him again. "Yes, of course," said Island crossly. "You brought your references?"

"References are old fashioned. Let's have a look at this list, shall we?" asked Lilac as she pulled out the list prop. "Item one, a cheery disposition. I am never cross. Item two, "Rosy cheeks." Obviously. Item three, "Play games, all sorts." They'll find my games extremely diverting," explained Lilac in a posh British accent.

Island looked quizzically at Lilac. "Where did you get this paper? I thought I tore it up!"

Without looking up, Lilac continued reading off her list. "Item four, "You must be kind." I am kind, but extremely firm."

Island scratched his head. "That paper... I thought I tore it up..."

Lilac gave Island a stern look. "You are George Flanks? And you did advertise for a nanny?"

"Yes..." said Island skeptically.

"I require every second Tuesday off. Perhaps a trial period? I'll stay for a week, yes?" asked Lilac. Island nodded slowly. "Perfect. I will see the fillies now." Lilac began to walk up the stairs, and saw Orange's open mouth.

"Close your mouth, Michael. We are not a codfish," scolded Lilac. "Don't just stand there! Best hoof forward. Spit spot!"

As Discord and Noteworthy moved the sets around for the next scene, Lilac took a glance at the audience. Sure enough, Comet Chaser was holding a poster with Mary Cloppins that read "I LOVE LILAC." Lilac giggled.

After the fillies began to tidy up the nursery, everypony cheered as Lilac began to sing Mary Cloppins' signature song, A Teaspoon of Cider. When Lilac's reflection began to vocalize with her, it went a whole octave higher than planned. Lilac's insides froze. Huh? I thought we made it clear that the key was to be lowered for this part because I cannot hit super high notes!

After the musical number ended and the curtains came down for a scene transition, Lilac marched backstage and shook her head. "Noteworthy, you know I can't hit high notes! Did you forget?" asked Lilac anxiously. "No! I did not! I think there may be a shadow singer behind this, though. Someone probably sang when they were not supposed to. I'll go ask around. I'm so sorry," Noteworthy apologized.

The next scene, where the Jolly Holiday sequence took place, went relatively well as Lilac, Caramel, and the children rode on their carousel horses. When Caramel sang "It's a jolly holiday with Mary," Lilac saw her boyfriend rolling his eyes. She knew how much he wanted to have that experience with her.

Not long after, it was time for the Superponyfragilisticexponalidocious sequence. "Gentlemen, on the contrary, there's a very good word," explained Lilac. The pony pearly band looked at her. Lilac took a deep breath. "It's... superponyfragilistic-AHHHH!!" When Lilac got up from her seat, she had slipped on the stage floor and hit her head! The audience gasped. "Oh! Mary Cloppins! Are you all right?" asked Caramel. Lilac winced. She tried to stand up, but felt a sharp pain in her hoof; as a result, she had no choice but to start the song sitting down. "Yes, yes. Superponyfragilisticexponalidocious! Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious!" sang Lilac from her position on the floor.

The two managed to perform the whole musical number, with Caramel performing the tap dance and Lilac on the ground waving her umbrella in the air. Despite it not being what they wanted originally, the duo still sang the musical's theme song with the enthusiasm and energy the original was known for. When the audience applauded, Comet Chaser kept yelling "I LOVE LILAC" over and over again.

After Lilac gave the fillies their candy medicine, the curtains lowered again as she was wheeled backstage in a wheelchair. "Man... why in Equestria is all this happening to me?" she wailed. Caramel was beaming. "But they loved it! Did you not hear how loud the applause for Superponyfragilistic was?" Lilac grimaced. "Mary Cloppins is supposed to be practically perfect in every way, and I'm over here klutzing things up! How did the floor get so slippery, anyway?" Caramel thought for a moment. "Now that I think about it, it did smell like soap. I wonder how it got there, though."

First aid ponies came to check on Lilac. Her doctor, Dr. Horse, also came as well. "All right then, let's just have a look see, shall we? Who's the bwave wittle filly? Is it you?" he asked in a childish tone while examining her. Lilac forced a smile and tried not to roll her eyes as Island and Inkwell started laughing. Dr. Horse always spoke to her (and all of his patients) like that at all her appointments. Perhaps it is time I found a new primary care physician... she thought.

