• Published 14th Apr 2023
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The Green Eyes of the Stage - lyramei

The Ponyville Middle School staff is putting on a theater production of Mary Cloppins, but someone keeps ruining the show...

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Stage Rehearsal

It was that time of year again- Ponyville Middle School was putting on their annual staff-only theater production! Everypony at PMS enjoyed this event; in fact, it was the most exciting one of the year. It was not only open to just students, but to all of Equestria as well. Even Princess Cadance came to watch it every year.

"How's it going, Island?" asked Caramel Math.

Island Skies gave him a wink. "Just fine, Caramel." He waved his script in the air. "I just need to memorize the last few lines of The Life I Lead. You know that I tend to forget things easily, right?"

Caramel laughed. "Nopony cares! I'm sure everyone would love you as Mr. Flanks. Even the superintendent!"

Island rolled his eyes. Just a few months ago, he had been sent from Canterlot to PMS by the superintendent to learn more about friendship. He didn't have the easiest time adjusting to his new life, but the Team 7C teachers made him a part of their family from the very beginning. "Yeah, right..."

This year's production was of the beloved Colt Disney musical, Mary Cloppins. Caramel was playing Bert, and Island was playing Mr. Flanks. Feather Inkwell, the team's English teacher, was playing his wife, Mrs. Flanks. And the iconic role of Mary Cloppins went to...

"Lilac! There you are!" gasped Sunset Mint, out of breath. "Where have you been? We have to get you fitted for your costume! NOW!" Sunset was the special education math teacher on 7C. She did not play a character in the play, but she was the one behind making all the dazzling costumes. Actually, she did audition for Mary Cloppins but was rejected.

"Oh... right..." sighed Lilac. Lilac Wishes was the team's gentle and kind science teacher. She plucked a few feathers from her mane. "I wish I could have stayed with the songbirds longer," she said sadly.

"NONSENSE! I need to get you fitted for your white gown now! We don't have time for hanging out with birds today, darling. Are you not aware that the show is today? You are Mary Cloppins, Lilac. What's Mary Cloppins without Mary Cloppins herself?" asked an exasperated Sunset. She used her horn to dress Lilac in Mary Cloppins' iconic Jolly Holiday gown. Lilac gave a half-smile. "There! Perfect! Darling, I was worried it wouldn't fit you," sighed Sunset.

"Well, I'm glad it does too, Sunset. I love this dress! It's so intricate and stays true to the original," Lilac complimented. "Well, I need to rehearse a scene with Caramel-"

"Miss Cloppins!" a voice called. A draconequus began to materialize in front of Lilac. It was Discord, the Spirit of Chaos. After some begging by Lilac, the school finally agreed to let him be a director of the play.

"Oh, hey, Discord! I was just going to do a last-minute Superponyfragilisticexponalidocious rehearsal with Caramel. You know that long words can be a hassle to pronounce, let alone sing..." explained Lilac. "You excited for the show tonight?"

Discord sipped on his lemon drink. "Of course, my sweet Lilac. Oh, forgot to tell you this... Lilac and Caramel sitting in a tree-"

Lilac angrily glared at the draconequus. "DISCORD! STOP IT! You know I have a boyfriend already!"

"Oh, fine." Discord pouted and vanished with a snap of his claw.

The science teacher headed into the PMS dance studio, where Caramel was waiting for her. "Hey, Lilac! Ready?"

Lilac smiled. "Ready."

Caramel set up the music on his computer, and the two ponies waited for the cue. The sound of the pearly band's music filled the air as Lilac and Caramel began to do a tap dance with their umbrellas and canes. Halfway through the song, Lilac accidentally tripped over her umbrella. "Ahh! I'm sorry I'm such a klutz..." she began. Caramel shook his head. "Stop being sorry! The show must go on!" he whispered. Lilac winced.

The two ponies kept dancing to the song. Lilac got better at her hoofwork, but she was still scared that she might mess up.

"It's superponyfragilisticexponalidocious..." sang Caramel and Lilac as the song ended. Caramel put his hoof on Lilac's. "You'll make a great Mary Cloppins. I promise! After all, you beat out all the mare teachers for the role. Even Sunset, whose audition was amazing! You didn't get the part for nothing," said Caramel.

"But what if it was just luck?" asked Lilac. "I'm having fun being a part of this play. I really am. But I'm not really a stage person! You know, I'm just scared to mess up," she said sadly.

"You've got this, Lilac. I know you'll do great." Caramel looked at his hoofwatch. "Oh man! I gotta go to Sugarcube Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Cake have baked us Mary Cloppins-themed treats in honor of today, and I promised them I would pick them up. See you, Lilac!"

Lilac waved Caramel goodbye, then stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing her white Mary Cloppins gown, and her long mane was pulled into a tight bun. She's practically perfect in every way. But who am I? Am I really worthy of playing her? There hasn't been a day where I didn't screw up during a rehearsal, Lilac thought. She walked out of the dance room and into the auditorium where everyone was continuing their preparations, and went to sit with Island and Inkwell. It was just nice to vent about frustrations right before the big show.

"You ready, Cloppins?" asked Island. It was an hour before showtime, and everypony was already in their costumes. Island looked serious in his Mr. Flanks suit.

Lilac forced a smile. "Yeah! Well, I'm enjoying being in this play, but screwing up is my biggest fear," she said as she put her black Mary Cloppins hat on. Island shook his head. "Lilac, what has everyone been telling you? The show must go on! Who cares if you mess up? The audience will still love you anyway," he assured her.

With some help from Discord, Noteworthy, and Twinkleshine, everyone set up the last of the sets and made last minute adjustments. But little did everyone know that somepony in a black cloak was slinking around the auditorium in a sketchy manner. With their unicorn magic, the pony replaced Mary Cloppins' makeup compact and replaced it with an identical one.

Who is this pony and what are they up to?