A few minutes later, she was diagnosed with a sprained hoof and would need to be in a wheelchair for the remainder of the show. "Awww... Lilac... don't worry! I have a flower bed on wheels. It will be perfect for Feed the Birds! You're just gonna have to do it sitting down instead of standing up like in the original musical," said Inkwell. Lilac smiled. "Ah, thanks, Inkwell. You're the best. This has been the worst play in the history of Equestria."

When the Uncle Albert scene rolled around, Lilac had to deliver her lines in her wheelchair. Thank Celestia that Mary Cloppins isn't required to float up to the ceiling! But that did not stop Lilac from exhibiting the character of Mary Cloppins perfectly. "Some people laugh through their noses, sounding something like this. Mmm-hmm hmm hmm! Dreadful," she sang with a pinch of attitude.

The scenes after that were quite entertaining. Island could not stop laughing when he had to scold Lilac in a wheelchair. Despite this, Lilac never broke character. In fact, her acting was so good that her boyfriend had to be shushed every five seconds.

It was time for her most iconic scene: the Feed the Birds song. The moment she had been waiting for, and the only reason why she auditioned for the part. Inkwell carried Lilac onto her flower bed, and wheeled it to the center of the stage between the fillies' beds.

"Sometimes a little thing is quite important," began Lilac.

"Oh, look! The cathedral!" exclaimed Orange.

"Father passes by that every day," added Daisy.

"Early each day, to the steps of St. Pony's..." sang Lilac. She had been waiting forever to sing this song. It was a song about showing kindness to others, and she knew that she would put all her heart into it. And now that she was singing it from a state reminiscent of being paralyzed, her audience cried more than they should; including Comet, who was bawling his eyes out. Lilac tried not to cringe. "Feed the birds, two bits a bag. Two bits, two bits, two bits a bag..."

But little did Lilac know, the mysterious black-cloaked unicorn was skulking near the ceiling! They had a bucket of paint, and they were going to dump it on Lilac. The unicorn's horn let out a soft glow that began to tip the bucket.

"Two bits, two bits, two bits..." Lilac continued singing. Just then, bright pink paint came splashing on top of her! The audience gasped. "What... how..." asked Lilac. The curtains came closing down once more.

Inkwell, whose next scene did not happen until twenty minutes later, wheeled Lilac backstage. "I'm so sorry, Lilac. I know that you just wanted to have a good performance," she comforted her. Lilac was wiping the hot-pink paint from her face. It had also gotten on her costume as well. "It's just... I hoped for a perfect run of the show! But these unfortunate mishaps keep happening to me! It feels like the universe is targeting me!" she cried. "What if something else happens during my next scene? I'm seriously considering leaving the show!"

Just then, director Noteworthy burst in. "Lilac! I have something important to tell you!"

Lilac turned to face him. "Oh no! What happened?"

"There really was a shadow singer behind your Teaspoon of Cider song! I heard them rehearsing in a classroom. But when I opened the door, they were gone! I also found drops of the same paint around the door of that classroom. When I turned around, I saw a flash of black zip before my eyes. Lilac, I think someone is sabotaging you!" exclaimed Noteworthy.

Lilac's eyes widened. "Someone's targeting me? But who? Why?"

Noteworthy shrugged. "I really don't know! And I'm sorry that you have to perform the rest of the show in a wheelchair. Your performance of Feed the Birds was lovely, though. I couldn't resist the tears! But the show must go on. I'll go and track whoever that is down," he said. Lilac nodded. " Thank you, Noteworthy. I really appreciate it."

As she listened to the music from Caramel performing Chim Chim Cher-ee, Lilac continued to ponder about what she had just been told. Sabotage me? Who would do such a thing? She couldn't think of anyone who had acted negatively towards her recently. What did I ever do for someone to ruin this? Lilac sighed as she entered for the chimney sweeps scene.

Lilac, Caramel, and the children took a lovely stroll across the chimney tops, with Caramel pushing Lilac in her wheelchair. It ruined the beauty of the moment slightly, but still had a sense of beauty nonetheless.

"What did I tell you? The world's at your feet, and who sees it but the birds, the stars, and the chimney sweeps?" asked Caramel.

"Quite nice. But we've had enough night air. Follow me, please," instructed Lilac. She and Caramel began to sing a sweet reprise of Chim Chim Cher-ee, to which Comet rolled his eyes. Shortly after, all the chimney sweeps entered and performed the hoof-clicking dance number, "Step In Time." The chimney sweep parade traveled back to the Flanks household set, getting the house staff involved.

A chimney sweep hit Flora with a frying pan. "Ow!" she yelled. The chimney sweeps then proceeded to sing, "Ow! Step in time!" Discord, who was watching from the side backstage, could not resist laughing. In fact, he laughed so hard that Noteworthy had to pinch him and give the evil eye. "Shh! Don't you dare cause a distraction..." began Noteworthy. Discord rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine. I'm not the one who created that line, though."

Inkwell entered and began to hang her coat on the rack. "Oh, Ellen, when you do have a second..."

The chimney sweeps gathered around her, lifted her up, and began to chant, "Votes for the mares, step in time!"

"Oh, not really, not at the moment," Inkwell laughed.

"Votes for the mares!" chanted the sweeps. A smile lit up Inkwell's face as she cheerfully repeated the line and started dancing around the house.

Not long after, Island came home. His jaw dropped in shock at the sight of his house being the stage for a chaotic chimney sweep dance party. Flora's eyes widened. "It's the master!" she screamed. The chimney sweeps circled around Flora. "It's the master, step in time! It's the master, step in time!" they chanted.

"What's all this? What's all this?" he shouted as he kicked all the chimney sweeps out. "One moment, Mary Cloppins. What's the meaning of this? Care to explain all this?"

"First of all, I would like to make one thing clear," said Lilac.

Island raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I never explain anything." The audience laughed out loud as Lilac took her children's hooves to get them back to the nursery, and off the stage. Lilac thought about that last line she said. Nothing had gone as planned during the show, but she thought about how perfectly that matched with the character of Mary Cloppins, who was able to turn even the worst of situations into the best ones.

Lilac sat down with Inkwell and Noteworthy, as their next scenes would not come until Island's bank scene was done. Inkwell gave Lilac a hug. "Sugar, I'm so sorry. I heard the news from Noteworthy. Such a sweet and kind pony doesn't deserve to be sabotaged like this! I'll help with the matter of hunting them down. I'll also get Island and the rest of our team to help too. I can't let you suffer from this." Tears began to well up in Lilac's eyes. "Actually, Inkwell, I'm not that disappointed anymore. As Mary Cloppins says, 'I never explain anything.' Based on the reactions of the audience and what you all have been telling me, everyone enjoyed the improvisations I had to make! Inkwell, I've just realized that nothing is meant to be 100% perfect. I've had fun working around the obstacles thrown at me. I thought that performing the Superponyfragilistic song from the floor was kind of interesting," she admitted.

Noteworthy smiled. "Awww, Lilac, I'm glad you're starting to see the light in the situation! However, the behavior caused by whoever had done this is still unacceptable. I will still have to track them down," he explained. Lilac nodded. "I know. I'm just saying that I have had fun playing Mary Cloppins in different ways." When she heard Banana Strudel, the pony who played Mr. Dandy, laugh so hard that he floated to the ceiling, Lilac signaled for Inkwell to push her onto the stage. It was time for her last scene.

"She doesn't care what happens to us," said Orange.

"She only promised to stay till the wind changed, right?" asked Daisy.

Lilac began packing all her belongings into her carpet bag. "Bring my hat stand, please," she instructed the children.

Orange grabbed the hem of her dress. "Mary Cloppins, don't you love us?"

Lilac turned around to face him. "What would happen to me if I loved all the children I said goodbye to?" she asked. As she turned back to her packing, she shed a single tear. That line got Lilac almost every single time.

Just then, Island Skies, as the now-cheerful Mr. Flanks, came trotting happily into the house. "Just a teaspoon of cider makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down..." he sang.

Inkwell saw him and gave him a bear hug. "George! What on earth were you doing in the cellar?"

Island smiled. "First, where are the children?" he asked. "Jane! Michael!"

"Your father's calling," said Lilac, who was still packing.

"It sure doesn't sound like Father," said Daisy.

"Jane! Michael!" Island called again.

"Run along. Spit spot," instructed Lilac before she left the stage. As the happy Flanks family happily trotted off singing "Let's Go Fly A Kite," Lilac smiled. What a sweet ending, she thought as she watched Island fly a kite with the children. It sure was a rare treat to see the stern and serious Island Skies grin happily like that.

Not long after, Lilac was wheeled over to the stage for her very last scene. Discord had agreed to play the parrot-head of her talking umbrella. "That's gratitude for you. Didn't even say goodbye," he said with a bitter tone.

Lilac smiled. "Oh, no, they didn't."

Discord rolled his eyes. "Look at them. They think more of their father than of you."

"Well, that's as it should be," said Lilac. Discord's parrot beak dropped open. "What? Don't you care?"

In her best posh British accent, Lilac explained, "Practically perfect people never permit sentiment to muddle their thinking."

"Is that so? Well, I'll tell you one thing, Mary Cloppins, you don't fool me a bit." laughed Discord.

"Oh, really?" asked Lilac in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes, really. I know exactly how you feel about these children," teased Discord. And if you think I'm gonna keep my mouth shut any longer, I-"

Lilac clamped his beak shut with a smile and icy glare at the same time. "That will be quite enough, thank you." She tried her best not to laugh. Doing this scene with Discord was another part she enjoyed about the play.

Caramel looked up from selling kites to bid his final farewell to Mary Cloppins. "Good-bye, Mary Cloppins. Don't stay away too long," he said with a warm smile. Lilac's eyes filled with tears as she smiled back at him. "Awww..." went the audience.

Lilac held her umbrella in one hand and waved at Caramel with the other as the stageponies wheeled her off the stage. She didn't get to fly off, but she didn't care about that loss anymore.

The Teaspoon of Cider orchestra arrangement began to play to the applause of the audience as everyone came up to the stage one last time for a final bow. First came the chimney sweeps, then the pearly band, followed by Discord, Banana Strudel, Flora, Inkwell, Island, Orange, and Daisy.

"Now, let's give a hand for the crew who worked hard to run everything! Especially me," announced Discord. He and Noteworthy took a bow together. "And we can't forget Sunset Mint, who made all these amazing costumes!" Sunset had already told Inkwell that she could not stay for the whole play due to having to watch her baby niece.

"And last, but not least... the one and only Mary Cloppins herself! She may not have been perfect in every way, but she was practically perfect in her own way, bringing laughter and tears to all of you sitting in this theater tonight. Please give it up for Lilac Wishes!"

The audience began to cheer loudly as Inkwell and Island wheeled Lilac onto the stage. Ponies began to throw flowers at her. Comet screamed so loud that his voice cracked and became hoarse. "Oh my Celestia! Thank you, everypony! This sure means a lot to me," she laughed.

"I remember when our school was holding auditions for the role of Mary Cloppins. I know that most of my fellow ponies wanted to have the experience of playing an iconic star, but all I wanted to do was to sing Feed the Birds. Kindness is very important to me, and I wanted to get that message across through that song. I know that no one expected to see me sing the song from a wheelchair, but I think that adds on to the meaning of the song. We all must be kind to everyone, no matter how weak or strong; beautiful or ugly. Also, this whole show was a great experience. You've all saw me mess up multiple times. Someone was trying to sabotage me throughout the show," Lilac explained. The audience gasped.

"I was upset at first, but then I realized that I actually found joy in improvising and making the best out of my current situation. Who knew that I would have so much fun singing Superponyfragilistic from the floor? But anyway, from this, I want you to remember to always be kind and turn a negative moment into a positive moment. It will help you become a better and happier pony overall! Thank you so much, everypony. I'm glad you have all enjoyed this show as much as I have!" said Lilac. The audience cheered. "YAY, LILAC!!!" Comet tried to yell as the curtains came down.